Document. - City of New Haven
Document. - City of New Haven
at’ a tuo :‘ - ‘v_ 0 ‘#3 Is avaHable asa PDF on: WWWCITYOFNEWHAVENCOM 1’ fl li__ 4 i I -L z; ..-- t_L2\ Qt )) ILgJ-2 Greater New Haven St. Patrick’s Day Parade ‘C steps off at 1:30 p.m. on Sunday. March 15, 2015 \./HAT WE ‘s st v ;j-! ‘r’ al in Searh Empfrwn-nt ar a’ 1F\.F un 31 hoto of Addihuna Resources Rnfnrrai to Other Agencies By aopointment O’iy all to s ppo WE Ide 13E1--IAVE [)cTFPIIjNL’. 1 p—cm ‘-“;c_ hficaton (‘ .C)P1[ n tt a C C F I HELPFUL NUMBERS Adult Social Work of The State Dept. Social Services waiting for new number (emergency services, essential services) Alternate Care Program I -(800) 445-5394 (in home skilled nursing assistance) Critooic Famiic 5ervces 2O3 787-2207 50 1 Lombard Street, New Haven. CT 065 13 COn luflity Action Agencies: New Haven Community Action Agency (203) 387-7475 Valley -TEAM. Inc (203) 736-5420 West Haven WHEAT (203) 931-9877 — — COHN PACE 1- (800) 423-5026 (prescriphon program for elderly and disabled) Connect-abiSty 1- (866) 844-1903 (employment related services for disahled CT INFO Line 211 information regarding a variety of statewide community services StOtOwiClO Legal Services 1- (800) 435-3320 New Haven Legal Assistance (203) 946-48 1 1 Department of Social Services: NewClieritlnformationL/rie 1-855 578-4515 or 1-855-- 626-6632 Fax:(203) 974-8016 50 Humphrey Street, New Haven, CT 06511 Applications for taken Monday Friday 8:00 11:00 am. — — - Office hours 8:00 A.M. 4:00 P.M. Monday through Friday On Wednesdays & Thursdays from 12:00pm. on DSS workers are not available for client services or — c3i15 Department of Social Services Central Office 1- (800) 385-4052; 1- (800) 842-1 508 Energy Assistance 1 800 842-1 132 (winter heating assistance) Fair Haven Community Health Center (203) 777-741 1, 374 Grand Avenue, New Haven, CT 06513 Hill Health Center (203) 503-3683 Nancee Carpenter DSS ELIGIBILITY COORDINATOR (203) 503-3568 Lou Bradley Patient Advocate Mental Health Services (203) 503-3660 9 13 State Street, New Haven, CT 065 I Prescription Delivery Hispanic Clinic CHOICES (203) 503-302 1 462 Columbus Avenue, New Haven, CT 0651 9 (203) 974-5800 1 (800) 994-9422 (assistance with Medicare D RX program) Social Security Administration: 1 (800) 772-1 2 1 3 (administers SSI, disability, retirement and Medicare Benefits) Federal Building (203) 773-5201 150 Court St. Floor NewHaven,CT 06510 SAGA/Husky D Health Insurance Client Assistance Center if you would like to find out which providers participate in Medicaid LIA in your area call 866 409-8430 or visit the web w.ctdmp,cQIll. Dental Call the Connecticut Dental Health Partnership 1-866-420-2924 for help. Pharmacy 866 409-8430 Medical Transportation Call LOGISTICARE 1 (888) 248-9895 about transportation to your iviedicaid [IA Husky D covered medical or clinic appointment. Call at least 1 0 business days in advance & have all information about your appointment available for the caS. Substance abuse treatment 1 (800) 606-3677 Some services that are not covered by Medicaid may he covercd by the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services. SAGA Support City of New Haven (203) 946-8523 (services for active SAGA clients — transportation, iD, licenses, qas The City of New Haven does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission to, access to, or operations of programs, or activities. Individuals who need an accommodation, publications in alternate formats or who need auxiliary aids for effective communication in programs and services of the City of New Haven can make such requests by calling (203) 946-7833 or TTY/TT (203( 946-8582. services, Find the weekly “Careers” publication each week on The City of New Haven website Community Services Administration SAGA Support Services I ‘IL4I.% t !c 1IIe Jj J AJ Where lthe. raJqj scroll down under “News You Can Use” to download the PDF document for reading on-line or print out just the pages you need j Jobs WE I A 1• Community S N El ODET rilsJtFerwnalr lmtw p r h- Ce or I oi n or I rt rnn r rt rd od uppernr l irtyimatart f mr Mayors Message Dear FrAncs. Ir - ‘v oj ea h pm Important Intorma’ion for New Haven Residents about the Affordable Care Act. Thr Itt i h .1 r m- trr rh a fth mT itt; tact a r r r r t Ip r I vu ta h,n Do anlo d ocum n Follow tnt Irnk or more nt rmati n. , 0 THE NEW HAVEN PRESCRIPTION DISCOUNT CARD Th I h n r rr ui Card me-al thEta all tth mcd to as s to how I ct d mrs u rt b o r u a an ajvrsa .11ngar anarid oc ar—Ti an. at To sign up tlease click here. I’d also tk a atroacce i rd 1 ortr Do artload Document As winter and its inclement weather persist. td liye to rensnd New Haven residents at a free service the City provides in t.he event of severe weather or olh:er potential crisis situationw emergen•cy alert notifications By signing up for the Cfois Emergenco .sjcrr hjctrtjcatwn system, you can select to receive email and!or pee-recorded phone cal ales with up to date nforrral:on about safety parking bans clearsup progress and more in the event of sewre weather cr cther pate•••ntiai: crisis stuations — Car Takes Or Parking Trckets? .od FoIIoo ths law for moe rno an. Weekly Careers Publication ‘Cite-c tnc sos are Download Document. Screen shot front page of www c/tyofnewhaven. corn 1/2 1/1 4/15/1 5 - - 6 8:30pm — 8pm Appointment 92 530 - 1 Oam-5pm 4- 7:30pm 5:308:00pm -___ - 6 8:30pm 1 Oam -5pm 4- 7:30pm - 5 7:30pm 9am- 1pm - 6 8:30pm - 5:30 8pm - 5 8pm I Oam -5pm 4- 7:30pm - 12 3pm - - 6 8:30pm - 6 8:30pm - 1 Oam -5pm - 6 8 pm 4- 7:30pm 5pm- 8pm - 4:30 7pm 1 1am 4:30pm I Oam -5pm I - 4pm -________ I Oam -2pm 1 Oarn 1 :3Opm New hven V/TA Coalition- lo w-fricorne Free Tax C/fri/cs www.freetax helpnewhave InfoLInc 2-1-! Site Open/Close Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Believe In Me Empowerment Corp 10am 1 pm 423 Dixwell Ave New Haven Walk-in Clemente Leadership A( ademy 360 Columbus Ave New Haven 1/20/15 4/1 4/ 1 5 1/27/1 5 4/ 15/15 Columbus Family Academy 255 Blatchley Ave New Haven 1/27/1 5 4/10/15 Appt#O3) J7271! Community Action New Haven 419 Whalley Ave New Haven. Appt# (203) 859-6635 Elm Haven Community Center 230 Ashmun Street New Haven 1/28/15 4/15/ 15 1/25/15 4’1215 / / 1/29/15 4/9/1 5 1/26/15 4/15/15 Emanuel Lutheran Church 280 Humphrey St New Haven New Haven Free Public Library 133 ElmSt NewHaven 1/27/15 4/14/15 1/26/15 4/15/15 Wilson Library 303 Washington Ave New Haven 2/4/154/14/15 Evergreen AAA VITA 1138 WhalleyAve NewHaven L. M. Keefe Community Center I I Pine Street, Hamden 1/26/15 4/13/15 224-226 Dixwell Ave New Haven SAMA 258 Grand Ave New Haven 15 [4/35 1/27/15 4/ 1 4/ 1 5 Southern CT State University 501 CrescentSt, New Haven Wood bridge Senior Center 4Meetinghouse Lane Wood bridge - Sunday - Noon 4pm Closedon Mar 29 & Apr 5 -___ VITA sites operate at Gateway Community College & Yale New Haven Hospital open to /serving students & employees of each entity only. Got a STORY? Want to PUBLISH NEW HAVEN URBAN FICTION PUBLISHING COOPERATIVE starting Tuesdays, March 24th @ 6:OO-7:3Opm L 4. .1 Join a group of dedicated writers, artists, editors, salespersons, and social media marketers to examine the urban fiction market and create books to succeed in this market. All welcome! Come see what you have to offer to the NEW HAVEN URBAN FICTION PUBLISHING COOPERATIVE. NEW HAVEN FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY WILSON E.RANCH UBRARY 303 Washington Avenue, New Haven, CT 06519 203-946-2228 Families w/Children I Single Women Winter Shelter Flow Chart Protocol DON’T WAIt VACCI NATE! Every yea thousands of adults in America suffer serious health problems from diseases they could be vaccinated against like shingles, whooping cough, hepatitis A and B, flu, and pneumococcal disease. Some even die. got whooping cough, that’s why I’m getting the vaccines I need.” My dad got shingles, my wife 11 201: SAGA Support Services A Items at Single A dults who are active on the State Department ofSocial Services without any source ofincome are notpart ofa famiy case and are not e/iqib/e for A BH Beha v/oral Health Reco very Program /BHRFJ benefits may be eligible * for assLstance under thic ne w aspect of ourprogram assistance in obtaining undergarments. - lnquLries should be addressed to SA GA Support Services /203) 946-8524 *Eligibijity is determined on a case by case basis — supportive documentation may be required C)’ C C) t - C) C) C) a a a C) C) C C) — — t7i H a a C) a a a a a. a C) C) a a c_I -C) , C) pz a — $) L. a Cx (Ji - a H — C) ci.) a a C) ci Cx C) a . _ C) - C ci.) — a — cJ N (J C) a C) a, - (J’ -C) C) C) - - (1 a - C) () ( C) a C) C). a a C) a C) - C)C) - -) C (I a- (, ‘ C s_C) ) ClC) C)_ C)_) a- a C) C) C) C) a C) a. : ci) a. ‘C)a C) — $ (I ‘C) a C)’ 2 - a a- . * N C)C) (Ja t’ C) a-) C)a a CC) c C tiC) C) a — C) C) — , C Cx C) C) C) (1 a C) a. 4a C C)C) CT a C) — (_) C) -. a a a a- — C) -- C) C)_ C) . C)_’ C) C) C) Ct’C)C) s_C) C) C) Ce-C) C’ aaC) - ‘_C)— C)C) C)a_ C) ‘ ’ t C) C °m C) C)) r ) C, Cx (I — C) ( C) a a Cx C) C, C) - - 2 - —. (I C aj ‘ — ‘a-) a — — Ia C) (a C) a — aC) a — ci) — C -‘ 0 — fl Cr) U) U) rn _____ Receiving State Benefits ? What you should know about Reporting Changes Lflj:; / 1 http: Changes which affect your program eligibility must be reported to the Department of Social Services within 10 days. You can report these changes to your worker by telephone, fax or you can mail verification to your worker explaining these changes. Be sure to include your name, client ID numberand the name ofyour workeron all correspondence. Your worker may ask you to send in verifications of these changes. When in doubt about reporting a change, contact your worker. Examples of changes you should report are: Changes in income You start employment You change employers You end employment You start to receive unemployment compensation Your unemployment compensation ends You start to receive social security You start to receive child support payments Any other changes in income over $100.00 per month Changes in living arrangements Someone moves into your household Someone moves out of your household You move You get married You get divorced You become pregnant You give birth You enter a drug treatment program, rehabilitation facility or hospital for over 30 days Other changes You You You You You receive an inheritance receive a lawsuit settlement open or close a bank account buy or register a motor vehicle enroll in school, change schools, quit or graduate The new customer phone line: 1-855-578-4515 DO YOU KNOW IF YOU COUNT? The unemployment rate for the City of New Haven is reported at only 7.9 %. Conrsect:cut Ds’par:mant a Lober using the foiioaung d LABOR FORCE CONCEPTS n:tlorss date ones that saWo 2W Wec The civilian labor force comphses all state residents age 1 6 years and older classified as employed or unemployed in accordance with criteria doscribee. belo ii Excluded are members of the military and persons in institutions (correctional and mentaL health, for oxamlsle(. em p.ioyed s so rsoss oh: sib sn: .sok a aol enp’a: s-cs or in tour tus:ooss ba!:rsh. cci rsssek .0 s.cs’s sc:: -s rep 0 trWo: Ic S irsorsal sons aw also counted us em(sicyed soiset ci they were paid seeicr:g othcsrJobs. G loser or The unemployed are all persons who did not work, but were available for work during the survey week (except for temporary illness and rr ide sp acific efforts to find ajob in the prior four weeks. Persons waiting to be rc called to ajob from which they had been laid off rseed sot be ong for ‘oar k to he classified as unemployed. s unemployment rate rchr unt tisenumner uneinpio’ied as a percent of the civ:i:en labor force. 05 With the exception of those persons temporarily ab.sent from ajob or waiting to be recalled to one, persons with no loP and vyho are not jtp.g..IyLrtcLtwisc LttiolLttEi 65 206 20’ C. cc tOs ceo: a cit a 5 ear. toe site Ci the nor force and cads of empraynient ursjer go fluctuations due to such seas.::: as nts so snarsc as 4 or ‘sops:ncis :1 prociuction harvests, moor hol:deys ansi closing cf schools. Because’ thcso soaso:soi :svorsrs rsWw a (scoom ;.sfs sar, thea inference or: statistical trends cars eeei:nrnatcci icy actusting tne iironthi statistics. Seasonal Adjustment nss;Is -s it a.. too serve cyclical and other :iors-sea.sonai developments. 0 stat: so’is Ears-ice s a. t:ore ycu would tradiuorsal eccivo help in seek:ng out employers srho arc h:r:ng area receive ether scrarces to help prepare for thejob rnarkeO MAKE SURE YOU COUNT! Go and get registered with the State of Connecticut Department of Labor 37 Marne Street as a Job Seeker, seep :rs r:o :stnry contact - stsp ncluded in the LinemplOyment rate. (DCL December I 4 — only 4,60 I people in New Haven wthout stash [far Minimum Wage is $9.00 in Connecticut L SAGA Support Services Justice of the Peace Free services to active recipients of DSS benefits by appointment Notarize documents Marriages Ca/I (203) 946 — 8523 For an appointment — www. nhregistercom ( TEACHERS NEW HAVEN REGISTER Traditional Classifieds March Customer Service B Sales Associate Full Time Flex Marketing is a team base marketing firm that was formed in response to a demand from large corporations for a more effective. personal and — Far Infant/Toddler Associate’s Degree in Early Childhood Education or related field with credits in ECE. CDA or Infant/Toddler credential with ECE credits preferred. Experience in teaching young children and working with families is required. Bilingual is a plus. Send resume to: [bEAD Head Start, Inc. Attn: Human Resources 25D Cedar Street, New Haven, CT DB5IB Email: Fax: (2D3) 83B-585B Butler America Temp Assignment Human Resource Assistant (4359B) Summary: The main functions include sorting checks, keeping payroll records, taking inventory, and distributing mail. Act as information and communicating distributor for an office, Typically has a high school diploma and experience with administrative duties in an office environment, Education/Experience: High School Diploma or BED typically required. Entry level 2 years administrative/customer service related experience required, Skills and Competencies: Verbal and written multi-tasking, communicating skills, customer service skills and interpersonal skills, Ability to work independently and manage ones time, Ability to keep information organized and confidential, Previous experience with computer applications, such as Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint (required), Major Job Duties and Responsibilities: Communicate with customers, employees, and other individuals to answer questions, disseminate or explain information, and address complaints, Answer telephones, direct calls and take messages. Compile. copy, sort, and file records of office activities, business transactions and other activities, Compute. record and proofread data and other information, such as records or reports. Maintain and update filing, inventory, mailing. and database systems. Please contact me with any questions. Tiffany Wren, Sr. Telecom Recruiter Cell if: 214.22B.838D Desk if: BDH.2B6.72D7 - - results driven approach to acquiring new customers. Dur new sales approach is not only a refreshing alternative to more general mass sales and marketing strategies, but it is also responsible for the unprecedented growth and stability of our company. Dur philosophy, “work hard, play hard” is demonstrated through our commitment to develop and challenge our teams to hit their personal and professional goals. We pride ourselves on recognizing top performance, integrity. and a winning mindset. We promote IDD% from within our company. Job Description Flex Marketing is currently offering sales and marketing positions that include comprehensive training. No prior sales experience is necessary, and we will train you to learn a variety of skills from sales and human resources to management and mentor-ship. Successful candidates will have opportunities to advance through the organization. As a fast paced company in the direct sales and marketing industry. Flex Marketing continues to set the standard for excellence in client acquisition and customer retention. By providing direct sales and marketing services to Fortune 500 companies nationwide, we increase the market shares of our clients through a proven direct sales approach. Responsibilities: assisting in the daily growth and development of our company assisting with efforts of new business acquisition expertly managing the needs of external customers developing strong leadership and interpersonal skills Requirements: must be able to work full time ability to excel in unsupervised solo assignments as well as team projects great communication skills must be able to work in an energetic, fast paced environment 2 or 4 year college degree in related field preferred but not required Why work for us? company paid travel competitive pay structure weekly and monthly bonuses upward mobility If you feel as though you meet these requirements. send your resume to our HR Team! APPLY TODAY! - Apply on-line - 10, 2015 School Bus Drivers JOB FAIR March II, 2015 OATTCD Middletown Terminal, 31 Tuttle Road Middletown, CT 9:3D am to l:DD pm DATTCD is hiring part-time SCHDDL BUS DRIVERS! If you are retired but not tired, a parent with - kids who would like to bring your children to work with you or just looking for good work with good people, come see us and learn how you can join our GRD WIND team. No experience necessary. training We provide free to get your CDL! Cali RBD-B35-8234 for more information. AA/EDE ext SBDD Now Hiring Drivers First Transit Do you like to drive? Do you like helping people? You’ll love this job! First Transit wants you NDWl We are currently hiring bus drivers. We are a great organization that takes pride in our employees and the work they do. Dur passengers depend on our drivers to get them safely to their destinations every day, and to provide them with friendly customer service,Job Purpose: Drives and maintains the appearance of the interior of the bus. Provides safe. reliable. and efficient transportation. Responsibilities: Drives one of several different coach/ buses or company non-revenue vehicles in a safe. courteous, and reliable manner throughout the contracted service area within a daily assigned time schedule. Maintains a strong attendance record. Performs pre/post trip vehicle inspections as required. Possess a functional knowledge of the demographics of the service area. Stops at designated points to load and/or unload passengers. May assist in the boarding of passengers using wheelchairs or other mobility aids and is required to properly secure wheelchairs and scooters. Notifies dispatch of deviations, overload. accidents, passenger incidents, medical/behavioral problems, or bus mechanical/electrical trouble. Assures that fares are deposited into the fare box and dispenses information. Advises passengers of rules and regulations when necessary. Completes and submits written reports concerning passengers and all accidents. Dperates onboard computer fare boxes and destination signs. Assumes any and all other duties assigned. Education/Certifications: High school diploma or equivalent Must possess CDL Dperator’s license with required endorsements Experience/Skills: Bood verbal communication skills. Ability to read, write. and speak English and perform basic mathematical procedures. Ability to work under stress and meet strict timelines. The ability to work early morning hours. Must be able to work without direct supervision. Must read and understand street signs, route sheets and maps. Excellent communication skills Able to work shift hours and days assigned. First Transit is an Equal Opportunity Employer. - Apply on-line - CiTY OF NEW HAVEN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES 200 ORANGE STREET, NEW HAVEN, CT 06510 www.cit\ ofie ha en.corn POSTED: MARCH 9, 2015 REMOVAL DATE: MARCH 27. 2015 POSITION: SPECIAL PROJECTS DIRECTOR (TESTED) (Ni-5594) DEPARTMENT: SALARY: COMMUNITY SERVICES ADMINISTRATION (RANGE 8) MINIMUM: S49,186 ANNUALIZED HOURS: 35 HOURS PER WEEK FUNI)ING: GENERAL FIJNI)S NATURE OF WORK: This is a responsible, professional position involving responsibility for the coordinating, planning and implementation of Human Services special projects. Work will include: Conducting need assessments on issues of homeless, children and families, youth, elderl\. disabilities, and other social services needs in New Haven. and developing specific programs to meet the needs of homeless families and individuals. Work involves leadership in the development of grant applications for specified issues and/or departments under the Human Services Administration. The person filling this position may also be responsible for the coordination and management of special projects when they are in the start-up phase requiring thorough research and investigation of various ways to provide additional services to the community. Work is performed under the supervision of the Human Services Administrator, or his/her designee. Work is reviewed through discussions. conference. and reports. I1NIMIJ”1 REQUIREMENTS: Graduation from an accredited four year college or university with major course work in social work, or public administration of other relevant areas: minimum of 1 year of experience in program planning. social services program administration. community development, or public administration: or an equi’ alent combination of training and experience which provides the following knowledge, abilities and skills, including but not limited to: Knowledge of the principles and practice of projects or programs planning and development. Knowledge of research methodologies, analysis and report riting. Ability to research. develop and analyze social service programs and policies. Ability to research and identify sources of grant funding and prepare grant applications. Ability to develop relationships and work with the community organization. agencies, clients and funding institution. Ability to coordinate efforts of various agencies for a common goal. Employment is contingent upon the successful completion of: (1) a background check, (2) a physical examination, including drug screening, and (3) a 90-day probationary period. Fhis position is included in a collective bargaining agreement with Local 3144, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees. As a condition of continued employment, a person appointed to a Local 3144 harcaining unit position will be required to obtain union membership at the completion of 90 working days. Applications and job description may he picked up at the Department of Human Resources at 200 Orange St.. l Floor. Monda through Frida ) AM. to 5 P.M. Applications and;or resumes must he received b the Department ui Human Resources. No Later Than 5 P.M. on REMOVAL DATE. . AN LOU AL OPPORTU NIT\ EMPLOYER WF1D Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 require the hiring of oak American Citizens and aliens who are authorized to work in the United States. Please post this announcement in a conspicuous area on the Department Bulletin Board. K I’USIINGS 2015 POSTINGSSPE({\I PROJEKS S DIRECTOR (0309-I5 tluu (K-27- IS dc HELP WANTED FUU. TIM I HELP WANTED I ACCOUNTING & DIRECTOR Developer Senior for Anthem, NIGHTflME CRITICAL CARE SECRETARY OUTPATlEff SERVICES Inc. in Wallingford, CT to par 1NTENSIVIST-Northeast MediThe Town of East Haven is 3CADD DUAL DIAGNOSiS. ticipate in all phases of the cal Group is seeking Niphtcurrently accepting UC AND SUBSTANCE development and mainte applications to participate in time Critical Care lntensivist ABUSE EXP REQ. nance life cycle utilizing vari the examination for Secretary to work at Yale-New Haven MAiL RESUME ro ous technology platforms. Hospital in New Haven, cT. II, Grade Level 10. Starting ICAUDLSCAOD.CRG Bachelor’s degree (or The Critical Care Intensivist salary is $30,951.68/year. higher) in computer science, supervises internal med. & Candidate must possess engineering or related field emerg. med. house staff in IlRfNG HOME HEALTH AIDES a High School Diploma or & Companions (willin to accept foreign equivalent and a minimum of intensive care units; super- Homem<ers Personal Care Assistants, education equivalent) plus vise / asst. attnd9 internists years 3 secretarial three years of software de Si-lingual/spanish a experience. Prior experience WI critically ill patients; assts CNX5. plus. (203) 789-0777 or fax velopment experience. in house school a staff system in care or pat!ents, related of Experience must include: resume (203)739-0766 work with children preferred. evals. / treat new patients, bot# 203-3808883 Java/J2EE software develop asst W/ cross coy, as nec. Mm. Applications are available ment; Spring, Struts and from the Civil Service Office, quals. incld: valid Physician’s I Hibernate; XML; JavaScript, lic M D deg or certif foreign 250 Main Street iSP and jQuery; development equiv., comp. of 36 mo. Inter East Haven, or Ct at using DB2 and Oracle nal Medicine residency grog., flsurance rokerage seeking: http://www.townofeast databases; Rational toolset, BEJBC in Internal Medicine, ‘ROU? Ifl4OERWRITER including ClearCase, Clear BEJBC in Critical Care Medi- Review, analyze and inspect and must be returned by Quest, RequisitePro and RAD; cine. Mail res. & cvr ltr ref job Jroup medical insurance conMarch 20, 2015. The Town writing test cases using JU 0115 to: Margot Manacchio, tracts. Calculate benefits and of East Haven is committed nit; and SQL queries, triggers Dept. of Medicine, Yale-New -ates tor group medical insur to building a workforce of and stored procedures. This Haven Hosp, 1450 Chapel St., ince. Analyze claims history diverse individuals. job opportunity qualifies for New Haven, CT 06511. Minorities, Females, to determine appropriate rate the Anthem Employee Refer Handicapped and Veterans plan and benefits costs. ral Program. if interested in I ENGINEERING are encouraged to apply. Requires bachelor’s degree this role/for immediate con and 3 years of experience. sideration, visit HELP WANTED ust have knowledoe o Covidien LP a Medtronic and apply PART TIME M Commony-useu concepts, company,, o ‘-‘ ave n CT’ online to position number practices and procedures u ip e osm ions pp y 99357. h ifl h PART-liME CUSTODIAN for k e Insurance in us ry. I d eofen ineerin and downtown New Haven church. biomedical principles to de- Contact Rachel at 203-453-2590 METROPOLITAN Must be available Sundays. sign and develop surgical deHEALTHCARE SERVICES RFSTAURAnT Call 203-624-2521 for more vices products. Reqs: Masters an established mid-sized info and application. degree in Mechanical Eng, company, we are looking Electrical Eng, Biomedical Cook, Japanese Specialty for enthusiastic, customer Eng or closely related techniCARPENTERS! needed in Milford, CT. 2 focused individuals to + 1 yr exp in medical calfield yrs. exp. in cooking van PAINTERSI work in support services devices highly or a regulated ous Japanese at local hospitals in New LANDSCAPERSI field. This position requires suppiles. Plan &dishes. Order Place your ad In our BusIness Haven, CT. Immediate price menu. up to 20% travel. Apply ref. Keep records & accts. 40 Card Section or our Service consideration for hrs/ Job Code: M120402036 , Atten- vk. Sun. & Wed, off. Resume: Directory. Our readers will call CDL SHUTTLE DRIVER youi They trust our advertisers tion: Brian Hines, Talent Ac- Momo Japanese Cuisine Inc., positions given to quisition Manager, Covidien momocuisineayahoocom qualified applicants with to do the Job right! LP (a Medtronic company), 60 3 years of CDL experience Call 2034504628 Middletown Aye, North Haven P’s” NASHERfNAlT5TA1F. and with PF Diner Ep. needed. Apply at: CT 06473. or PS endorsements. HELPWANTEO Country Corner Diner, 756 For further information 1GENERAL i HELrWAjw Amity Rd. (Rt. 63), Bethany. visit our website I 203-393-1489, or Experienced sales person to DRIVER PT FOR ADULTS W/ contact Ruaa Hikrnat at sell fasteners in partially DIS. 21 OR OLDER W/CT PSL established territory, 703-342-5259 or OR CDL AND GOOD DRIV Send resume (confidential) to ING RECORD. M-F 20 HRS/ Ro-Brand Products, Inc \__;7 ‘—::-—‘ 319 Cooke St, Piainviiie Ci I WK. SHIFT: 7AM -9AM AND HVAC TECHNICIAN 2:3OPM-4:3 OPM. $11.00 P/HR. :06062- 1405 HVAC technician needed APPLY: WH COMMUNITY with supervisory HOUSE 227 ELM ST. WEST experience that will HAVEN, CT. 06516 EOE provide facilities support RESTAURANT 1li.NNG for several office $250 Paid Focus Group E)(PERIENCED: buildings in and around Paid for Your Opinion! COOKS, KITCHEN STAFF New Haven, including 100 1-day paid focus group in & V/AITSTAFF/SERVE!lS Colle9e Street. New Haven, Fri. 3/6. FULI.-TIME & PAT-TiiE The Position reports Paid $250-same day w/meals. Days, nights, holidays directly to the Director of Sign-up ivailable. Will train. Apply Facilities Mgmt and will Jimmies, 5 Rock St. also work directly with or (800)483-9898 ‘,Vest ien tenants, must be DRIVER, Class A or B, tanker, extremely customer Hazmat, TWIC card, current oriented. This position medical. Apply at Tuxis Ohrs, is 40 hours/week and - SOBritannia St, Meriden, CT requires some off hdurs work/overtime, Please Warehouse/Driver F/I Days send resume to Non-CDL. No exp nec. Will Dale Baldwin at train. Must have good driving dbaldwin@winentcom record. Drug testing. Benefits. 401K 203-933-4051 x 215. - - A T0 1J - . : - CITY OF NEW HAVEN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES 200 ORANGE STREET, NEW HAVEN, CT 06510 w .citvofne ha POSTED: FEBRUARY 23. 2015 REMOVAL DATE: MARCH 6, 2015 Extended to MARCH 13, 2015 POSITION: PROJECT MANAGER (NON-TESTED) DFP RTME’iT Ski R\ HOURS: FUNDING: CO1MUNIT\ SI RVICES ADMI’\ISTRATION (R.VGE 10) M1\ S59,559 ANM kL1ZFD FULL TIME, 35 HOURS PER WEEK SPECIAL FUNI)S CONTINUED EMPLOYMENT CONTINGENT UPON AVAILABILITY OF FUTURE FUNDING NATURE OF VVORK: Ehis is a professional middle management position requiring administrati e and technical skills to assist in the coordination o Cii’. departments that directly affect the social well being and health of the residents of New Haven. This position in oIve managing special projects. particularly grants dealing with Community Services Administration priorities. Work includes plannin: for neighborhood-based and City-wide programs, and measuring the impact of the programs. Other responsibilities will include researching the availability of grants, grant preparation and coordination, program monitoring and assessments. Areas involved may include Children and Family Services, Health, Elderly Services and other special grant-funded human services programs. This position reports to the Community Service Administrator or designee. This specific assignment involves coordinating and managing a neighborhood program. which will be based in the Newhall’. ille section of New Haven, facilitates the coordination of community partners. state agencies and other reentr stakeholders for the purpose of creating a citv’.\ ide, strategic and systematic delivery of resources to the reentry population that leads to reduced recidivism, increased employment, access to continued education and the long term self-sufficiency of returning citizens. REQUIREMENTS OF WORK: Graduation ti’om a four—year college or university, with major course work in public administration. sociolog finance, or human services. (Graduate degree is preferred): and one to three years experience in working \vith the general public and a diverse population in community development or human service programs; as \vell as one year to three years of grant fundingx experience or any equi’.alent combination of training and experience which provides the necessary knowledge, abilities and skills as stated in the job description, including but not limited to: Knowledge of program, public and private funding sources and mechanisms . available to accomplish program objectives. Knowledge of planning, management, implementation and evaluation principles related to the administration of human service and community development programs. Knowledge of grant research and needs analysis. Must possess ability to communicate effectively, orally and in writing, with the public, elected officials, employees. department heads and community agents; Must have experience working with teams, composing correspondence and reports and coordinating projects. Emplo ment is contingent upon the successful completion of: I ) a background check. (2) a ph\ sical examination, including drue screening. and $ a 00-da prohationar period. This position is included in a collective bargaining agreement with Local 3144. American Federation of State. County and 1unicipal Empio\ ees As a condition of continued employment, a person appointed to a Local 3144 bargaining unit position ‘. ill he required to obtain union membership at the completion of 90 working days. Applications and job description may be picked up at the Department of Human Resources at 200 Orange St.. C Floor, \londay thwngh Friday. 9 AM. to 5 P.M. Applications and/or resumes must be received by the Department of Human Resources. AN EqUAl. OPPORTtJNIT\ EMPLOYER M/FID Immigration Retbrm and Control Act of 1986 require the hiring of only American Citizens and aliens who are authorized to work in the I;nited States. Please post this announcement in a conspicuous area on the Department Bulletin Board. °‘: t.jij, • •••• lry ‘i - - - - I •— TOPPL. C Iij’i .3l - e y — i-v r 1vfl 4 C CT 5iO H’aq -•..-‘ PIi3tI-JS iI J 1 D i 1 0 isur:3 I = - juSt v O’ —‘ . -r—• RN Opportunllie3 Renee $5000.0Q as part ota winter recogrntion program sponsored by PCF, the organization that arranges for the home Home Healfhcare New Haven Area delivery of newspapers and other publications in this area. Renee -Day Shift Positions contracts her delivery services with us for a route in this area. For -Evening Shift Positions entrepreneurs like Renee, 18 -Admission Nurse Position or older, PCF currently Great benefits, competitive rates, Opportunities for has delivery service routes Advancement. Supplemental Per Diem Shifts also availahle for contract: won — years available, Solid orientation program Requirements 2-5 years home care experience, valid CT driver’s license — Clinton, Guil ford, Hamden, ‘ladison, Meriden, and Wallingford — • - Typically routes early morning deliveries; take 2-3 hours per day, 7 days per at-c •. •. • H’’’ • .,_ : week, independently contracted providers can earn Machine Shop Supervisor Large and well established Fabrication/machine shop looking for a hands on machine shop supervi sor. Experience needed in supervising a low volume, prototype, high variety job shop atmosphere. Can didate needs experience setting up and operating both manual lathes/CNC turning centers, manual milling machines/CNC vertical and horizontal ma chining centers, and manual/CNC cut off saws. Ex perience needed in small, medium, and large part machining. Mastercam CNC Programming experi ence a plus. Needs to be familiar with Fanuc con trols on Machining and Turning centers and familiar with debuggin 9 programs as needed right at the machine. Candidate to have experience machining larger parts and weldments up to 5 tons. Would be in charge of selecting and ordering materials and tools, supervising approx. 12 employees, and coor dinating the machinrng department for a smooth flow of parts, with acceptable quality, within bud get, and within set schedules. Email or fax resume or stop in to fill out an application. Anco Enqineering Inc. 217 lnnq Hill Cro foad Theitoii, CT 26434 Tei: 203925-9238 Fax: 203-925-9233 maIl: da1kskiPat1ccençJ.cori $400 00 biweekly, Call us at 1-800-S 15-8000 or visit us online at v!ww.!JcVorpcorn/dsp.php or more information. www, I Research Participant $250 Paid Focus Oroup Paid for Your Opinion! I-day paid focus group in New Haven, FrL 3/B. Paid $250-same day w/meals, Sign-up 1/ or (800)483-9898 Service Technician, Air Compressors New Haven. CT Kaeser Compressors, Inc. is seeking an individual who has worked in an industrial or manufacturing environment to fill the position of Branch Service Technician for our service territory in and around Waterbury. CT. Job Description The selected candidate will: Perform all maintenance and service on compressed air systems for customers in the designated territory, including afterhours emergencies Prepare all service orders, timesheets, and expense reports accurately, neatly and timely Assist with evaluation of Kaeser products for warranty. rebuilding and maintenance Seek to acquire new service purposes business, maintenance contracts and parts/accessory sales Be responsible for the up-keep of all company issued tools used for servicing compressors and related Communicate with the Technical items Department to find solutions for repair, installation, or service issues on compressor, blower and/or vacuum units, Education High School or equivalent Years of Experience 2÷ to 5 Years Salary We offer a competitive salary, company van with gas card, cell phone, company paid uniform rental: benefits package, Profit Sharing and 401(k) Plan. Apply on-line - - - - - Restaurant Hiring Experienced: Cooks, kitchen, wait staff/servers Full Time B Part Time Available Days, nights S holidays Apply: Jimmie’s B Rock St. West Haven EW llAVE\ 1EG1STER Traditional Classifieds March Residential Sales Associate Kamden We are also accepting Applications from Wallingford for this Position We know what you want a career opportunity where you can put your sales skills to use and have an unlimited earning potentiaI. Well, you just found your perfect match. As a Residential Sales Associate with The Home Depot At Home Services. Inc. you’ll reach out to an ever-expanding number of “do it for me” customers, all of whom look to us to provide solutions to their home improvement needs. THD At Home Services, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of The Home Depot. offers a full line of kitchen B bath remodeling and in home storage units. As a Residential Sales Associate, you wiil use your sales skills to generate leads, conduct in-home sales presentations and help your customers improve their home. Your wage is commission-based, so nothing will stand in the way of you reaching your earning goals. WHY THIS CAREER IS FOR YOU Unlimited earning potential There’s no limit to what you can earn as commissionbased sales professional. Bonuses Hit your sales numbers, and you could be eligible for additional bonuses (including an annual sales trip!) Top of the line products ARE YOU THE NEXT RESIDENTIAL SALES ASSOCIATE? Are you focused on customer service and dedicated to meeting your customers’ needs? Do you have one year of sales experience? Are you detail-oriented? Do you have great communication skills, an exceptional work ethic and enjoy winning? Do you have reliable transportation and a high school diploma/BED? MAJOR TASKS, RESPONSIBILITIES AND KEY ACCOUNTABILITIES -to generate leads, conduct sales presentations in the home and accurately measure and price product, Previous experience in home improvement sales, financial sales or self-employment a plus but not required. You’ll also attend and participate in sales meetings, training sessions, and territory and branch meetings. You will also be completing relevant paperwork accurately and in a timely manner and continually updating your product and market knowledge. MINIMUM E1UALIFICATIDNS 8 years of age or older Must be able to pass a drug test Must be able to pass a background check Access to reliable transportation to reach customers’ homes and local Home Depot stores EDUCATION REOUIRED High School Diploma/DED YEARS OF RELEVANT WORK EXPERIENCE: I PHYSICAL JOB REDUIREMENTS Ability to lift up to 55 lbs. — — — - - - If you are not ready to apply, visit 3, 20 1 5 CDL Shuttle Driver Metropolitan Healthcare Services an established mid-sized company. we are looking for enthusiastic, customer focusx.d individuals to work in support services at local hospitals in New Haven, CT. in mediate consideration for CDL Shuttle Driver positions given to qualified applicants with 3 years of CDL experience and with Ph or PS endorsements. For further information visit our website, or contact Ruaa Hikmat at 703-342-5259 or Customer Service Representative Our employees pride and enthusiasm are vitaI to each and every job across the country. We currently have 12 offices, stretching from coast to coast. Thanks to everyone’s leadership, innovation, decisiveness, agility, teamwork, ar,d integrity. Flex Marketing keeps getting biger and better. As a customer service representative, you wUl be at the forefront of the company as the go-to person for our customers. In this important role, you’ll be responsible for selling to current and new customers for our clients. SuccessfuI candidates will be able to determine the wants, needs, and interests so they can apply the customer for the correct package suited far them. Flex Marketing prides ourselves for reaching out to the client base with outstanding and personalized customer service experience for all we come into contact with. Traits we are looking for: Personable Industrious Positive attitude Confident Outgoing Enthusiastic Charismatic Experience in customer service, sales or retail is preferred Requirements: Strong desire to succeed and learn Reliable transportation Must be able to work, full time Ability to work in a fast paced. fun rewarding environment Benefits: $25k $35k plus bonuses — Please submit your resume if you feel you are a to learn more about Home Services at the Home Depot. - perfect fit Apply un-line - 1’\Ev i-14VEN lECISTERTmclitional ®ERUXPORT Bridgeport Fittings, in busi ness since 192.5 is a leading manufacturer oI conduit anc cable fittings. Currently we seek the following: PROGRESSIVE TOOL & DIE MAKER (2nd ShIft) Reqs: (5) (10) years’ of exp must be able to construct or make major alterations or repairs to progressive stam ing dies; and knowledge o CNC, CAD, Wire & Sinker ED aplus. — MAINTENANCE WORKER Perform general mainte. nance, repairs, basic carpen try, painting, plumbing, land scaping & cleaning service functions. Must possess gooi skills In the use of hand & power tools. Must have own tools, maintain records, ob tain estimates & orders, pick up supplies, materials, and repair parts. Basic computer skills. H.S. Dip loma.ED & bullding)Iant maintenance exp. Must be able to read/ comprehend simple Instruc tions, short correspondence. emails & memos. Please Indicate position desired, and contact Jim Con nor, Director H/k, Bridgepor FittIngs, 705 Lordship blvd., Stratford, CT 6615,-maiI JImc, Fax: 203-378-9818. EOE DISPATCHER/TRUCkING Busy precast Concrete manufacturer seeks dis patcher with heavy hauling experience. Good computer skills a must. Send resume to mwllllams(a)biakeslee prestresscom or mail to Mary Williams, Biakeslee Prestress, Inc., P.O. Box 510, Branford, Ct 06405. ASSOCIATE SUPERINTENDENT Seymour Public Schools Seymour, Ct Visit www.seymourschools. corn for details Part-Time Hours Rail- Time Pay! Are you tired of earning a low hourly wage? Do you have a great person ality and positive atti tude? Why not earn what you are worth makin 9reat commissions sel ing the New Haven Reg ister newspaper home delivery subscriptions at major supermarkets, department stores mails and special events in New Haven County. Sell the paper that sells Itself. - Position highlights: Work minimum of 18-27 hours weekly. . Greet shoppers and of fer complimentary news papers. • Offer “free” store gift cards and discount rates with new subscriptions. • Shift times: loam to 7pm • Average reps earn $350 per week In commission income. Above average reps currently making $500 per week. • Introductory sales ori entation and field sup port • Previous sales experi ence helpful but not re quired. • Must be at least 21 years of age • Reliable transportation and valid driving license needed .. CaN (877) 288-6149 (Independent Contrac tor for the New Haven Register) .AaORERS: Precast concrete manufacturer seeking laborers for produc tion department. Experi ence working with concrete, operating equipment or welding helpful. Please send resume to mwilllams( blakesleepreseresseom, Classifieds Mcirch 3 2015 P 4RT-TIME CUSTOD14’ for downtown New Haven church. Must be available Sundays. Call 203-624-2521 for more info and application. I Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) The primary role of the Clinical Social Worker position is to develop psychosocial assessments for the purpose of assisting individuals and families achieve self sufficiency through clinical interviews of residents of HANH, Closing date March 11, 2015. Job descriptions & Applications may be obtained from HANH at 360 Orange Street, New Haven, CT 06511, or www. Submission can be dropped off faxed to (203) 497-8202. e-mail to TDD number (203) 497-8434. For further information please Call the HR Office at (203) 498-8800 X 1022. Disabled are encouraged to apply, EOE-M/F/V All applications and resumes must. be in the Human Resource Office on/before March11 2015 ORAFTSflRSON/ STRUCTU2AL DETAILER Busy precast concrete manufacturer seeks detailer with superior AutoCAD skills. Knowledge of 3d modeling a plus. Respon sibilities include: produc ing framing plans, shop details and advance bills of material. Send resume to mwiIIiarns’4hlakesleeprestress.corn or mail to Mary Williams, Blakeslee Prestress, ifl., P.O. Box 510, Branford. Ct. 06405. FIAVE IIL(dSTER Traditional Classifieds www. (monstercorn) Uonfidential Medical Billing Specialist H yrs rxp for medical ofhco in mirth nvan EL Assistant Manager 575 Erand Avenue. New Haven At Rent-A-Eenter. our business is cantered on service and we’re oassioreie about chat se H:. Eu: er’,.rorment Test-pared cr1 otters anpie rbrortuil to emv ann’ r’e’elop. with ton-performers en: ered nrc programs tvowrç accelerate to advonoemerm to moocrement so: .rc irs: Aes:vor: to tow Haven. lust, hove own vehicle, Exp a plus! EcU 203-380-2252 Engineering [oordinator Administrative Assistant A.R, Marsotta Employment Specialists Permvoort Hpportunity for an individual with strong aerospace background or rruIjtar’ experwnco. This position wIl be — responsible for seeing various programs the enyineenino end design rvpvrtment through tfe design process. e’;i Haven county. $20 per hour, DOE. us benefits package.As the Engineering Eoordnorvr Administrative Assistant you ciii ensure that design projects are nieetn specific qualifications, regulations and ore on schedule ann budget. Be the !ioison outween departments, coordinate with [;ustumer and team, provide status updiitos, prepare materials and presentations for meetings, ensure that programs are meeting schedule commitments. Position requires strong computer skills including Microsoft Word, Excel, MS Project. Experience with NVIS would be a plus. Understanding of blue rrcts. deteded oriented, ability to juggle riort:es, and excellent communication ,n:vroersooai snils required. ASBIDO e.rp.ei’ieico asu a plus in tms role. Must no wikio to tresol cithn the US and abroad. - Hours. 7:3)] am. 4:30 p.m. Monday hursoco; i:5 am.- 2:30 p.m. Friday. -‘ -- Please subml your resume as a Microsoft Err coworkers also enioy a total re” eros that oars for’ performance aid orluics :rdost--heocing case pay ranges rum’ ad posiLors Monthly bonus potential fur Assistant Managers and above’ Semi-annual performance reviews w/ merit potential’ 5-day workweek vt/Sundays off’ Paid sick/personal days’ 10 days paid vacation after one year’ Employee purchase plan’ Ereat benefits with 401 1k! and company match As an Assistant Manager, you would be responsible for:’ Doordinating with the Store Manager to develop creative ways to meet the Store’s Sales Ooals and Maintain Reliable Eollections Patterns’ Managing and maintaining the store’s inventory’ Assisting with product maintenance, delivery. service, and returns on a daily basis’ Leading a Sales leam by coaching them on how to become more effective leaders and promoting an environment of collaboration’ Managing conflict and effectively resolving sensitive issues while being considerate of all involved If you’re looking for a career that will not only give you work experience. but also life experience, we are looking for you. Job Dualifications- Gandidates must meet the following requirements:’ Have 2 years of college coursework completed and/ni’ 2 years of sales and collections experience,’ Have a Valid driver’s license’ Have at least one year experience in the retail/fast food/service industr’ Be at least 20 years old’ Be legally permitted to work in the US Be able to perform repetitive heavy lifting Word document today. - .An vff;rrnatxe action, equal opportunity cmi j]ioylnent agency Apply on line Apply online - February 24, 2015 Hotel Maintenance Manager Job Purpose: Provides comfortable and safe guest ecrv,ronment by maintaining equipment and environrnem:rzrvill:’:l:: preventive m.air.tener;ce requirements: respor emer000c:es’ ecc:mmodat:ro CUCS1S: :repviro nor: JOti’05, PcoOT.p!i500;o merteranre rumor oy recru.t.og swe:mg owenroc. trv:w,mru assr:’y ocaLrF;ing, ooursemc aid discIplining employees, oh expectations, p000inu. rrro’n;tcrir;o ecprlsin: a:] ot. ‘rr[ris piennino and reset; [:0 entoroing poiOie:: end pr;]reiures’.’ Arti:evez ectiras Oy ocotrouting inrormat,om COO eros 1 operational cb to hotel strategic plans and reviews; preparing and action plans; implementng production, productvty. quu;:t, or:] guest-service stanilards; completing audits.* Meets rrr,airterar;ce financial objectives by estimating requirements; prepa;wno an. annual budget; scheduling expenditures: analyzing variances; initiating corrective actions; develops energy conservation methods,* Maintains environment and equipment operalon by monitoring controls systems; maintaining chillers, conhrg towers, chemical treatments, pneumatics, controls. water’ on] waste systems. boilers, refrigeratars. compressors, cHarms. it: diagnosing problems; responding to. break-downs; develop’:: specifications for new equipment; evaPuatinu vErroor coordinating and supervising instafations. Tte:scivor emergencies by responding to alarms; assessing simLoti:; collaborating with emergency services,* Implements pvevc;;ti’so maintenance programs by determining work prier.tivs scheduling inspections, repairs, ap,d replacements. Maintain: hotel appearance by evaluating conditions’; scheduling ca;’pentvv painting. cleaning, decorating, landscaping, arid r0005000no: enforcing appearance standards. * Ensures maintenance operations by initiating, coordinating, and enforcing operatlorah’ policies and procedures. Protects guests and employees by maintaining a safe, clean, and healthy environment.* Prepares maintenance reports by collecting. analyzing, and summarizing repair and service data and trends; maintaining logs and charts. * Accommodates guests by providing repair information and schedules,* Maintains supplies inventory by checking stock’ anticipating needs; placing and expediting orders; verifyino receipt. Updates job knowledge by tracking code oha;ioes. attending educational workshops: reviewing profesohonih publications; establishing personal networks: bemchmv”’.r: state-of-the-art practices; partn’ip’atng in societies. Enhances department and organization reoivmatior to. accepting ownership for accomplishing new and Jifferor: requests; exploring opportunities to add value to cl accomplishments. Skiiis/Uualifications: Equipment Maintenance Fachites. [ourdination, Facilities Management Systems. HVAE Sysremn:. OSHA Eompliance. Safety Management, Eostomer Focus. Verbal Eommunication Management Proficiency, Project Nonagon, cot, Listening - Apply on-line - vvvv’w niiregistercom \IW mcncrcr.ccmi Plumber Eiuildingfacts New Haven We mm qynowing nun team in New Haven! Recruiting Ac are’ ion hay :.:. Appfy on/inc - Welding Fabrication Technician no,nc ‘r a Ac-men tow manor -nh a minimum ot 0 years experience. Work to include in shop and on-road service repair :n me New Haven area. The ideal candidate must uHO utJt w uu ,Ldiut ifl ucir. a vIe r srma H raulic a d electrical smtems knowiedge and the ability to use a variety of maintenance tools including electric, pneumatic, and welding equipment. and a valid CDL AA offers ran and benehts. Aoply in person at ID wneeier an low coven. LI Dr tax resume B Current CCLV of driving record to (2U5) 4B73P0 Attir Eric or apply by e-mail at --..— ‘‘‘,‘‘‘‘.‘‘Ir, Dunkin Donuts Store Manager This is a oreat opoortunity to begin building your career at are yrounu evel or a tact growing Dunvin Donuts francbsee. e currently have openings at the Store Manager ano Crew Member levels. Our marx. envtrnnment s challenging. diverse, and fun. be onallenged to learn new skills as well as bcdin unun past experience. Job Responsblities and [lualifications: An ideal candidate for our store manager position mLuid 0 a hghly motwoted ndividuol whir places primary importance on delivering excellent Cusion;or serviCe to all of ocr guests end ensuring that all of our employees do the sonic. The canddate must also comply with all standards for cost control, merchandising. and sanitation. with MS Office Suite lWord B Excel! reouired, To aoply olvese serd all resumes to r;tobs:Rdekkgroup,com see:r. on L.nm:orCea ‘Ar am a. ri ‘,‘in.r, To” ow’ i/!en./Custcrnen C C nnit .9Ev.: k. a se.d .. installir:o. maintair. ing and renaming hearing. Job Summary: i or err, yearo Ar. are seCrnpbinn pers with no exoerience Send us your resume and weSl get a necessary. CE EL C a CL. on as. r.i:ssi He he t us knu w CCL’ an expemencro CimOer CC icur:ng New Haven CT profess Coals in hew Hanen CT. Ci Li n n 0/0 ‘v Cv pu mE n p umers incredible Li enehts including: En names MeccaI insurance. Year Round ammo now our CLEOCti February 1 7, 20 1 5 HVAC Service Technician Teller / Customer Service Representative Li:::- L :rr::.CE raCers c-mere 1COC vi often H-\ V\ H1 ( 1SHzI Traditional Classifieds 0 Servia e nenresanranva wit be ventilation, and cooling unit.s. Oiaonose and repair of electroniC. mechanioai and eimztnioai “1 -,‘ Oenxor ieiat,orCnO:s %itO CstomenC. :Es. also responsible for pro.viding superior customer service while ensuring daily branch responsibilities are beino completed efficiently. Jib RespEcsLii:ties ::]p oortunt’ Top Reasons to Won: with Us 1. Excellent Leadershin n’r a urcmng umr:pao, r] Assist in daly branch aperling and clumng Open new accounts while obtaining elI necessary information and documentation Crcss-s&l fail, products and nero was by enderstand:ng tne dinerse needs of each customer and building strong ronoort Provide superior customer service, including but not limited to: answering phones, greeting customers in lobby, evaluating each customers specific needs, quickly end efficiently processing teller’ transactions Assist branch manaoement with balancing. of vault and AIMs Assist with daily overdraft decisions Assist other branch personnel/perform other duties, as requrred + fl tdui’ . rn 1 up-u What You. Need for this Positbin At Least 1 Year of exn.erience and knowmroo:ge of: - - Service Technician r5aiaacns’ licensed So, if you are a Service Technician with experience, please apply todu’i - Applicants must he nuthorinud work o tho. U.S Are you a good:. fit for this position? Netta Daye is recruiting for this position Email your resume to Netta Netra.Oaye’ Requirements: Job ID: NOl-l[50676 Education and Experience: High School Diploma or equivalent Minimum of 2 years irE prior banking exoerbence **Please do NOT change the email subject brie in any way. You must keep the JobID: CC Monsterin NO[-IIDDB7B in the emad s.±ject inc for ‘nor: application to be considered. Thank via Netta Oaye I Executive Recruter CybonCriners More HVAC Technician- Oil Company jobs at CyberCoders, Inc is proud to be an Equal Cpportunity Empiover All qualified applicants mA receive canoJienoOn: for employment without regaro no race root, religion, sex, national’ origin, disability, protected veteran status, or an other characteniL:tic protected lw law Your Right to Wort ri ccmpenco with law, Oil persons nireu WI’ oc re0uireo to. identity and eligibility to work xi the Unined S:tare and to complete the required employment eligibility vcrificaton document form hire -- Skills and Abilities: Excellent communication skills in both verbal and written Excellent customer service skills Excellent time management and inte:rpersunnl Must be detail-oriented and an effective teamplayer Must be willing to work alternating shifts including Saturdays Compensation and Benefits: Competitive salary: commensurate experience Benefits package available - Apply on-line - with www. (monster.comj NEW hAVEN REGISTER Traditional Classifieds Februaiy 17, 2015 Customer Counter Clerk Manpower is currently recruiting fore Customer Counter Clerk position for a large package handling client in North Haven. CT! ,!Gb espccsibilitie& Prniarj daities !nciude support responsibilities Ix’ me :stonr :curter su:h as: eeting cistomers. ins?ecting shipments and shipping documents. and other generel support responsibilities. • Ccrtingant gc,kers may also La required assist zntcnars ::it snipping pschases which will require ha3dhng cash. • Amount of cash in registers in limited to $200 or less. • LIPS managers are required to audit cash drawer each day. • This position mej also require lifting up to lOlbs but majority oi packages will weigh much less. • May also require loading of packages into trucks. PayRett • $16.00/hour Hours • 12pm to 7pm Contract Length: • I Year For additional details on this role contact Jennifer kryszewski Email: Please go to and create a profile with us and contact this recruiter directly. HOUSEKEEPING B LAUNDRY. MANAGEMENT TRAINEE Health Care Services Group New Haven As an entry level management person. you will learn the operation of our business from the ground up. Working side by side with one of our district training managers you will get your hands on experience as neil as an awareness of our company culture and business philosophy. This paid training program extends for 80 days and will prepare each trainee to run their own facility as the next step in their development process. RESPONSIBILITIES As a facility manager for Healthcare Services Group. your responsibilities will includt Managing a staff between 10-25 employees Responsibility for daily payroll and budget management Recruitment and training of all front line staff Acting as a liaison between the facility and HCSG Marketing our services to other facilities in the area Oeveloping a strong assistant manager Ordering supplies Dey to day oversee of the operations in the departments PROMOTIONAL POSSIBILITIES Healthcare Services group. Inc. has several levels of management throughout the organization. which allows every managemant person to move on a career path best suited for their skills and talents. Account maneger Training manager Area(key) manager Oistrict manager Regional manager Regional sales director — BENEFIT& With performance-based promotional opportunities. you have the flexibility to chart your own professional course. W,Worce Alliance OcIrrctfa tatpto nitlt SM6’cn 1 COMPETITIVE SALARY Comprehensive benefit package includes health. dentaL life, disability. 401k stock purchase plan and awarding stock options If you are unemployed and seeking work you should connect to services coordinated by New Haven’s Workforce Alliance 560 Ella t Grasso Boulevard New Haven, cr 06519 — - Apply on-line - Retail Assistant Manager Avenue. a fashion retailer speca;izing in pius z.z women’s apparel is looking for a Retail Assistan Manager in ow’ Hamden. New Haven. Milfori markets. If you are a fashion forward, customer service oriented individual Iookicg to work ,r a great company. then Awenie is the place fcr yn& PURPDSE. The Assistant Manager is responsible io assisting the Store Manager in the overal operations of the store and takes responsibilit’ for all store activities in the Manager and Ca Manager’s absence. He or she is resp2ns:bIe : assisting in maximizing overall sales perfornerc and profitability of the store. covering the stG!’. operations, merchandising standards. sales a;.e service as well as supervision of all Associates ii the absence of the Manager and Co-Manager EXPERIENCE • At least I year of retail experierce previous Assist Manager experience preierrd TALENT/SkILLS: • Strong fashion sense and knowledge of curren trends • Ability to delegate effectively and get results • Oemonstrated ability to build the business erd drive sales • Strong merchandising. operational and organizational skills • Drive for excellent customer service and selling the products • Strong communication end interparsona; skills • The ability to meet the physical requirements of the job. including but not !imted to: ability to utilize 4-foot, B-foot and B-foot ladders. ability to handle cartons weighing up tc 50 lbs. EOUCATIDN: High School diploma required: c&lege degree preferred To epply. please e-mail your resume to Rebecca Hayes. District Sales Manager by clicking on APPLY below. Avenue Stores. LLC is en Equal flppcrtonity Employer. Apply on-line - - operators vvvvw. Drivers independent contractors/owner - 1z\\ Ii:\\ IrA Ri(ISIFH Traditional Classifieds Automotive Service Store Manager fReud; hiorru Muffler B Brake he”’ Hao’en. CT ho 0’ tO eroror 200 the so :: 51/10 ‘‘00. LI AM to B P hI. ruEc 000. Muiru ijy ubjoct to ndeo riosore L.L PLOi3L. tore backoround cii eckis druo screons, un/or motor more, call 1-877if YOU arr intorostod 1 476-1555 iittp://floetgist6s.oom./oortrecto r-opportunities Weekend Scheduler New Haven Weekend Scheduler fur VNA of South Sentral or 2 weekends per month is Connecticut responsuhlo tor working clusy with the Weekend Manager to handle phone oafs, do computer work, urepare admission paperwork and assist with scheduhng oases on Saturdays Hod Sundays The position is 16 hours per week. Vie are looking for 1 weekend, or two one rer,c,date fur ever concicates woo can alternate weekends. Vie will train te right candidate woo can work . has good computer skills and can 1 ,ndependuntl’ baron ow program. is reliable and possesses e;.wollent telephone and customer sorvice uxperierice. Thera IS H job requirement to work one summer and one winter holiday a week. ho positron pays 812.50 per huur and a non We ml! [1ST consider posinon. r.onhiztes who do not have experience working in O Iso/h core c humon sew ices en%ronment - - - Apply cn-iine W rkforce Aff It you are unemployed and seeking work von should connect to - services coordinated by New Haven’s Workforce Alliance 560 Ella T. Grasso Boulevard NewHaven,CT 06519 interostot’ in imsno leadership roles in a’ company that hoc doohEd its store count twice over the last ID years.? If you answered “ND’ to any of the above questions. then don’t bother responding. V/e are only looking for SUPERSTA.RS to join our team. We are the best performing company in the retail tire and auto service business and business, for us. is SCUD. We operate in 22 states with 9S’7 stor’es and have created top wages and opportunities for our best performers. We are not hiring experience alone! Experience is a plus but a Sense of Urgency IS required and we will train the right people. $65,000 is average. So if you are as good as our average, you will earn $65,000. Our best performers are earning $75,000 $90000 a year. We are looking for the superstars that can earn that B figure salary. - If you’ve got the right stuff, respond today. Job Requirements: Active state drivers license Must have good computer, communication B tgieohc:rie skiii,s Retail/Sales Management experience The ability 55 to consistently provide superior and 0lilr,or,e customer service Jim.Ellis.tmonro,com Equal Opportunity Employer Research Study Have ou ever had a problem with alcohol, cocaine or heroin? Participants are needed far a Yale research study. $109 if you qualify. 20378l-4655.Hl[# l2133.lU5I5 Research Study Individuals 25 years or older with NO HISf DRY of alcohol or drug abuse, or mental illness, Pays $100 for an interview and a blond draw -888- STUDY-SB HIS 12183 February 10, 201 5 Experienced Sales Manager New H0’P[ . ii V/s 0 yr ,me corny it. When you or’s surrzo.n woo are passionate Govt whvt ii .0. .0 00’ 0 who sn000rage. support ar,d recognizes cxcii out the BEST in coors emp,’oyes. lb On:s experrer,ce it for ;ioorselfl . ‘. Are you ready to motivate and lead no competitive, commissioneo Sores Team or our Bedding Sales Team? Jordan’s Furniture i looking for Sales Managers and a Beddino, Sale: Manager. Responsibilities: The Sales Manager: and Bedding Managers manage and direct their Sales Team in meeting sales and profit goals. Ii this position, you are also responsible for Interviewing, hiring, coaching, supervisins motivating, evaluating, scheduling amid disciplinini ldentif’,’in Sales/Bedding Sales Consultants training and procedural needs to increase solo: productivity: making recommendations to Stnrr Manager and implementing necessary charge: Reviewing and analyzing sales reports to iomonit’o the productivity level of Sales/Bedding Sole: Consultants and ensuring that all budgeted solo:. eso’r9mng to es:z:oto’ goals are met customer service ‘,sses’ 000 resoivino fji’0O5io. Monitoring sales 10cr to ensure. all ooesms a,’’ baing assisted by sales personnel Ouahfications: The quai.ified candidate roust ho’. Minimum S years combined sales a’’ management in high volume major retailer equivalent education/experience Abdity Lob, motivate, lead and direct others understanding of product kncwiedce pertains to t[ie fjrniture industry iBoG r’ 0 Managers- Bedding exoerience in rrero’’ colvcnrrG Sound judgment and Basic computer proficiency interpersonal, written and ral :c:r.r:ur,’:otio’ skills lf you’re ready to make a difference in career, we are interested in speaking with Jordan’s Furniture is proud to offer comprehensive benefits package to employees. Visit our Careers page to learn mors. Job Reference Code: 14572 Jordan’s Furniture is an equal opportunity employer. www. ( HYAC Technician Winstaniey Enterprises LIC New Haven, CT This position is for an HYAC technician with supervtscty experience that will prciide facdities s4part ‘: s9ere! a :e .igs i s•i ar,cq: :Ie,’, Ha2: ‘nc,d.n s oii-rse. :60 Cc;iee S:ee: t’!: 5! :zrrr; c !!e :ns sr’ir. Ts individuai will report cireotly to the Director of Facilities Management in Mew Haven. CT and will also work directly with tenants, so must be extreme!) customer riented. Thfs position is O hours/week a’ sci’e turs woiiz:er:re. Job Respors;biiities: Resonsib!e for routine rnainteren: and repair of lilAC equipment used in commercial buildings. Perform routine maintenance and repair of plumbing, roofs, and electrical systems. life safety systems, building inspections, and building preservation. Perform work as directed by Property Manager. ..Sb reqirements are as follows: HVAC experience that also includes controls (sea Technical requirements below). Minimum of 5 years of experience in a commercial setting. Work at all Hew Haven and surroundicg area properties as needed. Willing to respond after hours. An 5-2 (or S-I) licensed technician is preferable. Knowledge of JCI BMS systems a plus. Technical requirements: Troubleshooting skills to diagnose and resolve problems involving HYAC principles. Ability to install, maintain, and repair all types of heating, cooling, air distribution end refrigeration equipment. Familiarity with MUA/RTII’s, Water source Heat pumps. digital controllers, and buiWing automation systems. Ability to perform preventative maintenance on all types of equipment including split systems, air handlers, thermostats, condensers, fans, evaporators, end Lab MUA units. Competence in HYAC test equipment gauges, meters, and measuring instruments is needed. Experience using standard HVAC hand tools, and the ability to conduct leak detection and repairs. Other requirements: Willingness to accept changes in work schedule- both temporary and permanent. Computer proflciancy- knowledge of Microsoft Office programs Communicates effectively verbally and in writing Must be local to the New Haven area as there will be times be/she i’jill be on-cell 24/7 Must have reliable transportation. Compensation/Benefits: Salary: Negotiable Health care end dental benefits Employer 401(k) matching contribution Three weeb of vacation Apply on-line - — \EW II EN REGISTER Traditional Classifieds Direct Sales Representatives Comcast New Haven. CT Job ID: 94746 Job Summery: Responsible for the promotion and sale of Con’cast products and services to include video, high ;nternet iCC€ wvf XF3siTY Hom. The rimer x.$ Si; !ast.’j reltirst ;s 3 ;%;!. :e a secei; ç Eiic tets 7fl1 zrcçrt, sna;emen: :at 5 ::c:;e ft ongoing sales o Comcast ;roducts ard services to customers within multi-dwelling units. Develops a foundational knowledge of Comcast’s products and serv;:es, improves sales skills and learns how to maximize SC.!! :r;çn eFe::.v& .snng assigiec turf. Cr’s Respcsih;izies: Dantcnstrate a srong anaerstanl:n2 21 Cr:ast rct::s. :rcn::’; a:a r $erings t: individual custoriers by knocking every door with;n assigned territory. Displays feindiarity with features, benefits, product differences, pricing, and campaigns for video, high-speed internet. nice, and XFIHIIY Home. ComTbaes a oeve!aps rapp’i hith Evaluates ndiv±isi custome,s ex’st!r; cci pceit:al ;roiuct neeos ai makes recorrneroaticns. Itreeses customer understanding of Concast preducts and pricing models as woK as competitive advantages over other service providers. Evaluates competitive offers aid frames response to show the benefits of Comcast. Pcssesses basic bowiedge of selling techniques and h,rf !cana;ement shows confidence in selling ability. Creates and executes basic sales plans with minimal assistance. Displays basic time management and organizational skills. Meets and exceeds sales goals as established by local market Under minimal supervisIon, establishes and organizes daily saes activities. Generates business through established and approved methods of lead generation. Implements effective saiss closing techniques to ensure product instailation goal is achieved. Develops and damonstrates record of success in residential canvassing sales environment with inphesis on business to consumer sales. Displays thorough understanding of video, high-speed internet voice services and XFINITY Home. - Possesses strong communication. crganizational people and customer service skills. Establishes strong technical capability (computer knowledge, billing system, databases). Must meet the physical requirements of the job including, but net limited to. the ability to wel and/or travel door-to-door for considerable distances in all types of weather candtions. W’nere applicable, obtain and maintain any credentials and/or hcenses necessary to sefl and/or design alarm systems as required by ;aw. Consistent exercise of independent judgment am discretion in matters of significance. Regular, consistent end punctual attendance. Must be able to work nights and weekends, variable schedule(s) as necessary. Other duties end responsibilities as assigned. Job Specification: High Schcol Degree or Equivalent Generally requires 0-2 years related experience. Ccmcast is an Affirmative Action/EED employer MJF/D/V Apply on-line ‘ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Also See: CommunIcatIon Technician I, Installation Snrvlca Job ID: 94750 February 10. 2015 Cable Manufacturing Technicians Butler America New Haven. CT Their shop is loading up: need 2 people 1st shift fo’ long term contract must have en AssociatE” Degree due to Union issues: ii!.s ocz’vr assure ;ntejra’ rote of a crws.on ae’csoace c: 1 spq’flh ,3r’trt.’rf” f9’ ;r— f 1 3 ’t” perfo—mance Silica cable for military ard aerospar: applications.’ Experience with laser weld;ng processe: and equipment highly desirable.’ Verify dimensions ar. clea—ences of ;arts to ersure ccnSrmance t soec ‘.cet’rs. nn; ora:is.c neestr.c: :sUmsr: ! such as mccireters &! ;eners. 5t! es etc dagree o pre:isbn worki’ Wttfl t:flF, toerarte light metalworking capability using lathes, çrinders. drii’. etc. to fabricate and modify assembly piece parts.’ (Is. mechanical tools. electrical equipment B scientifii measuring equiprent to fabricate corrclet asseiTthlie! Read :,cr c’ders manuactc”in; ;rccess strxtirz f:lows pro:ction è!J”;s ad assemb!; f sneets. end/cr re:evas verbal irstri.:ticns regarthr. duties to be performed.’ Perform R.F. and microwar electrical testing to ensure that products meet custome form. fit end function requirements.’ Assist in creatin’ and/or updating work istructions and test prz:e&res Maintain required fies: record test data asd rez’.: accurately and in the ;roper frost.’ Cunfe: w.: personnel and department supervisors report and resolve technical assembly and testin’ problems.’ Work overtime, weekends and suppor occasional shift changes to support program goals an’ delivery date. Qualifications:’ “Misaio,” ente s icdividual with strong desire tc persevere aid prea such that that the task at he’d is ecccirpl!sie. regardless of obstacles.’ Ability to work independent as well as pert of a team: A “heads on” sd-starter witi enthusiastic attitude and waft developed set of persona end work ethics.’ A strong mechanical aptitude with, firm and solid comprehension of electrical phe’re. and characteristics.’ Excelect written and verbe communications skills.’ Ability to read and irterpre documents such as safety rules, assembly, operating an: maintenance instructions, and procedure manuals. Ability to write routine reports end correspondence Excellent verbal communication skdls.’ Ability t’ apply concepts cf basic agebra and geometry Ability to apply common sense understandog to crr, c instructions furnished in tvritten. oral or diaçra forr Education Requirements: Two year engineering degre; (mechanIcal electrical or menufecturing) or relevan military or commercial experience is desirable’ Fivi or more years of experience with the manufacture maintenance or test of coaxial RF and micro*a% components. Software:’ Proficiency witn stanoard PC software such as MS Word end MS Excel. EED/AA/M/F/D/V - Appi on-line - www. lrnonster.conn) TecLi rr uU:c- EW I I. E\ 1{E(;1 :TFI Traciitionail Classifieds Meineke Automotive Technician/Mechanic 1 have been in hr. inevs since 1883 and accredited with the Bette.r Busiress Bureau since 1887. The work is very en:t iable, easy to Earn.. and training orovideri. /oH We do not accept online applications Job Requirements: to drive to the costcmers, tcbs wI) be in ur local area. C S:art aciriio onh us part-t:mc the hours and days are flexiuie and be adjusted to your needs. Full time may be available later if you are interested. 3. 18± years old, work well without supervision, help with some marketing in your area. 4. 1 cu/c hired as a service technician you will need do er vent cleannu equipment. business supplies. business cards. training. merketino supplies, and advertising. The total cost for your business supplies is three hundred and sixty five dollars. This cost is reimbursed and paid beck to you as you work. If you would like to apply call -SOD-BUS-AIDS. are also hiring cnimney cieaners and air duct cleaners. If you nave 2 years of experience and your own equipment Apply online - Job Type Full lirne/Rart lime Career Level Experienced (Non-Manager,) Education High School or equivalent Category Automotive/Repair/Maintenance Automotive Technician Job Description: Lcokng icr a great piac’e vu wary See tfcusarJs ci Auto Technicians have chosen to .vcrk LO. e offer vcmcettva conpersation excellent bono,r,s package Our actcmorie’ rooters are run aid stat/cc by prolessorals who enjuci what they do. Our automotive techs keep bus’j during the day. They diagnose customer vehicle problems, accurately prescribe the correct repairs needed, and then go about making those repairs. If you’re the type of person who likes to start somathino and see it through. maybe we re a good fit tor cacti other. What else will you do? Well, you’ll keep learning. far one tfing. We oelieve a well trained Auto Tech is a great Auto Tech so we’ll keep you up to date on new technologies and give you easy access to digital manuals and reference materials. You’ll cross-train with your team. sharing your knowledge and learvHng from each other. Safety is a priority. so we’ll make sure you’re fully traned on something before letting you loose on it. Job Requirements High School/Tech School Diploma or BED Skilled/Bertiliod in two or more automotive specialties 2± years of repair experience A valid driver’s license and a clean driving record Preferences: ‘Recent Tech/Trade School Braduate? We’d love to have ‘ou 1 Advanced education ASE Certified Your own tools A genuine love for cars and trucks it’s never work when you love what you do We recognize and appreciate that applying to work for us takes time. Thanks in advance. Please know that we take your application seriously and that we’ll respond to qualified candidates as quickly as possible, usually withir, 2-3 weeks. The application takes around 10 minutes to complete we ask you 5 questions about your experience and ask for your resume thats it! Thank you again for applying. It’s a great time to join the company. We look forward to hearing from you soon! Apply on-line * * - ?• Automotive Conter Manager oao, cw train trwv lirjnn residential ij•ryer vent cleaners :n vour area. We id Meineke - February 10, 2015 Yf. iIJJIL.L A I/lance If you are unemployed and seekinq work you should connect to services coordinated by Now Haven’s Workforce Alliance 560 Ella T. Grasso Boulevard New Haven, CT 06519 - - - :, icE iyye. Career Eec el: Manager l,Mavv. vu Sun.ervisv.r f S Education : High cyi or equivul.ent Category : Automotive/Sales/Retail’ .‘: Job Dec Automotive Center Manurer iv: Crocription: eoy..e H.u ccv viona: “Eu what 0cm,’ do. Oar manaers ‘own’ their ovation, Saies. inver. cv ry customer retention, scheduling. environrnenta comptance and nst impo.rtavt)y. safety you’ll ‘n.m charge of all of it. Trainir. g avd mciivatioo your tuvu v.n:l.l cc an cvervoav occurrer,c e. lr vo’v hip. to out ‘,‘,e -e ccd - - cOer. one :n thy Ensiness ‘wan.: al:v.o. You mar mv technV, laos o.r,d auto techs reanrvinv to you.. You’ have brand new technicians war ki no in yar shor, vi of our hopes is that you’ll help them grow their carve: with us. You’ll make sure that things are rur r,in: smoothly from the front service counter to the hook the service area, and be able to correct them: the/re not. Can coo create accurate avi ru estimates for customers? We appreciate trw as as our customers do. “ Job Requirements High School/Tech School Dy/ma or BED 3÷ years’ experience in an automotwe vera’ environment/business 3÷ years’ experience managing a team or staff Preferencem For you to be an exceptional listever via cc.n,municatsr Sales Experience *An old school work etwc two sot a 0-5 t’.r.o vi an Strong computer nov Interret stirs Po:nt-cf-sole and viectrcno meow lhe strongest possible customer service skAs A genuine lava for oars and trucks it’s never when you love what you do We recognize and appreciate applying to vvorlr lv us takes time. Thanks in advance. Please know t.hat take your application seriously and that we’ll to r.umifed oandwate’s as qwc a us puss. “C. wichin -3 weeks. ne. a’ppoovtioo cares minutes to complete we ack you b qucsccr: ccv.. your experience and ask fur c’cur resume tax: Thank you aga:n for applying It’s a great ore vu the company. We look forward to hearing from in soonf * - - — - - Apply on-line - A fresh start for your caieer by SUSan OiyUflL, Nton.cter Ctrnthbithin Writer What do you need to do to find the kind of enjoyment or progress you want in your career? Joel Garfinkle, founder of Dream Job Coaching, a con sulting firm specializing in per sonal fulfillment and professional transformation based in Oakland, California, offers these suggestions. ments to your resume, which you should be updating regularly. CULTIVATE FRiENDSHIPS AT WGRX Your coworkers can under stand and appreciate what life is [Ike in your office better than anyone else. Take the dine to develop friendly relationships with them. You’ll benefit per sonally and professionally from OETThlIllE WlllCI ASPECTS the time you invest in getting to CF YOUR JOS YOU UXE know them. Then find a way to do more SEE THE BIG PICTURE AND ThE of whatever that is. When you LlTflE PICTURES are engrossed in a project you What is the big picture— like, your workday will be ener vision—for your overall your gizing rather than draining. You may also find that the tasks you professional life? Now what are the small daily steps or little enjoy are the same ones a coworker or boss dislikes. Find pictures that will get you there? out if you can work out a win- Make a small goal, like joining a professional organization or win situation. finding a mentor—something hARM FROM THE BEST you can accomplish today, AROIJNO YOU MAKE SURE YOWRE 011 Who in your office seems to ThE REGHTPATH really enjoy—and excel—at their work? What can you learn Are you really doing what from them? People who like you want to do? Does what you coming to work radiate positive think you should be doing energy, and their spirit can be interfere with what you want to infectious. Let the energy rub be doing? None of the above off on you. suggestions will work if your career isn’t aligned with your OETERflNE YOUR true interests, personality traits CAREER SIGNATURE and natural abilities. If a career If you had to write down one assessment is in order, make statement that would encom this your first priority. pass who you are (or want to Copyright 2014 Monster be) professionally and personal Worldwide, inc. All Rights ly, what would it say? Take Reserved. You may not copy, some time to clarify your reproduce or distribute this article unique signature, and use this wirhaut the prior written permis statement as a guiding force in sion of Monster Worldwide. This pursuing what you want to do article first appeared on Monster, and whom you want to be. corn. To see other career-related RECOGNIZE WHAT YOU CAll articles, visit http://career-ativice. A3O CA14OT CONTROL For recruitment - Write down the things that stress you out at work. Circle the ones you have control over, and cross out the ones you don’t. Vow to stop spending energy on the crossed-out items redirect your energy on finding solutions to the problems you can change. articles, visit http:4/hiring. rnon sier. com,’hr/hr-besr-pracrices. aspx. DO THE JOB ABOVE YOUR CURRENT osmo Offer to take on some of the responsibilities in the position just above you. Becoming famil iar with that role makes you an obvious choice for future pro motion. ACCOMPUSH PROJECTS ThAT DIRECTLY AFFECT YOUR RESUME When taking on new proj ects, try to select those that will most likely benefit you. Be sure to quantify the results of your work and add these accomplish- How to Effectively Market Yourself for a Job When You’ve Been Long-Term Unemployed For most peonle losing ajob is a devastating experience. Not finding one right avvay is even more discouraging, but the sooner you get started looking and the more dedicated you are, the more likely your search will be a positive experience The SoDety for Human Resource Management (SHRM) is the largest HR association in the world, with more than 275,000 mc.nsbc‘rs. Our members, HR professionais in organizations representing all sizes and industries, re.cognize that as a rc suit of the y ars-long e conomic downturn, an unprecedented number of Americans have been unemployed for six months or more. We’ are c‘ciucating our members on how to review their organization’.s hiring procedures to ensure they do not intentionally or inadvertc ntiy givc’ less consideration to certain job candidates based solely on their unemployment status. Neverthc ess, having a resume with gaps in work history can pose a challenge for the job seeker. This challenge is not insurmountable, and .SHRM members offer the following advice to help you, as ajob seeker, put your best foot forward. Step 1: Approach your job search as though it WERE your job Devote time— up to eight hours a day—to finding ajob. Set a schedule with daily tasks in order to establish a structured routine. Having a schedule makes people more efficient, Giving yourself a deadline by, say, blocking off 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. to work on an application or make your calls is better than saying you’ll get around to it as soon as you can. Try to maintain a flexible attitude, and project a willingness to learn. Your old joly/career may not exist anymore, so you may need to develop nevv skills or apply the old ones in a different way. if you are feeling stuck, seek out groups of people who are in the same situation. Many community centers, religious entities and other organizations host meetings for job seekers. It may help you to discuss your efforts with others. Step 2: Stay active by engaging in productive activities Find activities to show that you are still engaged in your community and focused on gaining ski Is and qualifications. Activities also fill time on your resume, showing employers that you haven’t been stagnant since you leff your previous position. • Personal Development or Professional Development Classes at a community college, university or training program can keep you up-to-date with technology and other trends in your field so that you’ll be informed when you do go on interviews or even chat informally with employers. Many educational institutions have career centers with well-connected advisors who know what employers are looking for and who is hiring. Consider a training program or temporary position, offered by many employers. Short-term positions give you a chance to test-drive a specific job or company. Development Through Volunteer Engagement Volunteering can involve much more than planting trees and painting buildings; it’s also a great way to learn new skills. You can design a website, organize an event, write letters on behalf of the organization or have any variety of other responsibilities. Volunteering can give you exposure to a new field or allow you to try out a new career. Volunteering at a specific organization you want to work for is an excellent way to get your foot in the door and make a notable first impression. If you can show you are a valuable and effective volunteer, employers will think you may make a valuable and effective employee. Volunteering enables you to expand your network. By working on a cause you are passionate about, you will meet likeminded people, some of whom may be able to help with your job search. Volunteering is a fun and valuable way to break up the monotony and provide you with an anchor while you 1001< for a job. It can also provide a sense of accomplishment. Step 3: Update and revise your resume Understand the online application process before submitting your resume. Applying for ajob today requires that you tailor your resume to the specific position. Before submitting your resume, make sure it contains some of the key words that are outlined in the job description. Use terms that apply to the specific job and/or industry. Sprinkling in newer terms can show that you’re current with the technology and other trends of the field. Include accomplishments—both at work and outside of it—so employers can see how you’ve done, notjust what you’ve done. Quantii your experiences. Use numbers to communicate changes or improvements you have made over a specific period. Examples include quantitative gains in production or performance, notable customer satisfaction, greater organizational performance, cost reductions or cost avoidance. Include legitimate volunteer or nontraditional work experience, to eliminate or decrease any gaps in employment. If your formal education occurred more than 10 years ago, consider taking dates off and adding other training or education you have obtained since then. Step 4: Network, network, network Networking is still the most effective way to find out aboutjobs. Prepare your “elevator speech,” in which you describe your skills and career goals in two minutes. Preparing ahead helps you take advantage of opportunities to talk, at a moment’s notice, with someone who may be in a position to help you. • Reach out to family, friends, neighbors and associates. Use your connections to your advantage. The more people you know, the better your chances of finding and landing a job. Talk with your previous employers and co-workers. People who have seen you at work before and are in your field of experience can be the best people to know. Seek out community groups for assistance, including those for unemployed people, who help one another with leads, references and other support. Programs, both formal and informal, have started in communities nationwide, lf you can’t find a group in your community, start one. With nearly a quarter of Americans laid off at some point beca use of the recession, you do not have to be alone in your search. Be willing to help others in your groups. Paying it forward can be of great benefit when your colleagues get settled in a new role. Not only will it help you, but it looks great to businesses if you let them know you started a group or are active in one that helps people in the community. • Use online sites, including Linkedln. If you don’t have a Linkedin profile, create one. Employers use this site to look for new talent so make sure your profile contains keyvvords that are relevant to jobs that interest you. Use the search function on Linkedln to find profiles of people seeking positions similar to what you are interested in pursuing Then use these profiles as templates to modity your profile. See what companies your connections and their connections have worked for, Those who worked at a company a few years ago likely still know people who work there. Join groups that apply to you. Many industries, regions and even companies have their own pages. These are a great source of information and a way to keep current with what’s happening in a particular field. • Reach out to employers that interest you. Many companies host open houses or exhibitions to showcase their work. If it looks interesting to you, check it out. Ask questions and make some contacts, too. If you want to talk with someone at an organization, go for it. Reach out to a firm you have great interest in and ask to come in and learn more about it. Don’t mention employment in the first conversation. A good first impression can lead to that important referral or helpful information. Look for local nonprofit or government organizations that can help you with your job search. Never pay an organization to find you a job—most likely it is not a legitimate business. Take advantage of the services that government-funded Career One Stop centers offer. These centers provide free assistance to job seekers. More information is available at httpy/ Learn about local nonprofit organizations serving the long-term unemployed. The programs are as varied as the communities they serve and can be researched online. Step 5: Become More Technologically Proficient It’s no secret that many employers look up their applicants online. While most people know to keep offensive pictures and posts off Facebook, you can take this a step further by creating a brand for yourself. Use Linkedln as your primary tool, but learn more about how to effectively use Twitter and Facebook as a means of “branding yourself.” Social networks are an excellent way to interact with potential employers. Sharing information via a status update on Linkedln or re-tweeting or tweeting at an employer or sending messages on Facebook with relevant information can get you noticed. Scanning blogs on relevant topics allows you to stay up-to-date with the industry and hear different perspectives. Commenting on blogs and engaging with their authors are other valuable methods of gaining contacts in the field. Joining listserves is a great way to crowdsource your information gathering. People often mention opportunities they heard of or topics they think are worth sharing. Although it’s efficient to comb through the larger online job boards, it’s worth noting that many listings receive hundreds of applicants. One way to find less visible opportunities is to research what companies you might like to work for and search their sites for vacancies. It takes longer to do this, but you mayjust find that perfect under-the-radar opportunity. Following up your application with a message to the company contact person further enhances your potential of being noticed. If you need help in navigating the world of computers or even getting access to a computer consider a local library. Most libraries have computers available to the public, and some offer free resources like classes or coaching. Career One-Stops also offer classes and computers for public use. Step 6: Prepare for your future interview Get fit by exercising and eating right. When you feel good you will come across well in an interview. Consider how you look. A good haircut and neat, clean business attire are a way to say “I respect myself.” You don’t have to buy expensive suits if you don’t have the budget; just scour the resale shops, and make sure the clothes fit and are clean and ironed. Address gaps in your resume’s work history upfront. Offering an explanation prevents a potential employer from making assumptions that may be incorrect. Similarly, take the opportunity to address any possible concerns about your being overqualified for the position. When a candidate raises the issue, this can help put an employer’s mind at ease. Never underestimate the value of a handwritten note. Send one to each person who takes time to meet with you in an interview or with whom you have a key networking conversation. In a high-tech world, the high-touch approach always gets noticed. Online Resource for the Job Seeker —SHRM developed this webpage to house information about workforce readiness and long term unemployment, Information on this site can give you a better understanding of how HR professionals view these issues. 5; Qwestions Every Candidate 51iId Ask in. a Job nte’w rft MLrnsfcr con For many job seekers, the”Do you have any questions for me?” portion of an interview signals the end is near. It’s tempting to just sav”no” and get out of the hot seat as quickly as possible, hut fight that urge. Asking questions shows the interviewer you were listening while they were talking, con veys your interest in the com pany and helps you decide if it’s where you want to work. After all, interviews are a two way street the hiring team decides whether you’re what they want in an employee, and you decide if the company culture and specific role are where you want to devote your time and energy for the foreseeable future. -- !ere are five esientIai ques tions yoi should ask in a job interview. 1 “how dn you define uc ce for this job?” This question helps you get a clear understanding of what the job entails and the expéc tations the company will have for you in it, says John Crossman, president of real estate management firm Crossman & Company. For example, if you’re apply ing for a sales position, an answer to this question might be that you acquire 10 new cli ents in the next 90 days. It may also he that you upsell current custot’ners by 25 per cent over 90 days. As a candi date, you’ll want to know whether you’ll be cold-calling prospects or focusing on exist ing customers before you make your decision, 2. Søinethb spedflc about the organization It’s always a great idea to ask a question that shiws ‘mu did your research before the inter view says Chris Delaney, author of”Thc 73 Rules of influencing the Interview” He recommends building rapport and showcasing your research skills with a technique he calls “share expertise. ask ques tion.” His example: “1 recently read that the organization is look ing to break into Europe. What do you foresee as the main barrier with this proj ect?” 3. “Can I have a quick tour?” See also:”Can I meet some people I’d he working with?” Both questions will get you out of the interview room and allow you to get a better look at the office. This will give you a chance to gauge co-worker interaction, workspace design (lighting, noise level, cleanli ness) and the denartment as a whole, says Michelle Corner, practice area leader and vice president at the Mescina Group, a staffing consulting firm. “If the interviewer responds that they love how they can make their yoga class each night and log hack onto work from home if needed, then you know the company takes work-life balance seriously,” she explains. 5/’Do you see any reason J tnight not be is good t for this position?” It may seem counterintuitive to inquire about your poten tial flaws during an intervie hut it’s actually a great thing to bring up at the end of the interview says Morgan Nich ols, managig partrer at Chi cago-based recruiting and staffing firm Torrev & Gray. “This gives you an opportuni tv to know that the interview er is thinking about you and gives you a last chance to clar ifv any misconceptions they may have or elaborate furthe on something important.” Requesting a tour or a quick infroduction to potential co workers also”signals to the interviewer that a candidate is taking a vested interest in the position,” she says. 4, “What is your favorite part about working here?” “Companies, like job candi dates, are putting their best foot forward during the inter view process, often highlight ing all of their corporate perks. By asking every person you interview with what they like best about working at the company you’ll get a better sense of the perks that people regularly experience versus the perks that live only on paper,” explains Sherry Dixon, a senior vice president at Adecco Staffing US. •1 I I ;m •\ L_ ‘ I - - f .s . (. Catize’ne - - _) ‘‘ oniar’. .b .‘ -,‘ ‘ - learn more than the s-pocfied re! descnpton. I L trtI’ I ID’ C FPt: OPP.fETtit0mES Th.ere are lots of advantages iOV.flr .1 YOU’LL GJU EXPfRiEiC FAST to at a small husL With every e.mpiovee invest hessi.f you have what it ta.kes, Life at a small business is in the company’s success, ed You need to he ready for anv fast-moving. If you’re a hard t.hin.g and willing to use a varY the payoff can be sizeabte, revs worker and a quick learner, 5tv of skills, but workin for a von!! get new opvnrnitie on Chris Sn nieow of l,.oVeF’eof-rOo 1” maH buonoss can hc a rc’,zular basis and gain valu p von n t q. em t “ash erluirwee rr”esrt a lot of big ah!e experience fast, t, 0!.Consider these ix powr1mul “Ar, entry-level pocitton in a reb” Pro’ reisons to aripiv for a nb at a small business is pure cold for a 100 r’ mows, it’s easier to reap i..ho smaI.l business. recent college gradua.te, espw ciali if he or s.he is not e.nti.rely monetary rewards. At th. curYOU’lL REALLY MAUER sure what’they want to do with p0-rate giants, ou’re just anoth Small businesses offer em cog in t.he ma ;, who cm.n their career,” says consultant employees an opportunity to he Alfred Poor. Small o, oveclook’ b ustness o1çrc than a cog in a massive red! make it much easier to he organreat”rv-,! macbin” With dnectlv involved with more ewer people on hoard. even’ esects of the company’s opera one gems to do more and have a tions. In a corporate setting, greater say in how things get von may get walled off in a sin n’r.’ ocr o’- .rcfla ynr .‘re.r done. gle department, but the lack-of- itatbcut the ruse u-utter JrrTrTt5“Have your voice heard. Crc all-trades’ requirements of most 515111 of World ode. ThI’s ate an impact. Learn more small businesses will give you r..rmtcle first appeared on. Adsrter about more’ says Michelle Geib more exposure to a cr.’ro. To we other career-red’4 larger van “f Xperience Rws, “These are etv of tasks.” a dir’s, 0150 iorr ‘so rrer ust a iw nf the reasons why Yr!UU L41fP TO ron st work a small busmess. When it comes to Young startups often find unabtative impact and personal themselves in crisis mode. hare growth, the ability for employ ing to deal wh tight deadlines, ees to have their opinions heard small budgets, and lots of com and implemented can be more peting demands on their time than s paycheck at arid resources. Getting experi times.” ence in this sort of environment can pay off for the rest 01 your ‘ffltJ’ L egi rrr career. When van work with a “Working in the small-bust p”or!e. von oet more ness world ‘rams empk’vees to aee time ith each ot tfl.cua— work or-nh limted resources inc.luding tt:le big boss. You get and timeljnes,” says consultant to learn from the top,” says Doug Mitch.e!l. “No m.attem Mayer Dahan of Da.han Proper- where..vou go during your nec Small hucinecqos eric careen you’ll exude ‘get er c!os.elV toget.hc.r and von have a done’” chance to le mi valuable lessons !P YftJLL [T irnOtiv mnmn veer buss. 1 ntpmu’ui.t ! ITT FS’t Cart DeCirdia. director jrp c!ovr!rspment a the ‘Small businesses rend to ‘.:ijOv1l AutCm Network, mr’rca nimble, and. can make agrees, “One of the main ben.e— adjustments based on a ms.’o rk fits is being ah.le to work closely er’s ski.Hs s.nd a.ptitudes than a with the creator of the la.rger corporation might l.e able nv, It takes a per .rn with ma.riy to. d.c.,” Poor revs, “As a result, skii.I sets to create a cmm.r.nv ou may fjd yourself being given mcrro r’sponsihihtv lOst eon c-new enplqr’eq, and optaortii!rt!r’ oem rimticbl’,’ri,. ‘‘ertonit to sm.’!l c”mm.- a’ Vtt1 — r,,,r’.s,,s,Ot,’ s’ br oon of or : 4 http; 4- ‘red towori Ready To Work Program summery On October 15, 2014, the US. Department of Labor announced $169,771,960 in grants to expedite the employment of Americans struggling with long-term unemployment. The grants are part of the Ready to Work Partnership (Ready To Work) initiative to support and scale innovative collaborations between employers, nonprofit organizations and federal job training programs to help connect ready-to-work Americans with ready-to-be-filled jobs. (in CT $12 million) - This program responds to the President’s call to action to support and expand public-private partnerships that are helping long-term unemployed individuals get back to work. The Ready To Work grant program vvill provide those experiencing long-term unemployment with a range of training and supportive and specialized services leading to rapid employment in middle and high-skilled jobs. Ready To Work projects are built around a comprehensive, up-front assessment of long-term unemployed individuals needs and skills, resulting in customized interventions across three tracks: 1) intensive coaching and other short-term, specialized services culminating in directjob placement into middle and high-skilled jobs; 2) short-term interventions leading to employment into middle and high-skilled jobs; and 3) accelerated skills training along a career pathway to middle and high skilled jobs. Projects incorporate work-based training models with earning components for long-term unemployed workers through models such as on-the-job training (OJT), paid work experience, paid internships, and Registered Apprenticeships. These programs also include tangible commitments from employers and other partners to provide employment opportunities, technical skills training, and on-the-job training and other paid work experience for H-i B occupations, while also addressing the barriers, income needs, and supportive service needs unique to long-term unemployed workers. To find out more about opportunities for you - in the New Haven area Workforce A/liance Main Office New Haven: 560 E//a T. Grasso Blvd. I Phone; 203.867.4030 Voice/TDD 203-624-1493 x258 CT Works Career Centers Hamden: 37 Marne Street { Phone: 203.859.3200 Meriden: 85 West Main Street I Phone; 203.238.3688 New Haven: 560 Ella T. Grasso Blvd. I Phone: 203.867.4030 Emai/: info@workforcea/ http://wwwworkforcealliance. biz/ — contact: WORKFORCE INVESTMENT ACT What is WIA? ‘WIA” stands for the “Workforce Investment Act.” This legislation, passed by Congress in 1998, provides federal funds for employment and training assistance. WIA services help people improve their opportunities for getting a job, increase their wages, and provides money for job skills training. The WIA program is administered by a Workforce Investment Boards (or WIB) in each region of CT. WIA procedures vary depending on the region of the state in which a person lives. But the basic procedure is: • Contact a CT Works office and tell staff that you interested in WIA training. • You will be scheduled for a WIA orientation/overview session. After the WIA orientation/overview session, you will be scheduled for another meeting to see whether you are eligible for WIA, For adults, WIA funds are divided into 2 categories. If you meet the requirements of one of these categories, you are eligible. Adult have low income and lack job skills that are currently in demand, or Dislocated Worker have been or will be laid off because of the current economic situation (as opposed to leaving a job for personal reasons) and need job skills that are currently in demand. — — If you are eligible, a case manager will review training options with you. Please note that WIA funds are limited. Even if you are eligible, training funds are not guaranteed Get Started — visit a CT Works Office or go to: wwwworkforceaIIiance. bz I J 4— 3< P ‘ 1< <hA H <3< // < <<- < H 4d 3<< 1 $iH:n 1 < 1 [ - << <Al <3< Ai 1 1< 1< P < I r <3< 1<3<1 1 < VJ a rksh op 12 <dl ‘$1<i 1 A. 1%ic <<< j< <dF P1< —< ‘l< ii. hd 3< q 1<2 1< 11 - <2 1 12 r 12< I P ait 4sa11 11< IF 2< <$<t’< < r ii <2< 1<P_ I <3 <<< <1< ; 1 << I. < << 21 I 2 1<<<<<< 211< 2 <3 < <<Id <“‘F<< 3< <<3< <3 1 << na,aa.etaL aii 1 << << F <2 Cl’ 1< 3< <<e2 < <2 i<i <<<<1 F I <P c A 1 <<3 1< F < / < < <-3 3< <hi< — 2< 1 211 - 3< ,1 I << J <1< 3< P 1< I ‘ pA < 4< - < 1 11 A 21 2 I. < 1 1 4<3<’ 1,3< 3< 33 3< < <2 eisa Open 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Hamden 37 Marne Street Hamden (203) 859-3200 New Haven 560 Ella T. Grasso Blvd. (203) 624-1493 Open 8:30 am. to 6:00 p.m. Monday & Wednesday. 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. LOCATIONS Thur starting pointfor getting ready and back to_workH 3< V •< — 3 a adaa ass a CTDQL - WothbireA//ince — CT Works i <<<3< F 3<21 <d<s% 1<3<3< t 3< < 3< ,<< 3< !< •3 1< <3<3< 3 Cc 3< PA <3<< Rides ToWrk Rides To Work Gets You To Job Interviews Congratulations. You have a job interview at a business in another town, How are you going to get there? Check out RTW. — The road to employment starts with an interview. Today’s jobs are often many miles away from where people live. RTW may provide transportation to job interviews or job fairs, across town or 30 miles away. In many cases, the job fairs are on-site at employers that also have regular transportation available for workers. 560 Ella T. Grasso Blvd, New Haven, CT 06519 T: 203-867-4030 x245, F: 203-562-1106, E: The Workforce Alliance and the CT Department of Labor often arrange on-site job fairs at an employer’s location. Job fairs are a big help for employers. Reading your resume is not enough; employers must meet and interview job-seekers. Job fairs save employers time and money, and increase your chances of landing a good job. The RTW Auto Emergency Fund Car repair bills and the rising cost of insurance can take a big chunk out of a paycheck. Sometimes, it’s just too much. The RTW Auto Emergency Fund offers one-time grants up to $600 to help you keep your car on the road. Use it for repairs, registration or driver’s license fees, or to pay car insurance. Don’t let a bump in the road keep you from getting to work. - Start Right Don’t let the cost of commuting keep you from taking a job. Try “Job Starter”, the RTW program that provides free transportation for your first month of employment. “Job Starter” gives you time to catch up and begin affording the commute. — Eligible employees can also get ongoing subsidized shuttle bus service to jobs on heavily traveled routes along the shoreline from Milford to Old Saybrook. Who Can Get A Ride? Rides to Work serves eligible low-income residents in South Central Connecticut. Do you see yourself? I am on public assistance I am not on public assistance, but I support minor children Areas Served The South Central region of Connecticut ranges from the cities of New Haven, Meriden and Middletown to the suburban areas of Milford, Derby, Hamden, West Haven, Orange, East Haven, Branford, Guilford, Madison, Westbrook and Old Saybrook. The region divides between the two large urban areas of New Haven and Meriden. Rides to Work has developed specific projects for many of the cities and towns throughout the region. Some of the projects connect city to city or include the entire region. New Haven Greater New Haven Transit District Donna Carter, Executive Director 203-288-6282 Middletown, Meriden Middletown Transit District Thomas Cheeseman, Administrator 860-346-0212 www.cityof middletown/Transit/transit.htm Milford Milford Transit District Henry Jadach, Executive Director 203-874-4507 W rkiorce AIqe Rides ToW rk Ex-Offenders Programs The Workforce Alliance supports four CiWorks Career Centers, providing services for job seekersand employers within the South Central Connecticut region. There are 20 CTWorks Car€er Centers, statewide. Job development job fairs have the people you need, Workforce Alliance offers an array of job development services to employees looking for jobs and careers, through our employee services professionals at the four CTWorks Career Centers. Job Fairs can be a great source of information. Cck here to for Information on upcoming job fairs. Job-seekers can visit our computer lab, workshops or make an appointment to meet with an employment specialist, who may suggest training opportunities. If you are looking for the ideal job or help with writing a cover letter check out our career resource library. - The Job & Career ConneCTion is a good tool for students, teachers, counselors, job developers, job seekers, and anyone who wants complete information on jobs and careers. The Job & Career ConneCTion also provides help in writing a résumé, getting through the job interview, and finding day care for your children. CTWorks’ Jobs First Employment Services (JFES) offers employers the opportunity to hire eligible participants for 16 weeks of employment at no charge. Employees are paid $8 per hour for up to 20 hours work per week during the program. Learn More The CTWorks Career Centers are operated by HRA, Inc. The CTWorks Career Center in New Haven is open Monday and Wednesday from 8:30 am. until 6:30 p.m. and on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. CTWorks in Hamden, Middletown and Meriden are open from 8:30 am. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Workforce Alliance Main Office New Haven; 560 Ella T. Grasso Blvd. Phone: 203.867.4030 I Voice/TDD 203-624-1493 x258 CT Works Career Centers Hamden: 37 Marne Street I Phone: 203.859.3200 Meriden: 85 West Main Street Phone: 2032383688 Middletown: 645 South Main Street I Phone: 860.754-5030 New Haven: 560 Ella T. Grasso Blvd. Phone; 203.867.4030 Email: http://www.workforcealliance. bizl Supplemental N utrition Assistance Program Putting Healthy Food Within Reach Employment and Training Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly known as Food Stamps) recipients throughout Connecticut may be eligible to participate in an Employment and Training Program. The Employment and Training program was created by Congress in 1987 as a means to assist able-bodied clients in obtaining employment. From the start, the purpose of the Employment and Training program has been to help SNAP households gain skills that will increase self-sufficiency. States are allowed flexibility in designing and operating their Employment and Training programs. If you are receiving SNAP in Connecticut, and not receiving financial assistance from the Temporary Family Assistance program, you may be eligible to participate in one of the following activities; English as a Second Language, General Equivalency Diploma, Adult Basic Education, Work Experience or Structured Job Search Skill Training. The Connecticut Employment and Training program also offers short term vocational programs at several area colleges and nonprofit providers. DSS has currently partnered with ten organizations to provide these Employment and Training program services. They are: 1. Career Resources Bridgeport 203-610-8677 2. Community Renewal Team Hartford 860-560-5765 3. Eastern CT Workforce Investment Board Franklin 860-859-4 100 ext. 22 4. The Kennedy Center Waterbury 203-365-8522 ext. 239 5. Capital Community College Hartford 860-905-5029 6. Opportunities Industrialization Center New London 860-447-1731 7. Gateway Community College New Haven 203-285-2408 8. Asnuntuck Community College Enfield 860-253-3128 East Hartford 860-727-6793 New Haven 203-624-1493 x270 9. Goodwin College 10. Workforce Alliance All nine have entered into agreements with DSS to help eligible SNAP recipients gain the skills they need to find employment in the current job market, All ten do their own recruiting and will be happy to discuss their programs with Connecticut SNAP recipients. Interested persons do not need to live in the town where the services are provided and may self-initiate at any location. For information on the E&T program, go to the Employment & Training www.fns. usda .gov/sna p/rules! Memo/Support/employment-training.htm content Last Modified on 5/12/20 I 4 12:32:13 PM CAREER i;..rt RESCURCES Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Employment & Training Orientation and Informational Workshop Do you need help finding a job? Do you need training for a new career? If so, we are here to help you. The Department of Social Services encourages all working age SNAP participants to seek jobs that provide financial self-sufficiency. To find out how Career Resources, Inc. (CR1) can help, you are invited to attend the SNAP Employment & Training Orientation and Informational Workshop. CR1 is offering several opportunities to eligible SNAP recipients so that you can gain skills, training or experience that will increase your employment prospects and jumpstart your career. During the orientation, you will learn how we can help you to: Improve your ability to obtain regular employment where you can grow Increase your income earnings to better provide for yourself and your family Identify the different types of employment activities you can get involved in...for free Understand what you must do to remain eligible to take advantage of our program and services If you are interested in attending an orientation, please call for information regarding our upcoming workshops We look forward to seeing you at the orientation!1 Jessica Cardenas, SNAP E&T Program Coordinator (203) 624-1493 ext 270 WhoI is ACE? Certified Nurse Able ACE cdoce eo nc Co nechons to E:no oyr eny gives students us e ooyortun:ty so a::end career yreoa.ration oroarams at Gateway Conm.munstv Coiieoe and move quickly nto employment. • By combi ni•na use basic skills wt technical training, students are barter preymed to continue their education, • Panen: care cnn cas earn trom 14.5W $22 per flour. • Work n ospea’s, heAth care faohhes and laboratones, Yale New Haw n Hospital, Quest Diagnostics, Montowese Health Center ann dozens of others. Cer: bec N,w Ades .aom as par: a ‘nrs.:.n team, renomnounal signs, m yell as di:’ec: oakent con tact assistin. daily activffes, sncb as na:hino, oak ‘a ano eaun. Results: • Certi.fications that provide the credentials you need to succeed. • More skills mean more opportunities, and more pay. Requirements: • All three classes and clinical rotatons are required to earn Patient Care Technician Certification. • High School diploma or GED; reading and math assessments, background checks and drug screening. EKC Tehlflddll Students will leam to perform th.e test that provides information about the patent’s teart mythrn and’ heart rate. EKG (electrocardicgramt Tech n. cians record the patient’s h.eart rate, maintain and process reports and keep the equipment clean. Phiebotoffly Techniuan The Phlebotomy Technician collects blood samples for lab analysis and maintains reports. The program offers intensive training including classroom, laboratory and clinical work. , Classes run from April 13 to June 19, 2015 Application deadline March 13, 2015. I / Classes Begin Soon! Contact Now for More Information. Contact: Ralph Wright, Career Navigator, at 203-6241493 x243 or at RWright.CTWBS@ctgov s naecl ‘y me U.S. Deoartnm I 1 Fou’ma’c a i’r e E. Case www.workforceaIIlane.bIz Professional Food & Beverage Server TRAINING AND INTERNSHIP DidYou Know? A professional server has the opporturnty for unlimited income, flexible hours, and a job that offers career advancement What You Get About the program • To train in a field where personnel can expect to earn $15-$20+ an hour • l-1andson work experience such as customer service, professionalism, Point of Sales, styles of service, etc. • Two national certifications, ServSafe Food Handle? and ServSafe A]cohol Through the Accelerating Connections to Employment (ACE) Grant, Gateway students can gain work experience while taking a career preparation program in front of the house service. ‘Ihe program lasts 10 weeks (8 in the classroom and 2 in the internship). Offered through CT Works; funded by the US. Department of Labor and the Anme E. Casey Foundation. Requirements • Desire to learn in a fastpaced, hospitality! service environment • Respond positively to feedback from a mentor/supervisor • Reading, math and occupational readiness assessments • Background check • High school diploma or GED Sign up now’ Participants will be selected by lottery only 20 seats are available — W’WKS Contact For more information contact Ralph Wright, CT Works, at or Erika Lynch at Gateway Community Colleges The GREAT Center at elynch?gatewayctedu or call t 203 28R-2 302. For more information visit workforceafliance.hiz or Onentations for CHW and our other no cost training programs are held every Monday and Wednesday at 930am in Room N102 at Gateway Community College, 20 Church St, New Haven No reservation needed’ About the program Community College students have the opportunity to attend career A Community Health Worker (CHW) complements clinically-trained health care teams comprised of physicians, physician assistants, and nurses, among others. CHWs carry out a broad range of responsibilities that facilitate access to health care services and that support patients achieve goals in their care plans. Examples include: preparation programs at Gateway and move quickly into employment ACE is funded by the US Department of Labor and Annie E Casey Foundation • Positivel connecting to the community Acceptance into this program is not guaranteed. Participants will be selected by lottery. • Helping others find access to health care and social services • Managing cases and coordinating care Contact • Delivering home-based support services Ralph Wright CT Works (203) 624-1493 x 243 rwright.ctwbs@ • Coaching and promoting good health Bi-lingual speakers are encouraged to apph Visit or for more information. Gateway I 11 g Juliana Castillo The GREAT Center at Gateway (203) 285-2298 jcastillo@gatewayct edu _‘.‘ Emp% ‘.1 E JE U a ‘s, ()a N % . Z/ (j\ V C 3% N E W HAVE N N 0 R KS (f.t3) 5(—9Ot)() jj; — igjp ‘wlaa\ ,.‘In; Prksj!.pe1AI w’.on ABOUT NEW HAVEN WORKS In Jaiuaiy 201Z the New Haven Board of Akiermen created a Jobs Pipeline Working Group to investigate solutions for New Haens unemployment aid wider-employment and regional employers’ n for well-trained job applicants. The Working Group. which included individuals representing the business and institutional community labor. elected leaders. city officials, foundations. the wo,kforce system, tin- and under-employed residents, and youth, advocated for a new program caVed ajq Haven Works’ that would pastier with employers, sesvice providers and the wvikforce system to match qualified New Haven residents to regionaljob oppoitunities. New Haven Works seeks to grow the local economy and improve economic stability in all communities by providing employers with a trained and qualified woskforce and connecting residents to goodjobs. Established in October2012. New Haven Works is governed by an independent board of directors. and will be funded by public and private sources. New Haven Works opened an office at 205 WhitneyAvenue —just one yearaftertheflrstconvenhigoftheBoardofAkiemiesü WoikingGroupl Established in October 2012, New Haven Works seeks to grow the local economy and improve economic stability in all communities by providing employers with a trained and qualified workforce and connecting residents to good jobs. More economic security for New Haven families means... Regular paychecks that flow back into the local economy and support small businesses Access to healthcare, which reduces overall healthcare costs!emergency room visits Better educational outcomes Reduction in crime and violence Access for businesses to a trained, qualified, skilled local workforce means... Attracting new businesses in technology, manufacturing, bio-sciences, and healthcare A stable employment base and lower tumover, recruitment, and training costs A new vision of corporate citizenship and community involvement for local businesses— contributing to a safer, more economically stable city while meeting workforce needs CONTACT US st 205 Whitney Avenue, 1 floor, New Haven 06511 (203) 562 9000 — NEW HAVEN WORKS BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jcre Perez CHAJR OF NHP4 PRESIDENT NEWHA YEN BOARD OFALDERMEN Bob Thtto PRESIDENJ CENTRAL LABOR COUNCIL Denzel Walker YOLJTR HILLHOUSE HIGH SCHOOL Tori Harp MAYOR CITY OF NEWHAYEN Wise Alexander YALE UNIVERSITY Desi Kefly COMMUNIfl’REPRESENTAlTVE Jim Tugerson LIlt. HOLDINGS CORP. Joey Rodriguez SMALL BUSINESSES OMIER Laurie Nen&ngton PRESIDENT LOCAL 34, UNITE HERE AT VALE Tony Rescigno CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Wncent Pebbi YALE NEWHAYEN HOSPITAL Want to expunge an old record? Want to learn more about Connecticut’s pardon system? Come to a Free Pardons Information Session Generally held on Wednesday Evenings Intro to Connecticut Pardons One-on-One Pardon Assistance Held at New Haven City Hall 165 Church Street Meeting Room 1 on 2 floor - Attend one or both sessions for help completing your pardon application. Volunteers will be available to provide one-on-one, informal assistance with pardons applications. To find out about the next scheduled session call (203)946-7821 Or e-mail: 4, Jj or (203)946-7175 cjacksonseentry@gmaiLcom Project Fresh Start CityofNewHaven Tori, N Harp, Mayor 2008 I i: - I 4 ij ‘4) & — %_ If you have a library card or resident ID card - The New Haven Free Public Library invites you to browse our pages and v/sit our branches for a world of knowledge and information at your fingertips. Through its collection, media, services and programs, the library promotes literacy, reading, personal development and cultural Ives (main branch) - 133 Elm Street (203) 946 - 8130 indprtnr1inr1 fi’)r th inrIivfr1,j1 nd thc cnmmi,nifj t l,mc http ://www. cityofn ewha yen, corn/Library! Find interactive career planning and job search assistance through the library’s website: F ., —.— _- — I S ( _J I I ..J 1_ j J J I -‘ Found under the ‘Databases” section of their site. Career Cruisina is an interactive career resource designed for people of all ages. Explore different career options and plan future education and training. Career Cruising is available online from your home or office computer as well as at any library computer. Please call Business, Job and Nonprofit Services at the Main Library (203) 946-7431 for more in formation and details. - Found RI thR hnttnm nf thRir muin wRh flRClp EspanolEnglish Job Live. anytime. anywhere job assistance. including up-to-date nation-wide and local job search engines. professional resume critique and proven interview techniques. Experience personalized career center seamlessly integrated with advanced virtual technology to help job seekers of diverse backgrounds and needs. Need technical assistance or have questions? Contact Brainfuse at 1-866-BRAINFUSE (1-866-272-4638) or send an email to infocbrainfuse. com When contacting Brainfuse, please provide an email address and the name of the library from which you are using the Brainfuse service. There’s a branch of the New Haven Free Public Library near you . — r..Ip-’ Mitchell - 37 Harrison Street (203) 946-8117 •_)_ Wilson 303 Washington Avenue (203)’946-2228 - Fair Haven 182 Grand Avenue (203) 946-8115 - - Stetson 200 Dixwell Avenue (203) 946-8119 Libraries are open on the following days & times: MAIN: Mon 12-8 Tue 10-8 Wed 10-8 Thu 10-8 Fri 10-5 Sat 10-5 I Sun Closed FAIR HAVEN: Mon 10-6 I Tue 10-6 Wed Closed Thu 12-8 I Fri Closed I Sat 12-5 Sun Closed MITCHELL: Mon 12-8 1 Tue Closed Wed 10-6 I Thu 10-6 I Fri Closed I Sat 12-5 { Sun Closed STETSON: Mon 10-6 Tue 10-6 Wed 12-8 I Thu Closed I Fri Closed I Sat 12-5 Sun Closed WILSON: Mon Closed I Tue 12-8 1 Wed 10-6 I Thu 10-6 I Fri Closed Sat 12-5 i. Sun Closed - 1 29 Church Street, Suite 230 New Haven, CT 06510 Phone (203) 752—9711 or (203) 751 -9777 no closed doors @ g ma .com Who We Are - Our Mission - Our Services NCD is a group of college students committed to bridging the gap between the college community and New Haven at large. We offer a welcoming environment providing case management for lowincome and homeless clients. NCD is run entirely by volunteers, with cooperation from several gracious community partners. No Closed Doors aims to harness the skills of college students to break down barriers and open doors between people and the resources that they need to succeed. We believe that everyone in our community should have access to the services, opportunities and attention they need to achieve personal success. Our service is unique in that it has no eligibility requirements for clients. We do not turn anyone away, unless they pose a security threat to themselves, other clients or volunteers. In addition, there is no limit on the services that clients can receive from us. All of our volunteers are passionate and friendly college students, eager to provide flexible and comprehensive assistance that complements the more specialized services provided by other community organizations. Our program is also unique for students, as it provides an outlet for them to make a direct, substantial, and meaningful impact in the community in which they live and study. NCD open: Monday through Thursday Fridays 1 1 a.m. - 1 - 5 p.m. 5 p.m. We welcome walk—ins, though to ensure that we can fit you into our schedule we recommend that you call us at (203) 752—9711, e—mail us or fill out the form found on our website: under the clients section. NCD’s success is contingent on successful partnerships with other community service agencies from around New Haven. Please let us know if you are interested in referring clients to our organization, having us refer clients to you, or partnering with our outreach team to connect with our city’s most margrnalized citizens. We are grateful to the outstanding organizations we already work with, including: • Liberty Community Services SAGA Support Services Community Action Agency Columbus House NCD is a project of the Yalejfppger and Home lessness Ac yProect, a part of Dw7qh t Hall at Yale Havent had successes on your own seeking work?? May be time to try a new approach. s’IR I .. .1. v ‘This is exactly what I needed, apushtapolishandrefineskil/s / allaved ta lay dornant Lne c. E RESOURCES repannq orkers Iior Lhe 746 Chapel Street, New Haven, CT STRIVE-New Haven, part of Career Resources, Inc. conducts employability skills training workshops that assist job seekers in obtaining and maintaining employment. The STRIVE program is a three week, 105 hour workshop designed to better prepare people to market themselves, close the deal at the interview, and successfully transition back to work. STRIVENew Haven began operation in September of 2000, and is an affiliate of STRIVE New York, and a network of STRIVE sites located in 17 cities throughout the country, as well as Israel and the United Kingdom. The STRIVE modelfocuses on attitude and soft skills development to assist job seekers in their quest for employment. Graduates of the program earn lifetime job placement assistance, as well as access to supportive services advocacy. STRIVE maintains a 75% job placement rate for its graduates, proving the effectiveness of the training model and service delivery. - Seating is limited, first come, first served. Call (203) 777 1720 to pre-register — Department of Social Services Medical Coverage for Single Adults including 18—20 year-olds — Now called Medicaid LIA Medicaid for low-income Adults, also known as HUSKY D. Check with your primary provider on changes to services covered under this again revised plan. — Non-Emergency Medical Transportation is available to SAGA clients for medical appointments or who are receiving out-patient clinical care. Transportation is coordinated through L-O-G-I-S-T-I-C-A-R-E Call to learn about how you may receive rides or bus passes to your regularly scheduled appointments at: 1 —888—248-9895 http:Ilwww. ct. qov!aqinqservices Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) READY TO c MATURE WORKFORCE A Senior Community Service Employment Program funded under Title V of the Older Americans Act through the U.S. Department of Labor enables us to provide job skills training to low-income Individuals, age 55 and older in Connecticut. Ready to Work participants are placed in temporary training assignments where they gain valuable on-the-job work experience and training needed to gain meaningful employment. Participants will work 20 hours a week at the training sites for which they will he paid minimum wage. Goals • To assist participants in acquiring marketable jobs skills and • To help participants secure meaningful unsubsidized employment Program Objectives • Participate in community service assignments to learn new skills in on the job training • Assistance in resume development • Assistance in developing job search skills • Increase opportunities to obtain jobs in the private sector • Referrals to supportive services as needed • Change stereotypes about older workers through public education and demonstrated success Qualifications • Be unemployed • Be 55 years of age or older and a resident of Connecticut • Have an annual family income that is not more than 125% of the federal poverty income guidelines. Family Size Annual Income I -$14,363 2-S 19,388 3- $24,413 Ready to Work Providers Greater New Haven Area: Agency on Aging of South Central CT One Long Wharf Dr., New Haven, CT 06511 Ron Webb, (203) 785-8533 For additional information about Ready to Work, please contact Jennifer Gorman at (860) 424-5643 or at jifer,Gormap@ct.goy _________ Education a Trail What? The Connecticut Education & Training ConneCTion is a Web site that provides the most comprehensive source of information on education and training programs offered in Connecticut. The foflowing search options allow the user to explore the world of education & training in Connecticut: • Which Education & Training Providers are in my area? • Which Providers offer the type of Program or Course am interested in? • Which Programs or Courses are related to the Occupation lm interested in? • Which Programs or Courses are offered by a particular provider? • Advanced Search offers several sections of criteria that allow a user to limit their program search results. Search by certification/degree that you require, area of study, provider type, occupation or program title keyword search, or programs that lead to a license in a specific career. Combinations of choices can be made to customize a search. The Connecticut Education & Training ConneCTion also includes Learning Links that connect the user to information about education and training that can provide the skills necessary to begin a career in a chosen occupation. These include education resources, financial aid assistance, school to career information, and opportunities in apprenticeship or the military. Why? The Connecticut Education & Training ConneCTion is the result of an effort by the Connecticut Department of Labor’s Office of Research to collaborate with the most reliable and accurate sources of education information in the state: the Connecticut Department of Higher Education, Connecticut State Department of Education, and the Connecticut Workforce Investment Boards. Where? The Connecticut Education & Training ConneCTion provides A comprehensive source of education information through a collaboration with the Connecticut Department of Higher Education, Connecticut State Department of Education, and the Connecticut Workforce Investment Boards > Information on 250 providers and more than 5700 training programs and courses in Connecticut A unique way to search for and access information on programs and courses offered by a variety of providers in Connecticut A Comparison Cart feature to compare different programs and courses A link from training programs and courses to information on occupations that may use your new skills A Search Scope feature allowing you to search for either all programs and courses available or just WIA-approved programs Don’t have a computer? Your local CT WORKS Center or library has public computers with Internet access you can utilize. Oo,tjnk. Ou,dc..SUDL.o,t % The Connecticut Education & Training ConneCTion is ava,tabIe through ‘Step 3’ on the Connecticut Job & -Career ConneCTion at www ctiobandcareer org (onnecticut Depirttnent ,,f I,ab,,r 3,,,k 3Rd. 06 t1,,.lidd. ( 00(11 0610) 6.0l)1l0 hrrp’s’’ .td,,lst.,,. CONNECTICUT DEPARTMENT OF LABOR State of Connecticut “V Department o Higher Education Education & Employment Center Education & Employment Information Hotline 800/842-0229 860/947-1810 The Education & Employment Information Center (EEIC) is a statewide referral service of the Connecticut Department of Higher Education. We are a central source of free information for anyone who has questions about college, careers and job training The EEIC hotline operates from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. every weekday except holidays. A trained information specialist will either answer your question immediately or direct you to the proper source. We can tell you about educational offerings at all levels including college, adult, continuing education and job training programs. We also provide career information, such as job descriptions and services designed to help you find a job. We do not collect job listings, but we can tell you where to find them. Most of the EEIC’s callers are adults looking for retraining or new careers. The EEIC also helps teenagers making college or career decisions, unemployed or dislocated workers exploring job options, adults who have not completed high school, homemakers looking to return to college or the job market, professionals making mid-life career changes, senior citizens wishing to enrich their lives with new knowledge, and employers seeking training programs or recent college graduates. Call the EEIC toll-free hotline or browse our many publications for useful web sites and other resources. L — .- ci a Efr!I I ;: ccii ci, c-. — “ ,L:c - ‘ LL., :ci, j _, 2 cci -; 5 - -c 0 ci (“cc •1’ ED (C) 0 CO 0 c-* I) 0 ‘ — ., -fl — - “‘ 0 ( H ci -; ii-: C’ .- -- -- -n ci) ci) U- (‘ ? “ - ‘I) •-:z H L -C:- ci) - C.. i2 2 D — .— . 0 — ci) CD (N Cci_ = 9 Li ED -- — ,,ci - • ‘- 0 0 - C’ ,‘ ciD .r—..t -- ‘• (c-C =- 1) -- &- Ei: — -_l -- - : = - the folio winq cTh sses: ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE cl.uTent!y 0/1ev EDUCATION PROGRAM We ESL Si different levels of ESL classes. - Lesions based on real Ide s:uations Field trips within the cit of New Health Literacy as part at the program; * (:l :oration with New Haven Adult Education, Lit erac’v Vcduii:’d New Haven F,ee Public Library * * GED GENERAL EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT * Three different levels of classes (in Spanish and English); (lasses run three evenings a week * One-on-cue tutorinc sessions ii’ math, readinc, nd ting: * . ext 1? rxal’c’u”tir: org ;:hcne 203-787-U15’. cc Prorayr Director for Adult .Educot ion •ond OLltrecich For more inforrrat on, please ccintact Ceha Maria F. Carvalho FAIRS: We partic pate at community fairs to promote our serv’ces and get iifcrtiiat;on a:jout availanle resources for or c cots. OTHER ACTIVITIES: Family Read is a 6-week enrchment class. The program gives partir ants a chance to develop reachng, d cc ss’on, listening and parenting skills vihle p’actcing tnem a: home. FIESTA LATINA: For ten years Junta and toe Peabody Museum unite the State to celebrate the Hispanic Hertage. Fiesta Latna is a one-day event that brings together families from d’fferen: places and nationalities. The celeba:ion takes ulace ‘n Oc:oner. NEW HAVEN OPEN: chkcen 18 and Jncier and ,T their fan’il cc go to Co-nec:ic 1 (enter at ya e to leorate the annual Latino Day. They meet Latn professional tennis players, watch tenr0s matches and have a day of fun and engaging actvities, COMMUNITY OUTREACH 169 Grand Avenue, New Haven, CT 06513 Tel: 203.787.0191 I Fax: 203.787.4934 qre ton to ADULT BASIC EDUCATION e ABE * First a nd only course in the city of New Ha..’er geared towards illiterate Hispanic adrcts: * [)ecelopt’riei’it of reading and writing skills in Sl:anish; * Prepare students to enroll in otl’ier pro a 5 .ams. Junta’s Adult Education programs have been recognized v.:ith the “Hi-5” His,h Impact Literacy A,’.ard for helping hundreds of students make steps toward achieving literacy arid getting their GEE) di p1 arc a. cç ri \ 1 r fULl J’’i 11 THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT offers an 8 week C.N.A. Training Program four times during the year (sessions begin on: January 20, 2015 ; April 6, 2015) ij 4/P’ iø i[’ e Classroom training is held from 8:30 am. Then Clinical experience 8 am. — - 1:30 p.m. for 6 weeks, 2 p.m. for another 2 weeks Note: Classes will be held at 825 Hartford Tpke, Hamden until further notice due to renovations at the main campus Certification Testing follows Course REQUIREMENTS: A HIGH SCHOOL DIPL OMA/GED & A N INTEREST IN HEL PING PEOPLE IN A HOSPITAL OR NURSING HOME SETTING EXPENSES $50 REGISTRA TION FEE(N0T COVERED BY WAIVER) WHEN ACCEPTED $1400 TU/TION* (POSSIBLY COVERED BY WAIVER-SEE BELOW) $110 PROMETRIC REGISTRY TESTFEE SCRUBS UNIFORM (TEXTBOOK PRO VIDED FOR USE/N CLASS) To apply go on-line to: www. cttech. org/whitney Click on Adult Education, Adult Day programs, Certified Nurse Assistant, and download the application from the link on the C,N.A. webpage. (203) 248-2430 ext 387 * YOLJMA YBEELIG/BLEFORA TUITION WAIVER BASED ONAG MILITARYSERVICE OR FINANCIAL SITUA TIOtv ESPECIALLY/F YOUARE RECEIVING CERTAIN STATE OR FEDERAL AID WAIVER INFORMA TION IS INCLUDED IN THEAPPLIA TION PA CKET New Haven Adult & Continuing Education Center 580 Ella I. Grasso Blvd New Haven, Connecticut 06519 start by Calling: (203) 492-0213 Adult Educanon Classes offered throughout New Haven at these affiliated programs Casa Otonal Centro San Jose Crossroads CT Works Gateway Community College Grant Street Partnership, Yale New Haven Hospital New Haven Famñ)zA//iance Project Green Project MORE Head Start West Rock Development Corporation Youth Build JUNTA 0/C Job Corps The Sierra Center & others Don’t sell yourself short when it comes to proving yourself by getting A General Educational Development (GED) English and math classes are geared towards improving reading skills as well as working on basic math, English grammar and writing skills. science, social studjes and literature. In addition, students can use computer-assisted software in the computer lab. Students advance through various leveis according to the skills they acquire. The focus of the GED program is to prepare students to pass the GED Tests. Preparation includes problem-solving skills in the subject areas of language arts, which include reading and writing, social studies, science and mathematics. Classroom instruction is supplemented by computer-assisted instruction with a GED interactive computer program. GED classes are also offered in Spanish. Students receive a diploma issued by the State of Connecticut when they pass the official exam. High School Credit Diploma Program ICDP) In the High Schc’oi Credrt Diploma Program, students earn academic credit in required subjects (English. Math, History, and Science), which arc’ added to any credits already earned in previous high school classes. Upon fulfilling core requirements and attaining 22 credits, students receive a hign schooi diploma, awarded by the New Haven Board of Education. As an alternative high school program, students benefit from small classes and a committed teaching staff. While High School Credit classes meet Monday through Thursday. between 9:00AM and 1:00PM. electives and Curriculum Packet classes begin at 9:00AM and end at 3:00PM and are also offered on Fridays. Please be sure to see your counselor for your schedule. External Diploma Program (EDP) The External Diploma Program EDP is a high school diploma program for adults who have acquired their academic skills through life and work experiences and can demonstrate what they have learned. EDP measures academic and life skills, such as Reading, Critical Thinking, Oral Communications, Mathematics, Writing, Self Awareness, Consumer Awareness, Occupational Awareness, Scientific Awareness, and Social Awareness. — English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) The New Haven Adult EdLication Center’s ESOL program includes participants from 103 countries worldwide. Many of our students are new to this country and must learn the language and customs quickly for social interaction as well as to seek employment. Others are interested in advancing their leading, writing and speaking skills. Our trained ESOL staff welcomes all new students into our warm and truly multicultUral environment. We offer courses ranging from Survival English to Advanced English. ESOL College Preparation (TOEFL®- Test of English as a Foreign Language) The New Haven Adult Education Center offers a program for academically qualified applicants who need to meet university English language requirements. This course is designed to help students improve listening comprehension, structure and written expression as well as reading comprehension, essay writing and speaking. It offers test taking tips, skills and strategies and is intended to prepare students for the English language skills tested on the (TOEFLT( Internet Based Test. The course also includes computer lab time offering both tutorial and practice on the format and style of the (TOEFL) Internet Based Test. In addition. ESOL College Preparation students are encouraged to legister for our free ESOL classes and free lab sessions. The cost of tuition is S 250.00. The BookCD-ROM costs 5 65.00. Citizenship This course is a preparation for the U.S. Citizenship test given by t.he U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Seriices (USd5). it covers speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills to prepare the applicant for the USCIS interview and exam. An overview of U.S. History and government is integrated into the curriculum. Students must be assessed at Beginner II or higher level. Teen Parent Outreach Program (TPOP) The focus of this program is parenting. family literacy, and GED preparation. Young mothers or fathers with small children under the age of 5 attend classes while their children are cared for in a fully equipped nursery. Students learn parenting and social development skills at the same time they are studying for their GED Tests. Space is limited in this program. For more information call Jody at 492-0213 ext. 228, Live outside New Haven? check with your town’s Adult Education program: East Haven (203) 468-3350 Hamden (203) 407-2028 Shelton (Derby) (203) 924-6651. ext 106 West Haven (203) 937-4375 LITERACY VOLUNTEERS .tt. .ft at: ttr..Utc •‘‘“!j•• EmpoweringAdults Through Literacy ;it•.:,tj Adult Reading Classes in New Haven For English Speaking Adults in the New Haven community. improve your reading and writing skilIs! Learn to: • understand words and phrases • read forms and documents • read to your children & read for enjoyment Classes are held on Monday & Wednesday mornings, Tuesday & Thursday mornings, and Tuesday & Thursday evenings. All classes are held at the Literacy Resource Center, 4 Science Part New Haven, CT Those studying with us our students are placed in small group classes of 4 to 6 people who are at the same reading level. — - Classes are held twice a week and meet for 2 hours each time for a total of 4 hours per week. Our Semesters are 10 weeks long and we offer 4 Semesters a year. Call (203) 776-5899 to Register or for more information. Literacy Volunteers of Greater New Haven 4 Science Part New Haven, CT 06511 LITERACY VOLUNTEERS OF GREATER NEW HAVEN New Haven Office: Meriden Office: Valley Office: 4 Science Park, New Haven, CT 06511 203-776-5899 14 West Main St, Meriden, CT 06451 203-235-1714 415 Howe Avenue, Shelton, CT 06484 203-924-6651, ext. 102 What is Literacy Volunteers? Literacy Volunteers of Greater New Haven is a non-profit organization that has been active in the region since 1976. Last year Literacy Volunteers supported 231 volunteer tutors who delivered free tutoring to more than 1246 adult students at 37 sites. Literacy Volunteers is supported by Connecticut Department of Education funds, private foundations and community grants (CDBG dollars, the Community Foundation of Greater New Haven, United Way of Meriden/Wallingford, the Valley United Way, the Valley Community Foundation) as well as donations from individuals and businesses. How Does the Program Work? Adults who speak English but need help learning to read at a higher level work together in small groups. The groups meet twice a week with trained volunteer tutors using an established curriculum with workbooks. A computer software program provides additional help. Non-English speaking (ESOL or English for Speakers of Other Languages) adults also work with tutors in small group settings. Classes are held weekly at a variety of sites throughout the area. Day and night time classes are offered, All classes are free and are set up on a semester basis. Who are the Tutors? Tutors come from many different backgrounds men and women of all ages and diverse life experiences. They may be retired, have full-time jobs or they may be students. Many have some college experience. Only a few have previously taught. What tutors have in common is their desire to help someone improve his or her life. — Tutors go through an Orientation and Training Program before they start tutoring. They receive ongoing support from Literacy Volunteers program managers, who help the tutors prepare lessons, test students and locate helpful resource materials. For Additional Information Please visit our website: * .. ._J4 . The Urban Improvement Corps, UIC, is a premier mentoring and tutoring program at Yale University focused on providing elementary, middle, and high school students in the New Haven, CT area with the opportunity to grow and develop with some of the most brilliant minds in our nation. Here, at UIC, we foster positive growth and develop life-long student learners, while gMng each student the opportunity to discover their full potentials academically. UIC is a registered non-profit 501 (c)3 organization. Our organization has revised and cultivated our vision and purpose to better address the changing times and the concerns of New Haven. Our Mission The mission of the UIC is to spark intellectual growth amongst urban youth. Through tutoring and entrepreneurship classes, the program seeks to assist students in achieving academic success, and to inspire inner-city students to succeed beyond the classroom and in the business world. About the Afro-American Cultural Center The Afro-American Cultural Center at Yale University (also known as The House) was established in the fall of 1969 due to the rise of issues surrounding race and civil unrest at Yale and throughout the New Haven community. Due to the increased number of black students and the rising social consciousness of the 1960s, students at Yale rallied to create a place and space that black students (and members of the community) could convene for social and political means. The original location of ‘The House’ was 1195 Chapel Street From its inception the Afro-American Cultural Center, which it was later renamed, has always represented the vital and vibrant presence of AfricanAmericans (and those interested in African-American cultural) at Yale. The House’s current location at 211 Park Street provides additional access for members of the New Haven community tojoin the students and participate in a host of cultural events and activities. Since 1969 the House has nurtured and encouraged generations of black Yalies to become some the Nation’s leading thinkers, activist and professionals. As promised during our community breakfast on October 2nd, we’re writing to introduce you to the Urban Improvement Corps (UIC), a premier mentoring and tutoring program at Yale University focused on providing tutoring for middle and high schooler’s in New Haven. Established in 1968, the UIC was one of the first organizations housed at Yale University-s Afro-American Cultural Center. Today, the center is not only the home for more than 25 different organizations, but is also the main center for tutoring and mentoring for the UIC From assistance in mathematics to chemistry to French to college applications, Urban Improvement Corps tutors are committed to providing superior tutoring services-all for free. To sign up, visit and click on the -Registration- tab. Students and parents will be notified of their admission into the program within a week of completing the registration form. Questions? E-mail ( Knovv Yourself byr To know yourself is your first priority. How can you set goals, go about life, and have relationships if you dont know who you are or what you want? You really cant. To not know yourself leads to confusion and wasting much time in hit and miss situations. We tend to underestimate the importance of knowing ourselves. Many of us go through each day reacting to events and just getting by rather than making conscious choices based on who we are and what we want. When we don’t know where we are headed its hard to set goals, get motivated and determine the best course of action. Before we can do any of these things we must establish who we are. To know yourself: • Be aware of your strengths, weaknesses, likes and dislikes • Observe and be aware of your moods, reactions and responses to what is happening around you • Become aware of how these moods and emotions affect your state of mind • Examine how you interact with others • Observe how your environment affects you Knowing and understanding yourself better, in turn, leads to better decision making, setting and reaching appropriate goals and altogether living more productively. There are many interesting personality tests and evaluations for self-discovery that can help you become more in tune to yourself and are fun to do. Two powerful tools I found exceptionally helpful are: The Myes-Briggjype Indicator (MBTI) (httpl/www. The Enneagram 7 7 (ht www.enneagraminstitute. tp: com/) Not only do these tools help you understand yourself better and what drives some of your behaviors, they also help you understand and get along better with others. NOTE The afore information is taken as found from the Internet. Anyone reading these materials is encouraged to discuss them and the ideas they relate with professionals they may be under formal treatments or helpful service H ovv to Think for Yourself ByZord Hereford Do you think for yourself? In these times of fast media and ever-growing Internet we are under so many external influences that it can be difficult to know when we are thinking for ourselves. Unless you are a discerning, very aware person, you most likely don’t even know when your thinking is not your own. Not that all outside influence is had or detrimental to forming your own views, hut being unable to think for yourself can make you miserable at best, or a puppet of someone elses programming, at worst. Admittedly, we are all born into societies or cultures where the norms and customs are already established. We have little choce but to conform to a large degree to what is already in place. This is not necessarily a had thing, however, it can he conifnng and controlling if we accept everything blindly and never question the status quo. Does this mean all of your ideas can he original and unlike everyone else’s? Not at all! Nor does it require being contrary and argumentativejust to he defiant or stand out. To think for yourself means that whatever opinions you hold will be well thought out and come from a position of thorough investigation and thoughtful analysis. It means choosing to not compromise the facts for the sake of consensus or fitting in. It is not unlike critical thinking it just encompasses a broader scope of choices and decision-making in your life. - As an example, how many of us feel the need to keep up with the latest’? We wear clothes, listen to music and follow trends that the media tells us we should in order to be cool. Marketing companies create ads that hypnotize us into a herd mentality as we fall into debt, wear fashions that are unbecoming, and get caught up in a cycle of over-spending, over-consuming and then stressing out over it, Before we realize it, we are living lives designed for us by the powers that be and without our conscious participation. Another trap we fall into when we don’t think for ourselves is groupthink. Groupthink, a term coined by Irving Janis in I 972, is a psychological phenomenon that takes place within a group of people who try to avoid conflict and reach agreement vvithout critically evaluating options or alternative ideas. The problem with groupthink is that it hinders finding the best solutions, impedes creative ideas and thwarts independent thinking. Wanting to be part of the crowd can certainly have its drawbacksl So how can you cultivate the ability to think for yourself? Tips on how to think for yourself’: Develop a strong sense of self. Know who you are, what you want and what is best for you. Do not let others, especially marketing companies and the media, tell you how you should look, feel and act. Do what is best for you. Cultivate your own tastes and enjoy your preferences. - Be well-informed. Gather as much information about a subject as possible before forming an opinion. Build your mental resources by reading, observing, and listening for yourself. Then take time to reflect and evaluate. Be flexible. Look for solutions and outcomes to a situation from as many perspectives as you can. Determine the pros and cons. Are there other possibilities? Whom might it harm/benefit? What are the potential consequences? Identity possible biases. Are you being unduly influenced by your culture, upbringing or other people’s opinions? Are you being fair and open-minded? Many times we make poor decisions because we begin with the wrong premise. If we take time to evaluate and judge based upon what we observe first hand rather than what we’ve been lead to believe, we can arrive at a more appropriate and practical conclusion. Do not buckle under pressure, fear, or guilt. Have the courage to stand up for what you really believe and have deduced yourself. If you go along with the crowd for the sake of keeping peace, avoiding confrontation, or fear of failure, you do everyone a disservice, especially yourself. You may have a brilliant idea, or maybe it happens to be the right thing to do. If no one hears about it, a healthy discussion cannot take place and all possibilities will not be considered. A good idea has the potential to evolve into a better one with input from a variety of sources. The benefits of thinking for yourself: • You develop self-confidence and trust in your abilities • You attain a greater sense of accomplishment • You expand your mind and boost your brain power • You gain respect from others by standing up for what you believe in and by being original • You are more aware and alert to what the media is trying to sell you • You are more open to self-improvement and alternative viewpoints • You are more interesting to others by expanding their thinking and options You are NOT thinking for yourself when: .1 You let others, the media, or convention sway you from doing what’s right for you f You buy into negative, one-dimensional stereotypes based on sex, race or culture / You do something because it has always been done that way even if it no longer works - J You follow old wives’ tales, superstitions or fallacies that defy common sense J You don’t take time to think things through carefully and fully a ResoLilces to Hell) \ou Quit Smoking 1-800-Quit-Now Ihe Cl Quit line is a fire telephone service that offers counseling and in formation to help quit smoking. [he Quit Line can answer \ our questions and gi c you support to stop smoking. A trained Quit Coach will help \ ou create your own Quit Plan. You x i I also cet Quit Guides that are full of tips and information to help ou sta\ on track. on Worried About Cravings? Your Quit oach will help you decide if the nicotine patch, nicotine gum, or other medication will work for you. Your Quit Coach can refer von to programs in New Haven that can help you stop smoking. The Quit line is open 7 days a week from 8:00 AM. to 3:00 P.M. English and Spanish speaking coaches are available. Programs to help you quit smoking: ‘ebsites to help you ( uit smoking: 1 Comanunicare, Inc. 85 Willow Street Building A. Suite 3 New Haven. CT 06511 2(3-553-7234 x 16 Haven Community Health Clinic, Inc. Department of Public Health www.quitnow.Ilct/connccticLlt New England Lung Association Fair 374 Grand Avenue New Haven, CT 06513 (203) 777-7411 Yale-New Haven Hospital St. Raphael’s Campus & York Street Campus 1 40 C h ipLi StieLt New Haven. C 1 06511 (203) 789-4146 Did you know? . . Medicaid nos pa s br nicotine patches, nicotine uim. medication, and LounsLline to bLIp ‘ou quit smokir Yale School of Medicine ioit.I trLLt \e’’. Ha Lii C I Oôm 11 (203) 974-7588 u I: — - .-..‘ y f iYi) CORPS 1]D VET.I: HELPING VETERANS START A NEW CAREER J : Transitioning from the military and starting a new career can be challenging. Job Corps can help. At Job Corps, veterans can train for a new and rewarding career alongside other veterans. After training, our staff will work with veterans to find a job for up to 21 months. -#- Job Corps offers hands-on training to eligible 16- through 24-year-olds in America’s fastest-growing careers. Each year Job Corps provides training and support services to more than 100,000 young people in more than 100 c. reer areas at 123 centers across the nation. No matter where veterans are comin from or where they want to go, there is a Job Corps center nearby. Veterans receive priority enrollment at all Job Corps ceners, While they may attend any Job Corps center in the nation, there are three centers that offer dorm areas exclusively for veterans. They will be living among other veterans who are also transitioning from the military to civilian life. Those centers are: Atterbury Job Corps Center in Edinburgh, Indiana • Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center in Morganfield, Kentucky • Excelsior Springs Job Corps Center in Excelsior Springs, Missouri One of the program’s biggest benefits is its post-gradus.te support. When veterans are ready to start looking for a job, staff will work with them to find job openings and submit resumes. Job Corps vvill help graduates for cp to 21 months after graduation to connect with housing, transportation, and other support services. Want to learn more about Job Corps? Visit us at www.jobcorpsgov. I ‘I SQ I.! If 0 fl: law C ‘a. ‘ I q :• . ,.. .. i.. The Day Program located at Liberty Safe offers a place for homeless indviduais to their day and gain access to important support services. Open to n•dividuals who are homeless and confronting chronic illness, mental Ihness or addiction, the Day Program fiNs .a critical need for many people in our community. The services offered include counseling, referral to community resources, help with job searches., iundry room access, shower and bath facilities, a:nd transportation to medical appointments. A community room is available, with television, a library, meals and coffee. The program also offers an on-site computer center, with classes for all levels of experience. Users are taught computer skills, both for personal use and to give them knowledge and experience that will help them in todays job market. Participants also have telephone access, and are given individual voice mail accounts. This combination of computer access, phone access, voice mail and email are important to finding a job or making medical appointments, and they help participants to remain connected with the comm unity. The hours of operation for the Safe Haven Day Program are Mondays through Fridays from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Please call (203) 495-1770 for more information or to schedule an intake. a I and ev.aa (st air d,oct or rbrnt wi iat •.m,i u.i ra Be.:nr qj; hr . MY NEXT M, VE 4 What do you want to do for a living? M lwanttobea... “I’ll know it when I see it.” “I’m not really sure.” 0 Search careers with key words. Describe your dream career in a Iw words: Examples: doG bd houses SearchQ Browse careers Tell us what you like to do. by industry. There are over 900 career options for you to look at. Find yours in one of dna industries: [Administration B Support Services Browse Q .zJ Answer questions about the type of work you might enjoy. Wel suggest careers that match your interests and training. StartØ Check out this government sponsored just may help you find that next perfect job or a pathway to learn and prepare for a new career Are you a veteran looking for work? Click on the link to: My Next Move for Veterans for help finding a civilian career similar to your military job http//www militarymentalhealth org/ Military Pathwaysct L F help rim: cc -v rio:; be LA ruac;inc. rh-c Department of Defense teamed Lip vth the no nrrofit or ni:atcn F:reeninci for Mental Multarv Pathv arc formerl:; the Mental Health Self-A- essment Programv The pr: vram is arailable online over the Hakh tO EIL;OCfl phone: and at special events held at installations worldwide. It provides free anonymous mental health and alcohol self-assessments for fan-or members and service personnel in all branches including the Nabonal Guard and Reserve. The self-assessments are a series of question: that, when linked toether. help create a picture of how an individual is feeling and whether they could benefit from talking to a health profEssional. The pnirior coals of the program are to reduce stigma, raise awareness about mental health, and connect those in need to available resources. The self-assessments address depression. posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), generalized anxiety disorder, alcohol use and biphcr disorder. After an individual ::cmpletes a self-assessment, she is provided with referral information includina services pro .;ided throuP the Department of Defense and Veterans Affairs. Mdirarv Mr-ntni hnnIth Arthrios GefreEral_reente I Health Articles Generalized C eiierv iit.n l He.eLth Risilience for Fanuhes iso rde:r It Veterans Crisis Line Website JAMAVETERAN r huld h I 800 273 8255 838255 Are You a Veteran or Concerned About One? 11 ‘c t.’ I ) :i 1 an ( a fl F) ‘ Su:.dd and CrisIs Resoicei (I - (‘I; illS P U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SER’CES . . .rutLdPiIitçUt UiTiK LV did flld Jii A didi ii Pre5s 1 F F (IF F I Fl I F’ ‘1 ‘ ‘UI ‘1 FF1’ 44 F If FYI 4Faf’lii Fl’ ‘I l,”U) U, I I I 1 4FF ,FU)UF ‘4 SF1) 1)1 F’ )1 I, FI1 ‘, F’IIF 1 ‘I1F’I$ I’I1’ 1) 1’,{ ‘ F Ii 4 ‘(1)411 ‘ 11)1<’ F , 1)1 F ,F’ “FL 41 ‘FF’’’’FL, SFSFL )5l;f “ FL ‘1 11 “ 1)” 1 I 1,1) ‘ 9’ ‘ ‘ 4’ , 1 f H I I 11 I H iFF ‘,l ‘ 494 I 1 411$ ‘1 9 1)1 FF V’,1F I ‘U FF1 F U) 11111 IF)1 11)14 ,15 4 91(19,5 I ‘ 151441119 FL ,IF ji fIFFLILFI 1’) ‘Il’ 1(1 ‘piFp p 1 ‘ F Ii i’U’IFFFIFF: ‘4111 FU ‘4 Fi )14$l)I1FFI’)) : 41:1) F) 1451’4.:5 Ii,) 4U,FIi 4114 111 FFL:1FL4 .14)14 41411), F4FL4, U4’:III4IISFFU F’) 4iFFUF4’ .44.41415 1.1419,944)111 “ H FLIFFF4’Ii )FLIFIL ‘‘ILdUIfI’ FIFF4f 11)119, ‘ )1\ fl’IF i” ,, Fl I 9I ‘FF1’ F Fl I F’ H 9,SF’ FU’, I F)’) Fl “p ‘ I F,’ F ‘ U’, I’ F U) 1151) FLIFI,I .,FFF.FFIF 2IF:F.h1 IiFSI .:F “•‘•‘‘ .4:4)441 •144914113111,44) •S$1I.1.IU%iil 1)41F)iF. ‘4 FL1’...44-) ‘4hi.:4.F4:44. 11)1. .1) .4IZIFL914F1 411144.U. 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II” ii F’’ U 9, I, ‘ F 49, I ’ 1 IF 4 11 I FLIFL’ I) I F’ , 1 I ‘ 1 1 4 ‘ 4 , I 1 1 p I I ) ‘ ‘‘ I 1 1s ‘F) 1 “,S’LI F I ,, 4. ,‘ I IFFFI.4FL) 1’ 4.iI’i.J)IFLF’F4F9f 4•IIHIFFFPFLF4 11 ‘ 4 4 I ) , UF ‘ FL I ‘F, F’Fl ‘1FF) FFF ‘I Fl UI 11,11 ‘‘]FL) FL’ F Fl I 1 ‘Fl ‘I (U 1 1 IF,’ 1 ,FFF U ‘1 1 1 9,’ H )IF F ‘I, F ‘ ii•p )SU[UFIIFIFFIS1IF44 U 1111’ 1’ I ‘FF1 41) I ‘ “U’, 1)III IF ‘ U 99, )“‘I’ll I FL I ‘ FL 1 F F U FL,’, 1FIF ‘ ‘‘II’)’ 5 III II 4 Fl 11 1 ‘U F’ 1 FFFLF’ U’ F ‘HL 1 )f 4’’ 4 ’ FlF’pFLi ‘F I F F’F ‘)“hl1UiFi4\ 45 4.1: •14 hF .4.51,’)’) 541i)4Ff)O’FH Il 4 I ‘FL 14 I F)’; I ‘ IF U’ ,i1 )1U “ “ 111, I”p” ‘19) 45) 114FF FLF ‘F)IFFL’ ‘ 4’’ ‘ ‘F4 11114 111 l:41144111.i’I4F, 4. 151.141 ‘.F).1FLISUFL) ‘J.4FF1I.* II’ Fl ‘I IF ‘1 ‘ IF4F’ U LU U ‘ 1 )F’FFI 1 IF) F 1111’ 1) fYI, ,t “ I I F) ‘)F)’ ‘U I) lip’’ F,’ 1 1 1)1114’, ’U 1 ‘ ‘)4 UF’ ,I1 FF5 “ ,HF (1,411 ’4,.F4ii .11) 3 4F4F4 ,IFFFFLIFLI4I)I’F: ‘14FF i4.4 .4..4 FlIFFI F F ‘‘ I ‘ 9 , 1 U F) 4 1 ‘F ‘ ‘ p IUSi ‘F’ ‘Fl’ “ ‘F )4.Ff’) 1144 .14F414.Fi If 4444 ...4 1 ‘‘‘,)‘ I FLUII 1 S p F ,l 1, 1 FL U’ ‘\ H’ FL ‘ ‘ F’) U F’ ‘I ‘‘a’ , SIf ‘ ‘ ‘UI F ‘I II ,11 ) ‘‘1 I ‘ IF.F.11.F.{) FL))) ‘ 14. .4FLFFI4F’F[I. ‘1 Ff1 I I ‘91 p U,F 1 F’ F 94 1,5 ‘ , ‘ 114 I’ 1 9IIf 1FF’ The Beacon on the Hill 634 Jones Hill Road West Haven, CT 06516 (203) 931-9989. Guided by the four pillars of Catholic social teaching--Education, Advocacy, Empowerment and Direct Service—the Beacon provides the following services to local organizations and our community: • Clothes Closet: Provides secondhand clothing in a store-like environment where those in need can shop free of charge • Food Pantry: Supports Alexs Soup Kitchen at the First Congregational Church, Project HOPE, Sojourner’s at Columbus House, WHEAT. St. Paul’s Church, emergency food assistance • Diaper Bank: The first in West Haven, supports Birthright, Teen Parenting Program at the WH Community House, Family Resource Center, West Haven agencies and individuals • Resource and Referral Center • Fuel, Rent and Educational Tuition Assistance • Holiday Food Baskets • Christmas and Easter Flower Distribution to the convalescent homes & shuts- ins • Furniture Exchange: list where recipients & donors can connect with used furniture • Durable Medical Equipment Room: In cooperation with the Wellness Team of our parishes, walkers, wheelchairs. canes, and bath chairs are available. • Socks for the Homeless Program: Distributing new, warm socks C 00 /0.1 0030 St John Vnnney 00 Cipt Thomas Blvd VJest Haven Saturday Vigil Mass 4,00 PM Sunday. 930AM Weekday Masses’ Regulat Schedule Tues Thurs Saturday 7 33 AM For donation or volunteer information, please call (203) 931-9989, OurLadyofVi tory 600 Jones Hill Ro9d West Haven ‘1 )ff,c Satutcl,iy Vicji Masi 5 tO tM Sunday 0 00, I I 00 AM Wet kday M,i55 S Requ5ir S( tic dult’ Mon Wc 0 Fr 7 30 AM OLOV r Ott tOt7 C Mon 0394( S 5 30 0 PM Sit 0 00 AM 2 00 PM Resources for Homeless Veterans Recent federal funding has enabled Connecticut to offer housing to all veterans experiencing homelessness, The Connecticut Coalition to End Homelessness has partnered with the CT Heroes Project to lead the effort of housing homeless veterans, If you know of a veteran in need of housing, please visit http://ctheroesprojectorg/referrals or email: or call I -877-4AID-VET for more information. Help make sure that all the state’s homeless or at-risk veterans are referred to these resources. For more information on veteran services, call 211. **************************************************************** VA Connecticut can connectyou to permanent housing, mental health care & many other servicei Call: (durihg business hours) VA Connecticut Homeless Veterans Hotline: (203) 7 10-6529 (585) 393-7955 (24/7) VA National Homeless Veteran Hotline: Drop-In: Errera Community Care Center 1 14-152 Boston Post Road, West Haven, CT VA Errera Community Care Center (203) 479-8000 1 14-152 Boston Post Road, 2nd floor, West Haven, CT 06516 - Over the past two decades, through a steady process of program modification and development, VA Connecticut’s Errera Community Care Center (“ECCC”) has evolved into one of the leading centers of innovation in psychosocial rehabilitation and in the integration of the psychosocial and biomedical anoroaches. ECCC serves veterans struggling with mental illness and/ or substance abuse disorders, homelessness, an4/or aging. At the ECCC, a team of multidisciplinary mental health professionals come together to provide an array of community-based rehabilitative programs including day and crisis intervention programs, vocational programs, housing programs (ranging from subsidized to non-subsidized, supported to non-supported), homeless outreach and advocacy and case management programs. Believing in recovery and hope, and utilizing the principles of psychiatric rehabilitation, ECCC staffmembers partner directly with the veteran being served to identify his or her goals and needs. Recovery plans build on the person’s strengths and help the individual compensate for the negative effects of the psychiatric disability. Services and supports are provided in the community to enhance natural support systems, to advance independence, and integration, so that each individual can jive and function at optimal levels in the least restrictive environment possible. Affirmative, non-stigmatizing attitudes about persons with mental illness, framed by an empowerment structure serve as the foundation of ECCC psychosocial rehabilitation services. ECCC represents the vanguard of the national movement to integrate Peer Specialists into mental health treatment and recovery programs. Peer Specialists are health and mental health service consumers who have received peer counseling training, and have demonstrated the skill, motivation, and desire to help their peers in a supportive and/or counseling role. Most have either suffered from mental or physical illness, substance abuse problems, and/or have been homeless. ECCC’s eleven Peer Specialists are integrated throughout ECCC’s programs. In a myriad of ways, they strengthen and enrich those programs. People in recovery operate the Veterans Empowerment Committee (VEC). Recipients of services play an active role in the day-to-day operations of the ECCC by orienting all new recipients of services, running the community lunch program, identifying issues and needs, and advocating and seeking resources to meet these needs. Persons in recovery are involved in all aspects of ECCC programming including writing and/or co-signing all policies. Persons in recovery also hold direct leadership roles by serving as Community Mental Health Advisory Board members who advise and consult to the Chief, Mental Health Care line and staff at VA CT. They monitor the services provided, advocate both within the hospital leadership structure and within the recovery community on issues important to quality of care, access to care, and resources. in addition, recipients of services serve as facilitators for Vet-to-Vet, a consumer designed, run and facilitated psycho-educational program which was initiated at the ECCC by Moe Armstrong in early 2002. Meetings are both educational and supportive and are led by consumers each weekday. Critical to the full spectrum of services provided at the ECCC are the community partnerships that have been established and nurtured with a wide range of private industry, charitable and governmental bodies in the region. At ECCC veterans are served with innovative, effective, individualized programs to find transitional and supportive housing and jobs through a Compensated Work Therapy Program. In addition, staff advocate locally and regionally to rectify the overwhelming effects of homelessness, poverty, inadequate resources and the stigma of mental illness. Evidence of ECCC’s recognition as the leader in each of its fields of endeavor is found in the increasing number of organizations coming to ECCC to learn, the role its staff plays in education throughout the country, how it operates, and how its model can be replicated throughout the nation. While the contents of this site have been developed in cooperation with VA personnel, it is not an official site of the Department of Veterans Affairs. VA is dedicated to helping homeless Veterans and Veterans at risk of homelessness secure and maintain employment leading to increased residential and personal stability. Our goal is to afford Veterans the opportunity to return to healthy, productive lifestyles within their own communities. The Homeless Veteran Supported Employment Program (HVSEP) provides vocational assistance, job development and placement, and ongoing supports to improve employment outcomes among homeless Veterans and Veterans at-risk of homelessness. Formerly homeless Veterans who have been trained as Vocational Rehabilitation Specialists (VRS5) provide these services. To reach a trained VA responder, call 1-877 -4AID-VET (877-424-3838). VA’s Compensated Work Therapy (CWT) Program is a national vocational program comprised of three unique programs which assist homeless Veterans in returning to competitive employment: Sheltered Workshop, Transitional Work, and Supported Employment. Veterans in CWT are paid at least the federal or state minimum wage, whichever is higher. VA#s National Cemetery Administration & Veterans Health Administration have also formed partnerships at national cemeteries, where formerly homeless Veterans from the CWT program have received work opportunities. The Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment (VR&E) VetSuccess Program assists Veterans with service-connected disabilities to prepare for, find, and keep suitable jobs. Services that may be provided include: Comprehensive rehabilitation evaluation to determine abilities, skills, and interests for employment; employment services; assistance finding and keeping a job; and On the Job Training (OJT), apprenticeship, and non-paid work experiences. For information about possible employment services in their area, Veterans can call the National Call Center for Homeless Veterans hotline at 1-877-4AID-VET. You will be connected to a trained VA staff member. Hotline staff will conduct a brief screen to assess your needs. Homeless Veterans will be connected with the Homeless Program point of contact at the nearest VA facility. Contact information will be requested so staff may follow-up. • You can call for yourself or a Veteran you know. • All calls are free and confidential VAhastrained responders ready to assist 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. VA provides information about programs and services in your area to help you not only end homelessness but also prevent it, When you call: • You will be connected to a trained VA responder. a The responder will ask a few questions to assess your needs • If you are a Veteran, you may be connected with the Homeless Program Point of Contact at the nearest VA facility. Housing Assistance For Veterans Housing assistance for homeless Veterans and their families is available through several federal programs. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and VA Supportive Housing Program (HUD-VASH) partner to provide permanent, supportive housing and treatment services for homeless Veterans. HUD allocated nearly 38,000 “Housing Choice” vouchers across the country, which allows Veterans and their families to live in market rate rental housing while VA provides case management services. A housing subsidy is paid to the landlord directly by the local public housing authority on behalf of the participating Veteran. The Veteran then pays the difference between the actual rent charged by the landlord and the amount subsidized by the program. The case management services facilitate the attainment of the Veteran’s recovery goals. The HUD-VASH Program is for the most vulnerable Veterans, and provides special services for women Veterans, those recently returning from combat zones, and Veterans with disabilities. http://vagov/HOMELESSIfor_homeless_veteransasp SOLDIERS, SAILORS & MARINE FUND OV — PURPOSES FOR WHICH TEMPORARY ASSISTANCE IS AVAILABLE Weekly assistance Assistance with rental payments or mortgage interest payments — Assistance with utilities such as gas, electricity, water and horie heating fuel Assistance with medical expenses. prescription medications and with emergent dental care — Eye examination and eyeglasses > Audiological evaluation and hearing aids Prosthetic devices and durable medical equipment Funeral expenses ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMLNTS FOR ASSISTANCE At the time you submit your application for assistance you must reside in the State of Connecticut. If your request for assistance includes your spouse. he or she must be residing with you. If the request includes children, they must be under the age of eighteen and residing with you. You must have been honorably separated from the military service. You must have served a minimum of ninety (90> days on active duty during a statutory wartime period as specified in the Connecticut General Statutes, Section 27-103, as amended, unless you were discharged prior to the completion of 90 days service for a service-connected disability which has been rated by the Veterans Administration. You may qualify if you served for the full duration of a conflict in a combat or comoat-support role if the war, campaign or operation lasted fewer than 90 days. Service in the Military or Naval Forces of the United States or Forces Allied with the United States between the following dates is April 6, 1917 to November 11 1918 World War I required: December 7, 1941 to December31, 1946 World War Il Korean Conflict- June 27, 1950 to January 31, 1955 Vietnam Era- February 28, 19E1 to July 1,1975 Persian Gulf Era August 2, 1990 o Date to be Determined Lebanon* July 1, 1958 to November 1, 1958 September29, 1982 to March 30, 1984 Grenada* October 25, 1983 to December 15, 1983 WiIl* February 1, 1987 to July 23, 1987 Earnest Panama* December 20, 1989 to January 31, 1990 *Service in the Operational Theater in a Combat or Combat-Support role is required. Such service must be indicated on your DD-214 either in narrative form or by award of the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal (AFEM). To be eligible for assistance you must demonstrate “need”. - — - - - - - - - - HOW AND WHERE TO FILE AN APPLICATION (203) 789-7841 or a To initiate an application for assistance in New Haven contact: SSMF 746 Chapel Street, New Haven, CT 06511 designated Fund Representative or Veterans Aid Investigator in the community in which you reside. The names and addresses of the Representatives and Investigators are included on VA website: http:/!www,ct,gov/ssmf/site/default.asp. You may also contact a local American Legion Post. Application forms may also be available from the office of the Town or City Clerk where you reside. In the event you are unable to contact your local representative, you may contact a Fund Representative in a nearby town. In cases of emergency or unusual circumstances, applications for assictance may be completed by a person designated by the American Legion Department of Connecticut Service Officer or chartered Veteran Service Organizations. Once a decision is rendered by the Soldiers’ Sailors and Marines’ Fund Administration, the case will be referred to a designated Fund Representative in the town in which the veteran resides. Subsequent renewal applications must be filed through the designated Fund Representative. The application should be signed by the veteran. In the event the veteran is incapacitated, or hospitalized, the application may be signed by the veteran’s spouse, adult child, parent, guardian, or other person hoking Power of Attorney or Conservatorship for the veteran. At the time of application the following documents are required: Certificate of honorable termination of military service (DD-214 or equivalent) Social Security number(s) veteran and/or spouse (if applicable) Marriage Certificate (if applicable) Birth Certificates for minor children (certificate must show parents’ names) Death Certificate for the veteran or spouse (if applicable) Release of Information form signed by the veteran (and spouse if applicable) Documentation of liquid assets if applicable (savings accounts, mutual funds, brokerage statements, etc.) The veteran is the primary source of information essential to the determination of need, The veteran bears complete responsibility for accurately and completely representing the facts and circumstances of the situation occasioning the need for assistance. The Fund Representative will provide guidance, counsel and assistance with the preparation of the application form. - To access shelter and housing resources call 2-1-1. *Effective Monday, January 26, 2O15’’ Connecticut’s Coordinated Entry guidelines now require that everyone seeking CALL 2-1-1 emergency shelter and housing go through the state’s 2-1-1 system. Community professionals, including educational, judicial, medical, and social service staff, should assist those who cannot call without help, by calling 2-1-1 with them. After dialing, select option 3, and then option 1, to reach trained Housing Specialists. A 2-1-1 Housing Specialist will perform an initial assessment, make referrals as needed to help avoid homelessness and, when appropriate, schedule a community-level appointment with one of our designated case managers. This does not guarantee immediate shelter or housing placement. However, we will seek to access all available resources for each household through this process. If you cannot dial 211 from your phone, dial 1-800-203-1234. ‘In times of extreme weather, please seek shelter immediately. First-come, first-serve MALE walk-ins are still accepted at Emergency Shelter Management Services (645 Grand Avenue, Nev Havenl and the columbus House dinter Overflow 232 Cedar Street, New Haven). FOur new Overnight Warming Center will accept male and female adults from January 15 to March i5. The hours are 10:0 PMto 6:00 AM at Church on the Rock i5 Hamilton Street, New Haven, CT). Services/BH RP/ Behavioral Health Recovery Program (BHRP) Basic The Behavioral Health Recovery Program assists eligible participants with clinical and basic recovery supports as well as community-based intensive case management services, The program is for HUSKY D/Medicaid recipients with behavioral health needs. Recognizing that individuals receiving behavioral health treatment are more likely to remain engaged in treatment when their basic recovery support needs are met, the Behavioral Health Recovery Program (BHRP) provides financial assistance to HUSKY D/Medicaid for Low Income Adults ([IA) recipients who are temporarily unemployed and in need of recovery supports that cannot be met by other community resources. These supports include recovery housing, independent housing, bus passes, food, clothing, and personal care items. The program also offers coverage for intensive and long-term substance abuse residential treatment, when those services are determined to be medically necessary. The Department of Mental Health has contracted with ABH as the administrative service organization for the BHRP. ABH reviews and authorizes requests y treatment providers and vendors fpj prysion these services. ABH is also responsible for utilization management, claims processing and payment, member services, and provider network management. *******************************************************************************************‘.* Talk toyour medicalpro vider about treatments and about accessing resources oft/i/c important supportive program overseen and admi’iLctered byABH - Community-based intensive case management services are available to those HUSKY fl/Medicaid recipients who have complex needs or have had difficulty engaging in the recovery continuum in spite of frequent admissions to acute care services. Recovery Specialists assist individuals in accessing the clinical and basic recovery supports needed to improve the quality of their lives. ABH Contact Information: Clinical Recovery Supports Toll-Free: (800) 606-3677 Clinical Recovery Supports Fax: (860) 704-6145 Basic Recovery Supports Toll-Free: (800) 658-4472 Basic Recovery Supports Fax: (866) 249-8766 419 Whalley Avenue, Suite 300, New Haven 065 11 Tel. 203-285-6475 Fax 203-285-6561 MCU\ ofrer S Outpatient ti catiflc’nL servccs through group and famy thurapv. C cle:dLLr, 1 bL Lu parti( ip< rLL IT] i VU lo/ Of progu ]fl]5 sut h as ifltflflSlVL Oulpc H CUT. ft: IpSo preYc Ui lOT’. 1 1’, ULUTVLc POfi women s tnd men s services and Latino outnaucnT. hrough IhCSL’ supper hvo 51 o 1 C i1 -His IT o able to recOgni/C ti igger S and ciestc LIC tIVO behavior and begin to LTeitL the r uqes le hr g to trw well—being created by a healthier lifestyle. ILl F iflThi L’diJCdHOfl ciC]d therapy iS cllSO avaahe cifld covers the many issues family mc-nThor s must c (‘JhCi] dwiHflg with a fciiflily memoer suffering from an addiction Or niental iNness 5’Jitfl Our Lu C( oinnedate clients ny allowincj theni to i UfllcHfl in the home Of id bC Ohio Lo wur k U: sChool while in treatnlent. Most programs and counselors cilU OVc3ilcIblC dLir iflj evcning hour S. OfleCtVe IS ttCfld1 Ser ViCeS include: Evaluations and assessments Incividuol, group and family therapy Educcition and 0 eatment for family members and significant others Relapse prevention groups Gender and age specific services Continuing cure and referral services Outpatient Treatment for: Specialized Groups •Suhstance Abuse Intensive Outpatient Program Anger management •Mental Health, Co-occurring Gender specific traLrma group Disorders Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) •Bettor Choice Gambling Program Co-occurring Groups ‘-,.Latino Outreach Ongoing Maintenance Suhoxone group Problem gambling group Mommy and Me - , Open Access at all of MCCA locations There is no need to wait weeks for an appointment, simply walk-in. If you are not seen on that day, you will J( ‘fnrrolv w 1k ou with a scheduled appointment. ‘ii CI7 0’?. 7,’ 0 “u 1” 0 c , MCCA offers walk-in day hours in our New Haven facility on for all clients in need of dii outpatient evaluation Tuesdays from 8:30am to I 2pm if you prefer to schedule your appointment by phone. call our scheduling dc’partmc’nt at L37 7-8J’l-6222 between the hours of Barn and 8:30pm to make a reservation for an appointmeni I Uz’ 0/2,Ofl/’7L.’72 ‘/71 ‘JI ,/ P0,150 0.’!; Vc’ 11’ ‘77i,’70tc’ 0’ 1f/,I 10 ‘75f?;’1 /).1)c7 c’c-’c?-’K MCCA participates in the Connecticut General Assistance Behavioral Health Program Sron-’ ‘ I or ‘iou: convL’nic’: ]CL’ V.L i-mpt C ‘h L hoc ks ncI mor rn,:’ orod I 1,1CC A p lrt;c :pctcs :0 muny minqcd c :c C’ h 3s, Jrnd wo icso :c copt 1c iCI:tOnjI n: Li. 0. i::,oc0 Doins ma-.’ r000rL tnct ‘/00 uDtJ:n Juthurlzotcon from thorn txtom ‘•,“ou vs:t us S:ncc’ tos CHICo 3, : 3 c’oso chock Vjitfl you’- nsurllnco rompany so you ncy oc ovo C urnpL’tL’ oonof:n from our coy:: ‘pc \lonv nsu: ,‘nc o phns 00 ;L:’ C’ 111cc i (‘CL, cm:kc o Cu-OIl ‘fl ent ,j C tn,: C mu of 7(30’ v:s ‘C ‘ InC nil r. no (u’’:.’ :s SuIc: 3 nun—prc:fit cmi 0005 b_, -J r.’ICC/\ 3:3 010 i-HIJ.’lLJ r Rood. 0 nhury. C I 10 1.71 Cl I ‘iC /\ : .-1’g:/ 0 by lb Recovery and Empowerment for Women The Village of POWER is a program that provides services to women struggling with substance abuse, horn elessness, mental health challenges or HIV/AIDS. In conjunction with Northside Community Outpatient Services, the program offers groups specializing in employment readiness, medical and psychiatric wellness, household management, spirituality, parenting and emotions management. Clients are encouraged to utilize the program daily and for as long as they need assistance. Growing through Sewing is one of the recovery programs offered at the Village of POWER. Recovery principles are reinforced through this program including patience, concentration, problem solving, working as a team and stress management. .: -, t I. .. . I.. .I. . .1 1 —— .1 —L — If.:, 1 . Cornell Scott Hill H alth Center Group led by Jessica Sinchak, LPC Call 203-5034663 for more information. Cornell Scott4lill Health Center State Street Counseling Services 913 State Street, 2nd floor, New Haven, CT In the large group room Group meets Wednesdays at 1000 am wwoHi3HeaithCer,tercom Learn how you can lead a more relaxed life Learn about anxiety, including where it comes from, how to feel more in control and how small changes can make a big difference • Learn more about the mind/body connection Join this group to: Worried? Stressed out? Feeling anxious? Katherine Fleride, MSW at 203 -5 03-3668 To join, talk to your therapist and ask far a referral or call: Cornell ScottHilI Health Center State Street Counseling Services large Group Room 913 State Street. New Haven, Cf Group meets Tuesdays from 11:00 am-i 2:00 pm Cornell Scott H Hill Health / Center ( Triggers to Alcohol & Drug Use, Relapse Prevention, Building Coping Skills and Enhancing Strengths The group will focus on: preventing relapse a You neea additional support to dssist in You are considering, trying to, or have entered the recovery process You are enrolled in treatment at the health centers State Street Counseling Services Youre encouraged to attend if: An outpatient group for adults recovering from substance use disorders in a safe and supportive environment Relapse Prevention to RECOVERY ) A Statewide No Cost Transportation Service RIDES TO AND FROM Sober Houses Recovery Houses Detoxification Facilities Treatment Programs Shelters I Hospitals Road to Recovery staff will respond to completed applications. Once eligibility is confirmed, rides can be arranged within hours, sometimes the same day. Transportation is available state wide, Monday through Friday, from 8 am to 5 pm. Participants must be active Husky D recipients, receiving no cash assistance. No fees are charged to participating agencies or the eligible riders. Road to Recovery will discuss fee for service for ineligible riders. For more information call: Edna Brown, Road to Recovery at (203)401-2087. Applications can be faxed to (203)401-2086 or scanned and c-mailed to A program of Columbus House funded by The CT Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services & Advanced Behavioral Health. an application for ‘Road to Recovery’ follows on the next 2 pages in “careers”J School of Dental [viedicine .... care for recipients of DSS Husky plans 263 Farmington Avenue, Farmington, Connecticut 06030 U S A For information or schedule an appointment please call UConnLink at 800-535-6232 UConnLink on-line: Hours of Care are generally 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday Student Clinics offer patients comprehensive dental care in a comfortable environment provided by dental students under the supervision of experienced and licensed clinical faculty. Although the time required to complete treatment in our student clinics is longer than with in a private practice setting, fees are generally less. You will receive an appointment for a brief oral and dental examination to determine your general treatment needs and to make an assessment whether your needs can be met by our student providers. If accepted, you wilt be assigned to an appropriate clinic for your care. New patients must first schedule a screening appointment then are registered into the system before scheduled in clinic. Timeline for scheduling appointments averages 4— 6 weeks. Resident Clinics Resident Clinics offer both comprehensive and specialized treatment with care provided by graduate dentists receiving advanced training. Residents provide care under the supervision of experienced and licensed clinical faculty and care will generally take less time than with our student providers, however, the fees are generally higher. You may be referred to one of our residency clinics from our student clinics as deemed appropriate for your specific needs such as in areas of care: . Advanced General Dentistry- Comprehensive dental care: restorative, cosmetics, and implant therapy • Endodontics Root canal therapy • Orthodontics Braces • Oral and Maxillofaciat Surgery • Oral and facial surgery, dental implants - - Pediatric Dentistry • Children’s dentistry- Connecticut Children’s Medical Center • Burgdorf Dental Clinic Periodontics • Periodontal (gum) disease, dental implants Prosthodontics • cosmetic and Reconstructive Dentistry • Venoers, crowns, bridges, implants, dentures Emergency Dental Care The University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine provides emergency dental care for our patients and for the community. Emergency care is available without appointment during regular clinic hours. If you have questions about emergency care, call UConnLink or 860-679-2325. If you require emergency dental care after hours, including evenings, weekends, and holidays, care is provided by the School in the John Dempsey Hospital Emergency Department of the University of Connecticut Health Center. Call UConnLink or 860-679-2588 (Emergency Department) or 860-679-2626 ask for the dental resident. - http//wwwpsycho/ogytoday com/blog/happiness-in-worlq/20 100 1/ho w-manag&anger? HOW TO DEAL WITH ANGER IN YOURSELF Not by ignoring or suppressing it. Experience and science have shown repeatedly how poorly those strategies work. Once anger rises past a certain point, it seems to require satisfactory expression to be diffused. That is, it must be expelled in a way that feels good—in a way that is literally emptying. The goal then would be to expel it in a way that does as little damage as possible. How one does this depends on why the anger one feels is rising in the first place. Anger aimed at harming oneself. Depression is almost certainly the cause and should be identified and treated. Anger aimed at achieving control. Ask yourself why you feel out of control. Fear is a common reason. Actually lacking control is another. Anger is, fortunately or unfortunately, often a good strategy to regain control in the shortterm, and easier to feel than many of the emotions that trigger it. But as it ultimately remains an expression of our unfulfilled need to control (if we actually had control, we wouldn’t get angry), far better to identify a means to actually provide us real control rather than the illusion of it. When such control isn’t possible, a next best option is to fully recognize what feelings being out of control leads to first, before anger; fear and uncertainty, If we can identify these feelings each time they arise, we at least have a chance to deal more constructively with them-or at least more consciously. Anger aimed to make us feel powerful. Control isn’t exactly the issue here. It’s more that we feel small and insecure and have stumbled upon anger as an effective means to feel bigger than those around us. Recognizing this is what’s going on empowers us again to interrupt the generation of anger and instead to deal with the feelings of insecurity. Anger that arises from insecurity is particularly efficient at destroying intimate relationships. Anger at injustice. How best to discharge this anger? Take action to correct the injustice, whether committed against yourself or someone else. Of course, anger may arise for more than one of these reasons at one time. Anger at an injustice committed against you (as opposed to someone else) may intermingle with anger aimed at achieving control (as an expression of a wish for control that could have prevented the injustice from being committed in the first place). Anger aimed at yourself for being powerless in a given situation may intermingle with anger at someone else as a way to achieve the very power you lack. HOW TO DIFFUSE ANGER IN OTHERS The goal here is two-fold, your ability to carry out the second being dependent on your ability to carry out the first; Remain in control of yourself. When you find yourself on the receiving end of someone’s anger, they’re either trying to control you in some way or make you feel small so they can feel big. Or you’ve done them some kind of wrong. You should seek to understand which of the three it is. You must tell yourself that anger is their strategy and has nothing to do with you at all, unless of course you really have committed an injustice against them, in which case you should make amends. Help them discharge their anger in a way that feels satisfying without causing harm. Responding to anger with anger rarely accomplishes anything positive. If you remain in control of yourself so that another’s anger neither manipulates you nor makes you feel small, you have a chance to help them deal with the real issue that triggered their anger in the first place. What tactics work to accomplish this? Validate their anger. Resisting a person’s anger, getting angry back at them, denying that their anger is justified all do nothing more than inflame it. Even if their anger isn’tjustified in your mind, what would convincing them of that accomplish? It likely wouldn’t give them control over it. Feelings require no justification to be felt. Apologize. I told my patient how sorry I was he had such an unpleasant experience. It wasn’t my fault, but in commiserating with him, I was able to validate his anger. Help turn their anger into language. Get them to express in words, rather than in harmful action, just how angry they are. This is often an effective way to help them discharge their anger in a way that feels satisfying. Get angry with them. Get even angrier than they are. Transform yourself from the object of their anger into their partner in feeling the same anger as they. Though buried deeply, fr was the obvious cause of my patient’s anger, an emotion with which I could far more easily sympathize. As he’d already calmed down by the time he came to see me (he’d satisfactorily discharged a lot of his anger already over the phone), I spent most of my time validating his anger and attempting to address its underlying cause. He never would acknowledge he was afraid, however, which made me worry there would be similar future outbursts (there were), but having fully apprehended its cause, his anger never again intimidated me. He was ultimately diagnosed with lymphoma, endured several cycles of chemotherapy, and was eventually cured. Of his lymphoma, that is. AT&T Connecticut Lifeline Application Application for Lifeline • • • Lifeline is a federal benefit and willfully making false statements to obtain the benefit can result in tines, imprisonment, dc-enrollment or being barred from the program Only one Lifeline service is available per household. A household is defined, for purposes of the Lifeline program, as any individual or group of individuals who live together at the same address and share income and expenses. A household is not permitted to receive Lifeline benefits from multiple providers. Violation of the one-per-household limitation constitutes a violation of the Federal Communications Comniissions (or FCC”) rules and will result in the subscriber’s dc-enrollment from the program Lifeline is a non-transferable benefit and the subscriber max’ not transfer his or her benefit to any other person. How to apply: four steps I. 2. 3. 4. Choose whether you will apply because you participate in a qualifying program or because your total household income falls within the guidelines. Fill out the form on the back. You must indicate your service address as well as your billing address (if not the same as your service address), as well as the last four digits of your SSN, and your date of birth. You must provide photocopies of either the program or income documents. You must sign the bottom of the application indicating that you are complying with the Lifeline benefit rules. Qualifying Methods You may qualify for Lifeline either because you participate in one of the following programs or because your income is within the following guidelines. NOTE: You may receive Social Security and Medicare benefits, but to qualify for Lifeline, you must receive benefits from one of the following programs or your income must fall within the guidelines. You MUST send photocopies of any qualifying documentation. NOTE: SEND PHOTOCOPIES ONLY; WE WILL NOT RETURN ANY DOCUMENTATION. To verify your identity and eligibility, you must also include in your envelope a photocopy of: Identity: State Photo Identification Card OR Photo Identification Driver’s License Eligibility: Food Stamps Card, Medical Services Identification Card, Welfare Check or Eligibility Letter, Grant Letter from the State, or Letter from the Social Security Administration showing your participation. Qualifying Programs • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) • Tital 19 Medicaid (Including Husky and Healthy Start) • Supplemental Security Income (SSI) • National School Lunch (NSL) free lunch program • Federal Public Housing/Section 8 • Personal Care Assistance • Rental Assistance • Temporary Family Assistance • • • • • • • Connecticut Energy Assistance Program State Administered General Assistance Care for Kids CONNPACE Contingency Heating Assistance Refugee Program State Supplement to the Aged, Blind, or Disabled Tribal Lands Lifeline If you live on a tribal land/reservation (as defined in Title 47—Code of Federal Regulations. Section 54.400(e)), you may qualify for Lifeline if you participate in one of the above programs or one of the following: • Tribally Administered Temporary Assistance for Needy Families • Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance • Head Start (income qualifying only) • Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) Income Eligibility Annual Income 135% Thresholds Based on Ilousehold Size 1 2 4 3 For each add’l person 5 $15,080 $20.426 $25,772 $31,118 $36.464 + $5,346/person Call 1-800-288-2020 to inquire about Lifeline or send in the attached application. Call 1-800-842-1514 for TTY/TDD with voice service. LIFE-FORM 06-12 1” / iK a ‘,‘ Kji , ‘5 Ii’, KKK, 1 ‘ , messages in, Help endinq hit assing phone http.s://vmlvw.ftccompiaintassistant.gv k 0 % 00 Go to: ‘ 1 K KKKK K ‘run ,Ki ipln 0 n-ic K, bKK hK K C Stopping UsoiltedMaS, U one Cats, rind Email Ream Siqi Up tan P at Do Not Call Registry Tard cr1 iavim.j your matbox crammer with uusciHtod mall, U•cludinq prea :aavrrsl roadit ara.i apationsli Fed up with qetl:inaj teenlarketiod c.alls just as you’re sitPnq down tar aIr:: ro:? Fuming that your r.nioi inhox is cho.ckput of unsolicited acaisinq? The good news Is that you o a.ut down on the unsuliuta I malhngs ails inn n nrnnh no oo a h 5 F in un a ‘ha 0 0 lint siy Consu.iner Repa.eai.rto Compa.nies I You mc’’’ renin ti’’ :rcoc’: I p:cwsr :1’ T n:npio:.- ‘,!OLIi ‘eac: ,‘aa rust :otn’’l 00 ::to, ‘ohico viii be r’rcvi:iei alto a.: i:iI0: l-’O’co:,-OI ,— on :0’:. is ‘h’.:rI’ ‘a:’ C)ptir:irms pr3 Bare •73fl 12.3 Atlanta, GA 30.374 ‘‘SUns: 4Sf, C.: -c’:’: ic If you credo that you dorlt want to receive pros. reened offer.s of credit a.nd insuonc a.. you have two chr:ifraa: You can opt out o•f receivina them Icc five or opt out of receivinci rho :ocrrmanentiy, to opt out for five years: CaS tollrfree 1 88C5sDPT-C)l...iT I .8PTP56i-8688) or visit veo’ The phone number a: website are operator by the :noior consumer [Ltcortiii’i corupanies. n’’.”; Cloct,ct u so, tiiwtial ‘; ri —:i: a :“,rFton rcmo.: 0’ r’’’::iO’ i’’ v,si: rile avabriro yc.u to .ssV_’r Sc t’:’:’,’iare wtccn raao.’’o’ infcu’atL.,::, 1 uH’ in— F I I I ii ti i v,’ih he aisat] cU c. e coo :: rc’n:rt :0 op: nut. Tra,ssUnUn Name Removal C) PD, Box 50% Wcrodlyn, PA 1 9i)S’i now a iass tar the i:0-’:re ‘0:. ‘ac:’, cresra’sat :vpniiin’i a’ ‘r:oa’tie Si,: a :5 t uan Soc ti’ Dot CCC la m. F:’. 13 Alien, TX 75013 i C ‘c’: 1 1 I rc’c,,jes: ‘,a;uiaSi ri ‘—I Morkatino Assotiatlarls lDF’lAi Sat,c ii Prete: ancc’ Sers•’ice i MCI lets i-tm.: ‘:c”:r::’ociai cal as tn till,’: 0,50 :casm: a’s ‘a tire yea: 0 ‘7-i. .. 0 HiC.O’O ‘,c a ‘m 5: oar: out: 1 The idderal governmentls National Do Not Call Registry is a free, easy way tar reduce the teleinarketing cails you get at home. To register your phorte nurr:ber or to get information about the rc.’cjistry, visit ssww.doriotaailgov. or call 1 D88-1it32- 1222 Irairn the phone number you want to redlister. You will get fewer teleniarketing calls within 3 1 days of registering yore number, Telephone nsa is be: s on the regist:y ac-it only be removed when they are •disc,it macten anal reassigred, air when you :0’ a’ to remove .a Oscar: hen from that registry. K. 1,0: I 1,01,1,1cm lcm “‘ ,“ K,I’K, K ‘ K, ,K 5 1 ‘ * K ‘IK )4KKK’ cmli 10 o,,ill 1 111K lois [)FI,”.al sri liasa :: Unail P i”O’’e’•i’-e Or’ICli ieSK.SCSi tr:r help you redi.:c.e r:nsokc son: er,c’raiai e:nail.s, to opt out of :arceivir:g unsolicited co:n:ne: cial e::ack from DMA members, vis it rvsr.ev.d:nadiv:ricc’.or::l. kenl:stsa0csr is free and good fair six yea: s. ,K A Vibrant Community Fostering Mental Health in New Haven, CT Housing and support services for those recovering from severe mental illness 441 Elm Street, New Haven, CT 06511 203- 789-4452 1:1.11 .()VS1 H P ii Fellowships mission is to he/p adults with mental illness lead more meaningful. fulfilling and healthy lives by offering resources, education, and opportunities. Career be ve/opfnen t Services L Employment, Education and Job Training Career bevelopmerit Program Employment Tract Srvic: Support: OrevctResource,oom Fesources and information about edu cation and employment opportunities. LJobIGrou- An 8 week course focusing on work ethics and work- re lated concerns. Topics include the impact of work on entitlements how to write a resume and cover letter, applying for a job, networking, inter viewing skills and maintaining employ ment. Benefits Counseling Assistance with understanding the impact of entitle ments an working. Career Assessment- individualized career development planning. Inter e:ts, skills, and strengths are ex plored in pursuit of vocational goals and options. Assistance with esume Wr/j,g creating an up-to-date and attractive - - The purpose of the Career evclop provide on-gaing ment Program is guidance and support to individuals in exploring and pursuing education, train ing and employment goals based on their preferences, interests and strengths. The Career beveiopment Program is di vided into 3 components the Education Track, the Training Track. and the Em ployment Track. The uitimate goal of the program is to help individuals ge the skills they need to get and keep a jcb in the community. In the job development phase of the program, the individual’s kill are matched with an €. 1loyers needs and the employee is p:’ovided with the suppart to ensure a :uccessful work cxperience. resume. Employment y e 0 dTemoraEmloment On-Site Food Service Arts & Eats Cafeteria Arts & Eats Catering cunity Employment Job bevelopment, Placement & Coaching Co’rpvter Eoucor:cn Introduction to Con cucs Int’o:uctc.n to “ha Ir,terr,et ntresucton c MicrosofT Woro Introduction to Mcrc:oft P,’bisher introduction to Microsoft Excel Keyuaarcing - ornputer Open Lob Open lob times ore scheduled in the Computer Learning Center when classes are not in sessar - Training Track The Food Service Training Program Food Service Training Program provides individuals with training in all aspects af food service. Hands on training and a comprehensive curriculum in basic safety and food handling are taught by a certi fied chef. Graduates seek employment in all areas of the food service industry. Food Service Classes - Graduates of Fellowship’s Career bevelopment Program have obtained a wide variety of pasitions. The follow ing iS 0 sample of satisfied employers: Education Track Adult Education GEb Classes and testing - For indi One-on-One Tutor Instruction viduals who wont to mprove their math and reading skills or brush up on basic academc - - Stop Shop The Gap c,tai < eaiing Frank’s Nursery Edge of the Woods Colony Manufacturing Baily’s Gym High Hopes Vocational training for mdi viduals interested in learning about basic horse core and barn maintenance. - Supported Educotn/Po:t Secondary Educa tion Support cnc guidance 5 provided for individuals who hc,e their HS diploma and want to further ther oOucatian. Volunteering in the Community For indi viduals who would like to gain wark-related experience and contribute to their com Volunteer opportunities or-c munities. based the Individual’s interests and pref erences. - Career beveloprnen cscurce ftaom Open during designated hours. Information and resources related t, education, training and employment are available. - A Collaboration of APT Foundation, Easter Seals & Marrakech, Inc. People will be screened for DMHAS eligibility. Interested people must be residing in New Haven, are currently not actively involved in the service system or in treatment, and who have not had success with previous recovery strate gies. hilityuirements If immediate transportation to treat ment is needed the staff will assist you with getting there. Access to Treatment The Taking Initiative Center is a place to foster dialogue about what the next steps may be for recovery. It is also a place where people can safely talk with their peers, consult with counselors, and just get away from their normal daily routine, Individuals can make use of the free computers, recovery groups, meals, and extensive literature. rd The Taking Initiative Center It provides a safe place and allows me to use resources to my benefit. When you have nothing, a little means a lot, Helps me to relax and make it through the day. Here is what our clients say about the TiC: From the moment that you enter the door, you are reeted and accepted with We are kindness, Our daily affirma waiting tar yau tion sets the tone for a positive, productive day. So come on in, One of the staff members is ready to help you with any of your needs, - Not an ordinary center it’s a safe place to be during the day - I 514 WhalleyA venue New Haven, CT 06511 Open? daysper wee/c 830 am 300pm. /203) 389-297a ext 1317 • • Your confidentiality is respected and protected assist you in finding one if you want, vices that may benefit you. We are not a treatment center, but we will lumbus House to TIC at 9 AM and from TIC to select New Haven program sites at 3PM. We will assist you in obtaining social ser • calls, We provide a safe and comfortable space to play games, watch television or educa tional movies, read, chat, and relax Washer, dryer and a shower may be avail able upon first visit. Monday—Friday we offer rides from Co • • • use, We have two telephones for making local The Taking Initiative Center (TIC) is a safe place for individuals from New Haven who are using drugs, drinking trying to stop using, or in early recovery from addictions or alcoholism. e We serve breakfast until I 0:OOAM and lunch in the afternoon. • We offer optional groups daily: meditation, plan for the day, recovery and education, • Three computers are available for client What are you doing today? Are you homeless and need a photo ID? htt,o.//ct clov/dmv/site/defaultasD [ND HOMELESSNESS http//www cceh. org/flndhe/p The State of Connecticut passed legislation to assist homeless persons who are residents of authorized shelters or transitional housing programs in obtaining a State of Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles issued non-driver photo identification: Sec. 1-lh, Identity cards. (a) Any person who does not possess a valid motor vehicle operators license may apply to the Department of Motor Vehicles for an identity card. The application for an identity card shall be accompanied by the birth certificate of the applicant or a certificate of identification of the applicant issued and authorized for such use by the Department of Correction. Such application shall include: (1) The applicants name; (2) the applicants address; (3) whether the address is permanent or temporary; (4) the applicants date of birth; (5) notice to the applicant that false statements on such application are punishable under section 53a-1 57b; and (6) such other pertinent information as the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles deems necessary. A fee of twenty-two dollars and fifty cents shall be paid to the department upon issuance to the applicant of an identity card which contains a picture of the applicant and specifies the applicants height, sex and eye color. The applicant shall sign the application in the presence of an official of the department. The commissioner may waive the fee for any applicant who has voluntarily surrendered such applicants motor vehicle operators license or whose license has been refused by the commissioner pursuant to subdivision (4) of subsection (e) of section 14-36. The commissioner may waive the fee for any applicant who is a resident of a homeless shelter or other facility for homeless persons. The commissioner shall adopt regulations, in accordance with the provisions of chapter 54, to establish the procedure and qualifications for the issuance of an identity card to any such homeless applicant. (b) An identity card shall expire within a period not exceeding six years from the date of issuance of such card. Each such card shall indicate its date of expiration. Any person who holds an identity card shall be notified by the commissioner before its expiration and may renew such card in such manner as the commissioner shall prescribe upon payment of a fee of twenty-two dollars and fifty cents. (c) A distinctive identity card shall be issued to any applicant less than twenty-one years of age. The identity card shall contain a statement that it is issued subject to the same verification of the applicants identity as required for the issuance of a motor vehicle operators license. The card may thereafter be exhibited to establish the age and identity of the person to whom it was issued. (d) The Commissioner of Motor Vehicles, in consultation with the Liquor Control Commission, shall adopt regulations in accordance with the provisions of chapter 54 to carry out the purposes of this section and section 3086. (e) Any person who misrepresents his age or practices any other deceit in the procurement of an identity card, or uses or exhibits an identity card belonging to any other person, shall be fined not more than fifty dollars or imprisoned not more than thirty days or both. Under this program the DMV waives the normal application fee one time within the 6 year life of an ID cards expiration and only when the shelter or transitional housing program staff completes the proper form (DMV form 8-230) accompanied by required documentation. — Talk to your shelter/ transitional housing case manager about receiving this assistance TOWN of EAST HAVEN Social Services Department Veronica Wright Director 250 Main Street, Lower Level, East Haven, CT. 065 12 Phone: (203) 468—3303 Fax: 468—3947 Providing Adult and Fami,v Support Services to Residents in Need ADA COMPLIANCE OFFICER Your Town of East Haven ADA Compliance Officer is Candace Criscuolo appointed in June of 2012. Her office is located in the Finance Department on the lower level of East Haven Town Hall. To report violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act Candace Criscuolo 203—468—3210. Energy Assistance Community Action Agency (CAA) manages the fuel assistance program. East Haven Social Services assists clients with their applications. Call the East Haven Senior Center 203—468—3277 to schedule an application appointment from October 1st May 1st. At our office clients with scheduled appointments are taken first, then walk-ins are assisted on a first-come first-served basis. Visit the CT. Dept. of Social Services for ENERGY ASSISTANCE program information, eligibilty requirements, document requirements and applications. — Short-term Case Management Any resident in an emergency situation will meet with a caseworker. Specific needs are addressed and appropriate referrals are made to state and local agencies. INFORMATION Information on State & Federal Programs Youth (HUSKY) Kids and Uninsured for Healthcare Medical Insurance for Single Adults Stated Assisted General Assistance (SAGA) Connecticut Pharmaceutical Assistance Contract to the Elderly and Disabled (CONNPACE) Food Programs Emergency Shelter Employment Assistance Homeowner’s Tax Relief Program Available to elderly (65+) and totally disabled homeowners who meet income guidelines. Application period is February 1st through May 1 5th. Call the East Haven Assessor’s office at 203—468—3233 for details. Renter’s Rebate Program Available to elderly (65+) and totally disabled renters who meet income guidelines. Application period is May 1 5th through September 1 5th. Call East Haven Senior Center for appointments 203—468—3277. 7 Home About East Haven Admin & MgLP Animal Control Boards & mmins TOWN of EAST HAVEN Counseling & Community Services East Haven Counseling & Communityservices (EHCCS} LOCATION: 595 Thompson Ave. East Haven, CT 06512 CONTACT: Fax: {flS-34. A clinician will speak with you and make decisions for follow up or referrals. HOURS: Monday through Friday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Evening appointments available. Many forms of insurance coverage are accepted. 1nard Business Directorv CMI Service Communi Links elln& crnrniniSci Economic * * * TEMPORARY CHANGE IN CLINIC HOURS Starting August 19th 2013 we are changing some ctinician schedules to allow for earlier appointments and increase our availability for services. For the next several months several clinicians will be able to make appointments on some days at 8:30 or 9:00am and will be leaving at 4:00 or 4:30pm. Evening hours will continue on Monday and Wednesday by appointment. Development Fire Dept Please Note: As of September 1, 2012 the Town of East Haven has contracted with BHCARE, Inc., (formerly Harbor Health Services), to manage the counseling and community services department. This reorganization does not affect services town residents. GovDirectory GovPSAs Health & Safety Hot Issues ?4yors Office Media Coverag Police Dept. Website Probate Court Public Services Recreation Dept Senior Center Town Calendar Iwnchit Town Clerk The Mission of East Haven Counseling and Community Services is to improve the quality of life of the people of the Town of East Haven by providing a network of comprehensive, effective and efficient mental health services that foster selfsufficiency, dignity and respect so as to empower individuals to live up to their ultimate potential. SERVICES • Read information about Counseling Center. i2LnJI41LQPt Town Ma intrJlR Contact Us Site Map east Haven Town History MISSION STATEMENT . nLibr4ry Public Schools Google Translator jjgwith Traumatic Events provided by the East haven • Providing outpatient mental health services & prevention programs. • The Agency Is licensed by the State of Connecticut as an adult outpatient psychiatric clinic. • Licensed Clinical Social Workers and Masters level clinicians are trained to provide assessments, crisis intervention, and on-going counseling using Individual, couple, family and group therapies. • Board certified Psychiatrists provide diagnostic evaluations, and prescribe psychotropic medicatIons when deemed appropriate. • Twenty-four hour emergency backup services available. cikXNiCSIAFTAFF Program Manager I Director: Elizabeth Trotta, LCSW Secretary: Arlene Hackbarth Bookkeeper I Billing: Kelly Smith Town of Hamden Department of Community Services Diane Butler, Director Keefe Community Center 11 Pine Street, Hamden, CT 065 145 Phone: (203) 562-5129 Fax: 562-2026 Our mission is to enhance the quality of life of all Hamden residents by providing educational, recreational and social services through coordinated or direct services. - We enable Hamden residents to acquire or maintain self-sufficiency by providing the assistance and support systems to function independently as productive members of the community. Located at the M.L. Keefe Community Center in the heart of southern Hamden, Community Services has a staff of five full-time employees. In addition to Town funding, Community Services received a grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), which allows the department to assist residents in avoiding evictions, foreclosures and utility service interruptions. While Community Services is best known for providing emergency services to people in need through its food bank, shelter to families displaced by fire, or assistance to families facing heating emergencies during the cold winter months, the department also engages in a number of proactive activities designed to give residents the tools to succeed and improve themselves, including a very successful workforce training program, collaborative efforts with local arts groups to provide artistic programming, and providing scholarships to children unable to afford to attend local summer camps. Community Services encourages residents to take part in parent-learning programs funded through a grant from the Graustein Foundation. Parents and Communities for Kids (PACK) offer arts workshops and cultural performances in urban communities, providing opportunities for children and parents to learn together in an informal setting. Collaboration and Cooperation The Keefe Center, a multipurpose, inter-generational facility that provides all of the services necessary to assist clients in one location, provides fertile ground for identification of a variety of areas where families may benefit from assistance. Community Services, like all agencies operating at the Keefe Center, believes that addressing individual needs through intensive case management is more effective than simply administering programs. Attention to the “whole person” helps Community Services staff focus on the needs of individuals and their families, to ensure that clients are always treated with dignity and respect, and guarantee that each client receives individualized attention. As resources continue to shrink and demand services continues to grow, the Community Services Department sees enhanced cooperation and collaboration with all service agencies as the most important avenue toward continued success. Jobs Resource Center The Job Resource Center counselor works with clients one-on-one to build their resumes, strengthen interviewing and computer skills and search job markets. The Job Resource Center is open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 1:30 to 4:30pm, and is located on the third floor of the Hamden Government Center. To make an appointment call Sue Hutchinson at (203) 287-2647. Hamden Government Center• 2750 Dixwell Avenue• Hamden, CT 06518 203.287.7000 __0 Talk to a Housing Counselor Want advice on buying a horr, renting. default, foreclosure avoidance, credit issues or reverse mortgages? HUD sponsors housing counseling agencies throughout the country to provide free or low cost advice, Search online for a housing counseling agency near you, or call HUD’s interactive voice system at: (800> 569-4287. Consumer Fees for Housing Counseling Foreclosure prevention counseling and homeless counseling services are available free of charge through HUDs Housing Counseling Program. Housing Co H ‘g Proc s” are r pred to a e co’sr s r becc s —f- usr c rr i ae9e ccoca ra r LD u C scribes. Howeve. h coo ocurseog coerces are Derruitted to cnarge reascrahe cud pay these snouth not c’ reoperts serv:ces. Counseling customary fees for other forms o housng counseog and education serIces ncumng prw-purchase reverse morgage renta:, arc non-dercuency poshpurchase counseling services, provided certain conditions are met: — Agencies must prov:de counseling without charge to persons who demonstrate they cannot afford the fees: Agencies must inform clients of the fee structure in aovance of provthing services Fees must be commensurate with the bevel of services provided .Deere arc ct ocrr’niyc wtr these recuirerrerts cv SflOUid contact ycor ocat HUD office y0u encounter hcusrg counseling agenc es that you — UflitE:d Way of Connecticut Choice Vou chcr Pror m www.cthcvporg/ United Way Welcome to the Housing Choice Voucher Program (also known as Section 8) waiting list web site. You can use this web site to locate open Housing Choice Voucher waiting lists throughout Connecticut. You can also register to receive automatic notice of the opening of Housing Choice Voucher waiting lists whenever they occur. The Housing Choice Voucher Program is only one option for subsidized rental housing. To find out about other affordable housing options, click here. To find out what other programs you may qualify for, try the 2-I-I Navigator. Any questions? Dial 2-1-1 from anywhere in the State of Connecticut. The call is free. http://cthousingsearchorg/indexhtmI 1.877.428.8844 Welcome to where its FREE to list and search for properties. This is a new service, and properties are beIng added daily, so check back often. If you know of a property pro vider with housing to list, have them contact us! Accessible, Affordable or, Market Rate Housing Available Online, or Through Our Toll Free Call Center For Tenants Find a Place to Rent For People With Disabilities For Seniors http:!!wwwcLgov/brs!site/default.asp The Vocational Rehabilitation Program The goal of the Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Program is to assist individuals with significant physical and mental disabilities to prepare for, obtain and maintain employment. Through the provision of individualized services, persons with disabilities who are eligible for vocational rehabilitation are supported in planning for and achieving their job goals. To be eligible for the VR program, an individual must have a significant physical or mental condition which poses a substantial barrier to employment, and must require VR services in order to prepare for, find and succeed in employment. The vocational rehabilitation program serves persons with all disabilities except legal blindness. Individuals with legal blindness are served by the Board of Education and Services for the Blind; their website is located at The vocational rehabilitation program is supported by a combination of state and federal funds. To learn more about the vocational rehabilitation program, go to htJ/www2 .egov/about/offices/list/osers/rsa/index. html?src= mr Individuals who receive Social Security disability benefits have increased incentives to work while maintaining some or all of their benefits. Benefits Counseling is available to assist individuals to assess the impact returning to work will have on their disability benefits. More information on work incentives programs is available by contacting the Connect to Work Center. The Bureau of Rehabilitation Services (BRS) provides vocational rehabilitation (VR) services to assist Connecticut residents with significant disabilities to find and keep employment. Please review the Job Seeker publication for an overview of our services. If you would like to apply for VR services, you must make arrangements with the BRS office nearest to where you live to file the actual application in person. (you may view a sample application on-line In the office, these forms will be in a slightly different format, but they will contain the same information). - You may contact the office where you will apply to learn more about what services may be available and what you must do if you are eligible for services. You will also learn if you need an appointment to meet with a counselor or attend an orientation meeting. If you are eligible, a counselor will help you develop an employment plan based on your needs and abilities and will help arrange whatever services are needed to achieve your employment goal. Find out more about the great services of BRS New Haven BRS Administrative Office 414 Chapel Street, Suite 301 New Haven, CT 06511 Tel: 203-974-3000 :. WeIcom to Li: — .: — — 764 A Campbell Avenue West Haven, CT 06516 — (203) 934 7077 call after 1:00 p.m. (203) 934 7078 Fax (203) 934 7079 TTY E-mail us: info @cen terfordisabilityrigh ts-ct. org CDR is at the forefront of promoting empowerment and self-reliance for persons with disabilities. CDR’s programs and activities result in greater self-sufficiency for individuals and offer savings to the state and the taxpayer by eliminating the need for many expensive services. We are a partner and help facilitate the Community Choices program. We also run: Helping Each Other Succeed Helping Each Other Succeed (A Support Group of the Center for Disability Rights) meets from 1:30 to 3 p.m. the second Friday of every month at the Center for Disability Rights Visit our office: The easiest access from 95 South is Exit 43, then left under the overpass to the light at Richards Street. Turn right on Richards. Go through several stop signs to the next light (Campbell Ave.) We are in the center just next to the restaurant. From 95 North, take Exit 43, Campbell Ave. Turn right and our driveway is just past the restaurant’s driveway. — Is a single point of entry for both folks with disabilities of all ages and older adults. It is a resource hub of information that can range from a simple name and phone number to detailed help concerning community services, policies and procedures, and assistance with completing benefits applications. Our Mission is to assist individuals 18 and older who are seeking services and support, regardless of age, disability or in come, through a coordinated system of information and access. It provides information to empower older adults and people with disabilities to advocate for themselves. Community Choices is your “one-stop” information gateway for: • Community resources • Options counseling • Referrals for employment assistance • Referrals for care management • Planning for the future; and Advocacy Our goal is to empower individuals to advocate for themselves. If you don’t know where to go for help, have been denied benefits or services for which you feel you are eligible, need assistance with communicating your needs or have a complaint about service WE CAN HELP! Information About Community Resources: • Adult day care • Disability services • Elder abuse prevention • Employment, financial, housing, and equipment assistance • In-home services Legal services Mental health/substance abuse services Transportation Nutrition • • Community Choices serves the following towns and cities in Connecticut: Ansonia, Bethany, Branford, Derby, East Haven, Guilford, Ham den, Madison, Meriden, Milford, New Haven, North Haven, North Branford, Orange, Oxford, Seymour, Shelton, Wallingford, West Haven and Woodbridge. In Connecticut Call (800) 994-9422. When you call, please state that you are calling for the Aging & Disability Resource Center or ADRC. Our specially trained staff will be happy to assist you Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Community Choices is made possible by an Administration on Aging grant through the State of Connecticut and is staffed by the Agency on Aging of South Central Connecticut and the Center for Disability Rights. Both organizations ore at the forefront of promoting empowerment and self-reliance for older adults and persons with disabilities. The Kennedy Center, Inc. f& 2440 Reservoir Avenue, Trumbull CT 06611 203.3658522 TDD: 203-339-3034 FAX: 203.365.8533 Mission Our mission promotes the empowerment of consurners with diverse abUities, disabilities, and experiences toward optimal participation and inclusion in the community. Purpose organization, actively responds to needs of persons rehabilitation ased community-b Inc. private, a The Kennedy Center. ve community services. comprehensi innovative, offering with disabilities by ‘ Overview The Kenned Center is one of the most comprehensive rehabilitat on tacihties in the State of Connecticut Our staff is highly experienced in developing specialized and individualized plans for children and adults (including seniors) with mental retardation autism hearing and visual impairments speech difficulties cerebral palsy acquired brain injury, psychiatric disabilities and mobility impairments. Our vocational and job coaching services strengthen partnerships and employment productivity between employers and workers with disabilities and special needs. A wide variety of vocational, educational, residential and recreational services are available to assist individuals in community inclusion. Employment Services Program provides vocational opportunities for individuals who are seeking competitive employment. Our services may include: situational assessment vocational explorations job development job coaching Strong follow-up helps to assure strong community placement. For further information contact: Valerie Reyher, Vice President of Rehabilitation Services (203) 365-8522 ext 267 Supported Education Program enables persons with disabilities to further their career goals through post secondary education. This may include undergraduate, graduate and certification programs. Services may include: Identifying vocational interests, skills, aptitudes and goals Identifying appropriate educational programs and courses Assistance with admissions and financial aid procedures Advocacy Career Counseling Tutoring Contact information Martha Aigner, Coordinator of Supported Education (203) 365-8522 ext 271 maianer,p,pel’ctr.oro 111111.. Program Are you Receiving Benefits and Interested in Working? Check out the. html If you are interested in working, the Ticket to Work Program is the key to unlocking vocational rehabilitation, training, job referrals, and other ongoing support and services to help you reach your employment goals. The program is available for people who are between the ages of 18 and 65 and receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (551) benefits because they are disabled or blind. Work Incentive Liaisons (WIL) Each local Social Security Administration (SSA) office has a Work Incentive Liaison (WIL) who provides advice and information about SSA ‘s work incentive provisions and employment support programs to individuals with disabilities and outside organizations that serve those with disabilities. Contact your local SSA office for the name and telephone number of this Work Incentive Liaison What are the advantages of using the Ticket and Work Incentives? • • You will not receive a medical continuing disability review (CDR) while using your Ticket. You can continue to receive healthcare benefits; and You can easily return to benefits if you have to stop working (known as “expedited reinstatement of benefits”); While you are actively participating in the Ticket to Work program, you can get the help you need to find the job that is right for you and you can safely explore your work options without losing your benefits. • //REDU/EDFEE\ LEGAL S ERVICES from the New Haven County Bar Association ARE YOU: Seeking a divorce, modification of chLd support, or custody? IS YOUR: Landlord trying to evict you, refusing to fix things, or unwilling to give back your security dposit? ci WERE YOU: Arrested for DUI, speeding or other traffic related violations, or a criminal matter? HAVE YOU: Been denied unemployment compensation? DO YOU: Have a claim, or have you been sued for, an amount less than $5,000? Maybe the Modest Means Attorney Referral Program can helps Call (203) 562-0162 More information and a financial eligibility application can be found at The Furniture CoOp Program Overview The Furniture Co—Op (TFC) collects furniture from the general public and then gives it to families and individuals who are transitioning from hornelessness, living referred jg Co-Op with disabilities or other insufferable hardships. Clients after jig pm-screened !y pirtner agencies to ensure that those truly in need are receiving the essentials. The inception of the Furniture Co-Op began with funding from The Annie E. Casey Foundation and continues through generous contributions of money, furniture, and time from individuals, corporations, charitable foundations and our social service agency partners. The Co—Op turns empty houses into homes. Member BHcare Clifford Beers Columbus House, Inc. Continuum of Care, Inc. Department of Children and Families — partner Agencies Emerge CT Liberty Community Services New Haven Regional Children’s Probate Court Salvation Army U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs Contact Inlbrmation Client services are by appointment only. Appointments are available Tuesday and Thursday 9:00am to 4:00pm. Please call 203.492.4866 to schedule an appointment. For more information about becoming a member agency of The Furniture Co-Op or furniture donations please contact New Reach at 203.492.4866 ext. 13. : Area Agencies Offering Free Clothing* Area Served There is a $5.00 annual fee. Shop once a month, bring a box or bag. other information Process to Apply Greater New Haven No Restrictions / requirements — Hours Walk -In Greater New Haven What you will need Monday thru Saturday 9:30 am. 11:30 am. Walk -In No restrictions Name & Address The Beacon on the Hill (203) 931-9989 634 Jones Hill Road West Haven, CT 06516 Wednesday 1:00 p.m. -2:30 p.m. Greater New Haven — — Cades Christian Church (203) 785-8091 104 Fairmont Avenue New Haven, CT 06513 Walk -In Need Photo ldentfication — Monday Friday 9:00 am. 4:30 p.m. Greater New Haven .. Christian Community Action (203) 777-7848 166-168 Davenport Ave Fax: (203) 777-7923 NewHaven.CT 051v Walk- In - There is a S10.00 annual fee. Shop twice a month allowed 10 pieces of clothing and dishes, nots and pans (if available) each visit. Need Photo Identification Spanish speaking -____ Greater New Haven No restrictions / requirements , Greater New Haven . . Walk- In No requirements / restrictions Walk -In Greater New Haven 2 & 4t Saturday Noon-2:OOp.m. — , Walk -In Glorified Deliverance Church (203) 624-4175 604 Dixwell Avenue NewHaven.CT 06511 . Harbor Health Services i203) 483-2643 30 Harrison Avenue Fax (203) 483-2659 Branford, CT 06405 Monday thru Thursday 9:30 am. 2:00 p.m. Fridey 9:30 am— 1 .00 LiL-l:OQ . First ( 1) & Third ( 3) Saturday 9:15 a.m,-10:30 a.m , Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry St. Paul’s & St. James Episcopal Church 57 Olive Street, New Haven, CT 06511 Fax: (203) 562-0408 (203) 562-2143 . Wednesday s & Friday s 10:00 a.m-12:OOp.m. Greater New Haven . CALL FOR APPOINTMENT Every Thursday & Third Saturday 9:00 am 10:30 am. . , No requirements / restrictions . Greater New Haven Clothing provided during soup kitchen hours — Last updated 4-2-1 1. Information may have changed check with agency on current policies Monday s 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. , St. Luke’s Episcopal Church (203) 865-0141 1 1 1 Whalley Avenue New Haven, CT 06511 Trinity Temple Church (203) 776-8179 . Breakfast Program 285 Dixwell Avenue New Haven. CT 06r 1 Varick A.M.E. Zion Church (203) 624-6245 242 Dixwell Avenue New Haven. CT 06511 1 . - X X X x x - X X X - Serving LUNCH BREAKFAST X x X x X __ X X I , DINNER X X X X X Days & Times NEW HAVEN AREA SOUP KITCHENS Program_Location 624-4594 Anyone Li Need Anyone in Need Things You Should Know 624-6426 Anyone in Need Who Can Go 624-6426 Anyone in Need Phone A 624-6426 Anyone in Need They also have a food pantry - 624-6426 Anyone in need They also have a food pantry — — 777-8744 Anyone in need They also have a food pantry for women and children - 7-76-4501 BREAKFAST ALL LUNCH WOMEN & CHILDREN ONLY St.Martin de Porres Church 136 Dixwell Avenue St. Mary’s Church 49 Goffe Street St. Matthew’s Church 400 Dixwell Avenue St. Thomas Moore Chapel 268 Park Street Trinity Temple Church 285 Dixwell Avenue Yale Hunger & Homelessness Action Project at Center Church 250 Temple Street BRANFORD Community Dining Room 30 Harrison Avenue - i only for Families For more information call when gg))e is in session. - They also have a food pantry — 865-0141 Anyone in need — Tue 8 30 m 9:30 am atLird y 4th wk of the month 10 am—i :00 pm Sat 8 OOam-9 30 am Wed Noon-i pm OCTOBER THRU APRIL Thursdays 8 OOam-9 00 am Wed Noon 130 pm CLOSED for SUMMER — 624-4594 Anyone in need - 624-4594 Anyone in need NEW HAVEN Community Soup Kttcten 84 Broadway Jo ph Siifka Cenr for Jewh Life 80 Wall Street Tnnity Episcopal Church on the Green Temple & Chapel Streets United Church Parish House Tejjpje & Wall Streets Center Church Parish House 311 Temple Street Immanuel Baptist Church 1324 Chapel Street (enter Day St.) 777-0472 Anyone in need - 777-5537 Anyone in need Mon Sa C d Acm 1 u at 1 30m Sun 5 4j pm 45 pm .I’ L YEAR Mon 0 00 pm 700 pm Fri 5 45 pm 6 45 pm LRIN SCHOOL YEAR I ion—Thur 545 6 45 pm 0 LzR Sun 6- 7.00 Sun Winter 130 2:00 Summer 1230- 100 624-4594 Anyone in need Tu sday dinner with Children Sun— Fri 12 1.00 p.m. Saturday 9 00- 10.00 am Tue ( miii w Child en ONLY) 5.30 6.30 pm - — - 436-0216 Open to veryone They also have a food pantry — 488 9750 Anyone in need Must have ID. income information. They have take out meals only Macedonia Church of God & Christ 151 Newhall Street St. Luke’s Church 111 Whalley Avenue 865-0886 Anyone in need Sunday 1 00 pm 200 pm Sat & Wed- 8.30 930am Tue & Thurs 12 1 pm St Ann’s Soup Kitchen 930 Dixwell Avenue WALLINGFORD 294-0102 —— Monday Friday ii 30 am i 00 pm WaHinglord Emergency Shelter 1293 Quinnipiac Street — Monday-Friday 7:OOpm—8:OOpm Days & Times — Monday thru Thursday 9:00 am Op.m._ Call for Appptment 10:00 am Noon 3 Saturdy Call for Appointment Fridays 9:00-12:00 Noon Call For Appointment Call for Appointment - - — — — Program Location NEW HAVEN AIDS Project 1302 Chapel Street Believe Bethel AME Church 255 Goffe Street Cathedral of Higher Praise 155 Grand Avenue Centro San Jose 290 Grand Avenue Christian Center Restoration Getsemani 555 Columbus Avenue Christian Community Action 168 Davenport Avenue Mon Wed lOam 2 pm. Church of Christ Friday 11 am. 3 p.m. 16 Gem Street da10a,m1,m._ Community Action Agency Call for Appointment Mon Fri 8:00arii-4:00øii,:00m 419 Whalley Avenue Call for Appointment Community Builders-Kensington 3pel Street Call for Appointment Coordinating Council Children in 8:30 am 4:30 pm Crisis ijht Walk In Downtown Evening Soup Kitchen 311 Temple Street Call for Appointment Fair Haven Parent’s Ministry End of the Month jffee Call for Delivery FISH of Greater New Haven St. Brendan’s School 342 Ellsworth Avenue Call for Appointment Free Forever Prison Ministries-My Brother’s Keeper 149 Rosette Immanuel Baptist Church 1324 Chapel Street Mount Hope Temple 555 Dixwell Avenue 3 Saturday 10:30 am. 12:00 pm, Friday g-8:0Qpm July 2014 Persons with HIV/AIDS ID Speak with Ryan White Case Manager Pantry may be used once a month Pantry may be used once a month Pantry may be used 2 times a month Things To Know 624-0947 Dixwell Residents only Photo ID Pantry may be used once a month Papers You Must Show 865-0514 Fair Haven Residents Photo ID Who Can Go NEW HAVEN AREA FOOD PANTRIES 776-7676 Fair Haven Residents Phone# 777-6771 777-7848 Anyone in need Hill Seniors & Disabled Families Photo ID & proof of address Photo ID Every 3 Wednesday 9:30 am. to 2:00 p.m. 777-2992 Families with children Senior Citizens Residents only Photo ID Photo ID 387-7700 Clients only Pantry may be used once a month 785-1943 777-6612 Anyone in Need Photo ID proof of family size ID, proof of income Call for delivery Once a month Friday — Wednesday 2:00 3:00 pm — Pantry may be used once a month Call for appointments & details Third Thursday of each month Pantry may be used once a month; They also distribute clothes and a soup kitchen — 624-2600 Fair Haven Residents ID, proof of income Tuesday 2:00 4:00 p.m. Pantry may be used once a month 865-5585 Elderly or Disabled Thursday 9:00 a.m.— 12:00 p.m. Photo ID, proof address& income 503-0106 Photo ID They also have a soup kitchen — 772-2555 ID, information about family size Photo ID 777-8744 Only persons with AIDS, prison reentry & ex-convicts Anyone in need in the Dwight area Newhallville residents 562-3932 865-8095 Residents and previous residents of their shelter Anyone in need This is a shelter. Residents may use the pantry daily. Previous residents may use it once per month. This is a shelter. Residents may use the pantry daily. Previous residents may use it once per month. Call for Appointment 777-5521 Anyone in need Clients Only Photo ID Photo ID Open during the school year Tuesdays & Fridays 8:30 am. — 11:30 am. Pantry may be used 2 times per month Pantry may be used once a month Pantry may be used once a month 3rd Once a month 3rd Saturday 624-5798 Only Current residents of their shelter Pantry may be used once a month Call for Appointment Photo ID 624-5798 New Haven Residents ID Pantry may be used 1st & New Flame Restoration 1375 State Street New Haven Home Recovery (Care Ways) 223-225 Portsea Street 691-9494 New Haven Residents Photo ID They also provide clothing and Thanksgiving meals 3rd Saturday Qpn—700jrn Monday thru Friday 8:00 am— 5:00 pm 772-0407 Dwight/Whalley;/Dixwell Proof of address — 865-0141 X106 Dixwell / Newhallville residents in need Monday to Friday 10:30 am —5:00 pm St. Luke’s 111 Whalley Avenue 777-0472 New Haven Home Recovery (Women in Crisis) 559 Howard Avenue Newhallville Academy 246 Newhall Street Omega Seventh Day Adventist 278 Winthrop Avenue Call for Appointment St. Matthew’s Church 400 Dixwell Avenue Photo ID proof of income and family size 933-1198 Single adults from Dwight/Edgewood-West River neighborhoods Photo ID, family composition Photo ID 432-2446 Anyone in need in the Valley Photo ID Friday 2nd Saturday of the Month 8:00 am -9:00 am Anyone in need — 624-9891 — 736-0707 Branford residents - 481-4248 488-5404 624-6245 387-1215 Salvation Army Corps 450 George Street — Monday, Wednesday & Friday 9:00am Noon 3 Saturday 9:00 am 12:00 pm Call for Appointment Upon this Rock Ministry 508 Whalley Avenue Varick AME Zion Church 242 Dixwell Avenue Visiting Nurse of So. Central CT 1 Long Wharf Wesley United Methodist Church 577 Howard Avenue — —— Call for Appointment Saturdays 10:00 am Noon Yale Hunger and Homelessness Action Project 1302 Chapel Street — Branford Food Pantry 342 Harbor Street CLINTON BRAN FORD Salvation Army 26 Lester Street ANSONIA Thursdays 4:00 pm 6:00 pm During the school year Call for Appointment Also serving Derby, yrShelton&Oxford Call Mr. Randi to pre-register 488-5404 July 2014 r Call for Appointment Call for Appointment Call for Appointment Call for Appointment — Call for Appointment Phone jF10ajjm Call for Appointment Call for Appointment Call or Appointment Call for Appointment Call for Appointment Call for Appointment Call for Appointment Call for Appointment July 2014 Clinton Town Social Services 61 East Main Street EAST HAVEN East Haven Food Pantry Christ Epiphany Church 39 Park Place HAMDEN CADES Food Pantry 44 Arch Street Gods Miracle Unlimited Outreach 1441 Dixwell Avenue Hamden Town Food Bank 11 Pine Street Love Center Deliverance Ministry 19 George Street St. Anns Soup Kitchen 930 Dixwell Avenue MADISON Town Community Social Services 10 School Street MILFORD St. Gabriel’s Church 26 Broadway Milford Christian Church Food Pantry 989 New Haven Avenue Storehouse Food Pantry 192 Meadow Street NORTH BRANFORD North Branford Town Welfare Services 1599 Foxon Road NORTH HAVEN North Haven Food Pantry 28 Church Street ORANGE Town of Orange Community Services 525 Orange Center Road Photo ID Daily 9:00 am 245-5655 Milford residents Madison residents Photo ID Photo ID Photo ID - — 2:00 pm —_________________ Pantry may be used once a month Pantry may be used once a month Fridays 1:00pm After 15th of the month Food distributed twice a week 4:00 pm Clinton residents Photo ID 783-1774 Milford, Orange & West Haven ID, proof family composition & income — 860 6697347 East Haven residents 291-9599 Milford residents Photo ID — 467-4668 Photo ID Tuesday & Thursday 9:00am 1 1:00 am Saturday 11:00 1:00 Anyone in need ID, proof family composition& income Wednesdays 239-4665 Hamden residents 877-1007 North Branford residents Photo ID, proof of residency 1 785-8091 562-5129 Photo ID 772-4314 Dixwell & Newhallville 31 5-6006 North Haven residents residents 239-5691 Orange residents 865-0886 891-2154 Photo ID, proof of income Call for Appointment Call for Appointment Thursday 6:00 P.M. —7:00 P.M Call for Appointment Call for Appointment July 2014 Faith Baptist Church 39 Emma Street 934-0880 933-8363 West Haven Residents West Haven residents West Haven residents Photo ID & 2 pcs. Current mail Photo ID, SS# Photo ID WEST HAVEN Gateway Christian Fellowship. 933-2380 West Haven residents WOODBRIDGE 129 Bull Hill Road Project HOPE 52 George Street 931-9877 Photo -______ West Haven Emergency Assistance Taskforce 674 Washington Avenue Woodbridge residents ID 389-3429 Town of Woodbridge Human Services 4 Meetinghouse Lane — — Pantry may be used 2 times a month Every 4th Saturday 10:00 am. Noon Pantry may be used 2 times a month There is also a clothes closet Tuesday and Friday 2:00 pm.— 4:30 p.m. Pantry may be used once a month Shelter Food Single men & women 5, Christian Community Action* Columbus House 586 Ella T. Grasso Boulevard (203) 773-9673 or (203) 401-4400 (203) 773-1430 fax 168 DavenportAvenue (203)777.7848 (203) 777-7923 fax Mon.. Wed. & Fri. 9:30 11:45am Tues. & Thurs. 9:30 11:45 am, & 2 —4 pm. Call for appointment. *Kill neighborhood residents only — Emergency shelter and longer term shelter for single men and women; other services available. Doors open at 4:30 PM Single men j, Emergency Shelter Management Services 645 Grand Avenue (203) 777.2522 Overnight she lter dinner breakfast; food banks and pantries — 7. Loaves & Fishes 57 Olive Street (203) 562.2143 Food bags distributed Sat. 9:30 Doors open at 9:15 am. 10:30 am. St. Luk&s Church Food Bank 111 Whalley Avenue (203) 865-0141 Wed. and Fri. 10 am noon 8. Doors open at 4:00 PM out by 7:30 AM; — Permission by case manager after 9 pm — 2. *Participating agencies may be found on the map attached using the number assigned to the service Town Green Special Services District 169 Orange Street New Haven, CT 06510 (203> 401-4245 fax 401.4249 Youth Continuum / Helping our Society to Survive (HOSTS) 84 DeWitt Street (203) 777-8445 Emergency shelter for youth under age 18. Other non-emergency services for youth uptoage2l Single women; Women with children; Families Life Haven 447 Ferry Street (203) 776-6208 (203) 777-5949 fax Emergency shelter for pregnant women and women with children 3. 274 Crown Street (203) 776-2448 or 865-0511 Discount clothing Mon. Sat. 9 am —5 pm Loaves & Fishes Clothes Closet 57 Olive Street (203) 562-2143 Free clothing distributed 1St & 3rd Sat., 9:15 am 10:30 am — St. Luke’s Auxiliary Thrift Shop 111 Whalley Avenue (203) 865-0141 Free clothing Wed. and Fri. 10 am noon. Closed July and August New Haven Home Recovery, Inc. Martha’s Place 559 Howard Avenue (203) 6245798 Women and women with children at least 7 years old. Emergency housing, food, clothing, and other services and length of — St. Raphael Auxiliary Thrift Shop 1386 Chapel Street (203) 789-3312 Discount clothing. Mon. Fri. lOam—3:3Opm — 1Q. Immanuel Baptist Church Clothes Closet 1324 Chapel Street (203) 777-8744 Free clothing, Thurs. noon —2 pm stay program. Hours: 9 am-5 pm Curfew: 9 pm . * Weds. 2 —3 pm. Free clothing Weds. 3 pm Meals Free Breakfast: j,. Morning Star Freewill Holiness Church 125 Dixwell Avenue Mon.9—lOam 13. St. Martin DePorres Church 136 Dixwell Avenue Tues. 8:30 9:30 am 8. 4. — 9. 311 Temple Street (basement entrance, Center Church Parish House, behind the Public LIbrary) (203) 624.6426 Emergency food assistance — Emergency shelter, food pantry, clothing, services & length of stay program. Open9am—5pm Salvation Army Thrift Store 8. — 18. DESK (Downtown Evening Soup Kitchen) Pantry New Haven Home Recovery, Inc. (203) 492-4873 or 492-4874 7. Immanuel Baptist Church Food Pantry 1324 Chapel Street Every other Tues. 10 am noon 10. ‘areWays Shelter 223-225 Portsea Street Clothing Salvation Army 450 George Street (203) 624-9891 Emergency food assistance Mon., Wed, and Fri. 9 am noon. Call for information on other programs such as clothing and utility assistance. — Youth The Street Sheet- a project of the Hospitality Committee of the Town Green Special Services District. The following organizations were instrumental in assembling and creating this brochure: Community Services Network of Greater New Haven; Connecticut Mental Health Center; Connecticut Mental Health Center Foundation; Greater New Haven Chamber of Commerce; Greater New Haven Convention & Visitors Bureau; Elements, LLC; INFO New Haven; New Haven Police Department; Omni Hotel; Town Green Special Services District; Yale Office of the Secretary; Yale Police Department; Yale Program for Recovery & Community Health Yale Visitor Center 11. Columbus House Overflow for Men 232 Cedar Street (contact ( olumbus House 777-8445) from October- May Christian Community Action 168 Davenport Avenue (203) 777-7848 (203) 777-7923 fax Shelter & other services for families (at least I adult & I child) Open 9am 5 pm St. Matthew’s Church 400 Dixwell Avenue (203> 777-0472 Sat. 8 —9 am 15. St. Mary’s UFB Church 49 Goffe Street Sat. of month 10 am 4th — 1 pm free lunch Free Lunch: j. Community Soup Kitchen IL Christ Church 84 Broadway (203) 624-4594 St. Thomas More Soup Kitchen 268 Park Street (203> 777-5537 Wed. 12—1 pm — Domestic Violence Services of Greater New Haven shelter location confidential (203) 865-1957 or (203)789-8104(24 hour hotline) (203) 562-9450 fax Emergency shelter and other support services for women and children who are victims of domestic violence and abuse. Provide services to male victims but not shelter. St. Luke’s Church 111 Whalley Avenue Wed.8—9 am 14. St. Paul UAME Church 150 Dwight Street Fri. 8— 10am 8. St. Luke’s Church 111 Whalley Avenue (865.0141) Tues. & Thurs. women & Children only 12—1 pm j,Q. Immanuel Baptist Church 1324 Chapel Street (203> 777-8744 Sun. 12:30 1 pm (summer) continued Sun 1:30—2 pm (winter) — 2. Seasonal Overflow for Men 232CedarSt Contact Columbus House, 773-9673; from October-May 1, Emergency Shelter Management Services, Inc. 645 Grand Avenue 777-2522 Overnight Sheite dlnne breakfast; Doors open at 4 PM, out by 7:30 AM; referral needed after 9PM. Single men Columbus House 586 Ella Grasso Blvd 773-9673 401-4400 773-1430 (fax) Emergency shelter and longer term shelter for singlu men and women; other swvlces available, Doors open at 4:30 PM. Single men and women wr 5. Chrlstan Community Action 168 Davenport Avenue 777-7848 777-7923 (fax) Shelter and other services for families (at least one adult and one child) 624-5798 Women and or women with children, Emergency housing, food, clothing, and other serv ices. Hours: 9 AM-5 PM. Out by 9AM. 4. Women in Crisis Shelter 3. New Haven Home flecovery Inc. Careways Program 559 Howard Avenue 492-4866 ext. 14 492-4866. Emergency shelta food pantn, ciotliIng ser.4cas length of stay proram. Open 9-5. Life Haven 447 Ferry Street 776-6208 777-5949 (fax) Emergency shelter (or preg nant women and women with children Single women; Women with children; Families H&(FBL3 OcJE1%J4otisE on Shelter Fees Youth Continuum/Helping our Society to Survive (HOSTS) 84 DeWitt Street 777-8445 Emergency shelter for youth under ago 18. Other nonemergency services for youth uptoaçje2l. Youth Remember, it’s your ëhoice to decide where your financial support will make the big gest difference. It’s OK not to give spare cha nge to a panhandler. can’t Somçtirnes, a person on the street may •clairñ to need a dollar or two to get into a shelter. While many shelters do ask for a $3.00 nightly fee, no one is turned awa y or denied emergency shelter if he or she pay. Often, shelters request that those who can’t pay do a chore in iicu df the $3. A Note Dämestlc Violence Services of Greater New Haven shelter location confidential 865-1957 562-9450 (fax) 789-8104 (24-hour hotilne) Emergency shelter and other suppoll services (or women and children who are victims of domestic violence and abuse. Sln 3 women; Women with children; Families SHEIJER CONTINUED ’ Z’ ‘0 z> O > m m z 0 C’) CD C,> mm (f)Z —c -’) 1 m a mO ‘ Oo zE H —0D v’i.tow n f Oi { o1 - 4 e 3. •D ‘ i.e .5 .e SaintYutia 5. 5.0 -5. 3 ThieSctioo of Medkine and Yale New Hacen Hospit ¾ 3 s’. a Sense New Haven Harbor To Long Whatl e.mstad and KEk 0 ? ItWD New Haven 0 Emergency Shelter Mgrnt. Services, Inc. Seasonal Overflow for Men/SCRC 0 New Haven Home Recovery Inc. CareWays Shetter • Women in Crisis SheItr • Christian Community Action O O St. Martin DePorres Church Salvation Army Thrift Store toaves and Fishes/St. Paul & St. James Episcopal Church St. Paul lJ.A.M.E Church St. Mary’s UFB Church Community Soup Kitchen St. Luke’s Church ® St Raphael Auxilliary Thrift Shop rrnmanuel Baptist Church • St. Thomas More Soup Kitchen DESK Readnuafters (at the Center Church Parish House) Salvation Army • Morning Star Freewill Holiness Church Life • SliCka Center for Jewish Parish House • United Church Church Zion AME fa Vanick Center (CMHC) Health • CT Mental National Student Partner5fops Deliverance Glorified • Heights Beulah • in Christ • Macedonia Church of God Christ of Church Chapel • Thomas Free Lunch: continued Free dinner: continued Church of Chnst 16 Gem Street (203> 776-2992 Second & fourth Fri. of the month 12—4pm Sundays only October may: — 19. Slifka Center for Jewish Life (on Yale Campus) 80 Wall Street (next to Naples Pizza) Kosher Meal Sun. 5—6 pm Free dinner: DESK (Downtown Evening Soup Kitchen) Central Kitchen, Dining Hall & Pantry 311 Temple Street (basement entrance. Center Church, Parish House behind the 18. 2(1 Public Library) United Church Parish House 323 Temple St:eet — (corner of Temple & Wall) with Yale Hunger Hero’s offering evening meals at 2 following sites (Sept May only) Fri. 5:45 — : c, A op r . 0/ e tA . 01 6:45 pm P - t Jm N S .L rt. Ho — & . ‘.. 21. Varick ÂME Zion Church 242 Dixwell Avenue (203) 624-6245 Mon. 6—7 pm Fridays only September.- May Mon. through Thurs. 5:45 6:45 pm Sun. 5:00—6 pm In addition to serving dinner at these times, DESK coordinates ? Free dinner: continued IflI O. U 0 )‘ CNir hoin . H o :h pT:st 0 y U r I h, ‘ Ce Ir SL M r u r h H Lb’c. Brh Cmrn v r U w rf f C (C