on the coast - Radio Five-O-Plus
on the coast - Radio Five-O-Plus
free on the coast ISSUE 4 MAR/APR 2015 Senior’s Week 14–22 March find out what’s happening getting around safely Supplements are they really necessary as we age? A N S W C E N T R A L C O A ST OVER 5 5 ’s LIFEST YLE M A G A ZINE 2015 Gosford Showground May 2nd & 3rd 2015 is all about families having FUN, FUN, FUN! DAILY ADMISSION Family pass $29 Adults $10 Kids and concession $8 includes FREE Non Stop Entertainment FREE Horse Show FREE Demos FREE Reptile Show FREE Fun Activities FREE Displays FREE Exhibits FREE Fireworks and 12 FREE show competitions ! not to mention FREE Parking and FREE Shuttle Bus great traditional s u Pl show attractions: rides, side show, showbags, equestrian , great food, displays, exhibits, non-stop entertainment including Bike Boy, Circus Stuff and My Pet Dinosaur plus a whole heap more w ho e s ss th pa at ily s on m id up fa k 24 co ff a ree 9) $r his 5 o th $2 fo d t t $ lts ly able use en VE u al eem not ther es SA ad rm t red and ny o r Pr to 2 (no No cashwith a offe Grab your kids and grandkids and celebrate the joys, fun all the great of traditions of Gosford Regional Showtime For further information visit www.gosfordregionalshow.com.au or phone us on 0412 436 246 No hassles…no worries. Convenient pickup locations right across the Central Coast! MARCH/APRIL 2015 – ISSUE 4 3 Editor: Simone Evans simone@seniorsonthecoast.com.au Art Director: Debbie Elliott debbie@seniorsonthecoast.com.au Printing: Spotpress Pty Ltd – 9549 1111 Publisher: Phone: 4325 3393 Debbie Elliott – Ph: 0421 026 915 Simone Evans – Ph: 0413 186 431 trading as Kidz on the Coast ABN 66 765 066 257 54 Hills Street, North Gosford 2250 Distribution: Presstrans Pty Ltd Phone 0411 492 809 Cover: Ingimage Contributors: Laura Kiln, Sarah Tolmie, Matthew Hodgson, Kirsty Taylor, Kate Keogh, Deb Batey, Paul Quinn, Diana Arundell, Carol Campbell, Glenn Jarvis, Dr Qunten Willemse, Collette White Warranty & Indemnity Advertisers and/or advertising agencies upon and by lodging material with the Publisher for publication or authorising or approving of the publication of any material INDEMNIFY the Publisher, its servants and agents against all liability claims or proceedings whatsoever arising from the publication and without limiting the generality of the fore-going to indemnify each of them in relation to defamation, slander of title, breach of copyright, infringement of trademarks or names of publication titles, unfair competition or trade practices, royalties or violation of rights or privacy AND WARRANT that the material compiles with all relevant laws and regulations and that its publication will not give rise to any rights against or liabilities in the Publisher, its servants or agents and in particular that nothing therein is capable of being misleading or deceptive or otherwise in breach of Part V of the Trade Practices Act 1974. The views expressed in Seniors on the Coast are not necessarily those of the editor or publishing staff. While every effort has been made to insure accuracy of the information in this publication, no responsibility will be accepted by Seniors on the Coast. No part of this publication may be reproduced without permission of the publisher. contents 6Travel Top travel tips Well being Exercise forms an 8 integral part of healthy lifestyle 10 Grief Words of comfort in times of loss st 12Chiropractic Getting the mo y out of your bod 14Naturopathy Are supplements really necessary as we age? 18Mindfulness People pleasing superwomen 20 Seniors week What’s happening on the coast 22 Life and Love healthy ageing and wellness in longevity – viva la revolution! 6 8 24Grandparents Congratulations you’re going to be a grandparent 26 Road Safety Getting around 14 safely 28Recipes Cooking for families with food allergies 29Legal Did you know superannuation is not covered by your will? 30 Community Noticeboard st Welcome to Seniors on the Coa Debbie Simone 4 S E NI OR S ON TH E COAST we choose possess, what really matters is how bled by and be cally enti We are astounded and incredibly hum auth live we If . to live our lives new ea mak the response we’ve received on this will it be, can we on pers the best of . Choose to publication. In the past six months positive difference to our universe and ted talen e isn’t feeling production, we’ve met som who eone spend an hour with som opened their group or ity wonderful local residents who have mun com l loca a so great or help clubs, you did. that hearts and invited us to speak at their eful grat so be will they – charity shared and teas ning mor their in wing us kno ded and inclu We love hearing your stories we feel to e shar to their life stories so far. How blessed like ld about you. So if you wou beginning! or event to have met you all and this is only the something with us or have a group at ne@ Last week we met some of the team simo at w kno us let se plea promote, t and Allen Radio Five-0 Plus. Bruce, Margare or phone 4325 3393. u m.a t.co coas nthe orso seni their station are showed us the great space held by Our advertisers are important – they the and ry libra ic mus r rn, retu in and in Gosford, thei ion licat pub new supporting our o station. It’s or ness busi operations of this community radi l loca r thei ort supp to we need spirit they them know amazing how much time, energy and service. If you visit one, please let st Coa tral Cen our ort . Small you give voluntarily, to supp sent st’ that ‘Seniors on the Coa e music is l – let’s vita is residents. And I must say wow…th st Coa tral Cen business on the Talk about from the 1940s through to 1985. ! here them keep make sure we to listen if some classic hits! Tune in to 93.3 you haven’t already. Welcome to Autumn. st, we’ve Through our travels over the Coa . It doesn’t realised something quite empowering we s skill t matter what age we are or wha Simone Support Red Cross Calling A s one of the largest, nongovernment, voluntary organisations in Australia, Red Cross has adapted and flourished to provide a range of programs much broader than simply blood and emergency services. By making a donation or organsing an event for Red Cross Calling during March you can support the everyday work of Red Cross such as bushfire and flood relief, providing safe drinking water and sanitation for remote communities, assisting new immigrants and ringing isolated or elderly people to check on their welfare. Last year Red Cross assisted more than 56,000 people affected by disasters and served over 800,000 meals to school children who might otherwise have gone to school hungry. On the NSW Central Coast, Red Cross has a broad range of social support programs to help people develop the skills and confidence they need to reconnect with their local communities and access local Red Cross programs such as Telecross, Telechat, Community Visitors Scheme, Home and Social Support and Mates. The Red Cross Young Parents Progam in Gosford helps young men and women cope with the myriad of daily challenges they face as teenage mums and dads, including finding somewhere to live. Local members and volunteers are the backbone of Red Cross and by • Lift Chairs • Scooters • Rollators • Wheelchairs • Bathroom • Bedroom • Daily living Aids • Sheepskin Products • Compression Supplies looking at the diversity of Red Cross supporters, volunteers and young members in this region it is easy to see just how far Red Cross has come in the past 100 hundred years. Red Cross shops are also increasingly being used as community hubs. Our Red Cross Shops are places where the local community can learn, engage and rally support for Red Cross projects or volunteering opportunities. Loneliness and social isolation are a Above left: Young Parents Program Coordinator, Michelle Pietroboni, Above growing problem right: Red Cross Social Support volunteers Virginia Toth (L) and Leonor Clifton in this area and teach everyone how to respond in an Red Cross branches, retail stores, and emergency. volunteering opportunities help get To purchase a Red Cross first aid kit or people more involved at a community to book a first aid training course go online level. to redcross.edu.au or call 1300 367 428. Red Cross also offers first aid courses Red Cross Calling is the one time of for adults, adolescents and children to year when local Red Cross members, community groups, schools and individuals can go to the streets, make public collections or door knock to raise money. To make a donation, or to find out how you can get involved with Red Cross Calling go to our website at redcrosscalling.org.au or phone 1800 008 831. COASTAL MOBILITY COASTAL RAILS & RAMPS FOR SALE OR HIRE Access Solutions – Ramps, Handrails, Anti-Slip Treatment, Grab Rails and much more We are a caring, family owned business committed to your care. We stock a large range of mobility & comfort products. 4367 4200 www.coastalmobility.com.au GOSFORD – WYONG – LAKE MACQUARIE Shop 12, Green Point Shopping Village, Green Point Open Hours: M-F 8.30am–5.00pm and Sat 9.00am–12.00 MARCH/APRIL 2015 – ISSUE 4 5 TRAVE L top travel tips by Glenn Jarvis A s we become older, we have more time on our hands, yet when travelling, we sometimes forget we have left the time pressures of our working lives behind us. We try and rush around and fit everything into a tight schedule when we don’t have to. When travelling – take more time when you fly – take more time to visit the sights and most importantly remember to give yourself time to stop, relax and rest between touring days. Flying to Europe can be draining, so take the chance to break your journey along the way. You have a wide range of stopover cities such as Singapore, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, Saigon, Tokyo, Dubai to name but a few. Your stopover location will be dependent on the airlines you fly, being the airlines home port or refueling stop. Take the time to stopover, break your journey and arrive much fresher than having endured the long 24 hours non-stop. Enjoy a night or two to rest with the added bonus of being able to take in a few sights of your stopover city. Breaking your journey will have you arrive to your final destination feeling much more human and relaxed, enabling you to more easily adapt to your new time zone. Stopover or not, when you arrive to your destination you are wise to have your transportation from the airport to your hotel pre-booked. There is nothing more pleasing after completing a long flight combined with enduring the “customs and luggage shuffle” than being greeted with your driver holding a sign with your name on it to whisk you away to your hotel. With a little pre-holiday planning, you will no longer have to stand in a queue for a taxi or become confused trying to search for the train or bus. The less stress when you arrive at a foreign airport the better! Take the time to adjust to your new time zone. After you arrive, don’t rush into joining an extended tour the next day, give yourself time to acclimatise, take a few 6 SE N I OR S ON TH E COAST days to get over your flight and gently ease yourself into your holiday. Visiting the sights and “must see” locations in any city can be very tiring, so stagger your sightseeing days, add in some days that allow you to take it slow. You will need time to rest and relax your bodies to avoid becoming rundown during your travels. Spend time watching the world go by over a tea or coffee, take time to try the local cuisine over a long lunch, or perhaps indulge in a high tea. Your body and mind will thank you and your experience will be enriched with a slower sightseeing pace. If you are joining a tour for your holiday, try and choose a journey with more 2 or 3 night stays. The occasional 1 night stay sometimes cannot be avoided but you will be thankful for selecting an itinerary with more down time so you can explore each city or town you visit. Again this slows the pace of your travel so you can better appreciate the areas you are visiting. Give yourself the chance to appreciate and experience where you are, gone are the days when you had a list of places to visit and you felt achievement from ticking off as many as you could! You have worked hard during your life so far, it’s now time to experience, indulge and savour. Another option to consider is to join a tour with a smaller number of passengers. By taking a small group tour you will find you have a better experience on your holiday. Not only do you see the major sights, but having smaller numbers on your trip enables you to visit more sights and towns away from the well worn tourist trail. Visiting hidden gems and experiencing unexpected highlights usually at a reduced pace is another way of enhancing your travel experience. Companies like Backroads Touring Co in Europe and Insider Journeys (formerly Travel Indochina) in Asia are leaders in true small group travel. Their names tell you what you can expect. Travel the back roads and gain insider knowledge from their experience in showing you your destination at a slower pace with a smaller number of like minded people, people that have the time to enjoy their surrounds. A river or ocean cruise option are also ideal – unpack once, have all your meals and touring taken care of. Sit back, indeed lie back, and relax in your floating hotel waking every morning to a new city or indeed country for you to explore. Be mindful of the weather in the country you are visiting and take that into account when travelling. Being cold and wet can slow you down causing delays and disappointment. On the flip side, high heat and humidity can leave you drained and dehydrated, resulting in you becoming tired much quicker than usual. When travelling to areas of high humidity, like Asia and India, it is even more important to factor in more time for your travels to rest and avoid the heat as much as possible. Try to take tours in the early morning or late afternoon, avoiding any sightseeing during the hottest part of the day. Again why not take a long lunch and savour the cuisine of the region you are visiting. Slow the pace of your travel, pre-book your tours and transfers, give yourself a break on your holiday. Rest and relax in between visiting the sights and include at least one indulgent treat as a highlight, a lasting memory of your holidays. Usually a trip to Europe, Canada, South America or Africa is a once in a life time experience and places like Asia have many differing regions to explore. Don’t fall into the trap of rushing around, coming home tired and with regrets. Plan a leisurely paced holiday with plenty of down days, days where you explore and stumble on the expected. Remember you have the time… Glenn Jarvis started the family owned and operated ‘Travellers Hut’ more than 22 years ago. He specialises in organising our escorted journeys and as our Asia expert in the office, he is passionate about travel to Indochina, Japan and India. EXPERIENCE ASIA with an Insider Vietnam Discovery 14 DAY SMALL GROUP JOURNEY START Saigon, Mekong Delta, Dalat, Nha Trang, Hoi An, Hue, Halong Bay overnight cruise, Hanoi FINISH With over 21 years of experience in the region, Insider Journeys know Asia intimately, offering hand-crafted journeys. You’ll come home with stories to tell of unexpected encounters and magical moments. Travel with a maximum of 16 travellers weaving your way through Asia as an insider with a local guide, and western tour leader^. Discover more of Vietnam’s fascinating culture, charming locals and scrumptious food with a thorough exploration of this enticing country. Book before 31 March and your travel companion FLIES FREE. Valid on journeys 14 days or longer in duration in Indochina (Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos). INCLUDES Return economy class airfare flying Vietnam Airlines, 14 day Small Group Journey, 12 nights hotel accommodation, 1 night cruising on Halong Bay, breakfast daily, 4 lunches and 2 dinners, 3 internal flights within Asia, transport in airconditioned vehicles, sightseeing with entrance fees, Western tour leader based and a local English-speaking guides throughout. 14 DAYS FROM $3,259*pp BOOK BEFORE 31 MARCH & YOUR TRAVEL COMPANION FLIES FREE Shop 6 39 Avoca Drive, Kincumber CALL (02) 4363 1699 *Conditions apply. Second person flies free airfare offer is valid for Small Group Journeys of 14 days or more in duration starting and ending in Vietnam, Cambodia or Laos. Valid for departures: 01 Apr 15 - 30 Sep 15. For a full list of valid Small Group Journeys departures and itineraries, visit insiderjourneys.com.au. Offer valid for sale until 31 Mar 15 or until sold out. Offer valid departing SYD flying on Vietnam Airlines. Airfare must be issued through Insider Journeys for the offer to apply. ^Western tour leaders are based on a minimum of 7 travellers. Advertised price for Vietnam Discovery valid for travel 10 May – 21 Jun 15 and includes all savings. Prices are correct at time of issue and subject to change, cancellation or withdrawal without notice. Insider Journeys booking terms and conditions apply. This offer is not valid in conjunction with any other Insider Journeys special offer. ABN 84 003 237 296 Lic. No. 2TA 002558. Issued 19 Jan 15. W E LLBE IN G exercise forms an an integral part of healthy lifestyle by Dr. Quinten Willemse H uman beings need exercise – there is an increasing body of evidence to suggest that a sedentary lifestyle significantly increases our risk of developing chronic disease. Speak to any health professional and they would agree that exercise plays a major role in prevention and management of the following conditions: Vascular disease including heart disease and stroke. Memory problems including certain types of dementia. Many types of cancer including lung, breast, prostate and bowel. Chronic airways disease (emphysema). Data from the US suggests that 12% of all mortality (death) is directly linked to a lack of regular exercise. A sedentary lifestyle brings a twofold-increased risk for vascular events (heart attack or stroke) – these staggering numbers are irrespective of age, gender or ethnicity. One interesting study followed 10 000 Harvard Alumni over a 12 year period and showed that those who participated in regular exercise (walking, swimming, cycling or yard work for 30 minutes per day on most days) had a 23% lower risk of death – lower yet for those who controlled their blood pressure, maintained a normal body weight and did not smoke. 8 SE N I OR S ON TH E COAST Exercise therefore forms an integral part of a healthy lifestyle, which also includes: Healthy balanced diet. Abstinence from smoking. Good sleep habits. Regular medical care, including mental health. The benefits of a healthy lifestyle are numerous, and include: Reduction in blood pressure. Improvement in lipid profile (“cholesterol”). Treatment/prevention of certain types of Diabetes. Reduction in inflammation. Reduction in risk of developing certain types of cancer. Improved mental health and general wellbeing. So – how much exercise is enough? For most of us, more is better, with a minimum of 30 minutes moderate exercise per day, for 5 days a week. The elderly and those with chronic disease risk factors should “start low and go slow”. “Moderate exercise” is relative… enough to cause breathlessness yet being able to maintain a conversation – somewhere in the 5–6 range of a 0–10 scale. A balanced exercise program pays attention to all of the following: Aerobic conditioning Muscle strengthening Flexibility Balance Aerobic exercise targets large muscle groups sustained over at least 10 minutes…this may be a brisk walk for 10 minutes 3 x day. Muscle strengthening generally includes resistance training. Flexibility is often undervalued – this may make the difference between being able to put on shoes or reverse a vehicle. Balance training is crucial in falls prevention – fractures associated with falls carry a huge disease burden, which often starts a cascade of associated complications. It is highly advisable to discuss any planned exercise program with a health care professional. This consult should include a detailed medical history, clinical examination and review of medications, to establish a relative risk profile. Your GP can be an excellent resource for information and, if needed, also help establish a network of allied health providers to support you in your quest for Better Health. At Mingara Medical our GP’s have a strong focus on disease prevention, and treatment is often much easier if a diagnosis is made early. It is wise to occasionally speak to your doctor about appropriate screening, even if you are generally in good health. Dr. Quinten Willemse is a GP at Mingara Medical, where we believe that taking responsibility for lifestyle choices contribute greatly to health and wellbeing. A Day in the Life of a Veterinarian at Gosford Veterinary Hospital T he life a Veterinarian is varied and unpredictable. Many things happen each day causing plans to be thrown out the window. Each day is a challenge and adventure, not for the faint-hearted! But so very rewarding in so many ways. The day starts when we walk through the doors with bated breath, always unsure what the day is going to hold. The hard-working nurses are already there. They have opened up the clinic and checked on all the patients, taking the animals outside for walks and giving them the breakfast they are noisily asking for. Sleeves are rolled up (sometimes far too literally!) and all patients are checked. Their vital signs are taken: heart rate, respiratory rate, temperature, and a treatment plan is set for each patient for the day. The condition of patients can vary greatly. Some are recovering from surgery, some are on intravenous fluids, more critical patients are in our intensive care unit (providing oxygen and warmth). Once the owners of each patient are called and updated, the morning consultations start. Can you imagine going to see your doctor and not being able to say what was wrong? These are the mysteries that Vets become adept as solving. Is isn’t always easy! The first consultation of the day could be a routine vaccination where the dog squeals when he gets his temperature taken, the next could be a stoic staffy with a mass in her abdomen, yet showing no sign of pain. Diagnosing a cat that is ‘just not himself’ is tricky when you can’t ask him what’s wrong, or if you can’t ask a Labrador who is feeling funny in the tummy what he ate from the rubbish bin. It wouldn’t be a typical day without an emergency coming through the door. Surprises are par for the course in the Veterinary industry. It could be a cat that has been hit by a car, or a dog with a paralysis tick. Everyone springs into action. The outcome isn’t always positive and it can be hard to get on with the rest of the day after a tragedy, but everyone takes comfort in the fact that we always do everything we can to provide the best care and comfort to ALL patients, even if this sometime means it’s time to let our precious pet go. The amount of surgery that is performed each day changes to accommodate the happenings of the morning. The team at Gosford Vet is very proud of our surgical facilities and on any given day we could be doing anything from desexings to dentistry to trauma surgery to radiography to ultrasonography to orthopaedic surgery, and so much more! As each surgery is completed the patient is transferred into hospital and we contact their anxiously waiting parents to update them, and if appropriate arrange a time for them to go home. The afternoon is filled again with everything from bouncing puppies to senior felines, from rats, to cockatiels, from possums to bunnies, until the doors are finally closed and everyone breathes a sign of relief that another day is done. Sometimes there are tears, sometimes there is laughter, but always there is the feeling that we helped both pets and owners and the world is a little better off because of it. Finding Serenity • Professional & Caring Counselling • Grief and Loss • Depression • Anxiety • Trauma Counselling • Flexible hours Jo Evans DIP. COUNS. 54 Hills Street, North Gosford Ph 0418 650 439 jevans@findingserenity.com.au MARCH/APRIL 2015 – ISSUE 4 9 GRIE F words of comfort in times of loss by Linda Brown L ittle Gina had sat at her desk for as long as she could. Timidly, she raised her hand as she searched with soulful eyes for her teacher’s glance. “Yes, Gina?” With that acknowledgment, Gina slipped out of her seat, and approached the teacher’s desk before her eyes spilled out their tears. “May I call my mother and go home?” she pleaded. “Are you sick?” asked her teacher. “Yes, I am,” Gina nodded. “What’s the matter?” Gina studied the tips of her shoes for a few seconds, and then looked at her teacher and said, “I’ve got a broken heart.” This tender little story never fails to touch my heart. All around us there are people with real broken hearts – hearts so seriously broken that even a mother’s comfort would not be enough. How can we help such people in their distress when we feel so helpless? What are the right words to say? And what exactly is comfort anyway? As much as we would like to have the right answers to give our hurting friends, we know that we don’t have those answers for them. But we can ask good questions, which gives us the opportunity to offer comfort to others, by listening to them answer us. It is an act of kindness to let a hurting soul tell you what has happened in their world. Some caring questions could include: Do you want to tell me what happened? Are you afraid to be alone? What are your days like? What concerns you the most about this situation? Are you able to sleep? Can I give you a hug? When you don’t know the answers, let your questions bring comfort. The following story demonstrates just how helpful friends can be, when they know how to act at the time of a death, and really assist the person who they care deeply about when they are grieving. “Immediately following my husband’s very unexpected and traumatic death, I had to work through my grief enough to plan his funeral and make hundreds of small, but significant decisions, all the while maintaining the time and energy to care for our two young children, aged two and four. Well-wishing friends hovered around me and frequently asked, ‘What can I do for you?’. Most of the time, I could only respond with a blank stare. Looking back now, I can see that my friends could have done many things for me, but they didn’t know what to do, and I didn’t know what to tell them. After weeks of ignoring offers of assistance from well-wishers, a good friend insisted I needed help, and she was going help me figure out exactly what I needed. On Site Denture Specialist Affordable, world class dentistry in a spa-like environment • New, state of the art dental surgery in Riverside Park, West Gosford • From family and children’s dentistry to smile makeovers and implants • On-site dentures • Emergency appointments available • Happy gas and “sleep dentistry” available • Extended opening hours Ph 4323 4323 I 2/392-398 Manns Road, West Gosford riversidedentalspa.com.au 10 S E NI OR S ON TH E COAST GR I EF That was one of the best gifts a friend could have given me – a gentle but firm intervention. Together my friends figured out what had to be done around the house, what needed to be done for the kids, and what legal matters had to be handled – such as the Death Certificate and the Life Insurance Policy.” So, from this story we can see that there are many practical questions that help a hurting person continue to function. Don’t ask her to let you know if she needs anything. She won’t. Be specific and practical. Some helpful practical questions are: May I watch your children, or pick them up for you? What time would you like dinner? Do you need me to make any calls or notify anyone for you? Would you like me to be here with you and answer the phone for you? Can I drive you to the doctor or pick up your medicine, groceries or fruit and vegetables? Would you like to join us for a few days during the holidays? There are important time factors that are associated with grieving. If the death is sudden or traumatic, there is usually a sense of shock and people experience a general feeling of numbness. This reaction is both emotional and physical – emotional to protect us from painful knowledge, and When you don’t know the answers, let your questions bring comfort physical to stimulate the necessary bodily chemicals which help us to survive intense situations by feeling numb, instead of pain. In my work as a Funeral Director, at the time that I see families they are still in varying degrees of shock, numbness or denial and often find it hard to believe that the death has really occurred. A viewing at this time can assist to make the death real. If we allow ourselves to remain in denial about the death, we run the risk of interfering or delaying the grief process, which can lead to complicated grief, and possibly even mental health problems in the future. Each of the days leading up to the funeral are significant, and as time passes the numbness may be starting to wear off, and the pain beginning to increase. Contrary to popular belief, getting the funeral over with quickly does not speed up the grieving process, and can even be counter-productive. When families ask me, I always suggest more time between the death and the funeral rather than less, as not only do people need time to get organised, but they need time to grieve and process the meaning of this life-changing event. It is after the funeral is over when most people have left and gone back to their own lives, that the grieving person really needs on-going support and practical help, because feelings of helplessness, desolation and desperation can continue for months, as the overwhelming fear of going on alone becomes too much. Death is an event that we rarely think about, mainly because of the many fears that surround it, and the lack of willingness to discuss what is inevitable for each of us. It is walking “The Razor’s Edge” as we navigate between investing in relationships, and letting go of those we have loved – but that is the complexity of life, and the more comfortable we are with death in general, and our own death in particular, the more we can walk that journey with others and be at peace when our own time comes. I would encourage everyone to have a conversation about death with other people, sharing your own thoughts and fears, and ask others how they contemplate their own death in light of us all being so unsure of how much time remains. It takes a great deal of courage to begin such a conversation, but I have found that during those times the connection between myself and others brave enough to do so, touches the depths of their souls and my own. Linda has worked for TJ Andrews Funeral Services as a Funeral Director for the past 4 years, and is a proud Central Coast resident. Her previous work history includes home and car insurance, bookkeepeing and she is trained in counselling, management, human resources and marketing. Serving the Central Coast Community since 1978. We embrace the holistic care of our patients. We offer comprehensive geriatric medicine within a multidisciplinary team. We have a 30 bed private mental health facility coupled with operating theatre facilities catering to a wide variety of specialties. REMEMBER YOU CAN CHOOSE BRISBANE WATERS brisbanewatersprivatehospital.com.au 21 Vidler Ave Woy Woy, NSW, 2256. Ph (02) 4341 9522 MARCH/APRIL 2015 – ISSUE 4 11 C HIROP RA C T IC getting the most out of your body by Matthew Hodgson A sk someone who is 20 years old what they want from life and it would be very different from someone in their 60’s. Most people in their 60’s and beyond want the health to enjoy their family and leisure time. Very few people talk about living longer – they actually talk more about the quality of their life. So what do we know from medical research that we can do to improve the quality of our lives. Walking 30 minutes a day (vigorously) reduces your chances of heart disease, diabetes and cancer dramatically (even sitting and visualizing yourself exercising has been shown to help!). If you walk in the morning it has been shown to be more effective, increasing metabolism through the day and improving sleep quality. Eating five serves of fruit and vegetables a day also decreases our chances of diabetes and colon cancer (eating these at the start of a meal as a type of Hor Dourve stabilizes blood sugars, helps you eat less and improves digestion). Eating foods high in omega 3 is essential. Omega 3 fatty acids make up the lining of most cells in the body and has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. This is important as previously our diets were a 20 to 1 ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 (omega 6 increases inflammation). Now the average diet is 1 to 1 so our body is more reactive. This has been blamed for some of the increases we are seeing in allergies, skin and digestive problems. There are actually four types of exercise we need everyday. Aerobic exercise, resistance exercise, maximal effort exercise and spinal exercise. This sounds like a lot but can be done in as little as 20 minutes a day. Try googling peak 8 exercise for one example of the maximal effort exercise. Good quality rest can get harder as we age. Often you will find you wake after 3 hours of sleep and can’t go back. We 12 SE N I OR S ON TH E COAST actually sleep in 90-minute cycles and often it can be low blood sugars that cause us to wake in the lighter part of the cycle. Trying almond butter (crush some almonds and mix in butter-spread on whatever you like) can often make a difference to sleep quality. The B vitamins help the depth of the sleep and can stop restless legs and the butter stabilizes blood sugars. Waking to sunlight activates your pituitary gland in your brain, the area responsible for the production of growth hormone, which helps with metabolism. Even something as simple as sleeping with socks on has been shown to improve sleep quality as cold peripheries can wake you up. Looking after your spine and nervous system may not seem like a priority. However as your nervous system controls and coordinates all the functions of your body, looking after your spine is just as important as the other aspects of health. The research states that a healthy functioning spine and nervous system is one of the keys to health. Research has shown people under Chiropractic care take less medication, have less surgery and spend less on health care overall than those not under Chiropractic care. Even people who had pain for more than 4 years in one study 67% improved with Chiropractic treatment compared to 9.4% with acupuncture and 5% with medication. One easy test to see if your cerebellum (the part of the brain to do with balance and spinal control as well as many other things) is working well is to stand with your arms straight in front of you at 90 degrees like a zombie. Close your eyes and march up and down on the spot for 20 seconds. If you turn to one side or the other or one arm drops this can be a sign of cerebellar imbalance. “Waking to sunlight activates your pituitary gland in your brain, the area responsible for the production of growth hormone” Being as healthy as you can be is a matter of doing the right things throughout life. There is no magic diet, exercise or meditation that will suddenly make you healthy. Most people have a health problem and they wait until their health is failing. The number one call to action for most people is when their health is going down hill. What we would like to do is get you forward thinking about your health and let you know the best time to get healthy is usually today. Procrastination is the thief of health – people put off to the future and wait until they feel something or they have a problem. But if you look at the top causes of death and disease-heart disease, diabetes and cancer-they are all problems that people don’t feel. There is plenty of awareness in the world about healthcare, what lacks and what changes lives is action – we have to be moving from awareness to action -but that next step is totally up to you. Matthew runs an objective neurologically based Chiropractic clinic in Erina. His focus in practice is helping people achieve their true health potential by empowering people to reach their health goals. Focusing on providing exceptional Chiropractic care while supporting people to eat well, move well and think well. Do you have dust mite allergies? D ust mite allergies are extremely common and yet what many people aren't aware of is just how easily treatable they are. Whilst symptoms can be widely ranging in both type and severity, they are heavily dust-related and can therefore be controlled by simply reducing the number of dust mites present in your home. Dust mite allergies can present themselves in a myriad of symptoms and predominantly relate to inflammation of the nasal passages, but can also greatly increase asthmatic symptoms in asthma sufferers. If you suffer from any of the following symptoms it may be the case that you are allergic to dust mites. Dust mite allergy symptoms include: sneezing runny nose nasal congestion itchy nose, roof of the mouth, or throat itchy, red, or watery eyes coughing swollen, dark circles under the eyes facial pressure and pain Asthma sufferers may also experience: difficulty breathing tightness or pain in the chest wheezing trouble sleeping caused by coughing, wheezing or shortness of breath Dust mites eat shed skin cells and absorb moisture from the air (rather than drinking). They thrive in warm, humid, heavily used areas such as carpets, rugs, upholstered furniture and bedding. These items should be cleaned often and thoroughly in order to ensure continued control of dust mite populations. When cleaning to remove dust mites is it important to : use hot water at a temperature greater than 55°C to clean bedding ensure carpets, rugs, and upholstered furniture are cleaned by a professional company whose products are capable of removing dead and live mites, as well as skin cells, and other dust particles Given the wide variety of symptoms dust mite allergies can cause people experiencing any of the above symptoms should have their carpets, rugs, upholstered furniture, and bedding cleaned more regularly than others. Summer Scooter Special Your safe mobility solutions with customised equipment and expert fitting IN STORE NOW Mobile walking aid Electric powerlift chair • scooters • walking aids • daily living aids • rails and home modifications • bathroom Central Coast Experts in Mobility Scooters www.mobility2you.com.au Approved DVA Sub Contractor Visit our Mobility Centres 2/12 Aston Road, ERINA Phone 4367 5751 6/2 O’Hart Close, CHARMHAVEN Phone 4351 6696 MARCH/APRIL 2015 – ISSUE 4 13 N ATUROPATH Y are supplements really necessary as we age? by Diana Arundell I f Hippocrates was right in saying ‘let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food’, then why are we confronted with shelves of vitamin and mineral supplements, advertisements enticing us to add protein powders to our smoothies and commercials telling us to take a probiotic to make sure our digestive system is filled with ‘good’ bacteria? Many orthodox doctors and even dieticians firmly believe that supplements are both unnecessary and a waste of money, whereas doctors trained in nutrition and environmental medicine and most naturopaths view supplements as an integral part of their treatment protocol. As a naturopath, I don’t believe that one size fits all and many things need to be considered when working with someone to help them get the best out of themselves physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Food and nutritional education is always the first port of call to enhance the health of my clients, however I also believe nutritional supplements are very effective at times to bridge a nutritional gap between a person’s diet and their physiological needs. Accurately prescribing nutrients and herbal medicine based on both therapeutic activity as well as scientific evidence has hugely assisted my clients in achieving their health goals. It’s important to acknowledge that one person’s nutritional gap can be very different to another’s – even if they are 14 S E NI OR S ON TH E COAST related or married and eat the same things. So many things need to be taken into consideration when considering nutritional requirements such as what is included or excluded in the diet – meat eaters vs vegetarians or vegans. Vegans may need extra supplementation of iron, zinc or B12. Food allergies need to be considered because if whole food groups are eliminated it may mean essential nutrients are also eliminated. Men and women may have different nutritional requirements depending on activity levels, presence of disease (auto immune, infection, allergies, cardiovascular, cancer etc), digestive capacity, hormones and their age. As we age, it is also important to remember that our digestive tract also ages and may not absorb nutrients (from the diet as well as supplements) as effectively. For some drinking lemon or apple cider vinegar in warm water before meals can be enough to encourage good digestive function and for others digestive enzymes may need to be prescribed to ensure nutrient absorption. If we combine an ageing digestive tract with food that is much less nutritionally dense (due to modern farming practices – fast turnover of crops, pesticides etc) than a few decades ago, it makes sense that we may need additional support at various times in our life. As people age their nutritional requirements may also change. As we age, there may be nutrients that we need more or less of. For example as a woman’s menstrual cycle ceases, low iron levels may be less of an issue, whereas her requirements for calcium and vitamin D may increase post menopause. As people age, wear and tear on joints may become an issue and nutrients such as glucosamine/chondroitin, curcumin and high dose essential fatty acids can make huge difference to reducing pain, inflammation and protecting joint function so exercise can continue for as long as possible. Use those muscles or lose them! There are other things to consider as the body ages such as cardiovascular health and if orthodox medication has been prescribed, considering what influence that may have on nutritional status. For example if a person is taking a ‘statin’ cholesterol lowering drug, it’s important to supplement with a professional range CoQ10 (ubiquinol) supplement as statins can cause a deficiency in this nutrient which is a powerful antioxidant and protective of the heart. Similarly if a course of antibiotics has been taken, a probiotic may be required to re-inoculate the gut with favourable bacteria. Pharmaceutical SENIORS WEEK AT GOSFORD RSL “Memories” drugs to reduce stomach acid may also reduce absorption of nutrients such as iron and calcium which are absorbed via the stomach, so other nutrients to improve mineral absorption may help nutritional status when taking these medications. As we age, our body may show the signs of oxidative stress and so keeping antioxidants flowing abundantly into the body will help protect cells from damage. Ideally these should come from the diet – lots of leafy green, red and orange vegetables and berries – eaten as well as juiced will make a good contribution, however if there is higher oxidative damage occurring from exposure to toxins (chemicals and heavy metals) or due to high inflammation or stress, then considering supplementing with an antioxidant such as resveratrol (red grapes/ berries produce this substance to protect themselves from damage) or additional amounts of vitamins A, C and E may help. If you are wondering whether your body may benefit from taking a supplement, rather than guessing and buying an over the counter product which may not add any value to your body at all, see a medical professional trained in nutritional medicine, who has experience in prescribing supplements and who can access practitioner only ranges of nutrients. When it comes to supplements you get what you pay for and many of the over counter (supermarket and health food stores) products may be comprised of cheaper ingredients, fillers, binders, flavours and colours. These things can even worsen people’s conditions. Your practitioner should have access to superior supplements which have been scientifically researched and manufactured under the strictest guidelines. Regardless of our age we do need to consider food as our primary healthcare and we can’t expect to take a tablet for a health condition we have eaten ourselves into. Modifying our diet to enhance our health will also take longer than a quick fix tablet, but long term, food really is our best medicine and you are what you eat, what you drink and what you think… Diana Arundell is a university-qualified naturopath and consults from her Avoca Naturopath clinic. She has a special interest in fertility and pregnancy health, digestive health, immune function and family wellness programs. She was a nutrition lecturer at Macquarie University for 10years, and is an accredited Journey Practitioner. Sunday March 15, 2pm Take a musical trip down memory lane with 2014 Mo Award winner Snowy Robson and Multi Mo Award winners Aubrey & Martin Tickets $10 at reception Central Coast Hwy, West Gosford Tel 4323-2311 www.grsl.com.au Mingara Medical provides full Mingara Medical provides full general practice services with additional focus general practice services with additional focus on “lifestyle medicine”, acknowledging the role of on “lifestyle medicine”, acknowledging the role of lifestyle, physical activity, diet and mental health in lifestyle, physical activity, diet and mental health in the prevention and management of disease. the prevention and management of disease. Book online at www.mingaramed.com.au Book online at www.mingaramed.com.au Ph: 4302 3333 3/14 Mingara Drive, Tumbi Umbi Ph: 43023333 3/14 Mingara Drive, Tumbi Umbi • Dr Rebecca Black • Chris Lloyd • Dr JP Mare • Dr Ben Eksteen • Dr Michelle Reiss • Dr Rebecca Black • Chris Lloyd • Dr JP Mare • Dr Ben Eksteen • Dr Michelle Reiss • Dr Raya Grishina-Gunn • Dr Quinten Willemse • Dr James Wolstenholme • Dr Raya Grishina-Gunn • Dr Quinten Willemse • Dr James Wolstenholme Glomesh Sounds Retro Disco Parties Sharing their love of 70s and 80s music and bringing it back to your doorstep • Birthdays, parties or just having a good time, we can come to you • Specialising in 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and beyond...retro all the way • Also playing at venues around the coast, find us on facebook (Glomesh Sounds) FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL Rachael Stewart 0418 719 680 Jane Stewart Kemble 0431 393 639 Animal Talent specialies in dog training, animal training and animal casting for film and television. Operating from Woy Woy, we offer a range of affordable dog training services around the central coast. For more information contact Louise 0437 148 402 louise@animaltalent.com.au MARCH/APRIL 2015 – ISSUE 4 15 Royal Rehab Private Y our rehabilitation journey begins in the state-of-the-art facility, designed especially for intensive inpatient rehabilitation. It’s in these surroundings, along with the latest equipment, best evidence based practice and dedicated team, that you and your family can take the first steps in working towards your future wellbeing and greater independence. Royal Rehab Private was officially opened in 2014 by the Governor of NSW Her Excellency Marie Bashir. The outstanding facilities, on-site research and innovative patient programs are all about helping you achieve a quality life. As a part of Royal Rehab, Australia’s premier rehabilitation provider, the Private service is proud to be continuing this best-in-class approach to rehabilitation. Your support team Your team includes a wide range of specialties and understands that rehabilitation is not only a physical recover y, but an emotional one too. Hope, a positive attitude and a friendly face can go a long way. Rehabilitation specialists and medical officer Rehabilitation Nurses Physiotherapists Occupational Therapists Speech Therapists Social Workers Neuropsychologist Recreation Therapist Dietitian Royal Rehab: Clinical Pharmacist Rehabilitation Assistants A program designed for you Have peace of mind knowing you’ll be involved in every step of your rehabilitation. In our experience, a strong collaboration between patients and clinicians achieves the most successful rehabilitation outcomes. With your goals in mind, staff will work with you to set an individualised rehabilitation plan and timetable. This will cover a 7 day period, including social and recreational activities, as well as physical and cognitive therapies and practice. We’ll also assist you with your transition back home through a range of Rehabilitation made for you SE N I OR S ON TH E COAST World-class accommodation Our new facility is conveniently located in an open, spacious and beautifully landscaped setting with extensive outdoor recreation and leisure facilities. Your stay at Royal Rehab Private includes superior accommodation in one of our large private rooms with ensuite. All bedrooms have either As one of Australia’s premier rehabilitation and disability support providers, Royal Rehab is proud to deliver a best-inclass approach to rehabilitation & lifestyle support. Our new state-of-the-art facilities, onsite research and innovative patient programs are all about helping you live a quality life. To find out more about Royal Rehab’s services, contact us at: 02 9808 9377 info@royalrehab.com.au 235 Morrison Rd, Ryde www.royalrehab.com.au 16 specialised outpatient services and community support. Our rehabilitation programs include: Stroke Neurological Orthopaedic Post-spinal surgery Reconditioning Royal Rehab works closely with the NSW Stroke Recovery Association which has two very successful Stroke Clubs on the Central Coast. The Working Age Group for Stroke, (WAGS) meets every month at the Mingara Recreation Centre and organizes a number of activities for member throughout the Month. Movie nights, theatre nights, carer’s luncheons and a Men’s Group called “Scallywags”. The Woy Woy Club has for many years supported members in a hydro-therapy activity twice weekly and has a very successful social calendar with events organized for members to get together and enjoy each other’s company. All Stroke survivors and their carers are invited to attend, for information please call 1300 650 594. private balconies with views or overlook a sunny courtyard garden. Our light and air y dining and lounge areas overlook landscaped gardens, tennis courts and open recreation reserve. Throughout your stay, you’ll enjoy restaurant quality meals prepared daily by our head chef. Your stay at Royal Rehab Private The length of your stay will depend on your individual needs and rehabilitation goals which we’ll establish with you early on in your program. We’ll work closely with you and your family to help meet these goals so you can return home as quickly and safely as possible. We’ll also help to plan for any future support you might require after discharge, which may include a period of outpatient rehabilitation. State-of-the-art facilities Throughout your rehabilitation, you’ll experience: A large private suite with balcony or courtyard views and ensuite bathroom Outstanding fully equipped indoor and outdoor treatment areas Private indoor and outdoor recreation and leisure areas Landscaped gardens Mobility skills area Adjoining parkland with children’s playground for young visitors Hydrotherapy pool Free in-room Foxtel Movies-on-demand for purchase Free WiFi Café – Dolcini on the Hill Visiting Hairdresser Pet visits by appointment Shops and cafes nearby Working with the industry’s best. Our partnerships ensure the latest expert advice and research evidence for our rehabilitation programs. Our partners include: Rehabilitation Studies Unit (Uni of Syd) Stroke Recovery Association NSW Brain Injury Australia Wheelchair Sports NSW Sydney Nursing School (Uni of Syd) For Seniors on the Coast readers we will arrange a private tour, or respond to further enquiries through our Referral Coordinator on (02) 9809 9011 or 0412 254 269. Email enquiries or to request a tour: info@royalrehab.com.au Royal Rehab Private is located at 235 Morrison Road, Ryde. Royal Rehab Private is fully accredited by the Australian Council of Healthcare Standards and meets all of the Australian Commission on Safety & Quality in Health Care’s National Safety and Quality Health Care Standards. A day trip to remember... Ride the Ferry and have lunch at the Davo! Ferry Trip & Lunch Package Only 2 minutes walk from Woy Woy station the M.V. Saratoga departs Fisherman’s Wharf Monday to Friday at 10.45am and 12.30pm and on the weekends at 9.30am, 10.45am and 12.30pm for a relaxing ride on the beautiful Brisbane Waters. Inform the Boat Captain and he will ring the club prior to your arrival to stop and have some lunch or a cold beer at Davistown RSL where the courtesy bus will pick you up from Central Wharf. The bus will then depart the club at 1.00pm and 2.10pm for your return journey. Bookings are essential. For more information contact the Functions Department on 4363 0103 www.davistownrsl.com.au www.centralcoastferries.com.au ON 2 Course Menu – Main & Dessert $3LY 0 pe Minimum of 20 people r head For your next group booking look no further than Davistown RSL with a wide variety of choices. DAVISTOWN RSL CLUB Highly Commended 2014 Chef’s Table MARCH/APRIL 2015 – ISSUE 4 17 MIND F U L N E S S people pleasing superwomen by Carol Campbell P eople pleasing…is when you get yourself into a situation where you are going full tilt for too long, trying too hard to please too many people, ignoring your own care metre which is moving dangerously into the RED DEPLETED ZONE. Have you been so over caring, over giving and over perfect, that you have made yourself sick with exhaustion? One more responsibility I can do one more thing for you. I can control myself, my brain and my life to figure out how to make this work for absolutely everyone, how I keep everyone (but me) happy. Tough it out I can put off taking care of myself one more day, week or month. I can make it. I am strong. If I can just make it to ‘x’ I will be able to rest then. Because I want to be nice GENEROUS, KIND, LOVELY, GENTLE, STRONG CAPABLE and INDEPENDENT and insert more and more superlatives here… all the time without fail. Resentment At first my shallow please–love–me, let–me –impress–you. I quite deceptively think I am somehow helping my relationships and myself by doing this over extending thing. Then I begin to feel put upon and overwhelmed. I begin to wish they would get their needs met elsewhere. Can’t they read my mind that I am tired! Why are they asking so much of me? I begin to resent them the people I love! I start to treat them and me unkindly. Superwoman Of course they have no idea this is happening…how would they, I am 18 SE N I OR S ON TH E COAST SUPERWOMAN, and superwoman doesn’t get resentful. She doesn’t ignore her boundaries and self care, she has it all happening, she does it all in a single leap and bound! Who’s in charge here? Why am I blaming the person or situation I am resenting? My questions to myself should be: Why am I allowing myself to do more than I am reasonably and self respectively capable? Why am I allowing society, the critic in my head, my habits, my fears of inadequacy to dictate my life? Who’s really in charge here? I begin to think they have put me on a pedestal, I am their saviour, their only support or entertainment. So this must be their fault? Or is it my neediness? it means saying NO. By taking good care of me, that means recharging my batteries. However I need…staying home, being alone, listening to music, exercise, meditation and saying NO. What if no-one notices that I have withdrawn to recharge my batteries, or they don’t care, or they don’t mind. Guess it must mean their dependence on me was all in my little mind to begin with. The fog begins to clear They have done none of this. They are just doing what I trained them to do. They don’t know I am suffering. Do I need to be needed so badly then? Maybe it’s fear that is driving this for me. Fear that if they find out I am not everything, that I am human and frail and weak, even that I am not super woman and I don’t have it all together. They might feel sorry for me. They might assume I am inept and incapable. Those flaws might be so bad that if anyone ever knew about them they could never really love me. They may decide that I am too flawed for them to be worth their time and effort. Trust And it involves trust. I need to trust that they will understand my need to recharge. I need to trust that they will not think poorly of me if I reveal my flaws and humanness. Even if they do notice that I have withdrawn and are unhappy with my lack of availability to them, in such an over extended way. It never serves any healthy good, for anyone involved, that I would put myself and them into that dysfunctional position in the first place. So clean up your relationships with the ones you love and say no to the superwoman people pleaser in you! I am the problem So when I start to treat people around me without generosity or I am unkind or feel resentment creeping in, I need to remember that they aren’t the problem I AM. They may not have done anything to be treated so disrespectfully. So to fix this situation I have to remember to take care of me even if Carol Campbell is a local girl who moved here in the 1960s. After high school Carol trained as a nurse and then travelled to England and Europe. Returning to Australia, she worked as a community nurse and then changed careers, studying massage, health counselling and a other health and wellness courses. She started her own business with massage and then moving to health and wellness areas. Carol’s passion is looking after women, helping become comfortable in their bodies. Vidler Ave Skin Cancer Centre W e certainly are a Sunburnt Country with the incidence rates of melanoma in Australia still on the rise. It is the third most common form of cancer (10% of all cancers) and is responsible for more than 1500 Australian deaths a year. It is the most common cancer in the 15-39 year old age bracket and kills more young Au stra l i ans t ha n any o th e r c a n c e r. There are over 12,500 cases diagnosed in Australia each year, with men being 2.5 times more likely to died from a melanoma than woman. However, if melanoma is identified early it can be completely removed with a simple treatment. Be Skin Cancer aware, be Sunsmart and make a Skin Check part of your regular health regime. Always protect your skin when the UV index is 3 (moderate) or above and avoid being in the sun in peak UV periods between 10am and 3pm. Never get sunburnt. Be Sunsmart and : Seek shade Slip on Sunsmart clothing that covers your shoulders, arms and legs Slap on a broad-brimmed hat that shades your face, neck and ears Slop on SPF30+ broad spectrum, water resistant sunscreen every 2 hours Wear wrap-around sunglasses Check the Cancer Council’s Sunsmart UV metre at www.theskincancercentre.com.au if you are unsure of the peak UV periods for today. Early detection of Skin Cancers is imperative. It is highly recommended that you complete a full self-examination on a regular basis. All adults should: Be familiar with their skin Check all areas of their skin regularly (including those not exposed to the sun) Look for changes in shape, colour or size of any new spots. See a doctor immediately if you have any concerns. You can use the ABCDE rule to help you determine an abnormal mole. If you notice any of these signs you should have the mole checked by a doctor. A is for Asymmetry: One half of a mole or birthmark is different to the other. B is for Border: The edges are irregular, ragged, notched, or blurred. C is for Color: The color is uneven and may include shades of brown or black, pink, red, white, or blue. D is for Diameter: The spot is larger than about 6mm. E is for Evolving: The mole is changing in size, shape, or color. You should also see a doctor if you are unsure. Melanomas can be deadly but if they are caught early enough can be successfully treated. Make an appointment with Vidler Ave Skin Centre today for your bulk-billed skin check. Join us for Bizet’s CARMEN 2.30PM SUNDAY 22 MARCH Central Coast Grammar School PERFORMING ARTS CENTRE Arundel Road, ERINA HEIGHTS symphonycentralcoast.com.au MARCH/APRIL 2015 – ISSUE 4 19 Seniors Week 14-22 March 2014 Date Cost Program Mon 16 March $6.00 Brisbane Water Morning Tea Cruise ‘Gosford to Broken Bay’ Note: No wheelchair access – wear suitable footwear. Enquiries only: 4304 7065 Departing: Gosford Wharf – 10.15am Departing: Woy Woy Wharf 10.35am Tickets at Ettalong, Terrigal & Gosford 50+Leisure & Learning Centres. Mon 16 March FREE Aqua Fitness Class Peninsula Leisure Centre. Time: 12.30pm. Enquiries: 4304 7250 16–20 March FREE Erina Library will be holding a Country Women’s Association display. All welcome to view, Enquiries: 4304 7650 Mon 16 March FREE Seniors Card Making – Wyoming Community Centre. Refreshments provided. Time: 11.00am–12.00 Bookings essential: 4323 7483 Mon 16 March FREE ‘Years Ahead’ NRMA Road Safety for Seniors Presentation for Seniors about safety as pedestrians, drivers & passengers. Time: 10.30am Kincumber Library. Bookings: 4304 7641 Tues 17 March FREE “Understanding your Pension” How income assets are assessed, concessions and other services, rights and obligations, work bonus. Time: 10.00am–11.30 am Gosford Library. Bookings: 4304 7335/4304 8155 Tues 17 March FREE ‘Grandparents Storytime’ Erina Library – 2 sessions. Time: 9.30am–10.15am & Time: 10.30am–11.30am Enquiries: 4304 7650 Tues 17 March FREE Introduction to U3A – Erina Library. Time: 2.00pm. Enquiries: 4304 7650 Tues 17 March FREE Gentle Exercise – Yoga Wyoming Community Centre.Time: 10.45am – 12.00noon Morning Tea provided. Bookings Essential: 4304 7525 Tues 17 March FREE Aqua Fitness Class – Gosford Pool. Time: 8.30am Enquiries: 4304 7250 Tues 17 March $29pp Hawkesbury River Cruise & Lunch Enjoy a relaxed cruise & hot lunch at the Broken Bay Sport & Recreation Centre. This event is extremely popular & limited to 100. Bookings open 9th Feb. 2 bookings only per caller. Ph 4362 3184 Tues 17 March FREE Yoga in the Evening Peninsula Leisure Centre – Woy Woy. Time: 7.30pm Enquiries:4304 7250 Wed 18 March FREE GREEN Living Bus Tour Learn about Council’s Water & Waste Management by visiting a number of Council facilities. Suitable enclosed footwear & hat is a must. Morning Tea & Lunch Provided. RSVP: by 11 Mar. Bookings Essential: 4325 8912 Wed 18 March FREE Seniors Kincumber Computer Club – Central Coast Open Day – come & see how the club & computers work, including iPads, Tablets & Smart Phones. Time: 10.00am – 12.00noon (includes tea/coffee). Enquiries: 4369 2530 Wed 18 March FREE Retirees Meet & Greet at Erina Library Join us for Grandparents and the Library Presentations & discussion on the many ways grandparents can enjoy the library with their grandchildren. Time: 10.00am Enquiries: 4304 7650 Erina Library Wed 18 March FREE Seniors e-books at Erina Library. Introduction to the library’s e-book collection and FAQs. Time: 2.00pm Enquiries: 4304 7650 Wed 18 March FREE Central Coast Masters Cricket Match Enjoyable day for players & spectators Venue: Mt Penang Oval, Kariong. Time: 10am– 4.30pm Cost: Free lunch for registered players and officials only courtesy of Central Coast Leagues Club. Registration for players & officials – bookings essential: Mr Gordon Ives 4341 1126 prior to the day. N.B. Tickets from 50+ Leisure & Learning Centres (Formerly Senior Citizens Centres) are available from 2nd March 2015. 20 S E NI OR S ON TH E COAST Events in Gosford City Date Cost Program Wed 18 March FREE Foot Health for Seniors Presented by Podiatry Association of Australia. Woy Woy Library. Time: 2.00pm Bookings: 4304 7555 Wed 18 March FREE Aqua Fitness Class 12.30pm at Peninsula Leisure Centre, Woy Woy. Enquiries: 4304 7250 Wed 18 March FREE Yoga Class Peninsula Leisure Centre – Woy Woy. Time:10.30am. Enquiries: 4304 7250 Wed 18 March $58.00 Wed 18 March FREE Thurs 19 March $12.00 30th Birthday Celebration – Terrigal 50+ Leisure & Learning Centre Be entertained by award winning pianist, vocalist and accordionist Joey Fimmano. Also performing will be the Sydney detachment of the Royal Australian Navy Band. Time: 11.00am-2.30pm 2 course lunch (Salad and Dessert) – limited to 150 people. Bookings: 4384 5152 Thurs 19 March $2.00 Morning Tea Concert – Entertainment by “The Gals” who are a local entertaining identity who provide an hour of dance & song in glorious costumes. Time: 10.30am – 12.00 Gosford 50+ Leisure & Learning Centre. Includes Morning Tea. Raffles are available. Bookings: 4304 7065 Thurs 19 March FREE Email for Seniors – Woy Woy Library. Time: 10.30am. Bookings essential. Phone: 4304 7555 Thurs 19 March FREE ‘Grandparents Storytime’ Erina Library – 2 sessions 9.30am & 10.30am. Enq: 4304 7650 Thurs 19 March $5.00 The Great War Presentation Professor Richard Waterhouse will give a talk on The Impact of WW1 in Australia, followed by a presentation about the Gosford Poppy Project 2015. There will be an opportunity to make a poppy that will be included in the 100 year anniversary of WW1. Time: 2.00pm Place: The Erina Centre (next to library) Bookings: 4325 8869 Cost includes afternoon tea Fri 20 March FREE CPR for Seniors Woy Woy Library. Conducted by Surf Lifesavers. Time: 10.30am Bookings: 4304 7555 Fri 20 March FREE Gentle Exercise Class Time: 8.30am Peninsula Leisure Centre. Enquiries: 4304 7250 Fri 20 March FREE Aqua Fitness Class Gosford Pool. Time: 11.00am. Enquiries: 4304 7250 Fri 20 March FREE Aqua Fitness Class Peninsula Leisure Centre. Time: 12.30pm Enquiries: 4304 7250 Fri 20 March FREE Resourceful Gardening – Celebrating gardening as the ultimate recycler. This workshop will cover composting, soil improvement, creating garden beds & growing seeds from propagation. 9.00am – 12.00pm. This great workshop at Wyoming Community Centre will show you how easy it is to have a low cost & bountiful garden. Bookings : 4325 8912 Fri 20 March FREE Natural Pest Control (presenters from the Botanical Gardens) – Wyoming Community Centre. This workshop follows the above workshop. Time: 12.30pm – 3.00pm Lunch will be provided to those attending both workshops ie the above course & this course. Bookings: 4323 7483 Fri 20 March FREE Try & Decide Indoor Bowls Clinic Learn to Indoor Bowl before hitting the mats. Time: 9.00am 12. Includes morning tea. Ettalong 50+ Leisure & Learning Centre. Bookings & Enq: 4341 3222 Fri 20 March $55.00 Belated St Patrick’s Day Celebration Bus Trip to Buttai Barn - Entertainment, Devonshire Tea, 2 course lunch, tea/coffee. Prize for best dressed in green. Time: 9.00am Gosford Library Time: 9.15am Spotlight Bus Stop West Gosford Bookings: 4304 7065 Cash Only non-refundable ‘Grandparents Storytime’ Kincumber Library Time: 10.30am Enquiries: 4304 7641 ‘Explore Lake Macquarie’ Too many sightseeing locations to mention. A very scenic tour via The Entrance, Norah Head, Catherine Hill Bay, Nords Wharf & Belmont. Mystery tour follows. Cost includes Morning Tea & lunch at Toronto Workers Club. Bookings: 4304 7065 CASH ONLY NON-REFUNDABLE MARCH/APRIL 2015 – ISSUE 4 21 LI FE A N D LO V E healthy ageing and wellness in longevity viva la revolution! by Sarah Tolmie I t can be said that your age is a chronological fact, a number, but growing old is mental, cultural and habitual and, in our Western culture, the socialisation of negative norms for growing old are very entrenched. I’m interested in this, because my husband, who is 12 years my senior, is turning 55 this year. I was beginning to tease him and roast his impending ‘getting old’, busting out all the usual clichés, joking about how he can get cheaper senior’s insurance and that he’ll need to leave to go live in a gated community etc. Thankfully I had sense to pause and listen to my assumptions and judgements, and stop myself. “Hang on” I said to myself, “I have a vested interest in keeping my husband young, healthy, vital and active. I’m not going to buy into this mindset, I need to support and encourage an attitude – indeed an expectation – of wellness and healthy longevity for him into ageing!” There are many examples of implicit ageist stigma in our culture and they can be seen in quite benign things such as the notion of a ‘retirement age’, which suggests a use by date to “retire” from meaningful work. Take the existence of seniors discounts...just look at the languaging...you are being discounted and valued less! Even the segmentation of 55+ into separate communities, and then later even more further out of sight, out of mind, in nursing homes, can be 22 SE NI OR S ON TH E COAST seen as an insidious side-lining away from mainstream living. Not to mention the usual depiction in the media and entertainment, of the silly old ‘biddy’ who acts ignorant of technology, or confused at how things are done “these days” and looking quite frail or bent over. And lastly, even more destructive, is the pervasive fear of, and normalisation of, dementia and Alzheimer’s as a ‘natural’ and inevitable consequence of ageing! However, I believe this current generation entering the 55+, retirement and third age is probably the most healthy, most educated, most worldly and cashed up generation of seniors ever in the history of humanity, and a not so quiet evolution is taking place which will ultimately shift the balance of perceptions back to a healthier picture of ageing. To aid this evolution, a revolution must happen to reject the old paradigms that are embedded in our financial, social and cultural traditions. Do you notice how time is speeding up as you get older? Well that is what happens when we have less ‘new’ and exciting experiences in our lives. The routine and habitual blend into one and you are less likely to notice the newness of each day, and then suddenly a year has passed! Healthy longevity and wellness into ageing requires mindset and cultural change and, yes, new habits. It requires a refusal to play and conform to limiting social and cultural norms. It is about believing you can be healthy and well for as long as you want; it is about positively envisioning and actioning a healthy lifestyle; it is about remaining vital and productive; and it is about inviting the new, the novel and the “never befores” into your experience. It is also about preparing the body from as early on as possible with wellness habits and practices for healthy longevity by being active, looking after your nutritional foundational health, taking the vitamins and supplements that support the repair and maintenance of your cells and body systems, and most importantly, believing, speaking and acting in anticipation of continued health and wellness. And for those like me, following close behind my more senior beloved, it is about not dreading the ageing experience but welcoming it. It’s about being heart, mind, body and soul ready to walk that path with grace and love. I will welcome the wisdom. I will welcome the freedom. I will welcome and expect great health. I will welcome my seat at the head of the table! And if I can successfully grow my hair down to my bum...then I will welcome it to be gloriously grey too! Much love. Sarah Sarah Tolmie is a life & love coach, therapist and consultant. Her practice focuses love, marriage & family relationships; health wellness & longevity; success & lifestyle. Sarah is also a Life & Love Celebrant creating profound and meaningful ceremonies for all life & love events, and a Pastoral Care Practitioner helping families through grief & loss, as well as coping with illness, dying and death. You can visit her website www.sarahtolmie.com.au and receive her Daily Love updates on her Facebook page at Sarah Tolmie – Life & Love. Classes held at Musicrazy Long Jetty 0412 463 805 The Piano Bug Narara & Niagara Park 0424 446 778 Maestro Possums Terrigal, Copacabana & Wamberal 4381 0907/0414 694 208 www.kindermusik.com R adio 50 Plus was established in 1993 and from a then broadcast radius, in Umina, of just a few blocks, the station today broadcasts from modern premises in North Gosford 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to an estimated audience in excess of 150,000. Our music timeline of 1940-1985 is geared towards the over 50 audience within our broadcast area, which not only incorporates the Central Coast of NSW, but across the bulk of metropolitan Sydney, throughout the Hunter and across the Blue Mountains. All of Radio Five-O-Plus’ programs are presented by volunteer broadcasters. These broadcasters are drawn to the station because of its unique, independent ethos and its commitment to quality public radio. All Radio Five-O-Plus’ broadcasters have a passion for what they present and are genuine music fanatics or devoted experts in their fields. The voices heard on Radio Five-OPlus are as varied as its listeners. And, it’s many of these listeners who keep the station on-air year in, year out. Radio Five-O-Plus is a fully independent non-profit community radio station which relies on sponsorship and listener subscriptions to keep running – listener funded radio. It is not beholden to shareholders or advertisers; but here to serve our community of listeners and offer them a genuine, intelligent and considered alternative. This unique relationship with listeners connects with people in more ways than just on-air. Radio Five-OPlus 93.3FM is one of few community radio stations that has a community/ outside broadcast van and the station is represented by this van and its staff at many of the events run within the community, assisting in the joint promotion of the station and the event. With many of these events run by charitable or non profit organisations the additional exposure they receive through Radio Five-O-Plus almost certainly ensures an increased profitability of the organised event. The van is also used to conduct outside broadcasts at our sponsors events and workplaces, further strengthening the relationship between the station and its sponsors, and also enhancing the advertising being undertaken by the Sponsor on the station. As one of a very few radio stations playing the diversity of music that is heard on Radio Five-O-Plus 93.3FM our music content is much sought after by our targeted listening audience, they being all the over 50 year olds in our broadcast area. The station also streams all its programs on our website www.fiveoplus.com.au and the audience tuning into the station from afar is continually growing. Promotion on Radio Five-O-Plus 93.3FM offers a unique opportunity to reach attentive, socially aware, and culturally active listeners who are receptive to information regarding events, products and services in the Central Coast (and beyond) region. Promotion on Radio Five-O-Plus 93.3FM is very successful as the station plays your sponsorship message in isolation, thus ensuring it is not lost in a jumble of other messages, jingles etc. In addition to this, you are reaching a targeted demographic, a great many of whom are very socially active with spending power beyond the means of an average working class family. Let Radio Five-O-Plus 93.3FM be your voice in the community. Looking for something enjoyable and educational to do with your grandchild? With rising childcare costs and more parents returning to work soon after baby is born, we all know grandparents are the new age child-minders. Kindermusik is a wonderful way for your grandchild to grow socially, emotionally, physically, cognitively and develop their language/literacy and numeracy skills all through the marvellous medium of music. Kindermusik’s award winning curricula is a winner. When we say programme – we mean curricula. Kindermusik have specially crafted lessons for every age group, and conduct regular studies and research of their own programme to make sure it’s the most comprehensive and current pre-school music programme available. Kindermusik Educators make lesson plans. With an award winning curricula, teachers have to live up to the standards of Kindermusik! After training is finished, the hard work begins with every class being carefully planned and adapted to suit the needs of everyone in the room. Kindermusik also breathes new life into the old concept of the music class. Class content is based on the most recent information available on the development of the child and content is continually updated whilst making the fun factor the main feature. It also gives you the chance to chat with other grandparents and parents about the challenges of raising a child in these times...so different to when you raised yours or were a child yourself. Call the closest educator to you on the above advertisement for a chat and to organise a FREE preview or visit our websites. MARCH/APRIL 2015 – ISSUE 4 23 G RANDPA R E N T S congratulations...you’re going to be a grandparent by Laura Kiln PgDip (CBT) (Child & Adolescence), BSc (Hons) CMHN Helpful tips for being a grandparent Here are some ideas to help you in your role as a grandparent: Before your grandchild is born, talk with the parents-to-be about your feelings. Listen to their ideas about how you could help and share your ideas too. Show you’re willing and share your expectations about what you think you can do. No-one benefits if you run yourself into the ground. So be positive about contributing, but upfront with your children about your health, energy levels and other commitments. Once your grandchild arrives, things might change. The new parents might need more help or time alone with their baby to find their feet as parents. If you have several grandchildren, treating them all as individuals helps each one feel special to you. Playing and having fun with your grandchild can be good for his development. One small study showed links between seven-month-old children’s brain development and their opportunities to play with and see their grandparents regularly. As you get older, or if you have health problems, you might need to adapt your time with the grandchildren to quieter activities. Reading and playing board games could be good options. New Parenting Practices One of the issues that can cause grandparents to worry, is the change in parenting practices over the last few years since they were mums and dad themselves. Remember how your sons and daughters were as teenagers…they thought they knew it all…forgetting that you, were once a teenager yourself! They seemed to think that you wouldn’t understand their point of view as you were ‘mum and dad’, you were ‘beamed onto this planet as mum and dad’…never a teenager! Well the bad news is that as a new grandparent you will have to learn to bite your tongue as your own child tells you how to bring up a child, their child! I believe the only way is to arm yourself 24 S E NI OR S ON TH E COAST with the theory behind common day practices so we don’t fall into the habit of saying “well I did ‘x’ with you and you turned out ok”!! Life is confusing enough for today’s parents, without us adding to that confusion. I remember how things changes so much over the 8 years my own 4 kids were born. Take sleeping positions for example. Of my 4 children, no 1 slept on her tummy, as advised by hospital at the time. Daughter no 2 did the same 17 months later. Once no 3 child was born, children were put into their cot on their sides with a rolled towel placed behind their backs to prevent them rolling onto their backs. By no 4 baby, I was told to lie her flat on her back. It was so confusing as there are only 8 years between my 4 kids. So how can we ‘appear to understand and agree’ with common child rearing practices? “When you were little or in my day” is on the tip of our tongue, always, grandparent or not. After all, we have raised our children, sacrificed so much, all willingly however we can be seen to be interfering. COT DEATHS or SIDS “back to sleep campaign” Babies and young children spend a lot of their time sleeping, so you need to be aware that some sleeping arrangements are not safe and can increase the risk of SIDS or cause fatal sleeping accidents. Research has found some important ways to reduce the risk of SIDS and create a safe sleeping environment for babies and young children. This information provides you with information to help you create such an environment for your grandchild. SIDS is the most common cause of death in babies between one month and one year of age but the majority of babies who die of SIDS are under six months of age. More babies die of SIDS in winter than summer. To this day, the cause of SIDS remains unknown and there is no way of predicting which babies it will affect. However, what has been discovered is that some factors are thought to reduce the risk of SIDS. Since parents were first made aware of these factors through the various educational programs introduced by SIDS researchers, SIDS deaths have dropped and continue to drop. To give you an example of the help the education is doing, the Australian Bureau of Statistics shows that 500 babies died of SIDS in 1989 and in 2003 the number had reduced to 73 babies. Always place a baby on her back to sleep with her face and head uncovered and keep her in a smoke free environment. Put her feet nearer the bottom of the cot so as she sleeps and wriggles she can ‘move’ up the cot but she won’t end up with her head pushing on the top of the cot. This helps babies regulate their temperature, cot bumpers and lots of soft toys are also not allowed now as that can add to babies over heating. What is tummy time? This is vital for babies, they need to be put on the floor for short periods during the day, when awake. This helps strengthen their arms as they learn how to push themselves up, getting ready for crawling. It is essential to do tummy time to help the shape of your Grandchild’s head. When the practice of always sleeping on their backs first came in there were suddenly a lot of babies with a completely flat back to their heads! Why do children get so many immunisations? A number of immunisations are required in the first few years of a child’s life to protect the child against the most serious infections of childhood. The immune system in young children does not work as well as the immune system in older children and adults, because it is still immature. Therefore more doses of vaccine are needed. In the first months of life, a baby is protected from most infectious diseases by antibodies from her or his mother, which are transferred to the baby during pregnancy. When these antibodies wear off, the baby is at risk of serious infections and so the first immunisations are given before these antibodies have gone. Another reason why children get many immunisations is that new vaccines against serious infections continue to be developed. The number of injections is reduced by the use of combination vaccines, where several GRANDPAR ENT S vaccines are combined into one shot. Should grandparents be immunised? Parents and other people (including grandparents, carers, etc) who come into contact with young children are commonly carriers of some childhood infections and should be vaccinated against these diseases. For example, several studies of infant pertussis (whooping cough) cases have indicated that family members, and parents in particular, were identified as the source of infection in more than 50% of cases. Grandparents have to pay private prescription for 10 yr tetanus booster, whooping cough and polio. It is the whooping cough part of this which is the important part for adding protection for recently born grand kids. What are the side-effects of immunisation? Many children experience minor side effects following immunisation. Most side effects last a short time and the child recovers without any problems. Common side-effects of immunisation are redness, soreness and swelling at the site of an injection, mild fever and being grizzly or unsettled. You should give extra fluids to drink, not overdress the baby if hot and may consider using paracetamol to help ease the fever and soreness. Can immunisation overload the immune system? No. Children and adults come into contact with many antigens (substances that provoke a reaction from the immune system) each day, and the immune system responds to each antigen in specific ways to protect the body. Without a vaccine, a child can only become immune to a disease by being exposed to infection, with the risk of severe illness. If illness occurs after vaccination, it is usually insignificant. Why is immunisation still necessary in this day and age? Many diseases prevented by immunisation are spread directly from person to person, so good food, water and hygiene do not stop infection. Despite excellent hospital care, significant illness, disability and death can still be caused by diseases which can be prevented by immunisation. Feeding practices On demand breast feeding is the best for your grandchild. Some of these practices are different to when you had your family. Nowadays mums are encouraged to offer the breast frequently, especially in the first weeks. The more she does this the faster her milk will come in. Breast milk works on a demand and supply basis. Therefore if the baby needs more milk they will feed more often (demand) and give mum’s breasts the message to make more (supply). How can you help? Keep supplying mm with lots of glasses of water, breast feeding is thirsty work! Try not to say unhelpful remarks such as “didn’t you just feed? Maybe you don’t have enough milk?” Mum will always be wondering this herself. Just reassure her she is doing well, she will have enough milk, however as soon as people offer to ‘top up’ with a bottle of milk then mum will make less milk and things just get very difficult. Solid food? It’s time for introducing solids to babies when they show signs they’re ready. These signs happen at different times for different succeed • laugh • celebrate • create • heal • learn • grow sarah@lifeandlove.com.au www.sarahtolmie.com.au 0418 640 901 babies, but most babies will show signs by around six months. It’s around this time that babies need extra food for growth and development. Introducing solids: why baby needs them For the first 4-6 months of life, baby uses iron stored in his body from when he was in the womb. He also gets iron from breast milk and/or infant formula. Introducing solids is also important for helping baby learn to eat, giving him experience of new tastes and textures from a range of foods, developing his teeth and jaws, and building other skills that he’ll need later for language development. Finally please find yourself a first aid course, taught by either St Johns Ambulance or other organisations. The thinking has changed about what to do in an emergency situation. I believe all new grandparents should do this, it is really important as you are never going to forgive yourself if something happens whilst the child is in your care. If an emergency happens with the parents there you may be the slightly calmer one. Find out the latest thinking around drowning, about CPR, burns, inhalation of toxic substances, spider or snake bites and choking. Doing a course will be time well spent as none of us know when these skills might be needed, within the family or wider community. Laura Kiln has over 20 years experience of working with families and is internationally recognised as an expert in the field of Parenting. She has four children herself and is used to the dramas of family life. Her practice ‘Laura’s Place’, is open for self or GP referral. Tel: (02) 4385 5587 www.laurasplace.com.au. Laura has appeared on Channel 9 TODAY show as a parenting expert. Sarah Tolmie is a life & love coach, therapist, consultant and holistic celebrant assisting individuals, couples and families to celebrate, navigate, heal and grow through all their life & love transitions, changes, challenges and losses. Her practice focuses on love, marriage & family relationships; success, health & wellness; grief and loss, including illness, dying, end-of-life and after death care. MARCH/APRIL 2015 – ISSUE 4 25 ROADS A F E T Y getting around safely L ike many other regions in Australia, the Central Coast region’s population is ageing. 25% of the Central Coast region’s population is aged 60 years and over. This phenomenon can be attributed to a number of factors including increasing life expectancy, improved living standards, advances in health and medical technology, and the “baby boomer” population transitioning into the older age groups. Being able to get around is key to ensuring older people can maintain their daily independence, stay connected and be involved in the community. It enables people to maintain social contacts and participate in community life and access services and facilities that they require – access to shopping, ability to attend medical appointments, participate in a range of leisure, recreation and cultural activities and participate in family, work and volunteering. All of which are important for maintaining health and wellbeing and quality of life. A large percentage of our local ageing population rely heavily on private motor vehicles to get around. Studies show that many older drivers compensate for their age-related decline in driving competency by self restricting and limiting their driving, for example by driving only in local areas or avoiding complex, difficult situations. Licence retention can be a concern for some. The thought of losing your licence can be daunting. Thinking ahead to alternative transportation options can give you peace of mind should your current means of getting around change in the future. Why not start to incorporate some alternative transport into your day alongside your driving? Perhaps think about planning half your trip on public transport to familiarise yourself. With a little practice, catching the bus or train will become easier and you may even start to enjoy the freedom of sitting back and watching the changing landscape rather than navigating your way through the mix of hundreds of other vehicles on the road network. Remember there are other options to getting around safely that you can try... 26 SENI OR S ON TH E COAST Alternative Transport options Public transport such as trains, buses, ferries and trams (light rail) can be a handy way to get around depending upon your destination. Check out your local public transportation options and ask about reduced prices for older adults. You can plan your trip by visiting www.transportnsw.info and click on the ‘plan my trip’ tab. On this page you can type in your departure and destination locations. Your trip options whether it be travel by bus, train or tram, will be displayed. Alternatively, call the transport information line 131500. OPAL The Opal card is an easy, convenient way of paying for your travel on public transport. It’s the only card you’ll need to get around on all public transport including trains, ferries, buses and light rail. The Gold Senior/Pensioner Opal card is now available for eligible: NSW seniors pensioners and war widow/ers. Fares will remain capped at $2.50 a day for customers using the Gold Opal card and after eight paid and completed journeys the rest of the week’s travel is free. As Opal is based on distance, some seniors and pensioners may pay even less under Opal for short trips that don’t reach their $2.50 cap. Eligible customers can use the Gold Senior/Pensioner Opal card on all Opal activated bus, train and ferry services. Light Rail is currently planned to be activated in early 2015. Benefits of the Gold Senior/Pensioner Opal card The Gold Senior/Pensioner Opal card has a daily cap of $2.50. Customers will not need a credit card or the internet to use or obtain a Gold Senior/Pensioner Opal card (although it is an option if they wish). Some customers may choose to link their Gold Senior/Pensioner Opal card to their credit or debit card or to a family member’s Opal card account and set it to auto-top-up, like having an e-tag in your pocket. The Gold Senior/Pensioner Opal card work the same way as other Opal cards and customers will tap on and tap off at Opal card readers. Pensioner Excursion Tickets are still available. Customers can choose to use an Opal card or keep buying Pensioner Excursion Tickets (PET) through existing channels such as ticket vending machines at railway stations (TVMs), station ticket offices, Transport Shops, Sydney Ferries ticket offices, selected 7-Eleven stores, newsagencies and convenience stores and onboard private (PBO) and Newcastle buses. To order a Gold Senior/Pensioner Opal card visit the Opal website www.opal.com. au or call 13 67 25 (13 OPAL). Other alternative transport options you may like to consider: Taxis, Limousine or private drivers. Taxis may be a good option for quick trips without a lot of prior scheduling. Contact Central Coast Taxi’s 131008. For Limousine, car or private drivers visit the Yellow Pages. The Taxi Transport Subsidy Scheme (TTSS) provides subsidised travel, allowing approved participants to travel by taxi at half fare, up to a maximum subsidy of $30 per trip. The scheme was introduced in 1981 to assist NSW residents who are unable to use public transport because of a qualifying severe and permanent disability. Transport for NSW administers TTSS. Visit www.transport. nsw.gov.au for further information. Community transport options. * ROADS AFET Y Assistance may be available to help you to get around. Community Transport offers door to door transport for people in the community who are ‘transport disadvantaged’ for any reason including financial disadvantage, health, lack of mobility or remote location. Central Coast residents should phone 4355 4588 for further information. For further information on Community transport visit www.transport.nsw.gov.au Motorised wheelchairs. Motorised wheelchairs or ‘scooters’ can be a good way to get around if you live in an area with easily accessible stores and wellpaved footpaths. Remember when using a motorised wheelchair you are considered a pedestrian. Make sure you can safely control your motorised wheelchair and plan a safe route that Calling all Seniors! allows you to remain on the footpath for the majority of your journey. Remember your motorised wheelchair or scooter is NOT a car so avoid mingling with traffic. Car pooling or ride sharing. Family members, friends, and neighbours may be a resource for ride sharing. Walking/cycling. If your health permits, walking or cycling short distances when you can is a great way to not only get around but also get some exercise. Regular physical activity lowers your risk for a variety of health conditions and can help you maintain a healthy active life. There may also be other forms of transport assistance through various organisations in your community – ask around. Many clubs on the Central Coast have courtesy buses to help you to and from their premises. * Are you interested to know more about Getting Around Safely on the Central Coast? * Are you interested to learn more about road safety for Seniors, such as safer driving, mobility scooter use, public transport options, healthy/ active travel such as walking and bicycling? * Please register your interest by phoning your Council’s Road Safety Officer. Gosford City Council 4325 8808. Wyong Shire Council 4350 5232. Gosford City and Wyong Shire Councils acknowledge the following information sources: NSW Roads and Maritime Services, Transport for NSW and Central Coast Positive Ageing Strategy July 2014. A Road Safety message from your local Council Kate Keogh & Kirsty Taylor Road Safety Officers – Education, Wyong Shire Council Deb Batey & Liana Morrison Community Road Safety Officers – Gosford City Council I’m counting on you every trip Free child restraint checks An authorised fitter can check that your restraint is correctly installed and is the right restraint for the child's age and size. Children up to the age of 7 years are required by law to be seated in a Standards Australia approved restraint. To remain safe, children should be seated in their restraint until they outgrow the restraint or are approximately 145cm in height (dependant on the type of restraint). Location details Wyong Central, 38A Pacific Highway, Wyong (off River Road) Lake Haven Community Health Centre, Stratford Ave, Lake Haven (Behind Lake Haven Shopping Centre) Long Jetty Community Health Centre, Wyong Rd, Killarney Vale Lake Munmorah Community Hall, Colongra Bay Road, Lake Munmorah Booking are essential for the Toukley and Tumbi Umbi checking days. For all other locations, simply turn up on the day. For more information and to book contact Councils Road Safety Officer on 4350 5555. Friday 6 March Tuesday 17th March Wyong Central 8am - 10am Lake Haven Community Health Centre 10.30am - 12.30pm Long Jetty Community Health Centre 2pm - 4pm Toukley 10am-2pm Bookings essential Tuesday 31st March Tumbi Umbi 10am- 2 pm Bookings essential Friday 24th April Long Jetty Community Health Centre 8am - 10am Lake Munmorah Community Hall 11.30am - 1pm Lake Haven Community Health Centre 2pm - 4pm MARCH/APRIL 2015 – ISSUE 4 27 RE CIPE S cooking for families with food allergies by Collette White – Cut out the Crap www.cutoutthecrap.com.au I have such wonderful memories of my childhood which includes turning up to my Nans house for a holiday to be greeted with home baked goodies or going to my Ukrainian grandmother’s place for lunch and hardly having room on her large table for my plate, as she had cooked so much amazingly tasty food the table was overflowing. All these years later and I have 4 children of my own who I would love to have that same experience. I would love for them to be able to turn up to their grandparent’s houses and have that same feeling, the same happy memories being created around a delicious warm cake straight out of nanna’s oven or the same fond memories of laughter and noisy chatter around grandma’s dinner table. Sadly though the reality is that so many children these days have food allergies and are on restricted diets. This can cause such confusion and stress for grandparents when they want to cook for their loved ones but simply don’t know where to start for fear of making them sick. I know this from personal experience as I have multiple food allergies myself and people use to worry about catering for me. So often we would go to family or friends places and I would be asked to ‘bring my own’ food. As a mum, I have made the decision to run an ‘additive free’ and ‘refined sugar free’ home for my 4 children as I don’t believe the chemicals in packaged food these days are good for us and my 10 year old daughter reacts dramatically with her behaviour if she eats these things. I know this confuses my mum and mother in law when they want to bake something to bring for the kids to eat. On a positive though there are more and more people like me around who are passionate about cooking and creating tasty food for those with food allergies so 28 S E NI OR S ON TH E COAST no one feels like they are missing out and happy memories can still be made around the dinner table. I am honoured today to be able to share with you two favourite recipes in our home. Both of these recipes are Gluten Free (so perfect for those with Coeliac Disease), dairy free, nut free and preservative/additive free. I hope you enjoy them as much as we do. Banana, Choc & Seed Slice 1 ripe banana 1 egg 1 cup desiccated coconut ½ cup brown rice flour ½ cup pepitas ½ cup sultanas ½ cup dairy free choc chips ¼ cup rapadura (or sweetener of choice) 2 tblspns chia seeds Preheat oven to 180˚C and line a 20cm square cake tin with baking paper. Place all the ingredients into a bow l and combine well – it is best to do this with either a mix master, electric hand wisk etc – for approx. 60 seconds only . It doesn’t take long for the banana to mash and the ingredients to combine . TMX = speed 6 for 40 seconds Pour mixture into the prepared cake tin and bake in preheated oven for 30 minutes or until golden. Allow to cool in tin for 5 minutes befo re cooling completely on a wire rack. Store in an airtight container. NOTE: This is a super quick and easy recipe that my entire family loves. As with all of my recipes, please be sure to swap ingredients like flours and sweeteners to those that you prefer. Rapadura is a ‘healthier’ version of brown sugar – also found in the supermarket called Panela. ALL of these ingredients can be foun d additive free – be sure to read the packets though. Honey Chicken 1kg chicken breast fillets ½ cup rice flour Olive oil for frying 2 cloves garlic – grated 2cm x 2cm fresh ginger – grated 1 tspn sesame oil 2/3 cup honey 2 cups water 2 tblspns rice or potato flour to thicken Preheat oven to 120˚C. In a small saucepan place the garl ic, Dice chicken into small pieces ginger, sesame oil and honey. Put heat approximately 3cm x 3cm. Place onto medium and mix well. Add the chicken into a large bowl with rice water and turn heat to high and brin g flour and mix thoroughly. to the boil. Boil for 2 minutes then turn heat to medium. Add rice or potato Place a little olive oil in the fry pan and flour and stir until thickened (NOTE: turn to medium – high. Place chicken I sift the flour in so it doesn’t get on a single layer in the pan and coo k, lumpy). Serve with rice and vegetabl turning regularly until crispy and es. golden. Place the cooked chicken DELICIOUS! This is a family favourite onto a baking dish lined with baking – my Miss 10 asks for it weekly. I love paper and place in the preheated this especially when I am missing oven to keep warm whilst you mak ‘take-away’ it is a true ‘Chinese’ taste e the sauce. without all the hidden nasties! LE G A L did you know... superannuation is not covered by your will? LAWYERS Est. 1958 by Paul Quinn I Tonkin Drysdale Partners Helping the Central Coast with legal matters for more than 50 years. tdplegal.com.au facebook.com/ tdplegal AVOCA NATUROPATH Nutrition and natural medicine for wellness and healthy ageing Diana Arundell UNIVERSITY QUALIFIED 118 Avoca Dr, Kincumber Phone 0410 465 900 www.avocanaturopath.com.au t is a frequent misconception that benefits obtained from a superannuation policy, such as a death benefit, can simply be dealt with in the terms of a Will following the death of a member. However, the death benefit of a superannuation policy does not automatically form part of the estate of the deceased person. A superannuation trust deed (the document which sets up the superannuation fund) usually provides how a member’s death benefit is to be paid following their death. The trust deed will usually allow the member to make a Binding Nomination as to how the benefit is to be paid. There are certain requirements that the nominated person must be a dependant or the member’s legal personal representative. If no such nomination is made by the member than the trustees of the fund have absolute discretion as to how the benefit is to be paid. A Binding Nomination is different to the nomination of a preferred beneficiary. In most cases, to have a Binding Nomination the member must sign the nomination and have it witnessed by two adult witnesses. Most superannuation trust deeds require the nomination to be renewed every three years. A recent case determined by the Superannuation Complaints Tribunal demonstrates how matters can be determined different to the wishes of the deceased. A male member died without leaving a Will. On his death there was an amount payable from his superannuation totalling $131,846.00 which included an insured sum of $120,000.00. At the time of his death he had the following potential beneficiaries: A de facto partner whom it was determined was financially dependent; A son from the relationship with his de facto who was under 18 years and living with the de facto; His former wife to whom he was separated but still remained married; An adult daughter from his marriage to his former wife whom it was determined was financially dependent; Two sons from his marriage to his former partner whom were not financially dependent. The deceased member nominated his daughter as his preferred beneficiary. The Trustee originally determined to pay the benefit 80% to the de facto and 5% to each of the four children. The daughter of the deceased member objected to the Trustee’s proposed distribution. The daughter proposed that the whole amount be paid to her. After reviewing the matter the Trustee then determined to pay the benefit as follows: 1. 40% to the de facto; 2. 30% to the daughter; 3. 10% each to the three sons. The matter was then referred to the Tribunal. After hearing the evidence the Tribunal said: “In this complaint it is clear to the Tribunal that the only persons who had an expectation of ongoing financial support from the Deceased Member had he not died, were [the daughter] and [the de facto] (and through her, [her son]). The Tribunal is therefore of the view that the Trustee’s decision to pay any portion of the death benefit to [the sons] when there are competing financial dependent claims from [the daughter] and [the de facto] is unfair and unreasonable in the circumstances.” Accordingly, the decision of the Tribunal was to pay 50% to the daughter and 50% to the de facto. Paul Quinn is a partner at Tonkin Drysdale Partners, Woy Woy. Paul has extensive experience as an advocate in the Family Court, Federal Circuit Court and the Local Court. When not at work you can find Paul helping out at Star of the Sea Catholic Church, Terrigal. Paul is Vice Chairmen of the Central Coast Small Business Networking Group Inc. MARCH/APRIL 2015 – ISSUE 4 29 community noticeboard Seniors Computer Course 6 week Seniors Computer Course commencing on Wednesday 11th March 2015 9am-12pm at the centre located in the Old Primary School Corner Alison Road & Rankens Court Wyong. Each participant must have their own lap top. To enquire/book in please telephone reception on 0243 531750. Watanobbi Coffee & Chat Group Mondays 10.30am-12.00pm Cost: $3.00 per week Focusing on maintaining a positive lifestyle for women in our community. We have an emphasis on relaxation, socialisation, support and fun in a friendly relaxed atmosphere and strive to gain enjoyment in life, promoting wellness, self esteem and a positive future. Weekly Activities Include: • Craft • Guest Speakers • Motivational Workshops • Book Club Wallarah Longboard Club “The Rustys” Catherine Hill Bay FUN, FAMILY, RESPECT, SURF Calling all Longboard surfers Are you keen to join a club and meet new people. If you surf regularly or just occasionally, we are looking for new members. Ages from juniors to senior. (We have members from 15 to 60 yrs of age). If you are looking for a club that is competitive but does not take itself too seriously, then this is the club for you. New members are very welcome. Come along and meet us at Catho on the last Sunday of each month for a competition & BBQ. www.facebook.com/pages/Wallarah-LongboardClub/175186522517984 wallarahlc.googlepages.com Contact: Peter McTaggart Phone: 0413 534 860 Watanobbi Community Centre 1 Harrington Close Watanobbi Wyong Men’s Shed An interim space for the Men’s Shed at The House with No Steps Tuggerah Business Park has commenced and the gentlemen are busy working on projects. If you would like to be involved please contact Kim Hopkins on 4351 2860. Tuesday Discussion Group This friendly group meets every Tuesday in the school term, 10am–12 noon. $4.00 a session (includes refreshments). Tai Chi Classes Mondays 12.30pm–1.30pm Cost is $7.50 per session. Tai Chi is suitable for all ages and fitness levels. Watanobbi Walkers Monday, Wednesday & Friday 9am–10am. Our Heart Foundation walking program is a free community event. Newcomers always welcome. Support Red Cross Calling Gosford Dog Paws Gosford Dog Paws Pty Ltd (GDP) manages the Dog Pound on behalf of council. If your animal is ever missing please give us a call straight away. We also have dogs available for adoption, so if you are looking for an addition to your family, rescued dogs are the best kind of dogs! For more information visit www.gosforddogpaws.com gosforddogpaws@mail.com Pateman Rd, Erina 4304 4350 As Australia prepares to commemorate the landing of the first ANZAC troops in Gallipoli 100 years ago, we ask that you also remember the work of Red Cross by supporting Red Cross Calling during March. Just like the thousands of Red Cross volunteers who worked so hard to support our ANZAC troops in 1915, Red Cross volunteers still continue to care for those who need it most. By making a donation or organising an event for Red Cross Calling during March, you can support the everyday work of Red Cross such as working in NSW bushfire relief and recovery centres, making daily phone calls to elderly Australians living alone, providing breakfast for children who might otherwise go to school hungry, and supporting young parents. In years to come, many people will continue to turn to Red Cross for help in times of crisis and we’re determined to be there when they do. Red Cross Calling is the one time of year when local Red Cross members, community groups, schools and individuals can all work together to raise money for Red Cross through local fundraising events. To make a donation, or to find out how you can get involved with Red Cross Calling go to our website at redcrosscalling.org.au or phone 1800 008 831. 2:30pm Sunday 22 MARCH 2015 REAL MEN SING 2:30pm Sunday 22 MARCH 2015 CARMEN If you are a real man then ‘SOUNDWAVES’ invites you to come along and learn to sing four part harmony, ‘free of charge’. No experience required. CARMEN Love, jealousy, murder! Love, jealousy, murder! Conductor STEVEN STANKE Spanish heat and gypsy passion Chorus Master PHILIP REES are brought to life in Bizet's most Conductor STEVEN STANKE Spanish heat and gypsy passion memorable opera – Carmen. This GEORGES BIZET REES Chorus Master PHILIP are brought to life in Bizet's most Carmen smouldering femme fatale is one memorable opera – Carmen. This GEORGES BIZET of the most femme captivating CARMEN JERMAINE CHAU Carmen smouldering fatale heroines is one in the opera and obsessionheroines turns of most captivating MICHAELA TARYN SRHOJ CARMEN JERMAINE CHAU deadly her gypsy seductions MICHAELA in operawhen and obsession turns TARYN SRHOJ DON JOSE KAINE HAYWARD ensnare a love-struck soldier and DON JOSE KAINE HAYWARD deadly when her gypsy seductions ESCAMILLO ANDREW WILLIAMS ensnare a love-struck soldier and a swaggering toreador. A riveting ESCAMILLO ANDREW WILLIAMS adrama swaggering A riveting CENTRAL COAST PHILHARMONIA of lovetoreador. and jealousy, Bizet's CENTRAL COAST PHILHARMONIA drama of love and jealousy, Bizet's Carmen is filled with alluring Performed in English Carmen filledcaptivating with alluringdances Performed in English melodiesis and melodies and captivating and is rightly one of thedances world's and is rightly one of the world's most popular operas. most popular operas. 05 www.symphonycentralcoast.com.au A six week ‘Learn to Sing’ programme from Monday 2nd March to Monday 6th April 7.30pm to 9.30pm Venue: Central Coast Leagues Club – Parkview Room. INTERESTED? Then pick up the phone and talk to: Geoff: H: 4329 4446 Mob: 0417 262 508 John: H: 4322 5465 Mob: 0413 276 698 Kieron Hutton: H: 4324 1977 Mob: 0407 267 675 Or just turn up on the 2nd March. We would love to see you! Find us at: Soundwaveschorus.org 05 Or on Facebook: Soundwaves Chorus HAPPINESS IS SINGING WITH SOUNDWAVES Trust the local experts (T&C) • locally made where possible • local business (not part of any multi-national) • competitive price with no hype • local parts and servicing • no pressure free in home quote • express 1 week custom made blinds available. PHONE 4324 8800 NEW SHOWROOM MARCH 2015 LARGEST ON THE COAST 18/482 Pacific Highway, Wyoming www.premiershades.com.au
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