Two Essential Enrollment “To Do`s”


Two Essential Enrollment “To Do`s”
Two Essential Enrollment “To Do’s” Due by Monday, March 23 1.) New and Returning families: Register for your SMART Tuition account To register, log in to and follow the directions. The enrollment process should take less than 5 minutes. There is also a link under the Registration button on the Wheaton Academy website. For existing Wheaton Academy families, simply review and update your profile, payment plan, payment date, payment method, and students, as necessary. For families new to Wheaton Academy, complete the step‐by‐step instructions outlined in the SMART Tuition Online Enrollment Instructions included with the Registration materials on this website. The deadline for completing your tuition enrollment is March 23. Failure to do so by the deadline may result in your student being placed in the Wait Pool. If you have any questions with enrollment, please contact SMART at (888) 868‐8828. Please refer to the Wheaton Academy website under the Admissions tab for the complete Financial Guide and Tuition Payment Options. New families STOP here. You have already completed the Enrollment Contract during the Admissions process. 2.) Returning students only: Complete the Enrollment Contract on Magnus The Enrollment Contract will be completed online and electronically signed on the Magnus website. Follow the easy steps below to complete your Enrollment Contract: 1.
Go to the Wheaton Academy website, click on the Registration button in the lower right hand corner and then click on the Enrollment Contract button at the top of the page. Or you can go directly to the Magnus website 2.
Login using your username and password. Only one parent needs to login to complete and sign the Enrollment Contract but you will need to sign one for each returning student. 3.
The screen will indicate that: You have requirements to complete on your To Do List. Click on the Complete Now button. (You may have more than one requirement to do but the only one due by March 23 is the Enrollment Contract.) 4.
The Enrollment Contract/s will now be on the screen with the names and graduation year of your student/s automatically filled in. You will need to sign one for each student currently enrolled at Wheaton Academy who will be returning next year. After you have reviewed the Enrollment Contract simply type your name at the bottom of the screen on the line that follows the pink Sign Here marker, click on the orange Sign button and you are done. If you do not remember your username and password, click on the Magnus homepage, Forgot username or password. For additional help with the website, please contact Magnus by phone at (877) 461‐6831 or email at