Latest Newsletter - Grace Christian School
Latest Newsletter - Grace Christian School
Grace No ces Coming up Week 8 Monday, 23 March Parent Prayer Group 9am Year 9 & 10 Young Writers Course BCGS Tuesday, 24 March Li&le Library 9.00am Year 7 & 8 Young Writers Course BCGS KI/PP Dads Night 5.30pm Wednesday, 25 March Year 7 Camp—Mornington (25—27 March) Thursday, 26 March Kindy Tour 9.30am GRIP Leadership Course (Prefects) Year 12 Chemistry Excursion – Worsley Friday, 27 March Swimming Assembly 2.20pm Year 11 Wellington Discovery Forest Excursion Saturday, 28 March School Ball Week 9 Monday, 30 March Parent Prayer Group 9am Year 8 Geography Excursion—Back Beach Tuesday, 31 March Li&le Library 9am KI/PP Health Assessments Wednesday, 1 April Year 9—12 Art Elec?ve Excursion Friday, 2 April Easter Worship Service 2.20pm Last day Term 1 Term Break Students return for Term 2 on Tuesday, 21 April in winter uniform. Friday, 20 March 2015 Tel. 08 9726 4200 Email: From the Principal’s desk Building on our plan to provide Christ-centred, holis?c, innova?ve educa?on our school planning team meet regularly to discuss future direc?ons for the school. One area this plan deals with specifically is with rela?onships as this is an integral part of who we are. The recent Bush Dance in essence captured a small part of the community that is Grace Chris?an School, but it is not solely reflected in events such as this. Our community is created by the rela?onships of parents, students and staff, through the example set by Christ. The recent Health Audit provided valuable feedback to us for which we are very thankful. The posi?ve feedback as well as concerns received regarding programmes, educa?on and social is greatly appreciated, and assists us in building community going forward. Mr Hugo de Ridder Principal School News School Parking Parking during drop-off and pick-up is very limited. Parents are reminded to be courteous to others. We con?nue to have incidences where cars are being ‘parked in’, and request that all parents are respecIul of others when parking their vehicles. Please also do not park in the ‘no standing’ zones, and observe the strict speed limited when on school grounds. Thankyou. Secondary Assistance Scheme Students in Year 7 – 12 may be eligible for up to $350 towards school expenses. If you hold a Centrelink Health Care Card, Pensioner Concession Card or Veterans’ Affairs Pensioner Concession Card please contact the Bursar, Mrs Fiona de Ridder on 9726 4200. 25th Celebra?ons ‘Heel and toe, one, two, three, clap, clap, clap’ Why not head to our website to find out more about the 25th Anniversary Bush Dance! In Term 2 we have our May Fair happening, so pencil it in your diaries now; Saturday May 16th, 10am – 2pm a Community family event not to be missed! Vacancy – Year 3 Teacher (Fixed Term Contract) We are seeking an enthusias?c and dedicated Primary teacher to fill a maternity leave posi?on for Term 2, 3 and 4. If you hold the necessary qualifica?ons, excel at teaching, are innova?ve, a keen student yourself, and a commi&ed Chris?an in regular church fellowship, please email or call us. Posi?on descrip?ons and applica?on forms are available from recep?on or contact Mrs Sandra Dinkelman on 08 9726 4200 or 2015 Annual General Mee?ng Nomina?ons for elec?on to the School Board are being sought from persons within the wide range of Chris?an families the school serves, who have the appropriate experience or skills and a passion for Chris?an educa?on. Enquiries can be made to the Company Secretary/ Business Manager Mr Colin S?llman: cs? or 08 9726 4200. Prayer and Fas?ng Day On Monday, 23 March there will be a day of prayer and fas?ng between 9am—3pm for one of our mums who is currently unwell. Parents are encouraged to a&end during the day, even if only for a short ?me. The School Boardroom will be open all day, with parents, staff and students encouraged to come along throughout the day. Ephesians 1 : 7 He is so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our freedom with the blood of his Son and forgave our sins. Term dates 2015 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 2 Feb—2 Apr 21 Apr – 3 Jul 22 Jul – 25 Sep 13 Oct – 11 Dec Uniform Shop Open Times Monday & Friday 8.15am – 9.00am Wednesday and Thursday 3.00pm – 3.45pm