2015 Year 9 Parent Info NIght


2015 Year 9 Parent Info NIght
Emmanuel Catholic College
3rd March 2015
College Prayer
God of the journey,
We come trusting in your son, Jesus Christ,
Keep us aware of your presence,
Be our strength, as we strive to do the best we can,
Encourage us to be fair, compassionate, respectful, and to serve
others, And guide us always in following your way.
Bless and strengthen all of our Emmanuel community, as we
continue to grow and learn, nurtured by the Holy Spirit.
Through all that we encounter in our lives
remind us often that you are truly with us.
And lead us in faith, as we go forward on the journey.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Welcome & Introduction
Mr Leo Di Gregorio
Overview of the Year Ahead,
Pastoral Program & Support
Mrs Domanique O’Reilly
Head of Year 9
Christian Service
Mrs Megan Mentz
Christian Service Co-ordinator
Academic Issues
Mr Vince Bellini
Deputy Principal, Years 7/9/11
Music at ECC
Mr Peter Legg
Director of Music
Mr Gary Bailey
Head of eLearning
Mrs Domanique O’Reilly
Head of Year 9
My role:
• Produce the pastoral care program that is followed by all Year 9
students. ELES study skills, ICT Safe usage, special motivational
guest speaker Jade Lewis.
• Monitor students' academic progress.
• Provide a resource for students with learning difficulties.
• Organise and manage year group activities and year group
• Manage student behaviour issues and implement behavioural
modification programs.
• Provide general pastoral care across the year group.
Form Teachers
9 Frassati - Miss Dabelyn Ng
9 Mackillop - Mr Alvyn Moody
9 Lisieux -Mrs Bronwyn Benjamin/ Mrs Beverly Reed
9 More -Miss Gillian Lugton
9 Francis -Miss Sarah Deacon
9 Teresa -Ms Christina Howard
Form Teacher Relationship
• Form teacher is another part of pastoral care
that we provide your child
• Important in building relationships with a
group of students
• Constant contact with 1 teacher
• Important part of the school day specific
information given for year groups and for
questions or concerns to be raised.
• Form teacher will direct you to the right place
if he/she cannot help you.
Jade Lewis Presentation
Program Objective
The Just Say No program is designed on three factors and delivers against the following
Understanding the drug and alcohol culture
Learning the 3 stages of addictions
Knowing the real dangers and consequences
Motivating the students to make positive choices especially in the face of peer pressure
Present truthful and honest facts about drugs and alcohol
Equip the students with practical ways to Just Say NO to drugs. (Brochure provided)
A personal self-analysis for each student to determine if they are at risk
Follow Up
Follow up lessons
ELES Study Skills Program
Login: emmanuel
Password: emmanuel1
Organisation and Support
• Diary and SEQTA
• Study environment – quiet, free of distractions,
• Homework- 1.5 hours per night, homework,
revision and assignments.
• Success= parent involvement, support and
consistent monitoring.
What Can Parents Do?
• Take a keen interest in your child’s schooling – not
limited to academic.
• Discuss the demands and challenges students may face.
• Set up parent/student expectations.
• Encourage enthusiastic participation in College life.
• Monitor achievement and behaviour.
• Ensure their child has correct school attire
Christian Service 2015
Ms. Megan Mentz
Christian Service Learning 2015
• The expectation is to participate fully in the
Service Learning program followed in Year 9
RE classes called ‘Reaching Out’.
• This also includes completion of at least 10
hours of Christian service (as defined in the
student diary) by Week 6 Term 3, 2015.
• With an expectation to Reach Out into the
wider community more than in other areas of
The Year 9 Christian Service
Project 2015
• To assist your sons and daughters to ‘Reach Out’ in this way, ALL
year 9 students are to be involved in a Service project to listen to
Primary school students in our local schools Read and do Maths
• Letters were emailed home on February 6 explaining this Service
Project in detail (Spares available). Contact me if you have ANY
• Students will go out in the RE Classes (beginning with RE 9.1 to
9.5) for 1 day a week over a 3 week period to the same school of
their choice. (This project finishes in Term 3).
• If Your sons and daughters are in RE 9.1, they have been given
their 3 week dates which are imminent beginning on March 9th
Practicalities Parents need to know
• This Project is about building relationships and is
beneficial to both sides – a commitment by both
the parent and the student is VITAL.
• You do need to get your son/daughter to school
EARLY one day per week for 3 weeks.
• In the planning week, you will receive a
permission letter with the placement your child
wants to go to so please sign it & select MODE
it back immediately.
‘ECC SERVICE’ – booking online
You will need to Book your Son or
Daughter’s School placement – ONLINE
via the School website.
Should you have any problems doing this,
then contact myself or Mrs Ormshaw
immediately at the College:
My email:
Instruction sheet is available in Resources
Section on ECC website.
A chance to share their gifts with
others through Service
Mother Teresa asked us ‘to give of our
essence and not of our excess’
This is a chance for your children to give of
themselves; their time, their listening skills
and their friendship to younger children.
It may not always be easy but it will always
be worthwhile to somebody.
Deputy Principal 7,9,11
Mr Vince Bellini
Year 9 Academic Testing
– 12,13 and 14 May
– Students who achieve Band 8 and above are
not required to sit the OLNA Test in Year 10.
• Bishop’s Literacy Test – 27 July
• Examinations
– Semester 2 only.
Mr Peter Legg
Contact Info
• Currently at Music Camp
9414 4000
Information about the Music Program Brochure available
Mr Gary Bailey
Upcoming Event
P & F Event
• Movie and BBQ night
• Saturday 7th March 2015
• More information on the Flyer
Thank You
I would just like to thank all staff and parents
that have made themselves available for this
Good Night