Newsletter Link - Concordia Lutheran Church


Newsletter Link - Concordia Lutheran Church
The Concordian
A Newsletter of Concordia Lutheran Church - ELCA • Superior, WI
March, 2015
“Called to Nurture and Live our Faith, Encourage our Service, and Actively Share the Gospel”
The season of Lent has always called Christians to soberly reflect on their lives. It is
also a season of renewal. Lent is an old English word that refers to the “lengthening”
of days that occurs each spring. While spring is indeed a season of new life, early
spring disguises new life. For those of us living in northern climes we have a hard time
seeing renewal this time of year.
Lent always arrives in early spring. The Israelites coordinated their celebration of
Passover with the planting of barley in Israel. Jesus traveled to Jerusalem and to his
ultimate sacrifice when the Passover was being celebrated. Jesus appeared to his
followers for forty days following his resurrection where upon Jesus ascended into
“Forty” is a significant number. Noah experienced rain for forty days and nights. Moses wandered with the
Israelites for forty years. Lent is a forty-day season, not counting Sundays, that precedes Easter; because
Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the spring equinox, Lent comes in
early spring.
Lent is the appropriate time for our congregation to receive the Bridgebuilder report. The report is a sobering
reminder that we have not been the people God wants us to be. We may be tempted to disregard the
portions of the report that do not fit our vision of the past. I pray we instead use the report to repent of our
failings. Repentance will prepare the soil of our congregation to plant seeds for visioning a hopeful future.
Isaiah writes to his fellow Israelites and to us: “If you remove the yoke from among you, the pointing of the
finger, the speaking of evil, then your light shall rise in the darkness and your gloom be like the noonday.”
–Isaiah 58:9-10
We may not be able to see the renewal that is happening beneath the snow of early spring; but renewal is in
the soil. Renewal is in the soil of our congregation. This Lent I invite you to be part of that renewal. Repent
with me that new growth flourishes among us.
Ever in God’s grace,
Pastor Greg
Parish Nursing Notes...
March is National Nutrition Month, so I thought this would be a good time to
review some of the latest research reports regarding healthy nutrition. As you
may have noticed, the reports of what is “good” for you or what is “bad” for you
seem to yoyo quite a bit. What is “bad” for you one year is “good” for you, or at
least OK, 4 or 5 years later. This year, most reports seem to focus on overall
diet habits rather than pointing out specific foods or food groups.
The diets receiving the most praise seem to be the Mediterranean Diet Pyramid,
the Vegetarian Diet Pyramid, My Plate, and Weight Watchers. None of these diets eliminate any one
group of foods. Eve the vegetarian diet, which eliminates meats, still includes proteins derived from animal
sources and from plant sources. But they all focus on the recommended amounts from each food group.
Does this sound familiar to you? Maybe that’s because we read similar directions in the Bible. In Genesis
1:29 God says, “See, I have given you every herb that yields seeds which is on the face of the earth, and
every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food.” Later on, in Genesis 9:3, he added, “Every
moving thing that lives shall be food for you; just as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything.” But
because a particular food is not “bad” for you, or is “good” for you, does not mean you should eat it in
unlimited amounts. You can have too much of a good thing!
A couple examples come to mind here. Chocolate for one! Research has shown that dark chocolate, and
specifically the flavonoids in the cacao in dark chocolate, can help decrease the risk of heart disease and
some other diseases. But going overboard on chocolate candy of any kind can lead to heart disease and the
other diseases. Another example is red wine. Limited amounts can be good for heart health, but too much
leads to multiple health problems.
All of the diets mentioned above recommend limited amounts of sweets and fats, and larger amounts of
vegetables and grains. What we have to do is use the brain God gave each of us, and determine the amount
that is needed by our body to keep it functioning at its best. Of course, we also have to be physically active
each day to maintain that peak functioning.
I know I have previously mentioned the book, What Would Jesus Eat?. You can find it in our church library.
Jesus ate fish, whole grains, olive oil, red wine, fresh fruits and vegetables. Of course, back then He didn’t
have to worry about a lot of chemical preservatives, pesticides, fungicides, or a lot of added sugar, fat, or salt.
He also walked everywhere he went (other than a few short rides on a donkey). This same book says that in
His short life, He walked the equivalent of the distance around the world at the equator – 24,901.55 miles –
and that’s based only on the travels recorded in the Bible! (If you come walk with us on Tuesday at 11:30
AM, you can increase your mileage!)
Jesus knew about healthy living in all areas! So think about it. What would Jesus eat? What would Jesus
do? Remember your spiritual nutrition as well! Psalm 34:8, “O taste and see that the Lord is good; happy
are those who live in His name.”
Stay healthy and happy ......................................................... Jean
Join the Flock at Sunday
School - Sunday
mornings - 9:15 Fellowship Hall!
SCHOOL on March 15.
Confirmation for 6th, 7th
& 8th grade students is
on Wednesdays, 4:00.
Meet you in the library.
“Symbols of the Cross”
A presentation for Easter, performed by
the Sunday School department
on March 29 (Palm Sunday), during the
10:30 worship service.
Rehearsal schedule: March 8, 22, & 29 at
9:15. Meet in Fellowship Hall for rehearsal.
Everyone welcome!
For Faith Enrichment at Home:
Mid-week Services during Lent:
through March 25
followed by a soup lunch
5:30 pm
Holden Evening Prayer Service
Holy Week
Maundy Thursday (April 2)
Noon & 5:30
Good Friday (April 3)
Easter Sunday (April 5)
8 am
10:30 am
Please pick up a FREE copy of “Christ in
Our Home.” They may be found in the main
office, in the literature rack outside pastor’s
office, and in the rack located in the main
entry to the church. Put it where family
members will notice it and pick it up for
some quiet time with God. Also available in
LARGE PRINT. These devotional books are
made possible through your offerings to
your church!.
March 4
March 11
March 18
March 25
Mary Circle
LeRoy Eliason, et. al.
Library Bd. & Social Concerns
OPEN – Need Volunteers
Offerings received during the soup lunches are
given to the Social Concerns coffee/soup fund
for congregational, community, state, national
and world ministries. Please be generous.
Update your Bible to the New Revised
Standard Version. Check out for some
possibilities, or other sites online. Many
come with commentary to enhance your
understanding and appreciation of the
written Word.
The remodeling project has begun!
Walls have come down, opening up the space downstairs.
On February 21, a work day was held to remove old paneling and wash &prep
walls for primer and paint. Ceiling tile gridwork will soon be re-installed, and
new tile placed. Cabinetry and counter tops are being worked on and carpet
tiles ordered. Egress stairs are being constructed. We’ll soon have a refreshed
space for Sunday School classes, youth activities, and community activities!
Boy Scout Spaghetti Supper - at Concordia Saturday, March 21. Watch the bulletin for more
St. Mary’s Auxiliary Luncheon & Fashion Show,
Saturday, April 11 - Fellowship Hall.
Duluth-Superior Harbormaster Concert & Reception,
Saturday, April 25, Concordia Lutheran Church.
Greetings fellow
Movie Night!
Concordians and
Friday, March 20
6 - 8:15 pm
As we continue our journey
through Lent, the library has
available some books that will help you gain knowledge
and understanding of what this season of the church year
is all about, as well as building and strengthening your
faith and relationship with our Lord & Savior. Stop in the
library and browse through out Lenten collection on
display by the desk.
featuring “Evan Almighty”
Pizza & Popcorn Provided!
Drawing for Movie!
Believe it or not, spring will soon be upon us. Warmer
Bring your family ~
days are coming, and you know what that means: Spring
House Cleaning! When working on this little project, you
bring your friends!
just might run across some past due church library books
– please return them so we can update the library’s
inventory and have the books available again for circulation. Your help in this matter is greatly appreciated.
Last fall the Library Board purchased a series of five books in the “A Newly Weds Series.” The books were
purchased with money given in memory of Maxine Florey. Margo Hansen is the author, living with her
husband in the Minnesota north woods, which provides the setting for this series. The books are an
enjoyable read – hard to put down! Florence Palm has read them and sent in the following review: “Enjoyed
reading the five-book series of Bride Train from our church library. I laughed at things, cried in the sad parts,
and enjoyed the mysteries. I liked the religious devotion in all of the books and the religious discussions.
Need more writers to write this kind of book.” Come and see what else is new in the library!
May you have a meaningful Lenten journey!
Keep On Reading!
The Easter Lilies used to decorate the chancel are
purchased by the Altar Guild. If you wish to honor or
memorialize a loved one, you may make a donation to the
Altar Guild Lily Fund. A list of those honored or
memorialized will appear in the bulletin on Easter Sunday
(April 5).
Given by
In Memory/Honor of
Please make your check out to: Concordia Altar Guild
CLCW Spring Events Sign-up Form
Phone Number
Ladies, we have a busy spring ahead of us. Activities
have been planned, and your help will be needed! Here’s
a rough sketch:
I will help with:
March 15: Spring General Membership Meeting; a
business meeting will follow lunch.
Hosting Coffee Hour on March 22 (serving
& clean up)
March 22: Host a “Donut Sundae” coffee hour; proceeds
from freewill offering will go to our “Build a Well” project.
the Pie Auction on April 19 by:
Baking 1 pie for auction
April 19: Pie Auction to benefit the “Build a Well” project.
Put some $$ aside to bid on a delicious pie! This will be
held during coffee hour.
Baking 2 pies (1 for auction, 1 for coffee
May 16: “Friendship Luncheon” - watch for details.
Friendship Luncheon on Sat., May 16
(set up, serving, clean up)
Sloppy Joe lunch on May 17 (serving &
clean up)
May 17: Host a sloppy joe lunch following church (it will
also be Boe-Engebretson Award Sunday and High School
Quilt Sunday).
May 30: Rummage Sale! Proceeds will go towards our
“Build a Well” project.
Rummage Sale on May 30
Planning & Set-up
Clean Up
Get this form to the main office by snail mail,
or pop it into the offering plate on Sunday.
Thanks for your prayerful response!
Fall will bring another round of activities (including our annual bake sale and
the Advent Celebration) ...we’ll keep you posted! Ideas for other events and ministries
are always welcome!
Mark your calendars.
Don’t forget - we need YOU to help US with these events - all in service to God.
“God’s Work. Our Hands.”
Riverside Cemetery
Gravesites and Columbarium Niches
Contact the church office for more
Concordia’s Heritage Committee oversees the caretaking of historical documents and artifacts for the
church. If you are interested in volunteering for this
committee, please contact Patsy Luder
(715.394.3725) or Diane Rookey (218.341.2704) for
more information. They meet most Mondays at 9 am
at the church.
I’m interested in volunteering in another area:
I would like to volunteer with:
Sunday School: Carrie Thompson at 715.392.9176
“Peace by the River”
Stewardship: Pr. Greg at 715.394.3762
East on Hwy 105,
South on Cemetery Road
Communion Assistants: Joyce Olson at 715.398.0343
Scripture Readers: Pete Quist at 715.394.7433
Please accept my gift of $
memory/honor of:
Ushering: call the main office at 715.394.3762
Driving the bus: Ken Harmer at 715.392.6479
Altar Guild: Arlene Jacobson at 715.392.4152
Check the church calendar, this newsletter, and
Sunday bulletins for other opportunities and
committee meeting times. You are welcomed and
encouraged to join us!
Call the church office for more information.
Make checks payable to “Riverside
Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund,” detach
form, and mail both to:
Riverside Cemetery Association
1708 John Avenue
Superior, WI 54880
Men’s and Ladies’ Nights Scheduled for March
EVERYONE is welcome! Come and join fellow
members of the congregation for dinner at a
venue in the community and get to know each
other better!
Your donations support the upkeep and
LADIES: Thursday, March 5, 5:00 p.m. at
V.I.P. (Downtown)
MEN: Thursday, March 5, 5:30 pm at
Hacienda (S. Superior)
Hope to see you there!
maintenance of our beautiful cemetery
and are tax deductible!
Altar Flowers for March
Mar. 1
Serving in March
Second Service - given in memory of
John Anunti, by Frances Anunti & family.
Mar. 8
Second service - given in memory of
The Schramm & Lee families, by Hazel
Mar. 15
Second service - given in memory of
Gene Kelleher & Loved Ones, by Mrs.
Gene Kelleher.
Mar. 22
Second service - given in memory of
Roy & Jeane Grimstad, by the Grimstad
Mar. 29
Second service - given in memory of
Louis & Harriet Hanson, by Linda &
Dennis Aho and Arlene & Richard
Mar. 1
Mar. 8
Mar. 15
Mar. 22
Mar. 29
Bus Drivers
Mar. 1
Mar. 8
Mar. 15
Mar. 22
Mar. 29
Kris Hanson
Curt Kelleher
Ken Harmer
Brett Quist
John Gronski
Scripture Readers
Mar. 1
Mar. 8
Mar. 15
Mar. 22
Mar. 29
The following memorials have been received in the
church office:
Roy Wahto
Roof, by Sid & Florence Palm
Emily Casey
Gunnar Gronski
Kevin Norbie
Ben Norbie
Nancy O’Neill
Mar. 1
Mar. 8
Mar. 15
Mar. 22
Mar. 29
Your Church Council members,
working together with you in
Anne Gronski
Mark Thompson
Jean Riedasch
Diane Rookey
Michael & Joyce Olson
Altar Servers
Mar. 1
Mar. 8
Mar. 15
Mar. 22
Mar. 29
Keli Casey, President*
Matthew Eastman
Gary Jokela
Carol Lindegren, Sec.*
Jan Lippitt
Tom O’Neill, Vice-pres.*
Nick Pristash
Diane Rookey
Eric Sewall
Team III
Team IV, Jane Meehan, Capt.
Team I, Doug Score, Capt.
Team II, Eric Sewall, Capt.
Team III
Eunice Grimsrud
Carol Lindstrom
Lois & Bill O’Neill
Millie Score
Marie & Roy Peterson
Financial Assistants
Marie Strom; Jean Stensland
Communion Assistants
Mar. 1
Mar. 8
Mar. 15
Mar. 22
Mar. 29
*Subject to change at the council meeting
in February.
Jane Pietrowski; Nancy Burley
Heidi & Daryl Kadrmas
Mike & Joyce Olson
Rich Wnek; Patsy Luder
Linda Eliason; Karen Severson
Coffee Hour Hosts
Mar. 1
Mar. 8
Mar. 15
CLCW General Mbrshp. mtg. (No coffee hour)
Mar. 22
Concordia Lutheran Church Women
Mar. 29
Sunday School; Youth & Family Committee
Contact your elected church council
member for information and concerns.
Minutes from the church council
meetings are available in the church
80 more hymnals can get us to our goal
of at least 200. Will you help?
“Forming Faith, Pointing to
11525 Luther Point Rd.
Grantsburg, WI 54840
Greetings from Luther Point!
Elementary (3rd - 5th grade) Weekend Camp is
coming up – March 13 & 14. Details and
registration information are available online.
Weekend Camps are 24 hours jam-packed
with faith, fun, and friends. Our Summer
Camp Staff will be on hand to care for and lead
the campers in all the great activities.
Summer Camp Registration will soon be
underway! Traditional in-camp, horse camp,
adventure trips, family camp,
grandparent/grandchild camp, and much more.
Visit our website to view our 2015 schedule and
pricing. Updates and information added daily.
Applications are available for our 2015
Summer Staff. A summer spent serving at
camp is more than a job – it’s an opportunity
to grow in faith and to help hundred of
youth do the same! Complete info may be
found on the Employment page at
Grace and Peace,
Rev. Mark T. Peters, Executive Director
As we begin a new era in our worship, one that includes the
new Evangelical Lutheran Worship (ELW) resources, we’re
constantly reminded of the blessings of our life together: the
blessings of community, the blessings of renewed worship in
our future, and the blessings given by God to the church.
It is no small undertaking to invest in our future. It is a leap of
faith in the amazing promises of God, and it is a bold
affirmation of our identity as people of God. Take this leap
with us. If you would like to purchase one or more hymnals
for Concordia, simply fill out the attached form and return it
with payment to the church office. Because of your generous
help, we will be able to move ahead with confidence to enjoy
with the whole church the fruits of these new resources.
Your name
Phone number
I would like to purchase a new Evangelical Lutheran Worship
hymnal for Concordia Lutheran Church and dedicate it in the
following way:
In Memory of
In Honor of
To the Glory of God (check this box if this is your desire)
Please include $24.00 for each hymnal purchased (includes the
cost of shipping).
Number of hymnals purchased
each hymnal = $
X $24.00 for
Please make your check payable to Concordia Lutheran Church
and indicate “ELW” on the memo line.
Concordia Lutheran Church
1708 John Ave.
Superior, WI 54880
Non-Profit Organization
U.S. Postage Paid
Superior, WI
Permit No. 254
Place label here
The Concordian is published monthly by:
Concordia Lutheran Church
1708 John Avenue
Superior, WI 54880
(715) 394-3762 - Office
(715) 394-6233 - FAX
Pr. Greg Gullicksrud
Church Office:
church website:
synod website:
ELCA website:
Luther Point Bible Camp
resource center website:
Rev. Greg Gullicksrud, Interim Pastor
Helen Hankey, Organist/pianist
Alexa Schlimmer, Director of Music
Beth Gucinski, Choir Accompanist
Carol Gucinski, Parish Administrator
Jean Riedasch, Parish Nurse
Matthew Eastman, Custodian
Aaron Kivisto, Custodian
Editor: Carol Gucinski; Contributors: Many
Printing/paper donation: Downs-LeSage Funeral Home
Assembly/mailing: Our faithful volunteers
The Concordian
March - 2015
A newsletter of Concordia Lutheran Church
Superior, Wisconsin
Rev. Greg Gullicksrud, Pastor
Worship Services
Sundays at 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
Sunday School (Sept. - May) - 9:15 a.m.
Communion served every Sunday.
Coffee Hour in the church library after Sunday worship
Mission Statement
As members of the body of Christ at Concordia,
we are called to be God’s forgiven, gifted, diversified and
unified people. By the power of the Holy Spirit,
we nurture and live our faith in Jesus Christ,
encourage our service in His church,
and actively share the Gospel in our community
and the world.