Bulletin - Jubilee Fellowship CRC


Bulletin - Jubilee Fellowship CRC
Jubilee Fellowship
Christian Reformed Church
In Christ, With Each Other, To the World
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, that
person is a new creation; the old has gone,
the new has come! (2 Cor. 5:17)
March 8, 2015
Pastor Woodrow Dixon
Third Sunday of Lent
“Woman, here is your son …
Here is your mother”
John 19: 25 – 27
Elder of Service: Arie Koole
13 Wilholme Drive, R.R. 3
St. Catharines, ON L2R 6P9
Telephone: (905) 687-3372; Fax: (905) 687-8074
Pastor: W oodr ow Dixon
Administration: W endy de Jong
Children’s Ministry Coordinator:
Stacy Kok: children@jubileecrc.org
Custodian: Elaine de K leine
Technical Support Coordinator
Caleb Kuntz: tech@jubileecrc.org
Youth Ministry Coordinator
Anna Bailey: youth@jubileecrc.org
Welcome to Jubilee Fellowship Christian
Reformed Church: A special welcome to
our members and guests! We hope you
experience God's presence as you worship with us this morning. If you would
like more information about Jubilee,
please ask one of our Welcome Team
members. They would be happy to assist you. Please join us after the service
for refreshments and allow us to introduce ourselves to
you. Nursery is available downstairs for children under 3. Joy
Jam & Joy Jam Junior (Sunday School) is provided for children ages 3—Grade 5, who will be dismissed part way
through the service.
The middle school Faith Formation class meets this morning and will be dismissed after the Confession & Assurance.
Our theme for Lent this year is based on Jesus' last seven
words from the cross. In today's message by Pastor Woodrow
Dixon we focus on Jesus' caring for his mother Mary.
We also have the privilege of witnessing the baptism of
Oliver Donald, son of Clint Klamer & Jill Walters‑Klamer. We
extend a warm welcome to the family and friends who have
joined us for this special occasion.
Sunday ‑ Alaynah De Kleine
Tuesday ‑ Simon Folkerts, Joanne Guetter
Thursday ‑ Colton Meester
Friday ‑ Sue Ristow, Jasper Schouten
Saturday ‑ Anita Doppenberg, Myles Radersma,
Janneke Grace Pot, Avery Koole
Sunday — Jubilee & Bethlehem Housing & Support Services:
Bethlehem Housing & Support Services provides affordable,
transitional, supportive housing to people in need in the Niagara Region who wish to make changes in their lives. People
come to Bethlehem Place for a variety of reasons such as
abuse, homelessness or family breakdown. During their stay
residents are given support through individual counseling, support groups and a wide range of life skills workshops so they
can move on to independent living.
Next week ‑ Jubilee & Calvin Theological Seminary—Facing
Your Future: This summer program for high school students
will stretch and challenge students to reflect theologically on
many different modern issues concerning world affairs, the
church, and Christian discipleship. They will engage in group
discussions on various readings, films, worship, and excursion
experiences. They will also experience a community that seeks
to know God more and follow his will and be challenged to
think about how God is calling them to serve Him as they transition into the future.
Just a senior moment, please: Last Thursday, March 5, The 60+
Club met again for the first time after a two‑year sabbatical.
Calling it a sabbatical gives the lack of activity a respectability it
probably does not deserve, but once you are over 60 you don't
bother with guilt anymore. The older you get, the more grace
you need and get.
So ... as Pastor Woody would say, after a long sigh, so ...
13 seniors and senioritas got together for two hours, from 10
a.m. till noon. We met in the expanded facility (double room,
crafted by Jubileers Arien Vlaar and Ed Buisman) where normally
Council also holds forth, downstairs, right across from the washroom, not the hallway where the elevator opens up to, but kind
of on the opposite side of the basement, windows facing south.
Yep, that's where we met alright. And a good time was had by
What did we do? Well, we started out consuming a nice cup
of coffee with some home‑made goodies. Beats Tim Hortons
anytime. Nobody had to rrrrroll up the rim. It was free anyway.
We used nicely designed white cups, the kind you can find in the
kitchen drawers, right close to the server window, if you know
what I mean.
After singing two hymns, we opened with only one prayer.
Then we went around the circle asking participants to answer
one of three questions (I hope you notice the symmetry: one
prayer, two hymns and three questions). The questions you could
choose from were: 1. Tell us about a highlight of your career. 2.
Tell us about a person who has greatly influenced you. 3. Tell us
about an event that brought you closer to God.
If you had paid close attention while reading this report you
would have noticed that they were not really questions but commands. You'd be surprised what you find out about each other
when instead of asking an open question like "How are you, and
does the cold weather bother your arthritic elbows?" you nail the
person to the wall with specific instructions about her career or
being under the influence.
This segment of the morning took up almost an hour because some of us got carried away with our moment in the sun.
After this, Bert Witvoet, who according to his wife sometimes
talks too much, read a devotion by Henry Nouwen about a life of
action and moments of solitude.
Finally we discussed future plans for this amazing group of
potential achievers, which we hope will include, speakers,
games, a bus tour to The Netherlands, sorry that should be Holland, Michigan, and a sleep‑in in Wendy's office. So ... to quote
Pastor Woody again, so ... We hope that many more seniors will
join us the next time we meet, which is the first Thursday of April
(it's always the first Thursday of the month). Off hand I don't know
what date that is in April, but all you have to is look on your
kitchen calendar right next to the fridge. Your sabbatical will be
officially over by then.
Spring cleaning on your mind? Don't throw out that old TV, radio, or printer! SAVE your electronic waste for recycling!! Beacon
Christian School is holding an Electronic Waste Recycling Event
beginning Saturday May 9. Stay tuned for more details! For a full
list of eligible items check out
Prayer— What’s your experience of prayer? Is prayer
a way you experience God? Are you excited about
opportunities to grow prayer in your life and in your
community? Are you passionate to learn about prayer or to see Jubilee experience prayer as God's gift
to His people?
Prayer is personal, healing, and life‑giving; prayer is
public, inspirational, and insightful. Prayer is so many things! But
maybe above all, prayer is at the heart of following Jesus. Jubilee
is looking for people excited about participating in prayer to join
together to think and pray about what prayer ministry will look like
at Jubilee. If you’d like to join a group that will take the lead in
promoting prayer at Jubilee, contact Pastor Woody at pastor@jubileecrc.org.
Joy Jam: During the month of March, the children in Joy Jam will be learning more about
prayer...the importance of prayer, tools to
help us pray, the Lord's Prayer and Jesus' final
prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane. As a
large group we are learning motions to the Lord's Prayer that we
hope to share with you some Sunday and also together writing a
congregational prayer. Be sure to ask your child(ren) each Sunday what was discussed in Joy Jam....continue the conversation at
Have you recently begun worshipping at
Jubilee? Do you have questions about
Jubilee, or about what the Christian
Reformed Church is all about? Are you
interested in becoming a member here
at Jubilee? All those who would like to take this class are asked to
register with Pastor Woody (pastor@jubileecrc.org) by March 15.
This class, covering two evenings, will be offered in April.
Elder & Deacon Nominations: Council invites members of the
congregation to submit nominations for elders and deacons.
Nominations should be made in writing and submitted to the clerk
of Council, Arie Koole, by March 10.
Jubilee Night: This week's meal is Chili, Hotdogs & Veggie platter.
Tues. Mar. 10 Coffee Break, 9:30—11:00 am
Care Elders & Deacons mtgs. 7:30 pm
Wed. Mar. 11 Jubilee Night—6:00 Supper; 6:30 ACTS, Cadets,
Gems, Jubes; 7:00 pm Adult Ed classes
Story Teller—Karen Gerritsma
Albert Kok
Allison Beekhuis
Aydan Schat
Stacy Kok
Kim Brown
Wendy de Jong
Jennifer Hordijk
Elly Hoff
Grades 2
Grade 3/4
Karina Gillis
Grade 4/5
Brian Prinsen
Grade K/1
Paul de Vries
Marge Van Geest
CAMPUS CHAPLAIN: Campus Ministry at Dalhousie University, a
ministry of the Christian Reformed Church, seeks to hire a half‑time
Campus Chaplain, beginning August 1, 2015. Interested applicants should send a letter of application, resume, three references
and a brief vision for campus ministry to: Leonard.Diepeveen@dal.ca. A job description is available upon request, for more information, please contact Len Diepeveen, Chair
of the Search Committee. The competition closes on March 31,
An Easter Celebration: Come join us at Mountainview Christian
Reformed Church, 290 Main Street East in Grimsby, on Thursday
April 2nd, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. for a Musical Celebration of the
Easter Season. Performing will be "To the King Male Chorus" under
direction of Mendelt D. Hoekstra, joined by Guest Soprano, Suzanne Schaafsma, and accompanied by Pianist Julie Hoff. Proceeds
from the evening will benefit McNally House Hospice. Tickets for
the event are $15.00 per person, with children 12 and under free,
and are available at the Dutch Shop in Grimsby or at the door.
Shalom Manor Long Term Care Home, a Christian long‑term care
home has openings for Temporary, Part‑Time Accounting Clerk,
15‑20 hrs per week, Duration: Immediately – September 2015. See
website for position description & details. Please submit your resume to Darren DeCaire, 12 Bartlett Ave., Grimsby, ON L3M
4N5, Fax: 905‑945‑1211 ‑ email: info@shalommanor.ca
Upcoming Event: Placed in the war zone of Dutch Haarlem in
1944, Hiding Place is a portrayal of divinely inspired forgiveness in
the midst of desperate and unimaginable circumstances. The Ballet
Magnificat! Omega Company taps into the struggle of two sisters,
Corrie and Betsie ten Boom, as they search for possibilities to help
their life‑long Jewish neighbors and friends obtain security, found in
a small hiding place built in the wall of their home, only to be discovered and transported to the concentration camp of Ravensbrück
to face struggles far exceeding their wildest imagination. Inspired by
the true story of the ten Boom family, choreographer Jiri Sebastian
Voborsky unveils this heroic story with a great level of drama, passion, pain, yet joy, and ultimately hope, as he brings before the
audience the challenge to believe the unbelievable – the power of
forgiveness through Jesus Christ.
March 16, 7:00 pm, Rose City Kids auditorium, Welland
Tickets will be 25$ per person and will be sold starting February 9th at Brock Center for the Arts. Of course $5 of the proceeds
of this performance will go to support Elisha House, a local crisis
center situated in Welland.
"WHEN HELPING HURTS" WORKSHOP: Do you have an interest in
global or local outreach? Do you have plans to go on a mission
trip this summer? Have you wondered about the impact of short
term mission trips? Are you on the Outreach Team or Mission
Committee at your church? If you answered “yes” to any of these
questions, join World Renew and Diaconal Ministries Canada for a
"When Helping Hurts" workshop to learn how to help alleviate poverty through effective engagement in your global and local communities. The workshop will take place at Mountainview CRC in
Grimsby on Saturday, April 18 from 9am‑12pm. There is no cost to
attend. Refreshments will be provided. Register today at