Padre Pio Press March, 2015


Padre Pio Press March, 2015
Padre Pio Press
March, 2015
March Meeting Change
This is a reminder that, for the
month of March, we will attend the District
Lenten Retreat at Holy Spirit Church in
Hemet. This will take the place of our
monthly meeting originally scheduled for
March 14th. Our fraternity will provide the
breakfast foods, so we need to be a bit
early. We will meet at Jane’s home
between 8:00 and 8:15 to carpool out to
Hemet. Each person should also pack a
lunch as there are no restaurants close by.
For those of you who are driving your own
car, the address is 26340 Soboba Street,
Hemet, CA 92544. The March council
meeting will take place at the Serros home
on March 13th at 1:00 PM.
Lenten Retreat
Jan DeSpain
Our presenter is Fr. Stephen Gross,
OFM, Conventual. He will share Lenten
Franciscan and Eastern Orthodox traditions.
There is no cost for the retreat, but we will have
an offering to thank Holy Spirit for the use of
their facilities. Be there or be
Serra Retreat
Our annual Secular Franciscan Retreat
will be held in Malibu at the Serra Retreat
Center on May 23, 24, and 25. Fr. Dan Horan,
OFM will be the retreat master. The theme of
the retreat will be “Living our Franciscan
Tradition Today: Prayer, Franciscans,
Spirituality, and the Significance of Pope
Francis.” It is recommended that we register
early as this retreat is sure to be full.
Applications were passed out at the January
meeting. Janet and I are already registered. I
am willing to drive and can get the van. Let’s
make this a fraternity event.
The Point at Serra Retreat Center
The St. Francis and St. Clare Fraternity is
sponsoring a Lenten Retreat at Holy Spirit
Church located at 26340 Soboba St. in Hemet,
CA on Saturday, March 7th from 9:30 AM to 2:30
Morning refreshments/food will be
provided at 9:30 AM. No lunch is provided, so
be certain to bring a lunch.
Words of St. Pio
The life of a Christian is nothing but a perpetual
struggle against self; there is no flowering of the
soul to the beauty of its perfection except at the
price of pain.
March Calendar of Saints
Saints’ Corner
March 30th, St. Peter Regaldo
St. Peter Regaldo was a Friar Minor and
a reformer. He was born at Valladolid in 1390
to wealthy parents of noble birth who were
known for their virtue. He lost his father in his
youth and his mother piously educated him. At
ten years of age, Peter asked to be admitted to
the Seraphic Order, but was not allowed to do
so until the age of thirteen.
In the year 1404, Peter became to
disciple of Peter de Villacreces who had
introduced the reform of the Observance into
Spain in 1397. In the convent at Agilera, Peter
entered into the life of solitude, prayer, and
poverty which he had desired above all things.
In 1415, he became the superior of the
convent at Aguilera and when Peter de
Villacreces died in 1422, he also became
superior of the convent at Tribulos. He
observed nine, fasting on bread and water, and
was given the gift of miracles and prophesy and
every virtue.
When his body was exhumed thirty-six
years after his death, it was found to be
incorrupt and was moved to a more precious
Peter was beatified by Innocent XI on
the 11th of March, 1684, and was canonized by
Benedict XIV on the 29th of June, 1746. His feast
is celebrated on March 30th. He is represented
by flames bursting from his heart.
St. Agnes of Prague, virgin, II Order
Bls. Liberatus Weiss, Samuele
Marzorati, and Michele Pio Fasoli
priests and martyrs, I Order
St. John Joseph of the Cross, priest
I Order
St. Frances of Rome, religious, III Order
Bl. Angela Salawa, virgin, III Order
St. Salvator of Horta, religious, I Order
Bl. John of Parma, priest, I Order
St. Benvenute of Osimo, priest, I Order
St. Catherine of Genoa, III Order
Bl. Ludovico of Casoria, priest, I Order
St. Peter Regaldo, priest, I Order
International Day of the Unborn Child
Bill Bash, Knight and Friend of Francis
The Feast of the Annunciation of the
Lord is March 25th of each year. March 25th is
exactly nine month from Christmas Day, the
birth of Jesus.
March 25th celebrates the day of the
annunciation, when the Angel Gabriel came to
tell the Virgin Mary that she would conceive the
Lord Jesus. This was the day that the Virgin
Mary gave her fiat, “Let it be done to me
according to Your Word.” It is the moment that
Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit in Mary’s
womb. God’s salvation for mankind was
manifested in the flesh!
Thus, it is not coincidental that St. Pope
John Paul, II chose March 25th to be the
International Day of the Unborn Child. This was
the beginning of a nine month human gestation
period that flowered at birth.
Let us pray every day for international
acceptance of a culture of life. On the March
25th feast, let us thank our Mother Mary for
saying, “Yes,” and thank our God for life.
Gospel, Conversion, and Reconciliation
The Franciscan Journey
Lester Bach, OFM, Capuchin
7. United by their vocation as “brothers and
sisters of penance,” and motivated by the
dynamic power of the Gospel, let them
conform their thoughts and deeds to those
of Christ by means of the radical interior
change which the Gospel itself calls
“conversion.” Human frailty makes I
necessary that this conversion be carried
out daily.
On this road to renewal, the sacrament of
reconciliation is the privileged sign of the
Father’s mercy and the source of grace.
Rule of the Secular Franciscan Order
During Lent, our thoughts naturally
turn to the Gospel, conversion, and
reconciliation. As brothers and sisters of
penance, we need to think of penance as
more of a way of life and less as something
we give up for Lent. We need to use the
time of Lent to make changes in our lives
that will lead us closer to God.
Father Bach quotes Father Bill
Cieslak, OFM, Capuchin who told of
someone who said, “I’m having trouble with
an ornery neighbor. So I am going to give
up chocolate for Lent.” This misses the
point of being sisters and brothers of
penance according to Father Bach. There is
no conversion experience. Nothing
changes, because, on Easter Sunday, we can
go back to enjoying chocolate. This type of
“penance” does not bring about radical
interior change.
Father Bach says that we need to
“embrace the light of Christ.” The light will
help us to recognize the areas of life that
need conversion.
Father Bach gives the example of
washing windows. He tells of washing a
window on a cloudy day and thinking it was
a good job. The next day the sun was
shining, and he was dismayed to see all the
streaks he had left. When we live in the
light of Christ, we will see the need for
conversion more clearly. 1 John 2:10 tells
“Whoever loves a brother of sister
lives in the light, and in such a person there
is no cause for stumbling.” Because of our
frail human natures, conversion must be an
ongoing daily event.
Some do not agree with this idea of
ongoing conversion. Perhaps they are
perfect or they do not see conversion as
being needed daily. The rule answers them
as it says, “…motivated by the dynamic
power of the gospel, let them conform their
thoughts and deeds to those of Christ…”
Obviously, we have not fully conformed our
thoughts and deeds to those of Christ. We
are not yet perfect. Lent gives us a time to
focus on what we need to do all year long.
When we fail, we are blessed to
have the sacrament of reconciliation. Rule
#7 says, “On this road to renewal, the
sacrament of reconciliation is the privileged
sign of the Father’s mercy and the source of
grace.” Reconciliation celebrates God’s
love and mercy for us. Likewise, we need to
forgive others. Jesus reminds Peter to
forgive others seventy times seven.
Reconciliation focuses on God’s gracious
love for us. It is a part of our conversion
and helps us to conform our thoughts and
ideas to those of Christ.
Mother’s Day Roses
Stephanie is asking those of us who
will be at St. Patrick’s on Mother’s Day to
help with the sale of roses after masses. If
you can help, please let Stephanie know.
The proceeds will help the Respect Life
March Birthdays
Stephanie Thiebaux
March Professions
Pray for our Military
Justin Williams (Marine)
Erica Borne (Air Force)
Marcus and Dominic Fontenot
Matthew Day (Air National Guard)
Please Pray
Charles Cushing
Eilene Smith
Judi M. Johnson
Janet Serros
Guadalupe Serros
Anne Hurst
Robbie Ward
Barbara and Tom Turkowski
Health and wellbeing of Betty Sonderman and
her friends and family
All caretakers for peace, strength, and comfort
For the safety of those who are persecuted by
terrorists and oppressive governments
The end of human trafficking
The end of domestic violence
Isabella Keller, pancreatic cancer
Lucille Adams, health and comfort
Gerard Borne, Jr. for the peace and guidance of
God in his life and for ongoing
Dennis Herron, conversion and health
Keith Beard, conversion and health
Shirley Hulse, health
Elizabeth Richards, well-being/peace in family
Mel Brooks
Buford A. Johnson
Obligations for the Professed of the Secular
Franciscan Order
Julie Bash
Ara Sagherian, healing
Rhonda Turkowski
Adriana and Ruben
Cassandra Beddingfield and family
Forrest Clark
An end to abortion
Sanctity of marriage
Johnathan Kimball
To join in Liturgical prayer in one of the
forms proposed by the Church, preferably
the Liturgy of the Hours
The wear the Secular Franciscan habit (Tau
To examine one’s conscience daily
To contribute to the Fraternity’s common
fund according to one’s means
To observe the commandments of God and
the precepts of the Holy Mother Church
To attend monthly meetings for on-going
formation and community building
To observe moderation of dress,
recreation, food, and manner of life.
To give good example, avoid disputes, and
minister to the needs of others, especially
the poor.
Franciscan School of Theology
The Franciscan School of Theology is
now located at Mission San Luis Rey.
According to an email from region, Secular
Franciscans will receive a discount on
tuition. Phone numbers are (760) 547-1800
or toll free (855) 355-1550.
Change for Charity
Please remember to contribute to our
Change for Charity box. One hundred
percent of the proceeds go to support our
Janet Serros 951-242-7370 H
909-519-4448 C
Denise Leslie 951-242-7778
Dixie Marshall 951-485-2326
Julie Bash 951-242-3270
Jane Wurzel 951-247-4786
Stephanie Thiebaux 951-961-0135
Hermie Quevedo 951-242-3632
Infirmarian: Agatha Borne 951-943-2709
Hermie Quevedo 951-242-3632
Spiritual Assistant: Bill Mussatto 909-626-3777
Dixie Marshall 951-485-2326