YWCA Thompson Women of Distinction Awards Nomination Package


YWCA Thompson Women of Distinction Awards Nomination Package
YWCA Thompson
Women of Distinction Awards
Nomination Package
YWCA Thompson Women of Distinction Awards honours women whose outstanding activities and
achievements contribute to the well-being and future of her community. Recognized nationally as one of the
most prestigious awards for women, 2015 will be the seventh year of the YWCA Thompson Women of
Distinction Awards. Visit our website for more information www.ywcathompson.com
Women can be nominated in one of two categories;
Woman of Distinction
She is unwavering in her commitment as a leader and role model and is respected by her community for her
contributions. Examples of areas of achievement include community building, volunteerism, healthy living,
business, arts and culture.
Chantelle Chornoby Memorial Award for Young Woman of Distinction
She is an exceptional young woman aged 30 or under who demonstrates leadership, maturity and
compassion. Through her commitment to a cause or pursuit of a personal dream, this young woman has
shown perseverance, innovation and a keen understanding of community issues.
Who Can Nominate?
Nomination packages can be submitted by an individual, business or organization. Current YWCA Thompson
staff and members of the board of directors are not eligible to make a nomination.
Who Is Eligible?
Eligible nominees must:
a. Live and work in any Manitoba community north of the 53rd parallel.
b. Those who consent to their nomination and the publication of their name, photo and information.
c. Be available to attend the Awards Dinner on Saturday April 25th, 2015.
d. For the Chantelle Chornoby Memorial Award for Young Woman of Distinction category, be 30 years of
age or under, as of December 31st, 2014.
How Is The Package Submitted?
Deliver or mail
YWCA Thompson
Women of Distinction Awards
39 Nickel Road
Thompson, MB R8N 0Y5
Please include a $30 application fee. This fee is to cover the cost of the awards dinner meal for the nominee. A
complimentary awards dinner ticket will be provided to all nominees. Cheques payable to: YWCA Thompson.
Additional tickets may be purchased for $60 per person.
Nomination Packages are due March 13, 2015
Nominee Information
Statement of Nomination
The Statement of Nomination is the most
important part of the package. The Statement of
Nomination can be in bullet form and must include:
Postal Code:
Please check here if nominating a woman aged 30
or under:
 Chantelle Chornoby Memorial Award for
Young Woman of Distinction
Nominator Information
Postal Code:
I hereby declare the information contained in this
nomination to be true to the best of my knowledge.
Nominator Signature
Determining the winner of each award is a difficult and
challenging process because of the accomplishments,
uniqueness and characteristics of each nominee. The
Selection Committee must base their decisions for the
award winners solely on the information provided in
the nomination packages. Please provide as much
information as possible. The Women’s Programs
Coordinator may contact the nominator to seek further
information prior to the selection process. Nominations
are scored against the criteria listed under the
Statement of Nomination.
Section 1 (10 points)
Provide a general description of the nominee. I.e.
Background, personality, values, etc.
Section 2 (10 points)
What makes the nominee a leader and role model?
Section 3 (10 points)
How has the nominee broken new ground and old
Section 4 (10 points)
What volunteer work has the nominee done?
Section 5 (10 points)
How has the nominee provided guidance, support
and encouragement for others?
Section 6 (10 points)
How has the nominee shown vision, creativity and
Section 7 (10 points)
Has the nominee been recognized for her
contribution to her community? I.e. Awards, etc
Section 8 (10 points)
Has the nominee made a significant difference to
her community? How?
Letters of Support (5 points)
Please include a maximum of 5 support letters. Current
YWCA staff members and board of directors cannot
submit letters of support.
Nomination Package Checklist
The Selection Committee may contact the nominators
and supporters to confirm information.
Award winners may not be re-nominated in the year
following the award presentation. Previous nominees
can be re-nominated.
Late or incomplete entries will not be considered.
❑ Complete Nomination Package
❑ Statement of Nomination
❑ Letters of Support
❑ $30 Application Fee
❑Nominee Release Form (see attached)
Nominee Statement of Release
It is the responbility of the nominator to ensure the nominee is aware of, and agrees to, their
respective nomination. This form shall be read and signed by the nominee, along with the
nominator as the witness.
I, ________________________ (Nominee’s printed name) agree to my nomination of a YWCA
Thompson Woman of Distinction award.
By signing this form I agree to the following;
The release of my name in any advertising or promotion for the Woman of Disctinction
The release of photos in advertising or promotion for the Woman of Distinction Awards
Nominee’s Signature
Witness (Nominator’s Signature)