Team Entry Form
Team Entry Form
2015 NSTA PRIMARY SCHOOLS CHALLENGES ENTRY FORM Term 2 ENTRIES CLOSE: FRIDAY 15TH MAY 2015 DATE: SATURDAY 23RD MAY 5.30 pm - 9.00 pm (approx) Alternate WET WEATHER date: Saturday 13th June NSTA PRIMARY SCHOOLS CHALLENGE TERM 2 2015 • COST: $25.00 per player (including GST) • DINNER: A drink and pizza will be supplied to each player • FORMAT: Graded round robin doubles. Green low pressure balls used in divisions where the majority of players are aged 10 years & under. Orange low pressure balls used only at Forestville venue Please provide whatever information you can regarding standard as we endeavour to grade from this information and please nominate pairs in order of ability. Each division will consist of 5 or 6 pairs, therefore each pair will play 4 or 5 ‘matches’, depending on how many pairs in each division. Each ‘match’ will consist of 4 or 5 games per match with sudden death deuce • PAIRS: Any number of pairs may be entered by any one school/ coach, but for calculating schools’ positions, 3 pairs will be considered a ‘team’. ALL ENQUIRIES • (02) 9436 2729 POST entries to NSTA, Talus Street, Naremburn, 2065 PAYMENT: Cheques payable to NSTA. Credit Card details may be provided on Permission Notes (sorry, no Amex), but these must be Harry Loxton & Aaron Foreman (Mosman Prep) and Lucas Dillon & Henry McGuinness (Middle Harbour) returned to NSTA prior to the event. Cheques will not be cashed or credit cards debited until after completion of the event • REFUNDS: No refunds will be made to players failing to attend or withdrawing for any reason on the day of the Challenge. • VENUES: Players are asked to report direct to their allocated venues which will be publicised prior to the event on our website > Juniors > Junior Draws FAX entries to NSTA on 9906 8870 EMAIL scanned entries to NSTA 2015 PSC DATES Term 3: Saturday 29th August Entries close: Friday 21st August Alternate wet weather date 12th September Term 4: Saturday 7th November Entries close: Friday 30th October Alternate wet weather date 21st November NSTA PRIMARY SCHOOLS CHALLENGE ENTRY FORM - TERM 2 2015 NAME OF SCHOOL: _____________________________ TEACHER/PARENT’S NAME: ______________________ PHONE: (Work) _______________________________ FAX: ________________________________________ MOBILE: _____________________________________ EMAIL: ______________________________________ PAIR No. 9 10 11 12 13 PLEASE RANK TEAMS IN ORDER OF ABILITY PAIR No. NAME SEX AGE PAST PERFORMANCES 14 1 15 2 16 3 4 5 6 7 8 17 18 19 20 21 22 NAME SEX AGE PAST PERFORMANCES