March Magazine - St. Finnian`s Parish Church
March Magazine - St. Finnian`s Parish Church
MARCH 2015 Easter General Vestry The Annual Meeting of the Easter General Vestry will be held on Tuesday 10 March at 7.30 pm in the Huston Hall. All members of the Parish are entitled to attend but only those whose names appear in the Register of Vestry Members may vote on any motion proposed. Dear Friends As this magazine goes to print we are preparing to say farewell to our Youth Worker Peter Hilton. Peter has worked in St.Finnian’s for 10 years and has had an incredible impact on the lives of our young people, their parents and across the generations of our church family. We hope as many as possible will have been able to attend Peter’s farewell service and presentation in the hall. Many people will be aware that Peter has begun training part time for the ordained ministry and during his training he is moving into a more full time role within the Leprosy mission. As we wish Peter, Gemma, Lydia and Eva well on the next step of their journey and we say thank you to them for all they have contributed to the life of the parish I wanted to highlight one particularly important dimension of what Peter has achieved. Peter has invested a considerable amount of time in training and equipping a new generation of leaders in our church. In recent years we have seen those young people flourish as they led services, preached and shared their faith with the congregation. We have marvelled at what they achieved together for the community in running the Easter and Summer Schemes. They have become a committed group of Jesus’ followers and it is part of the DNA of this group to serve and to help. One of the tools Peter has used very effectively to create this culture of discipleship is the development of house groups where young people meet together to study the Bible, to have fellowship with each other, build community and to pray for each other. We would love to see this culture being reignited throughout the whole church. There was a time in our church’s life when these groups were very strong and instrumental in growing and deepening the faith of many of our members. For various reasons many of these groups no longer exist and in this Year of Mission we would love to make this a priority to see opportunities for people to go deeper in their discipleship together. During Lent we will be considering the Call of God on each of our lives at our weekly services at 7.30pm on Thursdays. Colin will be speaking at our Holy Week Services and after Easter we hope to run a course over 6 Sessions called Faith on the Frontline which looks at the issue of following Jesus and sharing our faith in the places God has placed us. We would love to see this as a springboard to the formation of some new discipleship groups later in the year. During this month of March our Easter General Vestry will take place on Tuesday 10th March at 7.30pm. It’s an opportunity to hear about the important issues facing us as a church at this time, to have our accounts presented and to elect a new select vestry to serve the church for the coming year. As we give thanks to God for the important contribution Peter has made to the life of this church over the past ten years we recognise the support Gemma and Lydia and Eva have offered to him to do this important work. We also want to assure him of our prayerful good wishes for his future ministry. With very best wishes Yours sincerely Jonathan Pierce (Rector) Telephone 02890 793822 Root Soup This month we will have Root Soup lunches from 12-1.30pm on Thursday 12th and Thursday 26th March. It’s a great opportunity to bring along a friend or neighbour and enjoy some delicious home made soup and meet up with others. Suggested donation is £3.50 and there’s the opportunity to take some away for the freezer! BROWNIES & GUIDES The Brownies and Guides meet on Thursdays in the church hall. The Brownies are for girls aged 7-10 and meet 6.50 - 8pm, and the Guides are for girls aged 11-14 and meet 7.45 9pm. Any new members are very welcome! From the Registers Holy Matrimony: 7th February: Alison Kennedy and Stephen Brown Christian Burial: 30th January: Alan Gillespie 10th February: Frances Morrison Thank You from Dorothy Callan I would like to take this opportunity to thank Jono and Colin for their visits, prayers, reading and Communion which we found most heartening. Jono thank you for sharing your Teddy Bear Sermon with Desmond and I know he heard it and it gave him much comfort. My thanks to our friend, Robert Neill for his words of comfort and all the good things he said about Desmond. I would like to say how lovely it was to hear Mark and the Choir leading the service so beautifully. When I heard the singing of the first hymn I was very moved. My thanks also goes to Christina and the Catering Team for such a lovely spread and how kind they were to all my blind friends. I received many comments about the tables being so nice and how lovely it was to be able to sit down and relax. I would like to pay tribute to you who visited, sent cards, phoned and sent lovely cakes. I just cannot take it in how many people showed their love and concern to me not just recently but for many years. Desmond and I have been blessed by so many good friends and we thank God for His blessings to us. Thanks also to Henry and Knox for their waitering skills. With every blessing to you all. Dorothy P.S. Desmond’s Nephews were very impressed by the Service and also with the friendliness of everyone. Lent and Holy Week During the Thursday nights of Lent we will be holding weekly services in the church looking at the theme of God’s Call on our Lives. These 30 minute services offer an opportunity for calm and reflection and deepening of our Spiritual life. They happen at 7.30pm. This year our Curate Rev. Colin Darling will be leading our Holy Week reflections each night at 7.30pm as we make that sacred journey with Jesus towards the Cross and explore its significance for our lives today. We will be using some liturgies from Bishop Harold’s new publication. Following the period of 24/7 Prayer in November we are hoping to have another period of 24/7 Prayer from Monday to Friday during Holy Week to pray for the parish and the local community and the world around us. Please sign up on the board at the back of the church to take responsibility for praying for part of that period. So many people were greatly enriched and blessed by the last experience of 24/7 prayer it will hopefully encourage more and more people to seize this opportunity to spend time in God’s presence. While the room will not be identical to the last time it will provide a sacred space for people to encounter God and spend time with Him. Advance notice regarding Connec+: Many people have been appreciating our more informal service in the hall on the first Sunday of the month at 10am. As the first Sunday in April is Easter Sunday and we normally have Holy Communion at services on Easter Day there will not be a Connec+ Service in April but it will resume in May. This will also give us the opportunity to prepare for the reception in the hall following the Confirmation Service on Easter Sunday Evening. March Services Sunday 1st March (2nd Sunday in Lent) 8.30am – Holy Communion 10am – Connec+ (in the Parish Hall) 11.30am – Holy Communion 7pm – Evening Prayer Sunday 8th March (3rd Sunday in Lent) 8.30am – Holy Communion 10am – Morning Worship 11.30am – Morning Prayer 7pm – Evening Prayer Sunday 15th March (4th Sunday in Lent) 8.30am – Holy Communion 10am – Holy Communion 11.30am – Morning Prayer 7pm – Evening Prayer Sunday 22nd March (5th Sunday in Lent) 8.30am – Holy Communion 10am – Morning Worship 11.30am – Morning Prayer 7pm- Holy Communion Sunday 29th March (Palm Sunday) 8.30am – Holy Communion 10am – A Service of Wholeness and Healing 11.30am – A Service of Wholeness and Healing 7pm – Evening Prayer From the Curate Mission trip to Bolivia with Divine Healing Ministries A four man team, comprising Brother David Jardine of Divine Healing Ministries, Eric Lewis from Seymour Hill Parish, Belfast City Centre Manager Andrew Irvine, who is also a Methodist lay preacher and myself will be travelling to La Paz and Cochabamba in Bolivia on 10 March. The Catholic Church has a strong presence in the country but so too does a sort of folk religion especially among the native American Indian peoples. We hope, through preaching, teaching and prayer, particularly about Jesus the great healer, and through the Holy Spirit working through our presence among people, to help them to meet and know Jesus at their point of need. I would ask for your prayers for this mission trip, that we will be able to meet the right people, that we will be protected in the challenging high-altitude conditions, particularly in La Paz and that by our presence, we will by the power of the Holy Spirit, be able to help people in their journey of faith and in their walk with Jesus. A commissioning service for the team will be taking place in St Anne’s Cathedral on Monday 9 March at 8pm. The music will be led by West Church Bangor music group and the preacher will be the former Dean of Kilmore, Raymond Ferguson. You are all invited to this service. Some very generous donations from individuals, along with a much appreciated top-up from the parish for myself, have assisted the funding of our travel costs to Bolivia. If you would like to support this trip financially, as well as through prayer, we will be taking with us to Bolivia a small amount of money to bless the church groups we will be among and to thank those people who will provide us with food and accommodation. Any few pennies will be much appreciated, but could I stress that donations should be kept to a smallish level, say, a maximum of £3-£5. With my thanks and every blessing Colin BIBLE IN A YEAR CHALLENGE Don’t forget – if you have access to it we recommend you follow a similar plan which includes some reading notes for each passage online here: Free, easy to use phone & tablet apps are also available. Full details are also at If you don’t have access the plan for March is below: March 1st Numbers 20-22 18th Deuteronomy 32-34 2nd Numbers 23-25; Mark 7 19th Joshua 1-3; Mark 16 3rd Numbers 26-28; Mark 8 20th Joshua 4-7 4th Numbers 29-31; Mark 9 21st Joshua 8-10 5th Numbers 32-34 22nd Joshua 11-13 6th Numbers 35-36; Mark 10 23rd Joshua 14-15; Luke 1 7th Deuteronomy 1-3 24th Joshua 16-18; Luke 2 8th Deuteronomy 4-6; Mark 11 25th Joshua 19-21 9th Deuteronomy 7-9 26th Joshua 22-24; Luke 3 10th Deuteronomy 10-12; Mark 12 27th Judges 1-3; Luke 4 11th Deuteronomy 13-15 28th Judges 4-6 12th Deuteronomy 16-18; Mark 13 29th Judges 7-8; Luke 5 13th Deuteronomy 19-21 30th Judges 9-10 14th Deuteronomy 22-24 31st Judges 11-12; Luke 6 15th Deuteronomy 25-27; Mark 14 16th Deuteronomy 28-29 17th Deuteronomy 30-31; Mark 15 Church of Ireland Men’s Society The Next Meeting of the 2014/2015 Programme of the Men’s Society is Thursday 19th March 2015 and starts at 8pm. Our Special Guest Speaker is Mr. Paul Clements Author, Journalist & Broadcaster His Subject: “The Life and Time of Richard Hayward 1892 - 1964 All Gentlemen, Friends of the Parish and Members of other Men’s Societies are welcome Derek Catney. Hon. Secretary. FLOWER DONATION ROTA MARCH 1st Mrs I Hay 8th Mrs M Saunders 15th Mrs M Corbett 22nd 29th Men’s Society The Mothers’ Union meet this month on Thursday 5th March at 8.00pm. Our speaker will not be Leslie Harvey as stated in the programme (due to a secretarial error) but Leslie will speak at a later date. Instead our speaker is Nicola Clements who will give a talk about the work of Traidcraft which is an organisation helping farmers and workers in developing countries to fight against poverty and earn money so that the whole community can benefit. All ladies of the parish are welcome. Also this month we have received an invitation from Cregagh PW to their meeting on Monday 2nd March at 7.30pm. Their speaker is Leanne Spence who will talk about Vintage Handbags. Leanne happens to be the speaker for our May meeting. So if anyone wishes to attend Cregagh please contact myself as they require numbers for catering purposes. Carole McGladery Hon Secretary The Women’s World Day of Prayer The WWDP is Friday 6th March. This year’s Service has been written by the Christian women of The Bahamas with the theme: Jesus said to them, “Do you know what I have done to you?” Belfast City Service will be held in May Street Presbyterian Church at 11.00 am. Our Local Service will be held in Willowfield Parish Church at 8.00 pm. Everyone will be most welcome at these services. CHURCH OF IRELAND MEN’S SOCIETY “REACHING FOR THE STARS” The twentieth Century was an extraordinary hundred years in the history of mankind. Two World Wars were the most devastating and the bloodiest ever to have been waged. Those wars ended abruptly centuries of European colonial rule. In 1932 an Irishman, Ernest Walton, with his colleague John Cockcroft, split the atom and thereby ushered in the Atomic Age. There were other features of this Century which made it unique. Two of those immediately came to mind, the Digital Revolution and the ability of humans to fly. In 1903 two brothers, Orville and Wilbur Wright, built a machine which could take to the air. Six years later a Frenchman, Louis Bleriot, flew across the English Channel. As the Century grew older flying has come a long way and has led inevitably to Space Exploration. Mr. Ernie Cromie, a lifelong aviation enthusiast and for many years Chairman of the Ulster Aviation Society, was guest of the Men’s Society on the evening of January 15th. Addressing one aspect of flying as it became an important component of modern warfare Mr. Cromie reviewed for the members the role Northern Ireland played in those two World Wars. It all began when on the 1st of September 1913 five aircraft of the Royal Flying Corps landed on a beach near the Slieve Donard Hotel, Newcastle as part of military aviation manoeuvres. From that truly historic event of those frail biplanes landing on a beach in Co. Down Mr. Cromie went on to describe the progress of Military Aviation in Ulster. In the 1st World War there were 23 airfields in Ireland but in the 2nd World War Northern Ireland alone had 25 airfields. In fact Northern Ireland had become a vast aircraft hangar with planes stored and camouflaged all over the Province. In places like Langford Lodge aircraft would be flown in from the American factories and there equipped and made ready for the various theatres of war. Northern Ireland was a staging post and also a vast aircraft carrier. In this last capacity it was vital in the Battle of the Atlantic where victory was essential for survival and without which the war would have been lost. Mr. Cromie returned again and again to this crucial theatre of the conflict. From Nutts Corner Liberators flew out on Atlantic patrol and from Lough Erne Sunderland and Catalina flying boats set out on the same Mission. In fact it was a Catalina which first spotted the Bismark when it broke out into the Atlantic from its previously safe anchorage. In those war years Northern Ireland was a scene of frenetic energy and activity. One wonders if mankind, might someday, devote the same energy in the pursuit of peace. Dr. Roddy Evans January 2015 You will have read about our Table Quiz and Auction of Talents in our February Magazine. This is taking place on 8 May at 7.30 pm in the Lower Hall. Put the date in your diary now. Not only is it a chance to raise some funds to assist with our mission objectives, but it also is an opportunity to invite folk who either are not St Finnian’s members or whose attendance at church and church events has slipped. We need people to volunteer talents that can be auctioned off. Have you got a talent you could use to help someone and in return they will donate an amount to church funds? There is a list of possible things you could do at the back of the church. Please consider putting your name down against one or more of these. Or add your own talent to be donated. Or speak to any member of the events committee. Here’s a sample of just 5 possible talents; Gardening services – cutting grass while homeowner is on holiday, or hedge-trimming for a summer. Taxi – lift to and from airport for summer holiday. Bake a birthday cake, or made-to-order pie. Dog-walking Paint a room of house. Parish Communication Group In line with 2015 mission aspirations, it was recognised that the parish could improve how it communicates with its members and the wider local community we serve. To address this, a small group was established to review St Finnian’s current communication arrangements and develop a draft strategic communications plan to meet future needs. The Communications Group is both committed to keeping members informed about any future developments and also is keen to obtain input from any parishioners on the various ways the parish communicates with its members. The group members are listed below. They would be happy to provide you with more information on this project on request, or take any suggestions, or ideas you might have on how we could improve our communications. Group Member: Roy Bell Linda Leonard Gillian Stevenson Gillian Walker Chris Colin Darling Aimee Cunningham Sanlon Update of Parish records One of the things the Communications Group would like to do is ensure we have the correct contact details for all parishioners. The last time we updated records was during the Parish Census in 2011 and many more of us now have mobile phones and use email than even 4 years ago. If we have up-to-date contact details, this will allow the parish to communicate important issues using more immediate and effective methods. So what is happening? Within our April Magazine, you will receive a ‘Contact Details Update Sheet’. Please would you complete this by the end of April and either bring it to church, leaving at the back in the box provided, give to someone else to take for you, email or drop in to the parish office or post back. Or maybe your magazine distributor could collect it for you. Please be assured that these details will only be used for parish purposes. Thank you for your co-operation. Burns Supper On Friday 6 February, a number of tartan-clad parishioners got together for a night of Scottish fun which began with Laird Johnston piped in. As the revellers tucked in to their haggis, with tatties and neeps (courtesy of Mash Direct), they were served by our own bunch of gorgeous Scottish lassies. Scottish cheesecake was enjoyed before tea, coffee and shortbread finished the feast. An entertaining time of Scottish dancing rounded off the evening with dance instructor and expert caller Lucy displaying a kindly and sympathetic tone towards the St Finnian’s slightly less than championship standard dancers. A huge thank you to all those who came and supported this event. The Events Committee also greatly appreciates all the donations towards the meal and the raffle which helped keep costs down and increase our takings. And of course an enormous thank you to the members of the events committee who planned, prepared and worked tirelessly on the night. After expenses have been paid, an amount exceeding £1100 was raised. LADIES OPEN DOOR FRIENDSHIP GROUP Open Doors is a new friendship group formed in November for members of our own parish and any other ladies over 60 in our community. A committee was formed, with Iris Hay agreeing to lead the group for the first year. Office bearers are: Joan Logan (Secretary), Betty Brennan (Treasurer) and Dixie Dillon, Irene Ireland and Margaret Rankin (Committee Members). We meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month, from 2pm until around 4pm usually in the Sextons’ room, by the lower hall. So far, we’ve had a variety of wonderful speakers and activities. Barbara Carlisle talked about her extensive nursing career, Sharon Hay explained the artistry behind her hand-crafted wedding bouquets, Heather Stuart instructed us how to keep fit – the ‘easy’, fun way and we had a lighthearted quiz afternoon. Then in a ‘craftee’ afternoon, we received tuition in a number of skills like crocheting and knitting together, loom band making and I-pad basics. And Joan Logan gave a reflection on ‘seasons of the church year’ as shown on hand-crafted banners. The following is a list of events planned for the remainder of the season: March 4th March 18th April 1st April 15th May 6th May 20th Witty and relevant teaching on one of the 10 Commandments – Canon J John DVD, introduced by Colin Card making demonstration and then we all have a go No meeting – Holy Week Aiden Campbell, author of books on the history of our local area, will present on Cregagh As spring is sprung, Anna Lemon will guide us on flower arranging. Followed by AGM Summer outing If you and your friends would like to come to any of the forthcoming meetings, you will be very welcome. Remember the Door is always Open. Magazine CONTACT DETAILS Rector: Telephone 028 90793822 Please send articles for inclusion in the APRIL Magazine to or telephone Parish Office 90792793 by NOON on Thursday 19th March Curate: Telephone 028 90796193 Mobile 07925 672340 Don’t forget to check out the church website: Church Office Hours Tuesday 12 noon – 5 pm Thursday 8.30 am – 1.30 pm TELEPHONE 028 90792793 Events Committee Members Judith Armstrong Karen Bell Roy Bell David Cairns Barbara Carlisle Colin Darling Chris Geoghegan Heather Harman Sadie King Heather Leckey Adam & Sarah McBurney Trevor Smyth Find us on Facebook!