this sunday - Holy Trinity Church
this sunday - Holy Trinity Church
TRINITY FAMILY NEWS The Weekly Bulletin of Holy Trinity Parish Launceston and St Matthias Windermere PARISH DIRECTORY: PRIEST-IN-CHARGE: ASSOCIATE PRIEST: CHURCH POSTAL ADDRESS: WEB PAGE: The vision of the Parish of Holy Trinity Launceston is to know Christ and to make Him known. The Rev. Warwick Cuthbertson Tel: Home: 6331 0041 Mobile: 0408 356 067 Email: The Rev Ken Box Tel: Home: 6326 4226 Mobile: 0408 023 578 Email: Office: 6331 4460 PO Box 671, Launceston 7250 (a copy of our Weekly Bulletin can be found here) DIARY FOR THE WEEK –15 MARCH 2015 TO 22 MARCH 2015 SUN 15 MARCH FOURTH SUNDAY IN LENT (V) 8.30 am Eucharist in the Lady Chapel (Hymn: AHB 173) 10.30 am Sung Eucharist at Holy Trinity (Hymns: AHB 38, 500, 79, 173) Readers: Pauline Cartwright, Barbara Ibbott Intercessor: Karen Gee 5.30 pm Worship in the Spirit of Taize MON 16 MARCH 12.15 pm TUES 17 MARCH PATRICK, BISHOP, MISSIONARY TO IRELAND (d.461) 12.15 pm Cursillo Group Reunion WED 18 MARCH CYRIL OF JERUSALEM, BISHOP AND TEACHER (d.386) 10.30 am Eucharist (1662) in the Lady Chapel 5.30 pm Lent Study at 2 Balfour St. Launceston THURS 19 MARCH JOSEPH, HUSBAND OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY (W) 12.15 pm Eucharist in the Lady Chapel 4.15 pm Holy Trinity Junior Choir FRI 20 MARCH CUTHBERT OF LINDISFARNE, BISHOP AND MISSIONARY (d.687) 12.00 noon Friday Café in the Narthex SAT 21 MARCH THOMAS CRANMER, ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY, MARTYR AND LITURGIST (d.1556) 5.00 pm Families@Five SUN 22 MARCH FIFTH SUNDAY IN LENT (V) 8.30 am Eucharist in the Lady Chapel (Hymn: AHB 440) 10.30 am Sung Eucharist at Holy Trinity (Hymns: AHB 8, 298-(T.275ii), 440, 514) Readers: Benno Zuiddam, Dennis Mann Intercessor: Sue Bedford 10.30 am Eucharist at St Matthias, Windermere 5.30 pm Compline and Anglican Men’s Society Eucharist in the Lady Chapel TODAY’S ORGAN MUSIC – Service: Schubert Prelude Entrance Hymn Psalm 107.1-3,17-22 Gradual Hymn Offertory Hymn Communion Anthem Post Communion Hymn Postlude Gott des Himmels und der Erden Sigfrid Karg-Elert AHB 38 We give immortal praise O give thanks to the Lord for he is good AHB 500 I heard the voice of Jesus say AHB 79 Praise to the Holiest in the height Psalm 130 (Out of the Depths) AHB 173 I will sing the wondrous story Fugue in D J.S. Bach THOSE WHO HAVE ASKED FOR OUR PRAYERS Noah, Fiona, Michael, Triana, Christa, Ursula and Margaret. PREPARATION FOR NEXT SUNDAY – 22nd March 2015 First Reading: Jeremiah 31.31-34 Psalm: 119.9-16 Second Reading: Hebrews 5.5-14 Gospel: John 12.20-33 VISIT TO BETTY DAKING AND ROBBY ROBERTS Both Betty and Robby are in temporary accommodation at Ainslie Aged Care Facility, Low Head. I am planning to visit them on Monday, 30th March, leaving Holy Trinity at 1.00 pm. If you are interested to join me on the visit, then please let me know. Warwick URSULA BARNETT Ursula is still in the Launceston General Hospital and is awaiting a bed in the Rehabilitation Ward 3R. Many thanks to parishioners for their prayers, good wishes, cards, flowers and visits. GARDEN STALL We took close to $370 at the last stall and with only one more stall to go I am confident that we will reach $2,000 for the season. Everything continues to sell well especially lemons where we have customers queueing up. We sold over 250 of them last week. Jams and chutneys along with baked goods are also popular. Please contact me if you have any excess fruit or vegetables, I am happy to collect the produce. Dennis, 6334 2794 or see me after the 10.30 am Sunday Eucharist. WORSHIP IN THE SPIRIT OF TAIZE Tonight at 5.30 pm Donald McGinty will be leading the service. This special time of worship includes candlelit prayers, readings, silence and soft music with repetitive words. A very meditative service which offers a wonderful opportunity to be silent and centre on our Lord. Afterwards there is a “bring and share” meal. HOLY TRINITY CAR PARK Car space number 72, which has been used by parishioners on church business, has now been handed back to Harcourt’s Real Estate for lease. Parishioners will not be able to use this parking space any more. LENT STUDY This year’s Lent Study group meets at 5.30 pm Wednesday evenings at Sara Strong’s home, 2 Balfour Street, Launceston. All welcome FROM THE PROPERTY COMMITTEE We have been carrying out investigations into the North Spire of the Narthex as it is spreading on its base. It poses a potential public risk and we have received advice to dismantle it prior to rebuilding. We expect that the scaffolding will be erected shortly with the dismantling process to commence this week or next week. This work was agreed to at the February 2015 Parish Council Meeting. If you would like to know any further details, please ask Grahame or the Wardens. ANGLICAN BOARD OF MISSION LENT APPEAL 2015 This year we have the opportunity to support three projects during Lent. The Rev’d Gloria Shipp (the Chair of NATSIAC) and her Walkabout Ministries in the Diocese of Bathurst. Machakos and Makueni Diocese Leadership and Training Project in Kenya. Integrated Livelihood Improvement – Eastern Kenya. There is an envelope for each project with details on it. PASTORAL PARTNERS Pastoral Partners meet on Monday, 23rd March at 2.00 pm at Holy Trinity. Please let Warwick know if you will be attending the meeting or if you are unable to attend. Pastoral Partners is something for every member of our congregation. If you are not already a Pastoral Partner, then I urge you to consider being one. For more details please contact Warwick. CITY OF LAUNCESTON RSL BAND CONCERT The band will be presenting a concert entitled “It’s Time to Shine” at Holy Trinity Church on Sunday, 29th March at 2.00 pm. Guest artist will be Fletcher Mitchell (Euphonium). Tickets at the door – Adult $25.00, Senior $15.00 and Junior $5. 00. Afternoon tea will follow the concert. Please let Dorothy know if you are able to provide a plate of afternoon tea. INVITATION TO AFTERNOON TEA The Leprosy Mission is hosting an afternoon tea at All Saints’ Church Hall, Tamar Highway, Exeter on Wednesday, 1st April at 2.00 pm. Guest speaker is Dr Colin Martin who will speak about Nepal and leprosy – now and the future. RSVP Marguerite Tyson on 6394 4453 or if you would like to attend. ADVANCE NOTICE - MAUNDY THURSDAY – 2ND APRIL 2015 Our service for Maundy Thursday will basically follow the order and text of the Last Supper from St. John’s Gospel. It will include foot washing. There will be a light meal with some Passover prayers and symbols, concluding with the special additions that Jesus made to the celebration. After the blessing we will proceed with the stripping of the altar and the reading of Psalm 22. There is a clipboard in the narthex for you to write your name if you wish to attend the meal. If you would like to participate in the foot washing, please give your name to Fr Warwick. FREEDOM BELLS Holy Trinity’s bell has been rung on Mondays at 3.30 pm joining with other churches to encourage our government to release children from our detention centres. David Towns and Grahame Foster have been ringing the bell at Holy Trinity. We need some of our parishioners to assist. If we are unable to continue to ring our bell, then we will advise the organizer to have our Church taken off the Freedom Bells website. See Grahame if you can help out. PARISH CARE FREEZER Holy Trinity has recently acquired a freezer in which to store sandwiches, meals, casseroles, pasta dishes, etc to distribute to those who may be in urgent need for food assistance and for parishioners who may be unwell. Hilary Cahill (a pastoral partner) has offered to co-ordinate the contents of the freezer. Hilary will be delighted if parishioners are able to donate meals in takeaway containers, with a list of ingredients and date attached. Sandwiches – four slices of bread (uncut), (please list ingredients and date) wrapped in cling wrap then placed in a take-away container. This will be a wonderful service to our church and general community. THE WAR MEMORIAL 6. George William Bischoff Clare George was the youngest of the seven children of William and Sarah Clare of Newnham. He was baptized at Holy Trinity, attended the Grammar School and became a bank clerk prior to enlisting in October 1914. He saw service throughout the Gallipoli campaign and then went to Northern France. In October 1916 he was wounded in action and invalided to England. Returning to the Front he was awarded the Military Medal in June 1917 and then selected for officer training. Promoted to Lieutenant he was congratulated in an Australian Corps report for saving the regimental ammunition when it was set on fire through enemy shelling (July 1918). George returned to Tasmania at the end of the war and in 1929 took over command of the Launceston Artillery. He moved to Queensland in 1936 as a Branch Manager of the Union Bank of Australia and died there in 1944 aged fifty. FORTHCOMING EVENTS AND MEETINGS Monday 16 March 10.00 am Monday 16 March 7.30 pm Tuesday 17 March 12.15 pm Wednesday 18 March 5.30 pm Thursday 19 March 4.15 pm Friday 20 March 12.00 noon Monday 23 March 2.00 pm Wednesday 25 March 5.30 pm Thursday 24 March 4.15 pm Trinity Knitters in the Narthex Worship Committee Meeting Cursillo Group Reunion Lent Study at 2 Balfour Street Holy Trinity Junior Choir Practice Friday Café in the Narthex Pastoral Partners Meeting Lent Study at 2 Balfour Street Holy Trinity Junior Choir Practice ABM THOUGHT FOR THE DAY John asserts that the very sight of the suffering Jesus on the cross has power to bring people to repentance and faith, overwhelmed by the new life won for them. May we look at the cross of Christ and respond with repentance and faith. Pray that people will come to faith in Christ crucified. Pray for the Episcopal Church in the Philippines, giving thanks for the work they do to further God’s mission in the world. Text: Dorothy Thorpe, Diocese of Willochra © Anglican Board of Mission, 2015.