Cabinet Forward Plan - Bournemouth Borough Council
Cabinet Forward Plan - Bournemouth Borough Council
CABINET FORWARD PLAN – 1 MARCH 2015 TO 29 FEBRUARY 2016 (PUBLICATION DATE – 19 MARCH 2015) What is the subject? School Admission Arrangements 2016/17 What is the issue? To consider a report seeking approval of the admission arrangements for schools for 2016/17 Bournemouth Community Safety Partnership To consider a report seeking approval for the creation of pan-Dorset community safety partnership arrangements Governance Arrangements for the Bournemouth Group and Associated Companies To consider a report concerning the Governance arrangements for the Bournemouth Group and seeking approval for the shareholder agreement Pan Dorset – Drugs and Alcohol To consider a report of the proposed Pan Dorset working arrangements in relation to drugs and alcohol Is this a Key or NonKey Decision? Key Decision When is the decision going to Cabinet? 25 March 2015 Who are the key people/groups to be consulted before the decision is made Outside the Council Portfolio Holder (ECS), Schools, School Place Planning Programme Board, Executive Board - September 2014/March 2015 Felicity Draper No Portfolio Holder (PE), Executive Board, Community Overview and Scrutiny Panel Borough of Poole Council, Dorset County Council, Dorset Police, Dorset Fire and Rescue Service, Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group, Probation Services September/ December 2014 Andrew Williams No 25 March 2015 Non-Key Decision Audit and Governance 25 March 2015 Committee, Portfolio Holder (LC), Exec Board 25 March 2015 Council officer writing the report Inside the Council Non-Key Decision Key Decision When is the consultation period? Is the report likely to be considered in private i.e. it contains confidential or exempt information? Portfolio Holder (PRPH) Health & ASC O&S Panel The Bournemouth Group January/ March 2015 Hugh Lambourne No Borough of Poole, Dorset County Council, Police, Probation, Prisons, SU Representatives, DAAT Executive Board January/ March 2015 Neil Goddard No What is the subject? Bournemouth Troubled Families Programme What is the issue? To consider a report on the achievements of the programme and for approval of the roll out of phase 2 of the government’s troubled families programme Is this a Key or NonKey Decision? When is the decision going to Cabinet? Non-Key Decision Who are the key people/groups to be consulted before the decision is made When is the consultation period? Council officer writing the report Is the report likely to be considered in private i.e. it contains confidential or exempt information? Inside the Council Outside the Council 25 March 2015 Portfolio Holder (PRPH), Executive Board - January / March 2015 Ann-Marie Dodds No Wide variety of stakeholders, businesses and development professionals Public consultation carried out Oct / Dec 2014 (6 weeks) Caroline Peach No Adoption of the Town Centre Development Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document To celebrate and strengthen the Town Centre’s character and identity Key Decision 25 March 2015 Transport, Property, Tourism (Seafront, Night Time Economy, Arts), Environmental Strategy & Sustainability, LDF Steering Group, EB, CMT. Also the Bournemouth Development Company Budget Monitoring Statements to 31 January 2015 To consider a report on the budget monitoring statements for the period from 1 April to 31 January 2015 Non-Key Decision 25 March 2015 Portfolio Holder (LC), Executive Board - January / February 2015 Robin Ingleton No Bournemouth Building and Maintenance To consider a report seeking approval of the 2015 Business Plan, Resource Agreement and Commissioning Contract for BBML and approval for the Managing Director and Finance Director appointments. Non-Key Decision 25 March 2015 Portfolio Holder (LC), Exec Board BBML Board January/ March 2015 Hugh Lambourne No What is the subject? What is the issue? Is this a Key or NonKey Decision? Approval of RussellCotes Art Gallery & Museum suite of plans, policies & procedures The Cabinet acting as the Management Committee for the Russell-Cotes Art Gallery & Museum Charity to approve a suite of documents required for Museum Accreditation 2015. Education Capital Strategy To consider a report which sets out the progress of the Education Capital Programme. Key Decision Winter Pressure Funding for Adult Social Care To provide Cabinet with an overview of the additional funding received by the Council to assist with Winter Pressure related to Hospital admission and discharge. The report will also seek to outline the impact of the use of the funding in reducing admission and delay in discharge Non-Key Decision Non-Key Decision When is the decision going to Cabinet? Who are the key people/groups to be consulted before the decision is made Inside the Council Outside the Council When is the consultation period? Council officer writing the report Is the report likely to be considered in private i.e. it contains confidential or exempt information? Chris Saunders No Community and Economy and Tourism Overview & 25 March 2015 Scrutiny, Portfolio Holder (TLC) Exec Board Museums in the sub-region, Dorset Museums Advisor, Arts Council England Museums in the region & the Dorset Museums Advisor 2013. Task & Finish Report Dec 2014. The Arts Council up to 4 months from 26 March 2015 to review Accreditation Application & suite of documents 29 April 2015 Portfolio Holder (ECS), School Place Planning Programme Board, Executive Board School Governing Bodies, Diocesan Authorities Ongoing Felicity Draper No 29 April 2015 Portfolio Holder (ASC), Executive Board System Resilience Group January 2015 Andy Sharp No Is this a Key or NonKey Decision? When is the decision going to Cabinet? Boscombe Commitment To consider a report establishing a strategy for Boscombe covering the period 2015 - 2020, reviewing and refreshing the current Boscombe Commitment. Key Decision Bournemouth Economic Development Strategy To consider a report outlining Bournemouth’s draft Economic Development Strategy. Key Decision Bournemouth Council’s Environment Initiatives To consider an impact report of recent Environment and Regeneration Services initiatives. What is the subject? Proposal to establish a Private Sector Landlord Company for Housing Need What is the issue? To enable the Council to discharge its statutory homeless duty, to provide well managed and maintained private rented sector properties, to reduce the use of emergency homeless accommodation and to generate a trading surplus to support the delivery of the Council’s homelessness services Non-Key Decision Key Decision Who are the key people/groups to be consulted before the decision is made When is the consultation period? Council officer writing the report Is the report likely to be considered in private i.e. it contains confidential or exempt information? Inside the Council Outside the Council 29 April 2015 Portfolio Holder (PRPH), Executive Board Public/ Partner organisations January / March 2015 Sue Bickler No 29 April 2015 Portfolio Holder (LC), Executive Board Partner organisations January / March 2015 Roger Ball No 29 April 2015 Portfolio Holder (TCW/CPS), Executive Board N/A February/ March 2015 Roger Ball No 29 April 2015 Portfolio Holder (H), Service Director for Housing, Parks and Bereavement Services, Housing Landlord Services Development team, Commercial Development Manager, Service Director for Legal & Democratic Services Head of Legal – Commercial, Property Services, Service Director of Strategic Finance, Strategic Housing Options team Period up to Cabinet date Lorraine Mealings, No Other Local Authorities, Specialist public sector legal housing advisors What is the subject? What is the issue? Is this a Key or NonKey Decision? When is the decision going to Cabinet? Who are the key people/groups to be consulted before the decision is made Inside the Council Outside the Council When is the consultation period? Council officer writing the report Is the report likely to be considered in private i.e. it contains confidential or exempt information? Housing Strategy Update To consider a report which provides an update on the implementation of Bournemouth’s Housing Strategy Non-Key Decision 29 April 2015 Portfolio Holder (H), Executive Board N/A February/ March 2015 Lorraine Mealings No Public Wi-Fi and Network Upgrade for Bournemouth Libraries To consider an update on the public service project to provide an upgrade for public wi-fi and a network upgrade. Non-Key Decision 29 April 2015 Portfolio Holder (TLC), Executive Board - March 2015 Medi Bernard No Budget Monitoring Statements to 28 February 2015 To consider a report on the budget monitoring statements for the period from 1 April 2014 to 28 February 2015 Non-Key Decision 29 April 2015 Portfolio Holder (LC), Executive Board - February / March 2015 Robin Ingleton No Millhams Community Recycling Centre – Drainage Project To consider a report seeking approval to remedy the drainage issues associated with contaminated rainwater run-offs from the waste storage areas at the Millhams Community Recycling Centre as required by the Environment Agency. Key Decision 22 June 2015 Portfolio Holder (TCW), O&S Panel Environment Executive Board Environment Agency, Public Interest Groups To be agreed Georgina Fry No What is the subject? What is the issue? To consider a report on the Revenue Outturn for 2014/15, the detailed actual Revenue, Capital and capital expenditure, the Treasury Management funding of capital projects in Outturns 2014/15 and 2014/15, the Treasury Medium Term Financial Management outturn, high Plan Refresh risk budget monitoring and the refresh of the Medium Term Financial Plan. Budget Monitoring Statements to 31 May 2015 To consider a report on the budget monitoring statements for the period from 1 April to 31 May 2015 Bournemouth Parks and Green Space Strategy To consider the strategic plan to set future management priorities and strategic use of green space for recreation, travel, conservation and sustainable development. Bournemouth Local Plan Development Management Policies Development Plan Document To consider a report seeking approval to consult on the Bournemouth Local Plan Development Policies DPD in order to progress the preparation of the Borough Local Plan Is this a Key or NonKey Decision? When is the decision going to Cabinet? Key Decision Non-Key Decision Key Decision Key Decision Who are the key people/groups to be consulted before the decision is made When is the consultation period? Council officer writing the report Is the report likely to be considered in private i.e. it contains confidential or exempt information? Inside the Council Outside the Council 22 June 2015 Portfolio Holder (LC), Executive Board - April/June 2015 Robin Ingleton No 22 July 2015 Portfolio Holder (LC), Executive Board - April/May 2015 Robin Ingleton No October/ November 2015 Draft Strategy: O&S Panels for Environment & Tourism/ Economy. Strategy Development: Legal, Property, Housing, Planning and Transport Services, Ward Councillors & Portfolio Holder (TLC) To inform strategy Resident and user surveys – Natural England, Environment Agency, Local Parks Trusts / Foundation, RSPB, Dorset Wildlife Trust, User Groups, Park Friends Groups, Relevant Forums Spring – Autumn 2015 Michael Rowland – Parks Development Manager No Portfolio Holder (PE), Executive Board Wide variety of stakeholders will be engaged once the document is released for public consultation To be agreed Mark Axford To be determined No What is the subject? Youth Justice Plan What is the issue? Is this a Key or NonKey Decision? To seek approval from Cabinet and Council for the annual Youth Justice Plan for Key Decision 2015/16 following the formation of the pan-Dorset Youth Offending Service. Town Centre Vision – Cotlands Road Site Development Plan To consider a report seeking approval of the Cotlands Road Site Development Plan Governance of RussellCotes Art Gallery and Museum/Trust To consider a report on the future governance of the Russell-Cotes Art Gallery and Museum/Trust Adoption of the Dorset Heathlands Planning Framework 2015-20 Supplementary Planning Document To consider a report seeking the adoption of the Dorset Heathlands Planning Framework 2015-20 Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) following the conclusion of the consultation process. Key Decision Non-Key Decision Key Decision When is the decision going to Cabinet? Who are the key people/groups to be consulted before the decision is made When is the consultation period? Council officer writing the report Is the report likely to be considered in private i.e. it contains confidential or exempt information? Inside the Council Outside the Council To be determined Portfolio Holder (ECS), Exec Board Youth Offending Service Joint Partnership Board/ Youth Justice Board. To be agreed David Webb No To be determined Portfolio Holder (LC), Town Centre Vision Board, Executive Board Morgan Sindall Investments Ongoing Martin Tiffin No To be determined Portfolio Holder (LTC), Executive Board, Community Overview and Scrutiny Panel - Ongoing Chris Saunders No To be determined Portfolio Holder (PE), Executive Board, LDF Steering Group Wide variety of Stakeholders have been consulted through formal public consultation January – February 2015 Mark Axford No What is the subject? Endorsement of Westover Road Public Realm Improvement Scheme Drawings and Action Plan What is the issue? To consider a report seeking approval of the preferred approach to improving the public realm in Westover Road and to agree an Action Plan for the delivery of the improvements Is this a Key or NonKey Decision? Non-Key Decision When is the decision going to Cabinet? To be determined Who are the key people/groups to be consulted before the decision is made Inside the Council Outside the Council Portfolio Holder (PE), Lower Central Gardens Trust Board, Executive Board Local Residents, Local Traders, Civic Society, English Heritage, Bus Companies, Taxi Firms, DOTs Disability, Bournemouth Chamber of Trade and Commerce, Bournemouth Town Centre Management Board, Bournemouth Development Company, Meyrick Estate, Police, BH Live, Pavilion Leisure Quarter Board, Dorset Cyclists Network When is the consultation period? Council officer writing the report Is the report likely to be considered in private i.e. it contains confidential or exempt information? Ongoing Caroline Peach No Key: LC ECS CE CPS PRPH ASC TLC PE TCW H - Leader of the Council and Resources Education and Children’s Services Corporate Efficiency Corporate Policy and Strategy Partnerships, Regeneration and Public Health Adult Social Care Tourism, Leisure and Culture Planning and Environment Transport, Cleansing and Waste Housing Representations: Anyone wishing to make representations about any matter included in this Forward Plan should contact the Democratic Services Section, Town Hall, Bournemouth BH2 6DY. (Tel: 01202 454627 or e-mail: at least 10 working days before the first date shown for its consideration by the Cabinet. Copies of Reports: Anyone wishing to view or obtain a copy of any public report on any of the matters included in this Forward Plan should contact the Democratic Services Section at the address shown above 6 working days before the first date shown for its consideration by the Cabinet. The reports will also be available to view on the Council’s website by accessing the following link: