(Finger Print), Central Finger Print Bureau of National Crime
(Finger Print), Central Finger Print Bureau of National Crime
Central Bureau of Investigation Administration Division CGO Complex, Lodhi Road New Delhi Sub: Upload the advertisement on CBI, Website. Kindly find enclosed herewith the advertisement No. 35/1/2015AD.I(B)/NCRB of January 2015 regarding filling up the post of Deputy Superintendent (Finger Print), Central Finger Print Bureau of National Crime Records Bureau on deputation basis. It is requested to upload the aforesaid advertisement on the CBI, website. Encl. As above. Poonam Dugga 1)**\S Office Superintendent(Pers.II) CBI, HO, New Delhli Programmer, System Division, CBI, New Delhi CBI ID No. DPPERS.II2015/35 5 /A-60011/03/2015 dated: 12.03.2015. 'f r t Naittniai t_atitic tx.c‘..vtu J_JuiL.au • 6 NEW DEI,I-11 *Awls kl"sk' East Block-7, R.K.P Ncw Delhi-11 Dated the January, Office Memorandum tr "." ValiC Subject:Filling up the post of Deputy Superintendent (Finger Print), Central Finger P Bureau of National Crime Records Bureau on deputation basis. The undersigned is directed to say that this Bureau is in the process of filling up o post of Deputy Superintendent (Finger Print) on deputation basis. 2.Details relating to the scale of pay, classification, eligibility conditions and peri. deputation, etc. in respect of the said post are indicated in Armexure-I. The terms and cond of officer appointed to the post on deputation basis will be regulated according to the Depari of Personnel and Training OM No.2/29/91-Estt.(Pay-II) dated 05.01.1994, as amended from to time. It is requested that the above vacancy may kindly be given wide publicity in the o 3. under their control and applications of suitable candidates who are willing to join and c; spared immediately on selection may be forwarded along with their up-to-date CR do vigilance clearance and integrity certificate to the undersigned in the enclosed pro (Annexure-II) within 60 days from the date of issue of this circular. While forwarding the applications, it may please be verified and certified ilia 4. particulars furnished by the applicants are correct. Yours faith Sk\*C Ends :- As above. (N.K. Assistant Director (Ai 1 /111. All State / UTs Police Headquarters 2. All CPOs / CPMFs 3. Website of NCRB ,V,/v.2..) • Dy. late,...... (Pere) M()st. No. 35/1/2015-Ad.I(B)/NCRI3 Government of India Ministry of Home Affairs National Crime Records Bureau East Block-7, R.K.Purani. New Delhi-110066 Dated 16.02. 2015 To The Assistant Director (Advertising), Employment News, (Publication Division), Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, East Block-4, Level-5, R.K. Puram, New Delhi - 110 066 Subject: Filling up the post of Deputy Superintendent (Finger Print). Central Finger Print Bureau of National Crime Records Bureau on deputation basis. Sir, I am directed to say that it is proposed to fill up one post of Deputy. Superintendent (Finger Print), Central Finger Print Bureau of National Crime Records Bureau in Pay Band-2, Rs. 9300-34800/- with Grade Pay of Rs: 4600/- plus Special Allowance Rs.800/- p.m. in this Bureau on deputation basis. A vacancy circular in this regard is required to be published on an urgent basis in the earliest edition of the Employment News. The contents of the advertisement arc enclosed. 2. In view of the above, you are requested to take necessary action to publish the advertisement in the earliest issue of Employment News. A copy of the Employment News in which the advertisement is published may kindly he sent to this Bureau for information and record. 3. The Bill may be sent to the undersigned for releasing payment. 4. This may kindly be treated as Most Immediate. Yours faithfully. Ends :- As above. INCH) Assistant Director (Achim.) No. 26172324/221 Annexurc 1. Name of the post : Deputy Superintendent (FP), Central Finger Print Bureau, NCRB 2. Number of posts : One (1) 3. Classification : General Central Service Group 'B' Gazetted, Non-Ministerial 4. Scale of Pay : PB-2: Rs. 9300-34800/- plus Grade Pay Rs. 4600rplu—s -Special Allowance Rs.800/-. 5. Period of Deputation : Period of deputation, including period of deputation in another ex-cadre, post held immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other organisation or department ot . theCnralGovmsht ordinarily. exceed three years. The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation shall not exceed 56 years, as on the closing date of receipt of applications. 6. Eligibility Conditions : Officers holding analogous posts o f the rank of Inspector of Police or of equivalent rank in the Pay Band-2: Rs.9300-34800 plus Grade Pay of Rs.4600/- from any State or Union Territory Police Force or Central Government Organisations with two years -regular service in the grade and passed the Finger Print Experts Examination conducted by All India Board of Finger Print Experts. (The departmental officers in the feeder category who are in the direct line of promotion shall not be eligible for consideration for appointment on deputation. Similarly, deputationists shall not be eliQ ihl e .nr - Note : For purpose of appointment on deputation basis, the service rendered on a regular basis by an officer prior to 1.1.2006 or the date from which the revised pay structure based on the sixth Central Pay Commission recommendations has been extended_ shall be deemed to be service rendered in the corresponding Grade Pay or pay scale extended based on the recommendations of the Pay Commission except where there has been merger of more than one prerevised scale of pay into one grade with a common Grade Pay or pay scale, and where this benefit will extend only for the posts for which that Grade Pay or pay scale is the normal replacement grade without an upgradation. : The terms and conditions of officer appointed to the post on deputation basis will be regulated according to the Department of Personnel and Training OM No.2/29/91-Estt.(Pay-I I) dated 05.01.1994, as amended from time to time. 7. Details of employment in chronological order (enclose a separate sheet, duly authenticated by your signature, if the space below is insufficient). Office/Post From ToScale of pay and Whether held on Nature of duties Instt/Orgn. held Classificationregular / Ad-hoc (Group) of post basis 8. Nature of present employment i.e. (i) Ad-hoc Basis (ii) Regular/on temporary basis (iiii) Pay in the Pay Band (iv) Grade Pay drawn 9. In case the present employment is held on deputation/contract basis, please state (a) The date of initial appointment (b) Period of appointment on deputation/contract (c) Name of the parent office/organisation to which you belong 10. Additional details about present : employment. Please state whether working under: (a) Central Government (b) State Government/Union territory (c) Autonomous Organisation (d) Government Undertaking (e) Universities 11. Are you in Revised Pay Structure? If : yes, give the date from which the revision took place and also indicate the pre-revised scale. 12. Total emoluments per month now : drawn 13. Additional information, if any, which : you would like to mention in support of your suitability for the post. Enclose a separate sheet, if the space is insufficient. 14. Whether belong to SC/ST 15. Remarks Signature of the Candidate Address lat p• Annexu re-I I BIO-DATA PROFORMA 1. Name and address (in Block letters) 2. Date of Birth (in Christian era) 3. Date of retirement under Central/State Government Rules : 4. Educational Qualification 5. Whether Educationalandother : qualifications required for the post are satisfied. (If any qualification has been treated as equivalent to those prescribed in the rules, state the authority for the same) Qualifications/Qualification/1 xperience Experience possessed by the Officer required Essential1. 2. 3. Desirabl1. 2. 3. 6. Please state clearly whether in the light of entries made by you above, you meet the requirements of the post. : Countersigned with official seal by the authorised signatory of the parent office (TO BE FILLED BY FORWARDING OFFICE) Particulars mentioned above have been verified from the records and found correct. It is certified that no disciplinary proceedings or departmental enquiry are pending or contemplated against the officer and recommendations (if any). Signature of the Competent Authority with Official Seal Dated: Certificate to be furnished by the employer/Head of Office/Forwarding Authority:1.Certifiedthattheparticulars furnishedby are correct and he/she possesses educational qualifications and experience mentioned in the circular. i) ii) iii) iv) v) Also certified that:There is no vigilance case pending/contemplated against him/her. His complete CR dossier/ACRs for the last 5 years duly attested (on each page) by an officer of the rank of Under Secretary to the Government of India or equivalent are enclosed. His/her Integrity is beyond doubt. No major/minor penalties has been imposed on him/her during the last 10 years/list of major/minor penalties imposed on him/her during the last I U years is enclosed. Cadre clearance has been obtained. [Strike out which is not applicable] Signature Name & Designation of the parent office (with seal) Dated: Place: 311 clatAel '.35/1/2015-ATT. I (M)V".3T.R.nt I-TRU 'Wct)K VItEr 3IERM Wft iT5 7, V. T. IT!. fcca-110066 fat-•-,2.2015 r oicirci WER fr fir nt act 31tftai (3NNt u4 cI)) f414o: uql-Cf 31tRitT Reb'ig witr taa 31-191'c-11'4cm 3Trtir-{ ER 1-T-i-qr1 3Tt11i9TO T q6 th7-4 .131 Mt4T Fa) TO 4 3q 3T(3fir) em ml d cm 3traR troR4 c1)1Pf- ri. w-d. #1 2. 3. **I u\Licit-1'# c1-11-11-1, 0 4 1001, 1-11*-1134T 9 cm A. yea 3TA tr tem Fa-d-i-crr 3ITeT4T-I 4 .vrierr tl 9R-E-I fctd 311tIRtuR1fff 3IftWf TTRT LI4 01a1uT POTTTTcblqicK1 WIT9* 2/29/91-1I I) ft-dtd5" 05,01.1994 t. 3TT:ITK -4211V.42Fq.:flTRI %W=ICT 01) I 370t-l-M 3Trcrcmise-HA > 3crtaff RaTrmi F-d-Tira 3tk 3-trEpi 3P-e_41ft d3 3TTd ,3-1) m-rElITR TOT 3t1R- w-aq (Immo m-T-41-TR w 4) fmN3TEF9- A.aTa. tr-5-cR, TA—dr 31---rEC-cr mg-i-G5T EIR1131 :3114 6)') fa•iiCt) tf 60 fa-i (34-v-Hcb- I I) 3ith-g-iiirait ml 300 WE 7RII 30diafi 300 Th74 '1H-i, wzrzrrofiq 311K ri=c[Fcfm- %-?:rr aim 31r i1 g.RI &a. ftar Trqr f&-aTur Tr-01i TgRict) PaVW U.) 26172324/221 1. TA. R-witiu vrrftrad5 > TV§Eirdti 2. TO Rf.t?r.31)-.A.er.LTIT.T6'. 3. 'T.3T.R.Fer ANTITO ci ctb l ei .35/1/2015-WfT. I MIVU.31.R.1 VR-d- \`icf-)R UtZT 31T-ITItt fttig V. T. 717 keti`)-110066 - 2015 <-161qcb ftTrT , 01 4 11•C \1 4 11r-IR, (14011 ,-1 9-11-m) TraV. T. fardr)-110066 TrO:r YR= R 3i-fu fir wer 4 3q 3T6raTT (3t1 Fd-ezT) ya cbl '3ITZTRER1-a-H-Ti Iger Tg4g3ITKrtzf 3TRIU cag ntr r_ra5coil aci;T s;1-2, 344.m-5 41 - tie-14-1 31W-TFT tR 12cb RC 'ti t 3 rffi 1tD1 .Rer 14 dt-I 9300-34800/- Ti cit ;)--5 -eT2T 4600/- W-4\I-1W( 800/- Wj1-4 4-Zr-Hicrd 31TUR trK ITU 01F-11t 31T 4 34-c 11T WRI 3i- 4[9- ( 31-m- ml) ict)IfIc1 War 011-11 yerra-Ta- ti Wo-cr-qfaurEr-a$.4-1 tisiti ,c),A4IR o-nr.th( qo Yeti. g fen ar1411.< 0-1 Itil•C 3TUTTRI 3t -. T %TER > r--1.Drd , 10-141R D-e4 Ord t, TiTA Ant 4 7-41- to f-zm'-ft Felt! 317TOT fir- ct) rrErff c 1 3T-d-rzft 3:1--4tr Dff 3T0-6-Tmer ct)) Tcrar cmio w14. icn. 7*R , - ?-741-mr• nG i 7000A Mni 3T•jr1 1 -icf5-1 1. 1:1 MT Mati. 3NIF 3cf 3T6M-TT 3T.R.nt 2. Ual cl;) T.17§ar 3. all cOVI 4. 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WA. 3T- f trr WTI- 4 S'<-I f97:fritirRa area- tr-a9rdr-Hirati cp') 3TetT tur-i-urarr (44 t 6A 3111I-RTITT 3Ted-C4 ict! 380(-14-1 srga m--{4 A 3fail fctr2T ch) 56 at 3TRIM' 6) 11)1 6. 1-1171c11 trr\t-Rcov( Err titt Elm 3A-4 'OA 3AM-it N- Artir %-q11 r 4 AzrRra antIR uR TT. u trrwrfoRT 'WOK ZIT TTITT:it&T M dcM 46-2, 9300-34800.4--d9. 4600 . 1)- .3\9 44- 4 tr ati A fteru \)ciif'01-51.) 3TPEIN 1-RRrEr atriF f;IH Dtt'M.14',N1 •-itAfivict 3trj-N fa-6=r fattsr A LRIarr ARA A 1 (1*ErN4. forrOa 3TrEr--rt,Aft--4N ,Q0- Crau t,91ZiNiad uz ft-ErruTr 14I4 X1 411TiW5rrar-TFa Yraff 5r\r-A gRI f-gurr-aff Fa-aRf--u-ari-im4. er41) P,u4u1 :R-E-Hfcrti ftzar-aTr i 5rch-79-rev. facer 30 e 2006 tr ITO TIT 3-ff f I %Tel 1:§t WM( 3TrLtrrr A rtmAIRO rfK 3TItTERT Vtard tkr-1-11fffizrr f9TO:ra 3TEUR tR Trf alai fTrarEr '$-i* .303TrM.7g9---YOU Cfrili M i to 4m4-11-1 trg a-affiad.-14-11-1fa-aaNtrr er 3tk Erg lzblZiaT kaff 39. ual M frlt rck-ctiRct ft-Err icsiv Wqr fa .fir jiu~i pfttrurff trgaaR- 3rtzr\ru A f'\,-114)1W q 3ITUTRU -d9./ dcfrp-11.1 4 A .Trzrer Ji 7. adir4 91Z-11-2N urcf-vfcm 3TTU1Z' tR19-csaa 3Truth--rt Few. f to vr4i tra Aruir Forrrr ‘94-1q-\94-H4 uR cur Tivirrua MT. T-2/29/91-2111:MT(c9-- I I) UT 05.01.1994 M 3T7TRFcr-Kigicf%Z1T MIU.I111 :-.CITC-11 (r) - Ir-d-a•5itrvT 1. —114131R 14c11T4) 2. 3. (ta) t-a\E-Rict)R. z01 ar' -q-M ct;Mru taTrurr tram 114TRIT thraar cfq f -5fl "Zr reit! *fira truT 3tk 4-Taa-r Ler ctA (qia th. rt zl'frerrdi 39. kfffi-d- Pfaff). 45- -fl4tti-ii ATO, 0\9 (11 14. pftroRWr Td-r - 4. 5. • 31-4Faiu tram/30Tu1ti aTTM trc17411317SI-1 3. 6. 3171. 13TrdiW 3MTR tR- Turar Tcrtz : •<, 4 off cteAt 3Trzr of ua (.4)4q 7. cOlc1st)4-1116 fa-ai-ur (3TET4 -g-irmk.r fafpeur, T-6:fara. \LicH-f Tht aR,31trzkr m-rukaa/--;J-wq urRa. T11-d- ddrifluaT 3tk rfa cbI (r1F)(-10A aT 3ITUR 8. '411q TIR cti) WO. At (I) U-ad NT-TRW (ii) PzrNa-/31-mr-el 3T1t1R urT g.--dq (iv) 3n-f<ff is (iii) 4* 4)1 cc4llRl111thlI1 3HR ER 61.) Ran- 4, Tcrar (T) 311-&- ftfrff Th-T%--q. T (VRIP-Ifcrkiter-d- r 3Trw--cfwr 3T-dfu (Tr) ¶Iic1.4 ‘-ino-i cot 1LH N-Trtr 31-Friterff #1 10. edgrga3-1 4 1R 'Wk.1). 3TreR-dff Frztr'5-4 31-6F r4'a. # (Ti)tRcbR (R31-) 9. (Tr)tcmcd 11. 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