24 ARIAL) - Mewar University
24 ARIAL) - Mewar University
TITLE OF RESEARCH (FONT SIZE 24 ARIAL) Year ASSIGNMENT– I RM 15th March 2015 For the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy In SUBJECT Submitted to MEWAR UNIVERSITY GANGRAR, CHITTORGARH (RAJASTHAN) (FONT SIZE 22 ARIAL) Research Supervisor: Dr. Research Scholar Name : MEWAR UNIVERSITY Assignment on Research Methodology (Assignment No. 1) Q1. What is scientific and technical writing? How is it relevant in respect to your research topic submitted to the University? Q2. What is the significance of references and bibliography in the research? Q3. Kindly provide the details of techniques, and procedures of writing references and bibliography in the scientific literature giving the details of its source. Q4. Kindly submit at least 50 references in respect to your research topic submitted to the University following the standards procedures as you have responded elsewhere in this assignment. In addition, kindly submit at least 50 references in other areas of research. Q5. Explain in 50 words only about: a. b. c. d. e. Review of literature and its sources. Data Information Collection of data Sources of data and information Q6. Submit following steps of your research topic: a. Introduction b. Review of Literature c. Research Methodology d. Significance of Research e. Objective f. Chapter Plan with Schedule of Activities (Datewise) to be Undertaken g. Hypothesis h. Reference and Bibliography Q.7. Explain concept and definition of following (with sources of citation): a. b. c. d. e. Seminar Workshop Conference Symposium Text book f. g. h. i. j. Journal Magazine ISBN ISSN International & National Publications Q.8. To make good use of a library, a research scholar must have familiarity with the procedures of search, location and nature of library resources. Keeping this in mind, you may please submit short and precise notes on the followings: a. b. c. d. Library Classification System Library Cataloging System Library Software(s) Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Sources having concern to your research topic with valid justifications. Q9. A social psychologist conducts a study and finds that married people report greater levels of happiness than non-married people. Here is how she conducts her study: She puts an advertisement in a local newspaper. The advertisement says that she is seeking volunteers for her study, and that she is looking for married people and non-married people to participate. She pays participants Rs. 500/- each. She makes them answer a series of questions about their happiness. Her data show that married people, on average, had higher happiness scores than non-married people. A reporter reads about the study in an academic journal and writes a newspaper article entitled “Get Married! It will make you happier.” a. What is wrong with the newspaper reporter’s title? b. Describe the strengths and weaknesses of this study. c. Propose a hypothetical study to properly test the question: “Does marriage cause happiness?” Would a researcher be able to conduct this study? Why or why not? d. Propose a follow-up study that addresses at least two limitations/weaknesses of this study. e. What would you conclude about the researcher’s study on marriage and happiness? Q10. A social psychologist conducts a study to examine whether watching aggressive TV shows causes aggressive behavior. He randomly assigns 10 yr-old boys in a rich, suburban neighborhood to one of two groups: one group watches one hour of a violent TV show, and the other group watchers 1 hour of a non-violent TV show. After the children watch the TV program, they are sent off to the playground. The researcher videotapes the playground interactions and counts the number of hits and kicks from each child. The researcher finds that kids who watched the violent TV show were more aggressive than kids who watched the non-violent TV show. a. Why did the researcher randomly assign children to one of two groups? What did this accomplish? b. Describe the strengths and weaknesses of this study. c. A journalist reads the research report in an academic journal and writes a newspaper article entitled “Want your kid to grow up to be aggressive? Then let her watch all the TV she wants.” What is wrong with the newspaper reporter’s title? d. Propose a follow-up study that addresses at least two limitations/weaknesses of this study. e. Suppose more research studies come out (experiments and correlational studies) after this one showing that children who watch TV shows with aggressive content are more likely to be aggressive and violent as kids and as adults. Scientists (and you) are now quite convinced that watching violent TV shows causes aggression. Propose a theory (based on your own intuition) to explain this relationship.
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