This Week`s Services & Notice Sheet


This Week`s Services & Notice Sheet
15th March 2015
A special welcome if you are new to our worship here at St Mary’s Church,
Redbourn. We would like to get to know you as soon as possible. To help us,
please fill in the slip provided in the holders at the end of each pew, and hand it to
one of the clergy or sidespeople as you leave today. Thank you.
All who normally take Communion, in this church or in any other church, are
welcome to receive Communion here. Those who do not take Communion, be
they young or old, should please come to the altar rail to receive God’s blessing.
If you are a taxpayer, please would you consider putting your collection into a
blue envelope and filling in the details required (available from a sidesperson
or in the pews). The church can then claim back the tax on your offering to the
church at no additional cost to you. Thank you.
Those giving by Standing Order may use a yellow token in the collection plate.
WILL VISITORS PLEASE NOTE that St Mary’s Church has an
Amplification and Loop System. If needed, please switch your hearing
aid to the T switch to make use of this.
The sick and suffering: Alex, John Brian, Jackie Bull, Colin Butterworth,
Christopher, Lily Clark, Carole Cull, Betty Dennis, Alex and Janet Duncombe,
Laura Dunks, James Easey, Annie Edgar, Marlene Gibson, Molly Goodchild,
Patrick Hastings, Victoria Holmes, Grace Hyde, Ian, Jochen Levin, Richard Lord,
Ray Marsh, Keith Monkhouse, Stephen du Plessis, Keith Poulter, Theresa Rae,
Sylvia, Celia Southern and any others who need our prayers at this time.
The Departed: We pray for the repose of the souls of Malcolm Austin, Cliff
Keech, Jacqueline Newton, Dave Panton, Margaret Vines and Mavis Winch. We
remember those whose year’s mind occurs during this coming week and pray for
God’s comfort and strength for all who mourn the loss of a loved one at this time.
THE FLOWERS ON THE MEMORIAL STAND were given in loving memory
of Steve Cowland by all his family.
The Vicar: The Reverend Will Gibbs Tel No. 01582 791669
E mail:
You can find a full listing of news on our website:
8.00 am HOLY COMMUNION (Book of Common Prayer)
Collect, Epistle & Gospel for The Fourth Sunday in Lent – page 135
President: The Vicar
Collect: Grant, we beseech thee, Almighty God, that we, who for our evil
deeds do worthily deserve to be punished, by the comfort of thy grace may
mercifully be relieved; through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who
livest and reignest with thee and the Holy Ghost, one God, now and for
ever. Amen.
Epistle: Galatians 4. 21-31
Gospel: John 6. 1-14
9.30 am PARISH EUCHARIST (Common Worship Order One)
We follow the service booklet. The Collect, Readings and Post Communion Prayer
for today can be found in the insert to this Pew Sheet.
President: The Revd Lucy Davis
Introit: 137
Reader: Karen Doye
Reading: 1 Samuel 1. 20-28
Gradual: Psalm 127. 1-5
Reading: 2 Corinthians 1. 3-7
Gospel: Luke 2. 33-35
Sermon: The Vicar
Intercessions: Christine Farrington
Offertory Hymn: 21
Communion Hymn: 363
Anthem: For the beauty of the earth
Hymn: 467
[– Rutter
PLEASE JOIN US for refreshments in the Transept Hall after this Service.
Also our weekly Traidcraft stall will be selling excellent goods and foods.
Hymns: 154, 27 and 437
We use a separate service sheet for tonight’s service which will include a
testimony by Reona Joly, sharing something of her faith story and journey.
At our services this morning we give thanks for the care and nurture of our
mothers and for the care and nurture we enjoy from our Mother, the Church.
As part of our celebrations today, members of our Mothers’ Union will be
holding a cake stall, and also selling plants and cards to raise money for the
MU in Chamnye, Tanzania where we have a special link. Please come and
support the stalls running after the 8 am and 9.30 am services. Thank you.
CHURCH ELECTORAL ROLL: From 22nd March until 12th April
there will be a period of revision for our Electoral Roll, in preparation for
our Annual Church Meetings. If you regularly attend St Mary’s, are 16 or
over and have been baptised then you should be on our Electoral Roll which
is our church membership list, if you like. If you’re not on it at the moment,
then do pick up a form at the South Door, fill it out and pass it to Jim May
or to Will please. Thank you.
ANNUAL SPRING CLEAN: I would be greatly appreciative of your help
on 19th and 20th March for the important task of cleaning the church. Please
bring buckets, scrubbing brushes, cloths, dusters, elbow grease and plenty
of energy. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be provided. Please sign up to say
which day (or both!) you are coming. Many thanks. Val Simmons.
THE FRIENDS OF ST MARY’S AGM will be on Sunday 22 March at
11.15 am. Do come to this short but important meeting, followed by drinks.
We’re collecting Active Kids vouchers for the Infant and Junior Schools again.
If you shop at Sainsburys please ask for them and pass them on to the Vicar. Our
village schools can make good use of these vouchers to improve their facilities and
equipment – it would be great as a church to help them with this again.
Lois Smith
8.00 am: Mark Cresswell
9.30 am: Rod McPhee, Penny McAdam and Celia Forbes
Sidespeople: 8.00 am: Lillian Cowland and Janet Biggs
9.30 am: Angie and Alan Simkins and Julie Henman
6.30 pm: Grace Sawyer
Janet Biggs and Margot Wright
B Aldred, M Titchmarsh, Janet Lang and S Crittenden
Robert Goold, Michael Darvell, Mike Thain & Fabian Mills
K McAdam (8 am), A Simkins, S Gell and B Foster
Mini Church: Anita Siddle and Rosemary Woodhouse
Junior Church: Wendy Setchell and Julia Jeffs
Louise McPhee and Julie Henman
Steve Smith
Intercessions: Penny McAdam
Shirley Butterworth and Val Simmons
Wendy Cruickshank
Mon 16 Mar
9.30 am Morning Prayer
12 noon Lent Lunch and Discussion – in the Transept
1.45 pm Funeral Service – Margaret Vines RIP
3.20 pm eXplore Messy Church – at Redbourn Junior School
5.00 pm Evening Prayer
Tue 17 Mar
9.30 am
5.00 pm
9.00 pm
Patrick, Bishop, Missionary, Patron of Ireland, c. 460
Morning Prayer
Evening Prayer
Lent Address ‘A Story of Victory’ followed by Compline
Wed 18 Mar
9.30 am Morning Prayer
10.00 am Ecumenical Lent Group – New Forge Place
5.00 pm Evening Prayer
7.30 pm Holy Eucharist with Address ‘The stories Jesus told’:
‘The Prodigal Son’– Lois Smith
8.15 pm P.C.C. Meeting – in the Transept
Thu 19 Mar
9.30 am
5.00 pm
8.00 pm
Joseph of Nazareth
Morning Prayer
Evening Prayer
Churches Together in Redbourn Series – in Transept
‘Luke’s Jesus – a Saviour for all people?’ – Dominic Marshall
Fri 20 Mar
9.30 am
10.30 am
12 noon
5.00 pm
Morning Prayer
Bear and Prayers – in the Transept
Lent Charity Lunch – at Redbourn Methodist Church
Evening Prayer
Sun 22 Mar
8.00 am
9.30 am
11.15 am
6.30 pm
PASSION SUNDAY – The Fifth Sunday of Lent
Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer)
Parish Eucharist (Common Worship) with Children’s Groups
AGM of The Friends of St Mary’s Church– All welcome
‘A Sorrowful Mystery’ – The Passion Sonatas by H.I.F. Biber
written or printed form to The Vicar by Wednesday pm. Please forward church
diary entries and rota amendments to Mark Cresswell. (