REPUBLIKA NG PILIPEVAS REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES KAGAWARAN NG EDUKASYON DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION REHIYON VII, GITNANG VISAYAS REGION VII, CENTRAL VISAYAS Sudlon, Lahug, Cebu City DEPARTMENT I OF EDUCATION March 26, 2015 REGIONAL MEMORANDUM No.1 A a. 2015 SUBMISSION OF THE LIST OF CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANIZATIONS (CSOs) fH&f' WILL BE INTERESTED IN DOING WORK ON TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY IN EDUCATION To Schools Division /City Superintendents Qffieers-in^Charge of Regular Divisions 1. The Department of Education has long been engaging civil society organizations (CSQs) for various transparency and accountability initiatives. Going deeper into our engagement with CSOs, the Department envisions a sustained partnership by taking proactive measures that will hopefully facilitate the entry of CSOs into the participatory mechanisms available, e.g. budgeting, procurement, school-based monitoring and Agency Procurement Compliance Performance Indicators (APCPI). 2. An identification of relevant local CSOs interested in doing work on transparency and accountability in education is a starting point for this sustainabiiity. Central Office in partnership with Ateneo School of Government (ASoG), will be conducting a series of orientation-workshops for these CSOs to get their commitment and link them up with the DepED field units for actual engagement, most especially for the APCPI Confirmation Exercise which is required by trie-Government Procurement Policy Board (GPPB) Resolution No. 10712 dated June 1,2012. 3. As such, we are requiring the Division Offices to submit the List of CSOs using the attached template. Among the CSOs working within the region are the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) and the DepEd Division Offices. 4. Attached to this Memorandum are pro-forma letters to the DILG and Division Offices and the CSO templates. The Consolidated Lists of CSO shall be submitted by the Regional Office to the DepED Central Office through the Procurement Service on or before April 3, 2015. Your prompt submission is very much appreciated. 5. You may direct your queries or clarifications to Mrs. Eliza S. Felix at Telephone Number. 02-6366542 or Jenet Nadura (02^6353762 of DepED-Procurement Service ( The Government Watch (G-Watch) of ASog will also get in touch with you for the conduct of APCPI Confirmation Exercise in the pilot regions. G-Watch may be reached at (02) 920-2920, (02) 426-6001 local 4644 or government_\ 6. For immediate dissemination and stri / /JULIET L JERUTA, Ph.D., CESO V J /Director ill "icer-in-Charge Incl.: As stated JAJ/MCG/myd Regional Director's Office: Tel. nos.: (032) 231-1433; 231-1309; Telefax 414-/7399; 414-7325; Asst. Regional Director's Office Telefax: (032) 255-4542; Field Effectiveness Division: (032) 414-7324; Curriculum Learning Materials Division (032) 414-7323; Quality Assurance and Accountability Division: (032) 231-1071; Resource Mobilization and Special Programs and Projects Division: (032) 254-7062; Training and Development Division: (032) 255-5239 loc. 112; Planning, Policy and Research Division: (032) 233-9030; 414-7065; Administrative Division: (032) 414-7326; 255-1313; 414-7366 414-4367; Budget and Finance Division: (032) 256-2375; 253-8061; 414-7321 Website: " £$CL 2C1S: SCaxapatan nq, £ahat, To: Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Undersecretary, Finance & Administration Pengalawang Kalihim Tel. No. 633-93-43 Fax 631-96-40 March 17,2015 DIR. JULIET A. JERUTA PhD QIC Regional Director Region VII Sudlon, Lahug, Cebu City Dear Dir. Jeruta:: The Department of Education (DepEd) has long been engaging civil society organizations (CSOs) for various transparency and accountability initiatives. Going deeper into our engagement with CSOs, the Department envisions a sustained partnership by taking proactive measures that will hopefully facilitate the entry of CSOs into the participatory mechanisms available, e.g. budgeting, procurement, school-based monitoring and Agency Procurement Compliance Performance Indicators (APCPI). An identification of relevant local CSOs interested in doing work on transparency and accountability in education is a starting point for this sustalnablliiy strategy. The Central Office, in partnership with the Ateneo School of Government (ASoG), will be conducting a series of orientation-workshops for these CSOs to get their commitment and link them up with the OepEd field units for actual engagement, most especially for the APCPI Confirmation Exercise which is required by the Government Procurement Policy Boaid (GPPB) Resolution No. 10-2012 dated June 1,2012 As such, we asK the Regional Offices to submit the lists of CSOs using the attached template. The Regional Office is directed to consolidate the lists of the CSO In the region. Among the sources of Information on the CSOs working within the region are the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) and the OepEd Division Offices. Attached to this Memorandum are pro-forma tetters to the DILG and Division Offices and the CSO templates. The Consolidated lists of CSO shall be submitted by the Regional Office to the DepED Central Office, through the Procurement Service on or before 3 April 2015. Your prompt submission is very much appreciated. You may direct your queries or clarifications to Ms. Eliza S. Felix at Tel. No, (02) 6366542 or Jenet Nadura (02)6353762 Of DepEd-Procurement Service ( or The Government Watch (G-Watch) of ASoG will also get in touch with you for the conduct of APCPi Confirmation Exercise in the pilot regions. G-Watch may be reached at (02) 920-2920, (02) 426-6001 local 4644 or govemment_watch@yahoo,com For your compliance. ;iSCOM.Wi.RELA Undersecretary for Finance and Administration Page:2 To: (Sample Template) TO: SDS_ FROM: Regional Director This is in relation to Hie attached letter from the Office of the Undersecretary for Finance and Administration, dated March 17, 2015 regarding the participation of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in the Agency Procurement Compliance Performance Indicators (APCPI), among other participatory mechanisms available. The said participation of CSOs in the APCH is in view of sustaining the CSO engagement in the Department for transparency and accountability. The GPPB Resolution No.lQ-2012 dated June 1, 2012 provides for such participation in Uie Confirmation Exercise of APCPI Results of each Procuring Entity. Wilhin the Department, it can he noted that CSO participation has been institutionalized through DepEd Order No. 59, series of 2007. The Department will now be taking proactive measures to get the CSOs onboard and have them engage venues for participation through the following: budgeting (Budget Partnership Agreement); procurement monitoring (through the GPRA provision on CSO Observers); school-based monitoring (of major inputs such as provision of school buildings, school furniture and textbooks); and most recently, the APCPI. As a starting point for such participation, DepEd field offices will conduct a mapping and screening of CSOs from the locality and from thereon, will invite them to orientation-workshops to be delivered by (lie Central Office with the Ateneo School of Government (ASOG). Specifically, the Division Offices are asked to do a scanning of CSOs using the template provided. It is very much appreciated if you can send back the accomplished form on or before 31 March 2015. This mapping will form the basis of the CSOs to lie invited by the Regional Office for the orientationworkshops. You may direct your queries «r clarifications to for your compliance. Signed: Regional Director at . lo: Pase:3 (Sample Template) Date: NAME OF REGIONAL Regional Director - Region _ Department of the interior and Local Government Dear Director. Greetings! The Department of Education (DepEd) has long been engaging civil society organizations (CSOs) for various transparency and accountability initiatives. Going deeper in our engagement with CSOs, the Department envisions a sustained partnership set up by taking proactive measures that will hopefully facilitate the entry of CSOs into the participatory mechanisms available. An identification of relevant local CSOs interested in doing work on transparency and accountability in education is a starting point for this sustainability strategy. On this note, we ask for your assistance in providing us with the list of CSOs engaged in local governance participatory mechanisms, through the Bottom-Up Budgeting (BuB), Client Satisfaction Index Survey (CSIS), Local School Board (LSBs), or even local governance centers, among others. This list will heip us identify relevant CSOs who may be interested in engaging DepEd at the local level. A template for this CSO Mapping is attached. It is very much appreciated if the accomplished form is sent to us on or before 27 March 2015. Our staff will get in touch with your office for this request. Should there be clarifications, we may be reached at (Attn: ). We look forward to your prompt response. Thank you very much! Very truly yours, NAME OF REGIONAL DIRECTOR Regional Director TEMPLATE for CSO Mapping (To be accomplished by the DILG Regional Office) REGION: Name of Organization Name of Head & Position 1, Contact Information (Address /Phone Number/s & Email) i Sector Years in and Scope of Operation Engagement at the local level (BUS, LSB, CSIS, etc) Address: Contact Number/s: Email Address: Address: Contact Nranber/s; Email Address: Address: Contact Number/s: Email Address: Address: Contact Number/s: Email Address: Address: Contact Nurnber/s: Email Address: Address: Contact Number/s: Email Address: Address: 2. 3. 4. 56. 7. Contact Number/s: Email Address: Address: Contact Number/s: Email Address: Address: Contact Number/s: EmaiJ Address: Address: Contact Number/s: Email Address: 8. 9, 10. "0