This Week`s Bulletin - the Sacred Heart Parish of Du
This Week`s Bulletin - the Sacred Heart Parish of Du
Sacred Heart of Jesus Church PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD MARCH 29, 2015 100 West Main Street, Du Quoin, IL 62832 618-542-3423 fax 618-542-5061 Immaculate Conception Church 533 W. 2nd North Street, Tamaroa, IL 62888 618-496-5867; Hall Rental 618-527-1251 Rev. Joseph Oganda Pastor HOLY MASS: See Mass Schedule RECONCILIATION- See Mass Schedule or Anytime by Appt. BAPTISM: During or after weekend Masses by appt. Must be a registered member and attend baptismal preparation session. MARRIAGE: At least six months prior notification to the pastor. Church Secretary :Sacred Heart - Kelly Paxton Immaculate Conception -Lorraine Sharp Maintenance: Sacred Heart: Tony Kellerman Parish Council President: Sacred Heart: Suzanne Majewski 496-5595 Immaculate Conception: Janet Harris 318-1649 SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH 542-3423 17 N WALNUT ST- DU QUOIN, IL 62832 876050 PROPHETIC ANOINTING The solemnity of today's readings invites us into silent contemplation of the mystery of our redemption. There are so many levels on which to understand the events of the Passion. The woman who anoints Jesus acts prophetically in a way that the other disciples do not yet grasp. Anointing is for priests, prophets, and kings, and also for the preparation of the dead. It is for healing and for holiness. Her action acknowledges the imminent events of the passion and death of the Lord, and points toward his resurrection and triumph over evil and death. He is priest and victim, prophet and God, King and Lord. All these things are acknowledged in her prophetic anointing. TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Is today "Palm Sunday" or "Passion Sunday"? Though now known officially as Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord, confusion is understandable, since before the 1969 reform of the calendar two separate Sundays bore these titles. Passion Sunday was a week before Palm Sunday. To add to the confusion, the Gospel accounts of the Passion of the Lord were not read on Passion Sunday, but on Palm Sunday! On Passion Sunday, the cross and statues were veiled in full purple drapes. The organ had fallen silent at the beginning of Lent, and now the sanctuary bells were replaced by wooden clappers. The introit (opening chant) for the old Mass of Passion Sunday hints at a reason for reform: "Do me justice, O God, and fight my fight against a faithless people" (Psalm 42). This liturgy was laden with references to the "infidelity" of the Jews, a theme that gave rise to inflammatory preaching and, in some places, attacks against the persons and property of the Jewish people. This does not stand as a "treasure" of any sort in our tradition. Our authentic tradition, rather, is the ability to reflect and repent and to seek reconciliation with the Jews, our brothers and sisters in the love and service of God. --Rev. James Field, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch March 29, 2015 SACRED HEART - DU QUOIN PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD MARCH 29, 2015 Mass Intentions Sunday, March 29 - PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD 8:30 am - Mass: Alice Eubanks by Parish Family Carole Krone by Betty Moss & Brenda Sims Art Ray by Harriet West & Pat Wolfe Families Carol Bowlin by Betty Moss & Brenda Sims Monday, March 30- Monday of Holy Week 6:45 am Mass-Catholic Extension Society Angelina Loiacono by Joe & Mary Beth Lane Loretta J. Schneider by Anton Re & Renee Tuesday, March 31 - Tuesday of Holy Week Wednesday, April 1 - Wednesday of Holy Week ADORATION 7:00 am—8:00 pm 5:30 pm - Combined Mass at Sacred Heart: Catholic Extension Society Venita Atkins by J. Mark Maclin Tracy Thompson by Betty Moss & Brenda Sims Thursday, April 2 –Holy Thursday 7:00 pm Combined Mass at Sacred Heart Catholic Extension Society Harold Pundsack by Joe & Della Wolfe Art Ray by Joe & Della Wolfe Friday, April 3 - Office Closed Friday of the Passion of the Lord (Good Friday) Holy Land Collection 3:00 pm Combined Passion of Our Lord Service John Davison by Diane & Craig Green Don Porter by Don & Alice Perryman Saturday, April 4- Holy Saturday Social Justice Weekend 8:00 pm - Easter Vigil Mass Herschel Siefert by Larry & Christine Hutson Frances Mc Luckie by David & Jenny Martin Lena Barnett by Don & Ruby Porter Sunday, April 5 - EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD Social Justice Weekend 8:30 am - Mass: Beatrice Yehling by Parish Family Chuck & Rita Martin by Betty & John Alongi Dominic & Ninfa Riggio by Pete & Mindy Riggio Brenda Holland by Don & Ruby Porter LITURGICAL MINISTERS Sacred Heart USHERS for the Month of March: Saturday, 5:00 PM: Allen Reaves, Jeremy Cornett, Guy H. Alongi, Jeff Robinson Sunday, 8:30 AM: Tony Kellerman, Joe Lane, Jim Derby, Sam Lioacono Wednesday, April 1, 5:30 PM Servers: Henry Born Lector: Doris Rottschalk Extraordinary Ministers: Richard & Doris Rottschalk Holy Thursday, April 2, 7:00 PM Gift Bearers: Steve & Janet Harris Servers: Maddie & Owen Cornett Lector: Krista Piotrowski Extraordinary Ministers: Hosts: Janet Harris Cups: Susan Heape, Gary Reidelberger, Elizabeth Wynn, Kelly Paxton Good Friday, April 3, 3:00 PM Gift Bearers: Ron & Donna Mann Servers: Andrew Derby & Henry Born Lectors: Richard & Doris Rottschalk Extraordinary Minister: Richard Rottschalk No Cups this day Holy Saturday, April 4, 8:00 PM Gift Bearers: Eddie & Kathy Rulevish Servers: Ron Mann & Henry Born Lector: Kathy Krisfaluzy Extraordinary Ministers: Hosts: Kathy Rulevish Cups: Tiffany Kujawa, Jenny Fronek, Donna Mann, Cyrilla Prusacki Easter Sunday, April 5, 8:30 AM Gift Bearers: Steve & Suzanne McCrary Servers: Gabby, John & Grace Alongi Lector: Steve Marek Extraordinary Ministers: Hosts: Ed Gast Cups: Tim Cobin, Joann Isom, Tom Murray, Rose Numi ADORATION Sympathy is extended to the family of Beatrice Yehling who passed away Wednesday, March 18th. May she rest in peace. Wednesday - April 1, 2015 Sacred Heart Church 7:00 am - 8:00 pm Palm Sunday Of The Passion of The Lord Sacred Heart Schedule Combined Sacred Heart/Immaculate Conception Sunday, March 29 PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD 8:00 am Rosary - Sacred Heart 8:00 - 8:15 am - Confessions –Sacred Heart 8:30 am - Mass Monday, March 30- Monday of Holy Week 6:45 am Mass-8:00 am - noon Quilting at Haffner Hall 9:00 am Rosary at Fairview Nursing & Rehab Center 7:00 pm Fourth Degree KC meeting at Du Bois Tuesday, March 31 - Tuesday of Holy Week 8:00 am - noon Quilting at Haffner Hall 11:30 am Chrism Mass at Cathedral 7:00 pm Choir practice Wednesday, April 1 - Wednesday of Holy Week ADORATION 7:00 am—8:00 pm 5:00 pm - Stations of the Cross 5:30 pm - Combined Mass at Sacred Heart: Thursday, April 2 –Holy Thursday 7:00 pm Combined Mass at Sacred Heart Friday, April 3 - Office Closed Friday of the Passion of the Lord (Good Friday) Holy Land Collection 2:00 pm Stations of the Cross at Sacred Heart 3:00 pm Combined Passion of Our Lord Service Saturday, April 4- Holy Saturday Social Justice Weekend 8:00 pm - Easter Vigil Mass Sunday, April 5 - EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD Social Justice Weekend 8:00 am Rosary - Sacred Heart 8:30 am - Mass K of C Coffee & Donuts at Haffner Hall after Mass MARK YOUR CALENDARS!! EVERYONE IS INVITED TO FAMILY FUNDAY POTLUCK ! HOLY WEEK - EASTER Palm Sunday: Saturday (SH) 5:00 pm/ Sunday (SH) 8:30 am Sunday (IC) 10:00 am Holy Thursday: 7:00 pm at Sacred Heart Good Friday: 2:00 pm Way of the Cross - Sacred Heart 3:00 pm Passion of the Lord - Sacred Heart Holy Saturday: 8:00 pm at Sacred Heart Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord: 8:30 am - Sacred Heart 10:00 am - Immaculate Conception Nursing Home Residents: Elmer Schafer, Marcia Stacey, Susan Farmer, Nila Martin, Irma Magnusson, Martha Rulevish. Jo Reidelberger, Liz Wilson, Mary Powless, Geraldine Kowzan, Evelyn Bechlofft, Lynn Finn, Mary North, Jewell Numi, Joe Wolfe, Stanley Wheatley. Sick: Josh Ritter, Janet George, John Isom, James Feger, Stanley Wheatley, Paisley Decker, Fr. Frank Wagner, Judy McCurdy, Bob Simmons, Henry Batts, Johnnie Olinger, Pauline Olinger, Susan Diercks, Tim Woods, Marian Whitson, Lisa Mohr, Elizabeth Thompson, Mary Russel. Names will remain in bulletin for 1 month. Military Personnel: Lt. Col Aaron S. Cowley, AFC Jordan Keller, MSgt. Thomas D. Sims, Sgt. Derek S. Sims, Sgt. Wesley Wright, PO3 John Kelley, SSgt. Patrick Kelley, SPC Mark Yanez, Air Force E3 Justin Decker, PFC Scott Clark, PV2 Jared Albers, Major Carly Sims, Major Cory Jones, SSgt. Caleb VanVoorhis, CPL Chase Porter. There will be a Forum to share how to energize youth in our parish. All young people are encouraged to attend. WHEN??? St. Bruno School 3rd Annual Spring Craft Fair! APRIL 19TH, 5:00 PM The ST. Bruno School will be hosting it’s 3rd Annual AT HAFFNER HALL! Spring Craft Fair and Quarter Auction on Saturday, SUFFERING Jesus did not come to do away with suffering or remove it. He came to fill it with his presence. --Paul Claudel April 18th - 4:00 to 9:00 pm at the KC Hall in Pinckneyville. It’s a FUN FAMILY EVENT!! 30 Vendors/Crafters/ Quarter Auction starts at 7:00 pm. Food available for purchase—Door prizes—50/50 Raffle! March 29, 2015 Immaculate conception - tamaroa PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD MARCH 29, 2015 Mass Intentions & Schedule Sunday, March 29- PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD 10:00 am Mass - Bill Harris by The Harris Family Holy Land Collection Monday, March 30– Monday of Holy Week Tuesday, March 31 - Tuesday of Holy Week 8:00 am Mass - Immaculate Conception Agnes Majewski by Rose Malanowski Walter Schneider by Loretta C. Schneider Catholic Extension Society 11:30 am—Chrism Mass at Cathedral Wednesday, April 1 - Wednesday of Holy Week ADORATION 7:00 am—8:00 pm 5:00 pm - Stations of the Cross 5:30 pm - Combined Mass at Sacred Heart: Catholic Extension Society Bob Emling by Bob & Fran Stewart Harold Pundsack by Janet & Tom Murray No RCIA Thursday, April 2 –Holy Thursday 7:00 pm Combined Mass at Sacred Heart Friday, April 3 - Office Closed Friday of the Passion of the Lord (Good Friday) Office Closed 2:00 pm Stations of the Cross at Sacred Heart 3:00 pm Combined Passion of Our Lord Service Saturday, April 4- Holy Saturday 8:00 pm - Easter Vigil Mass Rita & Chuck Martin by Jerry & Rita Harsy Julia Refka & dec. Getzie family by Jim & Dee Getzie Wanda June Maksin by Don & Alice Perryman Sunday, April 5 EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD 10:00 am Mass - Bill Harris by The Harris Family LITURGICAL MINISTERS Immaculate Conception Holy Thursday, April 2, 7:00 PM Gift Bearers: Steve & Janet Harris Servers: Maddie & Owen Cornett Lector: Krista Piotrowski Extraordinary Ministers: Hosts: Janet Harris Cups: Susan Heape, Gary Reidelberger, Elizabeth Wynn, Kelly Paxton Good Friday, April 3, 3:00 PM Gift Bearers: Ron & Donna Mann Servers: Andrew Derby & Henry Born Lectors: Richard & Doris Rottschalk Extraordinary Minister: Richard Rottschalk No Cups this day Holy Saturday, April 4, 8:00 PM Gift Bearers: Eddie & Kathy Rulevish Servers: Ron Mann & Henry Born Lector: Kathy Krisfaluzy Extraordinary Ministers: Hosts: Kathy Rulevish Cups: Tiffany Kujawa, Jenny Fronek, Donna Mann, Cyrilla Prusacki Sunday Mass, April 5, 10:00 AM Extraordinary Ministers: Gary Reidelberger, Majewski, Mary Nippe Lector: Krista Piotrowski Diana IMMACULATE CONCEPTION NEWS & EVENTS “Thank You” to everyone who worked at the Immaculate Conception Breakfast on Sunday 3/15/15 and also to everyone who donated prizes, money or helped in any way to make it a success. Total was $1,433—half will go to the Education Fund and the other half will go to the General Church Fund. Thanks again for all your help!! Immaculate Conception Altar Society will have a meeting in the Parish Hall on Monday, April 6th at 7:00 pm. Hope to see you there! Today—Palm Sunday—we will have the Good Friday Holy Land Collection due to the combined Good Friday Mass being held at Sacred Heart. Palm Sunday Of The Passion of The Lord Du Quoin Ministerial Alliance—Palm Sunday March “Journey to the Cross” Sunday, March 29th at 12:00 pm. Meet outside Toler’s Do It Best on East Main St., then march to Keyes Park. Rides will be available back to your cars. You can park at the lot at Toler’s and along Main St. BRING YOUR PALM BRANCHES! Are you looking to put Christ in your marriage? Deepen your communication, rekindle your romance and renew your sacrament by attending the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend on April 24 – 26. To register or for more information call 314-469-7317 or go online to Lenten Retreat Day: Sr. Barbar Fiand, SSDeN, will present a day of spiritual enrichment, entitled, “Spirituality and the New Science”, on Saturday, April11 9:00 am—2:30 pm, at Fischer’s Restaurant in Belleville, IL. Sr. Barbara teaches and gives lectures around the country and is the author of In The Stillness You Will Know and Where Two or Three Are Gathered. Cost: $30.00, includes lunch. For information to preregister, see posted flier or call 526-7063 or 277-7594. Sponsored by Faithful of Southern Illinois. HOLY LAND COLLECTION—GOOD FRIDAY On April 3 our parish will take up the annual Good Friday Collection for the Holy Land. Your financial contribution helps to support the struggling Christian community there and to protect Christianity’s holiest place. Please be generous. (There will be a second collection) WAKE UP THE WORLD! 2015 Year of Consecrated Life Religious life ought to promote growth in the church by way of attraction. The church must be attractive. Wake up the world! Be witnesses of a different way of doing things, of acting, of living!...It is this witness that I expect of you. Religious should be men and women who are able to wake the world up. -POPE FRANCIS, meeting with the Union of Superiors General, Nov. 29, 2013 Question Corner Fr. Ken Doyle answers the question: What are the Catholic guidelines with regard to eulogies at funeral Masses? Andrew Cuomo's eulogy at his father's funeral has prompted a number of questions from Catholics. It has also created a certain awkwardness for parish priests, who are called upon daily to minister to grieving families while remaining faithful to the liturgical guidelines of the church. The general rule is clear: Eulogies at Catholic funerals are discouraged. The General Instruction of the Roman Missal (the rubrics that serve as a preface to the large red book that the priest reads from at the altar) says simply in No. 382: "At funeral Masses there should usually be a short homily, but to the exclusion of a funeral eulogy of any kind." The reason for limitations on eulogies has to do with the nature and purpose of a funeral Mass. The liturgy should be focused on the promise of eternal life and the eventual hope of reunion. It is not meant to be a canonization of the deceased. Instead it is a tribute to the merciful love of Christ and to the victory over death won by Jesus, together with the prayerful plea that the merits of that victory be extended now to the person being prayed for. On Tuesday of Holy Week, March 31, 2015, The Most Reverend Edward K. Braxton will celebrate the Mass of Chrism in our Cathedral of Saint Peter in Belleville. The Mass will begin at 11:30 AM. The Chrism Mass is one of the principal expressions of the life of our Local Church. On this day, the Priests and the Christian Faithful of the Diocese gather around Bishop Braxton as he consecrates the Sacred Chrism and blesses the Oil of the Catechumens and the Oil of the Sick. The Chrism Mass is celebrated in every cathedral in the world in preparation for the Easter Triduum. Only a bishop can consecrate chrism, pure olive oil infused with rich fragrance, so this liturgy is a sign of the unity of the local Church and the bishop's ministry to all who will be baptized and confirmed in our parishes in the coming year. Chrism is also used in the ordination of priests and bishops and the consecration of new altars. Two other sacramental oils, the unscented olive oil for catechumens and for the sick, will be blessed in the same liturgy and transported carefully to every parish by the beginning of the Triduum. Remember when Noah's dove returned with the sign of the world's rebirth? The dove carried an olive branch, a pledge that God was breathing the world to life again. Yet olives require human nurture. Olives are inedible unless they are cured by human labor. Olive trees grow on sunny slopes, away from the shade of city walls, so they can only be properly tended, cured, and laboriously pressed in peace time. The Chrism Mass with its olive oils expresses God's deepest desires for us, and our resolve to place our lives in service to God's saving, healing, loving plan.