Atwood and Trinity United Church March 22, 2015 Fifth Sunday of Lent Guest Speaker: Angie Lannin WE GATHER WELCOME and ANNOUNCEMENTS CENTERING MUSIC: “As We Gather” As we gather, may Your Spirit work within us. As we gather, may we glorify Your name. Knowing well that as our hearts begin to worship, we’ll be blessed because we came, we’ll be blessed because we came. LIGHTING THE CHRIST CANDLE Silence for personal reflection on the light of Christ CALL TO WORSHIP Each day is a gift from God, each moment is that opportunity to reach out in service to all creation. Each day is a reminder of the new covenant: not written on stone tablets easily broken, but inscribed on our hearts filled with joy and hope. Each day we draw closer to God: who has forgotten more than we ever learn; who has forgiven us more than we ever acknowledge. HYMN: “Take My Life and Let It Be” VU#506 OPENING PRAYER PRAYER OF CONFESSION (unison) Patient One, you often have to wait for us, like an anxious parent hoping that a teenager will come home. Sometimes we have boldly chosen to stay away. Other times we have been too proud to admit that we are lost. We are sorry to have caused you concern. We are here now, loving God, ready to find our way to you through the grace of Jesus Christ. Amen Karen Boivin, Carp/Dunrobin P.C., Carp, ON WORDS OF ASSURANCE WE EXPERIENCE THE STORY MUSIC: Choir Anthem (Trinity) PASSING THE PEACE CHILDREN’S TIME and Lord’s Prayer Children leave for Sunday School HYMN: “O Jesus, I Have Promised” VU #120 SCRIPTURE: Jeremiah 31:31-34 Responsive Reading Psalm 51 VU #776-777 John 12:20-33 REFLECTION WE RESPOND HYMN: “He Leadeth Me” VU #657 PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE MINUTE FOR MISSION OFFERING MUSIC: Choir Anthem (Atwood) OFFERTORY RESPONSE: “We Give Thee But Thine Own” We give thee but thine own, what e’er the gift may be, all that we have is thine alone, a trust, O God, from thee. Basket offering collected for Food Grains Bank (Atwood only) WE ARE SENT OUT HYMN: “I, the Lord of Sea and Sky” VU#509 CHANGING THE LIGHT COMMISSIONING AND BENEDICTION “May the Lord” - tune Edelweiss. May the Lord, mighty God bless and keep you forever, grant you peace, perfect peace. Courage in every endeavour. Lift up your eyes and see His face, and His grace forever. May the Lord, mighty God, bless and keep you forever. March 22, 2015 Lent 5 THREEFOLD AMEN: VU 969 **************** The following license numbers cover hymns and videos in the bulletin and on power point: CCLI# 11159178 (Atwood) Copyright: CCLI# 2757252 (Trinity) “As We Gather” Words and music by Tom Coomes and Mike Fay c 1981 Maranathal Music Used by Permission. CCLI License # 2757252 and # 11159178 “We Give Thee But Thine Own” Words by William Walsham How Music by Johann Balthasar Konig Used by Permission. CCLI License # 2757252 and # 11159178 “May The Lord” Words by Alfred V Fedak and Keith Landis c 1994 Selah Publishing Company, Inc. Used by Permission. CCLI License # 2757252 and # 11159178 **************** Anyone from Trinity or Atwood United Churches needing emergency pastoral care, through March, please contact Rev. George Russell (519 291 3483), the Trinity church office (291-3460) or the Atwood church office (356-2822). As a caring community we want to know who would benefit from a visit so we need your help in keeping us in the loop. Please share this information which will remain confidential with George, Colleen Crossland and Rhonda Bristowe (co-chairs of Pastoral Care for Trinity). Trinity and Atwood United Churches Trinity church office: 519 291-3460 Atwood church office: 519 356-2822 trinityunited@wightman.ca atwoodunited@gmail.com Pastoral Care Minister: Ruth Long In ministry: Each one of us! Organists: Helen Elliott, Connie MacEwen and Colleen Robertson @atwoodunited Join us on ANNOUNCEMENTS – March 22, 2015 Please continue to call either the Atwood office (519 356 2822) or the Trinity office (519 291 3460) if you are in need of pastoral support and we will direct your call to the appropriate person. All announcements for the bulletin can be sent to atwoodunited@gmail.com Please have any announcements e-mailed or on the Atwood church voicemail by 10 am Thursday. 519 356 2822 TRINITY OFFICE HOURS: Donna: Monday & Wednesday 9 am– 11:30 am and Thursday 8:30 am– 11 am. Pam Coleman (Treasurer): Tuesday and Thursday 7-9 am. Thank you to, Angie Lannin our guest speaker, and to everyone who contributed to the service today. Trinity Offering Officers: Team #1 Ken Potter, Don Black and Bert Johnston Next week: Team #2 Bill Geiger and Donna Stirling Each week of Lent, the UCC moderator, Gary Patterson, is providing a short reflection on video. You can find these by googling ‘Longing for Home Lent 2015’ Mar. 25: Please plan to attend the noon Lenten Service and Luncheon held at Knox Presbyterian Church, Listowel, at 12:10 pm with Rev. Ralph Dwarika (St. Paul’s Lutheran Church) leading the service. A free will offering, soup and sandwich luncheon will follow the service at 12:30. These are especially planned so that if you have a one hour lunch between 12 and 1, you can spend it here for a special time of worship, reflection and fellowship. We hope to see you Wednesday. Mar. 24: There will be an Atwood Official Board meeting at 7:30 pm at the church. Mar. 26: Can you hear the bells ringing? Handbells, that is. In preparation for Mother's Day, handbell practice will begin on Thursday, March 26 at 6:30 p.m. in the TUC sanctuary. If you are age 10 or over, and have a love of music, then we hope you will join us. Reading music is an asset, but not necessary if you are willing to learn a new skill. Practices will be on Thursday evenings, 6:30-7:30 at Trinity United Church. Please contact Colleen Robertson or Kathy Watt for more information. Mar. 28: Presbytery will meet at Central U.C. in Stratford. The Atwood church is looking for donations of muffins and jam for the Easter Breakfast on Apr. 5. Please talk to Donna Johnston 356-5699 if you can help. Our major church fundraiser, the TUC Spring Rummage Sale is fast approaching. This is a full congregation project with help needed on the following dates: Tuesday, April 21 afternoon and evening - set up Wednesday, April 22 morning, afternoon - sorting and displaying items Thursday, April 23 morning, afternoon - finish sorting, displaying items Thursday evening is sale time Friday, April 24 afternoon/evening - sale time Friday evening - start clean up with finish on Saturday morning, April 25. Many hands will make the work load lighter! Let us know how, and when you could help. Please contact Kathy Watt, Colleen Crossland, or Donna Stirling. Thanks! Apr. 26: The Board and Staff of Five Oaks Centre invites you to the Open House and Annual Meeting, 2 pm. Please see the flyer on your church bulletin board for more information. RSVP by Apr. 17 to Jenny 519 442 3212 or registrar@fiveoaks.on.ca We look forward to seeing you and sharing with you the life and activity of the centre. May 1-3: Westminster Weekend at Stoneridge Inn London from May 1 to May 3. This is a fun filled spiritually uplifting weekend for women of all ages. For more information, contact Marilyn Whaley or Ruth Long. Coffee Hour Wednesday morning in Trinity’s parlour from 10 to 11 am. EVERYONE WELCOME! COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS Mar. 24: A Community Conversation About Suicide: The North Perth Hospice and Eaton Funeral Home are working together to bring Jenn Ward, bereaved survivor of suicide, social worker and survivor lead with the Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention, to offer timely information on Prevention, Intervention, and Postvention in the area of suicide and depression. Perth Meadows, Listowel (behind Zehrs) at 2 pm or 7 pm. For more information see the poster on your church bulletin board or call 291 4840 or 291-5141. Everyone is welcome. We are pleased to let you know that if you have been mulling over the great opportunity of participating in an amazing, comprehensive tour to the awesome City of New York, YOU now have a second chance to save $300 and book with us by March 27. Don't wait another minute to jump on board this trip of a life time to this fascinating destination. This is not just your routine visit to NYC - a few major sites and a show. This tour visits MANY wonderful sites and experiences the life and people of the city as well as seeing two top rate shows, stroll central park and enjoy a dinner cruise, and much more. Note the change in the date from Feb. 28 to Mar. 27 for the discount offer. If you have any questions before you register or to register to join us in NYC, please call us at 519-357-9583. Apr. 2: Come and join us for an Easter fund raiser at the Five Oaks Retreat Centre from 6-7 pm that will help toward the purchase of a new multi-purpose mixer for the benefit of the Five Oaks kitchen staff. Participate in the cake walk for a chance to be the lucky winner of a cake, the answer to your Easter dinner dessert. Refreshments will be served and children are welcome. For those who enjoy tea and related products, there will be the opportunity to order from, Steeped Tea. Apr. 10: The YFC Banquet is fast approaching. If you would like to purchase a table and invite your friends or you would like to attend, please call the office at 519-291-9296. Also, we are still looking for items to include in both our Silent and Live Auctions. Just call us and let us know if you have any items or drop them off at the center on Mondays or Tuesdays. We look forward to seeing you there! Easter Worship Services 2015 Palm Sunday March 29 regular services at each church Good Friday Service April 3 11:00 am Atwood United Church (with an invitation to Trinity United and Atwood Presbyterian congregations) Easter Service April 5 join us for: Joint Sunrise service at Atwood United Church 8:30 am Joint Easter Breakfast at Atwood United Church 9:00 am Joint Worship service at Trinity United Church 11:00 am