Flyer-IRP Public Forums at 3rd UN WCDRR


Flyer-IRP Public Forums at 3rd UN WCDRR
IRP public forums
Public Forum 1: Strengthening Disaster Recovery Systems for
Resilience: Ensuring Sustainability of Development Gains
Saturday, 14 March 2015, 13:00-16:00, Tohoku University, B104
Organized by GFDRR and UNDP
Recovery tools, specifically the Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) and revised Disaster Recovery Framework (DRF) guide, will
be launched at this session to provide governments and other stakeholders with appropriate guidance in organizing recovery.
These recovery tools – which were developed through the collaboration among the European Union, the UN, and GFDRR / World
Bank Group – will be discussed by delegations from national governments, civil society organizations, and non-government
organizations. The discussion is expected to come up with recommendations on appropriate measures to strengthen disaster
recovery systems that help maintain continuity from relief to reconstruction. Furthermore, the report entitled “Resilient Recovery:
An Imperative for Sustainable Development” will be presented to provide insights on how to ensure sustainability of development
Public Forum 2: Effective Implementation of Recovery Plans and
Programs: Bridging academic findings and country experiences
Monday, 16 March 2015, 10:00-12:00, Kawauchi Kita Campus
Tohoku University, C101
Showcasing the case studies and experiences from the Philippines, New Zealand, and Central America, this session is expected to
recommend actions that will bridge academic findings and country experiences to facilitate effective implementation of recovery
plans and programs. The lessons from super typhoon Haiyan, earthquakes in Christchurch, and hurricanes in Central American
states will be discussed in various contexts and perspectives in such a way that the link between research and experience is
explored. It will draw from the discussions critical recommendations to effectively implement recovery programs at the national
and local levels, outlining clear strategies and actions. It hopes to address issues of inadequate or misguided recovery actions that
contribute to disruption of lives and livelihoods, economic and social development, and long-lasting physical and psychological
Public Forum 3: Actions on Engaging Private Sector in Recovery
Ensuring greater impacts of recovery programs at the community level
Monday, 16 March 2015, 14:00-16:00, Kawauchi Kita Campus
Tohoku University, C101
This session is expected to recommend actions and strategies of engaging private sector in recovery based on past experiences
that will help practitioners carry their tasks efficiently and effectively. It will input to Post-2015 Framework by exploring the role that
private sector entities and the business community as a whole play in facilitating community disaster resilience and recovery from
major disaster events. The panelists will contemplate the wide range of capabilities the private sector has to offer, as well as the
responsibility of businesses to do so. The discussion will consider what is needed to initiate, implement, and sustain private sector
engagement in DRR and recovery, what investments and initiatives the private sector has to offer, and what knowledge gaps and
barriers stand in the way of greater levels of private-sector engagement. It will showcase recovery case studies and experiences
from Japan, Pakistan, Philippines, Australia, and USA.
In collaboration with:
Government of Japan (Cabinet Office), United Nations Office
or Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR), the World Bank
Contact: IRP Secretariat, Ms. Ana Cristina Thorlund at:
Please fill following form and send back to us by fax or email:
Tel. No.
+81 78 262 6046
3rd UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction
IRP Public Forums
Access to the Venue:
15 minutes from Sendai Station (Track 9 )
Take bus marked:
"W8-3青葉台 ( AOBADAI )or "W8-2宮教大 ( MIYAKYODAI )
Get off at:
(Tohoku University Kawauchi Campus, Hagi Hall Mae)
International Recovery Platform
Higashikan 5F, 1-5-2 Wakinohama Kaigan-dori, Chuo-ku, Kobe, 651-0073, Japan
Tel: +81-(0)78-262-6041, Fax: +81-(0)78-262-6046