Fifth Sunday of Lent - St. James Church, Red Bank, NJ


Fifth Sunday of Lent - St. James Church, Red Bank, NJ
 Fifth Sunday of Lent March 22, 2015 1 MASS FOR THE WEEK
March 21 – March 29
5:30 Patrick Gallagher/His Family
SUN.,3/22 Fifth Sunday of Lent
7:00 Joseph DiBarbiere/Francis R. Lewis
8:15 Maureen Budd/Sandi Woodward
9:30 David Yorke/The Baruzzi Family
10:45 Special Remembrances of the Week
12:00 Denise Patches/Pat Dailey
5:30 The People of the Parish
MON,.3/23 St. Turibius of Mogrovejo
6:25 Frank Borer/Liam & Joyce Cullen
8:00 Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Arnold, Sr./The
Arnold Family
12:10 Teresa Romanik/Florence & John Rogicki
6:25 Valerie Lanigan/Jeannie Snedden
8:00 Jack Ducey/Marge & Jim Vaccarelli
12:10 Maurice Setrin/Frank Kelly
WEDS., 3/25 The Annunciation of the Lord
6:25 Christiane, Christina & Brooke McNamara,
Living/Martha & Kevin Young
8:00 Jean Botcher, Dec’d, B’day./John &
Marlene Kuhn
12:10 Phil Visicaro/John & Lorraine Rogicki
6:25 Paul G. Lewis/Francis R. Lewis
8:00 Nicholas Alexander/Peter & Susie McNamara
& Family
12:10 Margaret Givens/The Villani Family
6:25 Richard Leahey/Sara Carroll
8:00 Helen McNamara/Becky Sirigotis
12:10 Elaine Roman, Amelia, Percy, Carlos &
Manuel Pinlac/Victor Pinlac
6:25 Silvio Fabbri/The Corregano Family
8:00 Joseph Ahlemeyer/His Wife & Family
5:30 Terry Schmitt/The Lambiase Family
SUN.,3/29 Palm Sunday of the Passion
Of the Lord
7:00 Bernadette Barszcewski-Simolinski/
Raymond & Catherine Soya & Family
8:15 Casper S. Curreri/His Family
9:30 Deputy Chief Craig A. Bahrs/Melissa &
Christine Bahrs
10:45 Special Remembrances of the Week
12:00 Isabelle & John Babstock/Their Family
5:30 The People of the Parish
Mass Readings
Sun.,3/22 Jer 31:31-34 Ps 51:3-4, 12-15 Heb 5:7-9
Jn 12:20-33
Mon.,3/23 Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 Ps 23:1-6
Jn 8:1-11
Tues., 3/24 Nm 21:4-9 Ps 102:2-3, 16-21 Jn 8:21
Jn 8:21-30
Wed .,3/25 Is 7:10-14; 8:10 Ps 40:7-11 Heb 10:4-10
Lk 1:26-38
Thurs., 3/26 Gn 17:3-9 Ps 105:4-9 Jn 8:51-59
Fri., 3/27 Jer 20:10-13 Ps 18:2-7 Jn 10:31-42
Sat., 3/28 Ez 37:21-28 Jer 31:10-13 Jn 11:45-56
Sun.,3/29 Is 50:4-7 Ps 22:8-9, 17-18, 19-20, 23-24
Phil 2:6-11 Mk 14:1—15:47
Ad Marjorem Dei Gloriam
Sanctuary Candle Is Offered for Gregory Wallack
By Deacon Bryan & Bernadette Davis
Our Lady’s Candle Is Offered In Loving Memory
Of Eleanor Petilo By Diane & Sam
St. Joseph’s Candle Is Offered In Loving Memory
Of Andrew J. O’Bosky,III & Andrew J. O’Bosky,IV
By the O’Bosky Family
MASS REMEMBRANCES. This Sunday at the
10:45 Mass, we remember our special intentions of
the week: Doris Nogueira (Living)/Rectory Staff;
Barbara Norton/Family; A Special Intention;
Ernesto Gimotea, Living/Rex Gimotea & Family;
Raymond Joseph Clavelle/Schneider Family;
Daniel White/Barbara & Eric Gross; Francis P.
McDermott/Maureen & John Collins; Dodie
Madsen, Living/Kerri & Glenn; Richard J.
Weiner/Robert B. Halloran; Ashley Kate Gimotea,
B’day./Family; Bill Philburn, Living/Pat & Breda;
Fifth Sunday of Lent March 22, 2015 2 Luz Pinlac/Gimotea Family; Edward Cardinal
Eagan/Marlene&John Kuhn; George Tyluki/
Family;Jean Botcher, B’day. Anniv./John &
Marlene Kuhn;
The parish family of St. James welcomes
Into the Catholic faith those baptized last Sunday:
Carter Paul Huszar, Child of Paul & AnnMarie
Madeline Grace McDonald, Child of Andrew &
Kailyn Andrea & Troy William, Children
Of Trey & Orsi
Banns of Marriage: The following
couples are preparing to celebrate the sacrament of
Marriage as they answer God’s call to live in his
1st Time: Michael Spahr & Casey Grier
Please Pray for the Sick
Come to us, O risen Savior, faithful physician of
our bodies and souls, and grant relief to our sick
and aging who suffer: Florence Rogicki; Anna
Fitzpatrick; Kathy; Tom; Lawrence Clark, III; Paul;
Clair Byrne; Janet A. Mastal; Debbie Fitzpatrick;
Imre Friesz; Donna Halse; Angelo; James Mueller;
Adore Roa; Joe; LJ; Connie Petrone; Gary Baggarly;
Jennifer; Courtney Delaney; Bishop David
O’Connell; Dorothy Young; Shannon Blackwell;
Neil Fitzpatrick;
Please pray for the men and women of our armed
forces, especially Capt. Conor Browne, 1LT. Cristin
Browne, (brother & sister);Capt. Steven Carbone,
Cpl. Matthew D’Alessandro, Steven James Gluth,
Owen Michael (Bergin) McCann USN, Jason
Palendrano, Staff Sgt. Matthew Roberts, Jonathan
Welch, Shane Martin Dalton, USMC., USMC.,
Capt. Nicholas Abbate & Capt. Justin Abbate
(brothers), Captains Brian C. Jones(Truex) &
Crystal Jones (Husband & Wife);Capt. Josh
Pershing; Brendan Gilroy; Lcpl. Brian Dilger, Jr.,
USMC, Maj. Robert Duchaine, Capt. Michael
Duchaine; Maj. Carlo Brancato, USMC; 2Lt Robert
Beery, 2Lt Thomas Beery; Capt. Sean Screen (Iraq)
Sgt. James Conklin (Afghanistan); 1st Lt. Cooper
Lewis, USMC; Pvt. Robert Bartos,Army Spec E4
Thomas F. Welch, V; Navy AOAA Brian J. Truex;
Cpl. Kevin Andia, USMC;
FOCUS: God continues to love us, even when we
fall short time and again.
LITURGY OF THE WORD: In today’s first
reading, God promises a new convenant in which
he will forgive humankind’s sins. The passage
from Hebrews reminds us that Jesus was obedient
to his Father in order to save us. In the Gospel,
Jesus makes it clear that he was sent by the Father
to die for our sins. A voice from heaven confirms
BSA (Broad Street Auditorium) HS(High School)
REP; Gr. K-7, 9:15-10:30AM, 8th Gr., 9-10:30AM
3PM, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Church
8PM, Baptism Class, High School Meeting Room
7:30 PM, Folk Choir, Church
6 PM, Rosary Prayer Cenacle, the Convent
7:30PM, Stations of the Cross
6:30-8:30AM, That Man is You, Student Center
5:30PM, Youth Group, Mass & Meeting
REP; Gr. K-7, 9:15-10:30AM, 8th Gr., 9-10:30AM
3PM, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Church
The specific discipline of the Church in the United
States regarding penitential days is as follows:
 The days of fast and abstinence are ASH
 The other Fridays of Lent are DAYS OF
 The Fridays of the year, outside of Lent,
Fifth Sunday of Lent March 22, 2015 3 designated as DAYS OF PENANCE, but each
individual may substitute for the traditional
abstinence from meat some other practice of
voluntary self-denial as penance. This may be
physical mortification or acts of religious, charity or
Christian witness.
Those between the ages of 18 and 59 are obliged to
fast. By this obligation, the individual is permitted
only one full mean a day. At the age of 14, people
are obliged to abstain. This obligation prohibits the
eating of meat, but not eggs, milk products or
condiments of any kind, even though made from
animal fat. The obligation of receiving the
Eucharist at least once a year should be fulfilled
during the period from First Sunday of Lent,
February 22nd to Trinity Sunday, May 31st.
Please be reminded that receiving the Eucharist
presupposes you have gone to confession.
However, the Code of Canon Law does permit this
precept to be fulfilled at another time during the
year when there is just cause.
Msgr. Lowery
St. James Youth Group: The God Squad Open
Calling all Confirmed Eighth Grade and High
School students: we need you!
Come join the God-Squad, your St. James Parish Youth
Group. Join us for a fun Open House meeting on
Sunday, March 22 from 6:30-8 in the Eck Student
Center. We welcome returning and new members, and
registration is ongoing. Meeting schedules are available
in the Church. Bring a friend and come see what we are
all about!
For more information, please email Mr. and Mrs. D. at
Let us give thanks to the Lord our is right
to give Him thanks and praise. Come to the Peace
of Christ Prayer Group for an opportunity to get
together with others who give thanks and praise to
our God and pray for each other’s needs. We meet
in the High School Meeting room on Thursday
evenings at 7:30 PM (except on days when school is
Altar Server Candidates: There will be a training
session for New Altar Server candidates on
Monday, March 23rd at 6:45PM in the Church.
Easter Schedule
Saturday, 3/27: 5:30PM. Vigil Mass for Palm
Sunday. Blessing of Palms, Solemn Entrance.
Confessions: 3/31: 7-8PM. 4/2: Noon to 1PM.
4/3: 11AM-Noon & 8 to 8:30PM.
4/2: Holy Thursday: 7:30PM Solemn Mass of the
Lord’s Supper (this is the only Mass of the day).
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament after 7:30PM
Mass until midnight.
4/3: Good Friday, 3PM : Solemn Celebration of the
Lord’s Passion (Holy Communion is distributed).
4/4: Holy Saturday: 10:15AM, Blessing of Food
Baskets (Church).
8PM, Solemn Easter Vigil Mass (Church).
There can be only one Vigil Mass.
4/5, Easter Sunday: 7, 8:15, 9:30 & 10:45AM, & 12
No 5:30PM Mass
Divine Mercy Chaplet: Join us each Sunday at
3PM in the Church for the Divine Mercy Chaplet.
Living Stations: Red Bank Catholic Students will
present the “Living Stations” at 7:30PM on
Wednesday, March 25th in the Church.
Confirmation: The Parish of St. James
prayerfully congratulates those candidates who
received the Sacrament of Confirmation on
Tuesday, March 17th. May they be filled with the
Holy Spirit as they embrace their role as fully
initiated Catholic Christians.
Whether you are seriously discerning God’s Call to
the priesthood, or just curious about how God is
calling you to serve Him in some aspect of your
life, come and join us to learn more about this
exciting and powerful approach to life in the Lord!
Fifth Sunday of Lent March 22, 2015 4 If you are a faithful, single, Roman Catholic man,
between the ages of 18 and 40, and you are asking
yourself whether God is calling you to be a priest,
you are cordially invited to attend this month’s
discernment meeting on March 29th from 4 to 6PM
at Holy Eucharist Church (Pope John XXIII Faith
Formation Wing, in adjunction within the Church)
at 520 Medford Lakes Road, Tabernacle, NJ. Join
Rev. Andrew Jamieson as he shares in his ministry
of the priesthood, great conversation, and a meal.
Evening concludes with a celebration of the Liturgy
marking the beginning of the most solemn time of
the Church year. You are welcome to attend!
Please register with Diocese of Trenton Vocation
Office at or call
609/406-7449. Join us at this exciting time as you
discover this awesome way of serving the Lord and
respond to His invitation! We look forward to
seeing you!
Saint James School
4th Annual Run With the Royals 5K & ½ Mile Fun
Run: Yes, spring is almost here! Saturday, April
11th, 10:30AM, St. James School will hold its 4th
Annual 5K Classic and 1/2 Mile Fun Run: Run
With the Royals. The Run is held at Thompson
Park, Newman Springs Road, Lincroft on a
completely paved and flat course, which is
welcoming to all abilities. Those who would like to
post a fast time and those who would like to stroll
the course can be accommodated. Entry fee is $25,
and proceeds will go to benefit the Saint James
Athletic Association, which has one of the most
comprehensive sports offerings for elementary
schools in our area. All early entrants will receive a
Run With the Royals Shirt, and a fun After-Party
will be held, with prizes drawn at random. To
register, please pick up an entry form in the back of
the Church, or to register online, go to, Run With the Royals. Businesses
and Families: Sponsorships are available to
advertise your business, or show family support
for SJAA. For additional information/questions
The St. James Senior Citizens Club meets the 1st
& 3rd Wednesday of each month at the Red Bank
Senior Center at 1 PM. Call Sr. Ethel for more
information, 732/741-0724.
A Heartfelt Preparation for Lent: March 23, 24 &
25 @ 7:30PM, St. Catharine Church, 108
Middletown Rd., Holmdel. Msgr. Eugene Rebeck
will be speaking each evening and leading us in
Evening Vespers, Adoration of the Blessed
Sacrament and Penance to prepare our hearts for
Holy Week. Topics: Mon., “A Humble Heart”;
Tues.: “A Prayerful Heart”; Wed., A Contrite Heart.
Refreshments follow on Mon. & Tues. Go to for more information.
The Living Last Supper: A living dramatization of
Leonardo DiVinci’s famous painting of the Last
Supper. Come and experience the emotions of this
live dramatization, where 12 men speak their
minds to themselves, to each other and to the Lord,
in the light of the tragic words that they have just
heard Him speak. Church of the Nativity, Fair
Haven, Mon., 3/30, Tues., 3/31 & Wed., 4/1,
7:30PM. All are Welcome!
Second Collection: Thank you for your generous
support of the Catholic Relief Services Collection.
Through your generosity families will be reunited,
valuable skills will be taught to those seeking a
better life, and vital humanitarian needs will be
met. Please visit (search “Catholic
Relief Services Collection”) to learn how your
donations make a difference and help Jesus in
Universal: That those involved in scientific
research may serve the well-being of the whole
human person.
For Evangelization: That the unique contribution
of women to the life of the Church may be
recognized always.