Erasmus Course on Magnetic Resonance Image. EMRI.
Erasmus Course on Magnetic Resonance Image. EMRI.
Course Venue: Fundación Universidad-Empresa de la Universitat de València - ADEIT Plaza Virgen de la Paz, 3 (located behind Santa Catalina Church), 46001 Valencia, Spain Tel: + 34 963 262 600 Fax: +34 963 262 700 h á ë ì ~ ä TIN: G46470738 Bank: La Caixa Fee includes course lectures and workshops, syllabus, coffee breaks, lunches, reception and course dinner. Bank Account: 2100-1381-14-0200165249 Course Registration and Information IBAN: IBAN ES31 2100 1381 1402 0016 5249 Ana Serrano ( Phone: 0034 962057911 For further details, visit the module website : SWIFT Code: CAIXESBBXXX Erasmus Course on Magnetic Resonance Image. EMRI. Breast and Female Imaging Erasmus Course Valencia Valencia 14 -16 May 2015 Sponsored by Organized by Residents (with certification): € 600 Deadline for registration April 15th, 2015 Accomodation Casual Hotel Valencia** SH Ingles*** Ayre Hotel Astoria Palace**** s Holder: Fundación Universidad-Empresa de Valencia Town: Plaza del Mercado, nº 40. 46001 Valencia Certified radiologist General: € 750 = Bank Account Limited participation! Registration Fee É ó Science For a Better Life Breast and Female Imaging Erasmus Course Valencia Date Topic May 14 9:00 Talk Speaker Welcome/Introduction J Camps MRI in endometriosis K Kinkel Local Organiser: K Kinkel Julia Camps-Herrero. Hospital de la Ribera. Alzira, Valencia A Rockall Continuing Medical Education (CME) Adnexal masses A Rockall Endorsed by the Spanish Society of Breast Imaging (SEDIM) Female Pelvis Workshops (60 minutes) Kinkel and Rockall 9:00-9:45 Fetal MRI Fetal MRI: basic imaging D Prayer 10:30-11:30 Fetal MRI Workshops (60 minutes) D Prayer 9:15-10:00 Female Pelvis 10:45-11:30 Female Pelvis 10:00-10:45 11:30-12:00 12:00-12:45 12:45-13:30 13:30-14:30 14:30-15:30 May 15 9:45-10:30 11:30-12:00 12:00-12:45 12:45-13:30 13:30-14:30 14:30-15:15 15:15-16:00 Female Pelvis Coffee Break Female Pelvis Female Pelvis Lunch Fetal MRI Coffee Break Female Pelvis Breast Lunch Breast Breast MRI Female Pelvis. Technique and reporting MRI in cervical cancer staging Imaging and radiation Oncology Fetal MRI: advanced imaging A Rockall D Prayer This course is accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) to provide a maximum of 14 hours of European external CME credits. Learning Objectives: After participating in this course consisting of formal lectures, discussion generated thereafter and case-oriented interactive teaching sessions, the participant will be able to: MRI in endometrial cancer staging K Kinkel MRI BI-RADS and reporting K Kinkel Cooperate with physicists and technicians in optimising breast and female pelvis MRI images. DCE of the Breast: Standardization of the protocol and analysis Diffusion MRI of the breast H Degani H Degani Breast Workshops (90 minutes) Kinkel, Degani and Camps Participate in the clinical discussion and technical planning of breast and female pelvis MRI exams. 9:00-9:45 Breast Pre-treatment MRI J Camps Analyse and report breast and female pelvis MRI studies. 10:30-11:15 Breast Treatment response assessment F Pediconi Faculty: 16:00-16:30 16:30-18:00 May 16 9:45-10:30 11:15-12:15 12:15-13:00 13:00-13:45 13:45-14:45 14:45-15:30 15:30-16:30 Coffee Break Breast Coffee Break Breast Breast Lunch Breast Breast MRI in DCIS J Camps MRI in high risk patients J Camps MR-guided interventions F Pediconi MRI in other indications Workshops (60 minutes) F Pediconi Camps and Pediconi Dr. Julia Camps-Herrero. Valencia/ Spain Prof. Hadassa Degani. Rehovot/ Israel Dr. Karen Kinkel. Chêne-Bougeries/ Switzerland Dr. Federica Pediconi. Roma/ Italy Dr. Daniela Prayer. Vienna/ Austria Dr. Andrea Rockall. London/ Great Britain