March Newsletter - Greater First Colony


March Newsletter - Greater First Colony
March, 2015
Volume 33, Issue 3
Are we ready for summer yet? We have definitely
had our own version of the polar plunge this past
month. To kick off March, I wanted to thank the 343
members who have renewed or joined the
GFCACA. I am still disappointed that only 343 out
of the 500 homes have chosen to help us maintain
our wonderful community but carry on, we must. If
you opted in for our bi-annual payment plan just a
friendly reminder that your second payment is due
no later than March 15th.
President Craig Larson called the meeting to order
at 6:35 PM in the clubhouse, and a quorum was declared present. Other Board members present were
Jim Szykman (VP), Kevan Danker (Treasurer),
John Hochella (Secretary), Roger Hunt, Bobby
Jankovic, and Sonya Peretti-Hull. Meagan Schultz
(Business Manager) and Sandy Tarantelli (previous
business manager) were also present.
The Board continues to work on the Capital Reserve
study and regrettably I do not think we will have a
final version for your review at our March meeting,
as I had hoped. I will let everyone know once we are
complete and will hopefully have an email friendly
report I can send out.
We continue to work on our spill way issues with
Tarley, Robinson PLC, the attorneys we engaged to
assist the association. Our lake chair and three board
members including myself had a productive meeting
with them on February 5th. I look forward to giving
you an update at the March meeting.
We are still in need for volunteers to step up and
chair one of our great neighborhood parties this
summer. If you are interested, please reach out to
me so we can begin to fill in names to these important fun neighborhood functions.
In closing, I wanted to send out a big First Colony
thank you to John and Sonya Hull and their company
“Johnny Timbers”. They graciously volunteered to
send their crew down to remove some downed trees
that had fallen on our property in the marina from a
neighboring property. The Hull’s did not charge the
association for the cleanup and removal of the trees.
Respectfully submitted,
Craig Larson, President GFCACA
The minutes of the January 11 meeting were approved without change.
Meagan presented the GFCACA budget performance summary for the first four months of the fiscal
year, October 1 – January 31. For the period reported - Revenue: $114,694; Operating Expenses:
$25,627; Capital Expenditures: $6,721; Net Income: $82,345. Total liquid assets were $294,999
consisting of $90,546 in checking and $204,453 in
the reserve fund. Meagan announced that 69
households owe the second installment of the biannual dues payment option by March 15. Meagan
mailed reminders to those households on February
Craig announced that our community resource officer from the JCC Police Department is Kelly Connors.
On Saturday, February 14, during high winds, dead
trees fell into the marina from adjacent property. Several boats in storage at the marina were
damaged. Johnny Timbers Tree Service removed
the fallen trees and branches from the marina at no
charge to GFCACA.
The Board agreed that an automatic heater should
be installed in the pool pump room at a cost of approximately $500.
Meagan announced that Daughtrey & Haag of
McLaws Circle can conduct a review or our financial records but not an audit, an audit being more
Call JCC Police Non-Emergency Number (566-0112)
with every security incident! If it’s an Emergency — Dial 911
rigorous and costly compared to a review. Daughtrey & Haag suggested that a review is
more appropriate for an organization the size of
GFCACA. Performance of a review rather than an
audit would require a change to Article VI, Section
13, of the GFCACA Bylaws.
Craig announced that he, Jim Szykman, Gene Bruss,
and Tim Harris met with Sue and John Tarley of
Tarley Robinson Law Offices regarding the spillway
and dam. The attorneys stated that GFCACA may
have standing with VDOT and JCC to get maintenance funding. The attorneys will make a recommendation to the board.
The remainder of the meeting was devoted to a
working session to review a draft version of a reserve study prepared by Design Management Associates (DMA) of Richmond. The purpose of the reserve study is to show the adequacy of reserve accounts to fully fund the preservation of the association’s property, such as the clubhouse, pool, playground, marina, and beach. The overall assessment
of the draft study, dated January 28, was that the
amount of current GFCACA reserves was
“poor”. However, the board found various items in
the analysis that needed to be corrected and / or reconsidered. Craig will forward the board’s comments to DMA. Then, another working session must
be conducted between DMA and GFCACA before
the final report is issued.
There being no further business, the meeting was
adjourned at 8:45 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
John Hochella, Secretary
Also, please respect the spaces and try to store
your boat and trailer between the lines. And note
that unless you have paid for a specific space, you
cannot simply store your boat or trailer there because you think the space is not being used. Owners move boats in and out, and an empty spot is
not an indication of vacancy!
Boating Safety Courses Required
Beginning July 1, 2015, all Jet Ski operators age
14 and older and motorboat operators ages 50 and
younger need to take a boating safety course. For
info and a schedule of classes (online and in person classes, some free), visit: http://
William & Mary Sailing
The first regatta will take place in late March.
Come on down and watch the competition. Boats
and Burgers is coming up in April, when the team
invites you and your kids to eat lunch and go for a
As many of you have seen, some dead trees fell
from the adjacent property into the marina parking
area. As soon as the weather permits, Johnny Timbers (John Hull) donated time and labor for his
crew to clean this up. The property owner indicated the remaining trees would be dealt with by
end of March, to minimize this hazard. Meanwhile, use caution in that area.
See you on the beach,
Richard Schauffler, Beach/Marina Chair
Bald Eagles
As of today, a juvenile bald eagle was roosting on
the nest built last year by an osprey in the little cypress in front of the fishing pier, with a parent eagle
nearby. Unclear if one or both are seeking to move
in, but a great sight.
The February 16, 2015 Garden Club meeting was
canceled due to the inclement weather.
Storage/Slip Spaces
It appears we are completely rented out again in
terms of both slips and storage spaces. Remember:
All boats and trailers must be registered, licensed,
insured and operable to qualify for storage in the
marina, and our Marina Storage Agreement must
be filled out and signed off.
The next Garden Club meeting will be on Monday, March 16th. The scheduled program is “River
Here at Home”. Guest speaker Michelle Kokolis
with the James River Association, will present an
overview of the organization. Hostesses for the
evening will be Georgia Allen, Ann Huff and
Marilyn Baker.
Melanie Davis, Secretary
We sent our deepest sympathy to Teresa DePew of
The Maine, on the death of her brother.
We also sent our sympathy to Bonnie Post of Cardinal Court, after the death of her husband, Garrett.
What would we do without our fearless leader Craig
Larson? Some of you might now know that Craig
got behind his big plow and cleaned off all our streets
after the snow storm. Many other neighborhoods are
still not very navigable, but we were good to go right
after the snow stopped. When you see him, please
give him a hug!
Congratulations to Victoria Hardy, daughter of Richard and Robin of Fernwood, who was awarded the
Williamsburg Chapter’s DAR Youth Citizenship
Award on January 28th. She is a student at Providence
Classical School.
I appreciate so much when neighbors inform me of sadness or
sickness in our community. Please don’t assume that someone
else will tell me. I would rather get 10 calls than none to alert
me to sickness or any other adversity. We want those in pain to
know that we care. It doesn’t take a minute to call or send me an
email. Thanks to all those who keep me informed.
Ann Hunt, Sunshine Chair
The following is a biographical sketch of the new residents of 107 Falling Creek, Erin and Tom LeNoir:
There's a first time for everything, and so it was when
we received an e-mail from Erin LeNoir, the new
owner of 107 Falling Creek, introducing herself and
her husband Tom. As we could not do better ourselves, we are basically forwarding on the information
Erin wrote, as she did such a great job. And so here it
goes: " My husband Tom and I recently purchased our
home on 107 Falling Creek, which we bought from
my grandfather. My grandparents, Vernon and Rose
Moseley, purchased this home in 1967. They were a
military family so they only had the opportunity to
live in the house a few years, but rented it out until
this past August. We moved into the house in October
expecting to be finished with our kitchen renovation.
Unfortunately, the renovation took a little longer than
expected and was not completed until Thanksgiving.
We moved away from Newport News to get away
from the busy city. We have not had the opportunity to
walk or bike the trails around the neighborhood
yet but look forward to doing it this summer. I
recently had surgery as a result of breaking my
ankle but have been enjoying watching the wildlife around the house with our three cats, Roxy,
K i t t y
a n d
P a t c h e s .
Tom is a huge Miami Dolphins fan and also enjoys camping. My (Erin's) passion is sailing and
ceramics. We both have a love of being on the
water and cannot wait to go on the lake with a
canoe. We both look forward to becoming active
in the community and meeting anyone who may
have known my grandparents!"
Contact us if you see any new neighbors around
your area:
Georgia Allen
Carolyn Morris
A Message From Our Business
Manager, Meagan Schultz
Greetings neighbors!
Just a reminder that if you still owe half of your
membership dues please pay $167.50 by March
15. Please make checks payable to "GFCACA"
and send to:
GFCACA, P.O. Box 5123
Williamsburg, VA 23188.
You can also pay by credit card by going to the
website and clicking on the membership tab and choosing the
Paypal option at the bottom. Note that there is a
convenience fee added if you pay by credit card.
If you have questions please contact Meagan
Schultz at or 221-0827.
Thanks for your support of the Association!
Calendar of Upcoming Events
March 16
Flyers Swim Team
Kick-Off Meeting,
Volunteer Sign-Ups,
Garden Club Meeting
March. 2,4,9, Yoga
5:30-6:30 pm
April 4
Easter Egg Hunt at the Park
April 19
Flyers Swim Team Sign-Up
And Meet The Coach
4:30 PM First Colony Clubhouse
Food, Fun, and Information Provided
Contact Flyers President Ruth Larson @
757-871-3671 for more information
Photo courtesy of Tim Killibrew
Are you interested in renting the Clubhouse for your next party,
social event or business function?
A beautiful, spacious and affordable facility, the
Clubhouse is available for rental by members and
non-members for business meetings, private
functions, community events, and much more.
The Clubhouse features high ceilings, patio, deck,
full kitchen, seating for up to 150 people, ample
parking and a beautiful view of the park.
The Clubhouse is located at 125 Pasbehegh,
adjacent to the playground, pavilion and pool.
Clubhouse Fee Structure
For events sponsored by Association Members:
Number of attendees
Up to 3 hours
Up to 5 hours
Up to 8 hours
For events sponsored by non-First Colony residents:
Number of attendees
Up to 3 hours
Up to 5 hours
Up to 8 hours
Call *Marion Wolfe to make reservations for the clubhouse.
You may contact any Clubhouse member for information or to take a tour.
(Clubhouse members are listed below)
Sandy Tarantelli 221-8195
*Marion Wolfe 565-1860
*Kerry Armbruster 564-0447
Ann Hunt 229-1384
Dion Walsh 220-1638
Roger Guernsey 229-9496
* Red Cross Certified
**CPR certified
Janet Riddett—Certified K-5 Teacher, teaching
experience, Tutor for elementary grades
Jessica Lee-Babysitting*, Pet Sitting
14 Years
Ashley Hoover—Baby Sitting*, Pet Sitting
14 Years
Caroline Larson— Babysitting,** Pet Care
15 Years
Schreiber, Theresa—Stay at home private
duty care. Medical background. 19 years
experience in special needs and eldercare.
Victoria Hardy—Babysitting, Pet Sitting, Plant-
13 Years
Zachary Ward-Leaf pick-up
13 Years
Zychowski, Ted—Available for tutoring in general mathematics, pre-algebra and algebra. Certified teacher for grades 4 - 8 Adult
Full Availability
ing, Mowing
To receive notice that the newsletter is available for viewing on the website by e-mail, send a quick note to and include your name, street address, and email address. You will receive the
link to the eNewsletter in your e-mail each month! To view the newsletter on the First Colony Website as
well as accessing information regarding membership, Committee information, community events, the activities calendar and booking community facilities go to
Advertising Rates: Business card - $15; quarter page - $25; half page - $37.50; full page - $75; Employment Help Line listing - $12 per year. Unless noted, deadline is the 20th of each month.
Editor: Amy Carter Day, Payment must accompany ad. Make check payable to GFCACA.
The Greater First Colony Area Civic Association publishes this newsletter monthly for the benefit of the membership.
Unless noted, deadline for ALL newsletter submissions is the 20th of each month by 9pm.