Fwd: Fine Arts Foundation 2015 Winter Newsletter


Fwd: Fine Arts Foundation 2015 Winter Newsletter
Fine Arts Foundation Newsletter
Winter 2015
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It is an honor to serve as the President of the Fine Arts Foundation. We are
fortunate to have a very enthusiastic Board this year that is working hard to
ensure that we raise the funds to achieve our mission of enriching life in
Colorado by supporting the arts. Truth be told, they're also having fun
working together!
In December, a special Board meeting was held to which 2014 & 2015
Debutante Mothers and new members were invited. This was a great
opportunity for them to meet members of the Board and learn more about
the Fine Arts Foundation. Many thanks to our hostess, Mary McNicholas and
Catering by Design for a lovely luncheon.
The 36th Annual Citizen of the Arts Jubilee was held on Friday, January 30th
at the Ritz Carlton Denver. Two very deserving people were honored, Merle
Chambers & Hugh Grant. I would like to thank Jubilee Chair, Steve Edmonds
and his committee for all of their hard work in creating a very special
evening. Please be sure to read Steve's report and see all the photos, taken
by our Historian, Jan McCusker and others.
We have many things planned for our membership in the last half of the FAF
year. Here are a few that I'd like to draw to your attention. I hope you'll put
these dates on your calendars and plan to attend.
On March 18th, On the Town will have a special tour of The 1968 Exhibit - Be
There or be Square! at History Colorado. I'm old enough to remember what
an impact that period had on the arts! The March Board meeting will be held
at the museum and lunch will be available. More information regarding times
and price will be send by email.
Our annual meeting at Tagawa Gardens will be held on Wednesday, April
22nd. Come learn about 'Helping the Honeybees', an informative lecture
about how important the honey bee is to the world's ecology. There will be a
short Board meeting and luncheon available. Please watch for further
The Fine Arts Foundation Debutante Ball will be held on Saturday, June 20th
on the campus of the University of Denver. Twenty seven young ladies will be
presented by their fathers in a lovely outdoor ceremony which is followed by
dinner and dancing. A wonderful evening for our Debutante families, this is
also a very enjoyable evening of dinner and dancing for all - consider
attending with friends! One of our very important fundraisers; this is also a
great party! If you've never attended or if it's just been a awhile, please join
us this year.
If you've not been receiving regular emails from FAF regarding On the Town
events or other information, please notify me at fafpresident@gmail.com If
you're aware of anyone who has not been receiving FAF emails, please let us
I look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events!
Lynn Wong
Steve Edmonds, Hugh Grant, Lynn Wong and Merle Chambers
The Fine Arts Foundation Jubilee celebration was held on Friday, January
30th at The Ritz-Carlton, Denver and honored the 2015 Citizens of the Arts,
Merle C. Chambers and Hugh A. Grant for their commitment to the arts in
Colorado and throughout the region.
More than 170 guests attended the annual event that included a few new
twists. This year's silent auction was comprised of three discreet vignette
areas. In the Fremont Room, guests encountered seven themed baskets put
together by groups of Debutante families and members of the Organization.
The project not only produced wonderful auction items but it also gave
families, debutante mothers especially, the opportunity to get to know others
connected to the 2015 Summer Debutante Ball. Many thanks to all who
participated! The other two vignettes were located just outside the Ballroom.
At the mystery wine corner guests selected from images of artworks included
in the Kirkland Museum of Fine & Decorative Art's collection to receive the
correspondingly identified wine bag. The jewelry surprise boxes were
provided by Jeffery B jewelers located at Southlands Mall. A limited number
of $50 and $100 boxes each contained a piece of jewelry or gift item with a
retail value of more than the box purchase price. Boxes included items for
women and men! Thank you to all of the Fine Arts Foundation board
members who contributed wine and special thanks to Jeffery B Jewelers for
their great partnership.
When guests entered the ballroom, BJ Dyer, along with his team from
Bouquets, had the room dressed with table arrangements that featured tall
glass cylinders lined with images from the Kirkland Museum and lit from
inside. Atop the cylinders were deep red roses providing a punch of color.
Christoph Heinrich, the Frederick and Jan Mayer Director of the Denver Art
Museum, served as the guest master of ceremonies and participated with
Lynn Wong, 2014-2015 Fine Arts Foundation President, and Stephen
Edmonds, 2015 Jubilee Chair, in presenting Merle and Hugh with their
matching 2015 Citizen of the Arts awards. In their acceptance remarks, both
honorees acknowledged the important role the arts play in their lives and the
fact that they met each other through the arts.
As a musical tribute to the 2015 Citizens of the Arts, violinist and Colorado
Symphony Orchestra Concertmaster, Yumi Hwang-Williams, and pianist
Hsing-ay Hsu, Director for Pendulum New Music at CU-Boulder, performed
the first, third, and fourth movements of Cesar Franck's Piano Sonata for
Violin and Piano in A Major. The stunningly beautiful, intimate performance
was accompanied with a backdrop of moving images selected from the
Kirkland Museum of Fine & Decorative Art. We extend appreciation to the
staff of the Kirkland Museum and the Chambers Family Fund for their great
help in putting together various pieces of the evening.
Special thanks to The Ritz-Carlton, Denver and to Syd Sexton, Director of
Catering & Meetings & Special Events, for superb hors d'oeuvres and
delicious dinner, elegant surroundings, precision service, and wonderful
friendly staff.
It was delightful to have a number of the 2015 Debutantes and their families
in attendance at the Jubilee celebration. Also a number of previous Citizens of
the Arts were present including Sherrye Berger, Margaret Cunningham, Dan
Ritchie, Shirley Smith, and Phyllis and Gary VanderArk.
It takes a team to put an event together and we extend thanks to all those
who helped make it possible including: Julie Anderson, Cathy Berra, Bernie
Edmonds-McDonald, Rosalie and Paul Edmonds, Daniel Kopnisky, Jan
McCusker, Mary McNicholas, Kathy Roberts, Caroline Simpson, Marion Smith,
Dananne Solomon, Marj Wise, Lynn Wong, and Maya Wright. These folks and
others were key to a fantastic evening!
Judy and Andrew
Sherrye Berger, Phyllis
and Gary VanderArk
Frannie Krupp and
Hailee Boyle
Merle Chambers and
Terri Biddinger
Bruce and Claudette
Allison Hartman, Rhondda
Hartman, Lillian Bell and Mark Bell
Carolyn Simpson and Danann
Stephen Edmonds, Merle
Chambers and Hugh Grant
Barry Hirschfeld, Mary McNicholas
and Arlene Hirschfeld
Marj Wise, Toni Oakes, Mary McNicholas and Jan McCusker show off the
elegant baskets that our 2015 Debutante Families provided for the
Jubilee to raise money for the arts!
The current Debutantes and their moms created the lovely and extravagant
baskets for the auction for the Jubilee. Thank you for your creativity, hard
work and generosity!
"Take Me Away" Beth & Julia Murphy; Lisa & Haley Chirico; Jennifer & Shelbie
Davis; Dayla & Caleigh Newberry & Julie Anderson
"Isn't It Romantic" Kathleen & Melissa Riley; Lisa & Emily Harpole; Andrea &
Madelyn Tenenbaum; Carol & Christina Breeze and Janet Granger
"Family Fun" Susan & Laurel Montag; Marjorie & Adele Hofer; Emily &
Sabrina Congel; Allison Hartman Bell and Lillian Bell & Kathy Roberts &
Marion Smith
"Our Favorite Things" Kelly & Emma Maloney; Robyn & Francesca Krupp;
Cheryl & Leya Kutzer; Rebecca Bruton and Hannah Nufer
& Bruton & Murri Bishop
"That's Entertainment" Lisa & Kylie Odell; Jeanne & Delaney Watters; Joyce
Kelly-Lapides and Taylor Kelly; Kristin & Ryan Bronson & Lynn Wong
"Experience Colorado" Kirsten & Lauren Rainey; Lucinda & Nora Greene; Tara
& Anna Pavlakovich & Mary McNicholas Toni Oakes
"Dining Extravaganza" Adrienne Stewart and Hailee Boyle; Dananne & Darby
Solomon; Terri & Caroline Molther; Susan & Alexandra Weil; Caroline
Simpson & Jean Watt
Details, details, details. That is what the Debutante Ball Committees have
been working on. We are so excited for the upcoming events for our fabulous
27 Debutantes and their families. Of course, the two events we would love to
have you attend are the Fashion Show on the 12th of April and the Ball on
the 20th of June. Both promise to be remarkable events showcasing the
Debutantes and their accomplishments.
In the midst of planning, we have gathered for various events. In midNovember most of our Debutantes attended the "Red Hot Murder" mystery
event at the Adam's Mystery Playhouse. What we learned is that we have
true sleuths in our Debutante Class of 2015. The cast did a marvelous job
including our Debutantes in the show. Our very on Kathy Roberts was
crowned Beauty Pageant Queen. It was truly a fun event.
The 2015 Debutantes at Adam's Mystery Playhouse
Our next surprise event was a High Tea at the Grant-Humphries Mansion in
December. A few of the Debutantes and their mothers were able to join us,
and we had a lovely time visiting without a specific agenda.It is such a busy
time of year that we typically do not have planned events, but this was an
added bonus.
In January, Julia Scheele hosted the Second Mother's Informational Coffee.
Most of the mother's were able to attend the meeting where we delivered
information regarding the upcoming events. Amy Estes from Bettinger
Photography presented information on photography scheduling for the day of
the Ball. Steve Edmonds presented a few more details on the Citizen of the
Arts Jubilee. The meeting was full of information and questions. It is always a
special time whenever we gather as a group.
A huge thank you to Carol Breeze, Andrea Tenenbaum, Kathleen Riley and
Lisa Harpole for putting together an amazing FAF fundraiser. Their great
minds put together an idea for selling special dresses and executed the event
in mid-January by hosting two days of "shopping" at the Breeze home. There
were many dresses to choose from and several were purchased. All money
raised will go directly into the Fine Arts Foundation for the purpose of grant
money distribution. It is our hope that this becomes an annual event.
Another well deserved thank you goes to all Debutante families for generous
donations to the Jubilee auction items. Mary McNicholas, in her generous and
organizational spirit, was specifically instrumental in making our basket item
gathering and designing quite successful. I hope you noticed the fine basket
item information sheets in front of each basket at the Jubilee. They were
designed by one of our Debutantes, Leya Kutzer. We sincerely appreciate her
willingness to add that special touch to the displays.
Many of our Debutantes and parents were able to attend the Citizen of the
Arts Jubilee recently held at the Ritz-Carlton. It was a lovely event that
enables our Debutantes and their parents to see the mission of the Fine Arts
Foundation in action. We are fortunate to have so many dedicated individuals
who are supportive of the arts in our community.
Father/Presenter and Debutante Curtsy Rehearsal and Etiquette
Sunday, March 1, 2015 (Debutantes and Fathers/Presenters)
5:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m.
Pinehurst Country Club
Project Runway
Saturday, March 8, 2015 (Debutantes)
1:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m.
The Crazy Merchant
Countdown Coffee
Wednesday, March 18, 2015 (Mothers)
9:00 a.m. until 11:30 a.m.
Fine Arts Foundation Luncheon and Debutante Fashion Show
Sunday, April 12, 2015 (Debutantes, Mothers,Guests)
11:00 a.m. until 1:30 p.m.
Family Waltz Rehearsal
Sunday, May 3, 2015 (Debutantes, Presenters, Parents, Escorts)
4 p.m. until 7 p.m.
Columbine Country Club
Parent Cocktail Party
Sunday, June 14, 2015 (Parents)
5:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m.
Curtsey Rehearsal
Monday, June 15,2015 (Debutantes, Mothers)
3:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m.
Mrs. John Simpson
Presentation Rehearsal
Friday, June 19, 2015 (Debutantes, Fathers/Presenters, Escorts)
5:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m.
University of Denver
Fine Arts Foundation Debutante Ball
Saturday, June 20, 2015 (Debutantes, Parents, Escorts, Guests)
6:00 p.m. until 12:00 a.m.
University of Denver
PlatteForum is a Grant Recipient of the
Fine Arts Foundation, and the growth of
the organization and the impact they
have had on artists is admirable. They
are a successful and celebrated art
nonprofit and have been nationally
recognized for innovative and influential
programming, which mixes working
artists with disadvantaged youth during
interactive, eight-week residencies. Since
2002, more than 2,200 metro area
students have participated in programs at
Platte Forum has moved to the first floor
of the 133-year-old former Temple
Emanuel building in Curtis Park at 2400
Curtis Street. Judy Anderson, Founder,
feels that this location will suit their
needs as the neighborhood fits their
For more information on PlatteForum, please visit PlatteForum.org.
Save the Date
The Fine Arts Foundation will hold their Spring All Member Brunch at:
Tagawa Garden
April 22, 2015
Social gathering at 11:30
Brunch for a small fee
Open Board meeting and General Membership meeting
Tagawa speaker
The Membership Committee has a few additional 2015 Rosters. They are
$5.00 to cover printing and postage If you would like one, please contact
Jane Wiltshire 303-771-8682 or wiltshirejanea@gmail.com
A membership form can be found by clicking here.
On Saturday, January 17th, 2015, many Fine Arts Foundation members and
guests enjoyed a wonderful evening at the Firehouse Theatre to see Frank
Sinatra's My Way. This musical review was preceded by a dinner at Melly
Kinnard's home with Helen Hand, the president of the board of the Spotlight
Theatre Company and her husband. What a treat!
Marge Wise, Jack Green
and Melly Kinnard
Anne and Jack Green
Julie Anderson and
Jane Wiltshire
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 2015, 11:00 AM
11:00 - FAF Meeting in Martin Room at History Colorado - 1200 Broadway
12:00 - Lunch in Cafe' Rendezvous
1:00 - Tour of the 1968 Exhibit - Buy tickets at front entrance:
$12 - Adults
$10 - Seniors
History Colorado Members are free
It was the year that rocked history. The 1968 Exhibit brings to life this pivotal
American year through photographs, artifacts, vintage pop culture items and
interactives. Lunch available, tour follows.
TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015, 11:30 AM
Since 1985 Denver Lyric Opera Guild has presented the Competition for
Colorado Singers. Competition winners attend the luncheon and perform for
THURSDAY, MAY 7, 2015, 11:30AM
Women with Hattitude Luncheon followed by teaser from an upcoming DCPA
show. A benefit for the Women's Voices Fund, which finances Women
playwrights and directors.
FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 2015, 7:30PM
DRIVING MISS DAISY: Set against the backdrop of racial tensions in the
south, this Pulitzer Prize-winning tale of tradition in an ever-changing world
will warm your heart.
All OTT notices will indicate if minimum participation is required, and
possibility of cancellation if minimum not met.
Some notices may require two postings. First will request an interest
level. Second will be reservation deadline.
Special group pricing for tickets is not guaranteed past reservation
Click here to print your new Membership Form
Mail form and personal check to:
Mrs. Caroline Simpson, Treasurer
Fine Arts Foundation
P.O. Box 3049
Englewood, CO 80155-3049
All members of the Fine Arts Foundation are encouraged to recommend
young ladies and their families to the FAF
Vice President of Selections.
Please click here to print a recommendation form.
1700 W. Belleview Ave., Littleton, CO 80120 - 303.761.6100
Ten percent of every purchase is donated to a charity that you choose at the
register. Whether you are shopping for yourself or buying gifts, remember
that you and all your friends can select the Fine Arts Foundation at check out!
The Crazy Merchant, Inc. is a beading studio, jewelry & gift store and event
space in the heart of Littleton, Colorado. From beading classes to unique
gifts and fabulous fashion jewelry, The Crazy Merchant, Inc. has something
for everyone.
7711 S. Parker Road, Centennial, CO 80016 - 303.690.4722
The Fine Arts Foundation has $50 cards, and we receive 22% back for all cards
that are sold. Tagawa has more than 110,000 sq. ft. indoors and over a half-acre of
outdoor nursery. From gifts to plants to trees to bushes, Tagawa has everything
you need for your indoor and outdoor gardening needs and unique gifts for
everyone on your list! In addition, the cards are perfect gifts for holidays, family,
friends and people that love to shop for plants and garden accessories all year long.
To purchase your Tagawa cards, please contact:
Marj Wise (marjwise@aol.com, 303-818-5526)