current issue - Church of St. Peter
current issue - Church of St. Peter
The Parish of St. Peter Quincy, IL ~Mass Intentions~ March 9-15, 2015 9. Monday 8:00 a.m. Bob Siebers 9. Monday 7:00 p.m. Florence Havermale 10. Tuesday 8:00 a.m. Mary Lou Giesing Forst 10. Tuesday 7:00 p.m. D.J. Venvertloh 11. Wednesday 8:30am Tony Oakley 11. Wednesday 7:00pm Sandy Peters 12. Thursday 8:00 a.m. Mabel Mast 12. Thurdsday 7:00 p.m. Mary Kientzle 13. Friday, 8:00 a.m. Mary Schlipmann 13. Friday, 7:00 p.m. Judy Schneider 14. Saturday 8:00 a.m. Alvera Grawe 14. Saturday 5:00 p.m. Dorothy & Wayne Messick 15. Sunday 8:00 a.m. Our Parish Family 15. Sunday 9:30 a.m. Laverne Fry 15. Sunday 11:00 a.m. Linda Musolino — Mass Schedule — Monday-Saturday 8:00 a.m. Wednesday 8:30 a.m. Saturday 5:00 p.m. Sunday 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m., & 11:00 a.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 7:30-7:50 am or 3:30-4:30 pm, or by appointment. Third Sunday of Lent, March 8, 2015 Dear Parishioners, This weekend the Church celebrates the 3rd Sunday in our Season of Lent. On this particular Sunday as well as the next two Sundays of Lent, the Church celebrates what is called the “Scrutinies” with our Elect. In the early Church, these scrutinies were a series of tests that those who were to be baptized had to pass in order to complete their Initiation into the Church. These tests were not to test the intellectual knowledge of the Elect but rather how they were being formed in the gospel and how they were living their lives. Thankfully, these scrutinies are no longer tests but rather a series of prayers for our Elect as they make themselves ready for the Easter Vigil. Since the Elect are present for the 9:30 a.m. Mass, and since the scrutinies deal always with the readings from Cycle A in our liturgical books, we will use these readings for our 9:30 a.m. Mass only. These can be found in our missalettes under 22A. Perhaps the general theme of both sets of readings can be found in our responsorial psalm for cycle B. The beautiful response are the word of St. Peter when Jesus asks if he is also going to leave Him after hearing some very difficult statements about suffering and dying. Jesus looks at Peter and asks, “are you also going to leave me?” This is where Peter responds in a faith that even surprised him, “Lord, to whom shall I go. You have the words of everlasting life.” If these same words are true for us then Lent continues to be an opportunity for this faith statement to take root in our lives. This means that we have to look deeply into our lives and make sure that we translate this faith statement in the way that we live, both at Church and in the community. If we say, “Lord, you have the words of everlasting life,” then the people we touch must see that in our daily lives. Let us pray that this Lent helps us to grow in that faith statement. This weekend we are blessed to have several of our QND students present for our Masses, encouraging us to be generous in support for this Catholic high school that molds and forms our future generation of Catholic adults. This weekend is commitment Sunday for Quincy Notre Dame. From a personal observation from my many experiences at QND, we have a tremendous gift that has been given to us from several generations of Catholics who sacrificed much in order to preserve and promote our Catholic faith among our young people. Are the students QND are producing perfect young people? The answer is “no” but QND is providing these imperfect young people an opportunity to grow in their Catholic faith, instilling in them Catholic values, and challenging them to be good stewards of what God gave to them in serving Him and the world today. I am very proud of Quincy Notre Dame High School and challenge this parish to support it wholeheartedly as a evangelization tool for the future of our Church. Your support for this annual fund will help QND continue to provide Catholic education for all young people regardless of their financial status. I want to see this school thrive so that the next generations of young Catholic teens will have the opportunity to experience the “Raider Pride.” F Next Meeting March Madness U N D March 15th : 6:30pm—8:00pm All 7th, 8th, & 9th graders & their friends welcome! Saints Alive! Let Me See Your Halo March 29 6:00—7:30pm in the gym 4th, 5th, & 6th grade students! Come have fun with your friends while learning about the Saints & your Catholic Faith. Sr. Alicia & others will lead these inspirational evenings, spiritual, social, & service activities. Wear your Saints Alive Shirt or pick one up that night! Rest in Peace May the soul of George Boudreau sing praises with the Angels in Heaven forever. Area Events Fri. March 13 & 27: St. Anthony Church Fish Fry, 4:30pm– 7:00pm; St. Anthony Hall. Whole or fillet catfish plate $9 include 3-side dishes, dessert, drink), walleye plate $8 include 3-side dishes, dessert, drink), fish sandwich & fries $4, child’s plate $4. Carry outs available. Fri. March 13, 20, 27, April 3: Knights of Columbus Fish Fry, 5:00pm–7:30pm. All you can eat buffet $8. Catfish or walleye fillets, mac n cheese, fries, potato salad, cole slaw, baked beans. Fish sandwich w/fries $4, grilled cheese w/ fries $4. Sat. March 14: 66th Annual St. Patrick’s Day Dinner, 11:00am6:00pm; K of C McGivney Hall. A continuing in St. Boniface tradition hosted by Blessed Sacrament . Adults $10, children 6-12 $5, under 6 are Free. Carry-out line available. Carry-outs may be ordered by calling 228-9360 from 11:00am to 7:00pm. Tues. March 17: St. Rose’s Annual St. Patrick’s Day Dinner, 11:00am-7:00pm; St. Rose Parish Hall. Dinner includes The Butcher Block’s homemade corned beef & cabbage or German sausage & sauerkraut, mashed potatoes, dessert, tea or coffee (hot dogs also available). Adults $9.75, children 12 and under $5, reduced price 2-4pm adults $8.75. Lots of entertainment. Carry-outs available at 222-2511. Fri. March 20: St. Dominic School Fish Fry, 4:30pm–7:00pm. Whole or fillet catfish plate $9 include 3-side dishes, dessert, drink), walleye plate $8 include 3-side dishes, dessert, drink), fish sandwich & fries $4, child’s plate $4. Carry outs available. Sun. March 22: Knights of Columbus Easter Egg Hunt, Noon. Join us for breakfast 8:30am-Noon. $6.99 adults, $3.50 kids 612, and 5 & under eat free, or join us for the Easter egg hunt with the Easter bunny at Noon. After the Easter egg hunt, join us for crafts and games until 1:30pm. St. Veronica Guild The St. Peter Veronica Guild will meet Thursday, March 12 in the Lower Level of the rectory after 8:00 a.m. Mass, making prayer shawls & blankets for those who need to feel the love of Jesus in a time of need. All are welcome, please join us! Funeral Dishes Remember to pick up dishes that have been used for funeral luncheons from the gym kitchen. Thank you! Please keep the following in your prayers: ~Kristopher Schreacke ~Sierra Miller ~Donald Vancil ~Arlene Lansing ~Kenzie Craven ~Barb Sohn ~Isabelle Meyer ~Gerald Mast Sr. ~Jamie Doane ~Dr. Robert Murphy ~Theresa Althoff ~Paul Gerding ~Karl Holtmeyer ~Theresa Holtschlag ~Irene Gooding ~Kevin Hubble ~Russ Terstriep ~Mary Dietrich ~Robert Giuliani ~Roy Steffen ~Lana & Richard Krigbaum ~Ariel Prost ~Jim Clark ~Bill Irvin ~Rob Hyer ~John Kenison ~Teresa Stark-Pillsbury ~Brycen Scott ~Kathy Rakers ~Patti Calvert To have a name added to this list, please call the Parish Office 222-3155 or email After School Program Job Opening We need a dependable person who enjoys being around children. The After School Program is in need of someone 4 to 5 afternoons per week from 2:45 to 5:00 or 5:30pm. Please call 223-0903 or 257-3639 for further information. Gene Grawe Fund Gift Card Sales Location Change Gift cards for the Gene Grawe Fund are now available at St. Peters church lobby Monday through Saturday. Please use the door to the right of the main doors. These cards will no longer be available after masses or in church or school offices. Hours of operation are M-F 7:30am-5:00pm with Thursdays until 7:00pm and Saturdays 9:00am-1:00pm. You may also call your order in to have it ready for you to pick up: 217-214-0169. Thank you for your continued support! Any questions call JoAnn Witte 257-3231. Adoration Chapel Hours There are only a few available hours left in the Adoration Chapel: Sunday 2:00-3:00AM and Saturday 1:00-2:00AM. Please call Mary Voorhis 224-0084 or Sharon Zehnle 2236279. Clean-Up of Roman Catholic Cemetery of Quincy IL.: Calvary, St. Boniface & St. Peter’s Cemeteries The 2015 clean-up will be held March 16th-March 20th. You must have everything off the graves by Sunday March 15th. As the clean-up will start early on the 16th. When you are placing flowers on the graves please mark your flowers with the name on the stone and your contact number so if the flowers come off there will be a better chance of having them returned to the right spot. (Markings should be weather proof as possible.) KINDERGARTEN ROUND UP – March 13th Kindergarten Round Up for those who will be attending kindergarten at St. Peter School for the 2015-2016 school year will be held on Friday, March 13th. Informational sessions for Round Up will run from 9:20 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. and from 12:50 p.m.-2:30 p.m. Visiting parents and students are invited to visit both kindergarten classrooms 20 minutes before the presentations begin. Some of our best advertising and promoting comes from our school families. Please don’t be afraid to promote your school! All potential kindergarten students must be five years old on or before September 1st, 2015. Copies of both birth and baptismal certificates will be required. We look forward to seeing you at Kindergarten Round Up! QND Spring Show The QND music department will present it's annual Spring Show, #LIFE, Thursday, March 26 - Saturday March 28 in the Mary Ellen Orr Auditorium at John Wood Community College. All performances are at 7:00 p.m. Tickets are on sale now! $12 - adults in advance, $15 at the door. Students tickets are $5. To reserve tickets in advance, contact Roberta Hutson at or 617-6654. Tickets area also available for purchase at both Quincy County Market locations and will be sold at Quincy Notre Dame during school lunch periods, 11:05-12:35 p.m. the week of the show, March 23 28. A preview performance will be held on Wednesday, March 25 at 7:00 p.m. All seats are $5 and can be purchased at the door. 5 The School of St. Peter Week of March 8, 2015 A Message from Mrs. Janet Bick “St. Peter School provides a quality education built on Catholic values and teachings.” CONGRATULATIONS to the following: Table Tennis Participants: The following students participated in the 13th Annual Bob O’Neal Jr. Table Tennis tournament-Ben Becker, Zac Becker, Austin Durst, Jack Leffers, and Lia Quintero. Ben Becker received first place! Pine Wood Derby: Twenty seven Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts participated in the annual Pine Wood Derby last Sunday. Congratulations to the following boys who placed in this event: 1st place-Joshua Dyer, 2nd place -Nathan Wolter, 3rd place-Carter Rhodes, and 4th place-Nathan Greving. Thank you all of you for representing St. Peter School and putting forth your best effort! ANNUAL HOT LUNCH REVIEW: The Illinois State Board of Education Nutrition and Wellness consultant reviewed our Hot Lunch Program this past Monday and Tuesday. We are happy to report that we received an excellent rating. Thank you to Nancy Boone for doing an excellent job of keeping the administrative paperwork. Thank you to Melissa Burgtorf, our cafeteria manager, Ellen Kemner, Amy Halter, Nathalie Cole and Karrie Russell for working so hard each day with the lunch program and the restrictions and guidelines that they must follow. Congratulations ladies! SAINT PETER SCHOOL FAMILY FUN DAY! Mark your calendars for Sunday, March 22nd, 2:00-4:00p.m Where: Quincy Racket Club, 3336 State Street $10 per family RSVP required contact Theresa Quintero at 430—8988 or Maximum of 25 families There are 4 indoor courts for fitness and fun! Enjoy tennis, pickleball, volleyball, and ping pong. Be sure to bring your own tennis racket or ping pong paddle. Players from Quincy University and staff of Quincy Racket Club will help make our St. Peter Family Fun event a “Big Hit”! JOB OPENING: The St. Peter School Afterschool Program is looking for a dependable person who enjoys being around children. The St. Peter School After School Program is in need of someone 4-5 afternoons per week from 2:45-5:00 or 5:30 p.m. Please call Sue Tournear 223-0903 or 257-3639 for additional information. MENU Monday: Chicken fajitas, fajita veggies, Spanish rice, fruit, milk. Tuesday: Sausage pizza, romaine lettuce salad, fruit, milk. Wednesday: Ham & cheesy potatoes, dinner roll, peas, fruit, milk. Thursday: Hot dog on w/g bun, French fries, fruit, milk. Friday: Mac n cheese w/ fish nuggets, green beans, fruit, milk. THIS WEEK Mon., Mar. 9: GSA Meeting 9:30 a.m. in gym kitchen Tues., Mar. 10: St. Peter Night at Papa Johns Wed., Mar. 11: School Mass 8:30 with the 4th grade assisting; IESA Scholastic Bowl Match at Unity at 4:00 p.m.; 8th grade girls Crusaders IESA Regional game 6:00 p.m. at Unity; First Communion Meeting 6:15 p.m. for parents and second graders in church Fri., Mar. 13: Kindergarten Round Up; End of 3rd quarter Follow us on FACEBOOK to keep up with school activities TEACHABLE MOMENT FOR PARENTS: When your child is rude, teach the dignity of every person. School of St. Peter 2500 Maine Street Quincy, IL 62301 During Lent we are praying the Memorare each morning during our prayer time. Help your child learn this beautiful prayer by practicing it at home. Website: Phone: 217-223-1120 Email: 2 Mark Your Calendar Mon. Mar. 9: Mass 7:00 p.m., Church Tues. Mar. 10: Novena 8:30 a.m., Church Ladies Bible Study 9:00 a.m., Martha Jane Room Mass 7:00 p.m., Church RCIA 7:00 p.m., Martha Jane Room Wed. Mar. 11: PSR 6:15 p.m., School Mass 7:00 p.m., Church Ladies Cursillo 7:30 p.m., Fr. Bauer Room Thurs. Mar. 12: Cribbage 1:00 p.m., Martha Jane Room Mass 7:00 p.m., Church Fri. Mar. 13: TMIY 5:45 a.m., Gym Novena 8:30 a.m., Church Mass 7:00 p.m., Church Sat. Mar. 14: Rosary 7:30 a.m., Church Sun. Mar. 15: Daycare 9:30 a.m., Maria Goretti Room Liturgy of the Word 9:30 a.m., Martha Jane Room Fr. Leo’s column continued Next Friday and Saturday, March 13-14th, in conjunction with the Catholic Churches of Quincy, we will be hosting a special initiative proposed by Pope Francis, entitled “24 Hours for the Lord.” Starting after the 7:00 p.m. Mass on Friday, St. Peter will be hosting “Eucharistic Adoration” for any Catholics in the area. We will be closing the Perpetual Adoration Chapel to give these adorers the opportunity to pray before the Blessed Sacrament in the Church itself. So we need people to come and pray. We will take a break for the 8:00 a.m. Mass Saturday and then conclude with our Saturday evening Mass at 5:00 p.m. Confessions will be heard 9:00-11:00 a.m., 2:30-4:30 p.m. on Saturday. Please join us for this initiative. Just to let you know that I will be away from the parish from Tuesday midmorning to Wednesday, mid afternoon for our annual Spring gathering of priests in Raymond, Illinois. This year’s topic will be “stewardship.” I am going to listen as the Wichita diocese, which is the pioneer for stewardship, will be well represented by a number of guest speakers. And I will smile as I listen for I know that my parish and yours, St. Peter, is on its way to becoming a stewardship parish. I am so very proud of your efforts and thank you for accepting this challenge. Please pray for all priests as we try to live this challenge throughout the diocese. ON THE LIGHTER SIDE: The prospective father-in-law asked, “young man, can you support a family?” The surprised groom-to-be replied, “well, no. I was just planning to support your daughter. The rest of you will have to fend for yourselves.” —Mass Servers— Parish in Action Weekday Masses, March 9-14: 8:00 a.m. Gabe Whittaker, Max Wedding Saturday Mass, March 14: 5:00 p.m. AJ & Madeline Miller Sunday Masses, March 15: 8:00 a.m. Mark Gnuse, Jack Schieferdecker 9:30 a.m. Bella Ryan, Abigail Ley 11:00 a.m. Jack McCutchen, Emma Krause March 2015 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Soon, our diocese will take up the Catholic Relief Services Collection. The Catholic Relief Services Collection funds six Catholic agencies that work to serve our suffering brothers and sisters around the world. Through humanitarian aid, resettling displaced individuals and families, and providing legal and advocacy services for migrants, the Catholic Relief Services Collection allows us to see every encounter with a person who is suffering as an opportunity to help Jesus in disguise. In late 2012, a civil war erupted in the Central African Republic, resulting in a government takeover by a rebel leader whose militia included many mercenaries. At a certain point, the new rebel government could not pay their militia, so the mercenaries retaliated by attacking and pillaging the country, targeting many Christians. This violence continued into 2014. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Office of International Justice and Peace (JIP) and Catholic Relief Services (CRS) worked with the Church in the Central African Republic to raise awareness and advocate for those who were suffering. As a result of their intervention, the United States committed $101 million for Africa Union Peacekeepers and $30 million for humanitarian assistance. The number of African Union Peacekeepers was increased from 1,200 to almost 6,000. Through projects like these, JIP and CRS help the Church stop violence and seek assistance for those whose lives have been destroyed by conflict. Religious Immigration Services (RIS), a division of Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. (CLINIC), helps members of religious communities navigate the complicated system of visa requirements and immigration laws. In the United States, a community of three elderly sisters faced declining health, which made it difficult for them to carry out the activities of the convent and to travel for doctor’s appointments. RIS advocates helped this community bring two younger sisters over from the Philippines. These new sisters will be able to take care of the convent and help the older sisters continue their religious service. CRS and CLINIC are two fo the six worldwide Catholic relief agencies funded by the Catholic Relief Services Collection. These agencies work each day to provide food, water, disaster relief and other vital assistance to Jesus in the disguise of suffering people. Please be generous in the Catholic Relief Services Collection. Your support truly makes a difference. Sincerely yours in Christ, —Daily Mass Ministry Schedule— March 9-14: Lector: Ed Lavery EMHC: John Ley, Deacon Bob Lundberg, Ruth Koch WEEKLY COLLECTION Mar. 1 Loose Total to Date $469.70 $32,564.77 Envelopes $16,488.46 $765,204.40 Annual School Fund $12,473.00 $383,535.50 $150.00 $15,915.25 Holy Days Christmas $36,738.00 Totals $29,581.16 $1,233,957.92 Total Budget Goal $30,200.00 $1,087,200.00 ($618.84) $146,757.92 Difference Diocesan Collections Latin America: $5 Catholic Times: $30 Eastern Europe: $35 Parish Missionaries: $55 Amt. Assessed 2014 $105,019 Paid $ 66,286 Amt Due: $ 38,733 Balance as of 2/03/15 3 Most Reverend Thomas John Paprocki Bishop of Springfield in Illinois Make Your Commitment To Support QND Students This Weekend! This weekend is Commitment Sunday for QND. Please show your support of and faith in the young people attending QND by making a gift this weekend. Contributions benefit the 38th Annual Fund Drive, which bridges the gap between the cost to educate and the tuition charged to families. Pledge cards are located in the Narthex. Contributions may be given to St. Peter parish Commitment Sunday chair people, placed in the offertory collection, or mailed directly to QND at 1400 S. 11th Street, Quincy, IL 62301. Rice Bowls for Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and Faith in Action During the 40 days before Easter we are called to focus on our relationship With God. There are three traditional activities that Catholics follow to help them grow closer to God: Pray, Fast and Give to those in need. ~We PRAY to ask God how He wants us to serve and help others and to thank Him for the gifts he has given us. During Lent we make and extra effort to talk to God and listen to Him. ~We FAST to help us recognize the difference between wants and needs. remove the things that get between us and God. Choosing to live without certain things reminds us that everything we have is a gift from God and in a small way share the experience of people who are poor and hungry. ~We GIVE assistance and donations honoring Jesus’ call to serve those in need. “Your Lenten gifts make a big difference”. By contributing to CRS Rice Bowl we can turn our Lenten sacrifices into solutions and puts our faith into actions for the poor of the world. Each week of Lent that you contribute to your Rice Bowl, someone’s life will be better. If you donate the price of a family meal to the Rice Bowl each week, this sacrifice can provide food for an entire village. Rice Bowls can be found in the Narthex and must be returned no later than April 5th, Easter Sunday. 4