��� Easements ��� Rights of Way ��� Air Spaces


��� Easements ��� Rights of Way ��� Air Spaces
•Rights of Way
•Air Spaces
Wednesday 15th April 2015
Italian Cultural Centre
3075 Slocan Street, Vancouver
09:00 - 09:30
09:30 - 12:30 pm Presentation
12:30 pm - Light Lunch
If you were registered for the Buildex version of this
seminar you are invited to attend this expanded
version at no charge.
Gaining Access
Strata Corporations are commonly subject to or may receive the
benefit of different types of arrangements regarding property
access and use, such as easements, statutory rights of way, and
agreements regarding shared facilities, air space parcels, antennas
and crane swings.
This seminar will focus on assisting managing agents in understanding
and implementing these various arrangements and provide an
overview on points to keep in mind when a strata corporation
is entering into a new access arrangement.
Allyson Baker - Clark Wilson LLP
Allyson Baker is a partner
with the firm’s practice
groups in the following
areas: Infrastructure,
Construction &
Procurement, Strata
Property, Employment
and Higher Learning and
serves a broad range
of institutional, public
sector, corporate and
strata corporation clients.
Please reg­is­ter the following for: Names: Company
Please check here if you were registered for Buildex 2015 seminar P02
Payment Option: Cheque payable to PAMA enclosed ( ) VISA ( ) MasterCard ( )
Card #: ______________________________________________ Expiry ______ / ______
Card holder name: ____________________________________ eMail
GST (5%)
Signature: _______________________________________
Cost - PAMA Members $55 Non Members $85 CPRPM’s $50
Plus GST
48 hours notice required for cancellations
PAMA - Professional Association of Managing Agents
340 - 2025 West 42nd Avenue, Vancouver, BC V6M 2B5
Telephone: (604) 267-0476 Fax: (604) 267-0479 email: admin@pama.ca