2015Mar-final - Liholiho Laulima PTA


2015Mar-final - Liholiho Laulima PTA
N¯a Leo O Liholiho
T he V oices of L iholiho E leme n tary S chool
A Monthly Publication of Liholiho Laulima Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
Liholiho Elementary...Caring, Competent, Creative 21 st Century Learners
Principal’s Message
Dear Parents/Guardians, Students and Community Representatives,
Students, teachers and staff honored King Liholiho
and bid “Aloha” to Kumu Hanohano at a school wide
assembly held on February 20. Students in each grade
level performed songs and gave leis to Kumu. Kumu
Hanohano has been our Hawaiian Studies teacher for
many years. He coordinated our May Day Programs
and he exemplifies the aloha spirit. We wish him well
as he leads tour groups coming to visit our islands
from around the country! We will truly miss him.
During the assembly, our Student Council officers
shared historical information about King Liholiho and
Kamalani Wehrsig (Cade), a former Miss Aloha Hula,
performed a beautiful chant and hula.
Wed., Mar. 11
5:00-6:00 p.m.
Book Fair in Library
Pre-ordered bento dinner
in cafe
Farewell to Kumu
Our health room is experiencing an increasing number of students and staff
reporting they are ill with the flu. We ask your kokua in preventing the spread of
the flu by keeping your child home when he/she exhibit flu or viral symptoms. The
Department of Health and media has reported that this year’s flu shot is only 23%+
effective in providing protection against this years flu strain. A flyer is enclosed in
this newsletter to assist parents in understanding how to prevent the spread of
the flu.
We have completed two Kindergarten Visitations. The age for entering
Kindergarten was changed this school year. All entering Kindergarten must be
five years old by July 31 for entrance to any public school. The Department of
Education has informed schools those students not attending Kindergarten this
school year will be placed in Kindergarten for the 2015-16 SY. Those attending a
private Kindergarten program will be placed in first grade.
Geographic Exceptions are being processed by our office. If an entering
student has a sibling currently attending our school or is a child of our staff
member, he/she may enroll for entrance prior to conducting our lottery which is
held the first week of April. For further questions, feel free to contact the office
staff at 733-4850.
Book Fair and
PTA General Membership Night
6:00-7:00 p.m.
PTA Mtg and Kindergarten
student presentations in cafe
7:00-8:00 p.m.
Book Fair Re-Opens
Fri., Mar. 13 1:00 p.m.
WOW III Assembly in Cafeteria
Mon., March 16-Fri., March 20
Office will be open from
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Thu., Mar. 26 Kuhio Day Observance
School Closed
Fri., Mar. 27
Gr. 5 Field Trip to the
State Capitol
Wed., April 1 Gr. 5 Graduation Picture Day
Fri., April 3
Good Friday Observance
School Closed
Our March PTA General Membership Meeting and Book Fair will be held on
Wednesday, March 11. The Book Fair will open at 5:00 p.m. and volunteers will be
needed to assist. Book Fair volunteer forms will be sent home with your child.
Volunteers are needed to assist our lower grade students.
Have a restful and enjoyable Spring Break! We request parents/guardians
schedule vacations during the intersession breaks. Student absenteeism is being
monitored by the Department of Education. Both unexcused and excused absences
are calculated as chronic absenteeism, if the student is absent 15 days or more. The
computer data system is for all DOE schools. Absenteeism affects your child’s
education and we ask your kokua to have your child consistently attend school.
Mrs. Christina Small, Principal
Please visit http://liholiholaulima.org for the latest news and information!
3430 Maunaloa Avenue, Honolulu, HI 96816
(808) 733-4850
N¯a Leo O Liholiho March 2015
PTA Presidents’ Message
Spring is here! The first day of spring is technically March 20th, but spring break
starts on March 16th so we’re celebrating it early. Hope you’re all looking forward
to the break, some rest and relaxation.
But before the break, please come out to the March 11th General Membership
Meeting (GMM)! The night will start out with a Book Fair in the library, open from
5-6 pm. Your presence at this Book Fair will go a long way to encourage your
keiki to read, foster in them a love for books, and support literacy at Liholiho.
The proceeds from this Scholastic Book Fair go to purchasing SMART Boards
in our school’s classrooms! At 6 pm we will gather in the cafeteria for a quick
10-minute meeting and then for our kindergarten performances. The Book Fair
will reopen 7-8 pm in the library. You don’t want to miss this night.
We have 7 open board positions for next year, so we are accepting nominations
and asking you to keep on the look out for parents who would be great in these
roles. Our Liholiho Laulima PTA does so much to support this school—need
good people to help us and we need your help to identify them. Please send in
nominations to nominations@liholiholaulima.org
Open Board Positions:
• Pres­id
­ ent
• Sec­re­tary
• Dona­tions
• Fundrais­ing
• May Meet­ing Chair
• March Meet­ing Chair
See you all on March 11th for our Book Fair Night
and Laulima GMM. Remember, reading gives you
super powers!
Shayna Kusumoto
Alan Aloiau
Liholiho Laulima PTA presidents
2014-2015 Laulima
Board Members
Principal...................................................................... Christina Small
December Meeting Co-Chairs............Scott & Staci Yoshihara
Co-Presidents.....................................................Shayna Kusumoto
May Meeting Chair ........................................................... Lara Won
.............................................................................................. Alan Aloiau
Special Activities............................................................Jenny Sung
Membership Chair.......................................................... Arlene Liao
Donations Chair............................................................ Liane Kondo
Fundraising Co-Chairs.................................................... Ko Kuroda
School Representatives ............................................. Lisa Darcey
.........................................................................................Tri­cia Kunihiro
............................................................................................ Lori Shimizu
Secretary......................................................................... Liane Kondo
Newsletter Editor........................................................ Cheryl Perez
Treasurer......................................................................... Shelby Ozaki
Webmaster.................................................................... Lawrence So
PCNC.....................................................................................Iris Salazar
Hospitality...............................................................Sachi Matsushita
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N¯a Leo O Liholiho March 2015
Laulima Wish List March 2015
By Liane A.K. Kondo
Aloha Liholiho Family and Friends!
Our Laulima Wish List for March 2015 is a listing of items teachers and staff would like to
have available in their classrooms, but are not covered by the budget due to limited funds.
All donated items are used for the benefit of students at Liholiho Elementary School and
become property of the school. If you would like to donate new or gently used items,
or if you have contacts with businesses and organizations willing to donate, our school
community would be grateful for the help.
Person Requesting
Item Description
Detail (size, color, etc.)
Ms. K. Lopes
Ms. M. Yee
Ms. K. Sakumoto
Ms. D. Saiki
Grade 2 Teachers
Duct Tape or Masking
Any brand, size, color
Used for student projects
Disinfecting Wipes
Clorox or any brand
Help keep the class clean and
sanitize desks.
Mr. F. Magnenat
Grade 5
Disposable Gloves
Various sizes, any brand
Used by students when separating recyclables
Mr. R. Towata
Grade 4
Duct Tape
Any brand, color
For class activities
Disinfectant Wipes
Any brand
Help keep the class clean,
wipe down headsets, etc.
Paper Towels
Any brand
Any brand
Ms. L. Darcey
Grade 3
Ms. B. Vea
Grade 3
Mr. T. Marsh
ELL Coordinator
Ms. M. Reihanifam
TEAM 3-5
For cleaning
Dry Erase Markers
For class activities
Ms. M. Iwanaga
Dry Erase Markers
Expo, Blue/Black Ink
For class activities
Painter’s Tape
Any brand
Tape projects to the wall
Washable Markers
Crayola brand, thin tip, 8
count in classic colors
5 sets
Index Cards
Unruled, 3”x5”, white
Glue Sticks
Any brand, size, color
Magic Eraser
Mr. Clean, original purpose
Remove ink from laminated
If you wish to donate an item(s), please drop item off directly to teacher/staff member. You may also leave your donations
at the PCNC room (F101). Please be sure to put your name, student’s name, room number and grade/teacher’s name – as we
would like to properly acknowledge your generous contribution.
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N¯a Leo O Liholiho March 2015
Laulima Thank You List March 2015
By Liane A.K. Kondo
We would like to express our many thanks to all who give so generously. Especially during
this time, we are so grateful for all that we receive from our awesome Parents, Families,
Friends, Community and Business. All the support you give whether through your time,
monetary gifts or donations, we appreciate YOU and thank you so much.
Person Donating
To What Class
Item Donated
Kylee Murata (J302) and Family
Mr. R. Towata
Grade 4
Duct tape
Adrian Fong (J103) and Family
Ms. D. Saiki
Grade 2
Sanitizer wipes
Ms. K. Littleton
Paper Towels
Raena Sodetani (J103) and Family
Takuro Nakasaone (G104) and Family
Rolls of masking tape
CPK FUNdraiser
Kahala Mall on Wednesday March 25th
Please check your child’s take home folder for the CPK FUNdraiser flyer. Present flyer to your
server or take out server at CPK Kahala Mall on Wednesday, March 25th, and our school will
receive 20% of your check!!! Purchases include dine in, take out, catering and all beverages.
Thank you for your support.
A Word from your PCNC (Parent Community Networking Center)
By Iris Salazar
In February, we held two school tours for possible incoming parents. There were many enthusiastic, first time parents
wanting to know more about the two time National Blue Ribbon and Strive Hi Award recipient school. Curious minds
wandered the campus as we strolled through the Kindergarten classes and observed students in action. Parents were
introduced to other teachers and staff during the tour. We hope the tours helped in their decision making and look
forward to seeing them again in the Fall.
Our students in grades 3, 4 and 5 will be taking the Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA) soon. This being the first year
of taking SBA, students will be taking a practice test and interim test prior to the actual test where the final score will
be given. SBA is taken online and will be administered over the next several weeks. Please help your child during these
testing times by allowing ample sleep, well balanced breakfast, and positive approach to do their best. Test results will
be available at the beginning of next school year. Go to website http://alohahsap.org/SMARTERBALANCED/ and click
on Student & Families to find more information.
Spring Break is upon us. Please remember that taking your child out during the school days will mean they will miss
their learning in class, some of which can’t be made up. This will also hold true for the upper grades while they are taking SBA. So please plan your vacations during the school breaks and keep students in school.
Many are finding themselves under the weather recently. Please take care of your loved ones by remembering healthy
Stay safe and enjoy Spring Break!
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N¯a Leo O Liholiho March 2015
Labels For Education
By Vicki Bunao, Labels for Education® coordinator
The Labels for Education® Program is a fun and easy program where our families or community members can work
together to “Earn Free Stuff” for our school! Points are earned and can be redeemed for Arts, Athletics, and Academics
merchandise, and now Visa® prepaid card so our school can purchase what they want.
Look for participating brands such as Campbells®, Swanson®, Prego®, Pepperidge Farm®, V8®, Dannon®, BIC®, Glad®, Pop
Secret®, and Emerald® nuts.
2014-2015 School Year Contest Update
Thank you to the following students & faculty for turning in your labels!
Mia S.
Iris S.
Maleia M.
Kahlyn M.
Adrian M. Marshall B.
Caylee Y.
Alyssa L.
Marisa B.
Evelyn S.Nikki Y.
Mari C.
Cadi K.
Bryson R.
Alina S.
Brielle R.
Keiki M.
Dyson M.
Braden A.
Mr. Magnenat
Richelle C.
Takeo S.
Sydney O.
Leanne S.
Karsen S.
Malia W. Sadie A.
Apana A.
Justin A. Makamae A.
Suekiko A.
Emily B.
Makani C.
Vincent C.
Phoenix C.
Maddison H.
Jaryn I.
Aimee-Keilani I.
Ryan K.
Aodhan K.
Chevy L.
Kikyo M.
Micah M.
Grace N.
Richard O.
Jet O.
Shayden P.
Akira U.
Allena V.
Monique Y.
Raena S.
Allen R.Nathan M.
Piercen F.
Shayne S.
Tatum A.
Jolie U.
Thank you also to community member Danny O. for mailing in labels.
Thanks to all of you, we received $250 Visa® prepaid card to use for school supplies. As of 2/12/15, we made 14,179 points
so far this school year!
Please continue to cut out your Labels for Education® labels (UPC codes must be intact, preferably along the dotted line
if there is any) and turn them in to your teacher or to the red and yellow Labels for Education® collection box located in
the school office.
Please remember to place your labels into a bag or envelope labeled with your child’s full name, teacher’s name, and
room number.
Thank you for your support and for helping to make a difference for our school with the Labels for Education® Program!
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N¯a Leo O Liholiho March 2015
Box Tops Update as of February 12th, 2015
By Kimber Kahanu, Box Tops for Education coordinator
1300+ Box Tops
900+ Box Tops
Wade L.
Ryan K.
600+ Box Tops
Mia S.
500+ Box Tops
Dyson M.
Braden A.
300 + Box Tops
Piercen F.
Malia W.
Pacey H.
Mrs. Chang
200+ Box Tops
Caylee Y.
Takeo S.
Jax S.
Jacob Y.
100+ Box Tops
Cadi K.
Jake M.
Jonah V.
Anela T.
Maleia M.Nathan M.
Brielle R.
Logan L.
Rachel F.
Kyle F.
Cienna T.
Martial G.
Jacob Y.
Rorie F.
Logan K.
Alyssa L.
Brady L.Nicole I.
Samuel H.
Isaiah K.
1-99 Box Tops
Crimson C.
Reeahna S.
Shane F.
Coco Elena M.
Kaiya D.C.
Shayden P.
Kahlyn M.
Suekiko A.
Chevy L.
Cameryn C.
Abigail L.
Mrs. Iwanaga
Marisa B.
Adrian M.Natasha D.
Sora D.
Soren W.B.
Caleb K.
Marshall B.
Isabelle P.
Shinsei M.Noah D.
Sydney O.
Shayne S. Leala F.
Alina S.
Lilyanne F.
Moana H.
Megumi S.
Elijah L.
Kaikane T. W.
Tristi N.
Ema T.
Journey F.
Makani C.
Vincent C.
Casey G.
Kikyo M.
Micah M.
Grace N.
Adam K.
Cody K.
Gabriel P.
Holly K.
Conrad D.
Keiki M.
Ira H.G.
Jolie P.
Carryn C.
Asryelle M. R.
Sadie A.
Maddison H.
Richard O.
Kaizen M.
Kaitlin Y.
Phoenix C.
Mari C.
Katie S.
Micah D.
Ka’ena C.
Richelle C.
Monique Y.
Kailee D.
Cadie W.
Tyler N.
Bryson R.
Tatum A.
Karsen S.
Ezekiel B.
Emily B.
Malia N.
Shayla Ann D. Makena M.
Chrisarah K.Naomi S.
Devin K.
Kohei S.
Princess P.
Allen R.
Apana A.
Justin A. W.
Jaryn I. H.
Aimee I.
Jet O.
Akira U P.
YaNi N.
Sky V.
Ramos S.
Devin K.
Raena S.
Leanne S.
Kailee G.
Kody J.
Makamae A.
Aodhan K.
Allena V.
Tristin C.
Class Contest (As of February 12th, 2015)
By Kimber Kahanu, Box Tops for Education coordinator
*To start of the month of MARCH, we are having a CONTEST! For every 10 Box Tops you submit your name will be
entered into a drawing to win 100 additional Box Tops to count towards your class race and personal contribution.
Contest period is NOW through March 31st, 2015.
Be sure to label your Ziploc bags or envelopes with your FULL NAME and CLASS ROOM NUMBER!
Miyasaki- 0
We would like to have all participants recognized, so PLEASE remember the following:
~ Submit your Box Tops to your classroom teacher or to the Box Tops collection box located in the school office.
~Place all Box Tops in Ziploc bags labeled with your child’s full name, teacher’s name, room number, and how much
Box Tops you are turning in.
~ Be sure to watch for expiration dates on the Box Tops.
~ Be sure to cut out your Box Tops on the dotted lines
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