Request for Engagement of Architectural Consultancy firm for setting
Request for Engagement of Architectural Consultancy firm for setting
Electropreneur Park Electropreneur Park Electropreneur Park Request for Engagement of Electropreneur Park Architectural Consultancy firm for setting up of Electropreneur Electropreneur Park Park Electropreneur Park Electropreneur Park Document Version: 1 Version 1.0 3/27/2015 Total Number of Pages 22 (Including cover) Tender No. STPI/IESA/EPP/2015/012 dated 27thMarch 2015 Electropreneur Electropreneur Electropreneur Electropreneur Electropreneur Electropreneur Electropreneur Electropreneur Electropreneur 27th March, 2015 30th March, 2015 by1700 hrs. 31st March, 2015 at 930 hrs. 6th April, 2015 by 1700 hrs. 8th April, 2015 at 1030 hrs. onwards 10th April, 2015 at 1100 hrs. Validity of Bid Park Park Park Park Park Park Park Park Park Tender published Deadline for receiving the written intent from prospective bidders to and Pre-Bid Technical meeting & site visit with the interested bidders Deadline for receiving bid (all material) at Project Co-ordinator Electropreneur Park IIC Lab, DUWA Building, South Campus, Delhi University New Delhi – 110021 Technical Presentations by the bidders Financial Offers to be opened in presence of the technically qualified bidders. 120 days from the specified date of closing of bids TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 PREAMBLE ...................................................................................................................................................6 2 BACKGROUND AND CURRENT STATUS ...........................................................................................7 3 SCOPE OF WORK .....................................................................................................................................8 3.1 PROJECT OVERVIEW ..............................................................................................................................8 3.2 STAKEHOLDER EXPECTATIONS ..............................................................................................................9 3.3 PARTICIPATION TO RFP - ..................................................................................................................... 13 3.4 RFP SCHEDULE .................................................................................................................................... 12 3.6 RFP RELATED QUESTIONS / CLARIFICATIONS / SUBMISSION ........................................................... 143 3.7 RFP EVALUATION PROCESS ................................................................................................................. 14 3.7 RFP TERMS & CONDITIONS .................................................................................................................. 15 3.7.1 Liabilities of Electropreneur Park .................................................................................................. 15 3.7.2 Proposal Process Management ...................................................................................................... 15 3.7.3 Bid Expiration Date ........................................................................................................................ 15 3.7.4 Confidentiality & RFP Ownership ................................................................................................. 15 3.7.5 Security – Non Disclosure Agreement ............................................................................................ 15 3.7.6 Essential Documents....................................................................................................................... 15 3.7.7 Self - Certification .......................................................................................................................... 16 3.8 PAYMENT TERMS ......................................................................................................................... 165 4 AGENCY PROFILE & REFERENCE – (ANNEXURE –I) .................................................................. 18 4.1 4.2 AGENCY DETAILS .......................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. STAFF DETAILS .................................................................................................................................... 19 6 SATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE REPORT – (FORM ‘C’) ........................................................... 20 7 PRICE BID FORMAT – (ANNEXURE – II) ......................................................................................... 21 Request for Proposal for Engagement of Architectural Consultancy firm for setting up of Electropreneur Park” 1 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS CMIL DeitY DU UDSC EMD EOI EP ESDM IESA PBG RFP SLA STPI UAT VC CyberMedia India Limited Department of Electronics & IT Delhi University University of Delhi, South Campus Ernest Money Deposit Expression of Interest Electropreneur Park Electronic Systems Design and Manufacturing Indian Electronic and Semiconductor Association Performance Bank Guarantee Request for Proposal Service Level Agreement Software Technology Parks of India User Acceptance Test Venture Capital Request for Proposal for Engagement of Architectural Consultancy firm for setting up of Electropreneur Park” 2 Electropreneur Park invites bids for “Request for Engagement of Architectural Consultancy firm for setting up of Electropreneur Park”. Interested individuals/ firms/corporate may download the tender document from / / / websites as per the following schedule:1. Issue of Tender Document : 27th March 2015 2. Pre-Bid Meeting : 9:30 hrs. on 31st March 2015 (Interested bidders may attend the prebid meeting and visit the site before submission of the bid) 3. Technical Bid Submission : Till 17:00 hrs. on 6th April 2015 4. Technical Presentation : On 8th April 2015 at 11:00 hrs. Structure walkthrough of Technical qualified bidders. The applicant satisfying the initial eligibility criteria shall be invited to make presentation with emphasis on their past experience in the field, technical man power and specific project handled in the recent past along with drawings, designs, layout plan, sketches, CDs, power point presentation etc. prior to opening of financial bid. The applicants would be evaluated on the basis of the presentation made before the committee and the documents submitted by them. Assessment would be made on all criteria and requirement as mentioned in the tender document. Request for Proposal for Engagement of Architectural Consultancy firm for setting up of Electropreneur Park” 3 5. Bid Submission The bid must be submitted in two parts as Part-I (Technical Bid): Engagement of Architectural Consultancy firm for setting up of Electropreneur Park and PartII (Price Bid): Engagement of Architectural Consultancy firm for setting up of Electropreneur Park” in separate sealed envelopes. Both the bids shall be enclosed in another sealed envelope super scribing: Subject: Engagement of Architectural Consultancy firm for setting up of Electropreneur Park” Tender No: STPI/IESA/EPP/2015/012 dated 27.03.2015 Due date & time: by 1700 hrs. on 6th April 2015 Part – I (Technical Bid) shall contain: (i) Particular of the bidders in the format given in Annexure-I of the tender document along with documentary proof in support of each of the eligibility criteria mentioned in section-I [Invitation of Bid]. (ii) If any price details are found in the Technical Bid, the offer will be summarily rejected. 6. Bid Security:- The Architectural Consultant shall deposit Bid Security (Earnest Money Deposit) for an amount of Rs 25,000/- (Rupees Twenty five Thousand only) in the form of an Account Payee DD or Banker’s cheque from any scheduled bank in an acceptable form in favour of EP, UDSC payable at Delhi along with the Bid Document and original should be made available on or before bid submission closing time as mentioned in the tender document/corrigenda at EP, UDSC. Any Tender not accompanied by Bid Security shall be rejected. a. The Bid Security will remain valid for a period of forty-five days beyond the final bid validity period. Bid securities of the unsuccessful bidders will be returned to them at the earliest after expiry of the final bid validity and latest on or before the 30th day after the award of the contract. b. Bid security of the successful bidder shall be returned on receipt of Performance Security in the Department and after signing the contract agreement. c. Bid Security shall be forfeited if the bidder withdraws his bid during the period of Tender validity. d. Bid Security shall be forfeited if the successful bidder refuses or neglects to execute the Contract or fails to furnish the required Performance Security within the time frame specified by the STPI. 7. Part –II (Price Bid) should contain Only Price Details in the prescribed format as per Annexure-II with proper seal and signature of authorized person. Prices should be given in Request for Proposal for Engagement of Architectural Consultancy firm for setting up of Electropreneur Park” 4 percentage of service charges in both figures and words. In case of error, the price quoted in words will prevail. 8. Opening of Technical & Price Bid Only the Technical bids will be opened on 8th April 2015 at 1100 hrs. The bidder’s authorized representative may attend the Technical bid opening. The applicant satisfying the initial eligibility criteria shall be invited to make presentation. Price bids of short-listed qualified bids would be opened on a later date & time under intimation to all successful bidders. 9. Bid Opening and Evaluation a. The Technical bids will be opened at the time & date as specified in the tender document. All the statements, documents, certificates, DD etc. submitted by bidder will be verified for technical evaluation. b. The bidder can witness bid opening by visiting EP, UDSC at the designated time of bid opening. c. The Technical Bid will be evaluated against the specified parameters/criteria & the technically qualified bidders will be identified. 10. Right to accept any Bid and to reject any or all Bids:a. EP, UDSC is not bound to accept the lowest or any bid and may at any time by notice in writing to the bidders terminate the tendering process. b. EP, UDSC may terminate the contract if it is found that the Architectural Consultant is black listed on previous occasions by the any of the Departments/Institutions/Local bodies/Municipalities/Public Sector Undertakings, etc. c. EP, UDSC may terminate the contract in the event the successful bidder fails to furnish the Performance Security or fails to execute the agreement. d. Bids without EMD will be summarily rejected. e. If price is mentioned in the “Technical Bid” it may lead to rejection of the bid. The bids complete in all respects should reach EP, UDSC at the address given below by the due date and time. Co-ordinator – Electropreneur Park Electropreneur Park IIC Lab, DUWA Building, South Campus, University of Delhi New Delhi – 110021 Request for Proposal for Engagement of Architectural Consultancy firm for setting up of Electropreneur Park” 5 1 PREAMBLE The incubator ‘Electropreneur Park (EP)’ is a unique initiative of the Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY), Govt. of India. This novel initiative is being setup by a consortia comprising of Software Technology Parks of India (STPI), University of Delhi (DU) and India Electronics and Semiconductor Association (IESA) alongwith CyberMedia India Limited (CMIL) to support and strengthen start-ups in the Electronic System Design and Manufacturing (ESDM). This park will specifically focus on development of products and IP creation for mass consumption of electronics products. The development activities of the park will be purely not for profit and based on research and development carried out by the incubatees in Electropreneur Park at University of Delhi, South Campus. Electropreneur Park (EP), University of Delhi, South Campus (UDSC) invites sealed offer in Two-Bid form towards Engagement of Architectural Consultancy firm for setting up of Electropreneur Park, UDSC. Request for Proposal for Engagement of Architectural Consultancy firm for setting up of Electropreneur Park” 6 2 BACKGROUND AND CURRENT STATUS Funded by Department of Electronics & IT (DeitY), Government of India, the Electropreneur Park is the first of its kind Incubation Centre in India under PPP mode in the Electronic Systems Design & Manufacturing (ESDM) sector. It is managed by Software Technology Park of India (STPI); other stakeholders include Delhi University as the Academic Partner and India Electronics & Semiconductor Association (IESA) being the Implementation Agency. IESA has engaged Cybermedia India Limited (CMIL) to support it in execution of the project. The Electropreneur Park will develop, promote, recruit, incubate, mentor and create breakthrough innovations in the ESDM sector. It will be equipped with state-of-art facilities to promote ESDM innovation, R&D and create Indian IPs. The Electropreneur Park is currently looking for an ‘Agency’ or ‘Bidder’ or ‘Supplier (interchangeably used in this document), who will provide Engagement of Architectural Consultancy firm for setting up of Electropreneur Park” being set up to support the incubatees in the Park. Request for Proposal for Engagement of Architectural Consultancy firm for setting up of Electropreneur Park” 7 3 SCOPE OF WORK Engagement of Architectural Consultancy firm for setting up of Electropreneur Park” for giving recommendation for the work admeasuring 10,000 sq. ft. approximately inclusive of cafeteria. The above work would cover the following:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Complete Designing the EP, located at South Campus of Delhi University Provide detailed specifications for different works Help in preparing & evaluating tenders, to be floated by EP Help preparing Comparatives, Evaluate and Award work to the contractors Take approval from PMG Help in Documentation Supervision of the entire work to be executed by the contractors Dedicated manpower to be deployed for assisting the interior designer as well as day to day monitoring and supervision 9. Post completion & supervision/consultancy for six months The bill of quantity (BOQ) will be prepared by the interior designer considering the industry standards for ESDM incubation sector/Lab. However, the actual requirements will be finalized based on the suggestion of interior designer. During the complete work the interior designer will be responsible for satisfactory installation and commissioning. Estimated cost for setting up EP incubation space infrastructure is Rs. 2.00 Crores. 3.1 PROJECT OVERVIEW A snapshot of the project is provided in the diagram enclosed herein. With STPI providing funding and management of the incubation centre, (hereinafter named as ‘Electropreneur Park’) and Delhi University providing infrastructure, knowledge experts and incubates, IESA and CyberMedia India Limited shall provide Industry Connect, Mentoring, Technical Knowhow, Promotion and Outreach in addition to Venture Capital (VC) access for the selected incubatees. The selection of incubatees shall be based on the decision of Project Evaluation Team, which would encompass industry stalwarts. Request for Proposal for Engagement of Architectural Consultancy firm for setting up of Electropreneur Park” 8 3.2 STAKEHOLDER EXPECTATIONS The project is for a period of 5 years with a possibility of extension. Each year 10 Incubatees shall be selected and will be provided infrastructure for a period of 12 months following which they would be asked to graduate. The assignment requires continuous engagement for a period of 5 years from the selected bidder. Following would be the expectations from the agency Prepare conceptual designs with reference to EP’s requirements and prepare rough cost estimate on the plinth area basis as per of CPWD norms. Preparation of Design brief as per EP’s requirements/instructions. Preparation of preliminary drawings as per the requirements and to the satisfaction of EP, UDSC. Preparation of detailed drawings and submission to the local body. Correction/ amendment of drawings as required by the local body. Detailed design/drawing for development of the project. Design and drawings for:Interior Design & drawings wherever required. Prepare and issue working drawings and details for proper execution of work Structural Designs, if so desired by the PMC. Periodic inspection and evaluation of Constructions works with reference to design and drawings. Visit the site of work at regular intervals and where necessary clarify, offer interpretation of the drawings/ specifications, attend conferences and meetings to ensure that the project proceeds generally in accordance to design and render advice on actions, if required. Certification of work having been completed as per the design/drawings before handing over the same to STPI. Prepare and submit completion reports and drawings for the project as required and obtain “NOC/Completion/Occupancy Certificate” from statutory authorities, wherever required. Issue two sets of as built drawings including services and structures. NUMBER OF DRAWINGS SETS: -All the estimates, bills of quantities with detailed measurements, detailed designs with calculation reports and any other details envisages under this agreement shall be supplied in triplicate and all drawings would be supplied by the Consultant as required to submission to all the local bodies and other authorities plus sets required by the EP, UDSC itself, being not less than six sets of prints and one reproducible in A-I or large size. If there is any revision of any details in any drawing for any reason the some number of drawings shall be reissued without any extra charges. Two soft copies of all the above documents shall also be given. The Consultant shall re-design at his cost any portion, of his engineering and design work, which due to his failure to use a reasonable degree of design skill shall be found defective within two years from the date of start of regular use of the portion of the work affected. An undertaking to that effect will have to be given by the Consultant. Request for Proposal for Engagement of Architectural Consultancy firm for setting up of Electropreneur Park” 9 SECTION I: INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB) Subject: Request for Proposal (RFP) Engagement of Architectural Consultancy firm for setting up of Electropreneur Park”. Eligibility Criteria: The applicant must meet the following eligibility criteria: a) Must have at least 5years relevant experience in providing of interior designing work to large / reputed organization in Public / Private Sector, IT industry. b) Must have completed at least 3 (three) nos. of similar work of interior designing work of similar nature as per the broad scope of work given above with single project of value not less than Rs. 1 crore in the last 2 years for Govt./Semi Govt./Corporate/Institution. c) Must be registered with Service Tax and other required authorities/departments. d) The bidder should be an income tax assessee and should have filed IT returns for the last three consecutive Assessment Years. e) The bidder must not have been at any time declared as insolvent or black-listed or convicted for any offence by any Authority or have any pending disputes / litigation against him. EP, UDSC reserves the right to verify the credentials of the bidder. Note: Attested Documentary proof in support of each of the above relevant Technical criteria should be attached with the Technical bid, failing which the bid shall be summarily rejected. EP, UDSC reserves the right to verify the credentials of bidders. 1. The Price bid should be valid for minimum ninety days (90 days) from the date of opening of Technical bid. EP, UDSC may ask bidders to extend the period of validity. 2. Price Bids of technically qualified bidders only shall be opened. The quote must be valid at least for three months from the date of opening of the commercial bid. 3. The rates must be quoted exactly in the Performa provided herewith Annexure - II. The rates should be in percentage of service charge both in figures and words. In case of any discrepancy between rates mentioned in figures and words, the later (i.e. in words) shall prevail. 4. Mere fulfilling the Technical criteria does not entitle the bidder for further evaluation. EP, UDSC reserves the right to thoroughly verify their credentials from the agencies for which the bidder has rendered similar services and satisfactory performance report supplied by the agency (Form –‘C’). The decision of EP, UDSC on Technical shall be final and binding on the bidders. 5. The relative position of the qualified bidders for award of contract shall be determined on basis of quoted Service Charges (in %age). 6. The bidder who quotes less than 2% Service charge shall be debarred for further consideration. In case more than one agency is reckoned as L-1 based on the service charges quoted. The bids will be evaluated with due weighted for parameters like experience and work orders executed. Preference may also be given to bidders having head office in Delhi/NCR area. The decision of EP, UDSC in this regard shall be final and binding. Request for Proposal for Engagement of Architectural Consultancy firm for setting up of Electropreneur Park” 10 7. Each page of the bid and cuttings / corrections shall be duly signed and stamped by the bidder. Failure to comply with may result in rejection of the bid. 8. EP, UDSC reserves the right to accept/reject any or all the offers/extend the date for receipt/opening of the bids/cancel the whole tender proceedings without assigning any reason whatsoever. The right of selection rests absolutely with EP, UDSC and its decision in this regard shall be final and binding on the bidders. 9. Offers received through Email / Fax / Open / Incomplete/Late/Delayed shall be rejected outrightly. In case the specified date for the submission of offers is declared as a closed holiday for offices including those in EP, UDSC, the bid-closing deadline shall automatically stand extended to the next working day up to the same time. 10. The vendor/agency shall not assign or transfer the rights and responsibilities assigned to him to any other person or entity or sub-contract his services in any way to others. 11. For the purpose of assessing quality standard of services proposed by the bidder, the information to be provided for management of operations be provided for indicative purpose as per Annexure I. 12. The work order for the scope of work shall be valid for a period of 6 (six) months and it may be extended on such terms and conditions as mutually agreed upon, depending upon the performance and requirement. 13. The said work order can be terminated on three months’ notice by the vendor / agency or one month notice by EP, UDSC. 14. The vendor/agency shall maintain good standard of services as indicated. The performance will be reviewed on monthly basis and in case the services are not found up to the mark, the work order may be terminated without any notice. 15. If the vendor/agency does not complete the work or deserts the work, EP, UDSC is at liberty to get the work done through any other agency as deemed fit and the vendor / agency shall be liable for any loss incurred by EP, UDSC in this connection. 16. Billing & Statutory Obligations EP, UDSC shall make payments to the vendor/agency on submission of bills as per agreed payment terms for the service rendered to the fullest satisfaction. Request for Proposal for Engagement of Architectural Consultancy firm for setting up of Electropreneur Park” 11 17. Payment Terms a. EP, UDSC shall pay the contractor / agency his billable amount for the above services as per following schedule. S.No. Milestones 1. 2. 3. On finalization of the interior design and BOM Conclusion of Tender Processing and issue of work order During the execution of work depending on progress : two instalments of 10% each 4. On completion of work and handing over of the site to EP, UDSC On completion of further six months as post completion supervision/consultation 5. Percentage of Payment 10% 10% 20% 40% 20% b. Service Provider shall raise an invoice which (on verification) will be paid within 30 days of receipt of the bill subject to above payment terms, deduction of TDS etc. c. Service Tax as applicable will be charged separately on consolidated amount. 18. Legal jurisdiction: - In case of any differences or disputes arising out of the contract, it shall fall under absolute jurisdiction of court of Delhi for adjudicating the case. 19. Disclaimer: This Tender / Request for Proposal (RFP) is not an offer by EP, UDSC, but an invitation for bidder response. No contractual obligation whatsoever shall arise from the RFP process. Declaration 20. “I/We hereby declare that I/We have meticulously gone through the terms and conditions of this tender and willingly accept the same”. SIGNATURE OF THE BIDDER WITH STAMP Note: Before submission of the bid, the bidders may please verify the eligibility criteria and ensure fulfillment of all the terms and conditions. In the absence of furnishing of documents / certificates, the bid is liable to be rejected. Request for Proposal for Engagement of Architectural Consultancy firm for setting up of Electropreneur Park” 12 3.3 PARTICIPATION TO RFP Agencies willing to participate should confirm their Intent to Respond to Electropreneur Park within 3 days of publishing the RFP. No communication in this regard shall be entertained after the stipulated date. All agencies confirming their participation should send the Intent to respond to the attention of: Rajiv Jain VP – Government Affairs Indian Electronic and Semi Conductor Association Saikat Mookherjee AVP – Research & Consulting Cybermedia India Limited 3.4 RFP SCHEDULE Sample of RFP key dates timeframe as a guideline are the following: Table 1 Timeframe guidelines 27th March, 2015 30th March, 2015 by1700 hrs. 31st March, 2015 at 930 hrs. 6th April, 2015 by 1700 hrs. 8th April, 2015 at 1030 hrs. onwards 10th April, 2015 at 1100 hrs. Validity of Bid Tender published Deadline for receiving the written intent from prospective bidders to and Pre-Bid Technical meeting & site visit with the interested bidders Deadline for receiving bid (all material) at Project Co-ordinator Electropreneur Park IIC Lab, DUWA Building, South Campus, Delhi University New Delhi – 110021 Technical Presentations by the bidders Financial Offers to be opened in presence of the technically qualified bidders. 120 days from the specified date of closing of bids * Changes, if any, in the above schedule will be updated on the respective websites on which the documents is published. Request for Proposal for Engagement of Architectural Consultancy firm for setting up of Electropreneur Park” 13 3.5 RFP RELATED QUESTIONS / CLARIFICATIONS / SUBMISSION All questions related to this RFP should be directed to: Rajiv Jain VP – Government Affairs Indian Electronic and Semi-Conductor Association Saikat Mookherjee AVP – Research & Consulting Cybermedia India Limited Agencies must ensure that the proposal is delivered and received at the following address before the tender closing date of 6th April, 2015, till 1700 hrs. Every envelope needs to be superscribed with Tender for Engagement of Architectural Consultancy firm for setting up of Electropreneur Park”. The bid from each bidder should contain two separate envelopes – 1st envelope for the Technical Proposal and the 2nd envelope for the Financial Proposal. Any queries with respect to this RFP should also be mailed to the above contact and address. 3.6 RFP EVALUATION PROCESS The RFP will be evaluated in the following three stage process. RFP Submission Technical Evaluation Financial Evaluation •RFP is submitted complete in all forms as per prescribed format furnishing all the details and information requested along all necessary documents and certificates. •The Technical Bid will be evaluated against the specified parameters/criteria & the technically qualified bidders will be identified. •The financial bid of the bidder qualifying the above stages shall be evaluated and the L1 bid shall be selected for the supply of equipments to the Electropreneur Park. The financial bid shall include the AMC (Annual Maintenance Cost) chargeable for the period of the contract for maintenance of equipments supplied. Request for Proposal for Engagement of Architectural Consultancy firm for setting up of Electropreneur Park” 14 3.7 RFP TERMS & CONDITIONS Details of RFP Terms and conditions are as enclosed below:- 3.7.1 Liabilities of Electropreneur Park This RFP is only an invitation for proposal and no contractual obligation on behalf of Electropreneur Park whatsoever shall arise from the RFP process unless and until a formal contract is signed between Electropreneur Park and the selected bidder. This RFP does not commit Electropreneur Park to pay any cost incurred in the preparation or submission of any proposal. 3.7.2 Proposal Process Management Electropreneur Park reserves the right to accept or reject any and all proposals, to revise the RFP, to request one or more re-submission or clarification from one or more agencies, or to cancel the process in part or whole. Electropreneur Park will, at its discretion, award the contract to the responsible vendor submitting the best proposal that complies with the RFP. Electropreneur Park may, at its sole discretion, reject any or all proposals received or waive minor defects, irregularities, or informalities therein. 3.7.3 Bid Expiration Date The bids need to remain valid for at least 3 months from the date of submission indicated above. 3.7.4 Confidentiality & RFP Ownership This RFP is both confidential and proprietary to Electropreneur Park, and Electropreneur Park reserves the right to recall the RFP in its entirety or in part. Bidders must not duplicate, distribute or otherwise disseminate or make available this document or the information contained in it without the express written consent of Electropreneur Park. The bidder shall not include or refer the contents of this RFP in public without prior written approval from the client, which, if required, shall be requested in written to the individuals named above. Bidders must accept all of the foregoing terms and conditions without exception. All responses to the RFP will become the property of Electropreneur Park and will not be returned. 3.7.5 Security – Non Disclosure Agreement The selected bidder as part of the proposal must sign the non-disclosure agreement to safeguard the confidentiality of Electropreneur Park’s business information and data. 3.7.6 Essential Documents The bidder must ensure that the following documents are included in the response docket to be submitted in response to this RFP: Technical Proposal Financial Proposal Request for Proposal for Engagement of Architectural Consultancy firm for setting up of Electropreneur Park” 15 Documents in support of / evidence to claim like certificate of incorporation, authorized distributor, awards and certifications, work completion certificates, etc. All technical documentation including drawings, manuals, fact sheets, etc. A self-certification for any claim for which a documentary support is not available / possible. For instance, that the company is not blacklisted. 3.7.7 Self - Certification If self - certification is not available in absence of documentary evidence, the bid evaluation committee shall have the right to reject the bid. 3.8 PAYMENT TERMS The payment terms for the selected Bidder shall be as follows:S. Milestones No. 1. On finalization of the interior design and BOM 2. Conclusion of Tender Processing and issue of work order 3. During the execution of work depending on progress :two instalments of 10% each 4. On completion of work and handing over of the site to EP, UDSC 5. On completion of further six months as post completion supervision/consultation Percentage of Payment 10% 10% 20% 40% 20% Important Note 1. Termination By default: The Electropreneur Park, South Campus, Delhi University, New Delhi may, without prejudice to any other remedy for breach of contract, by written notice of default sent to supplier, terminate the Contract in whole or part: If the Supplier fails to provide services /rectify the fault within the time period specified in the contract or any extension thereof granted by the Electropreneur Park, South Campus, Delhi University If the Supplier fails to perform any other obligations under the Contract. 2. Rejection of the bid a. The bidder is expected to examine all instructions, formats, terms & conditions, & scope of work in the bid document. Failure to furnish all information required as per bid document or submission of bid which is not substantially responsive to the bid document in every respect may result in rejection of bid. In respect of interpretation/clarification of this bid document and in respect of any matter relating to this bid document, the decision of Bid Evaluation Committee will be final. b. No prices are to be indicated in the Technical bid and if price is mentioned in the “Technical Bid” it may lead to rejection of the bid. c. Bids not submitted as per two bid system will be summarily rejected. Request for Proposal for Engagement of Architectural Consultancy firm for setting up of Electropreneur Park” 16 d. The bidder will have to furnish the requisite documents supporting the qualification/eligibility criteria and credential as specified in the bid document, failing which the bid is liable to be rejected. e. The discount, if any, should be merged with the quoted prices. If the bidder does not follow this stipulation, the bid is liable to be rejected. f. The bids received after specified date & time will not be considered. g. The bids received through Fax / Telex/photocopy will not be considered. 3. Blacklisting Company/Firm blacklisted by Govt./PSU/Corporate organization are not eligible to Bid. If at any stage of bidding process or during the currency of contract, such information comes to knowledge of the Electropreneur Park, it shall have the right to reject the bid or terminate the contract, as the case may be, without any compensation to the bidder. 4. Arbitration All disputes or difference whatsoever arising between the parties out of or relating to the construction, meaning and operation or effect of the purchase order/work order or the breach thereof shall be settled by reference to arbitration by the arbitrator appointed by the Project Monitoring Group (PMG). The award made in pursuance thereof shall be binding on both parties. The venue of arbitration shall be Delhi. 5. Force Majeure If, at any time, during the continuance of the agreement, the performance in whole or in any part by either party of obligation under the agreement shall be prevented or delayed by reasons of any war, hostile acts of the enemy, civil commotion, subrogate, fire, floods, earthquakes, explosions, epidemics, strikes and quarantine restrictions by acts of God,(herein after referred to as eventualities) then provided notice of the happening of any such eventualities is given by either party to the other within two days from the date of occurrence thereon, neither party shall, by reason of such eventualities be entitled to terminate this contract agreement nor shall either party have any claim of damages against the other in respect of such nonperformance or delay in performance. Performance of the contract agreement shall, however be resumed as soon as practicable after such eventuality has come to an end. SIGNATURE OF THE BIDDER Request for Proposal for Engagement of Architectural Consultancy firm for setting up of Electropreneur Park” 17 4 PARTICULARS OF THE BIDDER – (ANNEXURE –I) Table 1: Bidder Details General Full name of the organisation/firm/company Year of establishment (enclose documentary evidence) Status of the agency i.e. Sole, Proprietorship, Partnership, Pvt. Ltd., Public Ltd., etc. (enclose copy) Full Address Telephone No(s), Fax(s) E Mail etc. of Registered Office Name & Mobile Numbers of Directors / Partners / Proprietor Full Address, Telephone No(s), Fax(s), E Mail etc. of Office(s). Details of infrastructure, persons employed, number of offices / branches available with the Contractor (including Noida office, if any) Work experience in detail in providing Interior Designing services for last 5 years (enclose performance/completion certificate/other similar document from previous clients). Audited Statements of Accounts and Balance Sheet showing Annual Turnover for last three financial years, i.e. 2011-12, 2012-13 & 2013-14 Details of Registration, with Registrar of Companies, EPF Commissioner, Commissioner service tax, ESI Corporation and Min. of Labour. Whether an assessee of income tax. If so, mention PAN. Enclose copies of Income Tax Return of the company submitted for last three years (i.e 201112, 2012-13 & 2013-14) along with copy of PAN card. Details of existing reputed/major clientele with name, address and telephone numbers of contact persons. Enclose certificates/ credentials of satisfactory functioning issued from at least four govt./reputed clients Service Tax Registration No Name/s of Banker/s and their addresses Request for Proposal for Engagement of Architectural Consultancy firm for setting up of Electropreneur Park” 18 Disputes, Black listing / litigation, if any. Details of registration of the Architects of the firm with council of Architecture (enclose copy of registration certificate) Note: Attach attested documentary proof in support of each of the above with the Technical bid, failing which bid is liable to be rejected. EP, UDSC reserves the right to verify the credentials of the bidders. Date: _____________________ Place: _____________________ Signature of Bidder ____________________ 4.1 STAFF DETAILS Table 2: Staff Details Staff Total number of employees Technical Staff / Service Support staff Other Staff Request for Proposal for Engagement of Architectural Consultancy firm for setting up of Electropreneur Park” 19 5 SATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE REPORT - FORM ‘C’ DETAILS OF ALL WORKS OF SIMILAR CLASS COMPLETED DURING THE LAST FIVE YEARS S. No . Name of work / project & location Owner or sponsorin g organizati on Cost of work in crores of rupees Date of commen -cement as per contract Stipulated date of completio n Actual date of completi on 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Litigatio n arbitratio n cases pending / in progress with details * 8 Name and Remark address / s telephone number of officer to whom reference may be made 9 10 * Indicate gross amount claimed and amount awarded by the Arbitrator. Signature of Applicant(s) Request for Proposal for Engagement of Architectural Consultancy firm for setting up of Electropreneur Park” 20 6 PRICE BID FORMAT ANNEXURE-II Tender No. ______________________________________for Request for Proposal (RFP) Engagement of Architectural Consultancy firm for setting up of Electropreneur Park”. Description 1 2 Engagement of Architectural Consultancy firm for setting up of Electropreneur Park”. (As per detail given in Scope of work) Name of the Firm 3 Preliminary cost of the entire project Percentage (%) of Service Charges (In Words) Figure in words: __________________________________________________________ Date: _______________________ Seal of the Bidder (Authorized signatory of the Bidder) Note:1. Only Architectural Consultancy charges in % have to be quoted. 2. Service Tax will be paid extra as applicable. 3. The bidder shall quote the total consultancy charges after studying the scope of Architectural consultancy. 4. The consultancy charges shall preferably be at par or lower than the rates fixed by the council of Architects with proper justification. 5. The consultancy charges quoted shall be net. Nothing extra shall be paid on any account. The rate shall be quoted in words and figures for complete job. 6. The interim and final payment will be made as per the schedule of payment on submission of bill by Architectural Consultant after deducting the applicable taxes as per prevailing Govt. Rules. 7. The Applicant shall inform the list of key personnel to be engaged for the work. After award, in case the Applicant intends to change any of the key personnel during the operation of contract, he shall obtain prior approval of Engineer-in-Charge. The key personnel to be deployed in lieu of personnel to be replaced should be of equal caliber otherwise recoveries as terms & conditions. The decision of the Engineer-in-charge shall be binding on the Agency. 8. In case of contradiction between figures & figure in words, word will supersede. 9. All the columns shall be clearly filled in ink legibly or typed. The bidder should quote the number, rates and amount tendered by him/them in figures and as well as in words. Alterations, if any, unless legibly attested by the bidder shall disqualify the tender. The bidder shall take care that the rate and amount may be written in such a way that interpolation is not possible. No blanks should be left which would be otherwise made the tender liable for rejection. ________________________ Signature & Seal of the bidder Request for Proposal for Engagement of Architectural Consultancy firm for setting up of Electropreneur Park” 21