Prize List


Prize List
NTHJC Farewell To LCEC
April 11-12, 2015
NTHJC Farewell To
April 11-12, 2015
$500 NTHJC Hunter Derby
Ginger Black (R) Ft. Worth TX
Tommy DiVecchia Argyle TX
Ellery DeWeese Ft. Worth TX
Show Manager:
Becky Rainwater
Show Office:
Melissa Osburn
Show Committee:
Sheri Steele, Shannon Flanagan,
Susan Horn, Becky Rainwater
Hospitality & Awards:
Stephanie Daniel
Entries due April 4, 2015, early entries appreciated! Email to
Sponsored by Tye Williams Financial Services
$200 Fox Field Farm Puddle Jumper Classic
$200 Raintree Farm Schooling Jumper Classic
NTHJC Pony Hunter Classic
Las Colinas Equestrian Center
600 E. Royal Ln., Irving TX 75039
IH 635 - exit Luna Rd and turn south,
continue to Royal Ln. and turn right. Take
first left at Riverside. LCEC is on the left.
2’ & 2’3” Mini-Derbies
Saturday Dinner Party
For information please contact Becky Rainwater – or
Sponsored by Silent Knight Stables & Gold Star Equestrian
Held at Las Colinas Equestrian Center, Irving TX
Visit for show & club information and to join NTHJC
Events Schedule
NTHJC Pony Hunter Classic
$200 Fox Field Farm Puddle Jumper Classic
$200 Raintree Farm Schooling Jumper Classic
Dinner Party
sponsored by Silent Knight Stables &
Gold Star Equestrian
NTHJC Hunter Derby
sponsored by Tye Williams Financial Services
2’ Mini-Derby
2’3” Mini-Derby
Master Made Feeds
Dr. Bill Anderson, DVM
Entries: Email entries to Entries are due by April 4, 2015.
Please include: name of horse and rider, class numbers, telephone number, number of
stalls & shavings, any barn affiliation, copy of current coggins.
class fees: $15 per class
Hunter Derby fee: $35
Classics & Mini-Derbies: $25
stall fees: $75
shavings: $ 10/bag - 3 bag minimum
Fees: Each horse/rider combination will be charged an EMT fee of $5 per day. An EMT
will be on the grounds during posted schooling and show times. A $5 office/$5
scholarship fee will be charged per entry. An open check fee of $15 will be charged for
all accounts not closed at the show. Non members of NTHJC will be charged a $20 fee.
NTHJC memberships can be paid at the show or online at
NTHJC Thoroughbred High Point Hunter & Jumper: entry is free. TB registered name
or tattoo # is required. Entry forms available in show office. An entry form must be
filled out at each NTHJC show. Champion ribbon awarded and year end points accrue
Coggins: No entry will be accepted without proof of a negative coggins (EIA) within one
year, which may be emailed with entries or presented to the show office upon arrival.
Proof must be copy of coggins document.
Stalls: Stalls will be available noon Friday through Sunday. A $35 grounds fee will be
charged for any horse without a stall. No outside shavings are allowed.
RV Spaces: (electric & water only) available $30/night.
Arenas: Indoor Arena-150’X275’ Outdoor ring 1-140’X220’, Outdoor ring 2-130’X200’,
all with sand footing.
Schooling: There will be open schooling Friday from 1:00 pm until 7:00 pm. Open
schooling will be available Saturday & Sunday mornings from 6:30 am until times stated
on schedule. There will be 15 minutes restricted to Limit riders both mornings. No
jumper or Derby schooling.
Medal Classes: are open only to NTHJC members. 1st & 2nd place winners will qualify for
the Medal Finals held at the NTHJC Year End Show. Once a rider wins the class twice
they may not enter again until the Finals.
Limit divisions: are restricted to riders who have not won 4 blue ribbons over fences.
Cross Entries: A horse/rider combination may cross enter only into divisions with fence
heights of a 6” difference. Walk Trot Poles riders may only cross enter into Walk Trot
Crossrails. Walk Trot Crossrails may only cross enter into Walk Trot Canter 18”.
Awards: All classes receive a first place Prize and 6 ribbons unless otherwise noted. A
Champion ribbon and Prize and a Reserve Champion ribbon will be awarded for each
Attire: Proper show attire is required. Jackets may be waived due to hot weather. Polo
shirts may be worn in jumper classes only. No chaps allowed.
Helmets: Properly fastened protective headgear must be worn at all times by all riders
when mounted anywhere on the show grounds. All headgear must meet or exceed
ASTM standards, carry SEI tag and be properly fitted and secured by a harness.
Dogs: all dogs must be on a leash held in hand or confined.
Warning: Under Texas law (Chapter 87, Civil, Practice & Remedies Code), an equine
professional is not liable for an injury to or the death of a participant in equine activities
resulting from the inherent risks of equine activities.
Management reserves the right to change, cancel, move or combine classes and do all
things necessary in the best interests of the horse show and its operations.
Concessions available during show hours Saturday & Sunday.
Split Classes: All classes, except warm-ups, with 20 or more entries will be split.
Entry fees: $15 per class
Limit Walk-Trot Equitation over Poles
may only cross enter into Walk-Trot Crossrails, not NTHJC recognized
61. Over poles
62. Over poles
63. On the flat
Limit Walk-Trot Equitation over Crossrails - may only cross enter into Walk-Trot Poles,
Walk-Trot-Canter Equitation 18”
1. Over fences
2. Over fences
3. On the flat
Limit Walk-Trot-Canter Equitation 18” - crossrails twice around the outside
4. Over fences
5. Over fences
6. On the flat
Limit divisions are open to riders who have not won 4 blue ribbons over fences
Junior/Amateur 2’ Hunter
7. Over fences
8. Over fences
9. Under saddle
Open 2’ Hunter - open to all riders
58. Over fences
59. Over fences
60. Under saddle
Pony Hunter - (small 2’, medium 2’3”, large 2’6”)
10. Over fences
11. Over fences
12. Under saddle
72. Pony Model – not NTHJC recognized, does not count toward division Championship
Junior/Amateur 2’3” Hunter
13. Over fences
14. Over fences
15. Under saddle
Junior/Amateur 2’6” Hunter
19. Over fences
20. Over fences
21. Under saddle
Pregreen Hunter 2’6” - horses in 1st or 2nd consecutive year showing
22. Over fences
23. Over fences
24. Under saddle
Low 2’9” Hunter - open to all riders
25. Over fences
26. Over fences
27. Under saddle
Children/Adult 2’9” Hunter
28. Over fences
29. Over fences
30. Under saddle
Working 3’ Hunter - open to all
31. Over fences
32. Over fences
33. Under saddle
Future Jumpers 2’ – 2’3” - not NTHJC recognized
64. TableIVSec2b (Opt.time 1st J/O) 65. TableIVSec1 (Opt.time 1st round) 66.
Puddle Jumpers 2’6-2’9”
34. TableIISec.2b (time 1st J/O) 35. TableIISec.1 (time 1st round) 36. Table IISec.2c
(power & speed)
Schooling Jumpers 3’-3’3”
37. TableIISec.2b
38. TableIISec.1
39. TableIISec.2c
Warm Up Classes – open to all
A & B - 2’ C & D - 2’3” E & F - 2’6” G & H - 2’9 I & J - 3’ K – Indoor 2’6”(Sat.)
P & Q - Pony
Equitation Classes
Jr/Amateur 2’ Equitation
41.Over Fences
42.On the flat
Jr/Amateur 2’3” Equitation
43.Over Fences
44.On the flat
Jr/Amateur 2’6” Equitation
47.Over Fences
48.On the flat
Children/Adult 2’9” Equitation
49.Over Fences
50.On the flat
Jr/Amateur 3’ Equitation
51.Over Fences
52.On the flat
Medal Classes
53. 2’ Medal
54. 2’3” Medal
55. 2’6” Medal
56. 2’9” Medal
57. 3’ Medal
$500 NTHJC Hunter Derby
sponsored by Tye Williams Financial Services
Class 40, entry fee - $35 Open to all horses who have competed in a 2’6”-3’ class at this
show. Fence heights are 2’6”-2’9” with option jumps up to 3’. 1st round: Classic Hunter
course of at least 10 jumps including an In & Out and minimum of 3 options. 2 nd Round:
Handy Hunter course of top 12 horses if available. 1 bonus point will be awarded for each
option jump completed and in the 2nd round up to ten points may be awarded for handiness.
No schooling of the course is allowed. Late entries will ride at the top of the order. 30
minutes prior to the class entries may walk the course with horses in hand only. 3 sets of
ribbons through 12th place will be awarded: each round and overall winners.
1 Place: Award & IAQM prize & $150 2nd-$110 3rd-$75 4th-$60 5th-$55 6th-$50
$200 Schooling Jumper Classic sponsored by Raintree Farm
Class 68, entry fee - $25 Table II, Sec.2b fences 3’-3’3”– Open to all horses competing in
the Schooling Jumper Division. Ribbons awarded through 8 th place.
1st Place: Award & $60 2nd-$44 3rd-$30 4th-$24 5th-$22 6th-$20
$200 Puddle Jumper Classic sponsored by Fox Field Farm
Class 67, entry fee - $25 Table II , Sec. 2b fences 2’6”-2’9” - Open to all horses competing
in the Puddle Jumper Division. Ribbons awarded through 8 th place.
1st Place: Award & $60 2nd-$44 3rd-$30 4th-$24 5th-$22 6th-$20
NTHJC Pony Hunter Classic
Class 69, entry fee - $25 To be eligible to enter the Pony Classic the same pony/rider
combination must have competed in the Pony Division. The first hunter class of the Pony
Division will be scored as the 1st round of the Classic. Both rounds’ scores will be combined
for final results. Ribbons will be awarded through 8 th place. $10 of each entry will be
combined & distributed for total prize money.
1st Place: Award & 30% 2nd-22% 3rd-16% 4th-14% 5th-10% 6th-8%
2’ NTHJC Hunter Mini-Derby
Class 70, entry fee - $25 Open to all Jr/Am riders competing in the 2’ Hunter Divisions at
this show. The Sunday 2’ Hunter Class will be scored as first round of the Mini-Derby. The 2nd
round is a handy course with tests such as one option jump, a trot fence, rollback or halt. 1
bonus point will be awarded for a completed option jump. . If a horse is entered in both 2’
divisions one must be declared for scoring. A horse may only compete with one rider. Both
rounds’ scores will be combined for final results. Ribbons will be awarded through 8 th place.
$10 of each entry will be combined and distributed for total prize money.
1st Place – Prize & 30% 2nd- 22% 3rd-16% 4th- 14% 5th-10% 6th- 8%
2’3” NTHJC Hunter Mini-Derby
Class 71, entry fee - $25 Open to all Jr/Am riders competing in the 2’3” Hunter Division at
this show. The Sunday 2’3” Hunter Class will be scored as first round of the Mini-Derby. The
2nd round is a handy course with tests such as one option jump, a trot fence, rollback or halt.
One bonus point will be awarded for a completed option jump. Both rounds’ scores will be
combined for final results. Ribbons will be awarded through 8 th place. $10 of each entry will
be combined and distributed for total prize money.
1st Place – Prize & 30% 2nd- 22% 3rd-16% 4th- 14% 5th-10% 6th-8%
IAQM VetClean is donating a complete trailer disinfection &
decontamination to the NTHJC Hunter Derby Winner!
Full information at &
Saturday April 11
Saturday, April 11
Indoor Arena- Start 8:00 am Schooling 6:30-7:45 am
2’6” Warm Up
2’9” Warm Up
2’9” Low Hunter
2’9” Low Hunter U/S
28, 49 2’9” Ch/Ad Hunter, Equit. O/F
2’9” Ch/Ad Hunter U/S
3’ Warm Up
31, 51 3’ Hunter, Equit. O/F
3’ Hunter U/S
Course change
34 Puddle Jumper – IISec2b
35 Puddle Jumper – IISec1
36 Puddle Jumper – IISec2c
67 Fox Field Farm Puddle Jumper Classic IISec2b
37 Schooling Jumper – IISec2b
38 Schooling Jumper – IISec1
39 Schooling Jumper – IISec2c
68 Raintree Farm Schooling Jumper Classic IISec2b
Outdoor Ring 2 – Start 8:00 am
Schooling 6:30-7:30 am, Poles 7:30-7:45 am
Walk Trot Poles Equit. Flat
61,62 Walk Trot Equit. Over Poles
2’ Warm Up
2’ Open Hunter
2’ Open Hunter U/S
7, 41 2’ Jr/Am Hunter, Equit. O/F
2’ Jr/Am Hunter U/S
Course Change
Future Jumper – IVSec2b
Future Jumper – IVSec1
Future Jumper – IISec2b
Outdoor Ring 1 – Start 8:00 am Schooling 6:30-7:45 am
2’3” Warm Up
13,43, 2’3” Jr/Am Hunter, Equit O/F
2’3” Jr/Am Hunter U/S
Pony Warm Up (mediums 1st)
Pony Hunter
NTHJC Pony Hunter Classic
Pony Hunter U/S
2’6” Warm Up
Pregreen Hunter
Pregreen Hunter U/S
19, 47 2’6” Jr/Am Hunter, Equit. O/F
2’6” Jr/Am Hunter U/S
2015 NTHJC Show Schedule
March 14-15
March 28-29
April 11-12
April 18-19
April 26
May 3
May 16-17
May 30-31
June 27-28
September 13
September 20
September 26-27
October 10-11
October 17-18
November 1
November 14-15
NTHJC Benefit Show @ TRHP
Hidden Lake Farm
Las Colinas Equestrian Center
Prospering Farm
Fireside Farm
Valhalla Stables
Texas Rose Horse Park
NTHJC Summer Show @ Valhalla
Prospering Farm
Willow Draw
Hidden Lake Farm
Valhalla Stables
Texas Rose Horse Park
Fireside Farm
NTHJC Year End Show @ TRHP
Sunday, April 12
Indoor Arena – start 7:30 am No Schooling
40 NTHJC Hunter Derby
Brief schooling break
2’9” Warm Up
26 2’9” Low Hunter
29 2’9” Ch/Ad Hunter
50 2’9” Ch/Ad Equit. Flat
56 2’9” NTHJC Medal
3’ Warm Up
32 3’ Hunter
52 3’ Ch/Ad Equit. Flat
57 3’ NTHJC Medal
Sunday, April 12
Outdoor Ring 2 – start 8:00 am
Schooling 6:30-7:30 am, Limit 7:30-7:45 am
1,2 Limit Walk-Trot Equit. O/F
Limit Walk-Trot Equit. Flat
4,5 Limit Walk-Trot-Canter Equit. O/F
Limit Walk-Trot-Canter Equit. Flat
2’ Warm Up
59 2’ Open Hunter
2’ Jr/Am Hunter
70 2’ NTHJC Mini-Derby
42 2’ Jr/Am Equit. Flat
53 2’ NTHJC Medal
Outdoor Ring 1 – start 8:00 am
Schooling 6:30-7:45 am
2’3” Warm Up
14 2’3” Jr/Am Hunter
71 2’3” NTHJC Hunter Mini Derby
44 2’3” Jr/Am Equit. Flat
54 2’3” NTHJC Medal
Pony Warm Up (mediums 1st)
11 Pony Hunter
72 Pony Model
2’6” Warm Up
23 Pregreen Hunter
20 2’6” Jr/Am Hunter
48 2’6” Jr/Am Equit. Flat
55 2’6” NTHJC Medal
LCEC Final Series
High Point Hunter &
High Point Jumper Awards
To be eligible horses must compete
in both this NTHJC Farewell Show
and the LCEC NTHJC Show on
April 18-19