Troop Cookie Manager Guide


Troop Cookie Manager Guide
2015 Cookie Program
Dear Troop Cookie Manager:
Thank you for volunteering to help make the largest girl-run business in the
country a huge success! With your help, girls can make their dreams come true
with Girl Scout Cookies. They couldn’t do it without the help of adult volunteers
like you -- volunteers who care so much and put their hearts into helping girls run
their business like nobody’s business! Selling cookies helps girls discover
something amazing inside. They learn the Five Skills; have a lot of fun along the
way; and earn funds for their troop activities, camping and making their community
a better place.
This guide contains the basic information you’ll need to make your Cookie Season
quick, easy and inspiring. Plus, you’ll find lots of resources and ideas online at, and I hope you are as excited as I am
about entering a new frontier this year with Digital Cookie. We also will introduce a
great, new oatmeal raisin cookie called the Rah-Rah Raisin and participate in a
pilot program for Toffee-tastic, the much anticipated gluten-free cookie.
One of the favorite parts of my job is getting to celebrate the accomplishments of our amazing young
entrepreneurs. Last year, I sent a limo to pick up the top sellers in the state and bring them to my house for a
fun dinner party. The confidence and gumption these young ladies showed was remarkable. They will succeed
in everything they do in life. And it all starts with a sweet cookie.
Good luck to you and your girls this year, and again, I can’t thank you enough for all that you do for the girls!
Stephanie Foote, CEO
Contact Info………………………………………3
Volunteer Cookie Team………………………4-5
5 Skills for Girls………………………………….6
5 Steps for Cookie Success……………………7
Safety Comes First in Girl Scouting…………...8
Cookie Timeline…………………………………9
How the Cookie Crumbles……………………10
Girl Rewards………………………………..11-12
Cookie Credits………………………………….13
Troop Rewards…………………………………14
Cookies Do a World of Good.........................15
Gift of Caring…………………………………...16
Girl Scout Cookie Program……………….......18
Money Matters……………………………..19-20
Ordering Cookies………………………………21
Cookie Distribution/Pick Up…………………..22
Managing Your Cookie Inventory………...23-24
Cookie Cupboards……………………………..26
Council Sponsored Booth Sales……………..27
Door to Door and My Sales……………….28-29
Booth Etiquette……………………………..30-31
Cookie Locator App……………………………32
Season Close Out……………………………..33
Parent Meeting Guide……………………..34-35
Cookie Glossary……………………………36-37
Share Your Cookie Success With Us………..38
Digital Cookie/eBudde Supplemental Info…..39
Troop Information:
Troop #: __________________________ Leader’s Name: ____________________________
Leader’s Phone: ____________________ Leader’s Email: ___________________________
Cookie Support Team:
Area Cookie Manager (ACM): ___________________________________________________
Phone: ______________________________ Email: _________________________________
Service Unit Cookie Manager (SUCM): ___________________________________________
Phone: ______________________________ Email: _________________________________
Cookie Cupboard Manager (CCM): ______________________________________________
Phone: ______________________________ Email: _________________________________
Hours: ______________________________________________________________________
Join us on to ask the Product Sales team questions or get
Product Sales Staff
Metro Denver
Faith Mainor, Product Sales Specialist
3801 E. Florida Ave., Suite 720
Denver, CO 80210
Phone: (303) 607-4839
Northern and Northeastern Colorado
debi Metheny, Product Sales Manager
1600 Specht Point Road, Suite 105
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Phone: (303) 607-4886
Western Slope, Southwestern CO, and
Mountain Communities
Mary Ann Deard, Product Sales Specialist
580 24 ½ Road
Grand Junction, CO 81505
Phone: (970) 628-8010
Pikes Peak, San Luis Valley, and
Southeastern Colorado
Rychelle Arnold, Product Sales Specialist
5353 N. Union Blvd., Suite 101
Colorado Springs, CO 80918
Phone: (719) 304-8316
Volunteer Cookie Team
Hello and welcome to the wonderful world of Girl Scout Cookies!
If you have received this packet of materials, it means you have:
o Registered for the 2014-15 Girl Scout Membership Year
o Completed a background check and reference process for Girl Scouts of Colorado (GSCO)
o Completed the online Troop Cookie Manager Agreement form
o Your troop has an ACH form for their current bank account on file with GSCO
o You are now attending training
If you are unsure about any of the above statements or they are not true: STOP and contact your Volunteer
Support Specialist immediately.
A successful Girl Scout Cookie Program depends on dedicated volunteers like you. Understanding everyone’s
role on the team ensures a smooth program.
Area Cookie Manager (ACM)
A mentor for service units and troops in an assigned area.
Attend training for the position.
Guide the SUCM and TCM in the procedures set forth by the Council Cookie Team.
Assist with training SUCM and TCMs in their assigned area.
Review and submit the initial cookie and rewards order for their assigned area.
Monitor activity in eBudde for their assigned area.
Review data in eBudde for assigned area and submit final rewards order.
Promote and assist with Troop-to-Troop transfer of cookies to meet the needs of the troops.
Support the SUCM and TCMs as needed.
Service Unit Cookie Manager (SUCM)
A mentor for troops and Individual Girl Members in an assigned SU.
Attend training for the position.
Guide TCM and Individual Girl Members in the procedures set forth by the Council Cookie Team.
Provide cookie training for the TCMs in their assigned SU.
Review and submit the initial cookie order and rewards order for their assigned SU.
Monitor activity in eBudde for their assigned SU.
Promote and assist with Troop-to-Troop transfer of cookies to meet the needs of the troops.
Review data in eBudde for assigned SU and submit final rewards order.
Receive and distribute Girl Reward items in a timely manner.
Support the ACM and TCMs as needed.
Troop Cookie Manager (TCM)
Attend training for the position.
Work with the Troop Leader to schedule, plan, and lead family training.
Assist Troop Leader with setting troop goals.
Keep eBudde data current.
Implement Digital Cookie set up.
Select, enter and review booth site locations in eBudde.
Work with Troop Leader and parents to determine SIO and submit by deadline.
Schedule cookie pick-up.
Control cookie inventory distribution and storage.
Distribute order cards to girls when they pick up initial order from TCM.
Collect money, issue receipts, and record payments in eBudde.
Deposit money into troop account regularly and often.
Order additional cookies as needed for booth sales and troop sales.
Order girl rewards in eBudde prior to deadline.
Pick up rewards from SUCM and distribute to the girls as soon as possible.
Complete necessary paperwork and data entry to close out sale.
Troop Leader (TL)
Work with TCM to schedule, plan and lead family training.
Work with troop to set goals and plan cookie learning activities
(visit for ideas).
Assist with cookie pick up, storage and distribution (if needed).
Support girls throughout the program to review goals and progress.
Support TCM with money collections and deposits as needed.
Support TCM with rewards distribution as needed.
Cookie Booth Coordinator (CBC)
Assist the Product Sales Team with securing Council Booth sites in their communities.
Serve as a local contact person for businesses.
Communicate local requirements to TCMs.
Communicate changes in booth status to local TCMs.
Participation Policy
Individuals with outstanding balances from a previous Cookie or Fall Product Sale will be allowed to
participate only in Booth Sales and are not allowed to handle money until the balance is paid in full.
All troops must have an adult Troop Cookie Manager who completes cookie training, a background
check, a volunteer application, a position agreement and registers as a member of Girl Scouts of
All troops must have a current ACH form on file with the council.
All girls must be registered Girl Scouts with a signed parent permission form.
5 Skills for Girls
The Girl Scout Cookie Program helps girls develop five key business and leadership skills that last a
1. Goal Setting: as she sets cookie sales goals individually and with her troop, creates a plan to reach
them, and develops Cooperation and Team Building Skills all along the way.
2. Decision Making: as she helps decide how her team will spend their cookie money, furthering her
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills that will help her throughout life.
3. Money Management: as she takes cookie orders, handles customer’s money and gains valuable and
Practical Life Skills around financial literacy.
4. People Skills: as she learns how to talk to, listen to and work with all kinds of people while selling
cookies. These experiences help her develop Healthy Relationship and Conflict Resolution Skills
she can use throughout her life.
5. Business Ethics: as she is honest and responsible at every step of the cookie sale. Her business
ethics here reinforce the Positive Values she is developing as a Girl Scout.
5 Steps of Cookie Success
Safety Comes First in Girl Scouting
Show you’re a Girl Scout - Wear the Girl Scout membership pin and/or Girl Scout
clothing to identify yourself as a Girl Scout.
Buddy up - Always use the buddy system.
It’s not just safe, it’s more fun.
Partner with adults - Adults must accompany Girl Scout Daisies,
Brownies and Juniors when they
are taking orders, selling or delivering product. Girls in grades 6-12 must have a buddy when selling door-todoor and make sure an adult knows where they are. Adults should be present at a cookie booth in any public
place at all times.
Plan ahead -
Always have a plan for safeguarding money — avoid walking around with large amounts
of it or keeping it at home or school. Give proceeds to supervising adults who should deposit it as directed by
your Girl Scout council as soon as possible.
Do not enter - Never enter the home or vehicle of a person when you are selling or making deliveries.
Avoid selling to people in vehicles or going into alleys.
Sell in the daytime - Sell only during daylight hours, unless accompanied by an adult.
Be streetwise -
Become familiar with the areas and neighborhoods where you will be selling Girl Scout
Be safe on the road -
Always follow safe pedestrian practices, especially when crossing at
intersections or walking along roadways. Be aware of traffic when unloading product and passengers from
Protect privacy - Girls’ names, addresses, or email addresses should never
be given out to
customers. Use a group contact number or address overseen by an adult for customers to request information,
reorder or give comments. Protect customer privacy by not sharing their information except for the product
sale. Girls should never take credit card numbers.
Be Net wise - Take the GSUSA Internet Safety Pledge before going online and
follow the specific
guidelines related to marketing online. For more information, check out
Cookie Timeline
January 5 to 15,
ACM/SUCM to train troops
January 5 to 17
Cookie Rallies happening statewide
January 16
Troops Starting Inventory Order (SIO) due in eBudde
January 22
Test debit
January 23
Round 1 of Booth Sale Selection starts at 6 p.m. Troops may select 1 booth on
January 23 and 1 booth on January 24
January 27
Round 2 of Booth Sale Selection starts at 6 p.m. Troops may select 2 booths on
January 27 and 2 booths on January 28
January 30
Round 3 of Booth Sale Selection starts at 6 p.m. Troops may sign up for any
available booths that they want. Booth Selection Tab will remain open throughout
the end of the sale. Please remember to release a booth if you determine you are
no longer able to provide coverage.
February 4 to 6
Outlying area and Cupboard deliveries
February 7
Main delivery day
February 8
Cookie Sale begins (Door to Door and My Site booth sales begin)
February 13
Council booths begin
February 25
Return date for excess Super 6 inventory to a cupboard for troop financial
credit (whole cases only, no packages). No returns will be accepted on the
February 27 to
March 1
National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend
March 15
2015 Cookie Sale ends
March 15-18
Hometown Hero (HTH) cookies can be picked up from local cupboards.
March 19
Final troop data due in eBudde and all paperwork due to SUCM, deadline to
submit final recognition order in eBudde.
March 31
2015 final cookie debit
April 17
Cookie Cards mailed to girls
Week of April 27
Rewards ship to Service Units
How the Cookie Crumbles
Super Six
(Gluten Free Pilot)
Market Price
LBB charge per package
Offset cost of Digital Cookie 2.0
Total Cost of Cookies
The Super Six cookie varieties are $4.00 per package.
The Toffee-tastic (gluten-free pilot cookies) are $5.50 per package.
Troop Proceeds
With the cookie program, troops have the potential of earning up to $0.71 per package.
Breakdown of the $0.71 per package:
$0.65 Base Proceeds
$0.01 Early Bird Registration Incentive
$0.05 250+ Per Selling Girl Average
How Troops use their Proceeds
In 2014 Girl Scout Troops in Colorado earned an average of $1,383.84 through the cookie program. They used
these funds to conduct service projects in their communities, travel, go to camp, and to try new activities
Girl Rewards
All rewards are cumulative.
12 packages
“2015” Year Bar Patch
40 packages
Theme Patch
75 packages
Wristband & Teddy Bear Zipper Pull
100 packages
Magnet & Sunglasses
125 packages
Summer Fun Bandana & Bandana Hanger – OR – $15.00 in Cookie Credits
175 packages
Cool Cat Fashion Tee & Samoa Tee Ties – OR – $15.00 in Cookie Credits
210 packages
Cheetah Plush & Samoas Spirit Hat – OR – $15.00 in Cookie Credits
260 packages
Beach Towel-in-a-Bag & Cheetah Chug Water Bottle – OR – $20.00 in Cookie Credits
350 packages
Cookie Journal, Sweet Notes Cupcake & Cheetah Crate – OR – $25.00 in Cookie Credits
475 packages
Build-A-Bear Experience ($35.00) – OR – $35.00 in Cookie Credits
500 packages
5% Discount at Girl Scouts of Colorado Summer Camp
600 packages
Cookie Clipboard and Wristlet Wallet – OR – $40.00 in Cookie Credits
750 packages
750 Event and Medallion – OR – $50.00 in Cookie Credits and Medallion
1000 packages Barnes and Noble Experience ($60.00) – OR – $60.00 Cookie Credits
1000 packages 10% Discount at Girl Scouts of Colorado Summer Camp
1250 packages Large & Small Duffle, Pillow and Blanket – OR – $70.00 in Cookie Credits
1500 packages American Girl Doll Experience ($125.00) – OR – $125.00 in Cookie Credits
1500 packages 15% Discount at Girl Scouts of Colorado Summer Camp
2000 packages Beats Headphones – OR – $225.00 in Cookie Credits
2000 packages 20% Discount at Girl Scouts of Colorado Summer Camp
2500 packages Nike Design a Shoe – OR – $300.00 in Cookie Credits
3500 packages GoPro Action Camera or Laptop with case – OR – $400.00 in Cookie Credits
4500 packages Cookie Credit Bonus Level - $600.00 in Cookie Credits
For every 500 packages sold beyond 4500, girl earns an additional $50.00 in Cookie Credits
Council reserves the right to issue substitutions of equal or greater value if necessary.
Top Seller Events
Admission to these events will be for the girl and one guest.
Depending on availability, additional guest admissions may be available for purchase through GSCO
up to two weeks prior to the event.
Girls have the option of attending events outside their region.
Transportation and lodging will be at the family’s expense.
Girls will be notified via e-mail with details of the event they have chosen.
o Glenwood Caverns in Glenwood Springs – June 2015
o Renaissance Festival in Larkspur – June 2015
o Luncheon in Denver – June 2015
o Cave of the Winds in Colorado Springs – June 2015
Top “15” of 2015 dinner
The top 15 cookie sellers in the state will have the opportunity to dine with GSCO’s CEO Stephanie
A limo ride from the Denver Corporate office will start off this exciting evening followed by dinner with
The top 15 sellers will be notified via e-mail once the sale has ended.
Camp Discounts
Girls will receive automatic camp discounts based on the final number of packages sold. Discounts may be
applied only once to any GSCO Camp Program and are NOT cumulative.
 500+ packages sold earns a 5% discount
 1,000+ packages sold earns a 10% discount
 1,500+ packages sold earns a 15% discount
 2,000+ packages sold earns a 20% discount
Cookie Credits
There are many exciting ways girls can use their Cookie Credits!
Girl Scout Membership Registration - Use the Girl Membership Registration Form to pay with Cookie
Day Camp - Just let the Day Camp Director know you have Cookie Credits. If you already paid for the camp,
but would have liked to use your Cookie Credits, you can submit a Cookie & Program Credit Reimbursement
Request online.
Summer Camp - When you register online, you'll be able to indicate you plan to use Cookie Credits.
At the Girl Scout Shop - You can use Cookie Credits at the Girl Scout Shop or if you submit an order by phone or email. If you need to order online, you'll have to pay for the order and then submit a Cookie & Program Credit
Reimbursement Request online.
Girl Scout Events - We aren't able to accept Cookie Credits when registering for an event that uses the Girl
Scouts of Colorado online registration system, but you just need to submit an Alternate Payment Registration
Form online.
Troop and Service Unit Events - To redeem Cookie Credits for a troop or Service Unit event or activity,
submit a Cookie & Program Credit Reimbursement Request online. You'll be asked to attach something that
shows the cost of the event. You can submit the request before the event and have the funds sent directly to
the event coordinator, or you can pay for the event and submit the request for reimbursement.
Other Events & Activities - Cookie Credits can be used toward any event or activity that meets one of the 15
outcomes of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. (Example: admission to a museum) Just use the Cookie &
Program Credit Reimbursement Request online. Please note that a receipt will be required to be reimbursed.
Overnight, Extended, or Camping Trips - Submit a Cookie & Program Credit Reimbursement Request to
use Cookie Credits for a camping trip or overnight/extended trip - including GSUSA destinations. A
parent/guardian can submit it for their girl, or a troop/group volunteer can submit one for the whole group!
Bronze, Silver, or Gold Award Project - Girls who are working on a highest awards project can use the
Cookie & Program Credit Reimbursement Request to cover project costs.
Please note that Cookie Credits cannot be replaced if lost or stolen.
Troop Rewards
SIO Reward
If a troop places a Starting Inventory Order of 150 packages or more per girl they are eligible to receive 2 (two)
Samoas Clipboards per troop and 1 (one) “Cookies on the Go” patch for each registered girl.
Super Seller Reward
Troops with a 250+ package per selling girl average are eligible for an additional $.05 per package.
Troops with a 375+ package per selling girl average will receive a Super Seller Patch and $25.00 for two adults
and each registered girl to help fund a troop activity. This money will be credited to the troop prior to council
debit and will appear as a deposit on the Troop Sales Report.
COOKIES do a world of good
Service is at the core of the Girl Scout experience. There are three ways that Girl Scouts can serve their
community through the Cookie Program.
Take Action Project:
Girls may use cookie proceeds to conduct a Take Action Project. (Community Service)
Hometown Heroes:
The Hometown Heroes (HTH) Program was created so girls would have the opportunity to learn philanthropy
and community service through the Cookie Program. Customers who do not want to buy cookies for
themselves may want to purchase HTH packages to give to others while supporting Girl Scouts at the same
HTH donations may be tax deductible.
All HTH orders are “pre-orders.” At no time during the sale should a troop have HTH cookies in their
To participate in the local HTH program, follow these easy steps:
Girls choose a group to receive donated cookies. Recipients can be heroes in the community such as
non-profit organizations, shelters, firefighters, the military, blood banks, area hospitals or local food
banks. Contact the selected organization(s) to get their approval prior to collecting cookie donations.
Communicate to customers that they can buy cookies from your troop to be donated to this group. Be
sure girls can talk about who their “Hero” is and why they chose that group.
Enter all HTH orders in the HTHCO column in eBudde under the girl who sold them and record the
money collected for these packages on the same line.
At the end of the sale (March 15th), use unsold cookies in your troop inventory to fill HTH orders.
Additional HTH cookies may be picked up from cupboards until March 18th.
Contact your local HTH to arrange a date to make your delivery.
If your troop has selected the military as your HTH, the troop is responsible for shipping and delivery
costs. Note that all shipments to the military must have an identified contact. If someone in your troop
has a personal contact in the military, you can ship cookies to them on your own. Some organizations,
such as the VFW or the American Legion, will assist troops financially in sending cookies to the military
All arrangements for delivering the cookies are your troop’s responsibility.
If your troop doesn’t have a personal contact, your troop can choose one of the organizations below
that GSCO works with to send cookies to the military.
All organizations require a reservation, and it is recommended to make your troop’s reservation early to
ensure the organization is able to accept and ship your cookies.
Front Range troops can work with Kay Martley at for assistance with the HTH
program and with Hearts Across the Miles (HATM) by contacting them at Troops must
transport their cookies to the HATM collection event.
Outside of the Denver Metro Area, military donations may be made by placing virtual orders through the
GOC column in eBudde (see next page for details). Packages sold as virtual GOC cookies will be
donated to one of GSCO’s military partnership programs. Your troop should never take physical
possession of virtual GOC cookies.
Gift of Caring
In this council-wide Gift of Caring (GOC) Project, customers can purchase virtual packages of cookies that
GSCO will deliver to the military on behalf of our troops. The girls collect the money, but do not physically take
possession of the cookies.
For GOC donations, follow these three steps:
 Communicate to customers that they can buy cookies from your troop to be donated to the military.
 Enter all GOC orders in the GOC column in eBudde under the girl who sold them and record the money
collected for these packages on the same line.
 No need to order from a virtual cupboard to account for these “virtual” packages. eBudde allows this to
be automatically calculated.
Note: Troops receive proceeds for GOC packages, just like all other cookies sold, and girls receive credit
toward recognitions. Your troop will never physically receive the GOC cookies, and they do not come out of
your troop inventory.
Hometown Hero/Gift of Caring Rewards
Girls who sell 12+ packages of cookies for the Hometown Hero/Gift of Caring program receive a Gift of Caring
Patch and a Samoas Charm Dangler.
Girls who sell 24+ packages of cookies for the Hometown Hero/Gift of Caring program receive the Cheetah
Tech Case.
Girls who sell 36+ packages of cookies for the Hometown Hero/Gift of Caring program receive the Summer
Fun Bag Trio.
The above rewards are cumulative.
What is eBudde?
eBudde is a web-based cookie management system
What is eBudde used for?
Order cookies, both Starting Inventory Order and re-orders
Track girls sales
Record money turned in by girls
Sign up for booth sales
Order rewards
How does council use eBudde?
Order cookies
Set up booth sales
Track the sale
Record deposits made by Individual Girl Members
Why use eBudde?
This system has made navigating the cookie program much easier and less time consuming
All data tracking is consistent across the council
How do I use eBudde?
Your Service Unit Cookie Manager or Area Cookie Manager can assist you with navigation
Refer to your eBudde supplemental manual for more info.
There will also be a feed of all eBudde messages available for reference on the GSCO blog throughout
the sale
What is the Digital Order Card (DOC)?
A pilot program that will allow Girl Scouts in Colorado to sell cookies to friends and family online.
How do I use the DOC?
Council staff will send a DOC registration e-mail to parents of all eligible girls.
If a girl is 12 or younger a parent will register via the e-mail sent from council (the parent owns the DOC
account) and work together with their daughter on creating a personalized Digital Cookie site.
If a girl is 13 or older a parent will register their daughter for her own account via the e-mail sent from
council and approve the personalized Digital Cookie site she creates.
Girls will take orders through their personalized Digital Cookie site.
Girls cannot deliver cookies that they sell through the DOC.
Any cookies that are ordered though the DOC will not come out of a troop’s SIO or inventory. They will
be recorded in a separate DOC cupboard in eBudde and shipped by the bakery via Fed Ex.
The table below includes the flat rate shipping costs for cookies purchased through the DOC as well as
cookies purchased for donation through the DOC. All cookies are sent with 3-day shipping.
Package bracket
Flat shipping rate
Flat shipping rate for
Cookie Donation
1-6 packages
7-8 packages
9-10 packages
11-12 packages
Rates start over after 12 package bracket.
The customer will be informed of the shipping and handling rates on the DOC and again on the order
confirmation page.
$20 flat premium applied to orders shipped to Alaska, Hawaii and military addresses.
What are the benefits of using the DOC?
Girls learn 21st Century entrepreneurship skills and have the opportunity to expand their cookie
It is the perfect solution for selling to out-of-town relatives who want to support your girl, but for whom
personal delivery isn’t an option. These special customers can order cookies from your daughter and
pay online.
Digital Cookie gives your friends and family the chance to support your troop and benefit your choice of
Hometown Hero.
Refer to your Digital Cookie supplemental manual for more info
Money Matters
Handling Cookie Money
Please understand the cookie money is girl money, and that any misuse or failure to appropriately
deposit funds may result in legal action taken by the Girl Scouts of Colorado.
All money collected from the sale of cookies (including money for virtual cookies) should be deposited
into the troop’s account. This includes both checks and cash.
We strongly encourage weekly deposits of all funds collected from families and booth sales. DO
NOT keep large sums of money in homes or vehicles.
Cookie money should NEVER be deposited into a personal bank account.
All checks should be written to “Girl Scouts of Colorado – Your Troop #####”.
Do what you can to avoid bad checks by not accepting counter checks (not pre-printed) and/or checks
for large amounts of money.
NSF Check Returned to a Troop
Example: A check deposited into a troop’s account does not clear
Troop has 14 days from the receipt of notification from their financial institution to complete the
Returned Check Reimbursement Request form online. Paper forms will no longer be accepted.
If the customer is a friend or family member, the troop should try to attempt to resolve the situation first.
If the troop does not have a relationship with the customer, they should not attempt to contact them.
Once the Returned Check Reimbursement Request has been submitted to GSCO, follow up to collect
these monies will be taken care of by the council. The troop should no longer accept money or
replacement check from the customer(s).
GSCO will send the responsible party a 15 day collection letter.
At the same time, the GSCO will credit the troop for the full amount of the returned check plus up to $25
in bank fees incurred.
o The troop is either credited in the inventory software if it is prior to the final ACH withdraw for the
product sale campaign.
– OR –
o The troop receives an ACH deposit directly into their troop bank account.
If the responsible party fails to submit restitution to Girl Scouts of Colorado within the 15 day grace
period provided they are submitted to our Collection Agency for further action.
Money Issues (Product Sales Related)
Example: Parent/Guardian fails to pay girl’s amount due to troop.
Troop files a Money Problem Report online.
GSCO sends the responsible party a 15 day collection letter.
At the same time, GSCO will credit the troop for the Cost of Product to GSCO.
o The troop is either credited in the inventory software if it is prior to the final ACH withdraw for the
product sale campaign
– OR –
o The troop receives an ACH deposit directly into their troop bank account.
If the responsible party fails to submit restitution to Girl Scouts of Colorado within the 15 day grace
period provided they are submitted to our Collection Agency for further action.
If full restitution is made, the troop’s proceed portion will be returned to the troop via ACH Credit or a
check to the Troop.
Troop Banking
Every troop in GSCO should have a “troop bank account”.
All money collected during the cookie program should be deposited regularly and often.
Troops should verify that the routing number (from a check, not a deposit slip) and the account number
are accurately input into eBudde.
GSCO understands that sometimes circumstances require that one bank account be closed and
another opened. Should this be the case for your troop, please be sure to complete a new ACH
Authorization form online as soon as possible for the new account and change the banking information
in eBudde.
ACH Banking
GSCO uses a program called Automated Clearing House (ACH). Using an ACH with the bank, we
conduct electronic transfers from your troop account to the council account.
This is the method that council will use for both the test debit and the final debit to collect the cookie
money owed by troops.
ACH forms give GSCO permission to debit an account and must be completed before a troop is given
access to eBudde.
Individual Girl Member (IGM) / Juliette
Money collected for cookies by an IGM/Juliette should be deposited into the council’s bank account at
Colorado Business Bank/CoBiz Financial.
Each girl will receive a packet of deposit slips for this purpose.
Parents/guardians of an IGM/Juliette must submit originals of the bank certified deposit slips at the end
of the sale to their SUCM.
All deposit slips must be submitted before Program Credits can be issued.
IGM/Juliette Girl Scouts receive Program Credits instead of troop proceeds. They will receive 5
program credits for every 10 packages of cookies sold. For example:
1-9 packages sold = 0 credits
10-19 packages sold = 5 credits
20-29 packages sold = 10 credits
30-39 packages sold = 15 credits
40-49 packages sold = 20 credits
The credits are based on the total amount of packages an IGM/ Juliette sells so there is no limit to the
amount of credits she can earn.
Program Credits will be issued on cards similar to Cookie Credits.
Credit Cards
GSCO does allow troops to accept credit cards as a form of payment for cookie purchases.
All decisions regarding which provider to use to run credit cards, as well as all fees associated with this
choice, belong to the troop.
GSCO cannot recommend or endorse any provider.
Ordering Cookies
Troops Starting Inventory Order (SIO) is due in eBudde by 10 p.m. (MST) on January 16!
Girl Scouts of Colorado uses the Direct Sale Model for the cookie program. In order for troops to be ready to
sell cookies on the first day of the sale, they will need to submit a SIO. It is important that each troop submit an
order that reflects the majority of their total sale so that council is able to anticipate the need at the cupboards
for the rest of the sale. Your troop will be able to pick up additional cookies throughout the sale. Please note
that any orders your troop or IGM/Juliette receive thru the DOC will NOT come out of their SIO.
Please note cupboards will not open until Thursday, February 12.
How Much to Order for a SIO
Your SIO should be based on your troop’s previous sale history. If you are unsure GSCO recommends the
150 packages per girl.
Recommended breakdown by cookie variety:
 Thin Mints
52 packages
 Samoas
37 packages
 Tagalongs
24 packages
 Do-si-dos
15 packages
 Trefoils
12 packages
 Rah-Rah Raisins
10 packages
Toffee-tastic, gluten-free pilot program
Troops will be able to order the Toffee-tastic gluten-free cookies along with their SIOs. In order to allow
all troops the opportunity to sell them, there will be a limit of 6 cases per troop. There will not be any
Toffee-tastic cookies available in the Cupboards for re-orders and there are absolutely no returns.
Submitting Your SIO
To submit your SIO in eBudde, go to the INITIAL ORDER tab located on the top row of the Dashboard.
You will order cookies for the entire troop at this point in time, so enter the total amount of cookies
desired in the OTHER line. The cookies from this order can be later credited to girls once they’ve been
You will place your order in PACKAGES in increments of 12 (12 packages = 1 case) and eBudde will
calculate those packages into cases, rounding up to the nearest case.
When working in this tab, remember to save frequently
Do not hit submit until you are ready to submit your order – you will be locked out of this tab after you
hit submit.
Please do not wait until the last minute to submit your SIO
If you have questions at any time about your SIO, call your Service Unit Cookie Manager for help!
REMEMBER that SIOs must be placed by 10 p.m. MST on January 16!
Cookie Distribution/Pick-Up
Delivery of cookies will begin with the outlying communities and cookie cupboards. These distribution
sites will receive cookies from February 4-6. If possible, the distribution sites are asked to hold the
cookies until February 7 for distribution to troops.
Cupboards will open Thursday, February 12.
Front Range Metro Area cookie delivery will happen on Saturday, February 7.
Cookies should not be sold before Sunday, February 8.
Safety First! Our distribution sites are drive through pick-up stations and delivery agents may use
forklifts to move cookies around.
This is an adult activity. Please bring only adults with you to help. No children, no pets.
You will be able to select your cookie pick-up time and location in eBudde when you place your SIO. To
select your delivery site and time slot, go to the DELIVERY TAB in eBudde. You will be able to choose
the delivery site and an open time slot that best meets your needs from a drop down menu.
If your order is large, eBudde will automatically select additional time slots to accommodate your order.
Once you have made your selection, view and print your confirmation. You must bring a copy of the
confirmation with you to the delivery site on February 7.
Use the guide below to approximate how many cases of cookies will fit in your vehicle. The amounts given
assume the car will be completely EMPTY (no car seats, pets, etc.) except for the driver. Make sure you have
sufficient room in your vehicle for the cookies you are picking up; all space in the car should be available for
use with the exception of the driver seat. You must pick up all your cookies in one trip, so please bring
additional drivers and vehicles to accommodate your cookie order.
Car Type
Compact car
Hatchback car
Mid-size sedan
Sport utility vehicle
Station wagon
Mini-van (seats in)
Pick-up truck (full bed)
Cargo van (seats in)
Number of Cases
Ensure that cookies are protected from the weather (sun, rain, snow, etc.) at all times.
Remember everyone at the cookie pick up is there to help you and that all troops are picking cookies
up that day. Your patience, and smiles, are greatly appreciated!
SIOs not picked up on February 7 will be returned to warehouses and cookies will not be available until
Thursday, February 12 when cupboards open.
Managing Your Cookie Inventory
Inventory management is KEY to a successful cookie program. Area Cookie Managers (ACM) and
Service Unit Cookie Managers (SUCM) have experience in this area and are happy to share tricks and
tips to make it work!
The troop leader and troop cookie manager should make a plan for how cookies will be distributed to
the girls. It is recommended that you seek a commitment from the girl and her parents of the minimum
amount of cookies she will sell to begin with. Once the money for those initial cookies has been turned
in, the girl/parents may be given more inventory to sell.
Please make sure to explain this procedure clearly to girls and parents to alleviate confusion and create
accountability with deadlines. We strongly encourage that you do not check out additional cookies to a
parent until funds have been turned in for their previous check-out.
Keep council deadlines in mind and create firm deadlines for your parents accordingly. Think about
sale dates, booth sales, return dates, as well as when in your schedule you are able to facilitate cookie
check-outs and money collection.
Have parents return any excess inventory by the February 23. Parents are financially responsible for all
cookies in their possession after the return deadline set by their troop.
Troops must return what they consider to be excess inventory NO LATER than Wednesday, February
25 to receive credit and not be financially responsible for the cookies. Only full, unopened cases of
cookies may be returned. Toffee-tastic (gluten-free pilot) cookies may not be returned at any point
during the sale. The troop is financially responsible for all cookies in their possession after February 25.
After February 25, GSCO cupboards will gladly exchange any variety of cookies for any other variety of
cookie as long as supplies last. These exchanges must happen in full cases only.
Troops are encouraged to do cookie swaps and transfers between troops. You can swap or transfer
packages or cases of cookies. Use the Cookie Exchange on the GSCO Classifieds
( to complete a Troop-to-Troop transfer. Remember the troop receiving the
packages also receives the financial responsibility for them. The troop receiving the cookies should
make the entry into eBudde to move the cookies into their inventory from the troop giving the cookies.
Allocate to individual girls as needed. If you need assistance with this transfer, contact your SUCM or
If at any point during the sale you think you have more cookies than you can sell contact your SUCM,
ACM and CCM immediately!
PLEASE NOTE: GSCO will move to a no return/no exchange policy for the cookie sale beginning
in January 2018.
Tips for Handling Unsold Cookies
Girls should make every possible attempt to deliver the cookies they have picked up. However, if all efforts fail,
you have a few options.
 Check the Booth Scheduler to see if additional Booth Sale locations are still available.
 Girls can divide the cookies and sell door-to-door.
 Take the cookies to an area of concentrated population to sell, such as an apartment complex, office
building, or retirement community. Get facility manager’s approval first.
 The parent can purchase them.
Guidelines Around Businesses Reselling Girl Scout Cookies
Per policies established by GSUSA, girls cannot sell cookies to a business that plans to re-sell the
product to its customers.
Businesses may purchase cookies from a girl for business purposes, as long as the business purpose
does not include re-selling them.
The exception to this rule is if a girl sells cookies to a restaurant which plans to incorporate the cookies
into a recipe that will then be sold to their customers.
If you have any questions, please contact your ACM or SUCM.
Customer Complaints
GSCO expects a certain number of product complaints every year that range from a customer not liking the
taste of a cookie to finding a foreign object in a cookie or cookie package. Some customers may call the Little
Brownie Bakers Consumer Affairs number, which is listed on the cookie package, while others may call a
GSCO service center or return the package directly to the girl or troop. Regardless of the nature of the
complaint, if a customer informs you that there is something wrong with the cookies they received, please
follow these procedures:
1. Get the customer’s name, contact information and the nature of the problem.
2. Ask the customer to save the package of cookies if possible and let them know a Customer Service
Representative from Little Brownie Bakers will contact them.
3. Call a Product Sales staff member immediately to relay the information.
4. If the customer wants replacement cookies, give them whichever variety (of equal value) they request.
5. If the customer does not want replacement cookies, refund their money.
6. Work with your SUCM, ACM or Cupboard Manager to make any necessary adjustments in eBudde so
the troop is not charged for any packages or refunds given.
Your troop will be provided with cookie receipt books that should be used to track cookie and money
transactions within your troop. They are carbon copied so that both the TCM and the parent can retain a copy.
This paper trail is very important and is for the protection of everyone involved.
Write a receipt for every package of cookies and all money that is collected!
On every receipt please include cookie varieties, how many of each, to whom, troop number, date and
the signature of the adult accepting as well as of person giving the cookies or collecting the money.
Both parties should COUNT everything together.
The troop should keep the white copy of receipt and give the carbon copy to the other adult.
Keep copies of all receipts, including cupboard receipts, starting inventory receipts and girl transaction
Cookie Cupboards
Cookie Cupboards are strategic locations where additional cases of cookies are maintained by an appointed
Cookie Cupboard clerk/manager. Troops can obtain additional cases of cookies from a Cupboard during the
sale. Cupboards across the state will begin opening on Thursday, February 12. Days and hours of operation
for each Cupboard vary due to the type of cupboard and location.
Types of Cupboards
Warehouse Cupboards – Girl Scouts of Colorado have partnered with our Delivery Agents and Little
Brownie Bakers to ensure volunteers have easier access to our full range of inventory. Thanks to this
partnership, the Delivery Agent employees will host an onsite Cupboard in their warehouses. The hours
of these Cupboards mirror the business hours of their warehouses, so please check eBudde for the
most up-to-date information.
Council Cupboards – These locations are secured and staffed by Girl Scouts of Colorado in various
store fronts, trailers and storage facilities around the state. The hours for these Cupboards vary by
location so please check eBudde for the most up-to-date information.
Volunteer Cupboards – Cupboard inventory is hosted in volunteers’ homes, garages or in storage
units around the state. Volunteers serve as the Cupboard clerks. The hours of operation vary according
to the time the volunteer can give.
Direct Ship – This Cupboard is designed to serve the needs of our troops in the outlying areas who do
not have easy access to Cupboards. Troops will order cookies from this Cupboard to be directly
shipped to their TCM’s home.
General Cupboard Policies
Place orders into eBudde prior to pick-up. Cookie availability cannot be guaranteed if you pick up from
a Cupboard without placing an order.
Cookies may be ordered by the case or package.
Pick-ups should be made by the TCM or TL unless otherwise indicated to the Cupboard Clerk/Manager
by the TCM. Individual parents are not allowed to pick up cookies for their daughters.
NO RETURNS will be accepted after February 25 so please be mindful of what you take.
You will sign a receipt at the Cupboard, please be sure to take one copy of the receipt with you. No
adjustments will be made in eBudde without receipts.
Cupboard transactions will be entered within 48 hours to ensure that your inventory in eBudde is
Please be mindful that many Cupboards are managed by volunteers and unexpected life events may
happen that prevent the Cupboard from operating as planned. If you experience difficulties in obtaining
cookies from a Cupboard, contact your SUCM for assistance with the matter.
GSCO strives to maintain cookie inventory in all Cupboards to meet the needs of the troops in the area.
However, the success of troop sales can make this a challenging task. We will do our best to restock
Cupboards as quickly as possible and ask for your understanding of this process. It is possible that
Cupboards may be short on inventory of some cookie varieties as the end of the sale nears.
Council Sponsored Booth Sales
The GSCO Product Sales Team, along with some key volunteers, solicit booth times from specific
businesses throughout Colorado for Council Sponsored Booth Sales. These locations should not be
approached for additional booth sales.
All troops will have an opportunity to sign up for these pre-arranged time slots in eBudde.
GSCO understands that all Girl Scouts have set both individual goals and troop goals and count on
booth sales to help meet those goals. However, it is not the privilege or responsibility of GSCO or its
staff to determine which troops have the better booth sites. The selection system in place is the easiest
and fairest way for troops to reserve Council Sponsored Booth Sale locations.
Schedule for selecting Council Sponsored Booth Sale time slots in eBudde:
January 23-24
Website opens at 6 p.m. MST.
o Round 1 Booth Sale signup.
o Choose one sale per day.
o Closes 11pm MST on January 24.
January 27-28
Website opens at 6 p.m. MST.
o Round 2 Booth Sale signup.
o Choose two sales per day.
o Closes 11 p.m. MST on January 28.
January 30-March 15
Website opens at 6 p.m. MST.
o Round 3 Booth Sale signup begins and will remain open through the end of the sale.
If you are unable to use your scheduled booth time, cancel your time slot in eBudde immediately so
another troop may sign up for it.
Door to Door and My Sales
With thousands of girls in Colorado participating in the cookie program, it is essential that we provide sale
guidelines to ensure that every girl has a chance to be successful. GSCO appreciates everyone’s assistance in
abiding by the guidelines, incorporating the Girl Scout Promise and Law into the cookie program and sharing
them with the families in your troop.
“My Sales” (February 8 – March 15)
“My Sales” encompass a variety of ways that girls can sell cookies including:
 Selling to family, friends, neighbors and parents’ co-workers,
 Selling door-to-door to homes in your neighborhood,
 Organizing a walkabout, or mobile cookie sale, where girls sells in residential areas or on public
 Selling at a workplace,
 Girl Scouts must always respect areas that have “no solicitation” rules and should be a sister to all
other Girl Scouts they encounter when selling cookies.
 Setting up a cookie booth near your home. Setting up a cookie booth at a location where the
owner/management has given permission (Remember when setting up small private booths like this,
you run the risk of setting up near another girl or booth in the same vicinity which could impact s ales.)
My Booth Sales
We encourage Girl Scouts to use their creative entrepreneurial spirit by holding My Booth Sales at unique
community locations. Possible locations include:
o Grocery stores
o Sporting events
o Parks and playgrounds
o Concerts and plays
o Hardware stores
o Car washes
o Places of worship
o Universities and colleges
o Malls
 Work with friends, family and local businesses to uncover new selling opportunities and increase your
troop’s success.
 All sales must be approved by the manager of the sale location and safety rules are the same as for
Council Sponsored Booth Sales.
 Ask your families to let you know when they schedule My Booth Sales so you can add them to the
Cookie Locator.
 Please remember that Girl Scouts do not sell cookies outside of adult-oriented businesses such
as bars, casinos, liquor stores or marijuana dispensaries. We recognize adult businesses as
legitimate businesses, yet if a girl is not old enough to enter a business on her own, it could
present logistical challenges and it’s not a place where customers expect to see girls selling
cookies. There are many options for customers of adult-oriented businesses to purchase
cookies at other locations.
Sensitive Issues
Because Girl Scouting is a beloved American institution, our name has the power to draw attention, especially
during cookie season when we are most visible. We are a natural target for those who are trying to advance
their own cause. One of the great things about Girl Scouts is that our diverse membership is a cross section of
American families, and we honor the beliefs and personal values of all families. That is why we do not take a
position on sensitive issues that we feel are best decided by girls and their families. The Girl Scout
organization is a non-profit, and our fund development exclusively benefits the girls in our programs, not other
organizations. For more information, see the Cookie Facts flier on our website.
You, your girls and your families should not be harassed while selling cookies, and if this happens, s imply tell
the person that this issue has nothing to do with the girls selling cookies to raise funds for their troop. If a
customer asks about any issues you do not have the facts on or you are uncomfortable with, please let council
help you. Direct questions to
Obtaining cookies for booth sales
Check with girls to see if any of them have unsold cookies they do not think they will be able to sell.
Check with other troops in your service unit to see if they have unsold cookies they do not think they
will be able to sell.
Place a pending order with a cupboard based on what you think you will be able to sell at your booth.
Recommended number of packages listed below. These are ONLY recommendations, you DO NOT
have to take this many cookies if you do not believe you need them.
First Weekend
1 @ WM/KS/CM
2 @ WM/KS/CM
3 @ WM/KS/CM
1 Other
2 Other
3 Other
1 @WM/KS/CM+1
2 @WM/KS/CM+1
1 @WM/KS/CM+2
1 Booth
2 Booths
3 Booths
1 @ WM/KS/CM
2 @ WM/KS/CM
3 @ WM/KS/CM
1 Other
2 Other
3 Other
1 @WM/KS/CM+1
2 @WM/KS/CM+1
1 @WM/KS/CM+2
WM = Walmart
KS = King Soopers
CM = City Market
You will be able to sign cookies out on consignment but cookies must be returned to cupboard no later
than 24 hours following your booth sale. Returns must be full unopened cases only.
As we near the end of the sale, some cupboards may be out of some varieties. Please utilize Troop-toTroop transfer to obtain the cookies you desire for your booth sale.
Booth Etiquette
Make sure all your booths are “approved” with owner/management/council. It is the safe thing to do.
Know your booth location ahead of time and prepare for weather. Council booth agreements with
merchants specify that Girl Scouts will remain outside at all times.
Make sure there is access to a safe and appropriate restroom for girls and adults to use.
Wear uniform or Girl Scout membership pin and sash/vest. Adult volunteers should also be dressed
Be polite, pleasant and smile. Remember you are representing all Girl Scouts.
Stay only for the time reserved. There is usually another troop scheduled after your time slot.
Have all girls participate in the sale.
Be cheerful and courteous. Thank people whether they purchase cookies or not.
Send a “Thank You” note to store manager for providing you with the opportunity to sell cookies.
Keep money on your person and out of public sight. Do not leave it on or under the table in a box.
Arrange for cash to be removed from the site periodically. When you do travel with money, have
someone accompany you to your vehicle and/or the bank.
(ADULTS) Settle any disputes politely and calmly in the Girl Scout manner. (DO NOT involve store
 Take friends or siblings: this is a Girl Scout project and siblings/friends are not covered by Girl Scout
 Let adults sell for girls.
 Leave large bills or large amounts of money in the cashbox.
 Eat or chew gum while speaking to customers.
 Have more than 4 girls at a booth at any time.
 Block doorways.
 Jump, run, play or go into parking lot.
 (ADULTS) Smoke at cookie booths in front of girls or customers.
Other Booth Guidelines
 Cookie booths are a troop project. Divide the packages of cookies sold at the booth fairly among the
girls selling at the booth and ensure their rewards are credited.
 Every troop divides their cookies differently. Work with your troop adults to decide what system works
best for your troop, and be sure to communicate the process to your parents prior to the start of the
 Divide the booth times into shifts according to what is appropriate for your troop.
 Plan to have at least two adults and one girl at the booth at all times. From time to time, volunteers
might want to take breaks or will have to accompany young girls to the bathroom, so make sure to have
a few extra adults on hand.
 Girls make all sales, except in cases where adults are helping Daisies handle money.
 Respect the surrounding businesses by making sure your booth isn’t blocking a store entrance or exit.
 Attract customers with colorful signs. Remind girls to be polite and to have their sales pitch ready for
interested shoppers.
 Report any suspicious people in the area to local security.
 If someone takes money or cookies from your booth, do not attempt to physically recover the stolen
items and do not allow the girls to do so. Instead, get a good description of the offender(s), call 911,
and alert local security (if applicable). Make sure girls know what to do in case of theft. Report any
incidents to your local council emergency contact.
What to bring to a cookie booth…
 Booth sign-up printed from eBudde or written permission from the store.
 A minimum of two adults, as specified in Safety Activity Checkpoints. A booth with one Senior or
Ambassador Girl Scout selling may have one adult present.
 Girls and Adults must be present at the booths. NO girls without adults and NO adults without girls.
 Cookies
 Booth inventory sheet to track purchases or a device with Booth Sale Recorder app.
 Table and chairs, table cloth (optional)
 $60 in change total (25 $1 bills and 5 $5 bills, and $10.00 in quarters if you are selling gluten free
 Hip bag or pocket aprons to manage money.
 Booth set-ups (posters, etc.)
 First aid kit, emergency card, and permission slips/health forms (completed and signed) should be kept
at the booth at all times.
 Cookie Booths are considered a field trip, please prepare accordingly.
To maximize success, invite girls to consider these proven tips:
 Make attractive table display to gain customer interest. Remember to make a cookie poster to hang
from your table or a “sandwich board” for your girls to wear. Visit for ideas and
clip art.
If some varieties are not selling, open a package (troop will need to purchase) and break the cookies
into bite size pieces, and let the customers taste a sample. This will likely spark interest among the
customers and increase your sales.
Display a poster with troop goals and picture of activities the troop has participated in. Customers love
seeing what the girls have done and what they hope to be able to do.
Display information regarding both Hometown Hero and Gift of Caring programs to offer customers an
opportunity to purchases additional cookies to meet these goals.
To encourage multi-package purchases, suggest that the girls bundle 3 cookie packages together with
a ribbon, and attach gift cards and/or recipes that use the cookies. Special occasions like Valentine’s
Day are also a great time to promote bundles. Find resources at
Bling Your Booth contest
 Creatively decorate your Girl Scout Cookie booth
 Take a photo of your troop in action at the booth
 Have your friends and family vote online for your troop
 Show your pride with the special Bling patch too
 Check out for more details
Season Close Out
The cookie sale is almost over! There are a few things you need to do to make
sure you clean up eBudde and that your troop is ready for council to transfer
funds to pay for your cookies.
Reward Orders are due in eBudde no later than 8 p.m. on March 16
TCMs are responsible for submitting their final rewards order in eBudde by 8 p.m. on March 16. The
rewards order must be entered into eBudde or the rewards will not be ordered.
Make sure the GOC and HTH packages recorded are in the correct column for each girl on the GIRL
ORDER tab. This information needs to be correct for eBudde to calculate how many rewards each
troop earns for this program.
You will confirm the rewards earned by each girl in the troop and then submit your final troop order.
Remember that some package levels offer a reward option, so make sure you have the Girl Rewards
Selection forms handy when completing this task.
Rewards can only be ordered for the corresponding package level sold by the girl.
Rewards will be delivered to the SUCM in late April. Cookie Credits will be mailed directly to the girl at
the current address in the GSCO membership database, unless the family has requested these credits
be held at council for camp.
Keep in mind that delivery times vary with different vendors, so patience is appreciated.
Please follow pickup procedures set in place by your SUCM. It is important to distribute rewards
promptly to the girls as they have worked hard to earn them. GSCO understands that many troops like
to distribute these rewards at end of the year ceremonies, but please do not delay this activity waiting
on one or two items to arrive from the vendor.
Troop rewards, such as the Troop Super Seller credit will appear in eBudde as a deposit for the troop.
Final Close Out is March 16
Please compare your receipts to the transaction tab for all cookies received, traded and returned. If you
see a discrepancy, contact your SUCM at once.
Make sure your Sales Report looks accurate.
GSCO will transfer funds out of your account to pay for cookies on March 31. If you feel there is a
problem and this debit cannot be made in full at this time, you must submit a Money Problem Report
online immediately to report this issue to GSCO Finance Team.
If your troop is having difficulty collecting money from a parent, complete a Money Problem Report
online as soon as you are aware of the issue. A separate form must be completed for each girl account.
Girl Scouts of Colorado does not take financial responsibility for these situations but will assist troops
on a case-by-case basis.
Large sums of money should NEVER be left at home or in vehicles and deposits must be made as
frequently as possible.
GSCO will require a copy of the police and/or fire report and any insurance claim paperwork.
That is it! Congratulations and thank you for a job well done!
Parent Meeting Guide
It is absolutely essential to have a parent/girl meeting before your cookie program begins. We encourage you
to include all this information in your parent meeting, but feel free to adjust the time spent on each section to
meet the specific needs of your troop. Having the girls “train” their parents on a couple of topics during the
meeting is a wonderful tool to reinforce guidelines with girls and adults.
If you feel you need support at your parent meeting, contact your SUCM to help find an experienced volunteer
to be there to help.
Approximate time of meeting is one hour.
When to hold your parent meeting
Meetings should be held between the time you receive your training and February 5.
Parent meetings should be mandatory so that every parent of a girl who is selling cookies during the
2015 Cookie Program is given current, thorough and consistent information from one source.
Materials to Prepare
Set date, time and location for a girl and parent meeting.
Send Save the Date notices to your parents to let them know as far in advance as possible. Use printed
materials, e-mail or Evite.
Plan what to cover and who will present what.
Plan how you will convey your information - handouts, PowerPoint or other.
Provide pens for parents to fill out requested information.
Sign in sheet.
Chairs and tables.
Snack/drinks if your troop decided to provide these at this meeting.
Parent Permission Forms
Prepare a packet of cookie materials for each girl – hand out to each girl once a permission form is
Internet Safety Pledge for each girl to sign.
Additional materials and ideas can be found at
As the Girls and Parents Arrive
Greet them and introduce yourself.
Have parents/guardians sign in and record current phone numbers, emails and address. (Have multiple
sign in sheets or a 3X5 card with girl’s name on it for each parent to fill out.
Have parents/guardians complete the Permission Form and return it to you that night. Exchange the
Permission Form for cookie materials. Make sure the Permission Form has the girl’s official name on it
and not a nickname.
Conduct the Meeting
Have the girls lead their parents in the Promise and the Law
Introduce TCM/Leaders
Have the girls introduce the cookies and share which cookie is their favorite. Thin Mints, Samoas,
Tagalongs, Do-si-dos, Trefoils – or the newest addition to the cookie line up – Rah-Rah Raisin.
Discuss the purpose of the cookie sale emphasizing what the girls learn as they participate in the
cookie program, how they plan to spend their proceeds and what the troop goal is.
Talk about the 5 Skills of Girl Scouting
Invite parents to register as adult members of Girl Scouts. This way they can be covered by insurance
when helping at booths and participating in troop activities.
Discuss the importance of selling “On My Honor” and following troop, council and GSUSA defined
guidelines for the sale.
Parents/guardians are to set a good example for their girls; a girl’s participation in the sale could be
suspended if guidelines are not followed.
No orders should be taken prior to February 8.
Have the girls present their HTH and GOC projects and goals and share how the girls arrived at their
Discuss rewards and have parents and girls complete Girl Reward Selection sheets to be used when
ordering rewards at the end of the sale. (check with your SUCM to check out sample rewards to display
and excite girls and adults)
Refer to the safety section of this guide and review guidelines with girls and parents.
Allow the girls to be creative and prepare a skit about safety guidelines.
Timeline and Deadlines
Go over timelines and emphasize deadlines, especially the cookie return date.
Talk about the importance of the February 25 return date and the financial responsibility to the troop if
this deadline is not met.
Recruit help for cookie pick-up if needed.
Talk about “My Sales” and Booth Sales.
Recruit help for booth sales if needed.
Discuss guidelines for both “My Sales” and Booth Sales using this guide as a reference.
Discuss collecting money as cookies are delivered and set up guidelines for turning money in.
Remind parents to always count the money with the person they are turning it in to and to get and keep
the receipt.
Brainstorm new and creative ways to sell cookies and meet troop goals.
If questions arise that you do not have answers for, don’t be afraid to say “I’m not sure, but I will find out
and let you know.”
Contact your SUCM to answer questions and be sure to share that information with all parents and
Thank everyone for attending the meeting.
Have the girls perform a song or cookie pledge.
Cookie Glossary
Girl Scouts, like many other organizations, has a lingo all its own. Below is a glossary of terms that you will
hear and see as we move through the cookie program.
ACH - Automated Clearing House (ACH) is the banking system that GSCO uses for electronic fund transfers
during the cookie season.
Area Cookie Manager (ACM) - Volunteer who manages and supports the SUCMs in the area.
Booth Locator - Visit and type in your ZIP code to locate a cookie booth near you.
Booth Recorder App - The Booth Recorder App is an application whereby adults at a booth can keep track of
sales and girl participation via smart phone. It allows you to immediately record the number of packages sold
and divide them between the girls participating. This record keeping piece can also be found in eBudde.
Case – There are 12 packages of cookies in case.
Cookie Booth – A stationary sale at a public location where Girl Scout cookies are sold.
Cookie Credits – A reward choice that can be used to pay for camp, program events, GSUSA registration
fees, other mission-related activities or in the shop.
Cookie Cupboard – Local sites where additional inventory is stored and where troops can pick up additional
Cookie Cupboard Manager (CCM) - Person responsible for managing a local cupboard.
Cookie Delivery Day or Drop Day – Troops will pick up their initial supply of cookies (SIO) from a designated
location. Troops in outlying areas may have cookies delivered February 4-6. February 7 will be the cookie
delivery day for all Front Range metro areas.
Cupboard Receipt - This is a two part carbon copy receipt that must be signed any time a troop picks up
additional cookies from a cupboard. Make sure you keep one copy of the receipt for your records. Troops are
responsible for ALL additional cases of cookies taken from the cupboard during the sale.
Delivery Agents - These are the transport companies that handle product delivery for Girl Scouts of Colorado.
Digital Order Card – This year girls will be able to sell cookies online using the Digital Order Card (DOC).
Girls will create a custom website and send out a link to their site via email to potential customers. Using a Girl
Scout’s custom website, customers can then order cookies by the variety to be shipped to them or choose to
donate cookies through the Gift of Caring program.
Direct Sale - Girl Scouts of Colorado uses the direct sale model, meaning girls have cookies in hand when the
sale starts rather than taking pre-orders. Troops are able to re-stock their cookie supply using the cookie
cupboards throughout the sale.
eBudde – Bakery website used by TCMs to order cookies, book Booth Sales, track troop/girl sales,
calculate/order, submit rewards and record troop finances.
Firm Order Council - Girl Scouts of Colorado is a Firm Order Council. All cookies ordered from the bakery are
owned by GSCO. No cookies may be returned to the bakery.
Gift of Caring Cookies – In this council-wide Gift of Caring (GOC) Project, customers can purchase virtual
packages of cookies that GSCO will deliver to the military on behalf of our troops. The girls collect the money,
but do not physically take possession of the cookies.
Hometown Heroes – GSCO term for the charitable donation program for troops to donate cookies to a local
non-profit organization.
Individual Girl Member (IGM)/Juliette – Individual girl member not in a troop.
Little Brownie Bakers (LBB) - Little Brownie Bakers is our bakery partner for the cookie sale. They supply our
council with cookies as well as resources for girls and volunteers to be successful in the cookie sale.
Package - A single container (box) of individual Girl Scout cookies.
Per Girl Average (PGA) – Average number of packages sold by each girl based on the number of girls selling
in that troop.
Return Date - Designated date by which troops must return what they consider to be “excess inventory” to a
cupboard so they are no longer financially responsible for the cookies. NO returns will be accepted past this
designated date.
Rewards – Merchandise or Cookie Credits given to acknowledge a girls efforts in the cookie program, based
on number of packages being sold during cookie program.
Service Unit Cookie Manager (SUCM) - Volunteer mentor for troops and Individual Girl Members in an
assigned service unit.
Starting Inventory Order (SIO) - This is the initial troop inventory order. This order is due into eBudde no later
than 10 p.m. (MST) on Friday, January 16.
Super Six - Girl Scouts of Colorado sells the top six varieties of Girl Scout cookies. In addition, GSCO will be
participating in a national gluten-free pilot this season.
Troop Cookie Manager (TCM) - Volunteer Manager responsible for monitoring the cookie sale for a single
Troop-to-Troop Transfers - Transfer of cookies (packages and/or cases) between Girl Scout troops. Financial
responsibility follows the cookies.
Share your cookie success with us
We know your troop works hard during cookie season, and we encourage you to brag about it! Share
your photos, videos and stories with us at The best part of sharing
is that GSCO will publish your information for the world to see almost immediately after you send it to
us! If your stuff is really good, it could even make the newspaper, TV news, or e-newsletter. And don’t
forget to get the latest news on the Cookie Program using the below outlets.
Like us and participate in one of our frequent contests—
you just might win “cool free stuff.”
Subscribe and receive email updates on new postings.
New this year, a special cookie section with an eBudde message feed.
@GSColo; #GirlScoutCookies; #gscocookies
Watch for Cookie E-newsletters delivered to
your inbox throughout the Cookie Program.
For more information regarding Digital Cookie
please consult your supplemental manual
For more information regarding eBudde
please consult your supplemental manual
Start planning now for ways to Bling Your Booth
and your troop might win $500!
Six troops across the country with the most creative booth sale decor
will be awarded $500 each
Submit a picture of your “blinged out” booth and
have your friends and family vote online for your troop
Watch for details on how to enter the contest
Show your pride with the special Bling patch too!