What`s on in March 2015 - Caloundra Community Centre


What`s on in March 2015 - Caloundra Community Centre
What’s On…
Community MARCH 2015
Centre Inc. Or check us out on
58A Queen St. Caloundra 4551 Ph: 5491 4000
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9am - 3pm
Fax: 5491 7711 Email: admin@calcomm.org.au
Caloundra Community Centre
58A Queen St Caloundra 4551
Ph: 5491 4000
Community Lunches starting soon!
Staying Strong & Sane! Mother & Babies Group
Tuesday 10am to 12pm at Caloundra Community
Centre. Come and meet other Mums.
For more information phone Kim on 5491 4000
We are looking for volunteer chefs and
kitchen hands to get involved in this new
venture. We’ve got some produce from our
garden that we would like to turn into a
lunch on a Tuesday. Lots of people ask us
how Asian greens, kale, eggplant and
herbs can be cooked. We are hoping to
have lots of people involved in preparing
and then sharing lunch using some of
these ingredients. If this is something that
interests you and you have 2 or 3 hours to
spare on a Tuesday then phone the centre
on 5491 4000.
Family support makes a difference!
We understand that sometimes families struggle with problems like financial pressures, difficulties coping
with children, feeling isolated, lonely & stressed.
Sometimes parents just need someone to talk to.
Our Family Support Volunteers visit families in their homes & offer support in a variety of ways depending
on the issues the family is experiencing.
The support we offer is free and has been beneficial to many families in the area.
If you think that you or your family, may benefit from this type of support, give the Centre a call on
5491 4000 and have a chat to Kim.
Play and Learn Playgroup
Monday 9.30am – 11.30am at Caloundra
Community Centre
Come along and share with other parents and
Enjoy “play” activities, toys, games and story telling.
Please bring a hat & sunscreen for outdoor play and
morning tea for yourself and your child.
Happy Families
Tuesday from 10.00am - 12.00pm
Support group for Mums and families whose
partners work away (including FIFO).
Weekly meetings include information, guest
speakers, play area for kids and meeting other
families. For more information phone Kim on
5491 4000 or check out their Facebook page
(Happy Families)
For more information contact Kim on 5491 4000
Mother’s Group - Hinterland
Tuesday 9.30am – 11.30am
Mums & Children under 4 years
Venue: CWA House Old Landsborough Rd,
For more info contact Wendy on 0423 716 705
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Caloundra Community Centre
58A Queen St Caloundra 4551
Ph: 5491 4000
Family Support Program – Volunteering
The Caloundra & Hinterland Family Support Program is currently recruiting people to train as volunteers to
support families in the community who are experiencing difficulties.
We are seeking people who have some time to spare and a caring, non-critical nature. This volunteer
opportunity is open to both men and women of all ages.
Family support volunteers provide emotional and practical support at times of stress and pressure, visiting
families and providing supportive telephone contact.
Volunteers gain from their experience in many ways including personal satisfaction, learning new skills and
increased understanding of themselves.
Existing volunteers frequently comment that they believe the support they offer to families is very
worthwhile and that it really makes a difference to people’s lives.
If you are interested & would like to know more call Kim (in Caloundra) on 5491 4000 or Wendy (in the
Hinterland) on 0423716705.
Activities at the Centre
Coffee, Craft and Chat
Monday 9.00am – 12.00pm
If you are interested contact the
Centre on 5491 4000
Pain Meditation Group
Tuesday 1.00 – 3.00pm Gold coin donation
For information call the centre on 5491 4000
PEARL Peer Support
Mental Health Support Group
Meet at the Caloundra Community Centre 1st & 3rd
Wednesday every month for conversation. If you are
interested, please PEARL Program Peer Support Line
– 5443 1439
A women’s over 50’s social and educational group that
meets at the centre on
Wednesday 9.00am-12.00pm
4th $3 Day
11th Lunch at Hogs Breath Caloundra
18th Cilla on Mauritius
25th Cook & Win
This is an unstructed group of Artists that
meet informally on Wednesday 12:30pm –
3:00pm. Call Tomas 54914000 for more
Crafty Creations
Friday 12.30 – 2.00pm
Cost - $3.00 BYO - Adhesives, Tools
For more information call
Tomas on 5491 4000
Music Group
If you have an instrument, come and join
our Mad House music group for the
pleasure of music and good company.
Every 2nd Friday 1.00pm – 3.30pm
If you are interested, call Tomas on 5491 4000
The Multicultural Club
 Are you from a multicultural background?
 Are you and your family new to the area?
 Would you like to meet other locals?
Please let us know so we can assist you in various
 Linking you with services and organisations
 Providing opportunities to make new friends
 Information about community relations, racism
and discrimination
 Free English conversation classes
Stella Romagnoli
Caloundra Community Centre Inc. 07 5491 4000
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Caloundra Community Centre
58A Queen St Caloundra 4551
Ph: 5491 4000
Adult Literacy Classes
Each person works on an individual program.
The program is able to assist
Keys to Early Intervention in Homelessness
Service (KEIHS)
Do you need information or support to maintain your
housing? KEIHS operates at the Centre Monday to
Friday 8.30am – 4.30pm by appointment only. For
more information or to make an appointment call
KEIHS on 5491 9360
Friday 9.00am – 12.00pm
For more information call Tomas on 5491 4000
A variety of small and large areas are available for
hire - for groups of 10 to 85.
We offer a pleasant and informal
environment for your meeting or activity.
For all enquiries, please contact Indri on 5491 4000
or Email: admin@calcomm.org.au
SCOPE Domestic Violence Counselling
is available at the centre, if you have experienced
abuse, whether it be physical, emotional, verbal,
sexual, social or spiritual.
SCOPE is able to assist with:
 Counselling (Adult & Teenagers),
 Filling out applications
 Domestic Violence Orders (DVO’s) &
 Support through the court process
Thursday 9am – 12pm
For more details & to make an appointment phone
SCOPE on 5430 9300
Artius Counselling Services
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and
Friday by appointment
A non-crisis counselling service assisting people
with personal and mental health issues, as well as
alcohol and drug abuse. This is a free service and
requires a doctor’s referral. Please contact Artius on
5443 2100
Suncoast Community Legal Service
Offers a 15 minute consultation with a Lawyer,
Wednesday night fortnightly 6.00pm – 7.30pm
Thursday mornings 9.30am – 12.00pm
Cost: $5.00 donation is asked
To make an appointment contact Suncoast
Community Legal Service on 5443 7827
Justice of the Peace (JP)
There is now a qualified JP available at
Caloundra Community Centre.
Monday 9.00am – 11.00am (drop in),
other days by appointment
Care Connect
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
CareConnect assists older people and spouses,
partners & families to navigate the aged care system.
Contact Rodney on 0408150165 for more information
and assistance
Groups at the Centre
Bi-Polar Support Group
1st Monday of each month 6.30pm - 8.30pm
For more information contact
Peter: 0432 472 126 / Email: petbdav@hotmail.com
Overeaters Anonymous
Meets Sunday 3.00pm – 4.00pm for
For more info contact Linda on 0430 569 298
Alcoholics Anonymous
Meetings at the centre
Wednesday 7.30pm – 9.00pm
Saturday 1.00pm - 3.00pm
For more information call AA on 5444 8616
ARAFMI Caloundra Support Group
3rd Tuesday of each month 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Support group for Family, Friends and Carers of
People with Mental Health Issues.
For more info contact ARAFMI on 3254 1881
Gamblers Anonymous
Meets at the centre on
Sunday Night at 5:00pm - 6:00pm
Phone: Brian on 5492 7855 or 0401 253 211
Caloundra Community Centre Inc proudly
supported by:
Sunshine Coast Council
With major funding from:
Department of Communities, Child Safety and
Disability Services
Department of Social Services
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