Program - EEC 2015 Conference


Program - EEC 2015 Conference
Government of Ras Al Khaimah
Department of Economic Development - RAK
in Collaborationwith
Ministry of
Schedule of the
International Conference
The Impact of e-Economy on
MENA Region Development:
Global Competitiveness, International Regulations and
Strategic Partnerships
14 – 16March 2015
Ras Al Khaimah
Day One: Saturday March 14th, 2015
Opening Ceremony
Al Hamra Convention Hall
Al Hamra FortBeach Hotel & Resort – Ras Al Khaimah
Time: 10.00 – 13.15
Opening Program
10.00 – 10.05
National Anthem
10.05 – 10.10
Holly Quran Recitation
10.10 – 10.20
Film on the Economic Development in Ras Al Khaimah
Address of HE Sheikh Mohammed bin Kayed Al Qasimi, President of the Department of
Economic Development, Ras Al Khaimah
Address of HE Sheikh Hamdan bin Mubarak Al Nahayan, Minister of Higher Education
and Scientific Research, Chancellor of UAEU
Address of HE Engineer Sultan bin Saeed Al Mansouri, Minister of Economy
Address of HE Engineer Ahmed bin Saeed Al Sayyah, General Manager – RAK EGA
10.20– 10.30
10.30 – 10.40
10.40 – 10.50
10.50 – 11.00
11.00 – 11.30
Keynote Speaker:
Osman Sultan
Chief Executive Officer
Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company, du
11.30 – 11.45
Panel Discussion:e-Economy& Sustainable Development in the MENA Region:
Prospects and Challenges.
Moderator: HEProf. Hassan H. Al Alkim, President - American University of Ras Al
11.45 – 11.55
Panel Introduction by the Moderator, Prof. Hassan H. Al Alkim.
11.55 – 12.05
Prof. Kamal Youcef-Toumi, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, MIT, Cambridge,
Massachusetts - USA.
12.05 – 12.15
Osman Sultan, Chief Executive Officer, Emirates Integrated Telecommunications
Company, du.
12.15 – 12.25
Dr. Fareed Amin, Executive Director for Public Sector Modernization
Imex Systems Inc. - Canada.
12.25 – 12.35
Ahmed Buhazza, Director, Service Delivery & Channel Enhancement, eGovernment
Authority (EGA) - Bahrain
12.35 – 12.45
Prof. Boumediene Belkhouche, Software Development-College of Information Technology,
United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain-UAE.
12.45 – 12.55
Gerald Shaye, President, Shaye Global LLC, New York, Former Director of International
Trade, NY State Department of Economic Development, NY-USA.
12.55 – 13.15
Open Discussion.
Lunch at Al Hamra Fort Beach Hotel & Resort.
13:30 – 15:00
Day One (Continued): Saturday March 14th, 2015
Afternoon Sessions: Al Hamra FortBeach Hotel & Resort – Ras Al Khaimah
First Plenary Session: 15.00 – 15.20 - Al Hamra Convention Hall A
Chair: Dr Abdulqader Alkhayat, CEO,Al Mijhir Consultancy & Research, Dubai Academic City-Dubai.
Reporter: Mr. Ahmed Buhazza, Director, Service Delivery & Channel Enhancement, eGovernment
Authority - Bahrain.
Paper Title
Khalifa Hassan Al-Shamsi
Etisalat Vision onICT Development
in the UAE
Chief Digital Services Officer
Etisalat Group - UAE
First and SecondConcurrent Sessions
Time: 15.40 – 17.00
First Session: Al Hamra Convention Hall A
Chair: Dr. Fareed Amin, Executive Director for Public Sector Modernization, Imex Systems Inc. - Canada.
Reporter: Dr. Anthony Ayoola, Dean, Business & Management, AURAK, RAK – UAE.
Prof. Kamal YoucefToumi
Paper Title
Competing in a connected world
Prof. Abdel H. ElShaarawi
Big Data Driven e-Economy and MENA
Regional Development
Ahmed Buhazza
Putting People at the Centre: Fostering
Mobinnovation through Customer
Centric mGovernment
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, Massachusetts - USA
National Water Research Institute, Burlington
Dept of Mathematics and Statistics, McMaster
Ontario - Canada
Service Delivery & Channel Enhancement
eGovernment Authority (EGA) - Bahrain
Second Session - Al Hamra Convention Hall B
Chair: Dr. Naceur Jabnoune, Senior Consultant, SSPGE – RAK, UAE..
Reporter: Dr. Rassem Amash, Associate professor, UAEU, AURAK, RAK – UAE.
Paper Title
Dr. Gerald Shaye
Promotion of Foreign Direct Investment
An example from New York State and
Ideas for Ras Al Khaimah.
Bertrand Viala
e-Economy & SMEs : Insights
Julian Weber
Corporate Innovation through Rapid
Application Development in e-Business
Dinner at Al Hamra Fort Beach Hotel and Resort
Shaye Global LLC, International Trade
Development - Delmar, New York
Head of Turkish Desk & Business Director
Five Dimensions Consultants
Founder and CEO,
Selise- Secure Link Services Ltd.
Zürich- Switzerland
Day Two: Sunday March15th, 2015
Morning Sessions: Al Hamra FortBeach Hotel & Resort – Ras Al Khaimah
Second Plenary Session: 9.00 – 9.20 am - Al Hamra Convention Hall A
Chair: Eng. Hisham Mohamed AliSalem, Program Director, Government Services Development, Ministry of
State for Administration Development - Egypt.
Reporter: Bertrand Viala, Head of Turkish Desk & Business Director, Five Dimensions Consultants, Dubai
Paper Title
The Relation of e-Government and
Economy in Turkey Under The New
Usage of Technological Infrastructures
and e-Transformation
Dr. Oktay Adalier
e-ID Unit & Program Manager,
Center of Research For Advanced Technologies of
Informatics and Information Security
Istanbul - Turkey.
Third and FourthConcurrent Sessions
Time: 9.40 – 11.00
Third Session –Al Hamra Convention Hall A
Chair: Prof. Kamal Youcef-Toumi, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, MIT Cambridge, MA – USA
Reporter: Yazid Ben-Chabane, University College, United Arab Emirates University, Al-Ain - UAE.
Paper Title
Fernando de Pablo
e-Government to fight economic crisis
in Spain. A whole government
Dr. Abdelmalek Nasraoui
Dr. Fareed Amin
The importance of smart government in
investment attraction and retention
Advisor Office for the Implementation of Public
Administration Reform
Ministry of the Presidency, Madrid - Spain
R & D Manager
Verpackungsmaschinen Gerhard Schubert GmbH
Crailsheim – Germany
Executive Director for Public Sector
Imex Systems Inc. - Canada
Forth Session –Al Hamra Convention Hall B
Chair: Dr. Talib Al Hayaly, Senior Economic Consultant, Department of Economic Development – RAK.
Reporter: Dr. Sahel Al Rousan, Economic Advisor, Ministry of Finance,Dubai –UAE.
Paper Title
Prof. Basil Al-Bustany
‫دينامية اإلقتصاد المعزفي األلكتزوني‬
Dr. Adel Ali Al Jumaily
The e-Economy Opportunities and
Impact on SpecialPortion of Community
Mohammad A. Mubarah
Ghassan Chahine
Digital Economy in Saudi Arabia
Facts and Visions
Dr. Amr Jamal Al Dine
‫الواقع‬... ‫االقتصاد االلكتزوني العزبي‬
International Development Advisor, Amman,
Associate Professor, School of Electrical,
Mechanical and Mechatronic Systems
University of Technology, Sydney
Sydney, New South Wales - Australia
IT PMO Director, Ministry of Petroleum and
Mineral Resources-KSA
Operations manager, ABTSS-KSA
Associate Professor of Economy
Abu Dhabi University, Abu Dhabi - UAE
Day Two (Continued): Sunday March 15th, 2015
Third Plenary Session: 11.20 – 11.40 – Al Hamra Convention Hall A
Chair: Dr. Sahel Al Rousan, Economic Advisor, Ministry of Finance,Dubai –UAE.
Reporter: Dr. Ravi Gupta, Editor-in-Chief and CEO, Elets Technomedia Pvt Ltd, Noida-Uttar Pradesh, India.
Hamad Abdulla Al
Paper Title
.‫األرشيف الوطني والمبادرات الذكية‬
Head of Information Technology Section
National Archives
Abu Dhabi – UAE.
Fifth and SixthConcurrent Sessions
Time: 12.00 – 13.20
Fifth Session – Al Hamra Convention Hall A
Chair: Dr. Djamel Bellout, Director, Studies & Statistics Division, DED, RAK–UAE.
Reporter: Mr. Mohamed Amine Assody, Quantitative Business Analyst-Risk, ABN AMRO-Amsterdam.
Prof. Boumediene
Esam Alfalasi
Paper Title
Learning and Knowledge Production
.‫التحول نحو األقتصاد الذكي‬
Eng. Hisham Mohamed
Smart City Taxi
Imad Eddine Oubiri
Smart Cities & 21st Century Economic
Development & Welfare
Holistic approach towards a roadmap
strategy development for RAK Emirate
Software Development-CIT, UAEU
Al Ain-UAE.
Chief Information Officer
Ministry Of Economy, UAE
IT Manager, Resources & Support Dept. /
Information Technology
Dubai Taxi Corporation, Dubai – UAE.
RAK Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Sixth Session – Al Hamra Convention Hall B
Chair: Mr. Odd Eiken, Senior Economic Consultant, Department of Economic Development – RAK.
Reporter: Mr. Mohammad A. Mubarah, IT PMO Director, Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, KSA.
Dr. Sahel Al Rousan,
Rashid SBIA&
Al Faisal SBIA
Dr. John Ayoade&
Dr. Ashrf Khazual
Daham Almilla
Paper Title
Are Government Portals Secure?
Evidence from United Arab Emirates
Ensuring Customer and Business Data
Protection by Securing RFID Systems
Dr. Ravi Gupta
e-Governance comes of age in India
Fabrice Simondi
e-Economy as an Ecosystem
Business Experience:
Vectual Modeling the Future in 3D in
MENA Region
Fiscal Advisor at Government of UAE.
Cybersecurity Expert at Ministry of Interior,
Kingdom of Bahrain.
Economic AdvisorMinistry of Finance – UAE.
Associate Professor, School of Computer & Maths
Sciences, Auckland University of Technology
Auckland - New Zealand
Department of Economic Development – RAK
Editor-in-Chief and CEO,
Elets Technomedia Pvt Ltd
Noida-Uttar Pradesh, India
Founder and CEO of Vectuel,
Cofounder of Al Ibiticar (UAE)
Lunch at Al Hamra Fort Beach Hotel and Resort
13.30 – 15.00
Recreational Program
Exploration tour of RAK economic entities & touristic sites
15.00 - 19.00
Dinner at Al Hamra Fort Beach Hotel and Resort
Day Three: Monday March 16th, 2015
Morning Sessions: Al Hamra FortBeach Hotel & Resort – Ras Al Khaimah
Fourth Plenary Session: 9.00 – 9.20 – Al Hamra Convention Hall A
Chair: Dr. Estelle Toomey, College of Business, Zayed University, Abu Dhabi – UAE.
Reporter: Dr. Kathy Ning Shen, University of Wollongong in Dubai, Dubai – UAE.
Paper Title
Sumaia Khalifa Bin
‫حكومة دبي الذكية ودورها في دعم‬
.‫االقتصاد االلكتزوني‬
Director, Communication and Business
Development Division
Dubai Smart Government Department
Seventh and EighthConcurrent Sessions
Time: 9.40 – 11.00
Seventh Session – Al Hamra Convention Hall A
Chair: Prof. Basel Al Bustani, International Development Advisor, Amman, Jordan
Reporter: Dr. Horst Walther, Vice President Business Development, Pacific Propellants Inc., Reno, NV-USA.
Paper Title
Dr Abdulqader Alkhayat
Online business environment:
Legal and ethical snags
Mohamed Amine
Dr. Horst Walther
Islamic Lifestyle Assistant :
Making the region a hub for Islamic
ethical commerce by taking lifestyle
advice to the next level.
Dr. Rassem Amash
Evaluation of female participation in eCommerce in the GCC Region
Salah Al Halyan
e-Commerce in the UAE and Beyond
Al Mijhir Consultancy and Research
Dubai Academic City, Dubai – UAE.
Islamic Lifestyle Technologies Amsterdam,
Islamic Lifestyle Technologies, Hamburg,
Associate professor
American University of Ras Al Khaimah
Owner and Managing Director of
Dubai – UAE.
Eighth Session – Al Hamra Convention Hall B
Chair:Prof. Abdel H. El-Shaarawi, National Water Research Institute, Burlington, Ontario – Canada.
Reporter: Eng. Hayder Ali, Director, In2Networks Proprietary Limited, Liverpool, New South Wales, Australia.
Paper Title
Eng. Hisham Mohamed
Multiple Delivery Channels for Better
Public Services
Dr. Kathy Ning Shen
Mohamed Khalifa
A Case Study on Effective User
Participation for e-Government
Dr. Constance Van Horne
Vincent Dutot
Digital entrepreneurship in the UAE:
Findings from young entrepreneurs
Steven Rice
Best Practice in Marketing Technology
Program Director, Government Services
Ministry of State for Administration Development
- Egypt
University of Wollongong in Dubai
Dubai – UAE.
Al Ghurair University
Dubai – UAE.
Zayed University
Abu Dhabi – UAE
ESG Management School
Paris – France
Ras Al Khaimah Tourism Development Authority
Day Three (Continued): MondayMarch 16th, 2015
Morning Sessions: Al Hamra FortBeach Hotel & Resort – Ras Al Khaimah
Fifth Plenary Session: 11.20 – 11.40 – Al Hamra Convention Hall A
Chair: Dr. Gerald Shaye, President, Shaye Global LLC, International Trade Development - Delmar,
New York-USA.
Reporter: Mr. Julian Weber, Founder and CEO, Selise- Secure Link Services Ltd., Zürich- Switzerland.
Paper Title
Dr. Noureddine Ghamri
Passenger Data Processing:
Morpho Solution
Program Manager,
API-PNR Systems, Border Management Solutions,
Security Division-SAFRAN Morpho, France.
Ninth and TenthConcurrent Sessions
Time: 12.00 – 13.20
Ninth Session – Al Hamra Convention Hall A
Chair: Dr. Abdelmalek Nasraoui, R & D Manager, Verpackungsmaschinen Gerhard Schubert GmbH,
Crailsheim – Germany.
Reporter:Dr. John Ayoade, Associate Professor, School of Computer & Maths Sciences,Auckland
University of Technology,Auckland - New Zealand.
Odd Eiken
Dr. Yacine Atif
Yazid Ben-Chabane
Khaled Hamdan
Paper Title
On the brink of the 21st Century School
Social Learning Analytics for
Engineering Business Career Readiness
in Higher Education.
Impact of the Mobile Technology on
Students' Performance.
Case Study: New Culture of Learning
at UAE-University.
Executive Vice President
Kunskapsskolan Education
Associate Professor
Enterprise Systems-CIT, UAEU
Al Ain-UAE.
University College
United Arab Emirates University
Al-Ain - UAE
Tenth Session – Al Hamra Convention Hall B
Chair:Dr. Adel Ali Al Jumaily, Associate Professor, School of Electrical, Mechanical and Mechatronic
SystemsUniversity of Technology, Sydney - Sydney, New South Wales - Australia.
Reporter: Dr. Victor Zengyu Huang, College of Business, Zayed University, Abu Dhabi – UAE.
Dr. Anthony Ayoola
Eng. Hayder Ali
Dr. Saleh A Wasimi
Paper Title
Characterizing, Encoding and
Visualizing HRM-related
Organizational Change Effectors,
Affectors and Modulators in UAE
Organizations using e-Businessmediated AVODS
Cloud Computing Impact on eEconomy Development in MENA
Region. A recommended application in
the e-Economy
Identification of e-Commerce Driving
Forces in MENA Countries and Their
Relevance in Policy Formulations
Lunch at Al Hamra Fort Beach Hotel and Resort
Dean, Business & Management
American University of Ras Al Khaimah
In2Networks Proprietary Limited
Liverpool, New South Wales, Australia.
Associate Professor, School of Engineering and
Central Queensland University
Melbourne, Victoria - Australia
13.30 – 15.00
Day Three (Continued): Monday March 16th, 2015
Afternoon Sessions: Al Hamra FortBeach Hotel & Resort – Ras Al Khaimah
Sixth Plenary Session: 15.00 – 15.20 – Al Hamra Convention Hall A
Chair: Dr. Yacine Atif, Enterprise Systems-CIT, UAEU, Al Ain-UAE.
Reporter: Dr. Saleh A Wasimi, Associate Professor, School of Engineering and Technology, Central
Queensland University, Melbourne, Victoria - Australia.
Paper Title
The World Digital Economic Graph:
Using Data for better decision making
Rajai El Khadem
Head of Government & Alliances for the
MENA region.
Eleventh and TwelfthConcurrent Sessions
Time: 15.40 – 17.00
Eleventh Session – Al Hamra Convention Hall A
Chair: Dr. Anthony Ayoola, Dean, School of Business, American University of Ras Al Khaimah, RAK–UAE.
Reporter:Dr. Amr Jamal Al Dine, Associate Professor, Abu Dhabi University, Abu Dhabi – UAE.
Dr.Sylvia R. Esterby
AhmedAbubakar Bello
Yazid Ben-Chabane
Dr. Estelle Toomey
Paper Title
The Relationship between ICT and the
Environment: Measurement, Analysis
and Reporting
United Arab Emirates ICT Penetration
as Indicator of an Information Society
Case Study: ICT Penetration and Usage
among United Arab Emirates
University Students
The importance of the Employee in eGovernment: Considerations from the
Statistics, I.K. Barber School of Arts and
University of British Columbia Okanagan
Kelowna, B.C. Canada
University College
United Arab Emirates University
Al-Ain - UAE
Zayed University, Abu Dhabi – UAE
Twelfth Session – Al Hamra Convention Hall B
Chair: Dr. Constance Van Horne, College of Business, Zayed University, Abu Dhabi – UAE.
Reporter: Eng. Hayder Ali, Director, In2Networks Proprietary Limited, Liverpool, New South Wales,
Dr. Kathy Ning Shen,
Mohamed Khalifa&
Dr. Victor Zengyu Huang
Dr. Safeyya Al Shehhi
Dr. Ziad Asouly
Paper Title
A Multi-level Approach Towards eeconomy Development and
The case of health care information
systems assimilation
Enhancing e-Recruitment Strategies in
the MENA Region through the use of
Social Media Networks
The Impact of E-economy on the
Performance of Chambers of
Commerce (RAKCCI as a case study)
Closing Session: Al Hamra Convention Hall
University of Wollongong in Dubai, Dubai – UAE.
Al Ghurair University, Dubai – UAE.
Zayed University, Abu Dhabi – UAE
American University of Ras Al Khaimah
Economic Consultant
RAK Chamber of Commerce & Industry
17.00 – 17.30

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