The International Politics of Economic Globalization and Emerging


The International Politics of Economic Globalization and Emerging
The International Politics of Economic Globalization
and Emerging Market Economies
March 19 and 20, 2015
Conference location: FEA-USP, Sala da Congregação
Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 908, 1º andar, Cidade Universitária, São Paulo.
DAY 1 – Thursday, 19th March, 2015
9:30am-9:45am Opening Session – USP and Princeton authorities
9:45am-10:30am: Key Note: Andrew Hurrell (Oxford University): Global Governance: Can the Centre Hold?
Coffee break: 10:30am-10:45am
10:45am-12:45pm: Panel 1 – The Political Economy of Integration, and of International Diffusion
Etel Solingen (UCI): Globalization, Domestic Politics, and Regionalism.
Marcelo de Paiva Abreu (PUC-Rio): Autarkic obsession: a long-term view of Brazil in the world economy.
Marcos Lisboa (INSPER) (with C. Gonçalves (USP) JMP de Mello (INSPER): Was Brazil different? The synthetic versus the real.
Nita Rudra (Georgetown University): Are Rising Powers Changing the Shape of the World Economy?
Emilie Hafner-Burton (University of California San Diego) and Christina Davis (Princeton University)
Lunch: 12:45pm-2:00pm
2:00pm-4:00pm: Panel 2 - Trade Liberalization and Global Production Networks
Pedro Motta Veiga (CINDES), Sandra Rios (CINDES): The political economy of trade liberalization in Brazil and beyond.
Amâncio Jorge de Oliveira (IRI/USP), Francisco Urdinez (Caeni/USP), Janina Onuki (Caeni/USP): Domestic coalitions and
international trade.
Layna Mosley (University of North Carolina Chapel Hill): Labor rights and Multinational Production.
Megumi Naoi (University of California San Diego): Framing Business Interests: How Campaigns Affect Firms’ Positions on
Preferential Trade Agreements.
Stephen Chaudoin (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaing) and Judith Goldstein (Stanford University)
4:00-4:30pm: Coffee Break
4:45pm-5:30pm – Keynote: Helen Milner (Princeton University) IPE: Where do we Stand? (30 mins plus time for questions)
Day 2 – Friday, 20th March, 2015
9:15am-11:15am: Panel 3 - Power Transitions, State Capabilities and International Institutions in a Changing World Order
Clodoaldo Hugueney (FGV-SP): Multipolarity, the changing structure of world trade and the negotiating agenda.
Vera Thorstensen (FGV-SP): OMC governance, and the impact of mega-trade agreements on emerging countries.
Maria Hermínia Tavares de Almeida (IRI/USP), Feliciano Sá Guimarães (IRI-USP): Brazil’s entrepreneurial power in a changing
global order: success and failure in different scenarios.
Faisal Z. Ahmed (Princeton University): The Perils of International Capital.
Robert Kaufman (Rutgers University) and Grigo Pops-Eleches (Princeton University)
11:15am-11:30am: Coffee Break
11:30am-1:30pm: Panel 4: Ideas on Trade, Monetary Policies and Global Economic Governance
Matthew Taylor (American University and USP): Ideas as Non-Tariff Barriers: Explaining Trade Policy in Latin America, 19602010.
Judith Goldstein (Stanford University): Back To School: The role of economic ideas in American trade policymaking (with
Lourdes Sola (NUPPS/USP) and Sérgio Vale (MBAssociados): Shifting narratives of emergence: looking for the global inside
the regional and the national.
Christina Davis (Princeton University): More than Just a Rich Country Club: Membership Conditionality and Institutional
Reform in the OECD.
Dan Nielson (Brigham Young University) and Ed Mansfield (University of Pennsylvania)
Lunch 1:30pm-2:30pm
2:30pm-4:15pm: Panel 5 - Preferences Towards Redistribution, Economic Governance and Aid
Marcus Melo (UFPE): The politics of redistribution: the interplay of domestic and international factors in Latin America and
Nora Lustig (Tulane University): Taxes, Transfers, Inequality and the Poor in the Developing World.
Helen Milner, Dan Nielson, Adam Harris, Mike Findley: Elite and Mass Support for Foreign Aid versus Government Programs:
Experimental Evidence from Uganda.
Daniela Campello (FGV-Rio): Globalization and Democracy: The Politics of Market Discipline in Latin America.
Elizabeth Balbachevsky (USP), Nina Ranieri, (USP): Brazil: education system, skills regime and the new democracy-driven
educational regime.
Megumi Naoi (University of California San Diego) and Stephanie Rickard (LSE)
4:30-6:30: Panel 6 - The Political Economy of Energy, Environment and Climate Change
Eduardo Viola (IRel-UNB) and Larissa Basso (IRel-UNB): Decarbonization in Large Emerging Economies: Comparing China,
India, Russia, Brazil and Mexico.
Jacques Marcovitch (USP): Financing the struggle against deforestation: Brazil and Indonesia.
José Goldemberg (USP) and Larissa Guardabasso (USP): Burden -sharing in the implementation of the Climate Convention.
David Victor (University of California San Diego): Making America Relevant to International Climate Diplomacy Again.
Xander Slaski (Princeton University) and Dustin Tingley (Harvard University).

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