Robert Jenrick MP Who is this Jesus


Robert Jenrick MP Who is this Jesus
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I am always keen to hear the views of residents on local, national and international issues. I hold regular surgeries around
Can I take this opportunity to express my thanks to the resi- the constituency including in Newark and Southwell and would
dents of Averham, Kelham and Staythorpe for the kind words be delighted to hear from you.
of support and advice they have given me since I became your Please feel free to write to me at; Robert Jenrick MP, 29a LonMP. I have enjoyed greatly the opportunities I have had to don Road, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG24 1TN, e-mail me at
come and speak to residents, hear their issues and represent or phone my constituency
them in Westminster.
office on 01636 612 837.
Robert Jenrick MP
Robert Jenrick MP
Who is this Jesus
Just before Easter in 1994 Andrew Pickering died after a long
fight against leukaemia. He was a former pupil of the Infant
School of which I was the Head Teacher for twenty years. Andrew was a wonderful character, kind and courageous. He took
life seriously and yet was somehow always full of fun. Many
people both young and old have been enriched by having
known him.
As he lay dying he drifted in and out of consciousness many
times, gradually getting weaker. He finally roused himself
however, and spoke to his father one last time, what he said has
made a great impression on many people since then. He said,
‘Don’t blame Jesus, Dad. It’s not His fault.’ and then he died.
‘Andrew’s song’ is in memory of Andrew Pickering and of the
One of the key issues effecting residents of Averham is the pro- last thing he said. It was the Genesis of the Musical – ‘Who is
posed gravel extraction at Flash Farm. I share the same view as this Jesus?’
many residents in opposing the plans made by our representatives in last year’s consultation by Nottinghamshire County Over 100 people of all ages have been working for three
Council. I believe that the proposed extraction will severely months to present ‘Who is This Jesus?’ It is an exciting musical
impact the quality of life for local residents and I have no doubt which poses this all important question and explores the amazthat Averham and Kelham would see increased levels of traffic ing life and legacy of Jesus Christ.
congestion and pollution. Council officers are currently consid- Members of Riverside Church urge you to join us for the perering all the representations received from the public consulta- formance and ask yourself the question. Nothing is more imtions. Members of the County Council will then consider their portant than finding the answer!
findings and if approved, the Submission Draft document will
be available for further public consultation for a six week period from October 2015. Should it get to this stage, I will continue to express my opposition to the plans and I encourage
local residents to do the same.
Another important issue that the Editors of the Plough have
asked me update on is the current condition of the Robin Hood
Hotel in Newark. The state of the building is a disgrace and
needs resolution as the fabric of Newark is otherwise in good
condition and we look forward to welcoming upwards of
50,000 visitors a year to the forthcoming Civil War Centre.
Regrettably the developer of the site was given four years from
the construction of Asda to complete work on the hotel. That
was too long and the building has been allowed to decline further in that time. Nonetheless, that period ends this autumn, so
now is the moment for the District Council to make robust representations to the developer and consider legal action if that
fails. I am meeting with the developers to make both mine and
the overwhelming thoughts of constituents known to them.
A Musical for Easter 2015
Easter Saturday 4th April at 7.00pm Easter Sunday 5th April at
7.00pm The Minster School, Southwell, NG25 0LG.
For more information visit the Riverside website or from members of Riverside Church or call or text 07505 510 160 or
07983 563 620
Tickets cost £7
Children (14 & under) £5
whoisthisjesus Sue Aldridge
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Robert Jenrick MP
Who is this Jesus
Plough Contacts
Church Services & Schedules
Parish Council Meeting Dates
Bell Ringing Practices at Averham on Mondays
Staythorpe Power Station Contact Details
Hens at home - Pet Services
Kelham Church News
Police Local News
Averham, Kelham & Staythorpe WI - February Meeting Report
AKS Village Walks - Averham, Averham Park, Upton & Staythorpe
Note of Thanks
‘Dragons’ Den’ Calling all Budding Entrepreneurs
School News
AKS Walkers Meeting - Tuesday 10th March
Averham Church News
Temporary Road Closures in Staythorpe
RCAN’s County Wide Bulk Oil Buying Scheme
AKS Walkers Corner - Next Walk 21st March Idle Valley Nature Reserve
God is the Maker and Giver of All
A Day With Clay - 21st & 22nd March Upton Village Hall
Kelham Hall & Country Park - Big Vintage Festival 14th March
We Would Just Like to Say….
Mick’s Quiz - ASK Garden Club Meeting Report
Go for Foliage
Priest in Charge
Averham &
Secretary to the
Church Council:
Holy Communion
Holy Communion
Averham Church
Holy Communion
HC Mother’s Day
Holy Communion
Joint HC Donkey
North Muskham Church
Mr. Lee Whetton
Mr. Nigel Britton
Kelham Church
Holy Communion
Women’s Prayer
Special Church
HC4A & Screen
South Muskham Church
Contact Us
Church Services & Schedules
Holy Communion
Holy Communion
Averham Church Cleaning & Flowers
Magazine Contributions to
Mrs. D. Gelsthorpe
01636 671 923
Mrs. S. Morris
01636 678 917
Mrs. A. Miller
01636 702 095
Mrs. M. Snell
01636 676 244
March - Mr. J. Gelsthorpe & Mrs. D. Gelsthorpe
Church Contacts
Reverend Colin Wall
01636 706 284
March - Kelham Hall Ltd April - Mrs. A. Miller
Mr. P. Staniforth
Mr. G. Binks
01636 703 289
01636 676 740
Hilary Snell
Mrs. A. Miller
01636 672 640
01636 702 095
Mrs. C. Binks
01636 676 740
Women’s Institute Contacts
Mrs. Lorraine Bousfield 01636 610 494
Council Contacts
District & County Council representative:
Mrs. S. Saddington
01636 704 550
Chairman of the Parish Council:
Mr. S. Emeny
01636 702 586
Clerk to the Parish Council:
Mr. J. Burbidge
01636 610 530
Parish Council email address:
Contact Phone Number: (Non Emergency) Dial 101 Only
Emergency: (Crime in Progress)
Dial 999 Only
0800 555 111
No Flowers During Lent
Kelham Church Cleaning
Kelham Church Flowers
March - No Flowers Lent April - Mrs. J. Wright
Parish Council Meetings
At Kelham Hall on the following dates
Everyone is welcome to attend and participate
Bell Ringing Practices on Mondays
Every Monday at Averham Church 19:30 - 21:00
Anyone who would like to try bell ringing, or simply see what
is involved is welcome to come along.
Telephone Martin Cooper: 07810 658 627 or 01636 700 291
Staythorpe Power Station Contacts
If you have any questions, concerns, comments, or there is
anything that you would like us to be aware of then please
contact us by either of the following ways.
01636 696 900
Page 3
Because of this, we are always advancing our knowledge base.
We have completed diplomas in both animal psychology and
Hens at home was born dog walking / pet home sitting and we are currently completin 2011 out of our abso- ing both an advanced diploma in animal psychology and a
lute enthusiasm and ex- diploma in animal communication.
citement about keeping
chickens and our unre- We were one of the first to hold the compulsory Newark and
served passion to help Sherwood District Council Boarding Licence and we are fully
lots of other folk keep insured for all the pet services we provide.
chickens too!!
We are happy to have a general chit chat about what you
In the very beginning, might require. We offer completely free consultations and
we offered a range of really competitive rates so no need to hesitate, call us today!!
Hens at home – Pet Services
fabulous services based around the wonderful world of
chicken keeping – from our unique and professional hen sit- Debs & Carla - Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter!!
ting service, training sessions and guidance booklets for beginners, start up kits (including the chickens!), to doorstop deliveries of feed and supplies and fun talks to community groups
and clubs.
However, pets are pets aren’t they? We love them all, whether
fur, fin, feathered or otherwise!! As a consequence, we soon
found that peeps were calling to ask about all manner of pet
sitting requirements.
So, we evolved!! Although we continue to provide all of our
hen services, we quickly branched out to take care of all sorts
of other pets!! We said we would be like Gerard Durrell and
become “Hens at home … and other animals” !!!
Unbelievably for us, we are now in our 4 th year of business!!
And what we would like you to know, is that we are very
VERY proud of our very VERY special posse of pets that ask
us to look after them whenever their families need to take a
break – whether it’s a day out, a short break or a lovely long
holiday, its great to see them, whenever they ask!!
So, Hens at home – Pet Services are here to help!
We provide a local, friendly and professional service, offering you experience and reliability in an all
round pet sitting service.
For your fur, fin or feathered pets
that need to stay at home, we'll come
to you to care for all your lovelies
and keep them all happy and well
while you are away.
For your canine companions, we
offer both doggie daycare and overnight home boarding. They get a
home from home, you get peace of
mind. They get a loving, comfortable
environment with plenty of garden
space and lots of countryside walks. You get the assurance
that they will follow a routine that you are comfortable with
alongside the play, cuddles and affection you would provide if
you were here.
We take our role in your pets life very seriously and think that
understanding your pets behaviour is integral to providing
them with the best possible care.
Page 4
“Sometimes the comfort of your own home you forget that
you need to be as protective of your personal and financial
With Easter week starting at the end of information as you would be if you were out and about. FolMarch we thought we would highlight the low the advice below and share with family and friends.”
extra services and events in this issue of The Make sure you check the following when purchasing online.
 Check that the company you’re wishing to purchase from
is genuine. If you’re not sure, contact them to confirm
March 9 A Civic Service in Kelham Church
before purchasing, or purchase from an alternative online
at 10:30 recognising Commonwealth Day
When making online purchases make sure the connection
Easter week commences on Monday 30 March at Kelham
is secure by looking for the padlock icon at the top or botChurch where there will be a ‘Night Prayer and Meditation
tom of the internet browser. Secure web addresses should
Service’, on March 31st this will be at Averham, April 1st at
also begin with ‘https’.
South Muskham and on April 2nd at North Muskham Holy
 Purchasing online with a credit card could provide you
Communion and feet washing. All services start at 7:00pm.
with more payment protection than using a debit card.
Check with your bank or use other secure payment methOn April 3 there will be ‘Stripping of the Altar’ (Tenebrae) at
ods such as PayPal.
South Muskham at 8:30pm
 Always check your credit card and bank statements to
make sure that the correct amount has been debited and
Good Friday, April 3rd there is a ‘Hot Cross Bun’ service at
there are no other suspicious transactions, which could
North Muskham 10:30am a ‘Stations of the Cross’ service at
indicate you may have been defrauded. Ensure you shred
Averham 2:00pm and at South Muskham there will be a
bank statements and receipts using a cross-cut shredder.
‘Service of Light’ at 8:00pm on April 4 th.
 Don’t provide personal details via email. Your bank will
never ask for passwords or security codes online via
Easter Sunday April 5th sees the 7:30am Riverside Communemail.
ion followed by Holy Communion at North Muskham at
9:30am and 11:00am at Kelham Church.
You can get more advice and report suspected fraud to Action
Kelham Church News
Fraud UK on 0300 123 2040 and visit the Action Fraud website and report the fraud online.
For more online safety advice visit:
Cyber shoppers in Nottinghamshire
are being encouraged to stay safe
Ann Gransbury - Police Administrator Notts
online. Men in their 60s are at the
most risk of falling foul to cyber
Police Local News
crime according to figures released from Action Fraud.
In Nottinghamshire fraudsters are estimated to have stolen
£3,281,258 from members of the public between April to September 2014. While this includes credit card fraud, application
fraud and doorstop scams it also takes into account fraud committed online – through hacking and internet shopping sites.
According to the figures 22 per cent of cyber crime victims
were women, 43 per cent were men although 35 per cent chose
not to say. The age group most affected was those between 60
and 69-years-old although four reports of people in their 70s
were recorded.
Suspicious persons have been seen in the Ollerton and Boughton areas in the early hours of the morning possibly trying to
break into vehicles or garages. Please ensure that your property is secure, alarmed and any valuables are marked and
stored away securely.
Samantha Hancock Manager of Nottinghamshire’s Crime Prevention Unit said: “Although there is a very real threat from
cyber crime there are a number of things people, of all ages,
can do to prevent themselves from becoming a victim.
Gav Oxby - PCSO 6689
If you do see anything suspicious at all then please ring 999 in
an emergency or call the non-emergency number 101. Alternatively if you have any information regarding any crime in the
area then you can ring PCSO 6689 Gav Oxby on 07880 900
529 or Crime stoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111
Please also be aware that in the last few days there have been a
number of burglaries in the area, namely Edinley, Lowdham,
Oxton, Farnsfield etc. Please ensure that your home security is
as good as possible and be vigilant towards neighbouring
properties. We also ask that any suspicious incidents be reported immediately - we need to be informed in order to help
safeguard the community and catch any offenders.
Keith Crowhurst - PCSO 4741
Page 5
Averham, Kelham & Staythorpe WI
Meeting Report - February
Although we were an unusually small gathering for our meeting in February (everyone seemed to gone sun seeking for the
month) it was a really exceptional evening as county speaker
Lynn Carter regaled us with her expert knowledge of antique
traditional quilts.
The second type of quilt is the well known patchwork quilt
which was much more colourful and very cleverly put together
to create intricate patterns. Surprisingly the ‘log cabin’ patchwork design which we associate with the USA in fact originated in the Rhonda Valley Wales in 1874! Quite a surprise
that one. It is possible to date the coloured quilts quite easily
as prior to 1861 all fabric dyes were created from natural materials vegetable dyes etc. In 1861 the first chemical dye was
made known as amaline mauve and everyone had to have their
dresses made with this as it was worn by Queen Victoria, so it
was logical that it began to appear in quilts regularly. Fabric
at this time was very expensive and wastage was regarded as a
sin so it is no surprise to see lots of different scraps, some of
which were very luxurious. One patchwork was made up of
velvets and silks and Lynn suggested that it was probably
made by a tailor’s wife using up bits from suits, waist coats
and cravats. Whatever, it was a true archive of fabric design.
The third type of quilt is the appliqué
where small pieces of material were cut
out and sewn onto a plain quilt to create colourful patterns.
The craft of quilting was passed down
through each generation but contrary to
It was surprising to learn that the quilts give a rich aspect of popular belief were largely made by individuals and not as a
social history. Essentially there are three types of ‘quilt’ or group exercise. It was incredible to think that each quilt
quilting methods.
would have been completed in about one week. Just and
amazing thing!
The first of these are the whole cloth quilts which were traditionally made by the lower social classes for the better off of Lynn’s examples of old quilts were truly stunning in design
members of society and were often made by the poor wives, or and colour and the craftwork and minute invisible sewing,
often the widows, of miners and seamen in order to earn a which of course would have been done by candle light. Quite
living. Therefore this type of quilt was largely produced in the and eye opener all round.
heavy mining and seafaring areas of Britain, namely Wales,
Yorkshire, Northumberland and Scotland.
The next meeting will be held on March 9 th at 7pm at South
Muskham village hall. As it is the Annual Meeting there will
not be a formal speaker but it is hoped to have a quiz and a
County Advisor to help out.
If you are new to the area or interested in learning more about
you local WI please come along and try us out. You can have
3 meeting free so you don’t have to make and decisions and
you will find us a very friendly fun loving set doing lots of
different things besides the monthly meeting.
Jenny Quickmire - Programme Secretary
Page 6
All applications need to be submitted by 9.30am on April 7 th
and short listed applicants will be invited to present their ideas
To Phil of Averham, the Good Samaritan and everyone else to the Businessst Dragons at the Nottinghamshire Golf & Counwho helped. I would just like to thank you for helping me on try Club on 21 April 2015.
Sunday 15th February when I fell outside Kelham Church;
Nina Dauban, Chief Executive of Nottinghamshire Commuotherwise I would still be there!
Gillian B
nity Foundation said
, “Previous Dragons Dens have led to some great successes
‘Dragons’ Den’
including Uni2 Know Ltd, Easy Preorders Ltd and the Natural
Birthing Company Ltd, where Dragons were so impressed
Calling all Budding Entrepreneurs
they have invested themselves and offered mentoring support.
Nottinghamshire Community Foundation We encourage budding entrepreneurs to apply as they may get
are inviting applications from budding a lot more than the grant!”
entrepreneurs in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire who are looking for a grant Nina Dauban
to support their business development.
Note of Thanks
Local ‘Business Dragons’ are looking to award successful
enterprise ideas a grant of up to £3000, plus potential investment, to support their business development. The ‘Business
Dragons’ include:
Alan Hardy – Paragon Group Plc
Mark Samworth – Samworth Brothers
Dr Nik Kotecha – MD Morningside Pharmaceuticals
Chris Taylor – Smith Cooper Ltd
To be considered for a grant applicants need to be resident in
Nottinghamshire, be able to submit a realistic business plan
and have a great enterprise idea. To apply please go to:
Page 7
School News
The 3KANDO Netball Tournament at Averham on Thursday
5th February was postponed because of wet weather and at the
time of writing an alternative date has not been set.
The assembly and workshop with the NSPCC on keeping
themselves safe and free from abuse for our Year 5 and 6 pupils went extremely well and pupils from both schools participated with contributions that displayed an excellent understanding of the issues and the sort of help that they could access and how to do this.
As always, there will be a variety of tasty
homemade soups, followed by cheese &
biscuits, tea/coffee/squash
No tickets needed; admission is
by donation (whatever you can
afford) for the benefit of
WaterAid a UK based charity
providing clean water & sanitation in developing countries
Both schools enjoyed a most inspirational and entertaining talk
from Mike Thorniwell, the explorer of the Arctic and Antarctic. It was particularly good as he geared it perfectly for an
audience of primary aged children and complimented our
work in schools in encouraging pupils to follow their dreams
and believing that they can achieve anything with the right
determination and effort.
We look forward to seeing you; if you need further
information, or cannot attend but would like to
make a donation, please contact Jenn Pell
Apart from continuing to work hard (and that includes both
pupils and staff), March will be a fairly uneventful month:
Tel: 01636 701 978 or email
There will be a Parents’ Evenings on 4th and 5th
AKS Walkers Meeting
KS1 will be participating in a music festival in Newark Parish
Church on 31st
Tuesday 10th March 2015
The next AKS Walkers meeting will be on Tuesday 10th
I am not sure if people are aware but we are lucky enough to March 2015, 7pm at The Fox.
have an Early Years Unit attached to the school, which means
we can take children at the start of the term after their third We have Saturday walks planned up to and including 16th
birthday. This is on a part time basis and provides free ses- May this year, so we will be meeting to plan the next six
sions for up to 15 hours per week during term time. These months, June 2015 to November 2015.
sessions run from 12.30-3.30 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday and 9-12 on a Thursday.
If you are keen to organise a walk for
the group then everyone is welcome
We break up for Easter on Thursday 2 nd April and because it to attend – walkers old and new.
may be short notice in the April edition, we will be having an
Easter Service in church on Wednesday 1 st April following on See you there!
from Tea and Hot Cross Buns in school and there is an Easter
Fair from 3pm on that day.
John Dodd
Debs (07974 957 684)
On the second Sunday of each month starting
March 8th at 2pm
A lively, fun service for all the family followed
by refreshments.
Come along for bible story,
songs, craft & food.
Further details from Rev Colin Wall
01636 706 284 or
Page 8
Averham Church News
Well we have finally said farewell to
Christmas and epiphany this week
and have entered the Lent run up to
Easter and are looking forwards to
our special Springtide services starting with Mothering Sunday on March
15th. As usual the short family
friendly service will start at 2.30pm
and is a lovely opportunity to bring
our younger villagers along to
church. It is a short service followed by tea and a chat and
every Mum goes home with a little present and a thank you for
being MUM!
We have a really special Palm Sunday parade to church this
year as we will be welcoming our new Bishop the Rt. Rev
Paul Williams who will be leading the walk and hopefully a
well behaved donkey from the car park to the church door.
This will take place on March 29th at 10.00 followed by Holy
Communion. Again this is a firm favourite with the children
as we carry palms and get to stroke the donkey too. Hopefully
our donkey will behave this year as last year he insisted on
coming into church with the children – much to their delight!
Please note that to allow for room to unload and reload the
donkey it will be necessary to park in the Robin Hood Theatre
car park.
Don’t forget that there will also be the regular Holy Communion services on March 8th and 22nd at 11.00
Just a reminder for this year’s Lent Lunch on March 27 th. As
usual Jenn Pell has organised the event at North Muskham
Methodist School Room with lunches starting at 12.00 through
to 1.15pm. Just roll up to the door for as much home made
soup as required in a variety of flavours with cheese and biscuits to follow. All funds raised are donated to Water Aid. It
is a lovely way to help those less fortunate than ourselves and
get a good lunch to boot!
Finally – a note of thanks to Chris and Kath Shardlow for their
hard work in tidying the unruly branches and timber to the rear
of the church yard. Several hours of their hard labour have
made such a difference and also increased everyone’s safety.
Thank you both.
Jenny Quickmire
Temporary Road Closure
in Staythorpe
Staythorpe Level Crossing, Staythorpe Road, Staythorpe
From 23:00hrs Fri 27th March 2015 - 04:00hrs Mon 30th
March 2015
From 23:30hrs Mon 20th April 2015 - 05:30hrs Tues 21st
April 2015
From 23:30hrs Tues 21st April 2015 - 05:30hrs Wed 22nd
April 2015
From 23:30hrs Wed 22nd April 2015 - 05:30hrs Thurs
23rd April 2015
From 23:30hrs Thurs 23rd April 2015 - 05:30hrs Fri 24th
April 2015
From 23:30hrs Fri 24th April 2015 - 05:30hrs Sat 25th
April 1015
From 23:30hrs Tues 9th June 2015 - 05:30hrs Thurs 11th
June 2015
Nature of restriction - temporary prohibition of driving during
level crossing works carried out by Network Rail.
Page 9
RCAN’s County Wide
Bulk Oil Buying
Walkers Corner
Idle Vale Walk Saturday the 21st March
All Walkers - make a date for March as we have planned another free leisurely ramble of about six and bit miles as a circular walk around The Idle Valley Nature Reserve.
This is how it works
The membership continues to
grow but many people are asking how the scheme works. The nature reserve covers an area of 430 hectares and follows
There is an annual membership fee of £20 paid to RCAN the River Idle northwards. It is one of the largest sites for na(Rural Community Action Nottinghamshire)
ture conservation in the East Midlands. After half a century of
aggregate extraction, the nature reserve is now being managed
Once a month, the co-ordinator will e-mail or phone you to to improve the area for wildlife.
ask you if you want to order any fuel and will tell you the date
by which you need to order it. Our deadline for receipt of all The nature reserve is open every day, all year round. The 317
oil orders is by noon on the Tuesday before the buying date.
hectares of the reserve (Sutton and Lound gravel pits) are designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), making
Please note: Next deadlines for ordering from your village co- it one of the largest such designations in the county. The site is
ordinator are Monday 2nd March, Monday 6th April, Monday particularly important for wetland birds, and is well used by
11th May, Monday 15th June, Monday 20th July, Monday both resident and migratory species, with 251 species having
17th August and Monday 14th September 2015
been recorded so far.
As you walk around the reserve you will encounter a variety
Deliveries are usually made 5-7 days after ordering. Those not of different habitats including open water, woodland and
on email fill in a form and send it back to your local village co scrub. Each one brings with it a chance to see an array of wild-ordinator John Wolfenden. Telephone: 672 990 or those with life.
We plan to leave Idle Valley Rural Learning Centre at 10:30
Your village co-ordinator will let RCAN know who, from prompt where there is a large car park area. The walk is
your village, wants to order oil and how much you all want.
planned to take about three and half to four hours, which includes a break for a light lunch & refreshment at the Blue Bell
After RCAN have negotiated the very best possible price, the Inn before returning to the car park.
co-ordinator will contact you to tell you approximately when
the delivery will be made (for example, ‘in the week end- We are a friendly group & new members are welcome including 3rd’) and how much the oil will cost.
ing children and dogs. Bring your binoculars to get the best
views of the wildlife.
Then it’s over to you
Only if you have indicated on your membership form that you Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust, North Road, Retford, DN22
need to be present for delivery, will the oil supplier get in 8RQ (please note if you are travelling to the site using SATtouch with you directly to confirm the delivery date and NAV please use the postcode
time. Otherwise oil will be delivered to you in the usual way. DN22 8SG)
In the unlikely event that there is a problem with your delivery, please make sure the co-ordinator knows as soon as possi- Please let us know if you wish
to join us 01636 816 224
You pay the oil supplier in the normal way. John Wolfenden
Glynis & John
Page 10
We are well into Lent now but it is not too late to join our joint
Lent course on Tuesday evenings at the Chapel at North until
Recently an old headteacher colleague of mine died at the March 24 .
grand old age of 91. He was a typical English eccentric, very March 1st is St. David’s day so if you have any connection
literary and always collecting quotable quotes from newspa- with Wales you can wear you daffodil with pride.
pers which he used to make us laugh at meetings. One of the
hymns he chose for his funeral brought back many memories Saturday March 7 from 9.30am onwards we are having a
for those of us who had been schooled in the 1950’s or be- Snowdrop day. What we would like volunteers to do is come
fore….”Glad that I live am I, that the sky is blue”. Many there along to the churchyard to do a bit of gardening.
did not know it, but all the primary school teachers could sing
it off by heart.
God is the Maker and Giver of All
This got me thinking about other hymns I learned at school
and have been with me all my life. One such was called “Little
brown houses” and was about spring flowers and as I walk
round my garden at this time of year, looking to see what is in
flower, I sometimes find myself singing it…I know I’m a bit
odd like that. It went:
Little brown houses now what do you hold?
Treasures of purple and crimson and gold.
Kings, queens and princesses wear robes like these!
Tell us who live in you brown houses please.
Here is King Daffodil golden and gay.
Here is Queen Hyacinth not far away.
These are the princesses, crocuses small.
God is the maker and giver of all.
Our snowdrops have been magnificent as usual but they are
still not as wonderful as those at Kelham. We can make them
even better next year if we dig up some of the bigger clumps
and carefully split them up and replant them in places where
there are gaps. This will encourage them to spread. This needs
to be done after the flowers have faded but while the leaves
are still in the green. Anyone who has potted daffodils that
I know the words are a bit silly and rather un PC in these mod- they have had in the house could also plant them if they would
ern times but the last line is still true for me and especially at like to.
this time of year when spring brings new life all around from
the cold and seemingly dead throes of winter, it puts a bit of a On March 8 at St. Wilfrid’s North Muskham we are starting
our new informal service at 2.00pm. It’s for all ages and
skip in your step and a smile on your face.
should be lots of fun so bring your children, grandchildren,
The month of March brings lots of things to celebrate in our Mums, Dads Grannies and Grandads! More info from Colin,
our Vicar, especially if you can help in any way…
church year.
refreshments…music skills…craft etc.
Sunday March 15th is Mothering Sunday, (note not Mother’s
day, that’s American and in May!) So do come along to the
services that day, I’m sure there will be posies for the ladies.
Two days later we remember St Patrick, maybe a sprig of
shamrock would not come amiss and on March 25 th it is the
date when the church recalls the annunciation, when the angel
Gabriel visited Mary with the unexpected news that she was to
be the mother of God’s own son.
On Friday March 27th there will be the annual Lent Lunch at
the Chapel in North from 12 noon, which we hope will be supported by all the riverside group.
We finish the month of March on a real high. On Sun. March
29th (which is a 5th Sunday) it is Palm Sunday and Bishop
Richard will be coming to our joint service at Averham at
10.00am. All will be most welcome and Canon Keene has
been asked to organise a donkey! This will lead us very nicely
into Holy week and our Easter Celebrations so we do hope to
see you at some, if not all of our services and events.
After all if “God is the maker and giver of all” and we have
any gratitude at all it is the least we can do to honour and give
him praise. As Cardinal Newman wrote, “Praise to the Holiest
in the heights, and in the depths be praise; in all His works
most wonderful, most sure in all his ways. Jenny Hamilton
Page 11
Big Vintage Festival at Kelham Hall
March 14th 2015 sees a daylong celebration of all things vintage in the North and Midlands come to the grand Kelham
Hall, brought to us by Britain Does Vintage.
This wonderful Victorian venue will be positively stuffed with
nostalgic delights from the very best in vintage fashion and
beauty, homeware and furniture, entertainment and a shed load
of tea and cake! Each room at Kelham Hall will offer something different, making sure that this will be a day that everyone will be able to enjoy.
As with all Britain Does Vintage fairs, the stalls are handpicked to ensure traders at this festival are the very best quality and variety. The vintage traders not only bring along treasure chests full of frocks, pearls and tweed jackets but a wealth
of knowledge on their wares. Buying that 50s dress will be
made all the more special when you hear its story! And if
you’re already the owner of a wardrobe bursting in 40s and
50s attire then you must dress your absolute best, will you be
crowned The Vintage King or Queen of Kelham Hall?
Live music will come from starlet Bexi Owen and others, Russell & Brown’s will be ready to create some pinup worthy
hairstyles and there are even FREE dance lessons and demos
all day from Major Swing!
This is set to be a long day, so recover half way through with
some afternoon tea. The tea party will be set to look after the
masses all day! “We’re really looking forward to it” says event
co-ordinator Gina Walters. “This is an event for absolutely
everyone, and in such a beautiful building too! We challenge
you to not be singing In the Mood all the way home!”
For more details visit
Kelham Hall & Country Park
Main Road Kelham NG23 5QX
Adults - £7 Children under 12 - £4 Children under 5 – FREE
Alexandra Claydon
We Would Just Like to Say….
A big thank you to Lee and Nigel for all the time they dedicate to editing and producing The Plough every month.
John & Alison Allan
Page 12
Mick’s Quiz
Go for Foliage
Arriving late for the quiz I was expected to catch-up and play
my part with answering the question so without further delay
Janet passed some of the questions across to me which her
team had struggled with and no answers had been allocated to.
I did my best but that still won our team the booby prize of a
packet of plant labels when the answers were read out. There
was just one point between the other two teams; the winners
were awarded scratch cards as prizes, ironically the runners up
came away with nothing!
Solving the Shade Problem
Owners of ‘problem’ gardens – even those with no more than
a few sunless tubs have gained brightness with a shrewd
choice of shade-loving plants.
There are areas of partial or permanent shade in every garden,
caused by trees, buildings and walls. Because so many plants
are available for the open, sunny parts of the garden, shade is
often considered difficult or undesirable by comparison.
Mick’s quiz consisted of five rounds, all very thought provokIn fact, all gardens need the softening counterpoint of shadow
ing and tantalising to the grey matter of which we proved ours
that brings richness and depth to the garden through the seaon the evening wasn’t in full gear! The first round was called
sons. Shade presents far more opportunities than drawbacks,
‘Famous Names’ associated to things that we grow.
if looked at with a creative eye. It can, for example, be used to
Round two was ‘Emblems’ for example the Nation Trust em- emphasise those areas of the garden that are in sun, the darkblem consists of….?
ness of the one concentrating attention on the brightness of the
other, as in the gardens of great houses where tunnels of yew
Round Three was Apple, Pear, or Plum, Mick read out names
focus the eye upon the vista beyond.
of varieties of fruit trees and the teams had to decide whether
they were apple pear or plum trees.
Go for Foliage
Round Four was name twelve ‘Yellow Flowers’ the only probFoliage plants, always a key feature
lem was you had to ‘get inside his mind’ and select the twelve
in shade, need not to be dull. The
that Mick had chosen!
shapes and textures of their leaves
can be put to good effect in positions
The final round was titled ‘A.S.K.’ the letter from our parish.
of low light. Variegated forms of
The answers had to begin with one of the letter and in order!
euonymus, fatsias, hostas and ivies
are particularly useful. In fact, many
Our annual quiz created by Mick is always great fun and not to
yellow leafed plants prefer semi-shaded positions where their
be missed, so bearing in mind I’d travelled at brake neck speed
foliage will not be scorched by the sun.
from Grimsby, I wasn’t going to miss out, I arrived late, but
Good golden foliage plants for partial shade include ornamenthey say better late than never. I also gained a rousing weltal grasses, ivies, varieties of Japanese maple and the fragrant
come from the group on entry into the meeting room. Lots of
flowering Philadelphus coronaries ‘Aureus’.
banter and interchange of plant knowledge passed about between the members as possible answers were discussed.
The Underrated Fern
Heather made me laugh as she shouted out loudly, I know that Though rather passed over in recent years, ferns are among the
one, and it’s the yellow one with the spiky leaves, then with most attractive plants for shady places. There are ferns for
heads down her group wrote down the answer. Mick our mas- both moist and dry sites, though some need frost protection.
ter of ceremonies for the evening did a splendid job and enter- The male fern, Dryopteris filix-mas, is an excellent ‘starter’
tained everyone.
fern, being almost indestructible. It will grow in almost any
soil, except one that is waterlogged, and it will tolerate dry
Our next meeting is our Annual General Meeting and is held
shade. Silvery tones are unusual in ferns, but Athyrium niat the home and birthplace of our Garden Club, the Fox Inn at
ponicum var. pictum unfurls fronds of elegant silver-grey,
Kelham on the 17 March. The meeting starts at 7.30pm, after
streaked with aubergine purple along the veins. It requires
the business we will be treated to a lively talk and photographs
wind shelter and a rich soil, well-mulched soil. One of the
of the Falklands from Angela Plumb.
most dramatic ferns is Blechnum tabulare, which thrives in
Look forward to seeing you there. Lee Whetton
damp, lime-free soils where the winter temperature is not too
severe. The fronds on strong, arching stems, extending neatly
1m in length.
The hart’s-tongue fern, Asplenium scolopendrium, forms
clumps of glossy, ribbon-like foliage. It is not fussy about
soils, but thrives on limestone. Members of the Marginatum
Group have attractively crimped and crinkled edges to their
Copy for inclusion in The Plough for the month of
April 2015 to reach the editors before 20/03/15.
Contributions can be forwarded to the editor Mr. Lee Whetton,
Email: &
Contributions received after the deadline are unlikely to be included in the following months issue. No responsibility can be taken by the editors for services &
products advertised in this publication.
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