Dentigram One
Dentigram One
DENTIGRAM PATIENT LOYALTY SOFTWARE YOUR WORLD WITH DENTIGRAM FOR ENTERPRISES DESIGNED TO INCREASE CONVENIENCE & DECREASE EXPENSES FOR DENTAL ENTERPRISES EME NT Assign managers to adjust one location, multiple locations, a region, or an entire enterprise all with the click of ONE button. AL I Increase functionality for all of your enterprise locations Manage your enterprise or location’s campaigns based on customized permissions FUNCT ION Have ALL your practice management application data available to your patient communication module, not just bits and pieces. TY 01 MANAG 02 RTIN G 04 OP Customize reports based on enterprise, region or individual location 03 TIM I Z AT I ON Interject your staff or a live agent on your staff’s behalf in any automated workflow to ensure 100% of your patients receive the right message they need at that time. In addition, EVERYTHING is trackable and accountable with regard to your staff optimization. RE PO The right message is received by the right person at the right time on the right media Identify how one location performs against another, compare multiple locations, compare multiple regions, or analyze your entire enterprise through simplified analytics.