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PDF version - parkendcardiff.org.uk
March 2015
Leading worship PALM SUNDAY
Sunday 29th March 2015
11am & 6pm
Rev John James
Retired Baptist Minister,
Don’t rush away!
Stay and chat; if you are new or
visiting, introduce yourself to us!
Refreshments should be served at
the front of the church after
the 11 o’ clock service.
SUNDAYS 7.30pm
Josh & Alanna Parmar
[Youth Fellowship for 14 – 18s
Also on Thursdays 7.30 – 9pm]
Prayer Time
For those who would like to
receive a time of quiet prayer
after the morning or evening
service, elders can be found in
the vestry. If, however, you
would like prayers said for
yourself, or another, at our
weekly prayer meeting, please
place your request in the
prayer box at the back of the
March Prayer
Topics should
be available.
Ralph & Jackie Barker are moving to
Norwich soon and will have to give up the
valuable work they do for Christian Aid
Week at Park End.
Can you help?
We need 2 volunteers to take over the
organisation of the street collection –
see printed notices for details.
Park End Church, Llandennis Rd, has run their first
Christianity Explored, an informal 7-week course for
people who'd like to investigate Christianity, or just brush up
on the basics. Looking at Mark's gospel, it explores who
Jesus is, why he came, and what it means to follow him.
If you would like to be part of a new group
please contact:
Rev Robert Bebb:
029 20 753 658  robbebb@hotmail.com
Nick Perry
029 20 756 427  nickj_perry@yahoo.co.uk
Are you a tax payer?
If you do not use the membership envelopes, or
donate by direct debit, we can still claim the tax
back on your donation under the Gift Aid scheme,
if you place it in the white envelopes in the pew
and complete the front.
If you can’t find
one in your pew
they are available
at the back of the
church. You’ll find
pens there too!
Make your collection
go further!
New Newsletter is available at back of church
from Steve Harris, an independent Children’s
Evangelist, who lives by faith. He has led
groups for us
here at Park End and values the
support we give him.
Please take one.
Read and pray
about his work with
young people.
Facebook Page
The Net Cardiff
The website is designed to provide Good News
stories, support and information about events to
name just a few aspects of the site.
VISIT www.thenetcardiff.org.uk TODAY!
…the Quiet
Quiet Space in Llanishen is a project
of Llanishen & District Churches
Together, serving the local
The Quiet Garden can be found in the
grounds of the Methodist Church,
Melbourne Road (off Fidlas
More information
can be found on Road),Llanishen, and is open to the
public every day during daylight
the Churches
For special events and services, take
a leaflet from the back of the church
or see later slides.
Put these dates in your diary now!
Check your printed notices, church
website and the posters around the
church for regular events and further
Park End Mother & Toddler Group
1.30pm - 3.15pm
50p per family for squash and
For more
information contact:
biscuits for the children and tea / coffee for adults
Anyone with pre-school children is very welcome. We
are a friendly group of people and aim to provide a happy
place for the children to play and for mums, dads, grand parents and carers to meet others in similar circumstances.
We have a lot of fun and enjoy lots of activities - playing
with pastry; crafts; book, card & chocolate sales; photo
session - and we are always “partying”!!! We now have
a story time built in for older children which has proved
very popular. At the end of each session we enjoy some
singing and dancing. Many charities benefit from our
Iris Taylor
(029) 20 752 270
Sue Cooke
(029) 20 750 071
Come and join us!
For more information contact:
Young adult and student group
for 18+
Fellowship, discussion
and lots of fun!
Starts 7.30pm
Usually at the Parmar household
but venue may vary depending on
activities planned
Josh & Alanna Parmar
 japarmaryouth@hotmail.co.uk
Church Prayer
Open to all
Middle Hall
4 – 5.15pm Thursdays during Term Time
HERE at Park End Church
Weekly Children’s Club
for children in Reception up to and including Y5
Crafts, Games, Music, Stories, Quizzes and much more
Never too
late to start!
Concerned about your
weight, but need that
extra incentive?
Lose pounds
and save the roof!
6.30 – 7.00pm
Pop into the vestry and be
weighed (discreetly)
Suggested donation
£1 per week
Ladies and Gents welcome
Over 16 year olds only, please
during LENT
12noon – 1pm
Don’t miss these tasty soup,
bread and cheese lunches of Lent
raising money for Christian Aid.
Suggested donation £2-50
There will be a box on the table at the rear of the church for
those who are unable to attend the lunches but would like to
make a donation. Diolch yn fawr.
Drop in for
coffee and chat HERE!
First Saturday of the month –
Fair Trade Stall as well
Making Good Sense
of the Bible
Pilot for new Bible
Society resources
Cafés will run for
6 weeks, 8pm – 9.30pm
Check out details on CICC
website and email them if
Glenwood Church
CF23 6UW
you would like to join these
FREE sessions
Session 6: Making Good Sense OURSELVES
– How can the Bible help?
[Fliers at back of church]
Richmond Road, CF24 3UR
Activities for all ages together
Something for everyone - come and join us!
Timetable - flexible!
3.45 ~ 4.15pm
Arrive, relax, have a cup
of coffee, play games,
4.15 ~ 5.00pm
Craft time!
5.00 ~ 5.15pm
Celebration Service
5.15 - 6.00pm
Hot meal together working partners
welcome to join us too, if
they’ve finished work.
The place to be!
7 – 8.30pm
Josh or Alanna
for details (see next slide)
Fortnightly, Youth Club
for school years 6 – 9
Are you in school years 6-9?
Do you like hanging with your mates?
Do you need something to do on a
Wednesday night between 7:00pm - 8:30pm?
Then we’ve got just the thing for you
Hang out, have fun and enjoy…
Running on alternate Wednesday nights HERE.
For more info please contact Josh & Alanna Parmar @
 japarmaryouth@hotmail.co.uk
Information for
9.30am – 4pm
Future Inn, Cardiff
Hemingway Road
CF10 4AU
See Posters
Prayer Breakfast!
Join us for breakfast and prayer
to seek God’s will for Park End.
Arrive any time after 8am for a
PROMPT 8.30am start.
Grace…Breakfast, sharing concerns…
Prayer in small groups
Leave as you need - last one out, locks up!
Venue: The Manse,168 Lake Road East
ALL WELCOME, but let us know if you plan
to be there!  029 20 753 658
Spring Fayre
10am – 1pm
See more slides further on for
how to donate goods
Variety of Stalls
10.30am – 12noon
Refreshments Available
Registered Charity No. 1133881
Hall Available for Hire Tel: 20752523
Disabled access at rear of church)
Coffee Morning
11am onwards
Bacon butties served
from 12(ish)
Cardiff's biggest Easter Celebration
Following last year’s hugely
successful Glory of Easter,
Cambrensis and guests return to tell
the Easter story in their own
inimitable style. Cambrensis Choir
and Orchestra are joined again by
the large St David's Praise Choir with
a programme which includes new
and familiar songs and hymns in
many different styles. Music
Directors Jeffrey Howard and Anne
Brown. This is a perfect way to start
the celebration of Easter week.
The Quiet Garden
In the grounds of
Llanishen Methodist
Pick up a leaflet from
the back of the church
Monthermer Road, CF24 4QY
Did Jesus Rise
from the Dead?
Peter S.
Damaris Trust,
Church, 7.30pm.
Put these dates in your diary now!
Check your printed notices, church
website and the posters around the
church for regular events and further
Maundy Thursday
HERE at Park End
All are welcome to this
special reflective
service at which we
commemorate the
Lord’s Last Supper.
11am HERE
at Park End
Service of Meditation
on the Cross
Stay for lunch…
Would YOU like to join in singing
something special for EASTER HERE in
Park End?
We’d love to have
your voices join us!
First Rehearsal on GOOD FRIDAY (3rd April)
after the Lent Lunch (~1pm)
[See printed notices for more details]
Prayer Link
Joint Monthly Prayer Sessions 2015
Take part in up to an hour of shared prayer and meditation (more
or less structured) with other local Christians at a different host
church within our Llanishen and District association.
Park End
Annual Post Easter
Llanishen Methodist Church
Hall, Melbourne Road
7 for 7.30pm
Whitchurch Methodist Church, Penlline Road
Organised by the churches for Cardiff North
Chair: Prof. Kevin Morgan
Written questions should be submitted before the
start do that a range of questions can be covered.
For more information contact Gillian Peace
0752 806 9961
The Quiet Garden
In the grounds of
Llanishen Methodist
Pick up a leaflet from
the back of the church
Fancy a trip to Tenby
in June?
Now is the time to
book your place…
This will be our fifth church outing to
Tenby. You can spend the day lazily on the
beach, energetically joining in the games,
wander round the town or take a boat over
to Caldey Island. You could even go
Whatever you decide to do you will enjoy
good fellowship, good fun. Usually the
weather is good to us, but even in poorer
weather we have a great time!
Coach will leave Park End at 8am; £10 per adult, £5 children
The coach trip is not restricted to Park
Enders and we encourage members to take
this opportunity to invite family and friends
to join us for a wonderful day out.
If you’re on your own you will
find plenty of fellowship.
Don’t let money be an issue.
Have a chat with Nick and he
will try and sort something out.
Sign the list at the back of the church asap
We are a collecting point for
this valuable work. We
normally collect on the third
Sunday of every month.
Leaflets about the
Foodbank are
available at the
back of the church
or ask Sue Roberts.
Supermarket collections
Saturday 11th April
- MORRISONS – Cardiff Bay
Please let Catherine Williams know if you can help
Cardiff Foodbank, Unit N5, Cardiff Bay Business Centre,
Titan Road, Cardiff, CF24 5EJ.
 029 2048 4120
Foodbank Feb newsletter available at back of church
If the answer is
Sainsbury’s then maybe
you can help our Scout
If you are not collecting vouchers
for anyone else, please donate
them to us at the
61st Scout Group
Diolch yn fawr!
Vouchers can be placed in the box in the foyer
or given to any of the Scout Group leaders.
2 – 3 May 2015
Can you help?
Catholic Family Conference at
Corpus Christi High School
If you could host delegates,
please contact
0783 492 0545
It is also possible to hear the sermons again via
the website. They are usually available from
Tuesday after the service.