

St Teresa's Catholic Church
The Presbytery, Brook Rd,
Newbury Park,
Ilford IG2 7JA
Tel No & Fax 020 8590 2414
Reg Charity No 234092
Parish Priest: Fr Eamonn J Power MA
The Fifth Sunday of Lent (Year B) - 22 March 2015
Dear friends in Christ
A Pure Heart Create For Me, O God: As we enter the 5th Sunday of Lent we hear
these words in the Responsorial Psalm and we take special care in Lent to allow the
Lord more and more into our lives so that we can serve him with hearts and minds
made new and pure. Prayer, fasting and almsgiving are the traditional ways in which
we allow the Lord to work in us. The season now becomes a little more intense and
this is reflected in the fact that the statues and crosses are draped in purple until we
reach the Easter weekend. The intensity is relaxed for one day at least, which is
Wednesday’s feast of the Annunciation, but apart from that our minds become more
focused on the events of Holy Week, especially Holy Thursday, Good Friday and
Easter Sunday. Let us strive to make the best use of the time now remaining.
Wednesday (25 March), the Annunciation: This coming Wednesday, the Church
celebrates the great feast of the Annunciation of the Lord, when we recall the great
day when the Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Blessed Virgin Mary and
announced God’s plan of salvation to her and the vital part that she was to play if it
was to be achieved. The Lord God never forces himself on us, he wants us to decide
willingly that we want him in our lives and that we want his will for us to be achieved.
So it was that the angel awaited the free consent of the Blessed Virgin, who gave
herself completely, surrendering herself totally to the loving plans of God. We can
recall this event every sixth hour of the day by praying the Church’s ancient prayer of
devotion in the “Angelus”. Those who come to Mass that day and are physically
capable of doing so, are required to genuflect on one knee when we get to the part:
“and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate…” as a sign of our reverence and awe at what
god has done for us.
Next Sunday, “Passion” or “Palm” Sunday: Time moves on at a rapid pace my
friends and so we are now looking towards Palm Sunday and the beginning of Holy
Week. Palm branches will be blessed at all Masses and the 10.30 am Mass next week
starts in the Hall and we process into the church after the first Gospel. I’m sure
you’ll be delighted that it is very unlikely in future that Fr Matthew will throw holy
water over you with as much enthusiasm and vigour as myself! The people of
Canvey don’t know what’s coming!
Questions on the Catholic Faith: On the Mount of Olives on the night before his
death, did Jesus really experience fear of death? Since Jesus was true man, he truly
experienced fear of death on the Mount of Olives. With the same human strength
that we all possess, Jesus had to fight in order to consent interiorly to the Father's
will that he give his life for the life of the world. Abandoned in his darkest hour by
everyone, even his friends, Jesus managed after a struggle to say Yes. "My Father, if
this [cup] cannot pass unless I drink it, your will be done." (YOUCAT question 100).
What happened at the Last Supper? Jesus washed the feet of his apostles on the
evening before his death; he instituted the Eucharist and founded the priesthood of
the New Covenant. Jesus showed his consummate love in three ways: He washed his
disciples' feet and showed that he is among us as one who serves (cf. Lk 22:27). He
symbolically anticipated his redeeming Passion by speaking these words over the
gifts of bread and wine: "This is my body which is given for you" (Lk 22:19f). In this
way he instituted the Holy Eucharist. When Jesus commanded the apostles, "Do this
in remembrance of me" (1 Cor 11:24b), he made them priests of the New Covenant.
(YOUCAT question 99).
Lenten Programme: We continue with the extra evening Mass on Wednesday at
7.30 pm and also Stations of the Cross on Friday at 7.30 pm, followed by Mass at
about 8.00 pm. All welcome.
Friday Devotions: After Mass on Friday morning we will continue to have a brief
period of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, lasting about half an hour, which will
include the Divine Mercy Chaplet and a time of silence.
Unhappy Hammers! Another defeat for the Hammers last week, a thrashing in fact,
3-0 away at Arsenal! What does the future hold for “Big Sam?”
God Bless you all.
Fr Eamonn
Services During the Week
Sat 21 Mar
6.00 pm
Sun 22 Mar
08.00 am
10.30 am
5.00 pm
Parish - Regular Notices
Vigil Mass for the Fifth Sunday of Lent
Mass Gwilym Michael. RIP Anniversary
The Fifth Sunday of Lent
Mass Alex Fernandes. RIP
Mass Our Parish Community
Holy Hour
BAPTISM PREPARATION: If you are expecting a baby or have a baby for
baptism in the next couple of months, please contact Helen Mac Mahon on
020 8590 9981 who will help you make the appropriate arrangements.
SICK AT HOME OR IN HOSPITAL: If you know of any sick people in the Parish
needing a priestly visit or to be kept in our prayers, please contact our Care
of the Sick Coordinator, Wilma Lewandowski, on 020 8220 9135.
(Each weekday Mass will be preceded by Morning Prayer at 09.10 am.)
Mon 23 Mar
09.30 am
Tue 24 Mar
09.30 am
7.30 pm
Wed 25 Mar
09.30 am
7.30 pm
Thur 26 Mar
09.30 am
Frid 27 Mar
09.30 am
7.30 pm
8.00 pm
Sat 28 Mar
6.00 pm
Sun 29 Mar
8.00 am
10.30 am
5.00 pm
St Turibius de Mogrovejo, Bishop
Mass Avelyn Kearney. RIP Anniversary.
Weekday of Lent
Mass Jim O’Mahoney. RIP
Prayer Group.
The Annunciation of the Lord
Mass Mary & Paddy Joe. Intentions
Mass Bill McDonald. RIP
Weekday of Lent
Mass Matthew Mass for the Holy Souls.
Weekday of Lent
Mass Patrick Reynolds. RIP
Stations of the Cross
Mass Jim Armstrong. RIP
PRAYERS FOR THE SICK: Please pray for Dyllis Barrie-Dangerfield, Billy
Brennan, Ciara David, Diane Foster, Tyrone Foster, Greg Gallagher, Freda
Godfrey, Sheila Guise, Dan Keely, Monica Keely, Luis Lai, Mary O’Driscoll, Ann
Matthews, Chris McNamara, Giuseppe Palumbo, Lawrence Pereira, Jai
Ramcharan, Kathleen & Pat Reynolds, Tony Sheridan, Soosaipillai
Thruchelvam and Evalina Underwood. Also the sick Priests of the Diocese Mgr Michael Corley, Frs Paul Dynan and Stewart Foster.
ANNIVERSARIES FOR MARCH: Charlotte Allen, Sofia Delfina Almeida, Francis
Amoordon, John Cahill, Val Carter, Myles Gibbons, Bill Guise, John McGrory,
Kathleen Miley, Peter Murphy, Dorothy Newton, Mick Newton, James Nolan,
Richard O’Driscoll, Michael O’Neill, Henry Phillips, Charles Roberts, Alice
Santos, Maura Swatts and Ann Zammitt.
MASS REQUESTS: If you are asking for a number of Masses then you must use
a separate envelope for each request and place your offering in each
envelope. Also, if you want a Mass offered on a particular day, then you
should aim to give the Parish Secretary about 8 weeks’ notice. Although every
effort will be made to meet your preferred date please note that it will not
always be possible.
Vigil Mass for Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord
Mass Irene Celejewski. RIP
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord
Mass Our Parish Community.
Mass Thanksgiving to Our Lady
Holy Hour
CHURCH HALL: The Church Hall is available for bookings by Parishioners and
non Parishioners alike. Please contact 07887983310 for bookings and
REFRESHMENTS AFTER 10.30 AM MASS ON SUNDAY: Refreshments will once
again be served in the Hall after the 10.30 am Mass. Do come along for a chat
and a “Cuppa”.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
The Priest is available in the Reconciliation Room on Saturday from 11.30 am to 12 noon and from 5.30 pm to 5.45 pm.
Parish - Meetings this Week
Legion of Mary in the Presbytery Room at 7.30 pm.
Coffee Morning Group in the Pastoral Centre after Mass.
Wednesday: Mothers Prayers Group in the Pastoral Centre at 7.30 pm.
Parish - In & Around
weekend’s collection (inc Standing
Orders) raised £905.15 of which 61%
was “Gift Aided”. In addition, we
received the sum of £260 from one
of the group of parishioners who
make their donations on an annual
basis. Thank you everyone for your
continued generosity.
ENVELOPES: If you currently use the
envelope scheme for your weekly
Offertory donation and haven’t yet
collected your new box of envelopes
for the new financial year), then
please do so now from the table at
the back of the church.
and bring it back to the Church on
Maundy Thursday for the Mass of the
Last Supper. If you cannot attend that
Mass, then bring the CAFOD box back
at any Mass over Easter.
Because of ill health, two team
members have had to withdraw from
the rota. So we urgently need a couple
of people to join the group so that we
can maintain the current frequency
that members are called upon to take
their turn in laundering the small altar
linen. If you feel you can join the team
and take on this important, but not
onerous, task (about once every 6
weeks), then please do get in touch as
soon as possible with Gladys Dorr on
020 8590 0456.
that at the back of the church there CWL NATIONAL COFFEE MORNING:
are still some spare CAFOD boxes for Together with Catholic Women’s
any of your loose change that might League Groups across the country, St
accumulate during what remains of Teresa’s CWL will be having a coffee
Lent. If you haven’t already done so morning this weekend to raise funds, in
then please take one away with you its case, for Nazareth House. Coffee &
Biscuits - £1. There will also be a raffle
with the 1st Prize being a £25 M&S
Gift Voucher. There will be a number
of other prizes including the usual
Easter egg. Please do buy some raffle
tickets and also try to come along to
the Hall after the 10.30 am Mass to
support the CWL in their charity work.
Easter Chicks & Novelties with
Chocolate at £1 each will also be on
sale after all Masses this weekend
with all proceeds going to charity.
CWL AGM: The AGM this year will be
held next Saturday, (28 March) at
10.30 am in the Pastoral Centre.
Would all members please make a
special effort to attend. If there are
any women interested in joining the
group then please do come along. You
would be most welcome.
will be a collection after all Masses
next weekend for flowers to decorate
our Church over the Easter season.
With the help of your generous
contributions we feel sure our church
will look lovely for this special feast.
Remember if you use the gift aid
envelope system then please place
your donation in one of your “Special
Collection” envelopes so we can
reclaim the tax and thereby increase
your donation by 25%.
Please remember that your “Offertory
Donation” on Easter Sunday is your
personal gift to Fr Eamonn. Together
with your gift at Christmas, your
donation at Easter forms the major
source of his income over the year.
Also, Fr Eamonn’s last weekend with
us will be the following weekend
(11/12 April). As there will be no
separate farewell collection for him
at his request, you can also use this
opportunity to show your personal
gratitude to him for his many years’
service to the parish. If you use the
envelope system then please place
your offering in the envelope
marked ”Easter Offering”.
The Diocesan Pilgrimage to
Walsingham is on Saturday 23 May.
It is hoped that we can go as a group
from the church.. Further details in
the next couple of weeks.
HELP REQUIRED: Would you like to
get involved in the running of our
Parish, as either a Welcomer,
Cleaner, Flower Arranger, Reader,
Offertory Collector, Gardener, or a
member of the Social and
Fundraising group? If you would like
to know more or would like to
volunteer your services for any of
the Parish groups please speak to
Gerry Gillan after the 10.30 Mass or
email him at and he
will pass your name to the person in
charge of the particular group that is
of interest to you.
VISITORS: If you are a visitor to St
Teresa’s then you are most welcome
and we very much hope you enjoy the
service you are attending. If you are a
tax payer and would like to “Gift Aid “
your Offertory donation, then please
use one of the special “Gift Aid”
envelopes which you will find at the
back of the Church.
works will be on display in Brentwood
Cathedral until Good Friday. All are
welcome to visit them. For more
details go to www.cathedralbrentwood.orgor phone 01277 265235.
28 March at Brentwood Cathedral Hall,
from 10.30 am to 3 pm, Clare Ward, an
experienced and insightful speaker, will
lead a discussion on what Catholic
evangelisation is, explore possible
yourselves known to Fr Eamonn and
practical responses in our personal and
complete a Parish Registration Form
(copies in the rack in the Porch) so that parish life, and look at what resources
we may welcome and inform you about are available. Admission is free and a
light buffet lunch will be provided. To
our parish life.
book your place, contact CEF on 01277
265289 or
Directory for 2015 year is available
from the Repository at the back of the
Church priced at £2.75.
Christopher, a Benedictine Monk, is a
regular contributor on Chris Evans’
Radio 2 Breakfast show, a profound
author about prayer and silence, and
MARRIAGE CARE ILFORD CENTRE: The the Director of the National Office for
centre is looking for suitable volunteers Vocations. On Tuesday evening, 31
[male or female] to be trained as
March you are invited (especially
Marriage Preparation Providers and
young adults aged 17-35) to hear him
Counsellors. Training will be provided. share his personal vocational journey:
For further details please contact
what inspired him to become a monk
Glenda Spencer on 020 8590 7775.
and a priest? The event takes place at
St Margaret’s Church, 79 Barking Road,
Canning Town E16 4HB (close to DLR &
CROSS: Fifteen contemporary artists
Jubilee Line) and includes chicken &
have each painted a Station of the
Cross. These beautiful and challenging chip supper. Full details at or on
the Brentwood Vocations Facebook
Page. The event is free, but
registration is required – call Fr
Dominic, Vocations Director, on 01268
281732 or email
GROUP: You are invited to a Day of
Devotion to the Divine Mercy at
Abbotswick, Diocesan House of Prayer
on Sunday, 12 April. Arrival at 10.30
am for 11.00 am start. Confession
available. Mass at 3.30 pm. Tea and
coffee available but please bring a
packed lunch. Ring Claire Wallis for
details 01277 658783. All are welcome.
Mark Butcher is running for BCCS this
year on Sunday, 26 April so if you wish
to support his efforts for this worthy
cause please go to Mark's site
markbutchermarathon2015. By the
end of this attempt - Mark hopes to
have raised over £10,000!
ABSEIL FOR CAFOD: Why not challenge
yourself on Sunday, 3 May to abseiling
110ft down the Harlow Water Tower?
This annual sponsored event is
organised by the Rotary Club of
Harlow Tye. You have to be over 16
and there is a £30 participation fee.
Places limited. For more details
contact the CAFOD Brentwood Office
on 0208 502 9722 or email
SUMMER 2015: The Annual
Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes led
by Bishop Alan is filling up fast so
you need to book soon. The cost
with full board for six days, five
nights (from Sunday, 26 to Friday,
31 July), will be from £649 by air or
from £429 by coach. This pilgrimage
includes an experienced medical
team and plenty of help for those
with mobility needs. It is also ideal
for couples, individuals, and groups
of friends. There is a full programme
to opt in and out of, and everyone is
welcome. For a brochure please call
Cathy O’Connor on 01206 501146,
or visit
where you will also find photos and
testimonies from 2014.
100: The Brentwood Catholic
Children’s Society has a limited
number of charity places in the
‘Ride London 100’ taking place on
Sunday, 2 August. The deadline is
fast approaching for applications, so
please don’t delay if you are
interested in taking up a place. We
ask that cyclists pay a registration
fee of £50 to secure their place and
pledge to raise a minimum of £600
(excluding Gift Aid). Please contact
Libby on 01268 784544 if you would
like any further information, or
“CAMINO”: An invitaion to join the
Canonesses of the Holy Sepulchre in
April 2016 on a nine day pilgrimage
along the ‘Camino’ to Santiago de
Compostela, Spain. The pilgrimage is
designed for both walkers or coach
travellers (or a mixture of the two).
If you would like to join this
pilgrimage, please phone 01206
867296 or email to
request a brochure or it can be
downloaded from their website
The Service continues to provide an
East London Pensioners Advice
Service every Thursday from 10.00
am until 1 pm at Durning Hall
Community Centre, Earlham Grove,
Forest Gate, E7 9AB. Durning Hall is
2 minutes from Forest Gate Rail
station and is disabled accessible.
For more information please contact
Sally Mulready on 0207 428 0471.
organisation which helps single
adult Catholics of all ages meet,
either one to one or through social
events. Please tel. 0161 941 3498,
visit the website or email
NEWSLETTER ITEMS: If you have any
items that you would like to appear in
the weekly Newsletter then please
email them to and copy
The copy deadline for including items
in the Newsletter is Thursday 12 noon.
Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee
to include all requests we receive in
the paper edition but we will make
every effort to accommodate articles
and insertion requests in the on-line
edition including job vacancies.
Job Opportunities
The Governors are now seeking to
appoint from September (or earlier) a
practising Catholic to be an
outstanding Subject Leader for the RE
Department. For further information
and to download an application form
please access the Academy website or email Please
note we are unable to accept CVs.
Closing date for applications is 12
noon on Thursday, 23 April with
interviews the following week.
COORDINATOR: This full time role
with Basildon Catholic Collegiate Trust,
with a September 2015 start, will be
ideal for someone committed to
deepening the faith of young people
through providing a variety of
opportunities in a school and parish
context. Working with 8-16 year olds
and a team of young adult leaders,
you will be in a parish and schools
committed to youth ministry. Closing
date is Tuesday, 14 April. To discuss
the role call Fr Dominic on 01268
281732. All details at
currently looking to recruit exam
invigilators who would be available
on a casual basis for the summer
examination session. Full details and
application form are available from
the academy website
or contact Julie Royer on 020 8590