Monthly Steeple Chimes - First Presbyterian Church
Monthly Steeple Chimes - First Presbyterian Church
STEEPLE CHIMES Newsletter of The First Presbyterian Church of Greenlawn - March 2015- ISSUE: One Hundred Seventy-Six, Pastor's Message Jesus told his disciples that he had to go to Jerusalem where he would suffer, be killed, and be raised to new life {Mark 8:31 ). But Peter had a better idea. Peter always has a better idea; that's why we love him so. Like Peter, what we often want is a way around pain, Jesus' pain and especially our own. Masters at spiritual bypass, we would prefer to save Jesus and ourselves from the suffering that lies ahead. But the God whom Jesus came to reveal could no more escape the pain of loving us than could a parent in the love of her children. We may wish to protect our Lord and our God from being God-with-us, but that would be to keep God from being God. As we begin again to make the Lenten journey to Jerusalem with Jesus, let us own up to our own ashes and ask once more what it might mean for us to become a cruciform people, a people shaped by the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Though it is not what Peter or any of us had in mind, perhaps it is to participate in the pain of God. Perhaps it is to love others with the same love with which God loves us, even if that love-God's love for us and our love for others-is sometimes, and stunningly, without apparent effect. Hence the pain of love. Although Scripture never holds up suffering for suffering's sake, it does anticipate that the disciples, in taking up the cross, will participate in the suffering of the One they seek to follow. Taking up the cross is hard for us because we have been misinformed that the purpose of faith is to cancel out our suffering, secure a pain-free life, and make us happy. Only it doesn't work that way. And if we make personal happiness our chief goal in life, we risk making an idolatry out of Jesus, abandoning truth and ultimately increasing our world's pain-all of which makes us miserable indeed. The cross is at the center of our faith not to legitimate pain or to glorify suffering, but to open our eyes to the reality of God's own redemptive participation in them. So long as we suffer, God shall suffer in God's love for us. So long as the creation groans, the Spirit shall intercede for us with groans that words cannot express (Rom. 8:26). So long as the church is the "body of Christ," it shall participate in God's suffering love for the world God's Son was sent to save. (continued on next page) (Pastor's Message continued) Such participation does not spell happiness for us, but joy. In that joy we receive, and in tum share, the assurance that we are not alone. ln that joy we accept the truth that we are not God, and through that discover a new freedom, meaning and purpose in being simply human. And as we discover that we really have been redeemed for a purpose, we can let go our grip on our own pain, and stop blaming God for everything that seems to have gone wrong in our lives and the life of our world. We can get real about what life is and what life is for: service in the name of Christ. As we make our way along the Lenten journey, let us follow our Lord wherever he leads us, and join God where God is already at work in our world ''to make and to keep human life human." See you in church, Pastor Fred The Lenten Journey The Lenten journey from the ashes of death to resurrected life is a time to turn around and change direction. We are reminded during Lent that to be raised to new life in Christ we need to be willing to die to our old selves, our old ideas, and our selfreliance. As we take the first step of this journey we are each called to acknowledge and confront our mortality in our individual and corporate life. And yet we trust in the "accomplished fact" of Christ's resurrection. We follow Jesus as he makes his way to Jerusalem and to the cross that awaits him there. In following him, we tum around (the root meaning of metanota which we translate "repentance"). We change course from simply serving self. We yield ourselves to the self-giving way of the cross. (Adapted from Companion to the Book of Common Worship, 109-110). WHY A NAIL DUR.ING LENT? To help you think about something ... specifically, about the suffering and death of our Lord Jesus Christ. .. and about the meaning of that suffering and death for you personally. The nail you see on the table or carry around with you is YOUR nail. Think about that. Butit is also Christ's nail.. .. think about that!!!! Your nail and a daily Lenten Meditation can be found on the hall table outside the Church Office. They will also be available at each Soup Supper. Missions Committee Pagel HAPPENINGS The Prayer Shawl Ministry {. · . [ .S. ,:,aw . M. · 1n1s •. .• tr~. ( We extend a welcome invitation to all people who can or want to learn to) knit or crochet. Bring your needles and hooks and share in creating shawls, hats, scarves, baby caps and booties and other hand stitched creations to be given to those who need warmth, comfort, emotional support, and to express the love of Christ for all. Meets 7 :30 pm on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in the Parlor. Call Trisha Ames (516) 987-2364 for more information! FLOWERS FOR THE CHANCEL Each Sunday flowers beautify the Chancel of our church. We would encourage any and all to donate flowers for birthdays, anniversaries, "in memory of', etc. A check for $35 should be made to Greenlawn Presbyterian Church. To order flowers, please call Corinne Burdett (631-261-4636), our new flower coordinator, or the church office (631-261-2150) BIBLE STUDY We are proud to offer bible study twice weekly, where all are welcomed to learn more about the Bible: • • t Page3 Pastor's Lectienary Bible Study-Wednesdays at 2:00 p.m. in the Pastor's Study Friday Morning Bible StudyFridays, at 10:30 a.m. in the Parlor HAPPENINGS The Prayer Shawl Ministry {. · . [ .S. ,:,aw . M. · 1n1s •. .• tr~. ( We extend a welcome invitation to all people who can or want to learn to) knit or crochet. Bring your needles and hooks and share in creating shawls, hats, scarves, baby caps and booties and other hand stitched creations to be given to those who need warmth, comfort, emotional support, and to express the love of Christ for all. Meets 7 :30 pm on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in the Parlor. Call Trisha Ames (516) 987-2364 for more information! FLOWERS FOR THE CHANCEL Each Sunday flowers beautify the Chancel of our church. We would encourage any and all to donate flowers for birthdays, anniversaries, "in memory of', etc. A check for $35 should be made to Greenlawn Presbyterian Church. To order flowers, please call Corinne Burdett (631-261-4636), our new flower coordinator, or the church office (631-261-2150) BIBLE STUDY We are proud to offer bible study twice weekly, where all are welcomed to learn more about the Bible: • • t Page3 Pastor's Lectienary Bible Study-Wednesdays at 2:00 p.m. in the Pastor's Study Friday Morning Bible StudyFridays, at 10:30 a.m. in the Parlor !¡ ~ ¡ JOIN THE CUB SCOUTS! Greenlawn/Centerport Pack 877 is inviting your son to join Cub Scouting. In Cub Scouts, your son will have lots of fun, learn new things and make new friends. But Cub Scouts is much more than that; it isJun with a purpose. Scouting is a family-oriented organization. Scouting develops character, leadership, communications skills and good citizenship. Any boy in grades 1 through 5 can be a Cub Scout! .• · TIGER CUB: To Øli.GltOl!tl'ATNT~~ T1•Cw.-. *TIG9CU6 =~=·~Cirø$êwt'~~Tfle~tni·~mGN,AMDTIIE . , - , - - ~- - - . •. =~I:t:fn=)tefQR~·~ÍfO.~VE~ ;.~~Jt;:;:)r~m~ØOWWHDHAWFl~I~~·~·~·· Flftfî.· · WEBEIDS: . -, ': =-~~~WHO .. · · ··.· · HAW OOMl'W£0 "°RD qRllll!l {Q!l!Æl\ØHEll , . If you'd like to learn more about Cub Scouts, please contact: Rob Butler Scott Cohen Pack 877 Cubmaster (516) 359-8116 Rbutler Pack 877 Committee Chair (516) 987-7878 Page4 YOVTH HA.:F:FEIIIGØ Sunday, March 15 St. Patrick's Day Bake Sale Immediately following the church service by the youth group Youth Group-Please bring a baked item for the sale We will be attending the Wednesday night Lenten Soup Suppers whenever possible this month! Meet at the church at 6:30 PM Wednesday, March 4, 11, 18 & 25 Sunday, March 29 Palm Sunday Service 10:30 AM Annual Easter Egg Hunt following the church service On the front lawn Please bring your own basket! Friday, April 3 Good Friday Worship Service 7:30 PM Don't leapfrog over Good Friday on your way to Easter! Sunday, April 5 Easter Breakfast Hosted by the Youth Group 9:00 AM in the CE Hall ALL ARE WELCOME! Church service to follow at 10:30 AM with Annual Flowering of the Cross Want to know more about the Church Youth Group? Contact Youth Director Debbie Eitel at Pages GOOD FRIDAY WORSHIP APRIL 3, 2015 7:30 P.M. Here's a tip from your pastor: This year, don't leapfrog over Good Friday on your way to Easter. Instead, join us for Good Friday worship on April 3rd at 7:30 p.m. Why? Because there is no Easter without the cross. There is no good news without the bad news for which our good news is such very good news indeed. Then, after a wonderful breakfast on Easter morning at 9:00 a.m., join us for Easter worship on Sunday, April 5th at 10:30 a.m. when we will again flower the cross. Submitted by Pastor Fred One Grtzat flour of ~haring 'l:>uring b!lnt Wll will once again b!l joeusing on our denomlnetíon's misslon program Onz Eír!lat ttour of ~haring. Thil 0Eít1~ off zring will bz collected on Palm ~unday, Mareh 29th. Our giftg; through this program support three Prll$byt!lrian Programg; Prll$byt!lrian 'l:>ig;ag;f!lr '(lg;g;ig;fanell,, the Prll11,bgf!lrian '!iung!lr Program, and <Î>!llf'E>llV!llopmll,nt of Pllopl!l. May you find Joy through g;haringrzsoureee and ehanging lívcs with a Slln!lreus gift to OneEírll,at tíour of ~haring. Thank you, Your Mig;g;iong; Comrntttee Page6 CORRESPONDENCE Note received from Margaret Lee Holiday greetings from Hidden Lakes Retirement for the second year. Ienjoy being in Oregon. Son Mike, wife Pam and their family are 8 miles away. They pick me up on Sundays for Church and Iusually visit with them the rest of the day. Ihave attended their singing and piano recitals. Ihave heard all four of them: Hannah (16), Timothy (12), Kate (12), Linnea (8). What a pleasure to be at their performances. Margaret Lee December2014 i I Margaret can be re~h via mail at: Hidden Lakes Retirement #204 400 Madrona Avenue SE Salem, OR 97302-4685 I : ··-··-.. -··-··-··-.--··-··-··-··-·¡ HELP MANAGE YOUR STRESS BY REACfilNG OUT TO OTHERS Most of us have experienced the delight that comes in helping and giving to others. If we are operating from a faith perspective, that delight can be transformed into joy and that joy can lead to a true inner peace. When we put behind us the stresses that are weighing us down and offer our help to someone in need, we have lightened our load. We will still return to the same worries and frustrations as before, but we will come to them with renewed energy, a sense of gratitude for all that we have been given, and a heightened awareness of the steady and loving presence of God in our lives. -Judy Ball Care Notes Letting Faith Help you Handle Stress Page7 MARCH HAPPY BIRTHDAYS! 3/3 3/8 3/8 3/9 3/10 3/10 3/16 3/16 Catherine Mahler Russ Volmer Nancy Jill Erich Walter Rolf Walter, Jr. Terry Hammer Andrew Schweighardt Diane Kirchhoff 3/17 3/19 3/22 3/22 3/25 3/28 3/29 Nadine Heiligenstadt Carol Nowicki Maria Freidank Michael Ramirez Anthony Negrelli Roger Kaufmann Richard Heiligenstadt SUBMISSIONS TO STEEPLE CHIMES Messages, Poems, Prayers, Verses and inspiration, submitted by our members and our readers are AL WAYS welcome! Did you find God somewhere in your life today? Tell us about it! We welcome your submission to Steeple Chimes! It's EASY to do: + Send email to with your submission. Please put "Steeple Chimes" in the Subject! • Drop printed material in the Steeple Chimes mailbox, next to the entrance to the parlor! Clippings are welcome, just please provide a note as to the source! REMINDER: ALL Submissions to Steeple Chimes are due no later than the Friday following our Stated Meeting of Session .... This is normally the 3rd or 4th Friday of each month! Pages MEMORIAL ROLFWALTER 2/26/1929 - 12/05/2014 Rolf had the determination, the faith and the fortitude of a farmer mingled with the elegance and beauty of an old world craftsman. He kept the church going for many years with his down to earth 'know-how' and innate ingenuity ... which kept our old boiler going for years on what seemed like nothing more than 'spit and polish'. He also kept a lot of us going with tales of his family, the marvels of apple cider vinegar, his jovial and light-hearted remarks ... all the while delighting us with his many hand crafted items (especially his remarkable Christmas Tree ornaments). He helped open our eyes to the needs around us most every week at Friday Bible Study. He's always had the 'heart for helping' demonstrating his patience, love and loyalty to family & friends over and over throughout the years. He's reminded us that even while struggling we are still greatly blessed. We'll miss his delicious soups, outstanding BBQ' s, his wit, wisdom, generous nature and many kindnesses. I know too we'll all miss the twinkle in his eyes under those bushy, bushy eyebrows. We were, and are indeed, blessed to have known Rolf. Betty Chatfield ~ ~ -..I /'. '111 Memortaí Servíce fer Rolî waíter A memorial service for Rolf Walter will be held on Saturday, July 11, 2015, vvtßlfl(f/11 in the Sanctuary of the Church. All are invited to join in remembering and ~ 't' celebrating the life of our brother in Christ. Time of the service to be announced at a later date. Page9 MEMORIAL Letter sent to Betty Chatfield from Polly Duncan, former Pastor Robert Duncan's wife on 1216114 (before Everett Dodge's passing .... ) Dear Betty, I am so very saddened to hear of Rolfs death, and of Everett's move to Carillon because of weakness. Both of these men were and are very dear to both Bob and me over these many years, and I surely will be praying for Rolfs family in this sad time of his loss, for Margaret and her boys, and, of course, for both Erich and Rolf, who will so greatly miss their beloved Father and Grandfather. I will continue to pray for Everett and the Dodge family as they mourn for Becky and try to provide all the help and support possible for Everett at this time of special need in his life. He has gone through so many struggles himself, I pray for God's comforting Presence in his life! The Greenlawn Church prayer ministry is such a powerful one, and I thank all of you who get out the news for prayer each week. I still feel very much a part of the church's ministry even after all these years of not being actively involved there, thanking God for each one, and praying for the many who are struggling with physical needs for healing and comfort for those who have lost loved ones. Thank you and God Bless you! Love in Christ, Polly Page 10 PRAYER CORNER "O God, overwhelm my anxious and troubled heart with your love and peace. Deliver me from distractions and free me from foolish anxieties to live and serve in the center of your divine will. " -Leslie Brandt Bible Readings for Troubled Times DRAW ON OTHERS FOR PRAYER SUPPORT God provides family and friends to support us in times of trouble. Ask for the spiritual support of loved ones who might be willing to pray with you. Hold hands; talk about what is worrying you. Be specific. Then ask the other person(s) to pray aloud for you. To hear a loved one asking God to help you, no matter how awkwardly, builds faith and soothes jangled nerves. Remember, too, that in revealing your need you give others the chance to serve. -- Joan Wester Anderson Prayer Notes Praying When You're Afraid ou& ~ Meg L. ;Terry H. ; Arlene C.; Bob B.; Diane H.; Maria H. & family;, Honore W.; Jeff K.; Karen B.; Kim D.; Margaret B.;Peggi L.; all suffering financial, emotional & physical heartaches; our church and it's leaders;. our nation & it's leaders; troops worldwide; all in harm's way; and all who need HIS love As Christians, we Believe in the power of Prayer. Please contact Betty Chatfield by calling (631) 261-8104 or to have your praises and/or prayer requests e-mailed to our Prayer Partners or to become a Prayer Partner MEETINGS & EVENTS Weekly Meetings: CHANCEL CHOIR - Sundays at 9:30 AM, Thursdays at 8:00 PM PASTOR FRED'S LECTIONARY BIBLE STUDY - Wednesdays at 2:00 PM ADULT BIBLE STUDY-Fridays at 10:30 AM Regularly Scheduled Monthly Meetings: Personnel Committee Deacon Board Committee Night Stated Meeting of Session Prayer Shawl Ministry 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM- First Tuesday of the Month First Tuesday of the Month Second Tuesday of the Month Third Tuesday of the Month Second & Fourth Wednesday Women's Circle Meetings: Grace Circle meets on the Fourth Tuesday of the Month at 2:00 PM Joy Circle meets on the Second Thursday of the Month at 1 :OO PM UPDATE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESSES! We've changed some email addresses! If you use email, please take note of the following new emails to reach the church and its staff! Any previous email addresses you might have stopped working as of January 1st, 2015! Pastor Fred Woodward Church Office Assistant Clerk of Session - - - Page 12 OUR SERVING BOARDS The Board of Deacons Class of2015 Class of2016 Gloria Arelt Patricia Ames Debbie Eitel Maria Francis-Henry Craig Satterlee Rosa Matos The Session Class of2015 Diane Hartmann Class of2017 Barbara Small Arlissa Dean Kathleen Gerlach Corinne Burdett Diane Kirchhoff Class of2016 Class of2017 Alexander Ames Margaret Lawrence June Spence Roger Kaufmann Robert Arelt The Reverend Frederick H. Woodward, Pastor Pastor Fred's Office Hours are from 1 l:OOam through 5:00 pm Monday through Thursday... unless visiting or attending meetings. Outside the above hours, please call (631)- 626-3702 for appointments and consultations. OUR STAFF Rev Frederick H. Woodward, Pastor Catherine Mahler, Director of Music Debra Eitel, Youth Director Alex Ames, Clerk of Session Ed Close, Asst. Treasurer Betty Chatfield, Financial Secretary Nancy Macintyre, Benevolence Treasurer This is Your Church As Christians, we are called to serve God by serving others. Here at Greenlawn, many members respond to that call by volunteering their time and talents in one or more of the activities that support our church and community. Volunteers care for our church and facilities, participate in our worship and music services, nurture each other in times of need, and reach out to lend a helping hand in communities near and far. Ask yourself : "How is God calling Me to His Service?" Page 13 WELCOME to THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH of GREENLAWN We extend a special welcome to those who are single, married, divorced, gay, filthy rich, dirt poor, yo no hables Ingles. We extend a special welcome to those who are crying new-boms, skinny as a rail, or could afford to lose a few pounds. We welcome you if you can sing like Andrea Bocelli, or can't carry a note in a bucket. You're welcome here if you're "just browsing",just woke up, or just got out of jail. We don't care if you're more Presbyterian than John Calvin, or haven't been in a church since little Joey's baptism, or Sally's wedding, after which everybody, including Sally, got drunk. We extend a special welcome to those who are over 60 but not grown up yet, and to teenagers who are growing up way, way too fast. We welcome soccer moms, NASCAR dads, starving artists, retired farmers, hedge fund managers, tree-buggers, latte-sippers, vegetarians, computer nerds, and junk-food eaters. We welcome those who are iu recovery, or still addicted - some of us have also been there. We welcome you if you're having problems, or you're dowu in the dumps, or if you don't like "organized religion" +we've been there too. We welcome you if you're "spiritual but not religious", and if you are curious whether it is possible to be both at once. If you blew your offering money in a football pool or online betting, you're welcome here. We offer a special welcome to those who think the earth is flat, or was created literally in seven days. We welcome you if you work too hard, or don't work at all. We welcome you if you have a PhD, but are working at Trader Joes, or if you can't spel reel gud, and the job you have is killing you. We welcome you if you're here today only because grandma is in town and wanted to go to church, and you didn't want to disappoint her. We welcome those who are iuked, pierced, or both. We offer a special welcome to those who could use a prayer right now, maybe especially because they had religion shoved down their throats as kids, or by somebody at the office after they grew np. We welcome you if you wound up here by mistake, thinking this was the Catholic church (it's around the comer on Clay Pitts Road, but since you're here already, you might as well stay for the service - we welcome Catholics tool). We welcome tourists, seekers, doubters and everybody on the edge of faith, which includes, well, pretty much all of us. Bottom line: We welcome You! And we welcome you because that we know that no matter who you are, Jesus welcomes you. Oh, and also because we know that when we receive the welcome that Jesus offers, everything begins to change for the better and keeps changing so long as we do, and as long as we do the right thing, and welcome others, in his name too! NOTE: This welcome message was adaptedfrom one used by Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Community Church in Daytona Beach, FL, and was adopted as the Official Welcome Message of the First Presbyterian Church of Greenlawn, as approved by the Session on February I <Jf', 2013 Page 14 NONPROFIT ~@f'~~_t'~~ STANDARD MAIL U. S. POSTAGE PAID GREENLAWN, NY ll740 497 Pulaski Road Greenlawn, NY 11740 Phone: (631)261-2150 Fax: (631) 261-0348 / Sunday Worship Please Join us every Sunday at 10:30 AM for Worship! Preschool and Sunday School are offered for aß children! ' Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them,for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." (Matt 19:14) PERMffN0.4 '