Bulletin - St. Mary`s Catholic Church


Bulletin - St. Mary`s Catholic Church
March 8, 2015
Ex 20:1-17 or 20:1-3, 7-8, 12-17 I 1 Cor 1:22-25 I
Jn 2:13-25
1171 Jefferson St.
PO Box 179
Carlyle, IL 62231
Fr. George Mauck, Pastor
Ellen Knolhoff, DRE
Tina Wiegman, Administrative Assistant
Phones: Rectory: 594-2210
Parish Center: 594-2225
Relgious Education: 594-2284
E-mail: stmaryc@sbcglobal.net
~~ ~ www.carlylecatholicchurch.com
Fax: 594-4638
lJwt l!ailio.Pic Scflw.o_&:
Sacuunent of, 9Jap~m:
Saouunent of, J~~:
$uil.etin :!Jeadfine:
!J'Wti.J{i ~JbudUut:
Mater Dei High School
Telephone: 526-7216
Internet: www.materdei.breese.il.us
All Saints Academy
Telephone: 526-4323
Internet: www.asasaints.com
Baptismal classes are offered the
second Sunday of each month at llam.
Call Thomas & Laura Anderson 304-5278
to register.
Saturday: 3-3:45pm
Please make an appointment at least six
months in advance, preferably a year.
·wednesday, 12Noon
\Ve ask that all new residents register
with us by filling out the form located
on the radiators or by stopping by the
_Parish Center.
St JVlwuJ &uVicli
&vtlyle, 3£62231
Liturgy for the
7 ..
~Veek ...
4:00pm ..
Sun ..
8 ..
8:00am ..
Mon ..
9 ..
7:30am ..
ll:OOam ..
Tue ..
10 ..
6:30pm ..
7:00pm ..
vVed ..
Thu ..
12 ..
13 ..
14 ..
4:00pm ..
Sun ..
15 ..
Puddles Meyer
Butch & Leona Meyer
John & Rose Martin
Cannan Haas
Ed & Celeste List
Mary Vahlkamp Fulton
Our Parish Family
Leo & Elizabeth Hodapp
Funeral liturgy for
Josephine 'J o' Hempen
Perpetual Help
Lawrence 'Turk'
Marilyn Heidler Adkins
Wm. Kueper Jr. Family
Paul Peppenhorst
Evelyn Steinmann
Dave Kampwerth
Joe Rakers
Joe Kampwerth
Alphonse Pollmann
Antoinette Wilken
Nathan Miller-Anniv.
Dec. Lawrence & Agnes
Kampwerth Family
Our Parish Family
. March 8th to March 14th
8am Brock & Carlie Timmermann, Blake Holthaus
j Sun:
lOam Corey Nave, Sophia & Wade Sabo
I Mon. thru Fri: 7:30am: Bob Diekemper
· Sat:
4pm Callie Diekemper, Hayley & Ella Palm
Tuesdav, Mar. lOth, 7pm...Nicholas Christ, Brayden
Henss, Jackson Hoffmann
March 15th to March 21st
Sam Bryce Moyer, Molly Diekemper, Anne
lOam Alan Schlau, Sydney Hart, Amalie Schaefer
Mon. thru Fri: 7:30am Stan Gezella
4pm Wil & Cole Plassmeyer, Ian Simonton
If you cannot be there, please find a replacement. Thank
j you.
Stewardship ......
3-1-15: Envelopes: $5023 Loose: $212 Guatemala: $610.13
Black & Indian Missions: $20 Cemetery: $126
Messenger: $125 Easter Flowers: $260 Eastern Europe: $21
Online banking: Weekly-Envelopes: $150 (5)
Online monthly giving: Envelopes: $3535 (27)
Cemetery: $175 (5) Guatemala: $155 (3) Renovation: $195 (7)
Our weekly budgeted expense for the current 2014-15
fiscal year is $9421. \Veekly envelope/loose target is $8462.
Schedule of Events ...
(6pm-9pm) Reverse Raffle at the KC
7 ..
Daylight savings time begins tomorrow.
Don't forget to turn your clocks ahead
Sat. & Sun: 7 & 8: Photos in church of ushers, lectors
& eucharistic ministers after all Masses
Sat.& Sun: 7 & 8: Matthew 25 Weekend
Sun.. 8..
(1 Oam) Pre-K Faith Fonnation
(llam-6pm) St. Dominic Church,
Th H
at e gave
Breese, Chicken & Roast Beef Dinner in
the PC
(12pm) St. Mary Magdalen, Todds Mill,
Pinochle Tournament at St. Mary
Magdalen PC in Todds MilL Doors open
!0:30am and soup, sandwiches andrefreshments available at this time.
8 ..
(12-6pm) St. George Church, New Baden, Chicken Dinner in Hodapp Hall.
8 ..
(7pm) Winter Concert at Mater Dei H.S.
(7:30pm) RCIA meet at St. Anthony,
Mon .. 9 ..
Wed .. lL
(6:30-7:45pm) Youth Faith Formation
(6-lOam) St. Joseph Hospital Health Fair
Thu.. 12 ..
at Breese KC Hall
(3- 7pm) Red Cross Blood drive at Case
12 ..
Halstead Library sponsored by Girl Scout
Troop #8453.
Fri ..
13 ..
(!2:10pm) Stations of the Cross
(8pm) Cosmic Bingo sponsored by the
13 ..
Carlyle Fire Dept. Ladies Aux. at Carlyle KC Hall. Doors open at 6:30pm.
(3-3 :45pm) Reconciliation
14 ..
14 ..
(7pm) Relay for Life team,
iHope .. weCure, Quarter Auction at
Breese American Legion. Doors open at
Sat. & Sun: 14 & 15: Special collection for Catholic Relief
Services Envelope is in your packet. The funds from this collection help provide food to the hungry, support to displaced
refugees, and Christ's love and respect to all people.
Sat. & Sun: 14 & 15: Gear-Up ... you may bring your items to
the gym Sat., 3:15-Spm & Sun 7:30-llam.
(8am-12Noon) KC Sausage & Pancake
Breakfast...benefit for St. Mary's Youth
attendance at the Diocesan Youth Conference
(lOam) Pre-K Faith Formation
(10:30am-6pm) Aviston Legion WholeHog Sausage & Roast Beef Dinner
(lpm) Quilt & Cash Bingo at St.
Michael's Church, Radom. Doors open
at llam. Mostaccioli, garlic bread, salad, hot dogs & refreshments.
(1:30pm) Quilt & Cash Bingo at St.
Joseph PC, Freeburg. Lunch llam-lpm.
Lightning raffle !2:30pm. Join us for
1Oam Mass before the SociaL
Jl1ark your calendars ......... Mar. 7 & 8... Photos of ushers, lectors, & eucharistic ministers will be taken after all :Masses
......................................................................... Mar. 14-15 Gear-Up sponsored by St. Vincent de Paul
......................................................................... Confirmation, April 21, 2015 at Germantoyrn, 7pm
We extend our sympathy to the families of Fritz Meyer and Jo Hempen, and we give thanks for the
great faith and life that they brought to our parish. May they rest in God's peace.
'vVe welcome, Barb Crouse, Dale Kamp,verth and Virginia Middendorf£ as nevv parish council
members this week. Thanks to Sara Henss and Keri Mitchell for accepting nominations to serve on the parish council as well. Thanks to Gary Beckemeyer, Jeff Becker, Skeets Dumstorff, and Lisa Eversgerd for
their service as their terms on the council expire.
This Sunday we begin the Rites of Scrutinies with the Elect (Gwen Reagan & Tricia Singler) as
they prepare to join us as Church. We move to the scripture passages for Cycle A and ponder this weekend
the story ofJesus meeting the Woman at the Well.
The Scrutinies are intended to "uncover, then heal all that is weak, defective or sinful in the hearts
of the elect. .. to bring out, then strengthen all that is upright, strong, and good." It is a differently ... through
the eyes of Christ. How can we imitate Jesus better in our living and loving? Each of us is called to ponder
this question as we are all in the process of continuing conversion all our lives. Francis Bacon said it best:
"When we're through changing, we're through."
I'll be meeting with my Priest Support Group on Sunday. We have gone from eight of us to five of
us who now gather as we are able. The other three have passed on. We who remain remember those who've
gone on ahead of us-Ed Hustedde, Henry Fischer and Jerry Wirth. And we gather to tell our stories and
scrutinize each other as well.
Peace & good, Fr. George
1 Catholic
Service and Ministry Appeal-This weekend
I our parish, along with all other parishes in the diocese,
I will conduct our Catholic Service and Ministry Appeal.
1The CSMA provides a convenient way for all of us, not
1 mater what our time limitations, to take a active role in the
1 mission of our diocesan Church. Please be as generous as
1 you are able.
1 PHOTO INFO... Photos for the pictorial directory of
: active military personnel need to be submitted by
:March 14th. There is a $10 fee.
Please remember those who have asked for our
prayers: Rose Novak, Jennifer Buehler Wallace, Murray
Fauke, Sharon Gustafson, Jace Hughes, Scott Ruehl, Bob
Nowak, Luke Woltering, Jeremy Long, Emily Reese, Kris
Huckshold, Jim Mouldon, JoAnn Loepker, Dennis Bach,
Sandy Kirksey, Don Carman, Marla Howard, Luke Letica, Kristen Stiles, Richard Self, Barb Varel, Bill Warren,
Vinnie Valencia, Richard Salmon, David Schmidt, Rick
Perry, Darline Johnson, Belinda Beine, Marge Pax, Mary
Jane Lampen, Rev. Steve Goodin, Lucille Foster, Lynn
Robke Crutcher, Bill Horstmann, Stella Q., Jerry Williams, JoAnn Gray, Marilyn Fitzgerald, Rich Grueter,
Tom Hughes
: Lenten Reconciliation Services
I Sun., Mar. 8, lpm at St. Bernard, Albers
lTue., Mar. 10, 7pm at St. Rose
. Sun., Mar. 15, 2pm at St. George, New Baden
j Sun., Mar. 15, 3pm at St. Mary, Carlyle
:Sun., Mar. 15, 4:30pm at St. Cecelia, Bartelso
I Mon., Mar. 16, 7pm at St. Teresa, Marydale
Mon., Mar. 16, 7pm, St. Theresa, Salem .
. Tue., Mar. 17, 5:45-7pm at St. Ann, Nashv1lle
j Wed., Mar. 18, 7pm at St. Barbara, Okawville
: Thu., Mar. 19, 7pm at St. Dominic, Breese
~Sun., Mar. 22, 3pm at St. Francis, Aviston
j Sun., Mar. 22, 4:30pm at St. Mary, Trenton
: Tue., Mar. 24, 6pm at St. Lawrence, Sandoval
1 Tue., Mar. 24. 7pm at St. Mary, Centralia
l Mar. 7th-4pm ... Jeff & Pat Taylor
~Mar. 8th-8am ... Cathy Guthrie & Family
l Mar. 8th-10am... Girl Scouts
l Tuesday, Mar. lOth, 7pm... Joe & Joan Voss
l Mar. 14th-4pm.. _Jay & Dana Szczeblewski & Family
l Mar. 15th-8am... Joan & Kevin Wesselmann
j Mar. 15th-lOam... Steve & Donna Hilmes
i If you cannot be there at the.specified time, please call
l Linda McNurlen 594-4613 in sufficient time. Thank you.
~MISS TON STATEMENT: Our mission is to involve ourselves in lay ministries, living and spreading the gospel
message of justice and peace.
March 9
2 Kgs 51-15o
Lk 4:24-30
March 8, 2015
Ex 20:1-17 or 20:1-3,7-8. 12-17/1 Cor 1:22-25/
Jn 2:13-25
March 10
The license plate on a friend's car reads
"56789." vVhen someone asked him about it,
he said, "Those are the commandments I'm
good at" We all had a laugh but, in truth, the
commandments bear deeper reflection_
To pretend that our obedience of the Ten
Do 3:25, 34-43
Mt 18:21-35
March 11
Dt 4:1, 5-9
Mt 5.17-19
March 12
Jer 7:23-28
Lk 11:14-23
March 13
Has 14·2-10
Mk 12:28-34
March 14
Has 6:1-6
Lk 18:9-14
Commandments is limited to the literal
words themselves is spiritually shallow We
may not have killed someone, but have we
ever thought how much better it would be if
someone weren't in our workplace or school?
Have we ever hated someone with a passion
that interferes with our actions?
We may not have stolen something from a
retail store, but have we ever taken anything
that doesn't belong to us-ideas, supplies
mind, and sptrif> The Ten Commandments
impact us far more than we realize.
In today's gospel, Jesus demonstrates how
far the moneychangers in the temple area
have strayed from the true spirit of the worship of God. They probably hadn't given it
much thought-it was the way they'd always
done business. But their action made things
difficult for others.
God demands a transformation that deals
not only with the wrong everyone can see, but
with the subtle ways we violate God's laws
and fail to love.
The middle of Lent is a good time for us
to examine-and repent of-all the ways in
which we do this.
from work'7 These don't belong to us. Are
there ways in which we really want what a
friend has or fail to remain faithful in body,
March 15
Fourth Sunday
of Lent
2 Chr 36:14-16,
Eph 2:4-10
Jn 3:14-21
Tuesdav. 7:00AM
March 10. 2015
Tuesday Lenten Service
Marlene Hoffmann
Rebecca Krueger
Esther Norrenberns
Pat Norrenberns
March 14-March 15
Elaine Horstmann
Jean Van Darn
Saturday, 4:00 PM
Jeannie Kleber
John Zieren
Stan Gezella
! Ed Kleber
Linda Peppenhorst
, Darlene Rodden
I Dave Rodden
Pat Wesselmann
i Nancy Zreren
I Laura Anderson
f Cathy Guthrie
' Sylvia Henken
Ggralyn Hodapp
Marlene Hoffmann
Mar1 Hugo
Roland Kampwerth
Joan Voss
Kay vvyldQr
Sunday, 8:00AM
Art Henken
Bill Wylder
Sunday, 10:00 AM
Eucharistic Minister
Shirley Etter
Skip Etter
John Horstmann
Mar; Ellen Hughes
Paula Kampwerth
Brigid Nalewajka
James Nalewajka