Latest Newslette - Kenilworth School


Latest Newslette - Kenilworth School
Leyes Lane, Kenilworth, CV8 2DA
Tel: (01926)859421 • Email:
Head: Mr H. Abbott, B.A.(Hons.), M.Ed • Deputy Head: Mr. M. Snape
27 March 2015
Dear All
The first of the main fund-raising events in school, which I have referred to previously, was
the Quiz Evening at the Sixth Form. This was followed by two Dance evenings on Wednesday
and Thursday. The profits from the ticket sales of both events will go towards Teenage
Cancer Trust, which has been a focus of our fund-raising this half term.
In addition to the fund-raising activities that our students have organised, many individuals
have undertaken voluntary work in the community, alongside local charities. I would like to
congratulate Matt Bednall, Oliver Thompson and Jordan Moores in the Sixth Form for
volunteering their time to help with the Lions Furniture shop as part of their Duke of
Edinburgh community work. I would also like to congratulate Sophie Morris in Year 12 who
won the finals of the Foxcroft Science Essay Competition at Rugby School. Sophie had to
present a 10 minute lecture on her essay – ‘Comets – to land or not to land’, and took
questions from a panel. Her performance was outstanding in this competition, having beaten
stiff competition from other strong candidates.
All students sitting GCSE, AS and A level exams after Easter should have received their exam
timetable by now. Over the last few weeks, we have organised assemblies for Year 11 on
revision and study skills and I hope that students will use their time well during the Easter
holidays to prepare a thorough revision plan that will effectively combine independent study
with relaxation. We have a wealth of information on our school intranet to support students
with their revision. Currently, we have information about stress management techniques,
guidance notes on revision, the calendar for exams and links to exam boards with past papers
in most subjects.
I am taking this opportunity to note just a few tips for study which students may find useful;
Short bursts of revision (30-40) minutes are most effective. Concentration lapses
after about an hour so short breaks (5-10 minutes) are needed in between revision
Ensure that you spend sufficient time on all subjects, not just those that you like
Make your own revision notes because you will remember what you have written
down more easily
Use different techniques e.g. learning maps, post-it notes on cupboards and doors,
record notes on tapes, read aloud revision notes, and ask friends to test you
Work through past papers or revision tests, using a clock to time yourself with exam
The texting service that we have introduced is going very well. Can everyone be aware that
students who arrive after the close of morning registration must sign in in order for this
system to be accurate. During the Easter holidays there will be some revision sessions taking
place for Years 11, 12 and 13 and any student who attends these sessions should also sign in
or out for reasons of safeguarding. The texting service will not be in use during the Easter
holidays but will resume when the new term starts.
I hope that everyone will enjoy a good break over Easter and regardless of their background
and faith, will enjoy time spent with family and friends and return refreshed for the Summer
Thank you for your continued support.
Yours sincerely
H.H.S. Abbott
Easter Holidays
30th March to 10th April
School Reopens
for students
Congratulations to Carrie
Hammond 10J who has
passed her Grade 8 Oboe
exam with distinction!
An outstanding
Well done Carrie!
Lions Presentations 2015
As a teacher we often see the achievements of our students in terms of exam success but as the DofE
award coordinator I have real privilege of seeing our students achieve in many other ways. One of the
most rewarding is to see them fully involved in the community working with local charities. This
Wednesday was one of those occasions. Kenilworth Lions made a special presentation to three of our
students for achieving 100 hours community service. The three boys did this by volunteering their time on
a Saturday morning helping with the Lions furniture shop. It was obvious however that they did more than
just turn up on a Saturday and the reaction of all of
the members present showed that their contribution
was really appreciated. The boys really were a credit
to themselves, the school and the community of
Kenilworth. Well done boys on a massive
Photograph shows Matt Bednall, Oliver Thompson
Mrs Spooner & Jordan Moores
The next event for the Kenilworth School Team is:
Saturday 16th May 2015
Park Hall Country Park – Stoke-on-Trent
If you would like to take part, please see Mr Lockren for a letter or collect one from the Orienteering
noticeboard outside Mr Lockren’s office (up the stairs next to the Upper School dining room, turn left and
go to the end of the little corridor). We normally do really well at this event and we would like to take as
strong a squad as possible.
New to orienteering? If you are a good runner or enjoy map reading or, ideally both, why not try
orienteering – it’s a great family sport too, so brothers, sisters, mums, dads and grandparents can all get
involved. The next opportunity to try it is on Saturday (see below) just down the road at Warwick
University. There will be plenty of people there to help you – just say you are new and from Kenilworth
School and people will be falling over to assist you to make sure you have a good time. Let Mr Lockren
know how you got on too, then we can decide if you are ready to join the team for the West Mids
Next local club event (OD’s or Octavian Droobers is our local club)
The next OD’s club event takes place at Warwick University Campus, Coventry, on Saturday 28 March,
with starts from 10.30 until 12 noon. Full details about start times, courses and costs will be on the club
website. Runners and walkers of all ages, 5 – 85 years, and abilities will be welcome to come along to try
out this outdoor adventure navigation sport. Help is available to all newcomers. A large scale map and
electronic timers are provided; bring a compass if you have one. To find out more see website or tel: 01926 632189
SKI 2016 - Current Y9's
The third of the monthly ski trip newsletters is now out and available
to view on the VLE. I have also sent paper copies to each of the 81 Y9s
going on next January's trip and will email a copy parents on the ski
2016 database - I think that should cover it! Don't forget to check out
the ski trip noticeboard outside my office (up the stairs next to Upper
dining room, turn left to the end of the little corridor) and also the
display of photos from this year’s trip on the noticeboard in the
entrance to Upper School.
Have a good and safe Easter - start
thinking about ski fitness with perhaps
less chocolate and more exercise.
Mr Lockren.
8:00AM - 8:30AM
SMS Text Alerts
The new SMS text alerts for Attendance are working
extremely well. These texts are sent automatically to
the ‘priority 1’ contact name we have logged. If this
is causing any issues then please contact Attendance
and we can change the priority contact.
The school’s target for students is to have 95% attendance.
Sometimes this isn’t possible due to medical appointments
or illness. If your child is going to be late into school or will
not be in at all then please contact the Attendance Absence Line
on 01926 859421 and leave a message as soon as possible.
The answer machine is on 24hrs.
After getting through to the national finals at Warhammer World our
team of four students, (two Year 7s and two Year 8s) went up
against students from schools from all around the country. We ended
up coming ninth out of the ten schools competing, but we all had a
great day in Nottingham and we will be battling again next year where
we will hopefully do better than this time.
If you have an interest in the hobby, come along to L25 on Thursdays
after school.
James Knight and Ryan French, 8C
Over 100 people attended the quiz arranged by the Students Council this week. Questions included general
knowledge, history geography, music and a well contested picture round. The quiz masters were Harry
Salisbury and James Pollard. James said ‘ it was really good to raise £230.00 for such a relevant charity’.
This week, pupils in Year 8 completed this piece of large scale, collaborative
sculpture work as part of their ‘Urban’ project, after researching the artwork of
sculptor Annalise Rees.
Through their project, pupils learned about the range of ways different artists can
respond to a single theme. They explored the way artists create different moods and
messages in their work with their choices of materials, as well as their use of the formal
elements of shape, form and colour.
After exploring examples of Rees’ towering cardboard cities, pupils worked together to
create their own individual houses, flats and apartments, before combining them to
create one collaborative outcome. The finished piece demonstrates the cramped and
crowded conditions some people are forced to live in in urban environments. The
choice of cheap, mass produced materials reflects the way some people have to ‘make
do’ without luxuries, and the structure of the piece represents the way people can
sometimes feel they are ‘living right on top of each other’.
Well done to all involved for their efforts and contributions!