Newsletter - Trinity Lutheran Church


Newsletter - Trinity Lutheran Church
Trinity Lutheran Church
Volume 53, Issue: 3
March 2015
The Messenger
Let’s Pray
by Shirley Luttrell
Inside this issue:
Let’s Pray
Lessons & Hymns
Lenten Weekday Worship
Lenten Reflection
Council Highlights
Advocacy Notes
Vision Team
Thank You
The Rev. Andraé Crouch
First Communion
Scout News
Five Loaves & Two Fish
Shining Stars
Wish List
Easter Basket
Easter Lilies
Relay for Life
WELCA Spring Lunch
Memorial Gifts
Birthdays & Anniversaries
In Need of Prayer
Membership Updates
Serving in the Military
Trinity Talks: Upcoming Events
Last year, I was invited to go to the ELCA
Synod Assembly. I didn’t know what to
expect. When we got there, the first thing
we did was visit various booths
representing different ELCA programs.
One of the first I came across was one
about the ELCA Malaria Campaign. The
people at the booth were very friendly and
passionate about the cause. I took some
information and moved on.
Later, we were encouraged to go to a workshop or two that was being
offered. I saw one for the Malaria Campaign. Since my interest was
piqued at the booth earlier, I felt that I was being called to go to the
workshop. I learned some new things about how Malaria affects the
lives of so many people and how the ELCA is working to help these
people by teaching them about the importance of preventative
measures, early detection, and helping them to get early treatment.
The assembly continued and again I heard speakers talk about the
Malaria Campaign. It seemed like every time I turned around, someone
else was talking about it. I finally got it. God was calling me, and I was
going to listen to Him.
I asked for help from the Christian Education Committee, and they were
all on board. Since then, we’ve had 2 fundraisers for the campaign: a
bake sale and angel ornament sale. Thanks to all of your support, we are
on our way to making a difference. Look for information around church
and learn about Malaria and how the ELCA is working to control it.
Maybe you’ll be moved to help too.
Listen … God is calling
Lesson and Hymns
March 2015
Saturday: Contemporary/Holy Communion at 5:30 p.m.
Sunday: Holy Communion at 8:00 and 10:30 a.m.
Second Sunday in Lent - February 28 - March 1, 2015
Altar Color: Purple
Readings: Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16; Psalm 22:23-31; Romans 4:13-25; Mark 8:31-38
Hymns: 757, 750, 769
Third Sunday in Lent - March 7-8, 2015
Altar Color: Purple
Readings: Exodus 20:1-17; Psalm 19; 1 Corinthians 1:18-25; John 2:13-22
Hymns: 652, 637, 793
Fourth Sunday in Lent - March 14-15, 2015
Altar Color: Purple
Readings: Numbers 21:4-9; Psalm: 107:1-3, 17-22; Ephesians 2:1-10; John 3:14-21
Hymns: 803, 666, 337
Fifth Sunday in Lent - March 21-22, 2015
Altar Color: Purple
Readings: Jeremiah 31:31-34; Psalm 119:9-16; Hebrews 5:5-10; John 12:20-33
Hymns: 379, 506, 465
Sunday of the Passion - March 28-29, 2015
Altar Color: Purple
Readings: Isaiah 50:4-9a; Psalm 31:9-16; Philippians 2:5-11; Mark 14:1 - 15:47
Hymns: 344, 345, 335, 349, 346
Hymns are from Evangelical Lutheran Worship
Wednesdays in Lent
Join your friends for the remaining Wednesdays in Lent, where we will learn
about the role of prayer in the life of faith at 11:00 a.m. or 7:00 p.m. on the
following days:
March 4 What prayer is/is not.
March 11 Why should I/we pray?
March 18 How should I/we pray?
March 25 Whom should I/we pray for and when?
During Lent, share lunch after 11:00 a.m. worship or dinner at 6:00 p.m. before 7:00 p.m. worship.
River Cafe on River Rd. south of Oakton St. will provide the soup lunch.
The dinners will be potluck so bring a dish to share.
Invite your friends, neighbors, or co-workers to join you for worship and for lunch or dinner.
That’s sort of the realization I had this year, and with that I
decided that the thing or things I gave up had to be an
emotional sacrifice. A spiritual sacrifice. Lent is about
getting closer with God. Spending more time with him,
feeling connected. Does my grande triple skinny vanilla latte
put up a barrier between myself and my relationship with the
Lord? No. Does my giving that up bring me any closer to Him?
I’d like to think that the answer to that one is also no.
The following is an excerpt from the blog
Diva and the Divine by Brianna Engebretsen.
To read the full post go to http://
As I got to thinking about what I wanted to give up this
year, I went through my list of normal, logical choices to
see which one seemed to fit. Some of my go-to Lenten
“sacrifices” are:
Usually my sacrifice ended up being some unhealthy thing
in my diet, and sacrificing it on behalf of the Lenten season
seemed like a reason that would get the healthy habit to
stick. As I was thinking about this, I came to the
conclusion that this was not the right approach at all. How
does giving up chocolate for 40 days relate at all to my
relationship with God and Jesus? How can my “sacrifice”
of an over priced latte once or twice a week for a handful of
weeks even begin to compare to the sacrifice that Jesus
made for us that we are supposed to spend this Lenten
season reflecting on?? They don’t.
I want Lent to be about growing spiritually; about being a
better person with a stronger, more caring heart and a deeper
connection with our Savior, who during this Lenten time knew
the sacrifice He would make at the end of it.
I came across this article on Tuesday that sort of confirmed that
the way my mind was going was appropriate for Lent. “20
Things to Give Up for Lent” started listing things like guilt,
excuses, pride, and worry as the things we should be giving up
for Lent (and forever). Again, things that are true barriers in
your relationship with God which make it difficult for you to
trust him fully and love Him completely.
Now, I’m not saying that if you’re giving up cupcakes for Lent
(that’s another one I did … just remembered) you’re copping
out of the whole idea. Everyone’s journey is different and
unique to them and their relationship with God and
themselves. I would encourage you, my friends, to add another
thing to the list of your sacrifice this Lenten season. Give up
your chocolate AND give up the self-pity that might come with
the body image you have of yourself that led you to sacrifice
your favorite sweet to begin with. Give up Facebook as an
addition to giving up gossip. Get the idea?
Whatever your sacrifice, I pray that you use this Lenten season
to strengthen your bond with our Lord and to truly feel the
spiritual wholeness that comes from understanding the
ultimate sacrifice that He gave us. We celebrate His death, and
more importantly, His resurrection. Thanks be to God!
Balances of current assets and liabilities as of
December 31, 2014 were compared to third-party
documents, i.e. bank and brokerage statements and
reconciled to the balance on the church ledger. Based
on this review, there were no material discrepancies
found. The audit committee performed some
accounting test procedures to ensure proper
recording of transactions. There is a total of five
recommendations to the Finance committee.
2015 Budget: Sufficient votes were obtained at the
annual meeting to pass the original budget as
presented to the congregation by the council which
would result in a projected $6,000.00 deficit. There
was a motion during the final session of the annual
meeting to amend the original budget to operate at
approximately $10,000.00 dollar deficit with
expenses increased to synod benevolence (mission
support), youth/family, and music. The council is in
the process of obtaining votes from those who
attended the previous two sessions.
Highlights from the February
Council Meeting
The following individuals were elected and have
agreed to serve as the officers for this congregation:
Dan Dorman - President
Jim Hemzacek - Vice President
Mike Scholzel - Treasurer
Deanna Voss - Secretary
Committee council liaison assignments:
Pastor George Schelter’s Report
Communication & Publicity - Jim Hemzacek
Update on the new member class: There are two
participants in our new member class which is
meeting on Sundays.
Finance & Stewardship - Norene Rolenitus
Outreach - Deanna Voss
Scholarships for students attending a Lutheran
College: There are currently three students enrolled
at Lutheran colleges from Trinity. Jason Henry, now
in his second year at Valparaiso University in
Indiana; Michelle Henry will be entering her first
year at Valparaiso University in Indiana; and Haley
Bobek will be entering her first year at Carthage
College in Kenosha, Wisconsin. These are three very
fine students who are very involved in the life of our
congregation. We are pleased to offer them these
scholarships. Providing a nominal scholarship
($250.00 each semester) to Trinity students who are
attending a Lutheran College continues to be a way
for Trinity to offer support to our youth. The funds
for this program come from the generosity of our
members. If you are interested in contributing
toward this fund above your regular offering, please
mark your envelope “scholarship fund” and it will be
placed into the restricted fund for this purpose.
Property - Werner Stiller
Boy Scouts - Belinda Mueller
Vision Team - Shirley Luttrell
WELCA (Women of the ELCA) - Belinda Mueller
Worship & Music - Kevin Lang
Youth & Family/Christian Education Michelle Henry, Desi Rae Stricker, and
Dave Swanson
Every member of the council welcomes and desires
your input. Please share your thoughts and ideas
regarding the fulfilment of our mission together with
any member of council. Above all, we ask that you
keep all members of the council, ministry
committees, and ministry staff in your daily prayers.
Treasurer’s Report:
Peace be with you all,
Examination of financial reports for year ending
December 31, 2014: An audit committee consisting
of Frank Hauser, Pat Kilcullen, and Janet Kittlaus
met with financial secretary Jana Haas and
Treasurer Mike Scholzel on the evening of February
Dan Dorman, Council President
Advocacy Notes
From ELCA Advocacy in Washington D.C., here are the 2015
Addressing root causes of poverty and injustice
internationally. This year, ELCA Advocacy will work to pass the Food
for Peace Act, the International Violence Against Women Act, and will
address funding needs for humanitarian relief and promote peace in the
Middle East. In 2015, we will improve the treatment of migrants
in-transit and seek opportunities to address the root causes of migration
in Central America by ensuring policies uphold human rights and
dignity. “Our calling to love of neighbor obligates us to act to prevent
wars and seek alternatives to them” (ELCA Social Statement, “For Peace
in God’s World”).
Caring for all of God’s creation. We look forward to gathering support for a strong Endangered
Species Act, working to protect water and air standards, and continuing to encourage a strong and
proactive U.S. position in the negotiations for the Paris climate change agreement. “Made in the image of
God, we believe that we are called to care for the earth as God cares for the earth” (ELCA Social
Statement, “Caring for Creation”).
Standing with our communities facing poverty and struggling with hunger and disease.
Advocacy will work to help end hunger by enhancing domestic programs, including reauthorizing the
Child Nutrition and WIC Act, supporting older Americans, establishing a sufficient living wage, securing
funding for low-income housing, caring for veterans, ensuring a fair tax policy, and reforming education
systems. “Out of deep concern for those affected adversely by poverty, we find it a moral imperative to
seek a sufficient, sustainable livelihood for all” (ELCA Social Statement, “Sufficient, Sustainable
Livelihood for All”).
When you sign up for the advocacy network, you will receive alerts from our Advocacy
Staff in Washington DC. when your action is needed.
Visioning Team Update
126 individuals, ranging in age from under 18 to over 85,
responded to the Trinity survey which was made available by
the visioning team in November. There were over 550 responses
to the open ended questions! One obvious conclusion is just
how much the Trinity community cares. The team has been
meeting to digest and summarize the wealth of information
gathered. We expect to present the information to the council
and staff in April. We will continue to keep you informed of
survey findings.
Thank you for participating in our Caring Tree Project!
The Reverend Andraé Crouch
The world of church music lost one of
its most important figures on January
8. The Reverend Andraé Crouch, the
father of modern gospel music, died
following a heart attack in his native
Los Angeles. At the time of his death,
Crouch and his twin sister Sandra were
co-pastors at the church their parents
had founded. His legacy to the Church
at large—his music—lives on in
hymnals across the country, including
Lutheran hymnals. At Trinity, we’ve
sung “Through It All,” “Bless His Holy
Name,” and of course “Soon and Very
Soon.” These classic hymns were just
one aspect of Crouch’s work from
forty years ago, when he altered the
face of contemporary Christian music.
In the early ‘70s, when Christian pop
music was just getting started, Crouch
began using sounds from mainstream
rock ‘n’ roll and R&B music in his
gospel band, the Disciples. Before
Crouch, the prevailing gospel sound
was the call-and-response, mass choir
approach of Thomas Dorsey (“Precious
Lord, Take My Hand”) and the Rev.
James Cleveland. The single best
known example of this style is
probably Aretha Franklin’s 1972 album
Amazing Grace. This was church
gospel born in the South and
developed in Chicago, and rock and
soul musicians had been borrowing
from it for years. (Recall all the gospel
harmonies and call-and-response in
the Rolling Stones’ music, for
instance.) In California, the locus of
the hippie—associated Jesus
Movement, Crouch started borrowing
You can see the difference on the back
cover of Crouch’s own ‘72 album,
Soulfully: Crouch sits singing
ecstatically at the piano, leading his six
-piece band—co-ed, bi-racial, and
Amplified—through a performance on
The Tonight Show.
They look for all the world like Sly and
the Family Stone dressed up for
church. From the beginning, Crouch
didn’t just preach to the choir; he
sought to bring Jesus to the world. “We
are to reach people where they are,
therefore our music must be
appealing,” he once told an
Whenever Crouch came close to
crossing over into secular music, he did
so on his terms. Elvis Presley and Paul
Simon included his songs on their own
albums without changing a word. (Paul
Simon didn’t actually sing “Jesus Is the
Answer” - it was a feature for his
backup choir, the Jessy Dixon Singers.)
After the Disciples disbanded, Crouch
arranged the choral parts on two #1
pop hits, Michael Jackson’s “Man in
the Mirror” and Madonna’s “Like a
Prayer,” and on the soundtrack to The
Lion King. When the mainstream
music business wanted the sound of
gospel music, they often looked to
Crouch; and when they looked at
Crouch, they saw someone who loved
Jesus. At Michael Jackson’s memorial,
a choir sang “Soon and Very Soon.”
For all his outreach to the world,
Crouch’s music profoundly affected
what many Christians sing each
After his death, the internet was full
of tributes from gospel singers and
contemporary Christian singers,
both black and white. Michael W.
Smith, another writer whose songs
have made it into our hymnal (“Thy
Word,” “Great Is the Lord”), told
Billboard magazine, “I don’t think
there is anyone who inspired me
more, growing up, than Andraé
Crouch carried gospel’s oral
tradition into our age of recorded
music and copyrights. Though his
albums and concerts abounded with
original melodies, Crouch also
sought to get congregations singing
quickly, which sometimes meant
adapting gospel hymns everyone
already knew. Part of “Bless His
Holy Name” takes its melody and
theme from Velna Ledin’s Sunday
School classic “God Is So Good,”
while “My Tribute” uses the title
phrase of Fanny Crosby’s “To God
Be the Glory” in a new setting.
Worship leaders still gratefully use
this technique when leading old
songs with new refrains, like Chris
Tomlin’s “Amazing Grace (My
Chains Are Gone).”
“More than any other artist in
Christian music, black or white,”
says the Encyclopedia of
Contemporary Christian Music,
“Crouch eventually crossed the
barriers to appeal to a racially
diverse audience.” Since he died,
one of my favorite Youtube
discoveries has been Crouch’s
rollicking 1980 performance of his
song “I’ve Got Confidence” with—
who else? - Tennessee Ernie Ford
at—where else? - the Grand Ole
Opry. Crouch leaves us a rich
musical history worth exploring.
Not only did he leave his
fingerprints on music we sing every
week, but his own music is a
wonderful offering of praise to our
~Josh Langhoff
Congratulations to Jaxen Ruben Lozano
and Ian Ross Turner on receiving their
First Communion on February 15
during the 10:30 a.m. service.
Scouting News
Sunday, February 8 was Scout Sunday at Trinity’s 10:30 service. Scout Sunday is a
tradition which makes people in houses of worship aware of Scouting and to allow
Scouts to live out their “Duty to God” pledge. Scout Law values like, “A Scout is
Reverent”, strengthen youth character in their family, community, and faith.
Upper Left: Scoutmaster Victor Kelly, Eagle Scout Derek Pace, Senior Patrol Leader Cole Kelly, Assistant Scoutmaster
Karl Lindahl. Lower Left: lst Class Scout Dylan Pace, lst class Scout Kai Kelly, Scout Paul Davis and Sean Koziol.
“Five Loaves and Two Fish” Community Luncheon
We just finished a very successful February Fish and Loaves luncheon. Now it is time to prepare for March. Fish and
Loaves this month is on March 14. As always, we appreciate everything you as congregation members do to help
support us in our mission. We are hoping to reach out further this month. As you may know, we depend upon your
generous donations, whether they are meals, food items, or monetary. We have been running low on funds recently and
we are reaching out to you for help. The money we use goes towards purchasing food when there are months when
donations are light to ensure we have enough food each month. Even if every member only donates a few dollars, it
would help greatly. If you are gracious enough to donate, we accept cash and checks (just make sure Fish and Loaves is
written on the envelope) and we also accept gift card to stores such as: GFS, Jewel, Sam’s Club, etc.
This month, there will be a sign up list with specific dishes we would love to have you make and donate for us. As always,
you can also bring in whatever you have the means of bringing, we accept everything. We are also asking that if you
cannot donate a meal this month, maybe you could help us by donating some non-perishable staple items we can always
use in our pantry. Some of these items are listed:
Ground Beef
Sausage: Bratwurst, polish, smoked , breakfast
Frozen pizzas
Boxed Mac & Cheese
Boxed potatoes (any style)
Boxed Noodle dishes
Canned chili beans (GFS 111 oz. can)
Hunts or GFS Tomato sauce (6 lb. 10 oz. can)
Pickles (all types)
Paper plates/napkins
Fresh produce
Plastic containers for taking home food
(May be brought in morning of Fish and Loaves)
Thank you so much for your continued support of the mission we all share for the last 5 years to help those who may not
have the means to have a decent meal. Every little bit helps and hopefully our meals can help them more and more each
month. As always, volunteers are always welcome and meet at 10:00 a.m. on the morning of Fish and Loaves.
Please mark your calendar and participate in this great ministry!
Saturday, March 14 from 11:oo a.m.—1:00 p.m.
Shining Stars is Back!
Shining Stars is coming close!!!!
Next month is the big Shining Stars event! This Shining Stars event is “An Afternoon with the Oldies: Songs from the
40s, 50s, and 60s”. This is a fundraiser event. The proceeds of this event will be split evenly between the Metro Chicago
Synod, the Des Plaines Self Help Closet and Food Pantry, and Trinity. There will be a free-will offering accepted
throughout the show to help out.
Date: April 26
Meal time: 12:30 p.m., Showtime: 2:00 p.m.
Ticket Prices:
Meal and Show
General Admission:
Seniors (60+) and Children (10 and below)
Show Only
Tickets for the event will be going on sale in early April. If you would like to order tickets in advance, you can call or email
Deanna Voss: ( or 847-312-1895). Please make sure you include your name, number of
tickets you would like, whether it is for the dinner and the show or show only. You will receive a confirmation email for
your early order. Payment for these orders will be due the day of the event and your tickets will be waiting at Will Call for
If you are still looking for ways to help out with the Shining Stars event and even receive a free meal ticket for the dinner,
keep on reading. We are still looking for generous donations for our dinner. If you are able to help out, these are the
items we are looking for:
Jewel Fried or Grilled Chicken
Casseroles (pastas, potato dishes, other side dishes)
Salads (lettuce, fruit, coleslaw, potato/noodle salad)
Pre-made refrigerated pie crusts
Granny Smith Apples
If you are able to donate some food for this event, please contact Deanna (information above) so we can take note and
that way we will know how much food will still be needed.
There will also be a bake sale going on during the dinner for those interested. The bake sale will be a free-will donation.
If you would like to donate a baked good, please also let Deanna know.
Thank you so much for your willingness to participate and donate.
Property Committee Wish List
Last month the parking lot “sealing and restriping” project was highlighted as a need. As
a bit of background, let me explain about the Restricted Account called Building/Capital
Fund. This fund is used for large building repairs and replacement of things like heating and air conditioning units or
hallway carpeting. A contribution in an envelope marked “Building/Capital Fund” will get the money in that account.
This month the Property Committee would like to highlight the need to replace the carpeting in the hallways. The cost for
the parking lot sealing/restriping has been bid at $5000. There has not been an estimate received for the cost of
replacing the carpeting, but once the parking lot sealing has been completed an estimate will be sought.
Your contributions to the Building/Capital Fund are important in helping your Property Committee keep the Building
and Grounds in good shape.
Thank You
~The Property Committee
Easter Baskets
One of Trinity’s favorite annual projects is the filling of Easter baskets for children who would otherwise not get
one. On March 7-8, one Easter basket will be placed in the Narthex, and a second one in Fellowship Hall. These baskets
will hold tags containing the names of children whose parent/s are being assisted by Lutheran Social Services of Illinois
through their INTACT program. LSSI helps them by providing information about jobs that are available, and directing
them to sources of service that will help them back on the road to recovery.
Gift suggestions include:
Non-perishable food items
Small devotional books
Children’s books
Socks/Tube socks
Wrapped Easter candy
Coloring books/Crayons
Small umbrella
Activity books
School supplies
Shower gel
Small Easter toys
Card games
Child and family board games
Most of these items are available in the Dollar Store to keep your cost to a minimum. We would appreciate you
taking the filled baskets to the church office on or before Sunday, March 29. Every year the baskets become more
beautiful. We have received reports that the families are both surprised and excited with the baskets. What a treat it is
for us to see the baskets come into the office each year, knowing what pleasure they will provide.
Joyce Moore
To order Easter Lilies, complete this form and enclose payment of $15.00/plant.
Send in form to the church office or place in offering basket.
Please indicate how many Easter Lilies you are ordering:
Deadline for ordering is Sunday, March 15.
No orders will be taken after that date.
Name:__________________________________Phone:_______________________Envelope #:______
Given in honor of:_______________________________Given in memory of:________________________
Please check one:
_____I will pick up my lily/lilies after worship on Easter Sunday.
_____I would like our church to share this gift with a shut-in.
Relay for Life Des Plaines
New time: 12:00 noon to 12:00 midnight
New location: Maine West on the circle in front of the
Date: June 27
Once again Trinity will be fielding a team of Relayers. We are hoping that more
Trinity members will join us.
No more overnight camping, just 12 hours of fun, music, games, food, and raising
money to help find a cure for all cancers. Sign up is easy.
Go to:, sign up and you are all set to start your
fundraising campaign.
We are having a big Kickoff Party at Club Casa Cafe on March 3 from
6:00-8:00 p.m. If you plan on coming to the Kickoff, please RSVP to Marlie Pykelny: Or call her: 847-317-0209. Come join us and see what
Relay is all about.
Trinity’s WELCA
Spring Luncheon and Program
Saturday, April 25 at 11:30 a.m.
will feature: God is My Tour Guide—“Expectations”
Suzette Horyza, Presenter
We’ve all had it happen. We may have expected things to occur in a certain way.
Then God reminds us that it is His will that shall be done.
Join us for an afternoon of reflection as Suzette Horyza shares with us experiences
involving having expectations in our lives. Suzette combines her ministry with stories
from her years of directing tours to shared insights from her spiritual journey.
Please join us for an afternoon of prayerful sharing.
Mark your calendar. Watch for more details.
Hello Pastor Schelter, Brad, and Linda
I want to say Thank You for the beautiful service
and the outstanding music for our mother’s
memorial service. We received a lot of
compliments from our family and friends. My
mother was very fond of music and those songs
were great to celebrate her life. Everything went
extremely well.
Mark Lindahl
Below is a list of people who have made a memorial contribution to:
Brian & Wendy Chau
Joyce Moore
Dick & Mart Tabatt
Larry & Cindy Burns
Mr. & Mrs. Robt. Olson (CHOIR SUPPORT)
Herb & Sandy Schmeisser
Eugene D. Schnarr
Mr. & Mrs. Robt. Olson (CHOIR SUPPORT)
Beth Benson
Dorothy Dalbke
Walter & Joyce Brown
Art & Jocelyn Murray (CHOIR SUPPORT)
Dick & Mary Tabatt
Patricia Wasco
1 Michael Ball, Hayley Bobek,
Happy Anniversary!
Robert Hiller, Corinne Militz, Julie Rains
6 Don & Joyce Moore
3 Doris Burns
4 Carol Engberg, Lauren Kyrouac
14 Fred & Dorothy Gilbertsen
5 Kyle Amati, Bailey Brzezowski,
Agnes Kirchwehm, Dan Kuska
19 Larry & Cynthia Ball
6 Caleb Clukey, Victoria Flood,
24 John N. & Susan Rasmussen
Susan Rasmussen, Michele Wold
7 Ellen Brannan, Carolyn Miller
29 Steven & Amy Kimmel
8 Karl Lindahl, Justin Mustari
10 Donald Hallberg, Kathleen Maatta
11 Michael Buric, Natalie Ehorn, Lawrence Luttrell
12 Kathy Dueball
Jaxen Ruben Lozano
13 Capri Stricker
Ian Ross Turner
14 Adam Tedeschi, Megan Wegrzyn
15 Chelsea Kellogg
16 Ashley Karling, Vivian Niebuhr
Joan Green
17 Angela Malmberg, Christopher Springer, Jessica Tribuzio
18 Brittany Logothetti, Ross Stricker
Fred Wagner
19 Jaxen Lozano, Jean Voss
20 Matthew Mustari, Harold Wigginton
21 Beverly Albrecht
Rich & Carol Andersen
22 Olivia Bitcon, Marilyn Witney
24 Elizabeth Anderson, Robert Green
25 Rossana Leslie
26 Logan Nordentoft, Brian Pflomm
27 Amanda Baird, Joan Green, Mallori Oztekin, Marissa Oztekin
28 Kristine Kernan, Dolores Townsend
29 Marisa Engberg, Brett Hargesheimer, Rich Miller
Serving in the Military: Phil Ehorn,
30 David Volkmann
Randy Harper, Adam McGill, Michael Spans,
31 Evan Teague, Tyler Teague
Erich Strathmann, and Rollie Swanson.
In Rehab:
Alden Des Plaines: Will Gardner
Rosewood Rehab: Sylvia Schaffer
At Home: Polly Allenson, Luke Alvarez, Betty Anderson, Ray Anderson, Robert Bochat,
Hannah Borreson, Andrea Choban, Bernetta Cropp, Marlene Dahlquist, Lorraine Drbull,
Kim Ebby, Denise France, Rick France, Pat Gardner, Diane Goodman, Sue Johanson,
Kevin Johnson, Donna Kinderman, Kathleen Kordowski, Tom Krauss, Helen Lewin, Judy McCorkle, Don Moore,
Tommi Siek-Nelson, Vicki Ortiz, John Rasmussen, Meagan Rudman, Norma Schaefer, Dan Schaffer,
Renee Schwingbeck, Jason Sloan, Sonya Stahl, Jim Stenstrom, Judy Swanson, Kathie Swanson, Robert Swanson,
Ron Swanson, Terry Swanson, Kyle Vrenios, June Westerberg, Wilbert Westerberg, Julie Wetzel, Nate Wetzel,
Gertrude Whitton, Harold Wigginton, and Sophia Zematis.
Messenger articles for the April issue are due by March 15.
Please send all articles directly to Amy Hearne at
Trinity Talks: Where faith connects our community
The Trinity Men’s
Breakfast is held
on the third
Tuesday of each
month at 8:30 a.m.
It’s at the Silver Stallion Restaurant in Des
Plaines. This month it will be on
March 17
Women’s Fellowship Group
Activities for March:
Unfortunately two of the Maine schools are going to do a
musical on the same day. We will meet at church at 3:00 p.m.
and leave at 3:10 p.m. Some may want to see one of the shows
and some might want to see the other. We will carpool.
 March 12 - Maine West: Joseph at 4:00 p.m. in the
Auditorium - Cost: FREE
 March 12 - Maine East: Legally Blonde at 4:00 p.m. in the
Auditorium - Cost: FREE
Maine South will be doing Shrek (the musical) on April 23. We
will do the same thing. Meet at church at 3:00 p.m. and leave at
3:10 p.m. We will carpool.
*Our next meeting will be on Monday, March 23 at 11:00
a.m. in the church library.
Theater & Theology Group is a group of
Trinity members and their friends, made
up of couples and singles of all ages. The
3rd Saturday of each month, they
attend a recently released movie at a local
theater followed by a visit to a nearby
restaurant for a discussion about the
movie. If you are interested, each month
the movie, theater, and time are posted
or the Trinity Lutheran Church Group on
Facebook. If you are not already a member
of the Trinity group, ask to join. You can
also call Jim Hemzacek: 847-420-4574.
Please call and ask about this group.
Pat Kilcullen: 847-824-8847
Property Committee Clean-Up Day is
Saturday, March 21
9:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m.
We are in need of people to do window cleaning, painting,
Join us Saturday, March 21!
Naomi Circle will meet Monday, March 9 at 1:00 p.m. at Church.
Women of Trinity Breakfast will be Thursday, March 19, at River Cafe, 1640 River Road, Des
Plaines. Call Beverly Johnson: 847-296-5351, if you plan to attend. For a ride, call Beverly, she will
arrange for someone to pick you up. Come and bring a friend! It’s an opportunity to meet with other
women from Trinity for fellowship and chatting.
Church Women United: Come, bring a friend, and celebrate World Day of Prayer at Trinity
Lutheran Church on Friday, March 6 at 9:30 a.m. The theme for World Day of Prayer 2015 is based
on what Jesus said, “Do you understand what I have done for you?” Please bring a casserole or salad
for lunch to share. For more information, please contact Beverly: 847-296-5351. Also, please bring a
non-perishable food item for the Des Plaines Self Help Closet & Food Pantry.
Trinity Lutheran Church
George M. Schelter
“We are a community of faith that receives
God’s love and responds with thanksgiving
by serving our neighbor and welcoming all
with Jesus as our example.”
Josh Langhoff and Brad Whaley
Melissa Hemzacek
Cathy Williams
675 East Algonquin Road
Des Plaines, IL 60016
Linda Kuska
Phone: 847-827-6656
Fax: 847-827-4215
Bob Dwiel and Jana Haas
We’re on the Web!
Ernesto Neira
Messenger articles for the April issue are due by March 15.
Please send all articles directly to Amy Hearne at
MARCH 2015
Trinity’s Worship Schedule
Wednesday - 11:00 a.m.
Wednesday - 7:00 p.m.
Saturday - 5:30 p.m.
Contemporary Worship
Sunday - 8:00 & 10:30 a.m.
Communion at all services
unless listed
Trinity Education Hour
9:15 a.m. WELCA
10:30 a.m. Baptism:
Maiya Rose Tedeschi
4:30-7:30 p.m. Boy Scout Troop 6
Spaghetti Dinner (FH & K)
9:15 a.m.
1:00 p.m. Naomi Circle (FH)
6:30 p.m. Finance (CTR)
Faith Stepping Stone:
(March 22)
11:00 a.m. Worship
11:30 a.m. Lenten Luncheon
6:00 p.m. Lenten Dinner
7:00 p.m. Worship
7:30 p.m. Boy Scout Troop 6 (FH)
9:30 a.m. World Day of Prayer
(S, FH, & K)
10:00 a.m. Altar Guild (L)
4:30 p.m. Praise Team (S)
11:00 a.m. Worship
11:30 a.m. Lenten Luncheon
6:00 p.m. Lenten Dinner
7:00 p.m. Worship
3:00 p.m.
Women’s Fellowship Outing
7:00-9:00 p.m.
Boy Scout Troop 6 Committee
Meeting (L)
7:30 p.m. Boy Scout Troop 6 (FH)
Faith U
New Member Class
10:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m.
Community Luncheon (FH & K)
4:30 p.m. Praise Team
Sunday School
7:00 p.m. Council (L)
8:30 a.m. Men’s Breakfast
6:00 p.m.
American Cancer Society (L)
11:00 a.m. Worship
11:30 a.m. Lenten Luncheon
6:00 p.m. Lenten Dinner
7:00 p.m. Worship
9:00 a.m. Women’s Breakfast
7:30 p.m. Boy Scout Troop 6 (FH)
11:00 a.m. Worship
11:30 a.m. Lenten Luncheon
6:00 p.m. Lenten Dinner
7:00 p.m. Worship
7:00 p.m. Center of Concern (L)
7:30 p.m. Boy Scout Troop 6 (FH)
Adult Bible Class - 9:30 a.m.
(no classes - Youth are
to attend Dinner and Worship)
9:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m.
Church Clean-Up Day
4:30 p.m. Praise Team
7:00-9:00 p.m. Family Event:
Trinity Music Ministry
Youth Choir - 9:15-10:00 a.m.
(No choir on March 8)
11:00 a.m.
Women’s Fellowship Group (L)
Jubilate Handbells - 5:45-6:30 p.m.
Chancel Choir - 7:45 p.m.
9:15 a.m. Blood Pressure Screening
9:15 a.m. Faith Stepping Stone:
“MY CHURCH” - Grade K
4:30 p.m. Praise Team
Trinity Lutheran Church
Our Youth make an
March 2015
In the News:
Come Out and Support our Confirmation Ministry!
Confirmation Fundraiser
Easter Sunday, April 5, 9:00-10:15 a.m.
Sausage, Eggs, Sweet Treats,
Juice, Coffee, and Milk
Adults $7.50, Children $5, Families $25
Prayer Partners are back!
Join us as a sponsor for the High School Mission Trip
Prayer Partner: $20
All proceeds directly benefit the Sr. High Mission Trip 2015
Page 2
Trinity Lutheran Church
In the News: Good Friday Bible Camp!
Trinity Lutheran Church invites your children to WALK
THROUGH HOLY WEEK with us! On Good Friday, April 3,
from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. We invite all children (friends
and neighbors), ages 3 to 5th grade, to spend the morning
learning about and experiencing Holy Week from a child’s
perspective. We will use a Vacation Bible School format with
stories, music, crafts, snacks, and much more. Contact Cathy
Williams: for sign-up or more
In the News: Easter Egg Hunt
Join us after the 10:30 a.m. service on Easter Sunday, April 5, for our
Easter Egg Hunt! This event is open to all children through 5th grade.
There is no cost to participate!
If it is warm enough we will have it on the front lawn and garth. If not, it
will be in Fellowship Hall.
Invite your friends and neighbors to join us and don’t forget to bring your
basket to collect all those eggs.
In the News: Stepping Stone Ministry
Trinity’s kindergartners and their
parents are invited to attend the
Stepping Stone Ministry: “My
Church”. We will take a “tour” of the
sanctuary, uncovering its symbols
and artwork, discovering things and
learning some of the “churchy”
vocabulary words we use to describe
things. Please join us for this joyful
event. We will meet Sunday, March
22 at 9:15 a.m. in the church.
A wonderful way to honor the baptismal promise
“to place in their hands the Holy Scriptures” is to
gift Trinity families and their children with a Bible
to be used throughout the year in devotions,
Sunday School classes, and family prayer. This is
an important step in the life of Christians. All
families of third through fifth grade students who
have not received their Bibles are invited to
attend this class. The class meets for four weeks
beginning April 26 at 9:15 a.m. For more
information contact Cathy Williams:
Volume 3, Issue 3
Page 3
Get to Know: A few of our 2015 College Graduates
Some of our older students are
getting ready to celebrate! College
graduates are wrapping up the
end of their school year and are
preparing for graduation!
Charlene Maahs
Mark Johanson
Will graduate from Western
Illinois University with a degree
in Law Enforcement & Justice
Administration with a minor in
Will graduate from Western
Illinois University with a degree
in Law Enforcement & Justice
Administration with a minor in
fire science
She is currently interning with
Schaumburg Police Department
He will intern with Arlington
Heights Police Department this
Following graduation, she plans
to seek a full-time job, possibly
She hopes to travel after
He plans to participate in the
Buffalo Grove police exam this
Melissa: Taking a Step Aside
As many of you are aware, the past year and
a half has been an adventurous journey for
me, with great highs and lows. With a new
job that takes me across northern Illinois,
as well as the need to work many weekday
evenings, I have been unable to give our
TLC youth and families the full attention
and energy they deserve. During my time as
Youth and Family Minister I have been
challenged greatly, yet found so much joy in
it all. I am so blessed to have held this
position that was always much more than a
“job” to me.
From here forward I will work with
members of TLC to continue the HS youth
group. I will continue to run the fundraisers
for the mission trip, carry out the mission
trip and all it requires, and attend
Youth-Led Worship each month whenever
possible. Beyond these areas I can no longer
commit myself to Youth and Family
Ministry in its full capacity. It is my hope
and desire that this transition is seamless.
Thank you all for your unconditional
support of our youth and of me. I have
always felt blessed to be able to serve in
the capacity you’ve allowed me. God
has truly blessed me through the
relationships I’ve made with the youth,
families, and members of this
congregation. Thank you!
Although I will no longer be serving in
the full capacity of the Youth and
Family Minister, I know God is not
done with Trinity in my life. There is
much more He has in store for me at
TLC, although I’m unsure what that
may be. God surely works in ways that
we only come to understand after we
trust and wade through to the other
side of the waters. I’m excited to see
where He takes me.
I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers, that the God of our
Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in
the knowledge of him, having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know
what is the hope to which he has called you …
Ephesians 1:16-18
We are seeking volunteers to lead
lessons with the high schoolers on
Monday evenings. If there is a *lesson
or topic that you would like to help
lead with the HS youth group, we
would love to have you! Whether you
have a lesson idea of your own to teach
or would lead a pre-planned lesson,
please contact Melissa:
*Potential Lesson Ideas:
Prayer, Your Faith Story,
Books/People of the Bible, Sharing the
Good News with others, or any topic of
your choice..
Trinity Lutheran Church
Child, Youth, and
Family Ministries
M Maturing
Melissa Hemzacek
Cathy Williams
675 E Algonquin Rd.
Des Plaines IL 60016
Phone: 847-827-6656
Fax: 847-827-4215
Touching Lives
March 2015
Lenten Dinners
Youth Quake
Youth Quake
Youth Quake
Lenten Dinners
Lenten Dinners
Feed My
Faith Stepping
Stone: “MY
9:15 a.m.
Lenten Dinners
April 1
No Lenten
7:00 p.m.
10:00 a.m.—
Walk thru
Holy Week
Easter Vigil
7:00 p.m.