Export & Agency Finance Americas


Export & Agency Finance Americas
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Export & Agency
Finance Americas
March 5th & 6th, 2015 | Four Seasons Hotel, Miami, United States
The ultimate networking experience for
exporters, importers, financiers, ECAs, DFIs
and multilaterals from both continents
Gold Sponsors
Bronze Sponsors
Export & Agency
Finance Americas
March 5th & 6th, 2015 | Four Seasons Hotel, Miami, United States
In 2015, we combine our popular ‘Structured Trade & Export Finance’,
‘Trade Finance Latin America’ and ‘Development & Agency Finance’
conferences with Export & Agency Finance Americas. The conference
takes place on March 5th & 6th, 2015 at the Four Seasons Hotel,
Miami, USA.
Export & Agency Finance Americas will bring together stakeholders
from both the Americas and Europe to create an unparalleled networking
experience for exporters, importers, financiers, ECAs, DFIs, multilaterals
and insurers.
Why attend?
• Meet stakeholders from the Americas and Europe in one efficient
networking platform to win new business
Key speakers include
Ignacio Andino,
Director, Structured
Finance, CAF
James Cruse,
Senior Vice President,
Policy and Planning,
Export-Import Bank of
the United States
Vallentino Gallo,
Global Head of Export &
Agency Finance, Citi
• Hear key industry experts provide insights focused on export and
agency finance, to identify new opportunities for your business
• Be a part of what promises to be the largest gathering of export
and agency finance professionals in the Americas
Who will attend?
Joanne Tognarelli,
Chief Representative,
South America, EDC
Luiz Pallazi,
Area Director, Americas,
Vinci Concessions
Jesus Guzman,
Director Corporate
Finance, Nafinsa
Comments from previous export finance conferences in the Americas
“I found the conference
informative and the
networking invaluable”
Mike Lonie, Mizuho
“It was an opportunity to
both hear from market
leaders and personally
speak with them”
“Excellent content and
a perfect venue for
Timoney, Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi
Celeste Pozo, Hughes Hubbard & Reed
Who to contact:
Speaking opportunities
Alex Sheriff
+1 (212) 224 3481
Tomas Preselo
+44 (0) 20 7779 8439
Interested in speaking?
Contact Tomas Preselo: tpreselo@euromoneyplc.com
Day One
Thursday March 5th, 2015
12.45pm Aligning DFIs, Banks, ECAs and
Multilaterals to utilise different sources of liquidity
9.30am Examining trade flows in the Americas:
Which regions and sectors will be fuelling exports?
•What products and programmes are they offering and how
are their objectives different?
•Streamlining different entities to offer the best possible
financing solution for clients
•A look at MIGA’S non honouring sovereign guarantee and the
evolving role of multilaterals
•BNDES: How will their programme change? Is their current
model sustainable?
•Analysis of regional growth and capital investment forecasts
•Examining regional economic head and tail winds
•What sectors and markets present the greatest opportunity
for exporters?
Luciene Machado, Deputy Managing Director, BNDES
Ignacio Andino, Director, Structured Finance, CAF
Edith Quintrell, Director, Operations, MIGA
Topi Vesteri, Executive Vice President, Finnvera
Andre Loes, Head of Macroeconomic Research, Latin
America, HSBC
1.30pm Lunch
8.30am Registration and Coffee
9.15am Chairman’s opening remarks
10am Bank strategies post crisis: Bank
partnerships, pricing forecasts, tenors and
•Pricing forecasts for the year ahead
•Given current pricing levels, what are banks doing with
assets? How are banks originating to hold?
•What more can banks offer to support exporters and
importers beyond risk mitigation?
•Which sectors, regions and tenors are bankable?
Ed Bullen, Managing Director, Head of Export Finance
Americas, HSBC
Phillips Lee, Managing Director, Head of Export Finance,
Americas, Societe Generale
Vallentino Gallo, Global Head of Export & Agency Finance,
10.45am Understanding Basel III metrics for export
finance: What will be the NSFC and LCR for ECA
backed loans?
•What impact will Basel III have on lending, pricing and
different institutions?
•Is Basel III affecting the attractiveness of ECA guaranteed
•What will be the capital cost of financing long tenors?
Henri d’Ambrières, CEO, HDA Conseil
11.15am Morning refreshments and networking
12pm Oxford-style debate: This house believes
current pricing and liquidity is destructive to
the market
Ed Bullen, Managing Director, Head of Export Finance
Americas, HSBC
3pm Analysing borrower’s funding plans: Is export
finance still relevant in current conditions?
•What is driving funding plans? Pricing, tenor, diversification?
•What more would borrowers like to see from ECAs and
•Securing the best source of cheap long term financing:
Agencies, DFIs or capital markets?
Miquel Bermejo, CFO, FCC Construction
Fernando Artaza, International Finance Director, Abengoa
Christiane Ache, Director, Project & Export Finance, Alstom
Antje Gibson, Vice President & Treasurer, Royal
Caribbean Cruises Ltd
Patrick Baumann, Treasurer, Harris Corporation
Joe Andris, Treasurer/Finance Manager, Americas
Distribution Services Division, Caterpillar Inc.
Jared Sarfaty, Head of Export & Agency Finance Americas,
Mizuho Bank
3.45pm Capitalising on Mexico’s booming energy
and infrastructure markets: What role will export and
agency finance play?
•To what extent will the energy reforms open up private
investment in the oil & gas and power sectors? What will this
mean for trade in the region?
•How is the market reacting to the PPP Law and does it
provide confidence for private infrastructure investment?
•Time frames for implementation, sponsor breakdown and
expected trade flows
Jesus Guzman, Director Corporate Finance, Nafinsa
4.15pm Refreshments and networking break
4.45pm The rise of ECA bond programmes: Will
these emerge outside of the aviation sector?
•How do you launch a bond and is there demand?
•What structures, size, currencies and types of deals work? Is
it a good mechanism for ECAs?
•Sector focus: Will we see deals outside of the aviation sector?
What about project finance?
James Cruse, Senior Vice President, Policy and Planning,
Export-Import Bank of the United States
Export & Agency Finance Americas
March 5th & 6th, 2015 | Four Seasons Hotel, Miami, United States
5.15pm Examining PPP and infrastructure
frameworks across the region: What future
infrastructure is being planned and how is it being
11.15am The potential of securitisation as a funding
tool for export finance: How do you package up
loans and bring in non-bank investors?
Luiz Pallazi, Area Director, Americas, Vinci Concessions
Daniel Toledano, Managing Director, IBT Group
Vinicio Fonseca, Head of Structured Finance, Odebrecht
Sang Han, Senior Vice President, Structured Capital
Markets, HSBC
Javier Sanchez Asiain, Head of Commercial Banking and
Trade Finance, Americas, Credit Agricole
•What are the pros and cons of different country models?
•How are ECAs involved in limited recourse financing?
•The potential of ECA wrapped bonds to stimulate the use of
project bonds
6pm Chairman’s closing remarks followed by
drinks reception and gala awards dinner
Contact Alex Sheriff for more information:
Day Two
Friday March 6th, 2015
8.45am Registration and Coffee
9.15am Chairman’s opening remarks
9.30am Anticipating the future makeup of US Exim
and implications for US exporters
•Spotlight on US Exim’s programme: What products will be
curtailed and what strings will be attached?
•Is their direct lending platform equitable and fair?
•What does the future hold for US exporters?
James Cruse, Senior Vice President, Policy and Planning,
Export-Import Bank of the United States
10am Understanding the evolving strategies and
models of agencies in an upturn cycle
•Will they expand into mezzanine, debt and equity financing?
Are they undercutting the market and will their commercial
activities expand in the future?
•Are premiums reflective of market conditions and current
pricing levels? Should there be a harmonised premium?
•Can ECAs support local currency financing?
Liliana Rizopulos, Senior Underwriter, EKN
Eva Ohlsson, Director, Export Finance, SEK
Lars Børre Hasle, Senior Vice President, Export Credit
Joanne Tognarelli, Chief Representative, South America,
Philipp Rosberg, COO, Euler Hermes
10.45am Morning refreshments and
networking break
•Are there arbitrage opportunities for banks given CRD?
•What are the structuring, tax and legal complications?
•Is there a deep and liquid secondary market?
•Investing in export credits: What price, structures and tenors
are investors comfortable with?
12pm The emergence of local ECAs in Latin
America and the prospects of intraregional trade
•Assessing local ECA capabilities and strategies: What
products and risks will they assume?
•In what regions, deals and sectors will they participate?
•Which Latam countries will become net importers and
Guilherme Laux, General-Coordinator, Export Credit
Insurance, SAIN
12.30pm Case Study: CDEEE
Vinicio Fonseca, Head of Structured Finance, Odebrecht
Gregory Salcedo, External Financial Advisor to CDEEE
1.00pm Chairman’s closing remarks followed
by lunch
Export & Agency Finance Americas
March 5th & 6th, 2015 | Four Seasons Hotel, Miami, United States
Bringing together three conferences to create a focused forum for the
export and agency finance community in the Americas
Export & Agency Finance Americas
March 5th & 6th, 2015 Four Seasons Hotel, Miami, United States
presents the
15th Annual
5th Annual
Development and
Agency Finance Conference
June 9th & 10th, 2014 • St. Regis Hotel Washington D.C.
StructuredTrade and
Export Finance in the
Americas Conference
February 28th and March 1st, 2013 • Biltmore Hotel, Coral Gables, Miami
New for 2015
16th Annual
Trade Finance Latin
America Conference
February 25th and 26th, 2014 • Four Seasons Hotel Miami
Register by
December 20th,
2013 and
save $200
for event updates
The leading annual forum where the pan-American and international
trade finance community meet
The leading annual forum connecting the Latin American and
international trade finance communities
Silver Sponsors:
The only event connecting multilateral agencies, corporates and
international banks for global trade & project financing
Gold Sponsor:
Silver Sponsor:
Importers and exporters now attend all
Trade Finance events for FREE
Supporting Organizations:
Bronze Sponsors:
Supporting Organizations:
Media Partner:
Bronze Sponsors:
Expert speakers confirmed include:
• Elizabeth Littlefield, President and CEO, OPIC
• Fred P. Hochberg, President, US Ex-Im Bank
• Claudia Slacik, Chief Banking Officer & Senior
Vice-President of Export Finance, US Ex-Im Bank
• Marcia Davis, Director, Structured Trade Finance,
Bank of America Merrill Lynch
• Lillian Labatt, Managing Director, Export Finance
Advisory, JP Morgan
• Michael Hewins, Deputy CEO & CFO, NewSat
• Daniel Stewart, International Export Credit
Manager, Caterpillar
• Bill Hoffman, Director, Project & Structured
Finance - Energy, Siemens
• Enrique Gomez Junco, CEO, Optima Energia
• Chad Canfield, Head of Project Finance, AES
• Valentino Gallo, Global Head of Export and
Agency Finance, Citi
• John Schuster, Vice-President of Project and
Structured Finance, US Ex-Im Bank
• Arthur Pilzer, Vice-President, Bechtel Enterprises
• Richard Kelly Carroll, Senior Director, Trade
Finance, JLG
• Mini Roy, Head of Americas, Export & Agency
Finance, SMBC
Confirmed speakers Include:
• Mouhamadou Niang, Manger of Private Sector
Operations, African Development Bank
• John Haberl, Director of Project Finance, AES Gener
• Geoffrey Tan, Managing Director, OPIC
• Jose Maya, Director Trade Finance Latin America,
The Manitowoc Company
• Craig Jones, Senior Director, Structured Export
Finance, ANZ
• Bobby Pittman, Managing Director, Kupanda
• Ed Bullen, Managing Director, Head of Export
Finance Americas, HSBC
• James Prusky, Managing Director, Crecera
Finance Company
• Andrew Eckhardt, Vice President Energy and
Infrastructure, KfW IPEX-Bank GmbH
• Inderpreet Wadha, Chief Executive Officer,
Azure Power
• Yasushi Sunouchi, Chief Representative in
Washington DC, JBIC
• Pablo Burgos, CEO, Solarpack
• Juan Payeras, Principal Investment Officer, IFC
• Brian Blakely, Project Team Leader, IADB
• Ariel Kuperminc, Treasury Director,
April 4th,
2014 and
SAVE $400
• Luciene Machado, Deputy Managing Director,
Foreign Trade Division, BNDES
• Iván Paja, CFO, T Solar
• Craig O’Connor, Director, Office of Renewable
Energy & Environmental Export, US Ex-Im Bank
• Olgar Sclovscaia, Sector Manager, Finance &
Telecomms, MIGA
• Steven Howlett, Managing Director, Government
Finance & Advocacy, General Electric
• Sean Long, CEO, Endeavor Energy Holdings
• Roland Natran, CEO, Hungarian Exim
• John Daly, Commercial Manager, CREE
• Evelyn Hartwick, Head, Socially Responsible
Bond Programs, IFC
• Steven Johnston, Managing Director, Political &
Sovereign Risk, OPIC
• Tobey Collins, Managing Director, Astris Finance
• Daniel Borrego, Senior Banker, Loan
Syndications, EBRD
• Michael Whalen, Vice President, Structured
Finance, OPIC
• Rick Angiuoni, Director, Africa, US Ex-Im Bank
• Susanne With, Senior Advisor, EKN
• Edith Quintrell, Director of Operations, MIGA
• Eric Michel, Managing Director and Head of
Structured Trade Finance, BTMU
• Amy Dulin, Partner, Hughes, Hubbard & Reed
• Carlos Watson, Head of International Cooperation
and Funding Department, Central American Bank
for Economic Integration (CABEI)
• Cheikh Kane, Chief Economist, Banco Original
• Ed Hogan, Managing Director, Standard Chartered
• Eva Ohlsson, Director, Export Finance, SEK
• Geta Wright-Jarrett, Finance Manager, National
Export-Import Bank of Jamaica Limited
• Joe Andris,Treasurer, Caterpillar
• John Schuster,Vice-President of Project and
Structured Finance, US Ex-Im Bank
• John Weinshank, Senior Vice President, Head of
Trade Finance and Corporate Banking, China
Construction Bank
• Luciene Machado, Managing Director, Export Credit
Division, BNDES
• Lyndon Skinner,Vice-President,Trade &
Commodity Finance, KfW IPEX-Bank
• Carl Carrier, SVP, Product Development Manager,
International Risk Mitigation & ECA Finance,
Wells Fargo
• Patrick Baumann, Assistant Treasurer,
Harris Corporation
• Pedro Rufino Carvalho, Legal Manager, OGX
• Pierre Dulin, Senior Vice President, Director FI &
Financial Solutions, Bladex
• Rafael Pazmiño Holguín,Vice President,Trade
Finance, Banco Internacional
• Roger Braun, Director, Galloway Capital
• Steven Howlett, Managing Director of Government
Funding and Advocacy, General Electric
• Topi Vesteri, Executive Vice President, Finnvera Plc,
Chairman of Board, Finnish Export Credit Ltd
• Vinicio de Fonseca, Director of Structured Finance,
To enhance networking opportunities at our events
in 2015, importers and exporters now attend all
Trade Finance events for free as standard.
• Volker Helms, Managing Director, LBBW México
• William Brown, RegionalVice President Mexico,
Central America and Caribbean, International
Business Development, Export Development Canada
• Yasmin Saadat, Principal Investment Officer,
Global Financial Markets, IFC
• Zuberoa Mainz, Business Development Officer –
Americas,Trade & Supply Chain, IFC
• Jozef Henriques, Head of Syndications, Structured
& Corporate Finance, IADB
• Peter Lopoukhine, Head of Trade Export &
Commodity Finance USA, Santander
• Jean Baptiste Piette, Head of Export and Agency
Finance USA, Santander
• Claudia Lopes, Executive Director of the
International Department, Banco Pine
• Jim Thomas, Senior Vice President & Regional
Manager – Americas, Zurich Credit & Political Risk
• Rogier Schulpen, Global Head of Structured Trade &
Commodity Finance, Santander
Supporting Organisation:
Confirmed speakers include:
• Edgar Jácome-Zambrano, Managing Director,
Metro de Quito Municipal Company
• Vinicio A. da Fonseca, Director of Structured
Finance, Odebrecht Engineering and Construction
• Miguel Bemejo, Chief Financial Officer for
the Americas, FCC Constuccion
• Claudia Slacik, Chief Banking Officer & Senior
Vice-President of Export Finance, US Ex-Im Bank
• Donnie DiCarlo, Credit & Political Risk Latin America, Marsh
• Rogier Schulpen, Global Head of Structured
Trade & Commodity Finance, Santander
• Erica Bowman, Vice President of Research
and Policy Analysis & Chief Economist,
America’s Natural Gas Alliance (ANGA)
• Erich Michel, Managing Director and Head of
Structured Trade Finance, BTMU
• Gerardo Gutierrez-Olvera Cabrales,
Managing Director, Head of Trade Finance &
International Treasury Services, BANORTE
• John Schuster, Vice President, Structured Finance,
US Ex-Im Bank
• Bill Brown, Regional Vice-President, Mexico, Central
America and the Caribbean, International Business
Development, Export Development Canada
• Topi Vesteri, Executive Vice-President, Finnvera
• Antonio Alves, Regional Head, Latin America &
the Caribbean, IFC
• Liliana Rizopulos, Senior Underwriter, EKN
• Bruce Glazier, Partner, Corporate Finance
and Agrifinance, Perform
• Gema Sacristan, Division Chief Financial Markets,
Inter-American Development Bank
• Juan Carlos Mealla, Vice President,
Financial Solutions, Willis
• Nick Robson, Head of Credit, Political and
Security Risk, JLT Specialty Limited
• Senior Representative, ALADI
• Zuberoa Mainz, Trade & Supply Chain
Finance Officer, IFC
• Craig A. Tashjian, Managing Director,
AMERRA Capital Management LLC
• Audrey Zuck, Director, Texel Finance
• Roger Braun Barends, Managing Director,
Rockport Financial Resources
• Alejandro Fernandez, Finance Manager,
Bunge Latin America
• Ricardo Martinez, Partner, Baker & McKenzie
• Chaeho Kim, Director, Natural Resources
Finance Department, K-Exim
• Alberto Yastremiz, Head of Trade, Export &
Commodity Finance, Santander Chile
• Jim Thomas, Senior Vice President & Regional
Manager, Americas, Zurich
• Martin Schmitz, Executive Director,
Banco Mizuho do Brasil
• Ted Aldrich, Head, Commodity and Trade Finance,
New York, Mizuho
• Lillian Labbat, Managing Director, Export Finance
Advisory, JP Morgan
• Pierre Dulin, Senior Vice President, Director FI
& Financial Solutions, Bladex
• Alexandre Marcondes Costa, Treasury Director,
Algar Agro
• Giuseppe Cicatelli, Founding Partner,
Columbus Frontiers Investment Management
To register for a complimentary
importer/exporter pass, please
email registrations@euromoneyplc.com
The Americas Export
& Agency Deals
of the Year Awards
Integrating the awards as part of the conference
gala dinner and into the Americas’ largest specialist
export and agency finance conference will ensure
heightened participation from the region’s most
successful ECAs, banks and corporates.
Voted for by our community and verified by experts,
Trade Finance Awards enhance reputation and
profile, drawing the winners to both the conference
and dinner.
As well as individual seats (US$900), there is the
opportunity to book tables of 10 (US$8,500) to
bring together clients and other industry colleagues.
Please note seats for the award dinner are
booked separately from the conference
For more information,
contact Alex Sheriff:
Other new features for 2015
•Gain access to SeminarsLive - the online
networking app exclusive for delegates
•New interactive session formats including:
Onstage interview, an Oxford-style Debate and
in-depth presentations
•New speakers including more exporters and
•Greater depth of topics focused on export
agency finance
Export & Agency Finance Americas
March 5th & 6th, 2015 | Four Seasons Hotel, Miami, United States
Register in 6 simple steps
Please complete this simple electronic
booking form, and then click on
the ‘submit your booking’ button at the
bottom of the form or email to
1. Tell us the name of your first delegate
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2. Do you require more tickets? Tell us how many
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Additional tickets (type in amount required).
3. Select your ticket option
Before January 16th – $2199 (Save $100)
Standard rate – $2299
4. Are you interested in attending the The Americas Export & Agency Deals of the Year Awards? If so, how many are likely to attend?
People are likely to attend (type in amount)
We’ll contact you with further details, including ticket prices, separately
5. How would you like to pay?
I would like to pay by invoice. Bank transfer details will be on your invoice. This option expires February 19th, 2015
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Euromoney Seminars reserves the right to change the currency and pricing of the
conference at any time up to the date of the event. Euromoney Seminars reserves the
right to alter the venue and/or speakers. All bookings are considered binding on receipt
of booking form. Payment is required on receipt of subsequent event invoice unless the
registration is made on or after February 19th, 2015, when payment must be made at
the time of registration.
Cancellations must be received in writing (letter, fax, email) by February 19th, 2015.
All cancellations received by this date will incur a 10% administration fee. If payment
has been made, a refund will be processed; any outstanding invoices will be liable for
10% of the registration fee. Cancellations made after this time will be liable for the full
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Export & Agency Finance Americas
March 5th & 6th, 2015 | Four Seasons Hotel, Miami, United States
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