INVITATION final draft.pages


INVITATION final draft.pages
with the support of
Town of Daugavpils
have the honour and pleasure to invite you to the
5th SKDUN Kohai European Cup
that will take place in Daugavpils Olympic Hall, street Stadiona 1,
Daugavpils, Latvia
on 17 - 19 April 2015
Board of organizers:
Aurel Patru
President of Shotokan Karate Do of United Nations
Mobile: 0040 722385780
Colin Putt
Chief Referee of Shotokan Karate Do of United Nations
Mobile: 0044 7968061887
Aleksandr Balabko - English speaking member of the Organising Committee
Mobile: 00371 29738747
Aleksejs Bistrovs
President of Latvian JKA karate-do federation and SKDUN Latvia
Mobile: 00371 29738747
Member of the Organising Committee ( Accommodation )
Sergejs Ivanko - SKDUN Latvia
Technical Coordinator of the Organising Committee ( Visas, Transportation )
Mobile 00371 29151579
Accommodation and lunches:
The members of the SKDUN Board will have free accommodation (with breakfast and dinner included, insurance and tourist taxes) and free lunch in restaurant at the Sport Hall according to preselected menu. They will be given the appropriate vouchers for every free
lunch. The members of the Board and technical support persons will be accommodated at
hotel in the centre of Daugavpils, 10 minutes walking distance from the Sport Hall.
SKDUN and the organiser will refund the cost of accommodation for the officially registered referees and judges (maximum 3 days x 25 Euro/day, Total: 75 Euro). Referees and
judges must be registered with the Chief referee, sensei Colin Putt; the accommodation
cost will be refunded by SKDUN accountant at the competition. Deadline for referees/
judges registration is 25th March 2015.
Referees and judges will need to arrange their accommodation in the same hotel as their
Referees and judges that will arrive on their own will need to contact the organiser for assistance with arranging their accommodation.
All accommodation bookings to be coordinated with Aleksejs Bistrovs.
Please provide the expected number of participants including any special requests concerning the accommodation.
· Early bird registration starts from 28 February to 10 April 2015. With early bird registration we can guarantee SKDUN discounted prices.
· Accommodation booked after 10 April will be charged at the standard prices (10%
List of hotels with their capacity and SKDUN discounted prices (these prices are
only guaranteed if accommodation is booked between 28 February and 10 April
Park Hotel „Latgola”
Gimnāzijas 46 St. Daugavpils,
266 persons
Standart double – 66 rooms
Business class for 3 persons – 44
35 Euro per person per night
(breakfast incl.)
Hotel Aleksandria
Stacijas St 65/67,
20 persons
Double rooms – 8 rooms
Studio flat – 4 persons – 1 room
25 Euro per person per night
(breakfast incl.)
BIPLAN hotel
18.Novembra St. 50 ,
44 persons
Double rooms – 22 rooms
25 Euro per person per night
(breakfast incl.)
Guest house „Liepajas”
Liepajas St. 72,
40 persons
4 person rooms – 10 rooms
60 Euro per 4 person per night
(without breakfast) / in each room is
Dinaburg hotel,
Dobeles 39 St.,
83 persons
One bed room – 23 rooms
Double room – 24 rooms
Triple room – 4 rooms
25 Euro per person per night
(breakfast incl.)
LEO hotel,
Kraslavas 58 St.,
10 persons
One bed room – 4 rooms
Double room – 1 room
Triple room – 1 room
25 Euro per person per night
(breakfast incl.)
Duets hotel,
Precu 1 St.,
40 persons
One bed room – 4 rooms
Double room – 5 rooms
2x2 persons – 1 room
LUX 3 persons – 4 rooms
25 Euro per person per night
(breakfast incl.)
Erfolg hotel,
Nometņu St. 25a,
30 persons
5 person hospis – 4 rooms
15 Euro per person per night
(breakfast incl.)
Olimpija hotel,
Valkas St. 2u,
24 persons
One bed room – 1 room
Double room – 7 rooms
Triple room – 3 rooms
25 Euro per person per night
(breakfast incl.)
Rebir hotel,
Vienibas St. 19,
10 persons
Double room – 5 rooms
25 Euro per person per night
(breakfast incl.)
Sport camp „Jantariks”,
160 persons
4 Persons room – 40 rooms
10 Euro per person per night
(without breakfast)
Double room – 5 rooms
25 Euro per person per night
(breakfast incl.)
How to get to Daugavpils, Latvia by air:
The nearest airport is in Vilnius, Lithuania, approximately 180km from Daugavpil.
The Organisation Committee will organise transport from the airport to your hotel or Sport
Hall and back at a cost of 20 EUR per person. Transfers for SKDUN Board members will
be free.
To arrange the transportation contact Sergejs Ivanko via email: or
mobile 00371 29151579 providing him with details of your flights for arrival and departure date and time, airline and flight number, number of people to be transported.
At the airport you will find a contact person who will accompany you to the Hotel or Sport
Hall to make the registration.
Participants who need a visa must contact Sergejs Ivanko as soon as possible (email: mobile 00371 29151579).
Individual events:
1st place - Trophy, medal and diploma
2nd and 3rd place - Medal and diploma (joint 3rd place in kumite)
Team events:
1st place - Trophy, medals and diplomas for all team members
2nd and 3rd place - Medals and diplomas for all team members
All participants will receive a certificate of participation
There will be an ONLINE VIDEO LIVE STREAMING @ web page
Schedule - detailed schedule of events will follow
Friday 17 April
12:00 to 21:00 registration (team manager or a designated person must attend and provide list of all competitors from their country)
Saturday 18 April
09:00 to 21:00 competition
Sunday 19 April
09:30 to 17:00 competition
Competition fees
Individual events:
20€ per person per event
Team events:
45€ per team per event
ENTRY FORMS to be sent to the SKDUN President Sensei Aurel Patru
by 05 April 2015
There will be an extra fee for any entry forms sent after 05 April 2015:
10 Euro for individual events and 25 Euro for team events.
COMPETITION OFFICIALS (Referees and Judges, Managers, Coaches,
Interpreters, Photographers, Team doctors etc.) MUST send their names
to the Chief referee Sensei Colin Putt by 25 March 2015
5th SKDUN European Shotokan Karate Championships
Brown and Black belts only (3rd Kyu and above)
Rules and categories
The final event on Sunday will be the prestigious Masters competition.
Each country can nominate one Female and one Male competitor over 18 years of
age that will compete in Kata and Kumite for the ultimate title of Grand Champion.
Nominations to be submitted on Saturday evening.
Kata rules: All rounds by points system (Tensu hoshiki).
Limit of participation: Max of 6 competitors per country per category. The organising country can register a total of 7 competitors.
The competitors in each category will compete in the elimination rounds down to 8 competitors (two competitors at the same time, AKA / SHIRO).
In semi-finals, these 8 competitors will perform Tokui kata (their choice from the approved
list), then 4 competitors with the highest scores will perform a different Tokui kata in the
final round (for 1st, 2nd and 3rd medal place).
For choice of Tokui kata see the approved kata list and competitors range (you will find it in
the SKDUN rule book).
In the case of a draw in the semi-final and final rounds, competitors must perform a different kata to the ones performed in previous rounds.
1. CHILDREN (10 – 11 years) boys
2. CHILDREN (10 – 11 years) girls
3. MINICADETS (12 – 13 years) boys
4. MINICADETS (12 – 13 years) girls
5. CADETS (14 – 15 years) men
6. CADETS (14 – 15 years ) women
7. JUNIORS (16 – 17 years) men
8. JUNIORS (16 – 17 years) women
9. YOUTHS (18 – 20 years) men
10. YOUTHS (18 – 20 years) women
11. SENIORS (21 – 39 years) men
12. SENIORS (21 – 39 years) women
13. VETERANS (40 - 49 years) men
14. VETERANS (40 - 49 years) women
15. VETERANS (over 50 years) men
16. VETERANS (over 50 years) women
Categories 1 - 6 : Children, Minicadets and Cadets
Elimination rounds - Sentei kata: Bassai Dai and Jion
Semi-final (the top 8 competitors) - Tokui kata
Final round (top 4 competitors) - different Tokui kata
Categories 7 -16 : Juniors, Youths , Seniors and Veterans
Elimination rounds - Sentei kata: Bassai Dai, Enpi, Jion, Hangetsu and Kanku
Semi-final (the top 8 competitors) - Tokui kata
Final round (top 4 competitors) - different Tokui kata
Kata teams may include ONE 5th kyu or 4th kyu (blue/purple belts)
Kata team rules: All rounds by point system (Tensu hoshiki)
Elimination rounds -Tokui kata
Final Round (4 Teams) - different Tokui kata
In the case of a draw, teams must perform a different kata to the ones performed in previous rounds.
Limit of participation: Max of 2 teams per country are accepted in each category.
The Tokui kata must be selected from the approved list and be appropriate for the lowest
grade in the team.
For choice of Tokui kata see the approved kata list and competitors range (you will find it in
the SKDUN rule book).
CADETS TEAMS (Minicadets + Cadets) (12 – 15 years)
17. Kata team boys
18. Kata team girls
19. Kata team mixed
Cadet Team may include one competitor from children category (10-11 years old)
JUNIORS TEAMS (Juniors + Youths) (16 – 20 years)
20. Kata team men
21. Kata team women
22. Kata team mixed
Junior Team may include one competitor from cadet category (12-15 years old)
SENIORS (over 21 years)
23. Kata team men
24. Kata team women
25. Kata team mixed
Senior Team may include one competitor from the junior category (16 - 20 years old)
Kumite rules: Ippon Shobu (2 waza-ari or 1 Ippon) for all categories, except seniors and
veterans individual kumite finals - Sanbon Shobu.
Duration of the match is specified for each age group.
Limit of participation: 6 competitors per country, the organising country can register a total
of 7 competitors.
CHILDREN (10 – 11 years) 1 minute 30 seconds
26. Boys -35 kg
27. Boys 35+ kg
28. Girls: Open
MINICADETS (12 – 13 years) 1 minute 30 seconds
29. Boys -40 kg
30. Boys -45 kg
31. Boys -50 kg
32. Boys 50+ kg
33. Girls -45 kg
34. Girls 45+ kg
CADETS (14 – 15 years) 2 minutes
35. Boys -50 kg
36. Boys -58 kg
37. Boys -65 kg
38. Boys 65+ kg
39. Girls -52 kg
40. Girls +52 kg
JUNIORS (16 – 17 years) 2 minutes
41. Boys -55 kg
42. Boys -62 kg
43. Boys -70 kg
44. Boys 70+ kg
45. Girls -57 kg
46. Girls +57 kg
YOUTHS (18 – 20 years) 2 minutes
47. Men -60 kg
48. Men -68 kg
49. Men -75 kg
50. Men 75+ kg
51. Women -60 kg
52. Women 60+ kg
SENIORS (over 21 years) 2 minutes (final match 3 minutes)
53. Men -65 kg
54. Men -70 kg
55. Men -77 kg
56. Men -85 kg
57. Men 85+ kg
58. Women -55 kg
59. Women -60 kg
60. Women 60+ kg
61. VETERANS OPEN (40 – 49 years) - may be divided into two weight categories if
there are enough competitors 2 minutes (final match 3 minutes)
62. VETERANS OPEN (over 50 years old) 2 minutes (final match 3 minutes)
Veterans can also participate in Seniors events
63. MEN ALL OPEN (over 18 years old only) 2 minutes (final match 3 minutes)
64. WOMEN ALL OPEN (over 18 years old only) 2 minutes (final match 3 minutes)
Kumite teams may include ONE 5th kyu or 4th kyu (blue/purple belts)
Limit of participation: 2 teams per country in each team kumite category.
CADETS TEAMS (Minicadets + Cadets) (12 – 15 years) each match 1 minute 30 sec.
65. Boys -55 kg (3 + 1 reserve)
66. Boys 55+ kg (3 +1 reserve)
67. Girls Open (3 + 1 reserve)
68. Mixed Open, 5 competitors (3 boys + 2 girls) + 2 reserve)
JUNIORS TEAMS (Juniors + Youths) (16 – 20 years) each match 2 minutes
69. Junior male team open (3 + 1 reserve)
70. Junior female team open (3 + 1 reserve)
71. Mixed Open (5 competitors: 3 male + 2 female + 1 male and 1 female reserve)
Junior Team may include one competitor from cadet category (12-15 years old)
SENIORS (over 21 years) each match 2 minutes
72. Men Open (5 + 2 reserve)
73. Women Open (3 + 1 reserve)
74. Mixed Open (5 competitors: 3 male + 2 female + 1 male and 1 female reserve)
Senior Team may include one competitor from the junior category (16 - 20 years old)
5th SKDUN European Cup
Competition for kohai grades (9th - 4th kyu)
Rules and categories!
Kata rules: Elimination rounds by flag system (kohaku hoshiki). The competitors in
each category will compete in ONE elimination round down to 8 competitors (two competitors at the same time, AKA / SHIRO). Kata chosen by referee.
Final round by point system (tensu hoshiki), the 8 competitors will perform Tokui kata (their
choice from the approved list), top 3 scores will decide 1st, 2nd and 3rd medal place.
No limit of participation. In case of large number of participants in any category they may
be divided into further categories by grade. These new categories will be announced at the
Categories for 9th to 7th kyu :
Elimination round - Sentei kata: Taikyoku Shodan and Heian Shodan
Final round (top 8 competitors) - Tokui kata: choice from Taikyoku Shodan, Heian
Shodan, Heian Nidan and Heian Sandan
In the case of a draw, competitors may perform the same kata.
Categories for 6th to 4th kyu :
Elimination round - Sentei kata: Heian Shodan, Heian Nidan, Heian Sandan
Final round (top 8 competitors) - Tokui kata: choice from all Heian Kata plus Tekki
In the case of a draw, competitors must perform a different kata to the one performed in
the previous round.
KIDS (8 – 9 years)
1. Boys 9 – 7 Kyu
2. Boys 6 – 4 Kyu
3. Girls 9 – 7 Kyu
4. Girls 6 – 4 Kyu
CHILDREN (10 – 11 years)
5. Boys 9 - 7 Kyu
6. Boys 6 - 4 Kyu
7. Girls 9 - 7 Kyu
8. Girls 6 - 4 Kyu
MINICADETS (12 – 13 years)
9. Male 9 - 7 Kyu
10. Male 6 - 4 Kyu
11. Female 9 - 7 Kyu
12. Female 6 - 4 Kyu
CADETS (14 – 15 years)
13. Male 9 - 7 Kyu
14. Male 6 - 4 Kyu
15. Female 9 - 7 Kyu
16. Female 6 - 4 Kyu
JUNIORS (16 – 17 years)
17. Male 9 - 7 Kyu
18. Male 6 - 4 Kyu
19. Female 9 - 7 Kyu
20. Female 6 - 4 Kyu
SENIORS (over 18 years)
21. Male 9 - 7 Kyu
22. Male 6 - 4 Kyu
23. Female 9 - 7 Kyu
24. Female 6 - 4 Kyu
KATA TEAMS CHILDREN (8 – 12 years)
25. Kata team boys
26. Kata team girls
27. Kata team mixed
Kata team rules: All rounds by point system (Tensu hoshiki)
Elimination round -Tokui kata
Final Round (4 Teams) - different Tokui kata
In the case of a draw, they can repeat kata.
No limit of participation.
Kumite rules: Sanbon (three-step) kumite will be judged by the flag system. Tori attacks
jodan oi-zuki + chudan oi-zuki + mae geri, Uke blocks jodan age uke + chudan soto uke +
gedan barai.
Detailed description and criteria for judgement of Sanbon kumite can be found in SKDUN
Rulebook, Addition (2013) page 50. The most up-to-date Rulebook is available here:
Jiyu kumite - Ippon Shobu (2 waza-ari or 1 Ippon).
Duration of the match is specified for each age group. No limit of participation. The categories may be further divided in case there is a large number of participants. The new categories would be announced on the day.
KIDS (8 – 9 years) - SANBON KUMITE
28. Boys: 9 – 7 kyu
29. Girls: 9 – 7 kyu
30. Boys: 6 – 4 kyu
31. Girls: 6 – 4 kyu
CHILDREN (10 – 11 years) - SANBON KUMITE
32. Boys: 9 – 7 kyu
33. Girls: 9 – 7 kyu
34. Boys: 6 – 4 kyu
35. Girls: 6 – 4 kyu
MINICADETS (12 – 13 years) – JYU KUMITE 1 minute 30 seconds
36. Boys: -40 kg
37. Boys: -45 kg
38. Boys: -53 kg
39. Boys: 53+ kg
40. Girls: - 45 kg
41. Girls 45+ kg
CADETS (14 – 15 years) – JYU KUMITE 1 minute 30 seconds
42. Men: -60 kg
43. Men: 60+ kg
44. Women: -50 kg
45. Women: 50+ kg
JUNIORS (16 – 17 years) – JYU KUMITE 2 minutes
46. Men: -65 kg
47. Men: 65+ kg
48. Women: Open
YOUTHS/SENIORS/VETERANS (over 18 years) – JYU KUMITE 2 minutes
49. Men: -75 kg
50. Men: 75+ kg
51. Women: Open