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Click here for a copy of our current bulletin!
GOOD SHEPHERD PARISH 8200 GOLD COAST DRIVE, SAN DIEGO, CA 92126 271-0207 PHONE · (858) 271-0748 FAX WWW.GOODSHEPHERDPARISH.NET FR. MICHAEL ROBINSON PASTOR FR. PHIEN VAN PHAM AND FR. PATRICK MURPHY ASSOCIATE PASTORS FR. RICHARD HUSTON SENIOR PRIEST MASS SCHEDULE DAILY 8:30 AM, 5:30 PM Third Sunday of Lent March 8, 2015 I, the LORD, am your God . . . You shall not have other gods besides me. — Exodus 20:2a, 3 First Reading — The law was given through Moses (Exodus 20:1-17 [1-3, 7-8, 12-17]) or Exodus 17:3-7. Psalm — Lord, you have the words of everlasting life (Psalm 19) or Psalm 95. Second Reading — We proclaim Christ crucified; the foolishness of God is greater than human wisdom (1 Corinthians 1:22-25) or Romans 5:1-2, 5-8. Gospel — Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up (John 2:13-25) or John 4:5-42 [5-15, 19b-26, 39a, 40-42]. The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. SATURDAY 8:30 AM, 5:00 PM (SUNDAY VIGIL), 7:00 PM (VIETNAMESE) SUNDAY 7:00 AM, 8:30, 10:30, 12:15 PM, 5:00, 7:00 (SPANISH) HOLY DAYS AS ANNOUNCED CONFESSIONS SATURDAY 3:00 PM—4:00 PM LITURGY OF THE HOURS LAUDS (MORNING PRAYER) 8:00 AM MONDAY-SATURDAY VESPERS (EVENING PRAYER) 5:00 PM MONDAY-FRIDAY PAGE TWO GOOD SHEPHERD MARCH 8, 2015 Mass Intentions for the Week Directory PARISH OFFICE (858) 271-0207 Patty O’Dell Receptionist ext. 1201 Fr. Michael Pastor ext. 1202 Fr. Patrick Associate ext. 1203 Fr. Richard Senior Priest ext. 1204 Fr. Phien Associate ext. 1209 Bob Business Manager ext. 1205 Alma Bookkeeper ext. 1206 Jed Music & Liturgy ext. 1210 Blanquita Bereavement ext. 1211 Pat Youth Ministry ext. 1212 Kathy Keller Wedd. Coord ext. 1260 Jessica Elem. & Jr. High F.F. ext. 1230 Glenn D. C. M. ext. 1232 Sister Norma Hisp. Min. Coord. ext. 1253 FAITH FORMATION CENTER (RELIGIOUS EDUCATION) (858) 271-8769 YOUTH MINISTRY (858) 271-4128 GOOD SHEPHERD SCHOOL (858) 693-1522 Sacraments SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Come to the Parish Office to fill out a Baptismal form and get class information. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Nine months preparation required in the Diocese of San Diego. Call the Parish Office to pick up a Wedding Info Packet before making an appointment with a priest. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (Confessions) Saturday - 3:00 to 4:00 PM in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel or call the Parish Office for an appointment SACRAMENT OF THE SICK Call the Parish Office to make arrangements for anointing, or to arrange for a home visit or communion. FIRST COMMUNION and CONFIRMATION Call the Faith Formation Office at 858-271-8769. SUNDAY / MARCH 8 7:00 Benny Labuton† 8:30 Norma C. Elazegui† 10:30 Bella & Peregrino Norombaba† 12:15 Virgie Montes† 5:00 Raquel Calleja† 7:00 Eleuteria Espinoza† MONDAY / MARCH 9 8:30 Rufino & Victoria Savellano† 5:30 Paul & Mary Repaci† TUESDAY / MARCH 10 8:30 Manuel T. Cruz† 5:30 Felimon Barongan† WEDNESDAY / MARCH 11 8:30 Barnabas Duong Cong Quang† 5:30 Cecilia Oljol† THURSDAY / MARCH 12 8:30 Merlita Napalan† 5:30 Mariquita Jimenez† FRIDAY/ MARCH 13 8:30 Ignatins Cu Nguyen† 5:30 Leonilo Barican Leonardo† SATURDAY / MARCH 14 8:30 Juan E. Ventura† 5:30 Damaso I. Sayarot† 7:00 Rev. Joseph Viet Hoang† Special Intention Masses for the Week Marie Elizabeth Ray, Monnette Redilla, Jacinto & Eduarda Asiong, Alexander Anthony Nguyen, Dang, Vincente Pham, Augusta Corbera, Clarence De Peralta, Felipe Sayaman, Dalmacio & Felicidad Paredes, Gerardin S. Romero, Pio Guinto, Jesus H. Rabanzo, Maxima de los Reyes, Sally Huff, Myrna Seducon, Ruby Al. Locsin, Pat Palmer, Dolor Yatco. PAGE THREE GOOD SHEPHERD MARCH 8, 2015 From The Pastor’s Desk Our bodies are temples, sanctified for prayer, dwelling places of the Holy Spirit and the place where we are to offer spiritual worship in Spirit and truth. “God is Spirit, and those who worship him must worship in Spirit and truth.” (Jn 4,24) In our interior being we are meant to have a holy place, a sanctuary, where God dwells and where we withdraw to spend time with the Lord in prayer. St. Paul reminds us that our bodies are temples: “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been purchased at a price. Therefore glorify God in your body.” (1Cor 6,19f) He also urges us to be a living liturgy that is constantly being offered to God: “I urge you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, your spiritual worship. Do not conform yourself to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect.” (Rom 12,1f) The unique gift of our interior castle (as St. Teresa of Jesus would name it) provides us with a beautiful place to find our rest in God. The psalmist speaks to us of our desire to remain always in this place of communion with our Lord: “One thing I ask of the Lord; this I seek: to dwell in the Lord’s house all the days of my life, to gaze on the Lord’s beauty, to visit his temple. For God will hide me in his shelter in time of trouble, will conceal me in the cover of his tent; and set me high upon a rock…I will offer in his tent sacrifices with shouts of joy; I will sing and chant praise to the Lord.” (Ps 27,4-6) This dwelling place, this temple, this shelter of peace, this interior castle is as close as our own hearts when we seek the Lord in prayer. Our interior temple should be a house of continuous prayer. What is your experience when you enter into your interior sanctuary to seek the Father, Abba, in prayer? I know that too often in my own interior Dwelling Place there is a whole marketplace of activity going on constantly. I enter into this sanctuary space hoping for some peaceful time of prayer and communion with the Father but too often I am met with distractions and a thousand different projects that vie for my attention. There is so much noise that I can’t begin to hear the voice of God speaking to me in his small whisper. Even worldly allurements try to capture my attention. The distractions in prayer can become quite frustrating. As I enter into the interior temple of my heart I also notice at times that my mindset is one of commerce. I need something from the Father and so I set about negotiating with him over my desires. I often haggle over the price of something because I fear that it is too costly for me and that I cannot pay the price that God is asking. I am frustrated to find that my interior temple, the Father’s house, my place of prayer, has become a marketplace. My temple needs a cleansing! “Take these out of here, and stop making my Father’s house a marketplace.” (Jn 2,16) Lent is a time for spring cleaning in the interior temple of our Dwelling Place. We need to drive out the beasts and the vendors of God’s grace and reclaim our house of prayer. St. John Chrysostom writes about prayer: “Prayer is the light of the spirit, true knowledge of God, mediating between God and man. The spirit, raised up to heaven by prayer, clings to God with the utmost tenderness; like a child crying tearfully for its mother, it craves the milk that God provides. It seeks the satisfaction of its own desires, and receives gifts outweighing the whole of nature. Prayer stands before God as an honored ambassador. It gives joy to the spirit, peace to the heart. I speak of prayer, not words. It is the longing for God, love too deep for words, a gift not given by man but by God’s grace…Practice prayer from the beginning. Paint your house with the colors of modesty and humility. Make it radiant with the light of justice. Decorate it with the finest gold leaf of good deeds. Adorn it with the walls and stones of faith and generosity. Crown it with the pinnacle of prayer. In this way you will make it a perfect dwelling place for the Lord. You will be able to receive him as in a splendid palace, and through his grace you will already possess him, his image enthroned in the temple of your spirit.” Do a little “home improvement” for our Lord in the sanctuary of your heart this Lent. Get rid of whatever is causing that stench and throw open the windows of your heart to the fresh breath of the Spirit. See a spiritual director if you need some professional advice on interior decorating. Toss out the squatters that you have tolerated for too long. Make your heart a suitable Dwelling Place for the Father. PAGE FOUR GOOD SHEPHERD MARCH 8, 2015 Pray for the Sick Please remember in your prayers those who are sick in our community: Miguel Aldrete, Adriana Diaz, Familia Mahecha, Familia Montoya, Familia Perez, Familia Rivas, Familia Paez, Donald Brewer, Joe Black, Jorge Isaac Ortuno, Mellie De Peralta, Fr. Victor Maristela, Mary Wagner, Martha Rosas, Dawn Eicher, Angelo Melevo, Vanessa Anclova, Maria Luisa Muro, Carmen Garcia, Silvia Medina, Daniel Housley, Sandra Ligsay, Clarisse Fatilua, Cathy Cruz Freed, Ignacio Cruz, Francisco Ojeda, Aurea Venancio, Kevin Sexton, Gricelda Palma, Jane Ann Marshall, Peregrino Gueco, Bee Abuet, Paula Roth, Purificacion Besa, Marilyn Gallardo, Mary Ann Edrington, Dan Vu, Ana Lazo, Virgilio Oscar Visque, Josephine Dimaquibo, Sharyl Cass, Donnie Owens, May Gregorio, Dominic Sevilla, Eufemia Jimenez, Michael & Barbara Finneran, Eduardo Autus, Reynaldo Reyes, Lagrimas Reyes, Mary Kantala, Don Christopher P. Lee, Familia Argueta, Familia Hernandez, Familia Romero, Floralma Villar, Leonarda Gueco, Kieu Lam, Toni Ortiz, Toni Colombo, Raymond Serrano, Angelita & Emmanuel Tamayo, Mary Jane Kemp, Concepcion Pena, Antonio Tovar, Ken Mc Atee, Gloria Navarro, Mildred Cordero, Virginia Parra, Olga Luque, Sally Lazaro, Jorge Palacios, J. Alberto Ortega, Eduardo Ortega, Max Sajol, Augustin Herrera Park, Salome Guerrero, Gloria Ganzon, Dolores Edmunds, Leodegario Ortuño, Aurelia Baltazar, Tony Summer, Zoila Docena, Irma Ramirez, Andrew Le, George Barton, Ted Hickban, Miriam Pinilla, Edward Duenas Sablan, Gladys Bonilla, Alicia Klimek, Anastacia Artap, Rosa Ramirez, Luzviminda McClaren, Minh Trulong, Catherine Daly, Peter, Jen & Payton Brown, Neal & Laura Collins, Honorato & Florita Bangangadana, Imelda Magdalena Alonso, Michael Angelo Russo, Alexander Lancaster, Carmen Balderas, Adrian Santiago, Andrea Hellu, Patricia Almaguer, Ilene Glimore, Gene Hahn, Aida Cecilia Fulgar, Mark Sullivan, David Velasquez, Silvia Garza, Beatriz Dizon, Nancy Palacios, Grace Arigo, Ramon Garcia, David Keller, Larry Ruder, Beatriz Ortiz, Emiliano Mendez, Oscar Binuya, Tricia Mariscal, Catherine Daly, Teresita Vallejo, Lucia Raymundo, Bertha Ortiz, Jesus & Miriam Villalobos, Juana Michel, Familia Lugo, Fr. Lou Salca, Rolalnd Legaspi, Dolores Joyce, Genoveva Limos, Luz Vilar, Marina Salazar, Larry Ramirez, Elena Calderon. We are happy to list parishioner’s names who request our prayers in the bulletin. However, we have trouble in keeping the list up-to-date. Many people forget to let us know when to take a name off the list and, as a result, our list becomes HUGE and outdated. We will list names for prayer request for one month. After the last Sunday of the month the name on the list will be taken off and a new prayer request list will be published the first Sunday of the month. If someone wishes to have a name remembered again, please call Alma at (858) 271-0207 ext. 1206 or email: REFLECTING ON GOD’S WORD All of us wish we could be holy, we say, if only Jesus would come and do to the temple of our faith what he did to the temple of Israel’s faith: cast out what doesn’t belong, because we don’t seem to be able to do it for ourselves, at least not with much effectiveness. We try to pray and find ourselves daydreaming about what to make for supper, about the latest family argument, about the meeting we’re going to attend, about where we’re going to spend our money. We try to simplify, but we also like our lives the way they are. We like the cut of style, the thick of our lawn, the escape of vacation, the high from shopping or chocolate or daytime soaps or whatever catches our fancy. We wish we would love better, care better, have more compassion or patience, be more generous, but original sin always gets in the way—only we don’t call it original sin. We say we don’t have willpower or the energy. So what are we to do? John’s Gospel promises that God will come and drive such stuff from our lives. In fact, the promise is that God will do it whether we wish God to or not, which is probably a good move on God’s part simply because most of us are a bit fearful of what God may clear away. —Rev. Joseph J. Juknialis Copyright © 2014, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Total Collection for Sunday, March 2, 2015 $19,382.00 GIVE ELECTRONICALLY! Good Shepherd offers the option to give electronically. For more details go to and click on the “blue give now” button or scan the QR Code Image with your Smartphone. PAGE FIVE GOOD SHEPHERD READINGS FOR THE WEEK 2 Kgs 5:1-15b; Ps 42:2, 3; 43:3, 4; Lk 4:24-30 Dn 3:25, 34-43; Ps 25:4-5ab, 6-7bc, 8-9; Mt. 18:21-35 Wednesday: Dt 4:1, 5-9; Ps 147:12-13, 15-16, 19-20; Mt 5:17-19 Thursday: Jer 7:23-28; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; Lk 11:14-23 Friday: Hos 14:2-10; Ps 81:6c-11ab, 14, 17; Mk 12:28-34 Saturday: Hos 6:1-6; Ps 51:3-4, 18-21ab; Lk 18:9-14 Sunday: 2 Chr 36:14-16, 19-23; Ps 137:1-6; Eph 2:4-10; Jn 3:14-21 Alternate readings (Year A): 1 Sm 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a; Ps 23:1-6; Eph 5:8-14; Jn 9:1-41[1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38] In Memoriam Monday: Tuesday: HEAVEN Heaven is at present out of sight, but in due time, as snow melts and discovers what it lay upon, so will this visible creation fade away before those greater splendors which are behind it. —John Henry Newman MARCH 8, 2015 Isaiah Pinlac† Leonardo Quizon† Magdalena Teruel† Vivian Peske† Margaret Clark† SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Third Sunday of Lent; First Scrutiny; Daylight Saving Time begins; Girl Scout Sunday Monday: St. Frances of Rome Friday: Abstinence Parish Life APOSTLESHIP OF PRAYER/ SACRED HEART 1st Friday of the month 7:00 pm in Room 212. BEREAVEMENT COMMITTEE 2nd Thursday at 6:30 pm in the Conference Room of the Parish Hall. BINGO Thursday - Doors open at 5:00 pm. dinner available. Early Bird starts at 6:45 pm. Must be over 18 years old to attend. CHARISMATIC PRAYER Tuesday at 7:30 pm in the Mothers’ Room CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS For adults who wish to become members of the Roman Catholic Church, call 271-0207. CONTEMPORARY CHOIR Thursdays at 7:00 pm in Church COUPLES FOR CHRIST Fridays at 7:00 PM in Room 8. DIVINE MERCY GROUP Second Saturday - quarterly. FIL-AM COMMUNITY MEETING 1st Sunday of the month at 7:00 pm in Conference Room. FILIPINO CURSILLO GROUP Friday at 7:00 pm in Room 6 of the school. GS YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY Wednesday at 6:30 pm Room 204 HISPANIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER Wednesday at 7:00 pm in Room 8 in School. HISPANIC COMMUNITY MEETING 2nd Monday : 7:00 pm in the Conf. Rm. HISPANIC YOUTH ADULTS GROUP Friday at 7:00 pm in Room 4 HISPANIC YOUTH GROUP Wednesday at 7:00 pm in Room 4 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 1st & 3rd Wed. of the month at 7:30 pm in the Parish Hall. SQUIRES meet at 6:30 pm in Room 12. LAY CARMELITES 1st Saturday at 9:30 am in Conference Room LEGION OF MARY Sundays at 10:00 am Room 4 & 5 & Friday 6:30 pm in the Conference Room. LOP MISSION Last Saturday at 7:00 pm in Room 7 MARIAN ROSARY GROUP Every Tuesday @ 9:30 am in the Conference Room PERPETUAL HELP DEVOTIONS After Masses on Tuesday. RCIA Please call Glenn Valois 858-271-8769 (Faith Formation Office) SPIRIT OF GOD PRAYER GROUP 2nd & 4th Wednesday at 7:00 in Room 7. TRADITIONAL CHOIR Wednesdays at 7:00 PM in Church VIETNAMESE CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP Wednesdays at 7:15 PM in Room A VIETNAMESE CHOIRS Ca Doan Giang Sinh Saturdays at 4:30 pm in the Conference Room Ca Doan Magnificat Fridays at 7:00 pm in Room A. VIETNAMESE LEGION OF MARY Saturday after morning Mass in Rooms 7 & 8 VIETNAMESE MOTHERS 1st Sunday at 3:00 pm in Room 8 VIETNAMESE SACRED HEART 2nd Sunday at 3:00 pm in Room 8 VIETNAMESE RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Saturday at 5:00 pm. Call the Religious Education Office at 271-8769. WOMEN’S CLUB Last Monday at 5:00 pm in Room 12. PAGE SIX GOOD SHEPHERD MARCH 8, 2015 Tue-Thu, 12-6 pm 858.271.8769 Elementary & Middle School Class Calendar March 2015 MIDDLE SCHOOL EVENTS: Pre-Con & Confirmation Class/Event Calendar March 2015 Su M Tu W Th F S Su M Tu W Th F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 31 Key: No Class Tonight Regularly Scheduled Class Tonight Pope Francis has declared a brand new Doctor of the Church: St. Gregory of Narek! The title “Church Doctor” is given by the Church to holy men and women who particularly contributed to the Church’s learning in a meaningful way. St. Gregory (9511003 AD), an Armenian poet and monk, entered a prominent Armenian monastery in Narekavank from a very young age and was ordained a priest at 25 years old. He composed great works including theological treatises, chants, melodies, letters, and prayers. His most famous work, the Book of Lamentations, is made up of 95 prayers, each titled “Speaking to God from the Depths of the Heart,” and is considered one of the greatest works of Armenian literature. Prayer 33 of this work is recited daily in Armenian liturgies throughout the world! His feast day is October 13th. Adapted from The Faith Formation Office will be closed this Wednesday, March 11, until 4:00 pm due to a staff retreat. Classes will go on as scheduled from 5:00-6:15pm. 3/28, Early Night Basketball: 7-9 in the Gym, bring your own water and ball. No permission slips/fees required, but parents must sign youth in and out. YOUTH EVENTS: 3/18, Worship Wednesday: Join other high schoolers for a night of prayer and worship! 6-7pm in the Parish Center—bring a friend! 3/28, Late Night Basketball: Come play basketball in the Parish Center Gym from 9pm to midnight! Bring your own ball and water. No permission slip required. Art and Faith Connection Third Sunday of Lent | Gospel of John 2:13 2:13--25 “Jesus Chasing Merchants From the Temple” by the Flemish 16th century master Quentin Matsys showcases his renowned caricature style and commentary. The scene includes the range of characters noted in today’s Gospel story. Christ is in the center, driving out the merchants with his rope whip, three merchants receiving his blows. One of them, perhaps a money changer, lies on the ground, his table flipped, his coins scattered. Another merchant is just making his escape with a lamb on his back, while the most grotesque one on the left is trying to get away with his goods under his arms. In the back left, three distinguished-looking men observe—these are perhaps the Jewish leaders who debate with Christ about the Temple in John’s Gospel. To the right of the scene are three additional onlookers: one more merchant partially concealed by a sack, a seated figure, and a Temple-goer, whom we see in profile. Gather as a family to see where you are in this Lenten journey: The painting invites us to see ourselves in it as well, to see and acknowledge honestly those areas of our lives needing a major cleaning. The variety of faces offer several entry points for us—the person on the ground, the one escaping, the one looking on, the one hiding, the one at a critical distance—where do we find ourselves in this image? Together, ask God for the grace to help each of you offer wholehearted prayer and worship. Close by praying the Psalm used in today’s Liturgy (Psalm 19). PAGE SEVEN GOOD SHEPHERD MARCH 8, 2015 Good Shepherd Catholic School “Who we become starts where we begin . . . ” Consider Catholic Education Character Trait for the month: Forgiveness Snapshot of our week: Monday: Third Grade Assembly 8:30am liturgy with the parish Friday: Fifth Grade attends CYT production of “Footloose.” 1:45pm Stations of the Cross GSCS Golden Eagles Golf Tournament Admiral Baker Golf Course Fr. Michael, Ladonna Lambert, Monica Taitano, Mary Ann & Marc Thiebach For more information about our school: Call us at (858)693-1522 Email us at Check out our website at PAGE EIGHT GOOD SHEPHERD MARCH 8, 2015 PAGE NINE GOOD SHEPHERD MARCH 8, 2015 PAGE TEN GOOD SHEPHERD MARCH 8, 2015 Parish News & Announcements WOMEN'S CLUB SPRING LUNCHEON AND CARD PARTY Saturday, March 14 10:30 am —3:00 pm Please join us for a delicious salad lunch with scrumptious desserts as well as an afternoon of fellowship and games For reservations, please call Margaret Valleroy at (858) 566-9013 We will pray the Station of the Cross as a community every Friday of Lent after the 5:30 pm Mass. Please make it a part of your Lenten practices. FISH FRY!! FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 20 & 27 6:00 PM IN THE PARISH HALL Bring the family and join your fellow parishioners in observing a Lenten meatless Friday. (A serving consist of beer-battered premium fish fillet, fried rice, Tater-Tots, coleslaw, garlic bread and dessert. Coffee, water, lemons and tarts sauce are provided. Cost is $8.00 for adults and $4.00 for children. Around the Diocese LENTEN CONFESSION Our Parish communal celebration of the sacrament of reconciliation will take place Wednesday, March 25 beginning at 7 pm. We are called to experience the forgiveness of God and his abundant mercy in our lives and to purify our hearts of sin through the sacrament of reconciliation in the spirit of Jesus. Our Lenten journey is not complete without this beautiful experience of God’s love. There will be 30 priests available that evening for individual confession in several different languages. Please make every effort to be n time and to make this a family priority. Don’t wait until the last minute when priests may not be available and you missed your opportunity for confession before Easter. LENTEN PENANCE SERVICES (Escondido Deanery all Services at 7:00 pm) St. Stephen’s (Valley Center) Monday, March 9, 2015 Immaculate Heart of Mary (Ramona) Tuesday, March 10, 2015 Our Lady of Mt Carmel (Penasquitos) Monday, March 16, 2015 St. Gabriel (Poway) Tuesday, March 17, 2015 St. Mary’s (Escondido) Wednesday, March 18, 2015 Resurrection (Escondido) Monday, March 23, 2015 St. Gregory the Great (Scripps Ranch) Tuesday, March 24, 2015 Good Shepherd Parish (Mira Mesa) Wednesday, March 25, 2015