- Merrimac State School


- Merrimac State School
Merrimac State School
Term 1 Week 6 Thursday 5 March 2015
P&C Meeting
Our next P&C general meeting will be held next Monday 9 March
at 6.30pm in the Staffroom. All parents are invited to attend.
P&C Meetings are a good way to find out what is happening in your
child’s school. The Staffroom is situated at the end of the
Administration Building. The next MOSHC meeting will also be
held on Monday 9 March at 5.45pm in the MPC building.
International Exchange Parent Committee Meeting
The next Parent Katsuragi IEC Meeting will be held on Monday 9
March at 5.30 p.m. in the staff room. The agenda will focus on
this year’s visit to Japan in September. New members are most
welcome to attend.
Staffing News
The following staff have leave coming up during Term One:
Mrs Wakelin 4 to 13 Mar – Mr Chris Haddock to replace
Ms Parker 27 Mar to 2 April – Mr Chris Haddock to
Mr Epiha 27 Mar to 2 April – Mrs Jan Beggs to replace
Mrs Johns 27 Mar to 2 April – a replacement is still to
be finalised
Mrs Powell 30 Mar to 2 April – Miss Lecia McPhail to
Term One Reporting to Parents
Parent/teacher interviews for Prep to Year 6 have been
scheduled for the end of this term. The majority of interviews
will be held on Wednesday, 1 April (Week 10) from 3.30pm to
7.30pm in the classrooms. A selection of other times will also be
offered by the class teachers. Teachers who are on leave in Week
10 (Mr Epiha, Ms Parker and Mrs Johns) will hold their interviews
in Week 9.
Student folios will be issued at the parent/teacher interviews.
These should be returned to school before the end of term. It is
hoped that all parents will take the opportunity of attending the
planned parent/teacher interviews.
We are again using an online booking system for all
parent/teacher interviews. Parents will be able to
book interviews through the PTO website. This is an
online booking system that makes it very easy for
parents to book in their preferred interview times and receive
immediate confirmation of their booking.
A letter will be sent home with each student next week
outlining the procedures to follow for making online
parent/teacher interview appointments. The letter will have the
web link details and your child’s Education Queensland ID Number
which will be required to make the interview booking.
The online system will be open for bookings from 9am Friday 13
March through till 3 pm Friday 27 March. After this time
bookings can only be made and changed through the office.
Parents who are unable to access the internet for online bookings
will have the option of advising the office and we will do the
booking for you. If you take up this option be sure to send all your
children’s forms back together so that we can make nonconflicting booking times for you.
As interviews will be scheduled at 10 minute intervals, your
promptness in attending at your scheduled time is appreciated to
alleviate unnecessary delays as the evening progresses. If on the
day of your interview you find you are unable to attend, please
contact the school office on telephone 55 691 555 so the class
teacher can be notified as soon as possible. Please leave a
message if phoning outside of school office hours.
Electronic Devices
Parents are reminded that children are not permitted to have
mobile phones I-pods, PSPs, gameboys and other personal
electronic devices at school during school hours. There have been
a number of incidents in the past where children have brought
these devices to school and they have been used inappropriately,
broken or lost. They should not be brought to school.
If a child must have a mobile phone for after school contact, the
phone must be handed in at the front office for safe-keeping
before school commences and collected at the end of the school
day. Phones should be turned off during the day. They are not to
be kept in children’s bags. Any phones or other technological
devices found in children’s possession during school hours will be
confiscated and returned to parents. Please assist us in this area
by ensuring that your children are aware of this procedure.
New Enrolment Surveys
Next week all Prep and new families to Merrimac School in (Years
1 to 6 will soon be sent a letter outlining the details of an online
school survey.
We are asking parents to complete the survey online. This will
assist greatly in the collation of the survey responses which is
done electronically. It will also tell us how well your children have
settled into Merrimac. Parents are asked to complete the survey
by Friday 20 March. It is hoped that we get a good response to
the online surveys. Parents, who do not have access to a computer
and the internet, can still collect a paper version of the survey
from the school office.
Great Results Guarantee
Our school has now submitted its Great Results Guarantee for
2015. As part of our Guarantee, there is a focus on intensive
intervention across all year levels for students that may need
assistance in Literacy and Numeracy.
This intervention will also help Year 3 and 5 students prepare for
the NAPLAN testing in May. The intervention will be provided to
selected students in Reading and Number and will be delivered by
a number of Intervention Teacher Aides. The children will receive
small group instruction for 30 minutes a day over the next 10 to
15 weeks. A copy of our school’s Great Results Guarantee
Agreement has been saved on the school’s website.
Bus Behaviours
Every now and then, our school receives notices from Surfside
Buslines regarding incidents involving misbehaviours by some
Merrimac students on school bus runs.
Our school expects students to display their best behaviour on
school buses and to follow all bus rules. Surfside has the power to
suspend students from their services. Parents are notified from
Surfside in writing whenever there has been a breach of the
school bus code. Such behaviours are always followed up at school
by the school’s administration. Parents are requested to remind
their children of the expected behaviours required when
travelling on school buses.
Active School Travel Program
Active School Travel is an initiative by the Gold Coast City Council
to encourage our school community to change the way we move.
This can be done by walking, cycling, riding a scooter, car pooling
or catching public transport to and from school. You will enjoy a
healthier lifestyle, save on fuel and contribute to a cleaner and
more sustainable Gold Coast.
The launch of the program begins next week at the Junior and
Senior Parades. This will be followed on Thursday with a special
Launch before school with a visit from "Zero the Hero" and lots
of giveaways, including a breakfast treat! The Special Launch will
begin at 8.15am in the undercover area.
Students’ Personal Details
We have now hopefully received all changed personal details.
Please ensure you advise the school when you change or address
or phone number to enable us to contact you quickly in an
emergency situation.
New School Website and QSchools Smartphone App
The QSchools app is available to the school community as a free
download via the Apple iTunes store and Google Play.
The QSchools app includes information on our Tuckshop, Bookshop,
enrolment forms and documents, as well as continuing to give
information on newsletters, calendar of events, newsfeeds and
alerts. All parents are encouraged to access this free App on
their iPhone or Android phone. If you already have the QSchools
app installed, please update the app to access the latest features.
Unexplained Absences
If parents received a letter early this week outlining any
‘unexplained’ absences for their child/children, please complete
the required information and return to your child’s class teacher.
It is important that we have no unexplained absences for all our
students. Every five weeks student absences will be monitored at
school and reports sent home to parents where there are any
identified unexplained absences. Your support in providing reasons
for your child’s absences is very much appreciated.
Dental Van News
The Dental Van is now offering check-ups to Year 6 students.
Please phone 1300 300850 to make an appointment.
Breakfast and Fitness Program
The Breakfast/Fitness Program each Wednesday morning before
school is going very smoothly. Thank you to all those Years 4, 5
and 6 students who are regularly turning up. Thanks to the staff
and parents who have been helping with the program. It is very
much appreciated. We also thank Carrara Woolworths and
Merrimac McDonalds for their ongoing support of this program.
Parent Fitness (Boot Camp) Program
Thanks to Tina Nenadic from Ray White Robina Real Estate, we
are offering a free fitness program each week for our parents.
Flyers have been sent home with students providing further
information. Be quick as there are only limited places left
available in the program. Parents at last weeks’ program worked
in the MPC and were having fun whilst getting fit. Ashton Koehler
who works for Ray White Robina Real Estate is a trained fitness
instructor and runs the sessions weekly in the MPC/Tennis Court
area each Thursday from 1.45pm to 2.45pm. It will run all term. It
is completely free. Please register your interest at the office or
by contacting Ashton through his office on 0402 984898.
School Banking
We will be holding an account opening day on Monday 23 March
for parents interested in opening a Dollarmites Student Bank
Account for their children. A representative from the
Commonwealth Bank will be here to answer your questions and help
with the application. The information session will be held outside
the P1/P2 rooms (on the playground side) at 8.30am.
Ralph and Rosie Competition Winners
Over the last three weeks we have had two competitions running
at school. A “Find Ralph and Rosie” competition and a “Ralph and
Rosie Rule Art” competition. A big thank you to all students who
participated in these competitions which were very successful
with well over 100 entries for each. Congratulations to everyone
who entered. The winners of the competitions are:
“Find Ralph and Rosie” Junior School winner:
Sancia Stephen 1D
“Find Ralph and Rosie” Senior School winner:
Hana Moroney 3C
“Ralph and Rosie Art” Competition:
Charlotte Carter P4
Year 1
Riley-Dawe Little 1/2M
Year 2 Florianne Legaspi 2C
Year 3 Jett Casperson 3C
Year 4 Mya Dunn and Kartika Sugiono 4D
Year 5 Daniella Piitulainen 5
Due to a late withdrawal after planning has
homestays we have a vacancy for a female
student in Year 5 or 6 to join our Student group travelling
to Japan in September this year. The cost of the trip is
$2200. Your daughter will need to have a current
passport or you need to have the authority to apply for
one before the departure date. If you would like to
consider sending your daughter to Japan please contact
the school office and we will send you some details so that
you can consider this opportunity for your child.
Parents of students participating in this year’s Japan trip in
September are asked to attend an information session on Monday
16 March from 5pm – 6pm in the Science Room (adjoining the
PAC). Students are not required to attend this meeting. Parents
will be provided with important preparation and travel information.
Please notify the school office if you cannot attend this
important meeting.
The finance window operates on Mondays, Wednesdays and
Fridays from 8am – 9.30am in the administration building.
Payments for school activities are accepted at these times only.
Payments can be made by Cash, Cheque (made payable to
Merrimac State School), EFTPOS or Credit. Some payments may
be direct deposited. Details will be provided for those events
when this option is available. Please ensure if you do use this
method of payment that you do not combine payments as it
becomes difficult to determine the breakdown of what you are
paying for. Parents are also advised to ensure payment is made by
due dates as final numbers are often required and your child will
miss out on an event if they have not paid by the due date. We
are currently accepting payments for:
Year 4
Selected 5/6
Interschool Sports
Due Date
9 Mar
13 Mar
Direct Deposit Details:
Acct Name:
Merrimac SS General Account
064 445
Acct Number:
Student Name/Activity
Please make only one payment per deposit to ensure correct
allocation of funds
Rehearsal Schedule
Senior Showcase Singers -Monday 8.00 – 8.45am
Junior Singers - Friday 8.00am – 8.45am
Senior Band - Wednesday 2.55pm – 3.55pm
Junior Band – TBA
Senior Strings – Thursday 8.00am – 8.45am
Intermediate Strings – Thursday 2.55pm – 3.55pm
Beginner Strings – Tuesday 8.00am – 8.45am
Merrimac Talent Quest
Friday 20th March 2015 9.00am – 12.00pm Years 3,4,5 & 6
Teachers will be auditioning for Finalists in each year level in
Week7 ( from 9th March)
Sections :
Items must be no longer than 3 minutes in length
No more than 6 students in a group
Tuckshop Roster for week commencing 9 March:
Meal Deal 12 Mar $5.00*
Mon 9/3
Tue 10/3
Sally, Yoko M
Jelly cup
Wed 11/3
Mayumi, Maria
Mini Calippo Ice-block
Thurs 12/3
Mayumi, Marina
Bottled water
Fri 13/3
Add 50c to upgrade to flavoured milk or Quench
Well we are over half way through the first term already! Many
thanks to all my volunteers this year. Your time is very much
appreciated. Our sushi rolls will now be cut into pieces; 4 pieces
per pack with soy sauce. Same price @ $3/pack. Our menu pricing
will have some small changes in the next week or so. We have been
unable to absorb the extra cost increases from our suppliers.
increases will have a grace
adjusts to the new pricing.
continued support. Have a
good week.
~ Denise ~
Congratulations to our Students of the Week:
Certificate Name, Jaxon Ferguson, Jaylen Rerekura-Monger,
Alessia Ariti, Thomas Wood, Maya Wells, Joshua Clarke, Levi
Ottrey, Hope Hughes, Stella Woelfle, Levi Warltier, Crystal
Huang, Kotaro Mori, Jackson Featherstone, Lukas Taylor,
Florianne Legaspi, Xavier McNabb, Anderson Hayes, Yi Ru Lee,
Carter Armitage, Tegan Clancy, Donovan Peisley, Jazz Capel,
Cameron Butler, Yasmin Borg, Lachlan Ferguson, Saskia Hayward,
Wei-Wei Shen, Cullen Horgan, Cooper Brandis, Alicia Magno,
Nazreth Wilson, Miku Odanaka, Michael Hay, Emilee Haynes,
Cameron Kraft, Mya Dunn, Patrick Gildea, Kyra Bishopp, Javana
Fry, Kurt Johnson, Zackary Muskee, Grace Sawyer, Norika
Wakayama, Carter Rigter, Zack Galas, Lexie Meyer, Shelden
McAdoo, Lena Matsuo, Momoe Gondo, Cash Kelhear, Chelsea Bath,
Reid Lambert, Michaiah Bell, Jacob D'Abate, Joshua Simpson,
Sage Clark, Caelan Burt, Tayla-Jade Eruera, Isla Jones, Wilson
Interschool Sport for Years 5 and 6
Notes are going home this week with students who have
nominated to play in interschool sports teams this season. Please
return the permission form and $70 payment to the finance
window Monday, Wednesday or Friday morning between 8am –
9.30am. Direct deposit may be used for this activity. Please
ensure you include your child’s name in the reference and only
make one payment per deposit. See finance news for direct
deposit details.
District Swimming Carnival
Last week, Brodie Brown, Lena Matsuo, Cody Harrington, Taylor
Butler and Ella Moore competed at the District Swimming Carnival.
They all swam very well, achieved personal bests, and had a great
experience. Taylor was placed in Backstroke and Freestyle and is
now competing at the Regional Swimming Carnival. Well done to all
our swimmers and good luck Taylor at the Regionals.
Congratulations to our Students of the Month:
Stefan Miljkovic, Hayley Griffin, Ciara Miller, Tristan Paikea,
Chloe Bayel, Cody Bloxham, Curran Gibbes, Aliya Demchenko,
Sophia Read, Holly Pallin, Kaiden Mitchell, James Galligan, Holly
Shelton, Jesse Errington, Bronson Howard, Melanija Maric, Kaya
Tahere-Rudolph, Harrison Eadie, Zerah-Leah Matehaere-Burgess,
Taylor Martin, Jun Martin, Flynn Schmitzer, Hayley Bond, Jorja
Renata, Aiyana Almond, Madison Pawson, Jye Fuller, Lyla Campbell,
Paige Holland, Annabelle Kerr.
Book Club brochures were given to
students in class this week. The new
format combines the “standard” and
“extra” brochures – i.e. each student will
receive only one brochure.
If you wish to make a purchase, please follow these instructions:Cash Orders Complete the order form on the back of the brochure
including the child’s name, class and phone number at the top
Clearly label an envelope with “Book Club Order”
Into this envelope, place the order form together with
correct money or cheque payable to Scholastic
Hand the envelope into the finance window at school (open on
Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays only)
Credit Card Orders –
Our school is now using the LOOP Ordering System for Book
Club credit card payments as shown below. Please follow the
instructions on the brochure order form and online to
complete your credit card order. To assist parents to set up
their LOOP ordering for the first time, detailed instructions
have also been included at the end of this newsletter.
Free student cycling course
This workshop teaches children aged
from six to 13 safe bike handling skills
and techniques. It also aims to raise
awareness of traffic and road conditions.
Children must bring their own bike and
18 April 2015
Broadwater Parklands
26 April 2015
Varsity Lakes
30 April 2015
Palm Beach
Limited spaces available
Bookings required
Phone 5582 9028
Email: activetravel@goldcoast.qld.gov.au
Website: cityofgoldcoast.com.au/cycleworkshops
Presented by City of Gold Coast
Breakpoint Tennis
Limited vacancies for tennis on
Monday or Thursday morning from
7.45am till 8.45am. For enquiries
phone 0414 464 032
See the end of this newsletter for details
Mon 9 Mar
Mon 9 Mar
Fri 13 Mar
16-20 Mar
23-25 Mar
23-25 Mar
25-27 Mar
Wed 25 Mar
Mon 30 Mar
Wed 1 Apr
Wed 1 Apr
Thur 2 Apr
Thur 2 Apr
Fri 3 Apr
Mon 20 Apr
5.45pm MOSHC Meeting in MPC
6.30pm P&C Meeting in Staffroom
National Ride to School Day
RACQ Streets Ahead Program (Active travel
National Day Against Bullying
Years 3 to 6 Talent Quest
Start of Interschool Sports for Years 5 and 6
National Young Leaders Forum in Brisbane (for
school captains)
4C/4D Year 4 Camp
Choral Camp for selected students
4A/4B Year 4 Camp
No Year 3 and 4 swimming today
6.30pm P and C AGM
Parent/Teacher Interviews (3.30pm to 7.30pm)
Final day for Years 3 and 4 swimming
Last day of Term 1
Years 4 to 6 Swimming Carnival at Merrimac High
Good Friday Holiday
First school day of Term 2
Robina State High School
Enrol for 2016
Join us for our first enrolment information evening
for students entering Yr 7 in 2016.
Thursday 5 March 2015
5.30 – 7.00pm
Robina SHS Performing Arts Centre
All prospective students and parents are welcome to
attend this information evening to hear about our
school, our curriculum, specialist programs and our
unique approach to Junior Secondary education. For
more information contact our head of Junior
Secondary – Mr Ben Weeks at bweek12@eq.edu.au
Robina State High School
1 Investigator Drive
Robina Q 4226
(07) 5562 3444
Benowa State High School
is pleased to invite
Year 6 Students
and their Parents/Guardians
to our
Junior Secondary
Expo Evening
on Wednesday 11 March 2015
at 5.00pm to 7.00pm
in the Sports Hall
Program information now available for collection
from our School office. For more information please
visit benowashs.eq.edu.au
Benowa State High
Year 7 2016 Scholarships
Scholarships for 2016 open on
Monday, 2 March and close
Thursday, 2 April 2015.
Scholarship Applications will
be available on our website
from Monday, 2 March.