IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CHURCH BELLEVUE, OHIO 44811 March 8, 2015 LITURGIES THIS WEEK Saturday, March 7 4:30pm For the Parish Sunday, March 8 8:00am Harold & Virginia Mahl Gerald Didion Doris Provenzale George Smith 10:30am Monday, March 9 8:30am No Mass Tuesday, March 10 8:30am Jane Provonsil Sandra Didion EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Saturday 3/14 4:30pm Sunday 3/15 8:00am Sunday 3/15 10:30am Wednesday, March 11 8:30am SCRIP VOLUNTEERS Anthony Laviola Josephine Serraino Helm Saturday, March Sunday, March Sunday, March Thursday, March 12 8:30am Michael, Elizabeth & Thomas Wood 1:30pm Mass at Orchard Grove Friday, March 13 8:30am Rose Pine Josephine Cooksey 1. C. Palsa 2. M. Bauman 3. K. Loparo 4. A. Valko 5. K. Rumschlag 6. T. Felder 7. S. Felder 1. R. Neill 2. Y. Landoll 3. B. Eisenhauer 4. J. Kreh 5. S. Claus 6. E. Hahl 7. M. Esbenshade 1. R. Wilson 2. C.Wilson 3. G. Miller 4. R. Smith 5. D. Fisher 6. R. Hartman 7. L. Hartman 14 15 15 4:30pm 8:00am 10:30am Mary Lou Roth Geralyn Gardner Grace Middleswarth The next scrip order will be March 9th. Please have your order to the parish office by 9:00am. Orders are placed every other week during the school year. If you are having trouble getting your scrip order to the office due to weather, consider signing up for online ordering. We have a limited supply of Marathon $100 gift cards available for purchase. Saturday, March 14 4:30pm Helen Czeczele Edward Ware Sunday, March 15 8:00am 10:30am For the Parish Raymond, Theresa & William Weidinger Rick Censi Offertory Weekly Budget Over (Under) Year-To-Date Over (Under) Memorial Candles Intentions: In Memory of Mary Ann Guemelata In Memory of Doris Provenzale In Memory Dorothy Archer Taylor Special Intention $ $ $ $ 10,774.00 10,980.00 (206.00) (14,618.00) LECTORS Saturday, Sunday, Sunday, March March March 14 15 15 4:30pm 8:00am 10:30am Kathy Dick Adam Esbenshade Eva Wilson ALTAR SERVERS Sat . Sun. Sun. March 14 Luke Roth, New Servers March 15 Elizabeth Harper, New Servers March 15 Dominic Prenatt, New Servers 4:30pm 8:00am 10:30am SACRISTY LAUNDRY Volunteer for 3-8-15 is Charlet Rospert. Laundry may be picked up after the 10:30 Mass on Sunday or during the week and returned by 4:30 Mass on Saturday. BELLEVUE FISH & LOAVES is asking ICC parishioners to donate Bar Soap for the month of March. The Fish & Loaves baskets are located by the candle room. Thank you for your generosity! Sunday, March 8 Cub Scout Blue & Gold Banquet 6:00pm Teen Pulse Youth Group Tuesday, March 10 6:00pm St. Vincent de Paul Wednesday, March 11 9:00am Lenten Bible Sharing 6:30pm CCD Stations of the Cross 6:30pm RCIA Friday, March 13 7:00pm Stations of the Cross Saturday, March 14 8:00pm AA Meeting Sunday, March 15 3:00pm Deanery Penance Service (Church Basement) (School) (Sacred Heart Room) (Church Basement) (Church) (Church Basement) (Church) (Church Basement) (St. Joe’s, Monroeville) Teen Pulse Youth Group invites all 8th grade students to their Youth Group meeting on Sunday, March 22nd from 6 to 7pm at ICS. A light supper will be served and games played. Welcome! WE ARE GLAD YOU ARE WORSHIPING WITH US TODAY! THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT K of C Lenten Fish Fry: The Bellevue Knights of Columbus will host a perch, shrimp and chicken tender dinner each Friday from February 20th to April 3rd. Dinners include bread, choice of baked potato, french fries, or onion rings, and choice of apple sauce or handmade cole slaw. Dinners are served from 5:00pm to 7:30pm at 816 Monroe Street and the cost is by donation. For carryouts, please call 419-217-8354. The proceeds support scholarships for local high school seniors. Lenten Cross: Throughout the season of Lent, parishioners are invited to actively participate in a new form of prayer at Immaculate Conception. Located at the front of the church, individuals are encouraged to write prayer requests, intentions or thanksgivings on the slips of paper provided. These papers will be attached to the cross on a regular basis. As we progress through Holy Week, the prayers will be removed and burned as part of the blessing of new fire at the Easter Vigil, a physical representation of our prayers rising to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In addition, votive candles are available at the foot of the cross. St. Vincent de Paul Society: There will be a meeting on Tuesday, March 10th at 6:00pm in the Sacred Heart Room. All current members are invited to once again actively participate in serving our poor, as well as extending an invitation to new potential members. Amy Aschmeier, the Diocesan Council President of Toledo St. Vincent de Paul will be attending the meeting on March 10 th to begin the restructuring process and to answer questions. Monroeville Knights of Columbus will be hosting their BREAKFAST BUFFET Sunday, March 15th at the Monroeville Knights of Columbus Hall, Peru Center Road. They will be serving from 8am to noon. Adults: $7.00, Children: $3.00, children under 6 are free. The public is welcome. St. Francis Mini-Retreat at Peru: A retreat presented by Franciscan Sister Roberta, “Reflecting on the San Damiano Cross of St. Francis” will begin in the Portiuncula (St. Francis Shrine) or the hall, depending on the weather. All are invited, including parishioners of surrounding parishes, to St. Alphonsus in Peru on Saturday, March 14 th from 9am to 3pm. A light lunch will be provided. The cost is a free will donation. CYO Boosters Scholarship: Applicants must be a current high school graduating senior who will be continuing his/her education beyond high school. Applicant must also have participated in CYO sports at Bellevue Immaculate Conception parish. Applications are available at the school and parish office or from the guidance counselor at Bellevue High School and they must be sent to ICS, 304 E. Main St.. Application deadline is April 27, 2015. MESSAGE FROM FATHER JONATHAN Dear Parishioners, Our deanery penance service will be next Sunday, March 15, 3:00 p.m., at St. Joseph’s in Monroeville. All the priests of the deanery will be at this service. We will have our own penance service with the CCD students Wednesday, March 18, 7:00 p.m. There will be four priests at this service: Fr. Bill Peiffer, Fr. Scott Kramer, C.PP.S., Fr. Tony Recker and myself. I will list some additional times for confessions in next week’s bulletin. As we continue our Lenten journey, please remember in prayer all of our candidates in the RCIA program who are now called “the elect.” They attended the rite of election a couple of weeks ago with Bishop Thomas in Findlay. May God bring to fulfillment the good works He has begun in all of us. Father Jonathan Lent By Candlelight At The Shrine: On Saturday, March 28th, the Sorrowful Mother Shrine, south of Bellevue will host Lent by Candlelight from 7:30 to 9:00pm in the Shrine cafeteria. The reflection will include an excerpt from the “Diary of St. Faustina” and Jesus’ Divine Mercy. There will also be an opportunity for fellowship and hors d’oeures. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available. To register for this program, or for more information, call 419-483-3435, ext. 6. Cost is a freewill donation. SSG. JON MARTIN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP: Applicant must be a current High School graduating senior or post high school student who will be continuing his/her education and must also have graduated from Immaculate Conception School, Bellevue. Applications can be picked up from the parish or school office or from the guidance counselor at Bellevue High School and they must be sent to: Immaculate Conception School, 304 E. Main St., Bellevue, Ohio 44811. Deadline: April 21st no later than 3pm. Immaculate Conception School Spring Fling Reverse Raffle: The 22nd annual ICS Reverse Raffle will be held this year on April 18th. Doors will open at 5:30pm, dinner served from 6 to 7pm, main raffle beginning at 7:15pm. Reverse Raffle tickets, 50 inch TV raffle tickets, Catawba Island Club golf package tickets and Amish quilt tickets are available in the school and parish offices. Mark your calendars now! Sponsor of the week: