David Cihelna Resume March 2015
David Cihelna Resume March 2015
DAVID V.J. CIHELNA www.davidcihelna.com davidcihelna@gmail.com Tel. 404 910 8112 910 Lafayette Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11221 EDUCATION New York University, New York City, USA Master of Professional Studies ITP (Interactive Telecommunications), Class of 2016 University of St Andrews, St Andrews, UK Master of Arts (Honors) Management First Class Honours (3.9 GPA) Danube International School, Vienna, Austria International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma with 39 points AWARDS Google Future of Storytelling Grant XStory (double recipient) University of St Andrews - Head of the Class Undergraduate Awards 2014 - Honorable Mention Pernod Ricard Hackathon - 2nd Place PROJECTS Adjacent Possible (bit.ly/itpjournal) Head of Operations, New York, 2015 New bi-annual academic journal about critical thoughts and experiments about the future- of technology and media; Devising our mission, strategic plan and review process; Launching a symposium for our launch Spring 2015. Google: Future of Storytelling Grant Director, New York, 2015 1. Developing an animated interactive film rave; Responsible for creative strategy, art direction, scoring and fo programming our node.js server; Directing the final show in October 2015. 2. Creating an experimental digital film experience - the intensity changes depending on what device the story is viewed on, creating multiple experiences for the same non-linear film; Currently in production with a crew of 7. Research Project: Creative Clustering University of St Andrews, 2013-2014 Master’s Thesis project on urban clustering in the digital age; Designed and executed qualitative research in Los Angeles; Analysed and presented a new critical research topic in the field of creative industry management. ReScore Event Director, St Andrews, 2013-2014 Envisioned/produced a live film scoring session for one of Scotlands largest Arts Festival (www.ontherocksfestival.com); Directed and managed a team of musicians and volunteers. Research Project: Food Vendors in India Team Leader, 2013 Assembled and led a team to design a social enterprise experiment to solve food distribution problems in Indian Urban Slums; Researched, generated, and critically assessed solutions that led to a business model theory at HULT Prize 2013. KEYWORDS Director, Creative Technologies, Interactive Media, Creative Strategy, Art Direction, Future of Storytelling, Film, Film Scoring, Music Production, Qualitative Research, Social Media, New Media Production, Crazy ideas SKILLS Arduino, Processing, HTML 5, CSS, Wordpress, Javacsript Node.js, Three.js, Web Sockets, Spacebrew, Gmail API, Phonegap/Cordova (iOS + Android), Oculus Rift MS Office, Adobe Premiere, Photoshop and After Effects (Compositing + Animation), DaVinci Resolve, 3D Printing Music: Cubase, Live, Maschine, Piano, Drums, Harspichord Languages: Billingual English/German, Conversational Spanish WORK EXPERIENCE Ludwig Goransson Temporary Assistant, Los Angeles, January 2014 Assisted film scoring team with studio technology; Responsible for producing textures and drum sections for two upcoming releases. PwC Summer Associate, London, Summer 2013 Researched and reviewed client deals and negotiations; Analyzed, reviewed, and evaluated financial statements; Formed a part of a client engaging team dealing with client data; Received training in SEC regulations, accounting, and auditing. School of Management President, University of St Andrews, 2013/2014 Elected representative of 900+ Management students; Responsible for managing staff-student relationships; Managed a team of 10 and set SMART objectives; Cantora Records + Labs Intern, New York, Summer 2012 Ideation and new product research pitches; Researched media startup investment opportunities; Assisted and networked at music technology conferences. Deeda Productions Intern, Los Angeles, August 2012 Compiled a database of film directors and producers; Assisted in the establishment of the new Social Impact Media Awards in Los Angeles (www.simaawards.org). St Andrews Charity Fashion Show Head of Sponsorship, St Andrews, 2012 Devised a sponsorship strategy and actively formed new relationships and contracts with potential sponsors Designed a viral YouTube fundraising campaign that raised over $15,000 based on the “6 degrees of separation” theory
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