update - Jamaica Bible Seminary
update - Jamaica Bible Seminary
JAMAICA BIBLE SEMINARY (JAMAICA CHRISTIAN SERVICES, INC.) P.O. Box 1265, Eaton Park, FL 33840-1265 UPDATE FALL/WINTER 2011 PRESIDENT’S REPORT Every trip to Jamaica is a new adventure. The Jamaica Christian Mission van was stolen a few days after our arrival and possibly ended up in a Montego Bay "chop shop". The June graduation of 9 students [picture on page 2] begins another segment of a new batch of students, many new and a few older. This gave us from 4-11 students in each class Oct. 24-28, 2011, and I was joined by Theophilus Miller from Claremont, Jamaica, who taught 1 & 2 Timothy in the mornings and Titus in the evening sessions. I taught English grammar and literature in the afternoons to equip our leadership with practical communication skills to spread the Gospel of Christ. Prior to classes convening, Winston Scott and Randall Craig journeyed with me to the new Bog Walk property [picture on page 4], donated to the college by Yvette Garraway, a retired Jamaican nurse from Lakeland, FL. We plan to build a church and school in this beautiful mountain area. After survey and proper paper work, construction can begin as President’s Report Pg. 1-2 early as June 2012. Site plans are already drawn for this project. We moved the college 3 years ago from Kingston to Current Goals Pg. 4 Mandeville to get away from the dark cloud of property ownership Events Calendar Pg. 4 disputes and current court battles over land, and now letters have come to Mandeville with the same intent to take that property into Financial Report Pg. 5 the Church of Christ, Incorporated. We have several options that are being explored which are viable to the long range stability of the college. The Mandeville location has proven to be a great location as to its closer proximity to our students and convenience to stores and restaurants. Meeting with 20-25 leaders at the May Pen Church we are planning a Marriage Enrichment retreat in Montego Bay for the preachers and their wives to help make their marriages stronger. This will be held at the Gloriana Hotel the week after Easter, probably Wed.-Friday, with some R & R at some area sites. Top Hill Church is completed, with tiling and expanded classrooms. Cleavon Dixon, two elders and a deacon were recently ordained there and Cleavon joins Nathan Stewart in joint leadership of this congregation. May Pen roofs on the church and school complete that project and recently a government endowment of an added Basic School classroom wing has given them maximum usage of the church property [picture on page 4]. Continued on Page 2 In This Issue Page 2 Continued from Page 1 Caribbean Christian Construction with Ray Perry and Allan Detwiler is moving their construction plans to Mocco (with Mervin Ward, preacher) adding solar panel lighting and classroom improvements [picture on page 4]. Meanwhile our next projects with Jamaica Bible Seminary (Jamaica Christian Services) will finish the kitchen area at Macca tree [picture page 5] and offer some assistance in Claremont and begin construction of the new church in Bog Walk. Mineral Heights School (Sharon Scott) has grown to 197 students, and about a dozen teachers, cooks and helpers [picture on page 6]. They can accommodate over 20 more students. Mandeville Graduation: June 4, 2011 L to R: Randal Craig, Dr. Richard Geringswald, Primrose Johnson, Coi Morrison, Nathan Stewart, Anthony Mills, Everette Forbes, Mervin Ward, Dr. Carriell Graham [Not pictured: Robert Dixon, Conroy Murray, & Jermaine Mitchell]. Florida/Washington State Medical team Washington State work team from Vancouver & Longview Page 3 VBS at Top Hill July 22-Aug. 6th, 2011 with 70 kids Workers for the harvest! Front L to R: Donovan Bent, Nathan Stewart, Mervin Ward, Cleavon Dixon, Randal Craig, Richard Ramsey Back L to R: Conroy Murray, Dr. Winston Scott, Bro. Clyde Bogle, ?, ?, & Roger Scott [Robert Kennedy not pictured] Our Current Goals Are: 1. Currently underwriting evangelism through Rhoan Wallace & Lennox Doran $150 per month for travel expenses. 2. Begin an administration building for Jamaica Bible Seminary. 3. Provide $300 annual scholarships for worthy students to cover classes ($75 a week per student.) 4. Just completed Top Hill Church classrooms and kitchen. 5. Partner with Caribbean Construction to improve buildings and add classrooms for Basic schools or Vocational schools. Macca Tree, Claremont, Mocco and Bog Walk. 6. Ongoing shipments of A Beka Books, education materials, Bible reference books, computer software, computers, large print Bibles, KJV personal Bibles, song books, Sunday school and devotional materials 7. Partner with U.S. Bible colleges to send work and teaching teams regularly as part of their missions curriculum. Page 4 EVENTS CALENDAR 2012 • • • • • • • • • • • Feb. 22, 2012 Youth Jamboree Feb. 27-Mar. 2, 2012 College week: Kevin Short: Gospel of John; C. Geringswald: Eng. Lit. & Grammar Apr. 11-13, 2012: Marriage Enrichment for Minister's and wives-Montego Bay. June 11-15, 2012 College week: Richard G. teaching English, Roland Howard: Homiletics & Islaam. With FCC College team working in Macca Tree. June 18-23, 2012 Team from SW Denver-- working at Bog Walk or Macca Tree July 10-13 , 2012 North American Christian Convention, Orlando, FL July 20-28, 2012 & July 28-Aug. 4, 2012: VBS Medical Teams, Construction: Top Hill, Macca Tree, & Bog Walk, with Ashley, Mocco and Scott's Pass. August 2012 Dorothy Eunson revising libraries in Kingston and Mandeville Aug. 6-10, 2012 College week: Mike Kennedy: The Church the 1st 1,000 Years; Cassandra: English Lit. & Grammar. Oct. 22-26, 2012: College week: Dr. Tracy Marx teaching 1, 2, 3 John; Richard Geringswald teaching English. Nov. 15-18, 2012 National Missionary Convention . With eyes of faith we are making plans to build a campus on this Bog Walk property. Pictured are: Cleavon & Pat Dixon, Yvette Garraway (the one who donated the property), and Randal Craig Mocco building construction May Penn Building and Day School Page 5 JAMAICA CHRISTIAN SERVICES FINANCIAL REPORT FOR Jan.- Sept. 2011 Beginning bank balance January 1,2011-------------------------------------------$4,620.21 Receipts: o Total receipts from churches and organizations individuals ----------$55,230.05 Disbursements: o Merchandise------------------------------------------------------------------------------$331.51 o Jamaica Bible Seminary school materials-----------------------------------------$13,383.20 o Convention expenses------------------------------------------------------------------$2,061.12 o Basic school supplies------------------------------------------------------------------$1,098.14 o Travel expense (team travel)--------------------------------------------------------$16,335.38 o Newsletter---------------------------------------------------------------------------------$204.58 o Maintenance & repairs--------------------------------------------------------------------$78.00 o Shipping/postage/delivery (tables, chairs, fans)-----------------------------------$2,558.59 o Bank maintenance fee/check order----------------------------------------------------$152.00 o Teaching expense----------------------------------------------------------------------$2,450.00 o Telephone--------------------------------------------------------------------------------$$496.91 o Promotion---------------------------------------------------------------------------------$291.50 o Hurricane relief--------------------------------------------------------------------------------$.00 o Other uncategorized expenses--------------------------------------------------------$1,150.00 o VBS Project funds--------------------------------------------------------------------$17,118.00 Total disbursements---------------------------------------------------------------$57,825.97 Ending bank balance Sept. 30 ,2011---------------------------------------------$2,024.29 Respectively submitted, Marvin Johnson, Treasurer 1/2 the Top Hill Church Soccer Team Jeff Robertson teaches Apologetics, Aug. 8-12, 2011 Page 6 Macca Tree building construction Mineral Heights Basic School assembly MEET US AT THE NATIONAL MISSIONARY CONVENTION The National Missionary Convention will be held at the Georgia International Convention Center in Atlanta, GA, November 17-19, 2011. President Richard Geringswald and his wife Sandy along with Dan and Joanna Smith will be at booths #822 & 824 in the exhibit hall. Attending the convention gives us an opportunity to network with other missionary works, come in contact with others with a heart for missions and best of all gives us a chance to meet our supporters. We hope you will come by so that we can thank you for your prayers and financial support! Jamaica Evangelism and Ed and Sharon Werner will be sharing the booth space with us and other Jamaica missionary groups will be nearby. Jamaica Bible Seminary Jamaican Christian Services, Ltd. P.O. Box 1265, Eaton Park, FL 33840-1265 Dr. Richard J. Geringswald, President 863-859-2984 Number1drrich@juno.com Dan Smith, Vice President fordansmith@juno.com Mandeville Extension Campus K Theophilus Miller – Academic Dean Randall Craig – Dean of Students Winston Scott – Secretary jamchris@cwjamaica.com Web: www. jbseminary.com Mineral Heights Extension Roger Scott rsrscott@hotmail.com www.geocities.com/mineralheights/index.htm Newsletter Inquiries: Dan Smith fordansmith@juno.com YOU CAN HELP BY PRINT PRINTING INTING AND POSTING POSTING THIS MATERIAL