Spring 2015 WALLA Brochure


Spring 2015 WALLA Brochure
Registration and
Class Schedule
Spring 2015
March 23-April 16
e Le arn
A ss
b a s h Are
o c i a tio
The mission of the Wabash Area Lifetime Learning
Association, Inc. (WALLA) is to offer intellectual, cultural,
and social opportunities for individuals 50 years of age
and older. Classes have been offered since the spring of
1993. There are no educational prerequisites to participate.
WALLA volunteers plan and coordinate classes, seminars,
tours, and social events. WALLA is a long-time member of
the Road Scholar Institute Network (Elderhostel.)
Classes are offered in a variety of subjects for a period of
four weeks each spring and fall. Participation in WALLA is
open to anyone in Tippecanoe County and the surrounding
WALLA, incorporated as a not-for-profit corporation,
is governed by an area-wide, twenty member, volunteer
Board of Directors. The Curriculum Committee plans
each session of classes. Presenters, drawn from Purdue
University and the surrounding communities, volunteer
their time and expertise. Several classes are peer-led.
Purdue University coordinates the WALLA program
through Purdue Extended Campus.
The 2015 Wabash Area Lifetime Learning Association,
Inc. (WALLA) spring classes will be held from March
23 through April 16.
WALLA classes will again be held at St. Andrew United
Methodist Church, 4703 N 50 W, West Lafayette. The
Church is easily reached by driving north in West
Lafayette on Salisbury to its entrance on the east side of
the road. The large parking lot on the south side of the
building has the easiest accessed door to our classrooms.
The parking spaces for handicapped registrants are close
to the building.
Please do not hesitate to ask questions. Those should
be addressed to the WALLA office or to Mary Gardner,
NOT to the Church office. Pertinent phone numbers
and email addresses can be found on the last page of this
brochure. The WALLA office will remain in room 209
at Morton and is staffed by volunteers most weekday
mornings except during the weeks of classes. During
those weeks continue to use 746-2006 to leave phone
Registrations are due by Friday, March 6. When
registering, please send both pages of the registration
form, which can be found in the center of this brochure.
A $75 fee allows you to register for up to 12 classes. There
are 27 classes, 9 of which are mini-courses. Watch the
start-up dates carefully for the class(es) you choose. If the
dates aren’t listed with the title, this indicates a full eightsession class on either Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/
Thursday. Specific dates are listed with each mini-course.
Space restrictions make it necessary to handle all
registrations on a first-come, first-served basis including
those with a size limitation already imposed on the
class. Waiting lists will be maintained.
Scholarships are available. For further information, call
Mary Gardner at (765) 494-5760 or (800) 359-2968, or
e-mail megardner@purdue.edu
Two luncheon programs, starting at 11:45 a.m., will be
held during the spring session. On Tuesday, March 31,
Reddy, Harmony, Hey Seed, and BIBO, members of the
Laffy-Ette chapter of Smiles Unlimited, will inform us
of the history of the organization and tell us how their
names, make-up and costumes are accomplished. On
Wednesday, April 8, local photographer, Al Knight, will
present a photographic journal: Visual Comparisons Fifty
Years Later: Vietnam and Cambodia.
Each luncheon costs $9. Because of space constraints
luncheon reservations should be made on the registration
form in this brochure. To be eligible for reimbursement
for missed reservations, cancellations must be made at
least one week in advance. To cancel a reservation, call Gail
Beck (765)-743-9920.
Brown bagging will still be an option with some
refrigeration available. Your confirmation letter will tell
of any food trucks scheduled.
Purdue University is an equal access/equal opportunity university.
Course Descriptions
Monday/Wednesday 9-10:15 a.m.
Pumping Rust
Charlene Watson, coordinator and presenter
Charlene, a retired health/physical education teacher and coach,
will lead the registrants in a variety of age-appropriate activities to
help with flexibility, balance, agility, coordination, strength, and
(on a lesser level) cardiovascular endurance. No special clothing
is required.
She will also be teaching Tuesday/Thursday at 9 a.m. You may
register for both times.
Monday/Wednesday 9-10:15 a.m.
Write Fiction Right
Barbara Krause, coordinator
Brianne Carpenter wrote her first “book”, about a swan and a fairy,
when she was five. She drew it in pencil on a series of post-it notes
before proudly sticking it together and giving it to her mom. Now,
as a MFA candidate---Poetry and a teaching assistant, she envies
her child-sense of completion. She didn’t hem or haw about what
would happen next; didn’t wring her hands trying to figure out
how to end the story. Now, it seems, writing fiction has become
tricky and full of questions.
Where do you start? How do you know what happens next? How
do you keep the characters from being too much like yourself or
your annoying neighbor? How do you make sure readers can see
what you see when you write about a place? How do you know
what information is important and what isn’t?
If you’ve encountered these or similar questions while writing,
this will be a great class for you. The main craft elements of
fiction (things like POV, characterization, structure, etc.) will be
explored through craft readings, short story readings, discussions,
and writing prompts.
Brianne will give introductions/pseudo-lectures on each craft
element, but the class will be largely discussion-based with daily
readings and writing assignments with helpful, constructive
All levels of fiction writers are welcome whether a first-time writer
or those revising a thousand-page novel. Limited to 15.
Monday/Wednesday 9-10:15 a.m.
Religious Literacy—what every American should
know about religion but doesn’t
Jim Moore, coordinator
Gary Steinhardt, professor of agronomy, will lead this class,
based on a book by Stephen Prothero, chair of Religious Studies
Department at Boston University. Dr. Prothero feels we need to
reexamine our religious education. The United States is one of the
most religious places on earth, but it is also a nation of shocking
religious illiteracy. This class will help registrants understand the
basic tenets of the various world religions.
3/25 Christianity in America
3/30 Roman Catholicism I
4/8 Guest Speaker/video
Monday/Wednesday 9-10:15 a.m.
MINI-COURSE: March 23, 25, 30 and April 1
A World Without Jesus
Rosemary Benner, coordinator
A wide variety of thinkers would argue that Jesus of Nazareth
has been the most influential human being in history. But what
specific, historical evidence is there for this extraordinary legacy?
Tim Burchill, senior pastor at St. Andrew United Methodist
Church, will teach this class looking at Roman society ‘Before’
the life and teaching of Jesus, and at western civilization ‘After’
the advent of Christianity.
Revolutionary changes in society’s world-view, including the
dignity of human beings, getting even vs. forgiveness, family
relationships (especially the place of women and children), the
separation of church and state, as well as common understandings
of virtue and the good life will all be examined. The material for
this class draws deeply from John Ortberg’s book, Who Is This
Man?, as well as a variety of secular histories and documentaries.
Each session will also include an example of a unique teaching
from the Christian scriptures.
Though the material may give rise to a variety of devotional
insights, this class is not primarily designed for Christian
discipleship, but rather cultural and historical appreciation of the
influence of this elusive and transformative world leader.
Monday/Wednesday 9-10:15 a.m.
MINI-COURSE: April 6, 8, 13 and 15
Gardening Potpourri XVI
Peggy Housley, coordinator and presenter
Diverse offerings for those who can’t wait for spring and playing
in the dirt.
4/6 The Life of Beatrix Potter. Beatrix Potter overcame obstacles
in Victorian England to become well-known as a writer
and illustrator of children’s books; a botanical illustrator;
gardener and conservationist.
Louisa Nelson, presenter
Birds in Your Garden. You will learn to identify common
garden birds of central Indiana and exotic cousins from
around the world. Playing “Bird Scramble” will increase
your skill.
Dorothy Jones, presenter
4/13 Weeds in Your Garden. Spring wakes up the good and the
‘not so good’ plants. Learn to call them by name as you
pull them out or spray them.
Thomas Housley, presenter
4/15 Getting Your Garden Space Ready. Eager gardeners are
excited to start. How do you get your space ready? How
do you refresh the soil? What should we start inside? When
should we start?
Peggy Housley, presenter
Monday/Wednesday 10:30-11:45 a.m.
The Skipped Generation:
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
Sally Gustafson, coordinator and presenter
When grandparents take on the responsibility of the care and
nurture of their grandchildren it can be for a number of reasons.
This might include domestic violence, loss of a parent, mental
or physical abuse, incarceration as well as financial, medical and
legal issues. One in 10 American children today lives with a
grandparent; among those, approximately 7.7 million children,
grandparents are the primary caregivers for 3 million children.
Presenters will provide personal experience and explore the roles
of available assisting organizations.
3/23 Grandparents’ Role in Domestic Violence
Allison Distefano, outreach coordinator, YWCA Domestic Violence Program
3/25 Is It Just a Mood or More?
Pattie Wollenburg, executive director of National Alliance for Mental Illness
3/30 Recognizing Abuse and Neglect and Reporting It
Angie Guimond, local Office Director, IN Department of Child Services
Continued next page
Skipped Generation (continued)
First Steps for New Grandfamilies?
Issues Facing Grandparents Today
A View From the Bench
Sally Gustafson, retired ESL teacher-administrator
Sgt. Cindy Marion, West Lafayette Police, Special Services
Judge Faith Graham, Tippecanoe County Superior Court, Number 3
4/13 Grandparents Raising Grandkids: Personal Views (a
Pat Braun, leader Girl Scouts and Children’s Groups; Denny Frank, retired
United Methodist pastor; Rich Frank, retired Eli Lilly analyst; Jim Moore, retired
Navy; Sally Gustafson, moderator
4/15 A Financial Perspective
Ronda Walsh Schwab, Edward Jones Financial Advisor
Monday/Wednesday 10:30-11:45
Views of the Cosmos as Seen By Hubble
James Mullen and Solomon Gartenhaus,
co-coordinators and presenters
The effectiveness of ground-based astronomical instruments is
severely limited by the earth’s atmosphere. This is due largely to the
normal turbulence in the air and, in part, due to the atmospheric
absorption notably in the infrared and in x-ray wavelengths.
To overcome these limitations, in the early 1990’s the Hubble
Telescope was launched into a near earth orbit above the earth’s
The core of this course is built around twelve lectures by the
astrophysicist, Professor David Meyer of Northwestern University;
he will present a variety of images of the cosmos taken by Hubble
showing more details than any human had ever seen previously.
These include a variety of stellar nebula, the collision of two
galaxies and examples of gravitational lensing. These two retired
physics professors will allow ample time for questions and
Monday/Wednesday 10:30-11:45 a.m.
MINI-COURSE/April 6, 8, 13, and 15
Indiana Agriculture History Stories
Jim Turley, coordinator
The Indiana Bicentennial gives us an opportunity to explore
the impact of the Land Grant College on the development of
agriculture and natural resources during its second hundred years.
Continued next page
Indiana Agriculture (continued)
A Photo Tour of the Legacy of Purdue Agricultural
Extension and Indiana Agriculture. Learn what it
was like at the turn of the 20th Century through
photographs taken by PU campus specialists and
county agents.
Fred Whitford, author, professor of botany and plant pathology, coordinator,
PU Pest Control Program
Our Agriculture Heritage and Appreciation–past,
present, and future
Tom Turpin, professor of entomology
4/13 The Beginnings and Impact of the Land Grant College
Vic Lechtenberg, special assistant to the President; former Provost and Dean
of the College of Agriculture
4/15 Early Purdue Experiment Station Process: an early PU
Ag Graduate in Action; 1901 graduate Almon Mace
and the Scott County Experiments
Jim Turley, 1961 PU Ag graduate; WALLA history presenter
Monday/Wednesday 1:15-2:30 p.m.
Images of the American West
Joe Krause and Don Parman, co-coordinators
The American West, however one defines or delineates it, has
stirred the imagination of artists since the earliest days of the
Republic. Was it the more familiar Appalachians, the broad
Midwestern rivers and valleys, the vast wild Great Plains or the
stupendous and challenging Rockies and Sierras, or rather was
it that great variety of people who had been there all along? The
painters and photographers observed and recorded what was
most majestic or poignant or just plain interesting. Experts and
an ensemble of WALLA participants will take us on a vivid visual
tour of the ever-changing American West.
There will be a visit to the Eiteljorg Museum of Indian and Western
Art in Indianapolis on Friday, April 10 (cost of $30 includes bus
and entrance fee.)
3/23 Overview of Western Art
James Nottage, Eiteljorg Museum curator
3/25 Photography of William Henry Jackson and Edward
Sheriff Curtis
Dwayne Daehler
3/30 Charles “Bird” King
Jim Moore
George Catlin
Karl Bodmer and Prince Maximilian
Frederic Remington
Tom Schott
Vince Green
David Parrish, professor of Visual and Performing Arts
Continued next page
American West (continued)
4/13 Charles Russell
Patrick Egan
4/15 Georgia O’Keefe
Mary Quinn
Monday/Wednesday 1:15-2:30 p.m.
Smart Phones, Electronic Tablets, the Software
Applications That Make Them Work, Other
Electronic Gadgets and Devices
Jim Moore, coordinator
New and emerging devices, wireless technologies and how they
can save time, improve efficiency, and make one’s daily life easier
will be presented. While the first 2 sessions will focus on the nonuser and person new to smart phones and tablets, the basics will,
however, be of interest to all. Other sessions will address the latest
releases and applications and how to use them. The last class will
be devoted to participants asking questions and telling of their
experiences. Veteran presenters, Mark McQuinn and Rickie Tate,
from Radio Shack will be joined by Nancy Hartman, WALLA
Webmaster and Technology chairwoman.
3/23 Why should I get a smartphone? Factors to consider in
making a purchase: vendors, carriers, coverage, contracts
and costs
3/25 Operating systems: Apple iOS, Android, Blackberry,
3/30 Leading and newly released devices, capabilities,
4/1 APS (Applications): Software that makes a smartphone
4/6 APS: Mail/texting, search, office suites, music, social,
health, news, weather, financial, photography, hobbies,
navigation, security
4/8 Electronic tablets, modems, routers, gateways, “wi-fi”,
“hot spots”
4/13 Latest electronic gadgets to compliment your phone and
enhance your life
4/15 Ask the experts, show and tell
Continued next page
Monday/Wednesday 1:15-2:30 p.m.
MINI-COURSE: March 23, 25, 30 and April 1
Tax This and That
Robert Pierret, coordinator and presenter
Robert, a local coordinator of the AARP TaxAide group, has
chosen a set of income tax topics that are of interest to the elderly
or are needed to provide a balanced overview of the tax return.
The effect of the Affordable Care Act on the 2014 tax return will
be given attention and both federal and Indiana state tax topics
will be considered.
3/23 Income. Topics will include the Self Employment Tax,
1099-MISC Nonemployee Compensation, Taxable
portion of Social Security, basis of stock sales, IRA
rollover and transfers, modified adjusted gross income
and Medicare Part B costs, and possible taxable income
associated with long term care benefits
3/25 Adjustments and Credits. Adjustments: topics will include
Deductible part of the Self Employment Tax, Penalty for
early withdrawal of savings, IRA deductions, Student Loan
Interest Deduction, Tuition and Fee Deductions. Credits:
topics will include the Foreign Tax Credit, Education
Credits, Dependent Care Credit, Child Tax Credit,
Additional Child Tax Credit, and the Earned Income
3/30 ACA and Miscellaneous topics. Topics include the effect
of the Affordable Care Act on the 2014 tax return, select
itemized deductions, the IRA Charitable Contribution,
Amended Returns, and Additional Tax on IRAs
4/1 Indiana State Taxes. Topics include Add Backs, Deductions,
Exemptions, the Unified Tax Credit for the Elderly, Indiana
College Credits, and the 529 Tax Credit
Monday/Wednesday 1:15-2:30 p.m.
MINI-COURSE: April 6, 8, 13 and 15
The Largest Experiment of Our Time
Jacques Delleur, coordinator and presenter
The world’s largest, most complex and most powerful scientific
instrument is the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN
(European Council for Nuclear Research) which is near the border
between France and Switzerland. The LHC was a collaboration
of over 10,000 scientists and engineers from over 100 countries.
It is used by physicists to gain insight into the laws of nature.
Purdue made contributions to the LHC. The film Particle Fever
which shows, among other things, the moment the Higgs boson
was discovered will be shown.
Continued next page
The Largest Experiment (continued)
Introduction to the Large Hadron Collider, start of
Particle Fever
Jacques Delleur, professor emeritus, Lyles School of Civil Engineering
The Large Hadron Collider, conclusion of Particle Fever
Solomon Gartenhaus, professor emeritus of physics
4/13 Purdue’s Collaboration with the LHC at CERN
Virgil Barnes, professor of Physics
4/15 Dark matter and dark energy, what is most of the stuff
in the Universe made of?
Rafael Lang, assistant professor of Physics
Monday/Wednesday 2:45-4 p.m.
The Play’s the Thing IX
Gail Beck, coordinator
This marks the ninth year that registrants will have the opportunity
to ‘cold read’ a variety of plays. Past sessions have shown that
participants have had an amazingly good time. Some have found
talent they didn’t know they had. Everyone appreciated laughing
together over comedy selections. The feeling with which readers
shared serious drama was unforgettable. The group has even tried
improv, with hilarious and unexpected results!
There is no memorization, no previous experience required, no
Come join us.
Monday/Wednesday 2:45-4 p.m.
MINI-COURSE: April 6, 8, 13 and 15
Northwest Indiana: the Third Coast
Mary Jo Pflum and Joe Krause, co-coordinators
Northwest Indiana is the home of great sand dunes, the south
shore of Lake Michigan (the only one of the Great Lakes entirely
within U.S. boundaries), a complex of railroads and interstates,
and major industries (both historic and current.) In that vital
crowded corner of Indiana live a great diversity of ethnic and racial
groups. Often misunderstood by people living “downstate,” the
Region has many fascinating tales to reveal. This class is a preview
of a trip planned for next summer and is open to all whether a
trip to Northwest Indiana is in your calendar or not.
4/6 History of the Dunes and the Struggle in Founding a
State and National Park
Mary Jo Pflum
Continued next page
Northwest Indiana (continued)
Great Lakes Shipping and its Importance to Northern
Nancy Hartman
4/13 Belle Gunness: More Dangerous Than John Dillinger!
Bruce Johnson, historical research, president of LaPorte County Historical
4/15 The Railroads of Northern Indiana
Bill Breining, retired electrical engineer
Monday/Wednesday 2:45-4 p.m.
MINI-COURSE: March 23, 25, 30 and April 1
Cells: The Units of Life (BIO 101)
Dorothy Jones, coordinator and presenter
This course is a brief introduction to life at its smallest. We’ll
explore the diversity and common properties of cells. We’ll look
at the ways cells live together and apart. If you took high school or
college biology a while ago, you’ll enjoy revisiting the fascinating
complexity of the basic units of life. This story about cells will
make you appreciate how very well organized you are, even on
days when you don’t think so.
3/23 What is a cell? We’ll start by looking at common life
processes and how cells are formed so as to continue
living. We’ll think about the way human beings historically
became acquainted with their cellularity and the cellular
nature of all life.
3/25 Cells that live alone: We’ll explore the amazing diversity of
single-celled organisms and their adaptations to marine,
fresh-water, soil and other habitats. We’ll examine evidence
for how cellular life has existed on the planet.
3/30 Cells that live together in balls, blobs and layers: Most
familiar life forms are not single celled. This class explores
ways that cells attach to one another and how the fact of
attachment affects a cell’s environment.
4/1 Cell specializations: Multicellular life forms develop cell
populations specialized to perform key functions for the
whole organism. In this last class, we’ll think about how
this occurs and look at examples of highly specialized
fungal, plant, and animal cells.
Spring 2015
March 23-April 16
Please return the entire
completed center section
with your check by
Friday, March 6.
A ss
b a s h Are
e Le arn
L if
o c i a tio
To complete your enrollment, please fill out the form below, indicating
on the following pages the class(es) you wish to take. The $75 fee
allows you to register for up to 12 classes, but only one class per time
slot. Watch the class dates carefully. Some class sizes are limited, and
registrations are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Complete
the registration form and return the entire form with your payment
by Friday, March 6, to:
Mary E. Gardner, Coordinator
Purdue Extended Campus
Stewart Center, Room 116
128 Memorial Mall
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2034
Daytime Phone (____________)_______________________
Please give us an emergency contact:
 Need shuttle service from bus stop.
 Request handicap parking space.
 Class(es) Registration
 Great Decisions materials fee
 Tuesday, March 31, Lunch
 Wednesday, April 8, Lunch
 Eiteljorg tour: Friday, April 10
Total enclosed
Make check payable to WALLA.
Purdue is committed to making its programs accessible to
individuals with disabilities. If you require an accommodation
or special assistance for this program due to a disability, please
contact us at 765-494-5760.
State_______________________ ZIP____________________
o Pumping Rust
Morning 9-10:15 a.m.
o Write Fiction Right
o Religious Literacy—what every American should know
about religion but doesn’t
o MINI-COURSE: March 23, 25, 30, and April 1
A World Without Jesus
o MINI-COURSE: April 6, 8, 13 and 15
Gardening Potpourri XVI
Morning 10:30-11:45 a.m.
o The Skipped Generation: Grandparents Raising
o Views of the Cosmos as Seen By Hubble
o MINI-COURSE: April 6, 8, 13, and 15
Indiana Agriculture History Stories
Afternoon 1:15-2:30 p.m.
o Images of the American West
o Electronic Gadgets and Devices
o MINI-COURSE: March 23, 25, 30 and April 1
Tax This and That
o MINI-COURSE: April 6, 8, 13 and 15
The Largest Experiment of Our Time
Afternoon 2:45-4 p.m.
o The Play’s the Thing IX
o MINI-COURSE: April 6, 8, 13 and 15
Northwest Indiana: the Third Coast
o MINI-COURSE: March 23, 25, 30 and April 1
Cells: The Units of Life (BIO 101)
o Pumping Rust
Morning 9-10:15 a.m.
o Beginning Digital Photography Editing
o Four Hitchcock Films from the Forties
Continued next page
Morning 10:30-11:45 a.m.
o Great Decisions 2015
o A Survey of Classical Music, Part Two
The Romantic Period
Afternoon 1:15-2:30 p.m.
o Four Famous Novellas (a repeat)
o How Great Historians Interpret the Past, Part 3
o MINI-COURSE: March 24, 26, 31 and April 2
Six Months That Changed the World: Paris 1919
o MINI-COURSE: April 7, 9, 14 and 16
A Visit with Four of Tippecanoe County Judges
Afternoon 2:45-4 p.m.
o The Rise of Molecular Biology
o Churchill
o Meet the Artist
Special Events: Box Lunches
Choose either date or both. Please indicate sandwich choice.
Tuesday, March 31, 11:45 a.m.
Cost: $9 per person
Smiles Unlimited
To cancel, call 743-9920 by 4 p.m., March 24.
 Roast Beef
Wednesday, April 8, 11:45 a.m.
Cost: $9 per person
Speaker: Al Knight, photographic journalist
To cancel, call 743-9920 by 4 p.m., April 1.
 Roast Beef
Visual Comparisons Fifty Years Later:
Vietnam and Cambodia
 Please send a brochure to:
Complete and return Entire center section
Course Descriptions
Tuesday/Thursday 9-10:15 a.m.
Pumping Rust
Charlene Watson, coordinator and presenter
Charlene, a retired health/physical education teacher and coach,
will lead the registrants in a variety of age-appropriate activities
to help with flexibility, balance, agility, coordination, strength,
and (on a lesser level) cardiovascular endurance. No special
clothing is required.
She will also be teaching Monday/Wednesday at 9 a.m. You may
register for both times.
Tuesday/Thursday 9-10:15 a.m.
Beginning Digital Photography Editing
Dwayne Daehler and Nancy Hartman,
co-coordinators and presenters
This class will concentrate on editing digital photographs using
Photoshop Elements. Presentations will include video tutorials
and hands-on presentations. Participants should plan on doing
homework with their own equipment to reinforce the lessons.
After the first session, a few participants during each class will
be able to share their edited photographs and get help from the
Topics covered: using Quick edit to fix basic problems including
red eye and pet eye; using Expert Edit to crop and resize; selecting
parts of your photography; using layers for special effects.
Participants should have Photoshop Elements 12 or 13 to
complete homework and a USB Flash Drive to share their
photographs in class. Limited to 20.
Tuesday/Thursday at 9-10:15 a.m.
Four Hitchcock Films from the Forties
Marshall Deutelbaum, coordinator and presenter
Having signed a contract with producer David O. Selznick,
Alfred Hitchcock arrived in the U.S. in 1939 to begin the
American chapter of his career. His working relationship with
Selznick was unpleasant; the producer felt free to interfere at
every stage of production including issuing orders to reshoot a
film’s ending that didn’t meet with his approval. Worse yet he
profited from having Hitchcock under contract by “loaning”
Hitchcock to other studios for sizeable fees. As we will see,
though Hitchcock resented this treatment of him, Selznick’s
strong literary values deepened the motivations of the characters
in Hitchcock’s films from what they had been in his English
films. And, as the Forties progressed, Hitchcock and his
writers created a series of psychologically acute and technically
impressive films that continue to fascinate audiences.
Tuesday/Thursday 10:30-11:45 a.m.
Great Decisions 2015
Jim Moore, coordinator and presenter
Great Decisions is an eight-session discussion program presented
annually by WALLA. Subjects are pre-selected by the Foreign
Policy Association which also produces supporting briefing
books and short videos featuring foreign policy experts and
global thinkers discussing each of the Great Decision topics.
Participants are expected to prepare for each discussion session
by reading the appropriate articles contained in the briefing
book. The required material fee is $22 which includes mailing
the book to each registrant. Limited to 32 participants.
3/24 Russia and the Near Abroad
Mary Quinn
3/26 Privacy and the Digital Age
Howard Magadanz
3/31 Sectarianism in the Middle East
James Moore
India Changes Course
U. S. Policy Toward Africa
Syrian’s Refugee Crisis
Ron Andres
Russ Noble
Al Williams
4/14 Human Trafficking in the 21st Century
Cele Freeman
4/16 Brazil’s Metamorphosis
Jacques Delleur
Tuesday/Thursday 10:30-11:45 a.m.
A Survey of Classical Music, Part Two
The Romantic Period
Gail Beck, coordinator and presenter
This is a continuation of the class begun in the Spring of 2014
which covered music basics as well as the music of the Middle
Ages through the Classical period. This second series will begin
with a brief review of the first four classical musical eras, then
move on to the Romantic composers and their work. Modern
classical music will be covered in the Fall of 2015.
3/24 Review of the Middle Ages through the Classical Era
3/26 Romanticism in Music (1820-1900), Romantic
Composers and their Public, the Art Song, Franz
Shubert, Robert and Clara Schumann
3/31 Frederic Chopin, Franz Liszt
4/2 Felix Mendelssohn, Program Music and Hector Berlioz
4/7 Nationalism in Music, Peter Ilyitch Tchaikovsky and
Bedrich Smetana
4/9 Antonin Dvorak and Johannes Brahms
4/14 The Opera: Giuseppe Verdi and Giacomo Puccini
4/16 Richard Wagner and Gustav Mahler
Tuesday/Thursday 1:15-2:30 p.m.
Four Famous Novellas (a repeat)
Cecilia Grenier, coordinator and presenter
Cecilia Grenier, PhD in comparative literature, returns with the
novellas, a favorite form for many of the world’s greatest novelists.
Its brevity and conciseness make it ideal for a WALLA session. In
each novella, the main character undertakes a literal or symbolic
journey. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, The Turn of the Screw, and The
Heat of Darkness are available at Von’s in modestly-priced editions
(Dover Thrift) or may be ordered from the Internet. Participants
will receive a translation of Gigi, as well as notes, study guides
and discussion questions for each novella. Participants may wish
to supplement their reading with any of the many film versions
of these novellas. Course limited to 20.
3/24 The Novella: Definitions, attractions and challenges.
Introduction to Robert Louis Stevenson: The Great
3/26 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: Journey into Destruction
3/31 Biography and Background of Henry James: Who would
have guessed that the author of such long and complex
novels would be a master of the novella?
4/2 The Turn of the Screw: Journey into Madness or a Haunted
4/7 Biography and Background of Joseph Conrad: A Man
Who Had Three Lives
Continued next page
Four Novellas (continued)
The Heart of Darkness: The Journey into Africa; the
Journey into Self
4/14 Biography and Background of Colette: The Demi-Monde
of Early 20th Century Paris
4/16 Gigi: A Journey of Self-Discovery, and Not Just for Gigi!
Tuesday/Thursday 1:15-2:30 p.m.
How Great Historians Interpret the Past, Part 3
Joe Krause, coordinator and presenter
This is a continuation of courses taught in Spring and Fall 2014.
Only those who have taken Parts I and II should enroll in this
final course. Lectures by Professor Allen Guelzo for the Teaching
Company will be augmented by PowerPoint presentations and
ample handouts. Beginning with the Whig Interpretation of
History and dealing with such diverse schools as The Romantics
and the Marxists, we will proceed to more general or universal
histories. American history will be dealt with in two separate
lectures. Finally, the class will try to answer for themselves what
The Value of History might be.
3/23 The Whig Interpretation of History
3/26 Romantic History
3/31 The Apocalypse of Karl Marx
4/2 Culture as History
4/7 Civilization as History
4/9 The American History Lesson
4/14 Closing the Frontier
4/16 The Value of History
Tuesday/Thursday 1:15-2:30 p.m.
MINI-COURSE: March 24, 26, 31 and April 2
Six Months That Changed the World: Paris 1919
Howard Magadanz, coordinator
The great political drama that took place at the Paris Peace
Conference continues to have repercussions today. Drew Casini,
retired industrial engineer and history buff, will use film clips,
Power Point, lectures and discussion to look critically into those
fateful six months. The peacemakers were confronted with a
world in fragments at the end of WWI. The old economic order
of 19th century capitalism and imperialism were disappearing.
Many challenges including revolution, ethnic nationalism,
disarmament, starvation were present. Iraq, Yugoslavia and
Palestine, among others, were born out of those ruins.
Continued next page
Great Historians (continued)
3/24 Paris Peace Conference: Setting the Stage
3/26 The Ottoman Empire: Creating the Middle East
3/31 The Austrian-Hungarian Empire: Reshaping Eastern
4/2 The German Empire: Finalizing the Treaty of Versailles
Tuesday/Thursday 1:15-2:30 p.m.
MINI-COURSE: April 7, 9, 14 and 16
A Visit with Four of Tippecanoe County Judges
Tom Schott, coordinator
This mini-course is designed to acquaint citizens with their
local Superior Court and Circuit Court judges and their
responsibilities. The Circuit Court is the only one established
by the Indiana Constitution.
4/7 Superior Court #4
Judge Laura Zeman
Superior Court #5
Judge Sean Persin
4/14 Superior Court #2
Judge Steven Meyer
4/16 Circuit Court
Judge Thomas Busch
Tuesday/Thursday 2:45-4 p.m.
The Rise of Molecular Biology
Mark Levinthal, coordinator and presenter
Sarita Levinthal will again assist as the “Genetics before DNA:
Gregor Mendel to Seymour Benzer” course continues. However,
an interested person can enjoy this class without its predecessor.
A revolution in genetics began in the mid-1930’s and came to
a pause about 1980. During this period a coherent outline of
the nature of life was put together. Genetics and cell biology,
the new branches of biology, developed in the beginning of the
20th century, were fused in its latter half into the seemingly
all-encompassing field of molecular biology. Powerful new
metaphors of information and chemistry were developed to
explain evolution in a more detailed and coherent way.
3/24 The One Gene-One Enzyme Hypothesis
3/26 The Chemical Metaphor for Biology
3/31 The Chemical Basis of Heredity is DNA
4/2 The Informational Metaphor for Biology
4/7 The Molecular Biology of the Gene
Continued next page
Rise of Molecular Biology (continued)
4/9 The Control of Gene Expression
4/14 The Integration of Genome Function
4/16 The Evolution of Complexity: A Unified Hypothesis
for Biology
Tuesday/Thursday 2:45-4 p.m.
Ned Derhammer, coordinator and presenter
Explore the life of this successful politician, brilliant orator,
gifted public servant, military innovator, and best-selling
author. Ned will use Great Courses lectures and articles from
The Wall Street Journal as the background for the discussion.
Lectures will include: Heritage and Destiny; Young Churchill;
On the Empire’s Frontier; Political Beginning; Churchill and
Controversy; Post-War Challenges; In the Wilderness; the Nazi
Menace; Rallying the Nation; The Tide of War Turns; Champion
of Freedom; and The Legacy of Churchill.
Tuesday/Thursday 2:45-4 p.m.
Meet the Artist
Dwayne Daehler, coordinator and presenter
The Lafayette region is blessed with an abundance of talented
artists. While a few are widely known, the majority are unknown
except for people who pay the closest attention to the local
vibrant arts scene. In this course participants will be introduced
to a different artist each session. They will show examples of
their work and tell their process for creation. The artistic media
to be presented this year include: painting, pastels, glass work,
wood work, jewelry, and a new medium—artistic paper-making.
You are in for a treat as you see these artists’ work and have the
opportunity to talk with them about their work.
2014-2015 Board Members
Vince Green, president......................................765-427-9056
Dennis Sorge, vice president..............................765-463-2281
Kathleen Connolly, secretary.............................765-567-2749
Gail Beck, treasurer...........................................765-743-9920
Mary Quinn, assistant treasurer.........................703-517-8520
Leslie Brost........................................................765-869-5176
Russell Clark, past president..............................765-447-1042
Sallie Cooke......................................................765-743-4969
Marshall Deutelbaum........................................765-497-1114
Patrick Egan......................................................847-636-1328
Peggy Housley...................................................765-743-2709
Dorothy Jones...................................................765-497-2348
Etta Lazaros, historian.......................................765-426-3860
Howard Magadanz............................................765-474-7024
Russell Noble....................................................765-838-1228
Ann Skadberg....................................................765-474-2234
Robert Slagel.....................................................765-474-1141
Linda Taulman..................................................765-474-1396
Charlene Watson...............................................765-474-9101
Alan Williams...................................................765-474-1941
Pennie Ainsworth, ex officio..............................765-775-5110
Erica Brown, ex officio......................................765-743-2261
Bess Witcosky, ex officio....................................765-775-5120
Mary Gardner, ex officio...................................765-884-0306
WALLA Committees and Chairpersons
Audio-Visual........................................................ Etta Lazaros
Audit.....................................................................Tom Schott
Board Development............................................James Moore
Curriculum.....................................Bob Slagel, Alan Williams
Finance.................................................................... Gail Beck
Newsletter and Publicity.................................Nancy Hartman
Office Advisory.......................... Dixie Frye, Charlene Watson
Officer Nominating.................................................Joe Krause
Programming..........................................................Joe Krause
Special Events..............................Jo Ellen Cox, Peggy Housley
Technology.....................................................Nancy Hartman
Webmaster.....................................................Nancy Hartman
For more information on WALLA, contact:
WALLA Coordinator, Purdue University
Mary Gardner, 765-494-5760
or 800-359-2968
E-mail: megardner@purdue.edu
WALLA Office, Room 209
Morton Community Center
E-mail: office@wallaonline.org
Visit our Web site at:
or visit WALLA via:
www.distance.purdue.edu then select Senior Programs
an affiliate of
Mary E. Gardner
Purdue Extended Campus
Stewart Center, Room 116
128 Memorial Mall
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2034