Lance - St George`s with St. Gabriel`s, Stockport
Lance - St George`s with St. Gabriel`s, Stockport
Newsletter for the Parish of St George, Stockport with St. Gabriel, Adswood Palm Sunday - 29th March 2015 St George’s Church, Stockport St Gabriel’s Church, Adswood Palm Sunday 9.30am Palm Sunday Morning Worship Palm Sunday 8.00am 10.15am 12.30pm 6.30pm Holy Week Thursday 2 April 10.00am - 12noon CAMEO at St Gabriel’s - All are welcome Friday 3 April No Praise and Play this week 9.00 - 11.00am Sunday 5th April Easter Day - Jesus Christ is Risen! 9.30am Holy Communion Holy Week Monday 30 9.00 - 11.00am 11.15 - 3.20pm 7.30pm Praise and Play (Lady Chapel) Easter Journey Taizé Style Holy Communion Service Tuesday 31 9.00 - 3.20pm 7.30pm Easter Journey The Way of the Cross Wednesday 1st April 12.00pm 10.00am 7.30pm Funeral of Norma Utting Holy Communion & Healing (+ coffee) Tenebrae Service Maundy Thursday 6.30 - 9.00pm 7.30pm Choir Practice Holy Communion of the Last Supper Good Friday 1.00-3.00pm 1.00-2.00pm 2.00-3.00pm 3.00pm Messy Church Easter Surprise (Parish Room) Guided Prayer (Lady Chapel) Good Friday Service - The Nail Tea and Hot Cross Buns (Parish Room) Saturday 7.30pm A Service of Light - The Easter Liturgy with Easter Eggs for children This week we pray for: Those who are to be baptised: Charlie Turner. Those who are sick: Sam, Fiona Miles, Morgan Mason, Winifred Jones, Rina Srabronian & Family, Anne Stansfield, John Daly, Harry Day, Baby Elle, Rosie Stead, Irene Coster, David Harrison, Michelle, Sheila Brierley, Phyllis Allen, Bill, Alan Clark, Angela Justice, John Robinson, Oliver Hemlin, Margaret and Roy Salmon, Kenneth Mace. Those who have died: Margaret Chegwin, Jim Crickmay, Mike Collinson, Arthur Lane, Norma Utting, Peter Stanfield, Elizabeth Kinsley, Ana Manzano. Notices * Electoral Roll - Please check your entry at the back of church * * If you are new to the church and aged 16 or over then please complete a form * New Rotas for May to July for Readers, Intercessors, Presentation of the Elements, and Chalice Assistants are now ready for collection in the pigeonholes at the back of church. Thursday 9th April 2.00pm in church - FOM and Women's Fellowship invite you to their meeting on Thursday 9th April at 2pm in church, when Lousia Cheshire, a mezzo-soprano will entertain us. Tea and coffee will be served. £1 entry. Monday 13th April at 12.30pm - Parish Lunch at the Puss in Boots. All are welcome. Wednesday 22nd April at 7.30pm - Opportunity for Confirmation - Bishop Libby will preside. If interested please speak to Elaine or Chris as soon as possible. Parish Office: 480 2453 or email: Holy Communion Parish Communion with Procession of Palms Holy Baptism A Palm Sunday Pilgrimage Easter Sunday - Jesus Christ is Risen! 5th April 8.00am 10.15am 6.30pm Holy Communion Family Communion with Easter Eggs for children Festival Evensong Vicar: Rev. Canon Elaine Chegwin Hall 456 9382 Parish Readers: Michael Coupe & Peter Hall Assistant Priest: Rev. Sandra Woodhead 01663 765 708 Assistant Curate: Rev. Chris Moore 483 7151 Pastoral Worker: Audrey Manzano 494 7054 Retired Priest with Permission to Officiate: Rev. Glenys Sellors 483 0359 Website: